
1use std::fmt::Debug;
2use std::hash::Hash;
3use std::mem;
4use std::ops::Deref;
6use rustc_index::bit_set::BitMatrix;
8use crate::frozen::Frozen;
9use crate::fx::{FxHashSet, FxIndexSet};
12mod tests;
14#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
15pub struct TransitiveRelationBuilder<T> {
16    // List of elements. This is used to map from a T to a usize.
17    elements: FxIndexSet<T>,
19    // List of base edges in the graph. Require to compute transitive
20    // closure.
21    edges: FxHashSet<Edge>,
25pub struct TransitiveRelation<T> {
26    // Frozen transitive relation elements and edges.
27    builder: Frozen<TransitiveRelationBuilder<T>>,
29    // Cached transitive closure derived from the edges.
30    closure: Frozen<BitMatrix<usize, usize>>,
33impl<T> Deref for TransitiveRelation<T> {
34    type Target = Frozen<TransitiveRelationBuilder<T>>;
36    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
37        &self.builder
38    }
41impl<T: Clone> Clone for TransitiveRelation<T> {
42    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
43        TransitiveRelation {
44            builder: Frozen::freeze(self.builder.deref().clone()),
45            closure: Frozen::freeze(self.closure.deref().clone()),
46        }
47    }
50// HACK(eddyb) manual impl avoids `Default` bound on `T`.
51impl<T: Eq + Hash> Default for TransitiveRelationBuilder<T> {
52    fn default() -> Self {
53        TransitiveRelationBuilder { elements: Default::default(), edges: Default::default() }
54    }
57#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Debug, Hash)]
58struct Index(usize);
60#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
61struct Edge {
62    source: Index,
63    target: Index,
66impl<T: Eq + Hash + Copy> TransitiveRelationBuilder<T> {
67    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
68        self.edges.is_empty()
69    }
71    pub fn elements(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> {
72        self.elements.iter()
73    }
75    fn index(&self, a: T) -> Option<Index> {
76        self.elements.get_index_of(&a).map(Index)
77    }
79    fn add_index(&mut self, a: T) -> Index {
80        let (index, _added) = self.elements.insert_full(a);
81        Index(index)
82    }
84    /// Applies the (partial) function to each edge and returns a new
85    /// relation builder. If `f` returns `None` for any end-point,
86    /// returns `None`.
87    pub fn maybe_map<F, U>(&self, mut f: F) -> Option<TransitiveRelationBuilder<U>>
88    where
89        F: FnMut(T) -> Option<U>,
90        U: Clone + Debug + Eq + Hash + Copy,
91    {
92        let mut result = TransitiveRelationBuilder::default();
93        for edge in &self.edges {
94            result.add(f(self.elements[edge.source.0])?, f(self.elements[])?);
95        }
96        Some(result)
97    }
99    /// Indicate that `a < b` (where `<` is this relation)
100    pub fn add(&mut self, a: T, b: T) {
101        let a = self.add_index(a);
102        let b = self.add_index(b);
103        let edge = Edge { source: a, target: b };
104        self.edges.insert(edge);
105    }
107    /// Compute the transitive closure derived from the edges, and converted to
108    /// the final result. After this, all elements will be immutable to maintain
109    /// the correctness of the result.
110    pub fn freeze(self) -> TransitiveRelation<T> {
111        let mut matrix = BitMatrix::new(self.elements.len(), self.elements.len());
112        let mut changed = true;
113        while changed {
114            changed = false;
115            for edge in &self.edges {
116                // add an edge from S -> T
117                changed |= matrix.insert(edge.source.0,;
119                // add all outgoing edges from T into S
120                changed |= matrix.union_rows(, edge.source.0);
121            }
122        }
123        TransitiveRelation { builder: Frozen::freeze(self), closure: Frozen::freeze(matrix) }
124    }
127impl<T: Eq + Hash + Copy> TransitiveRelation<T> {
128    /// Applies the (partial) function to each edge and returns a new
129    /// relation including transitive closures.
130    pub fn maybe_map<F, U>(&self, f: F) -> Option<TransitiveRelation<U>>
131    where
132        F: FnMut(T) -> Option<U>,
133        U: Clone + Debug + Eq + Hash + Copy,
134    {
135        Some(self.builder.maybe_map(f)?.freeze())
136    }
138    /// Checks whether `a < target` (transitively)
139    pub fn contains(&self, a: T, b: T) -> bool {
140        match (self.index(a), self.index(b)) {
141            (Some(a), Some(b)) => self.with_closure(|closure| closure.contains(a.0, b.0)),
142            (None, _) | (_, None) => false,
143        }
144    }
146    /// Thinking of `x R y` as an edge `x -> y` in a graph, this
147    /// returns all things reachable from `a`.
148    ///
149    /// Really this probably ought to be `impl Iterator<Item = &T>`, but
150    /// I'm too lazy to make that work, and -- given the caching
151    /// strategy -- it'd be a touch tricky anyhow.
152    pub fn reachable_from(&self, a: T) -> Vec<T> {
153        match self.index(a) {
154            Some(a) => {
155                self.with_closure(|closure| closure.iter(a.0).map(|i| self.elements[i]).collect())
156            }
157            None => vec![],
158        }
159    }
161    /// Picks what I am referring to as the "postdominating"
162    /// upper-bound for `a` and `b`. This is usually the least upper
163    /// bound, but in cases where there is no single least upper
164    /// bound, it is the "mutual immediate postdominator", if you
165    /// imagine a graph where `a < b` means `a -> b`.
166    ///
167    /// This function is needed because region inference currently
168    /// requires that we produce a single "UB", and there is no best
169    /// choice for the LUB. Rather than pick arbitrarily, I pick a
170    /// less good, but predictable choice. This should help ensure
171    /// that region inference yields predictable results (though it
172    /// itself is not fully sufficient).
173    ///
174    /// Examples are probably clearer than any prose I could write
175    /// (there are corresponding tests below, btw). In each case,
176    /// the query is `postdom_upper_bound(a, b)`:
177    ///
178    /// ```text
179    /// // Returns Some(x), which is also LUB.
180    /// a -> a1 -> x
181    ///            ^
182    ///            |
183    /// b -> b1 ---+
184    ///
185    /// // Returns `Some(x)`, which is not LUB (there is none)
186    /// // diagonal edges run left-to-right.
187    /// a -> a1 -> x
188    ///   \/       ^
189    ///   /\       |
190    /// b -> b1 ---+
191    ///
192    /// // Returns `None`.
193    /// a -> a1
194    /// b -> b1
195    /// ```
196    pub fn postdom_upper_bound(&self, a: T, b: T) -> Option<T> {
197        let mubs = self.minimal_upper_bounds(a, b);
198        self.mutual_immediate_postdominator(mubs)
199    }
201    /// Viewing the relation as a graph, computes the "mutual
202    /// immediate postdominator" of a set of points (if one
203    /// exists). See `postdom_upper_bound` for details.
204    pub fn mutual_immediate_postdominator(&self, mut mubs: Vec<T>) -> Option<T> {
205        loop {
206            match mubs[..] {
207                [] => return None,
208                [mub] => return Some(mub),
209                _ => {
210                    let m = mubs.pop().unwrap();
211                    let n = mubs.pop().unwrap();
212                    mubs.extend(self.minimal_upper_bounds(n, m));
213                }
214            }
215        }
216    }
218    /// Returns the set of bounds `X` such that:
219    ///
220    /// - `a < X` and `b < X`
221    /// - there is no `Y != X` such that `a < Y` and `Y < X`
222    ///   - except for the case where `X < a` (i.e., a strongly connected
223    ///     component in the graph). In that case, the smallest
224    ///     representative of the SCC is returned (as determined by the
225    ///     internal indices).
226    ///
227    /// Note that this set can, in principle, have any size.
228    pub fn minimal_upper_bounds(&self, a: T, b: T) -> Vec<T> {
229        let (Some(mut a), Some(mut b)) = (self.index(a), self.index(b)) else {
230            return vec![];
231        };
233        // in some cases, there are some arbitrary choices to be made;
234        // it doesn't really matter what we pick, as long as we pick
235        // the same thing consistently when queried, so ensure that
236        // (a, b) are in a consistent relative order
237        if a > b {
238            mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b);
239        }
241        let lub_indices = self.with_closure(|closure| {
242            // Easy case is when either a < b or b < a:
243            if closure.contains(a.0, b.0) {
244                return vec![b.0];
245            }
246            if closure.contains(b.0, a.0) {
247                return vec![a.0];
248            }
250            // Otherwise, the tricky part is that there may be some c
251            // where a < c and b < c. In fact, there may be many such
252            // values. So here is what we do:
253            //
254            // 1. Find the vector `[X | a < X && b < X]` of all values
255            //    `X` where `a < X` and `b < X`. In terms of the
256            //    graph, this means all values reachable from both `a`
257            //    and `b`. Note that this vector is also a set, but we
258            //    use the term vector because the order matters
259            //    to the steps below.
260            //    - This vector contains upper bounds, but they are
261            //      not minimal upper bounds. So you may have e.g.
262            //      `[x, y, tcx, z]` where `x < tcx` and `y < tcx` and
263            //      `z < x` and `z < y`:
264            //
265            //           z --+---> x ----+----> tcx
266            //               |           |
267            //               |           |
268            //               +---> y ----+
269            //
270            //      In this case, we really want to return just `[z]`.
271            //      The following steps below achieve this by gradually
272            //      reducing the list.
273            // 2. Pare down the vector using `pare_down`. This will
274            //    remove elements from the vector that can be reached
275            //    by an earlier element.
276            //    - In the example above, this would convert `[x, y,
277            //      tcx, z]` to `[x, y, z]`. Note that `x` and `y` are
278            //      still in the vector; this is because while `z < x`
279            //      (and `z < y`) holds, `z` comes after them in the
280            //      vector.
281            // 3. Reverse the vector and repeat the pare down process.
282            //    - In the example above, we would reverse to
283            //      `[z, y, x]` and then pare down to `[z]`.
284            // 4. Reverse once more just so that we yield a vector in
285            //    increasing order of index. Not necessary, but why not.
286            //
287            // I believe this algorithm yields a minimal set. The
288            // argument is that, after step 2, we know that no element
289            // can reach its successors (in the vector, not the graph).
290            // After step 3, we know that no element can reach any of
291            // its predecessors (because of step 2) nor successors
292            // (because we just called `pare_down`)
293            //
294            // This same algorithm is used in `parents` below.
296            let mut candidates = closure.intersect_rows(a.0, b.0); // (1)
297            pare_down(&mut candidates, closure); // (2)
298            candidates.reverse(); // (3a)
299            pare_down(&mut candidates, closure); // (3b)
300            candidates
301        });
303        lub_indices
304            .into_iter()
305            .rev() // (4)
306            .map(|i| self.elements[i])
307            .collect()
308    }
310    /// Given an element A, returns the maximal set {B} of elements B
311    /// such that
312    ///
313    /// - A != B
314    /// - A R B is true
315    /// - for each i, j: `B[i]` R `B[j]` does not hold
316    ///
317    /// The intuition is that this moves "one step up" through a lattice
318    /// (where the relation is encoding the `<=` relation for the lattice).
319    /// So e.g., if the relation is `->` and we have
320    ///
321    /// ```text
322    /// a -> b -> d -> f
323    /// |              ^
324    /// +--> c -> e ---+
325    /// ```
326    ///
327    /// then `parents(a)` returns `[b, c]`. The `postdom_parent` function
328    /// would further reduce this to just `f`.
329    pub fn parents(&self, a: T) -> Vec<T> {
330        let Some(a) = self.index(a) else {
331            return vec![];
332        };
334        // Steal the algorithm for `minimal_upper_bounds` above, but
335        // with a slight tweak. In the case where `a R a`, we remove
336        // that from the set of candidates.
337        let ancestors = self.with_closure(|closure| {
338            let mut ancestors = closure.intersect_rows(a.0, a.0);
340            // Remove anything that can reach `a`. If this is a
341            // reflexive relation, this will include `a` itself.
342            ancestors.retain(|&e| !closure.contains(e, a.0));
344            pare_down(&mut ancestors, closure); // (2)
345            ancestors.reverse(); // (3a)
346            pare_down(&mut ancestors, closure); // (3b)
347            ancestors
348        });
350        ancestors
351            .into_iter()
352            .rev() // (4)
353            .map(|i| self.elements[i])
354            .collect()
355    }
357    fn with_closure<OP, R>(&self, op: OP) -> R
358    where
359        OP: FnOnce(&BitMatrix<usize, usize>) -> R,
360    {
361        op(&self.closure)
362    }
364    /// Lists all the base edges in the graph: the initial _non-transitive_ set of element
365    /// relations, which will be later used as the basis for the transitive closure computation.
366    pub fn base_edges(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (T, T)> + '_ {
367        self.edges
368            .iter()
369            .map(move |edge| (self.elements[edge.source.0], self.elements[]))
370    }
373/// Pare down is used as a step in the LUB computation. It edits the
374/// candidates array in place by removing any element j for which
375/// there exists an earlier element i<j such that i -> j. That is,
376/// after you run `pare_down`, you know that for all elements that
377/// remain in candidates, they cannot reach any of the elements that
378/// come after them.
380/// Examples follow. Assume that a -> b -> c and x -> y -> z.
382/// - Input: `[a, b, x]`. Output: `[a, x]`.
383/// - Input: `[b, a, x]`. Output: `[b, a, x]`.
384/// - Input: `[a, x, b, y]`. Output: `[a, x]`.
385fn pare_down(candidates: &mut Vec<usize>, closure: &BitMatrix<usize, usize>) {
386    let mut i = 0;
387    while let Some(&candidate_i) = candidates.get(i) {
388        i += 1;
390        let mut j = i;
391        let mut dead = 0;
392        while let Some(&candidate_j) = candidates.get(j) {
393            if closure.contains(candidate_i, candidate_j) {
394                // If `i` can reach `j`, then we can remove `j`. So just
395                // mark it as dead and move on; subsequent indices will be
396                // shifted into its place.
397                dead += 1;
398            } else {
399                candidates[j - dead] = candidate_j;
400            }
401            j += 1;
402        }
403        candidates.truncate(j - dead);
404    }