use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
use rustc_ast_ir::Mutability;
use crate::elaborate::Elaboratable;
use crate::fold::{TypeFoldable, TypeSuperFoldable};
use crate::relate::Relate;
use crate::solve::AdtDestructorKind;
use crate::visit::{Flags, TypeSuperVisitable, TypeVisitable};
use crate::{self as ty, CollectAndApply, Interner, UpcastFrom};
pub trait Ty<I: Interner<Ty = Self>>:
+ Debug
+ Hash
+ Eq
+ Into<I::GenericArg>
+ Into<I::Term>
+ IntoKind<Kind = ty::TyKind<I>>
+ TypeSuperVisitable<I>
+ TypeSuperFoldable<I>
+ Relate<I>
+ Flags
fn new_unit(interner: I) -> Self;
fn new_bool(interner: I) -> Self;
fn new_u8(interner: I) -> Self;
fn new_usize(interner: I) -> Self;
fn new_infer(interner: I, var: ty::InferTy) -> Self;
fn new_var(interner: I, var: ty::TyVid) -> Self;
fn new_param(interner: I, param: I::ParamTy) -> Self;
fn new_placeholder(interner: I, param: I::PlaceholderTy) -> Self;
fn new_bound(interner: I, debruijn: ty::DebruijnIndex, var: I::BoundTy) -> Self;
fn new_anon_bound(interner: I, debruijn: ty::DebruijnIndex, var: ty::BoundVar) -> Self;
fn new_alias(interner: I, kind: ty::AliasTyKind, alias_ty: ty::AliasTy<I>) -> Self;
fn new_projection_from_args(interner: I, def_id: I::DefId, args: I::GenericArgs) -> Self {
ty::AliasTy::new_from_args(interner, def_id, args),
fn new_projection(
interner: I,
def_id: I::DefId,
args: impl IntoIterator<Item: Into<I::GenericArg>>,
) -> Self {
ty::AliasTy::new(interner, def_id, args),
fn new_error(interner: I, guar: I::ErrorGuaranteed) -> Self;
fn new_adt(interner: I, adt_def: I::AdtDef, args: I::GenericArgs) -> Self;
fn new_foreign(interner: I, def_id: I::DefId) -> Self;
fn new_dynamic(
interner: I,
preds: I::BoundExistentialPredicates,
region: I::Region,
kind: ty::DynKind,
) -> Self;
fn new_coroutine(interner: I, def_id: I::DefId, args: I::GenericArgs) -> Self;
fn new_coroutine_closure(interner: I, def_id: I::DefId, args: I::GenericArgs) -> Self;
fn new_closure(interner: I, def_id: I::DefId, args: I::GenericArgs) -> Self;
fn new_coroutine_witness(interner: I, def_id: I::DefId, args: I::GenericArgs) -> Self;
fn new_ptr(interner: I, ty: Self, mutbl: Mutability) -> Self;
fn new_ref(interner: I, region: I::Region, ty: Self, mutbl: Mutability) -> Self;
fn new_array_with_const_len(interner: I, ty: Self, len: I::Const) -> Self;
fn new_slice(interner: I, ty: Self) -> Self;
fn new_tup(interner: I, tys: &[I::Ty]) -> Self;
fn new_tup_from_iter<It, T>(interner: I, iter: It) -> T::Output
It: Iterator<Item = T>,
T: CollectAndApply<Self, Self>;
fn new_fn_def(interner: I, def_id: I::DefId, args: I::GenericArgs) -> Self;
fn new_fn_ptr(interner: I, sig: ty::Binder<I, ty::FnSig<I>>) -> Self;
fn new_pat(interner: I, ty: Self, pat: I::Pat) -> Self;
fn new_unsafe_binder(interner: I, ty: ty::Binder<I, I::Ty>) -> Self;
fn tuple_fields(self) -> I::Tys;
fn to_opt_closure_kind(self) -> Option<ty::ClosureKind>;
fn from_closure_kind(interner: I, kind: ty::ClosureKind) -> Self;
fn from_coroutine_closure_kind(interner: I, kind: ty::ClosureKind) -> Self;
fn is_ty_var(self) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind(), ty::Infer(ty::TyVar(_)))
fn is_floating_point(self) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind(), ty::Float(_) | ty::Infer(ty::FloatVar(_)))
fn is_integral(self) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind(), ty::Infer(ty::IntVar(_)) | ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_))
fn is_fn_ptr(self) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind(), ty::FnPtr(..))
fn has_unsafe_fields(self) -> bool;
fn fn_sig(self, interner: I) -> ty::Binder<I, ty::FnSig<I>> {
match self.kind() {
ty::FnPtr(sig_tys, hdr) => sig_tys.with(hdr),
ty::FnDef(def_id, args) => interner.fn_sig(def_id).instantiate(interner, args),
ty::Error(_) => {
ty::Binder::dummy(ty::FnSig {
inputs_and_output: Default::default(),
c_variadic: false,
safety: I::Safety::safe(),
abi: I::Abi::rust(),
ty::Closure(..) => panic!(
"to get the signature of a closure, use `args.as_closure().sig()` not `fn_sig()`",
_ => panic!("Ty::fn_sig() called on non-fn type: {:?}", self),
fn discriminant_ty(self, interner: I) -> I::Ty;
fn async_destructor_ty(self, interner: I) -> I::Ty;
fn is_known_rigid(self) -> bool {
match self.kind() {
| ty::Char
| ty::Int(_)
| ty::Uint(_)
| ty::Float(_)
| ty::Adt(_, _)
| ty::Foreign(_)
| ty::Str
| ty::Array(_, _)
| ty::Pat(_, _)
| ty::Slice(_)
| ty::RawPtr(_, _)
| ty::Ref(_, _, _)
| ty::FnDef(_, _)
| ty::FnPtr(..)
| ty::UnsafeBinder(_)
| ty::Dynamic(_, _, _)
| ty::Closure(_, _)
| ty::CoroutineClosure(_, _)
| ty::Coroutine(_, _)
| ty::CoroutineWitness(..)
| ty::Never
| ty::Tuple(_) => true,
| ty::Infer(_)
| ty::Alias(_, _)
| ty::Param(_)
| ty::Bound(_, _)
| ty::Placeholder(_) => false,
pub trait Tys<I: Interner<Tys = Self>>:
Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + SliceLike<Item = I::Ty> + TypeFoldable<I> + Default
fn inputs(self) -> I::FnInputTys;
fn output(self) -> I::Ty;
pub trait Abi<I: Interner<Abi = Self>>: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq {
fn rust() -> Self;
fn is_rust(self) -> bool;
pub trait Safety<I: Interner<Safety = Self>>: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq {
fn safe() -> Self;
fn is_safe(self) -> bool;
fn prefix_str(self) -> &'static str;
pub trait Region<I: Interner<Region = Self>>:
+ Debug
+ Hash
+ Eq
+ Into<I::GenericArg>
+ IntoKind<Kind = ty::RegionKind<I>>
+ Flags
+ Relate<I>
fn new_bound(interner: I, debruijn: ty::DebruijnIndex, var: I::BoundRegion) -> Self;
fn new_anon_bound(interner: I, debruijn: ty::DebruijnIndex, var: ty::BoundVar) -> Self;
fn new_static(interner: I) -> Self;
fn is_bound(self) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind(), ty::ReBound(..))
pub trait Const<I: Interner<Const = Self>>:
+ Debug
+ Hash
+ Eq
+ Into<I::GenericArg>
+ Into<I::Term>
+ IntoKind<Kind = ty::ConstKind<I>>
+ TypeSuperVisitable<I>
+ TypeSuperFoldable<I>
+ Relate<I>
+ Flags
fn new_infer(interner: I, var: ty::InferConst) -> Self;
fn new_var(interner: I, var: ty::ConstVid) -> Self;
fn new_bound(interner: I, debruijn: ty::DebruijnIndex, var: I::BoundConst) -> Self;
fn new_anon_bound(interner: I, debruijn: ty::DebruijnIndex, var: ty::BoundVar) -> Self;
fn new_unevaluated(interner: I, uv: ty::UnevaluatedConst<I>) -> Self;
fn new_expr(interner: I, expr: I::ExprConst) -> Self;
fn new_error(interner: I, guar: I::ErrorGuaranteed) -> Self;
fn new_error_with_message(interner: I, msg: impl ToString) -> Self {
Self::new_error(interner, interner.delay_bug(msg))
fn is_ct_var(self) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind(), ty::ConstKind::Infer(ty::InferConst::Var(_)))
pub trait ExprConst<I: Interner<ExprConst = Self>>: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + Relate<I> {
fn args(self) -> I::GenericArgs;
pub trait GenericsOf<I: Interner<GenericsOf = Self>> {
fn count(&self) -> usize;
pub trait GenericArg<I: Interner<GenericArg = Self>>:
+ Debug
+ Hash
+ Eq
+ IntoKind<Kind = ty::GenericArgKind<I>>
+ TypeVisitable<I>
+ Relate<I>
+ From<I::Ty>
+ From<I::Region>
+ From<I::Const>
fn as_type(&self) -> Option<I::Ty> {
if let ty::GenericArgKind::Type(ty) = self.kind() { Some(ty) } else { None }
fn expect_ty(&self) -> I::Ty {
self.as_type().expect("expected a type")
fn as_const(&self) -> Option<I::Const> {
if let ty::GenericArgKind::Const(c) = self.kind() { Some(c) } else { None }
fn expect_const(&self) -> I::Const {
self.as_const().expect("expected a const")
fn as_region(&self) -> Option<I::Region> {
if let ty::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(c) = self.kind() { Some(c) } else { None }
fn expect_region(&self) -> I::Region {
self.as_region().expect("expected a const")
fn is_non_region_infer(self) -> bool {
match self.kind() {
ty::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_) => false,
ty::GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => ty.is_ty_var(),
ty::GenericArgKind::Const(ct) => ct.is_ct_var(),
pub trait Term<I: Interner<Term = Self>>:
Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + IntoKind<Kind = ty::TermKind<I>> + TypeFoldable<I> + Relate<I>
fn as_type(&self) -> Option<I::Ty> {
if let ty::TermKind::Ty(ty) = self.kind() { Some(ty) } else { None }
fn expect_ty(&self) -> I::Ty {
self.as_type().expect("expected a type, but found a const")
fn as_const(&self) -> Option<I::Const> {
if let ty::TermKind::Const(c) = self.kind() { Some(c) } else { None }
fn expect_const(&self) -> I::Const {
self.as_const().expect("expected a const, but found a type")
fn is_infer(self) -> bool {
match self.kind() {
ty::TermKind::Ty(ty) => ty.is_ty_var(),
ty::TermKind::Const(ct) => ct.is_ct_var(),
fn to_alias_term(self) -> Option<ty::AliasTerm<I>> {
match self.kind() {
ty::TermKind::Ty(ty) => match ty.kind() {
ty::Alias(_kind, alias_ty) => Some(alias_ty.into()),
_ => None,
ty::TermKind::Const(ct) => match ct.kind() {
ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(uv) => Some(uv.into()),
_ => None,
pub trait GenericArgs<I: Interner<GenericArgs = Self>>:
Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + SliceLike<Item = I::GenericArg> + Default + Relate<I>
fn rebase_onto(
interner: I,
source_def_id: I::DefId,
target: I::GenericArgs,
) -> I::GenericArgs;
fn type_at(self, i: usize) -> I::Ty;
fn region_at(self, i: usize) -> I::Region;
fn const_at(self, i: usize) -> I::Const;
fn identity_for_item(interner: I, def_id: I::DefId) -> I::GenericArgs;
fn extend_with_error(
interner: I,
def_id: I::DefId,
original_args: &[I::GenericArg],
) -> I::GenericArgs;
fn split_closure_args(self) -> ty::ClosureArgsParts<I>;
fn split_coroutine_closure_args(self) -> ty::CoroutineClosureArgsParts<I>;
fn split_coroutine_args(self) -> ty::CoroutineArgsParts<I>;
fn as_closure(self) -> ty::ClosureArgs<I> {
ty::ClosureArgs { args: self }
fn as_coroutine_closure(self) -> ty::CoroutineClosureArgs<I> {
ty::CoroutineClosureArgs { args: self }
fn as_coroutine(self) -> ty::CoroutineArgs<I> {
ty::CoroutineArgs { args: self }
pub trait Predicate<I: Interner<Predicate = Self>>:
+ Debug
+ Hash
+ Eq
+ TypeSuperVisitable<I>
+ TypeSuperFoldable<I>
+ Flags
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::PredicateKind<I>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::Binder<I, ty::PredicateKind<I>>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::ClauseKind<I>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::Binder<I, ty::ClauseKind<I>>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, I::Clause>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::NormalizesTo<I>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::TraitRef<I>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::Binder<I, ty::TraitRef<I>>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::TraitPredicate<I>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::OutlivesPredicate<I, I::Ty>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::OutlivesPredicate<I, I::Region>>
+ IntoKind<Kind = ty::Binder<I, ty::PredicateKind<I>>>
+ Elaboratable<I>
fn as_clause(self) -> Option<I::Clause>;
fn is_coinductive(self, interner: I) -> bool;
fn allow_normalization(self) -> bool;
pub trait Clause<I: Interner<Clause = Self>>:
+ Debug
+ Hash
+ Eq
+ TypeFoldable<I>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::Binder<I, ty::ClauseKind<I>>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::TraitRef<I>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::Binder<I, ty::TraitRef<I>>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::TraitPredicate<I>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::Binder<I, ty::TraitPredicate<I>>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::ProjectionPredicate<I>>
+ UpcastFrom<I, ty::Binder<I, ty::ProjectionPredicate<I>>>
+ IntoKind<Kind = ty::Binder<I, ty::ClauseKind<I>>>
+ Elaboratable<I>
fn as_predicate(self) -> I::Predicate;
fn as_trait_clause(self) -> Option<ty::Binder<I, ty::TraitPredicate<I>>> {
.map_bound(|clause| if let ty::ClauseKind::Trait(t) = clause { Some(t) } else { None })
fn as_host_effect_clause(self) -> Option<ty::Binder<I, ty::HostEffectPredicate<I>>> {
|clause| if let ty::ClauseKind::HostEffect(t) = clause { Some(t) } else { None },
fn as_projection_clause(self) -> Option<ty::Binder<I, ty::ProjectionPredicate<I>>> {
|clause| {
if let ty::ClauseKind::Projection(p) = clause { Some(p) } else { None }
fn instantiate_supertrait(self, cx: I, trait_ref: ty::Binder<I, ty::TraitRef<I>>) -> Self;
pub trait PlaceholderLike: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq {
fn universe(self) -> ty::UniverseIndex;
fn var(self) -> ty::BoundVar;
fn with_updated_universe(self, ui: ty::UniverseIndex) -> Self;
fn new(ui: ty::UniverseIndex, var: ty::BoundVar) -> Self;
pub trait IntoKind {
type Kind;
fn kind(self) -> Self::Kind;
pub trait BoundVarLike<I: Interner> {
fn var(self) -> ty::BoundVar;
fn assert_eq(self, var: I::BoundVarKind);
pub trait ParamLike {
fn index(self) -> u32;
pub trait AdtDef<I: Interner>: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq {
fn def_id(self) -> I::DefId;
fn is_struct(self) -> bool;
fn struct_tail_ty(self, interner: I) -> Option<ty::EarlyBinder<I, I::Ty>>;
fn is_phantom_data(self) -> bool;
fn all_field_tys(self, interner: I) -> ty::EarlyBinder<I, impl IntoIterator<Item = I::Ty>>;
fn sized_constraint(self, interner: I) -> Option<ty::EarlyBinder<I, I::Ty>>;
fn is_fundamental(self) -> bool;
fn destructor(self, interner: I) -> Option<AdtDestructorKind>;
pub trait ParamEnv<I: Interner>: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + TypeFoldable<I> {
fn caller_bounds(self) -> impl SliceLike<Item = I::Clause>;
pub trait Features<I: Interner>: Copy {
fn generic_const_exprs(self) -> bool;
fn coroutine_clone(self) -> bool;
fn associated_const_equality(self) -> bool;
pub trait DefId<I: Interner>: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + TypeFoldable<I> {
fn is_local(self) -> bool;
fn as_local(self) -> Option<I::LocalDefId>;
pub trait BoundExistentialPredicates<I: Interner>:
Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + Relate<I> + SliceLike<Item = ty::Binder<I, ty::ExistentialPredicate<I>>>
fn principal_def_id(self) -> Option<I::DefId>;
fn principal(self) -> Option<ty::Binder<I, ty::ExistentialTraitRef<I>>>;
fn auto_traits(self) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = I::DefId>;
fn projection_bounds(
) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = ty::Binder<I, ty::ExistentialProjection<I>>>;
pub trait Span<I: Interner>: Copy + Debug + Hash + Eq + TypeFoldable<I> {
fn dummy() -> Self;
pub trait SliceLike: Sized + Copy {
type Item: Copy;
type IntoIter: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;
fn iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter;
fn as_slice(&self) -> &[Self::Item];
fn get(self, idx: usize) -> Option<Self::Item> {
fn len(self) -> usize {
fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
fn contains(self, t: &Self::Item) -> bool
Self::Item: PartialEq,
fn to_vec(self) -> Vec<Self::Item> {
fn last(self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
fn split_last(&self) -> Option<(&Self::Item, &[Self::Item])> {
impl<'a, T: Copy> SliceLike for &'a [T] {
type Item = T;
type IntoIter = std::iter::Copied<std::slice::Iter<'a, T>>;
fn iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
fn as_slice(&self) -> &[Self::Item] {
impl<'a, T: Copy, const N: usize> SliceLike for &'a [T; N] {
type Item = T;
type IntoIter = std::iter::Copied<std::slice::Iter<'a, T>>;
fn iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
fn as_slice(&self) -> &[Self::Item] {
impl<'a, S: SliceLike> SliceLike for &'a S {
type Item = S::Item;
type IntoIter = S::IntoIter;
fn iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
fn as_slice(&self) -> &[Self::Item] {