
1use std::marker::PhantomData;
3use rustc_data_structures::captures::Captures;
4use rustc_data_structures::obligation_forest::{
5    Error, ForestObligation, ObligationForest, ObligationProcessor, Outcome, ProcessResult,
7use rustc_infer::infer::DefineOpaqueTypes;
8use rustc_infer::traits::{
9    FromSolverError, PolyTraitObligation, PredicateObligations, ProjectionCacheKey, SelectionError,
10    TraitEngine,
12use rustc_middle::bug;
13use rustc_middle::ty::abstract_const::NotConstEvaluatable;
14use rustc_middle::ty::error::{ExpectedFound, TypeError};
15use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Binder, Const, GenericArgsRef, TypeVisitableExt, TypingMode};
16use thin_vec::ThinVec;
17use tracing::{debug, debug_span, instrument};
19use super::effects::{self, HostEffectObligation};
20use super::project::{self, ProjectAndUnifyResult};
21use super::select::SelectionContext;
22use super::{
23    EvaluationResult, FulfillmentError, FulfillmentErrorCode, PredicateObligation,
24    ScrubbedTraitError, Unimplemented, const_evaluatable, wf,
26use crate::error_reporting::InferCtxtErrorExt;
27use crate::infer::{InferCtxt, TyOrConstInferVar};
28use crate::traits::EvaluateConstErr;
29use crate::traits::normalize::normalize_with_depth_to;
30use crate::traits::project::{PolyProjectionObligation, ProjectionCacheKeyExt as _};
31use crate::traits::query::evaluate_obligation::InferCtxtExt;
33pub(crate) type PendingPredicateObligations<'tcx> = ThinVec<PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>>;
35impl<'tcx> ForestObligation for PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx> {
36    /// Note that we include both the `ParamEnv` and the `Predicate`,
37    /// as the `ParamEnv` can influence whether fulfillment succeeds
38    /// or fails.
39    type CacheKey = ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>;
41    fn as_cache_key(&self) -> Self::CacheKey {
42        self.obligation.param_env.and(self.obligation.predicate)
43    }
46/// The fulfillment context is used to drive trait resolution. It
47/// consists of a list of obligations that must be (eventually)
48/// satisfied. The job is to track which are satisfied, which yielded
49/// errors, and which are still pending. At any point, users can call
50/// `select_where_possible`, and the fulfillment context will try to do
51/// selection, retaining only those obligations that remain
52/// ambiguous. This may be helpful in pushing type inference
53/// along. Once all type inference constraints have been generated, the
54/// method `select_all_or_error` can be used to report any remaining
55/// ambiguous cases as errors.
56pub struct FulfillmentContext<'tcx, E: 'tcx> {
57    /// A list of all obligations that have been registered with this
58    /// fulfillment context.
59    predicates: ObligationForest<PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>>,
61    /// The snapshot in which this context was created. Using the context
62    /// outside of this snapshot leads to subtle bugs if the snapshot
63    /// gets rolled back. Because of this we explicitly check that we only
64    /// use the context in exactly this snapshot.
65    usable_in_snapshot: usize,
67    _errors: PhantomData<E>,
70#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
71pub struct PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx> {
72    pub obligation: PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
73    // This is far more often read than modified, meaning that we
74    // should mostly optimize for reading speed, while modifying is not as relevant.
75    //
76    // For whatever reason using a boxed slice is slower than using a `Vec` here.
77    pub stalled_on: Vec<TyOrConstInferVar>,
80// `PendingPredicateObligation` is used a lot. Make sure it doesn't unintentionally get bigger.
81#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
82rustc_data_structures::static_assert_size!(PendingPredicateObligation<'_>, 72);
84impl<'tcx, E> FulfillmentContext<'tcx, E>
86    E: FromSolverError<'tcx, OldSolverError<'tcx>>,
88    /// Creates a new fulfillment context.
89    pub(super) fn new(infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>) -> FulfillmentContext<'tcx, E> {
90        assert!(
91            !infcx.next_trait_solver(),
92            "old trait solver fulfillment context created when \
93            infcx is set up for new trait solver"
94        );
95        FulfillmentContext {
96            predicates: ObligationForest::new(),
97            usable_in_snapshot: infcx.num_open_snapshots(),
98            _errors: PhantomData,
99        }
100    }
102    /// Attempts to select obligations using `selcx`.
103    fn select(&mut self, selcx: SelectionContext<'_, 'tcx>) -> Vec<E> {
104        let span = debug_span!("select", obligation_forest_size = ?self.predicates.len());
105        let _enter = span.enter();
106        let infcx = selcx.infcx;
108        // Process pending obligations.
109        let outcome: Outcome<_, _> =
110            self.predicates.process_obligations(&mut FulfillProcessor { selcx });
112        // FIXME: if we kept the original cache key, we could mark projection
113        // obligations as complete for the projection cache here.
115        let errors: Vec<E> = outcome
116            .errors
117            .into_iter()
118            .map(|err| E::from_solver_error(infcx, OldSolverError(err)))
119            .collect();
121        debug!(
122            "select({} predicates remaining, {} errors) done",
123            self.predicates.len(),
124            errors.len()
125        );
127        errors
128    }
131impl<'tcx, E> TraitEngine<'tcx, E> for FulfillmentContext<'tcx, E>
133    E: FromSolverError<'tcx, OldSolverError<'tcx>>,
135    #[inline]
136    fn register_predicate_obligation(
137        &mut self,
138        infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
139        mut obligation: PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
140    ) {
141        assert_eq!(self.usable_in_snapshot, infcx.num_open_snapshots());
142        // this helps to reduce duplicate errors, as well as making
143        // debug output much nicer to read and so on.
144        debug_assert!(!obligation.param_env.has_non_region_infer());
145        obligation.predicate = infcx.resolve_vars_if_possible(obligation.predicate);
147        debug!(?obligation, "register_predicate_obligation");
149        self.predicates
150            .register_obligation(PendingPredicateObligation { obligation, stalled_on: vec![] });
151    }
153    fn collect_remaining_errors(&mut self, infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>) -> Vec<E> {
154        self.predicates
155            .to_errors(FulfillmentErrorCode::Ambiguity { overflow: None })
156            .into_iter()
157            .map(|err| E::from_solver_error(infcx, OldSolverError(err)))
158            .collect()
159    }
161    fn select_where_possible(&mut self, infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>) -> Vec<E> {
162        let selcx = SelectionContext::new(infcx);
164    }
166    fn drain_unstalled_obligations(
167        &mut self,
168        infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
169    ) -> PredicateObligations<'tcx> {
170        let mut processor =
171            DrainProcessor { removed_predicates: PredicateObligations::new(), infcx };
172        let outcome: Outcome<_, _> = self.predicates.process_obligations(&mut processor);
173        assert!(outcome.errors.is_empty());
174        return processor.removed_predicates;
176        struct DrainProcessor<'a, 'tcx> {
177            infcx: &'a InferCtxt<'tcx>,
178            removed_predicates: PredicateObligations<'tcx>,
179        }
181        impl<'tcx> ObligationProcessor for DrainProcessor<'_, 'tcx> {
182            type Obligation = PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>;
183            type Error = !;
184            type OUT = Outcome<Self::Obligation, Self::Error>;
186            fn needs_process_obligation(&self, pending_obligation: &Self::Obligation) -> bool {
187                pending_obligation
188                    .stalled_on
189                    .iter()
190                    .any(|&var| self.infcx.ty_or_const_infer_var_changed(var))
191            }
193            fn process_obligation(
194                &mut self,
195                pending_obligation: &mut PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>,
196            ) -> ProcessResult<PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>, !> {
197                assert!(self.needs_process_obligation(pending_obligation));
198                self.removed_predicates.push(pending_obligation.obligation.clone());
199                ProcessResult::Changed(Default::default())
200            }
202            fn process_backedge<'c, I>(
203                &mut self,
204                cycle: I,
205                _marker: PhantomData<&'c PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>>,
206            ) -> Result<(), !>
207            where
208                I: Clone + Iterator<Item = &'c PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>>,
209            {
210                self.removed_predicates.extend(|c| c.obligation.clone()));
211                Ok(())
212            }
213        }
214    }
216    fn has_pending_obligations(&self) -> bool {
217        self.predicates.has_pending_obligations()
218    }
220    fn pending_obligations(&self) -> PredicateObligations<'tcx> {
221        self.predicates.map_pending_obligations(|o| o.obligation.clone())
222    }
225struct FulfillProcessor<'a, 'tcx> {
226    selcx: SelectionContext<'a, 'tcx>,
229fn mk_pending<'tcx>(os: PredicateObligations<'tcx>) -> PendingPredicateObligations<'tcx> {
230    os.into_iter()
231        .map(|o| PendingPredicateObligation { obligation: o, stalled_on: vec![] })
232        .collect()
235impl<'a, 'tcx> ObligationProcessor for FulfillProcessor<'a, 'tcx> {
236    type Obligation = PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>;
237    type Error = FulfillmentErrorCode<'tcx>;
238    type OUT = Outcome<Self::Obligation, Self::Error>;
240    /// Compared to `needs_process_obligation` this and its callees
241    /// contain some optimizations that come at the price of false negatives.
242    ///
243    /// They
244    /// - reduce branching by covering only the most common case
245    /// - take a read-only view of the unification tables which allows skipping undo_log
246    ///   construction.
247    /// - bail out on value-cache misses in ena to avoid pointer chasing
248    /// - hoist RefCell locking out of the loop
249    #[inline]
250    fn skippable_obligations<'b>(
251        &'b self,
252        it: impl Iterator<Item = &'b Self::Obligation>,
253    ) -> usize {
254        let is_unchanged = self.selcx.infcx.is_ty_infer_var_definitely_unchanged();
256        it.take_while(|o| match o.stalled_on.as_slice() {
257            [o] => is_unchanged(*o),
258            _ => false,
259        })
260        .count()
261    }
263    /// Identifies whether a predicate obligation needs processing.
264    ///
265    /// This is always inlined because it has a single callsite and it is
266    /// called *very* frequently. Be careful modifying this code! Several
267    /// compile-time benchmarks are very sensitive to even small changes.
268    #[inline(always)]
269    fn needs_process_obligation(&self, pending_obligation: &Self::Obligation) -> bool {
270        // If we were stalled on some unresolved variables, first check whether
271        // any of them have been resolved; if not, don't bother doing more work
272        // yet.
273        let stalled_on = &pending_obligation.stalled_on;
274        match stalled_on.len() {
275            // This case is the hottest most of the time, being hit up to 99%
276            // of the time. `keccak` and `cranelift-codegen-0.82.1` are
277            // benchmarks that particularly stress this path.
278            1 => self.selcx.infcx.ty_or_const_infer_var_changed(stalled_on[0]),
280            // In this case we haven't changed, but wish to make a change. Note
281            // that this is a special case, and is not equivalent to the `_`
282            // case below, which would return `false` for an empty `stalled_on`
283            // vector.
284            //
285            // This case is usually hit only 1% of the time or less, though it
286            // reaches 20% in `wasmparser-0.101.0`.
287            0 => true,
289            // This case is usually hit only 1% of the time or less, though it
290            // reaches 95% in `mime-0.3.16`, 64% in `wast-54.0.0`, and 12% in
291            // `inflate-0.4.5`.
292            //
293            // The obvious way of writing this, with a call to `any()` and no
294            // closure, is currently slower than this version.
295            _ => (|| {
296                for &infer_var in stalled_on {
297                    if self.selcx.infcx.ty_or_const_infer_var_changed(infer_var) {
298                        return true;
299                    }
300                }
301                false
302            })(),
303        }
304    }
306    /// Processes a predicate obligation and returns either:
307    /// - `Changed(v)` if the predicate is true, presuming that `v` are also true
308    /// - `Unchanged` if we don't have enough info to be sure
309    /// - `Error(e)` if the predicate does not hold
310    ///
311    /// This is called much less often than `needs_process_obligation`, so we
312    /// never inline it.
313    #[inline(never)]
314    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, pending_obligation))]
315    fn process_obligation(
316        &mut self,
317        pending_obligation: &mut PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>,
318    ) -> ProcessResult<PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>, FulfillmentErrorCode<'tcx>> {
319        pending_obligation.stalled_on.truncate(0);
321        let obligation = &mut pending_obligation.obligation;
323        debug!(?obligation, "pre-resolve");
325        if obligation.predicate.has_non_region_infer() {
326            obligation.predicate = self.selcx.infcx.resolve_vars_if_possible(obligation.predicate);
327        }
329        let obligation = &pending_obligation.obligation;
331        let infcx = self.selcx.infcx;
333        if obligation.predicate.has_aliases() {
334            let mut obligations = PredicateObligations::new();
335            let predicate = normalize_with_depth_to(
336                &mut self.selcx,
337                obligation.param_env,
338                obligation.cause.clone(),
339                obligation.recursion_depth + 1,
340                obligation.predicate,
341                &mut obligations,
342            );
343            if predicate != obligation.predicate {
344                obligations.push(obligation.with(infcx.tcx, predicate));
345                return ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(obligations));
346            }
347        }
348        let binder = obligation.predicate.kind();
349        match binder.no_bound_vars() {
350            None => match binder.skip_binder() {
351                // Evaluation will discard candidates using the leak check.
352                // This means we need to pass it the bound version of our
353                // predicate.
354                ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::Trait(trait_ref)) => {
355                    let trait_obligation = obligation.with(infcx.tcx, binder.rebind(trait_ref));
357                    self.process_trait_obligation(
358                        obligation,
359                        trait_obligation,
360                        &mut pending_obligation.stalled_on,
361                    )
362                }
363                ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::Projection(data)) => {
364                    let project_obligation = obligation.with(infcx.tcx, binder.rebind(data));
366                    self.process_projection_obligation(
367                        obligation,
368                        project_obligation,
369                        &mut pending_obligation.stalled_on,
370                    )
371                }
372                ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::RegionOutlives(_))
373                | ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::TypeOutlives(_))
374                | ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::ConstArgHasType(..))
375                | ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::WellFormed(_))
376                | ty::PredicateKind::DynCompatible(_)
377                | ty::PredicateKind::Subtype(_)
378                | ty::PredicateKind::Coerce(_)
379                | ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::ConstEvaluatable(..))
380                | ty::PredicateKind::ConstEquate(..)
381                // FIXME(const_trait_impl): We may need to do this using the higher-ranked
382                // pred instead of just instantiating it with placeholders b/c of
383                // higher-ranked implied bound issues in the old solver.
384                | ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::HostEffect(..)) => {
385                    let pred = ty::Binder::dummy(infcx.enter_forall_and_leak_universe(binder));
386                    let mut obligations = PredicateObligations::with_capacity(1);
387                    obligations.push(obligation.with(infcx.tcx, pred));
389                    ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(obligations))
390                }
391                ty::PredicateKind::Ambiguous => ProcessResult::Unchanged,
392                ty::PredicateKind::NormalizesTo(..) => {
393                    bug!("NormalizesTo is only used by the new solver")
394                }
395                ty::PredicateKind::AliasRelate(..) => {
396                    bug!("AliasRelate is only used by the new solver")
397                }
398            },
399            Some(pred) => match pred {
400                ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::Trait(data)) => {
401                    let trait_obligation = obligation.with(infcx.tcx, Binder::dummy(data));
403                    self.process_trait_obligation(
404                        obligation,
405                        trait_obligation,
406                        &mut pending_obligation.stalled_on,
407                    )
408                }
410                ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::HostEffect(data)) => {
411                    let host_obligation = obligation.with(infcx.tcx, data);
413                    self.process_host_obligation(
414                        host_obligation,
415                        &mut pending_obligation.stalled_on,
416                    )
417                }
419                ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::RegionOutlives(data)) => {
420                    if infcx.considering_regions {
421                        infcx.region_outlives_predicate(&obligation.cause, Binder::dummy(data));
422                    }
424                    ProcessResult::Changed(Default::default())
425                }
427                ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::TypeOutlives(ty::OutlivesPredicate(
428                    t_a,
429                    r_b,
430                ))) => {
431                    if infcx.considering_regions {
432                        infcx.register_region_obligation_with_cause(t_a, r_b, &obligation.cause);
433                    }
434                    ProcessResult::Changed(Default::default())
435                }
437                ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::Projection(ref data)) => {
438                    let project_obligation = obligation.with(infcx.tcx, Binder::dummy(*data));
440                    self.process_projection_obligation(
441                        obligation,
442                        project_obligation,
443                        &mut pending_obligation.stalled_on,
444                    )
445                }
447                ty::PredicateKind::DynCompatible(trait_def_id) => {
448                    if !self.selcx.tcx().is_dyn_compatible(trait_def_id) {
449                        ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::Select(Unimplemented))
450                    } else {
451                        ProcessResult::Changed(Default::default())
452                    }
453                }
455                ty::PredicateKind::Ambiguous => ProcessResult::Unchanged,
456                ty::PredicateKind::NormalizesTo(..) => {
457                    bug!("NormalizesTo is only used by the new solver")
458                }
459                ty::PredicateKind::AliasRelate(..) => {
460                    bug!("AliasRelate is only used by the new solver")
461                }
462                // Compute `ConstArgHasType` above the overflow check below.
463                // This is because this is not ever a useful obligation to report
464                // as the cause of an overflow.
465                ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::ConstArgHasType(ct, ty)) => {
466                    let ct = infcx.shallow_resolve_const(ct);
467                    let ct_ty = match ct.kind() {
468                        ty::ConstKind::Infer(var) => {
469                            let var = match var {
470                                ty::InferConst::Var(vid) => TyOrConstInferVar::Const(vid),
471                                ty::InferConst::Fresh(_) => {
472                                    bug!("encountered fresh const in fulfill")
473                                }
474                            };
475                            pending_obligation.stalled_on.clear();
476                            pending_obligation.stalled_on.extend([var]);
477                            return ProcessResult::Unchanged;
478                        }
479                        ty::ConstKind::Error(_) => {
480                            return ProcessResult::Changed(PendingPredicateObligations::new());
481                        }
482                        ty::ConstKind::Value(cv) => cv.ty,
483                        ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(uv) => {
484                            infcx.tcx.type_of(uv.def).instantiate(infcx.tcx, uv.args)
485                        }
486                        // FIXME(generic_const_exprs): we should construct an alias like
487                        // `<lhs_ty as Add<rhs_ty>>::Output` when this is an `Expr` representing
488                        // `lhs + rhs`.
489                        ty::ConstKind::Expr(_) => {
490                            return ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(PredicateObligations::new()));
491                        }
492                        ty::ConstKind::Placeholder(_) => {
493                            bug!("placeholder const {:?} in old solver", ct)
494                        }
495                        ty::ConstKind::Bound(_, _) => bug!("escaping bound vars in {:?}", ct),
496                        ty::ConstKind::Param(param_ct) => {
497                            param_ct.find_ty_from_env(obligation.param_env)
498                        }
499                    };
501                    match, obligation.param_env).eq(
502                        // Only really exercised by generic_const_exprs
503                        DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes,
504                        ct_ty,
505                        ty,
506                    ) {
507                        Ok(inf_ok) => ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(inf_ok.into_obligations())),
508                        Err(_) => ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::Select(
509                            SelectionError::ConstArgHasWrongType { ct, ct_ty, expected_ty: ty },
510                        )),
511                    }
512                }
514                // General case overflow check. Allow `process_trait_obligation`
515                // and `process_projection_obligation` to handle checking for
516                // the recursion limit themselves. Also don't check some
517                // predicate kinds that don't give further obligations.
518                _ if !self
519                    .selcx
520                    .tcx()
521                    .recursion_limit()
522                    .value_within_limit(obligation.recursion_depth) =>
523                {
524                    self.selcx.infcx.err_ctxt().report_overflow_obligation(&obligation, false);
525                }
527                ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::WellFormed(arg)) => {
528                    match wf::obligations(
529                        self.selcx.infcx,
530                        obligation.param_env,
531                        obligation.cause.body_id,
532                        obligation.recursion_depth + 1,
533                        arg,
534                        obligation.cause.span,
535                    ) {
536                        None => {
537                            pending_obligation.stalled_on =
538                                vec![TyOrConstInferVar::maybe_from_generic_arg(arg).unwrap()];
539                            ProcessResult::Unchanged
540                        }
541                        Some(os) => ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(os)),
542                    }
543                }
545                ty::PredicateKind::Subtype(subtype) => {
546                    match self.selcx.infcx.subtype_predicate(
547                        &obligation.cause,
548                        obligation.param_env,
549                        Binder::dummy(subtype),
550                    ) {
551                        Err((a, b)) => {
552                            // None means that both are unresolved.
553                            pending_obligation.stalled_on =
554                                vec![TyOrConstInferVar::Ty(a), TyOrConstInferVar::Ty(b)];
555                            ProcessResult::Unchanged
556                        }
557                        Ok(Ok(mut ok)) => {
558                            for subobligation in &mut ok.obligations {
559                                subobligation.set_depth_from_parent(obligation.recursion_depth);
560                            }
561                            ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(ok.obligations))
562                        }
563                        Ok(Err(err)) => {
564                            let expected_found = if subtype.a_is_expected {
565                                ExpectedFound::new(subtype.a, subtype.b)
566                            } else {
567                                ExpectedFound::new(subtype.b, subtype.a)
568                            };
569                            ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::Subtype(expected_found, err))
570                        }
571                    }
572                }
574                ty::PredicateKind::Coerce(coerce) => {
575                    match self.selcx.infcx.coerce_predicate(
576                        &obligation.cause,
577                        obligation.param_env,
578                        Binder::dummy(coerce),
579                    ) {
580                        Err((a, b)) => {
581                            // None means that both are unresolved.
582                            pending_obligation.stalled_on =
583                                vec![TyOrConstInferVar::Ty(a), TyOrConstInferVar::Ty(b)];
584                            ProcessResult::Unchanged
585                        }
586                        Ok(Ok(ok)) => ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(ok.obligations)),
587                        Ok(Err(err)) => {
588                            let expected_found = ExpectedFound::new(coerce.b, coerce.a);
589                            ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::Subtype(expected_found, err))
590                        }
591                    }
592                }
594                ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::ConstEvaluatable(uv)) => {
595                    match const_evaluatable::is_const_evaluatable(
596                        self.selcx.infcx,
597                        uv,
598                        obligation.param_env,
599                        obligation.cause.span,
600                    ) {
601                        Ok(()) => ProcessResult::Changed(Default::default()),
602                        Err(NotConstEvaluatable::MentionsInfer) => {
603                            pending_obligation.stalled_on.clear();
604                            pending_obligation.stalled_on.extend(
605                                uv.walk().filter_map(TyOrConstInferVar::maybe_from_generic_arg),
606                            );
607                            ProcessResult::Unchanged
608                        }
609                        Err(
610                            e @ NotConstEvaluatable::MentionsParam
611                            | e @ NotConstEvaluatable::Error(_),
612                        ) => ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::Select(
613                            SelectionError::NotConstEvaluatable(e),
614                        )),
615                    }
616                }
618                ty::PredicateKind::ConstEquate(c1, c2) => {
619                    let tcx = self.selcx.tcx();
620                    assert!(
621                        tcx.features().generic_const_exprs(),
622                        "`ConstEquate` without a feature gate: {c1:?} {c2:?}",
623                    );
624                    // FIXME: we probably should only try to unify abstract constants
625                    // if the constants depend on generic parameters.
626                    //
627                    // Let's just see where this breaks :shrug:
628                    {
629                        let c1 = tcx.expand_abstract_consts(c1);
630                        let c2 = tcx.expand_abstract_consts(c2);
631                        debug!("equating consts:\nc1= {:?}\nc2= {:?}", c1, c2);
633                        use rustc_hir::def::DefKind;
634                        match (c1.kind(), c2.kind()) {
635                            (ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(a), ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(b))
636                                if a.def == b.def && tcx.def_kind(a.def) == DefKind::AssocConst =>
637                            {
638                                if let Ok(new_obligations) = infcx
639                                    .at(&obligation.cause, obligation.param_env)
640                                    // Can define opaque types as this is only reachable with
641                                    // `generic_const_exprs`
642                                    .eq(
643                                        DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes,
644                                        ty::AliasTerm::from(a),
645                                        ty::AliasTerm::from(b),
646                                    )
647                                {
648                                    return ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(
649                                        new_obligations.into_obligations(),
650                                    ));
651                                }
652                            }
653                            (_, ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(_))
654                            | (ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(_), _) => (),
655                            (_, _) => {
656                                if let Ok(new_obligations) = infcx
657                                    .at(&obligation.cause, obligation.param_env)
658                                    // Can define opaque types as this is only reachable with
659                                    // `generic_const_exprs`
660                                    .eq(DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes, c1, c2)
661                                {
662                                    return ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(
663                                        new_obligations.into_obligations(),
664                                    ));
665                                }
666                            }
667                        }
668                    }
670                    let stalled_on = &mut pending_obligation.stalled_on;
672                    let mut evaluate = |c: Const<'tcx>| {
673                        if let ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(unevaluated) = c.kind() {
674                            match super::try_evaluate_const(
675                                self.selcx.infcx,
676                                c,
677                                obligation.param_env,
678                            ) {
679                                Ok(val) => Ok(val),
680                                e @ Err(EvaluateConstErr::HasGenericsOrInfers) => {
681                                    stalled_on.extend(
682                                        unevaluated
683                                            .args
684                                            .iter()
685                                            .filter_map(TyOrConstInferVar::maybe_from_generic_arg),
686                                    );
687                                    e
688                                }
689                                e @ Err(
690                                    EvaluateConstErr::EvaluationFailure(_)
691                                    | EvaluateConstErr::InvalidConstParamTy(_),
692                                ) => e,
693                            }
694                        } else {
695                            Ok(c)
696                        }
697                    };
699                    match (evaluate(c1), evaluate(c2)) {
700                        (Ok(c1), Ok(c2)) => {
701                            match, obligation.param_env).eq(
702                                // Can define opaque types as this is only reachable with
703                                // `generic_const_exprs`
704                                DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes,
705                                c1,
706                                c2,
707                            ) {
708                                Ok(inf_ok) => {
709                                    ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(inf_ok.into_obligations()))
710                                }
711                                Err(err) => {
712                                    ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::ConstEquate(
713                                        ExpectedFound::new(c1, c2),
714                                        err,
715                                    ))
716                                }
717                            }
718                        }
719                        (Err(EvaluateConstErr::InvalidConstParamTy(e)), _)
720                        | (_, Err(EvaluateConstErr::InvalidConstParamTy(e))) => {
721                            ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::Select(
722                                SelectionError::NotConstEvaluatable(NotConstEvaluatable::Error(e)),
723                            ))
724                        }
725                        (Err(EvaluateConstErr::EvaluationFailure(e)), _)
726                        | (_, Err(EvaluateConstErr::EvaluationFailure(e))) => {
727                            ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::Select(
728                                SelectionError::NotConstEvaluatable(NotConstEvaluatable::Error(e)),
729                            ))
730                        }
731                        (Err(EvaluateConstErr::HasGenericsOrInfers), _)
732                        | (_, Err(EvaluateConstErr::HasGenericsOrInfers)) => {
733                            if c1.has_non_region_infer() || c2.has_non_region_infer() {
734                                ProcessResult::Unchanged
735                            } else {
736                                // Two different constants using generic parameters ~> error.
737                                let expected_found = ExpectedFound::new(c1, c2);
738                                ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::ConstEquate(
739                                    expected_found,
740                                    TypeError::ConstMismatch(expected_found),
741                                ))
742                            }
743                        }
744                    }
745                }
746            },
747        }
748    }
750    #[inline(never)]
751    fn process_backedge<'c, I>(
752        &mut self,
753        cycle: I,
754        _marker: PhantomData<&'c PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>>,
755    ) -> Result<(), FulfillmentErrorCode<'tcx>>
756    where
757        I: Clone + Iterator<Item = &'c PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>>,
758    {
759        if self.selcx.coinductive_match(cycle.clone().map(|s| s.obligation.predicate)) {
760            debug!("process_child_obligations: coinductive match");
761            Ok(())
762        } else {
763            let cycle =|c| c.obligation.clone()).collect();
764            Err(FulfillmentErrorCode::Cycle(cycle))
765        }
766    }
769impl<'a, 'tcx> FulfillProcessor<'a, 'tcx> {
770    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, obligation, stalled_on))]
771    fn process_trait_obligation(
772        &mut self,
773        obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
774        trait_obligation: PolyTraitObligation<'tcx>,
775        stalled_on: &mut Vec<TyOrConstInferVar>,
776    ) -> ProcessResult<PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>, FulfillmentErrorCode<'tcx>> {
777        let infcx = self.selcx.infcx;
778        if obligation.predicate.is_global() && !matches!(infcx.typing_mode(), TypingMode::Coherence)
779        {
780            // no type variables present, can use evaluation for better caching.
781            // FIXME: consider caching errors too.
782            if infcx.predicate_must_hold_considering_regions(obligation) {
783                debug!(
784                    "selecting trait at depth {} evaluated to holds",
785                    obligation.recursion_depth
786                );
787                return ProcessResult::Changed(Default::default());
788            }
789        }
791        match self.selcx.poly_select(&trait_obligation) {
792            Ok(Some(impl_source)) => {
793                debug!("selecting trait at depth {} yielded Ok(Some)", obligation.recursion_depth);
794                ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(impl_source.nested_obligations()))
795            }
796            Ok(None) => {
797                debug!("selecting trait at depth {} yielded Ok(None)", obligation.recursion_depth);
799                // This is a bit subtle: for the most part, the
800                // only reason we can fail to make progress on
801                // trait selection is because we don't have enough
802                // information about the types in the trait.
803                stalled_on.clear();
804                stalled_on.extend(args_infer_vars(
805                    &self.selcx,
806                    trait_obligation.predicate.map_bound(|pred| pred.trait_ref.args),
807                ));
809                debug!(
810                    "process_predicate: pending obligation {:?} now stalled on {:?}",
811                    infcx.resolve_vars_if_possible(obligation.clone()),
812                    stalled_on
813                );
815                ProcessResult::Unchanged
816            }
817            Err(selection_err) => {
818                debug!("selecting trait at depth {} yielded Err", obligation.recursion_depth);
820                ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::Select(selection_err))
821            }
822        }
823    }
825    fn process_projection_obligation(
826        &mut self,
827        obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
828        project_obligation: PolyProjectionObligation<'tcx>,
829        stalled_on: &mut Vec<TyOrConstInferVar>,
830    ) -> ProcessResult<PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>, FulfillmentErrorCode<'tcx>> {
831        let tcx = self.selcx.tcx();
832        let infcx = self.selcx.infcx;
833        if obligation.predicate.is_global() && !matches!(infcx.typing_mode(), TypingMode::Coherence)
834        {
835            // no type variables present, can use evaluation for better caching.
836            // FIXME: consider caching errors too.
837            if infcx.predicate_must_hold_considering_regions(obligation) {
838                if let Some(key) = ProjectionCacheKey::from_poly_projection_obligation(
839                    &mut self.selcx,
840                    &project_obligation,
841                ) {
842                    // If `predicate_must_hold_considering_regions` succeeds, then we've
843                    // evaluated all sub-obligations. We can therefore mark the 'root'
844                    // obligation as complete, and skip evaluating sub-obligations.
845                    infcx
846                        .inner
847                        .borrow_mut()
848                        .projection_cache()
849                        .complete(key, EvaluationResult::EvaluatedToOk);
850                }
851                return ProcessResult::Changed(Default::default());
852            } else {
853                debug!("Does NOT hold: {:?}", obligation);
854            }
855        }
857        match project::poly_project_and_unify_term(&mut self.selcx, &project_obligation) {
858            ProjectAndUnifyResult::Holds(os) => ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(os)),
859            ProjectAndUnifyResult::FailedNormalization => {
860                stalled_on.clear();
861                stalled_on.extend(args_infer_vars(
862                    &self.selcx,
863                    project_obligation.predicate.map_bound(|pred| pred.projection_term.args),
864                ));
865                ProcessResult::Unchanged
866            }
867            // Let the caller handle the recursion
868            ProjectAndUnifyResult::Recursive => {
869                let mut obligations = PredicateObligations::with_capacity(1);
870                obligations.push(project_obligation.with(tcx, project_obligation.predicate));
872                ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(obligations))
873            }
874            ProjectAndUnifyResult::MismatchedProjectionTypes(e) => {
875                ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::Project(e))
876            }
877        }
878    }
880    fn process_host_obligation(
881        &mut self,
882        host_obligation: HostEffectObligation<'tcx>,
883        stalled_on: &mut Vec<TyOrConstInferVar>,
884    ) -> ProcessResult<PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>, FulfillmentErrorCode<'tcx>> {
885        match effects::evaluate_host_effect_obligation(&mut self.selcx, &host_obligation) {
886            Ok(nested) => ProcessResult::Changed(mk_pending(nested)),
887            Err(effects::EvaluationFailure::Ambiguous) => {
888                stalled_on.clear();
889                stalled_on.extend(args_infer_vars(
890                    &self.selcx,
891                    ty::Binder::dummy(host_obligation.predicate.trait_ref.args),
892                ));
893                ProcessResult::Unchanged
894            }
895            Err(effects::EvaluationFailure::NoSolution) => {
896                ProcessResult::Error(FulfillmentErrorCode::Select(SelectionError::Unimplemented))
897            }
898        }
899    }
902/// Returns the set of inference variables contained in `args`.
903fn args_infer_vars<'a, 'tcx>(
904    selcx: &SelectionContext<'a, 'tcx>,
905    args: ty::Binder<'tcx, GenericArgsRef<'tcx>>,
906) -> impl Iterator<Item = TyOrConstInferVar> + Captures<'tcx> {
907    selcx
908        .infcx
909        .resolve_vars_if_possible(args)
910        .skip_binder() // ok because this check doesn't care about regions
911        .iter()
912        .filter(|arg| arg.has_non_region_infer())
913        .flat_map(|arg| {
914            let mut walker = arg.walk();
915            while let Some(c) = {
916                if !c.has_non_region_infer() {
917                    walker.visited.remove(&c);
918                    walker.skip_current_subtree();
919                }
920            }
921            walker.visited.into_iter()
922        })
923        .filter_map(TyOrConstInferVar::maybe_from_generic_arg)
927pub struct OldSolverError<'tcx>(
928    Error<PendingPredicateObligation<'tcx>, FulfillmentErrorCode<'tcx>>,
931impl<'tcx> FromSolverError<'tcx, OldSolverError<'tcx>> for FulfillmentError<'tcx> {
932    fn from_solver_error(_infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>, error: OldSolverError<'tcx>) -> Self {
933        let mut iter = error.0.backtrace.into_iter();
934        let obligation =;
935        // The root obligation is the last item in the backtrace - if there's only
936        // one item, then it's the same as the main obligation
937        let root_obligation = iter.next_back().map_or_else(|| obligation.clone(), |e| e.obligation);
938        FulfillmentError::new(obligation, error.0.error, root_obligation)
939    }
942impl<'tcx> FromSolverError<'tcx, OldSolverError<'tcx>> for ScrubbedTraitError<'tcx> {
943    fn from_solver_error(_infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>, error: OldSolverError<'tcx>) -> Self {
944        match error.0.error {
945            FulfillmentErrorCode::Select(_)
946            | FulfillmentErrorCode::Project(_)
947            | FulfillmentErrorCode::Subtype(_, _)
948            | FulfillmentErrorCode::ConstEquate(_, _) => ScrubbedTraitError::TrueError,
949            FulfillmentErrorCode::Ambiguity { overflow: _ } => ScrubbedTraitError::Ambiguity,
950            FulfillmentErrorCode::Cycle(cycle) => ScrubbedTraitError::Cycle(cycle),
951        }
952    }