1//! Access to a regstiry on the local filesystem. See [`LocalRegistry`] for more.
3use crate::core::PackageId;
4use crate::sources::registry::{LoadResponse, MaybeLock, RegistryConfig, RegistryData};
5use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
6use crate::util::{Filesystem, GlobalContext};
7use cargo_util::{paths, Sha256};
8use std::fs::File;
9use std::io::SeekFrom;
10use std::io::{self, prelude::*};
11use std::path::Path;
12use std::task::Poll;
14/// A local registry is a registry that lives on the filesystem as a set of
15/// `.crate` files with an `index` directory in the [same format] as a remote
16/// registry.
18/// This type is primarily accessed through the [`RegistryData`] trait.
20/// When a local registry is requested for a package, it simply looks into what
21/// its index has under the `index` directory. When [`LocalRegistry::download`]
22/// is called, a local registry verifies the checksum of the requested `.crate`
23/// tarball and then unpacks it to `$CARGO_HOME/.registry/src`.
25/// > Note that there is a third-party subcommand [`cargo-local-registry`],
26/// > which happened to be developed by a former Cargo team member when local
27/// > registry was introduced. The tool is to ease the burden of maintaining
28/// > local registries. However, in general the Cargo team avoids recommending
29/// > any specific third-party crate. Just FYI.
31/// [same format]: super#the-format-of-the-index
32/// [`cargo-local-registry`]:
34/// # Filesystem hierarchy
36/// Here is an example layout of a local registry on a local filesystem:
38/// ```text
39/// [registry root]/
40/// ├── index/ # registry index
41/// │ ├── an/
42/// │ │ └── yh/
43/// │ │ └── anyhow
44/// │ ├── ru/
45/// │ │ └── st/
46/// │ │ ├── rustls
47/// │ │ └── rustls-ffi
48/// │ └── se/
49/// │ └── mv/
50/// │ └── semver
51/// ├── anyhow-1.0.71.crate # pre-downloaded crate tarballs
52/// ├── rustls-0.20.8.crate
53/// ├── rustls-ffi-0.8.2.crate
54/// └── semver-1.0.17.crate
55/// ```
57/// For general concepts of registries, see the [module-level documentation](crate::sources::registry).
58pub struct LocalRegistry<'gctx> {
59 /// Path to the registry index.
60 index_path: Filesystem,
61 /// Root path of this local registry.
62 root: Filesystem,
63 /// Path where this local registry extract `.crate` tarballs to.
64 src_path: Filesystem,
65 gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext,
66 /// Whether this source has updated all package information it may contain.
67 updated: bool,
68 /// Disables status messages.
69 quiet: bool,
72impl<'gctx> LocalRegistry<'gctx> {
73 /// Creates a local registry at `root`.
74 ///
75 /// * `name` --- Name of a path segment where `.crate` tarballs are stored.
76 /// Expect to be unique.
77 pub fn new(root: &Path, gctx: &'gctx GlobalContext, name: &str) -> LocalRegistry<'gctx> {
78 LocalRegistry {
79 src_path: gctx.registry_source_path().join(name),
80 index_path: Filesystem::new(root.join("index")),
81 root: Filesystem::new(root.to_path_buf()),
82 gctx,
83 updated: false,
84 quiet: false,
85 }
86 }
89impl<'gctx> RegistryData for LocalRegistry<'gctx> {
90 fn prepare(&self) -> CargoResult<()> {
91 Ok(())
92 }
94 fn index_path(&self) -> &Filesystem {
95 &self.index_path
96 }
98 fn assert_index_locked<'a>(&self, path: &'a Filesystem) -> &'a Path {
99 // Note that the `*_unlocked` variant is used here since we're not
100 // modifying the index and it's required to be externally synchronized.
101 path.as_path_unlocked()
102 }
104 fn load(
105 &mut self,
106 root: &Path,
107 path: &Path,
108 _index_version: Option<&str>,
109 ) -> Poll<CargoResult<LoadResponse>> {
110 if self.updated {
111 let raw_data = match paths::read_bytes(&root.join(path)) {
112 Err(e)
113 if e.downcast_ref::<io::Error>()
114 .map_or(false, |ioe| ioe.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound) =>
115 {
116 return Poll::Ready(Ok(LoadResponse::NotFound));
117 }
118 r => r,
119 }?;
120 Poll::Ready(Ok(LoadResponse::Data {
121 raw_data,
122 index_version: None,
123 }))
124 } else {
125 Poll::Pending
126 }
127 }
129 fn config(&mut self) -> Poll<CargoResult<Option<RegistryConfig>>> {
130 // Local registries don't have configuration for remote APIs or anything
131 // like that
132 Poll::Ready(Ok(None))
133 }
135 fn block_until_ready(&mut self) -> CargoResult<()> {
136 if self.updated {
137 return Ok(());
138 }
139 // Nothing to update, we just use what's on disk. Verify it actually
140 // exists though. We don't use any locks as we're just checking whether
141 // these directories exist.
142 let root = self.root.clone().into_path_unlocked();
143 if !root.is_dir() {
144 anyhow::bail!("local registry path is not a directory: {}", root.display());
145 }
146 let index_path = self.index_path.clone().into_path_unlocked();
147 if !index_path.is_dir() {
148 anyhow::bail!(
149 "local registry index path is not a directory: {}",
150 index_path.display()
151 );
152 }
153 self.updated = true;
154 Ok(())
155 }
157 fn invalidate_cache(&mut self) {
158 // Local registry has no cache - just reads from disk.
159 }
161 fn set_quiet(&mut self, _quiet: bool) {
162 self.quiet = true;
163 }
165 fn is_updated(&self) -> bool {
166 self.updated
167 }
169 fn download(&mut self, pkg: PackageId, checksum: &str) -> CargoResult<MaybeLock> {
170 // Note that the usage of `into_path_unlocked` here is because the local
171 // crate files here never change in that we're not the one writing them,
172 // so it's not our responsibility to synchronize access to them.
173 let path = self.root.join(&pkg.tarball_name()).into_path_unlocked();
174 let mut crate_file = paths::open(&path)?;
176 // If we've already got an unpacked version of this crate, then skip the
177 // checksum below as it is in theory already verified.
178 let dst = path.file_stem().unwrap();
179 if self.src_path.join(dst).into_path_unlocked().exists() {
180 return Ok(MaybeLock::Ready(crate_file));
181 }
183 if !self.quiet {
184"Unpacking", pkg)?;
185 }
187 // We don't actually need to download anything per-se, we just need to
188 // verify the checksum matches the .crate file itself.
189 let actual = Sha256::new().update_file(&crate_file)?.finish_hex();
190 if actual != checksum {
191 anyhow::bail!("failed to verify the checksum of `{}`", pkg)
192 }
196 Ok(MaybeLock::Ready(crate_file))
197 }
199 fn finish_download(
200 &mut self,
201 _pkg: PackageId,
202 _checksum: &str,
203 _data: &[u8],
204 ) -> CargoResult<File> {
205 panic!("this source doesn't download")
206 }