
1// ignore-tidy-filelength
3use core::mem;
4use core::ops::{Bound, ControlFlow};
6use ast::mut_visit::{self, MutVisitor};
7use ast::token::IdentIsRaw;
8use ast::{CoroutineKind, ForLoopKind, GenBlockKind, MatchKind, Pat, Path, PathSegment, Recovered};
9use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
10use rustc_ast::token::{self, Delimiter, Token, TokenKind};
11use rustc_ast::tokenstream::TokenTree;
12use rustc_ast::util::case::Case;
13use rustc_ast::util::classify;
14use rustc_ast::util::parser::{AssocOp, ExprPrecedence, Fixity, prec_let_scrutinee_needs_par};
15use rustc_ast::visit::{Visitor, walk_expr};
16use rustc_ast::{
17    self as ast, AnonConst, Arm, AttrStyle, AttrVec, BinOp, BinOpKind, BlockCheckMode, CaptureBy,
18    ClosureBinder, DUMMY_NODE_ID, Expr, ExprField, ExprKind, FnDecl, FnRetTy, Label, MacCall,
19    MetaItemLit, Movability, Param, RangeLimits, StmtKind, Ty, TyKind, UnOp, UnsafeBinderCastKind,
21use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
22use rustc_data_structures::stack::ensure_sufficient_stack;
23use rustc_errors::{Applicability, Diag, PResult, StashKey, Subdiagnostic};
24use rustc_lexer::unescape::unescape_char;
25use rustc_macros::Subdiagnostic;
26use rustc_session::errors::{ExprParenthesesNeeded, report_lit_error};
27use rustc_session::lint::BuiltinLintDiag;
28use rustc_session::lint::builtin::BREAK_WITH_LABEL_AND_LOOP;
29use rustc_span::source_map::{self, Spanned};
30use rustc_span::{BytePos, ErrorGuaranteed, Ident, Pos, Span, Symbol, kw, sym};
31use thin_vec::{ThinVec, thin_vec};
32use tracing::instrument;
34use super::diagnostics::SnapshotParser;
35use super::pat::{CommaRecoveryMode, Expected, RecoverColon, RecoverComma};
36use super::ty::{AllowPlus, RecoverQPath, RecoverReturnSign};
37use super::{
38    AttrWrapper, BlockMode, ClosureSpans, ExpTokenPair, ForceCollect, Parser, PathStyle,
39    Restrictions, SemiColonMode, SeqSep, TokenType, Trailing, UsePreAttrPos,
41use crate::{errors, exp, maybe_recover_from_interpolated_ty_qpath};
44pub(super) enum DestructuredFloat {
45    /// 1e2
46    Single(Symbol, Span),
47    /// 1.
48    TrailingDot(Symbol, Span, Span),
49    /// 1.2 | 1.2e3
50    MiddleDot(Symbol, Span, Span, Symbol, Span),
51    /// Invalid
52    Error,
55impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
56    /// Parses an expression.
57    #[inline]
58    pub fn parse_expr(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
59        self.current_closure.take();
61        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
62        self.parse_expr_res(Restrictions::empty(), attrs).map(|res| res.0)
63    }
65    /// Parses an expression, forcing tokens to be collected.
66    pub fn parse_expr_force_collect(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
67        self.current_closure.take();
69        // If the expression is associative (e.g. `1 + 2`), then any preceding
70        // outer attribute actually belongs to the first inner sub-expression.
71        // In which case we must use the pre-attr pos to include the attribute
72        // in the collected tokens for the outer expression.
73        let pre_attr_pos = self.collect_pos();
74        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
75        self.collect_tokens(
76            Some(pre_attr_pos),
77            AttrWrapper::empty(),
78            ForceCollect::Yes,
79            |this, _empty_attrs| {
80                let (expr, is_assoc) = this.parse_expr_res(Restrictions::empty(), attrs)?;
81                let use_pre_attr_pos =
82                    if is_assoc { UsePreAttrPos::Yes } else { UsePreAttrPos::No };
83                Ok((expr, Trailing::No, use_pre_attr_pos))
84            },
85        )
86    }
88    pub fn parse_expr_anon_const(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, AnonConst> {
89        self.parse_expr().map(|value| AnonConst { id: DUMMY_NODE_ID, value })
90    }
92    fn parse_expr_catch_underscore(&mut self, restrictions: Restrictions) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
93        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
94        match self.parse_expr_res(restrictions, attrs) {
95            Ok((expr, _)) => Ok(expr),
96            Err(err) => match self.token.ident() {
97                Some((Ident { name: kw::Underscore, .. }, IdentIsRaw::No))
98                    if self.may_recover() && self.look_ahead(1, |t| t == &token::Comma) =>
99                {
100                    // Special-case handling of `foo(_, _, _)`
101                    let guar = err.emit();
102                    self.bump();
103                    Ok(self.mk_expr(self.prev_token.span, ExprKind::Err(guar)))
104                }
105                _ => Err(err),
106            },
107        }
108    }
110    /// Parses a sequence of expressions delimited by parentheses.
111    fn parse_expr_paren_seq(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, ThinVec<P<Expr>>> {
112        self.parse_paren_comma_seq(|p| p.parse_expr_catch_underscore(Restrictions::empty()))
113            .map(|(r, _)| r)
114    }
116    /// Parses an expression, subject to the given restrictions.
117    #[inline]
118    pub(super) fn parse_expr_res(
119        &mut self,
120        r: Restrictions,
121        attrs: AttrWrapper,
122    ) -> PResult<'a, (P<Expr>, bool)> {
123        self.with_res(r, |this| this.parse_expr_assoc_with(Bound::Unbounded, attrs))
124    }
126    /// Parses an associative expression with operators of at least `min_prec` precedence.
127    /// The `bool` in the return value indicates if it was an assoc expr, i.e. with an operator
128    /// followed by a subexpression (e.g. `1 + 2`).
129    pub(super) fn parse_expr_assoc_with(
130        &mut self,
131        min_prec: Bound<ExprPrecedence>,
132        attrs: AttrWrapper,
133    ) -> PResult<'a, (P<Expr>, bool)> {
134        let lhs = if self.token.is_range_separator() {
135            return self.parse_expr_prefix_range(attrs).map(|res| (res, false));
136        } else {
137            self.parse_expr_prefix(attrs)?
138        };
139        self.parse_expr_assoc_rest_with(min_prec, false, lhs)
140    }
142    /// Parses the rest of an associative expression (i.e. the part after the lhs) with operators
143    /// of at least `min_prec` precedence. The `bool` in the return value indicates if something
144    /// was actually parsed.
145    pub(super) fn parse_expr_assoc_rest_with(
146        &mut self,
147        min_prec: Bound<ExprPrecedence>,
148        starts_stmt: bool,
149        mut lhs: P<Expr>,
150    ) -> PResult<'a, (P<Expr>, bool)> {
151        let mut parsed_something = false;
152        if !self.should_continue_as_assoc_expr(&lhs) {
153            return Ok((lhs, parsed_something));
154        }
156        self.expected_token_types.insert(TokenType::Operator);
157        while let Some(op) = self.check_assoc_op() {
158            let lhs_span = self.interpolated_or_expr_span(&lhs);
159            let cur_op_span = self.token.span;
160            let restrictions = if op.node.is_assign_like() {
161                self.restrictions & Restrictions::NO_STRUCT_LITERAL
162            } else {
163                self.restrictions
164            };
165            let prec = op.node.precedence();
166            if match min_prec {
167                Bound::Included(min_prec) => prec < min_prec,
168                Bound::Excluded(min_prec) => prec <= min_prec,
169                Bound::Unbounded => false,
170            } {
171                break;
172            }
173            // Check for deprecated `...` syntax
174            if self.token == token::DotDotDot && op.node == AssocOp::DotDotEq {
175                self.err_dotdotdot_syntax(self.token.span);
176            }
178            if self.token == token::LArrow {
179                self.err_larrow_operator(self.token.span);
180            }
182            parsed_something = true;
183            self.bump();
184            if op.node.is_comparison() {
185                if let Some(expr) = self.check_no_chained_comparison(&lhs, &op)? {
186                    return Ok((expr, parsed_something));
187                }
188            }
190            // Look for JS' `===` and `!==` and recover
191            if (op.node == AssocOp::Equal || op.node == AssocOp::NotEqual)
192                && self.token == token::Eq
193                && self.prev_token.span.hi() == self.token.span.lo()
194            {
195                let sp =;
196                let sugg = match op.node {
197                    AssocOp::Equal => "==",
198                    AssocOp::NotEqual => "!=",
199                    _ => unreachable!(),
200                }
201                .into();
202                let invalid = format!("{sugg}=");
203                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidComparisonOperator {
204                    span: sp,
205                    invalid: invalid.clone(),
206                    sub: errors::InvalidComparisonOperatorSub::Correctable {
207                        span: sp,
208                        invalid,
209                        correct: sugg,
210                    },
211                });
212                self.bump();
213            }
215            // Look for PHP's `<>` and recover
216            if op.node == AssocOp::Less
217                && self.token == token::Gt
218                && self.prev_token.span.hi() == self.token.span.lo()
219            {
220                let sp =;
221                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidComparisonOperator {
222                    span: sp,
223                    invalid: "<>".into(),
224                    sub: errors::InvalidComparisonOperatorSub::Correctable {
225                        span: sp,
226                        invalid: "<>".into(),
227                        correct: "!=".into(),
228                    },
229                });
230                self.bump();
231            }
233            // Look for C++'s `<=>` and recover
234            if op.node == AssocOp::LessEqual
235                && self.token == token::Gt
236                && self.prev_token.span.hi() == self.token.span.lo()
237            {
238                let sp =;
239                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidComparisonOperator {
240                    span: sp,
241                    invalid: "<=>".into(),
242                    sub: errors::InvalidComparisonOperatorSub::Spaceship(sp),
243                });
244                self.bump();
245            }
247            if self.prev_token == token::BinOp(token::Plus)
248                && self.token == token::BinOp(token::Plus)
249                && self.prev_token.span.between(self.token.span).is_empty()
250            {
251                let op_span =;
252                // Eat the second `+`
253                self.bump();
254                lhs = self.recover_from_postfix_increment(lhs, op_span, starts_stmt)?;
255                continue;
256            }
258            if self.prev_token == token::BinOp(token::Minus)
259                && self.token == token::BinOp(token::Minus)
260                && self.prev_token.span.between(self.token.span).is_empty()
261                && !self.look_ahead(1, |tok| tok.can_begin_expr())
262            {
263                let op_span =;
264                // Eat the second `-`
265                self.bump();
266                lhs = self.recover_from_postfix_decrement(lhs, op_span, starts_stmt)?;
267                continue;
268            }
270            let op = op.node;
271            // Special cases:
272            if op == AssocOp::As {
273                lhs = self.parse_assoc_op_cast(lhs, lhs_span, ExprKind::Cast)?;
274                continue;
275            } else if op == AssocOp::DotDot || op == AssocOp::DotDotEq {
276                // If we didn't have to handle `x..`/`x..=`, it would be pretty easy to
277                // generalise it to the Fixity::None code.
278                lhs = self.parse_expr_range(prec, lhs, op, cur_op_span)?;
279                break;
280            }
282            let min_prec = match op.fixity() {
283                Fixity::Right => Bound::Included(prec),
284                Fixity::Left | Fixity::None => Bound::Excluded(prec),
285            };
286            let (rhs, _) = self.with_res(restrictions - Restrictions::STMT_EXPR, |this| {
287                let attrs = this.parse_outer_attributes()?;
288                this.parse_expr_assoc_with(min_prec, attrs)
289            })?;
291            let span = self.mk_expr_sp(&lhs, lhs_span, rhs.span);
292            lhs = match op {
293                AssocOp::Add
294                | AssocOp::Subtract
295                | AssocOp::Multiply
296                | AssocOp::Divide
297                | AssocOp::Modulus
298                | AssocOp::LAnd
299                | AssocOp::LOr
300                | AssocOp::BitXor
301                | AssocOp::BitAnd
302                | AssocOp::BitOr
303                | AssocOp::ShiftLeft
304                | AssocOp::ShiftRight
305                | AssocOp::Equal
306                | AssocOp::Less
307                | AssocOp::LessEqual
308                | AssocOp::NotEqual
309                | AssocOp::Greater
310                | AssocOp::GreaterEqual => {
311                    let ast_op = op.to_ast_binop().unwrap();
312                    let binary = self.mk_binary(source_map::respan(cur_op_span, ast_op), lhs, rhs);
313                    self.mk_expr(span, binary)
314                }
315                AssocOp::Assign => self.mk_expr(span, ExprKind::Assign(lhs, rhs, cur_op_span)),
316                AssocOp::AssignOp(k) => {
317                    let aop = match k {
318                        token::Plus => BinOpKind::Add,
319                        token::Minus => BinOpKind::Sub,
320                        token::Star => BinOpKind::Mul,
321                        token::Slash => BinOpKind::Div,
322                        token::Percent => BinOpKind::Rem,
323                        token::Caret => BinOpKind::BitXor,
324                        token::And => BinOpKind::BitAnd,
325                        token::Or => BinOpKind::BitOr,
326                        token::Shl => BinOpKind::Shl,
327                        token::Shr => BinOpKind::Shr,
328                    };
329                    let aopexpr = self.mk_assign_op(source_map::respan(cur_op_span, aop), lhs, rhs);
330                    self.mk_expr(span, aopexpr)
331                }
332                AssocOp::As | AssocOp::DotDot | AssocOp::DotDotEq => {
333                    self.dcx().span_bug(span, "AssocOp should have been handled by special case")
334                }
335            };
336        }
338        Ok((lhs, parsed_something))
339    }
341    fn should_continue_as_assoc_expr(&mut self, lhs: &Expr) -> bool {
342        match (self.expr_is_complete(lhs), AssocOp::from_token(&self.token)) {
343            // Semi-statement forms are odd:
344            // See
345            (true, None) => false,
346            (false, _) => true, // Continue parsing the expression.
347            // An exhaustive check is done in the following block, but these are checked first
348            // because they *are* ambiguous but also reasonable looking incorrect syntax, so we
349            // want to keep their span info to improve diagnostics in these cases in a later stage.
350            (true, Some(AssocOp::Multiply)) | // `{ 42 } *foo = bar;` or `{ 42 } * 3`
351            (true, Some(AssocOp::Subtract)) | // `{ 42 } -5`
352            (true, Some(AssocOp::Add)) | // `{ 42 } + 42` (unary plus)
353            (true, Some(AssocOp::LAnd)) | // `{ 42 } &&x` (#61475) or `{ 42 } && if x { 1 } else { 0 }`
354            (true, Some(AssocOp::LOr)) | // `{ 42 } || 42` ("logical or" or closure)
355            (true, Some(AssocOp::BitOr)) // `{ 42 } | 42` or `{ 42 } |x| 42`
356            => {
357                // These cases are ambiguous and can't be identified in the parser alone.
358                //
359                // Bitwise AND is left out because guessing intent is hard. We can make
360                // suggestions based on the assumption that double-refs are rarely intentional,
361                // and closures are distinct enough that they don't get mixed up with their
362                // return value.
363                let sp = self.psess.source_map().start_point(self.token.span);
364                self.psess.ambiguous_block_expr_parse.borrow_mut().insert(sp, lhs.span);
365                false
366            }
367            (true, Some(op)) if !op.can_continue_expr_unambiguously() => false,
368            (true, Some(_)) => {
369                self.error_found_expr_would_be_stmt(lhs);
370                true
371            }
372        }
373    }
375    /// We've found an expression that would be parsed as a statement,
376    /// but the next token implies this should be parsed as an expression.
377    /// For example: `if let Some(x) = x { x } else { 0 } / 2`.
378    fn error_found_expr_would_be_stmt(&self, lhs: &Expr) {
379        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::FoundExprWouldBeStmt {
380            span: self.token.span,
381            token: self.token.clone(),
382            suggestion: ExprParenthesesNeeded::surrounding(lhs.span),
383        });
384    }
386    /// Possibly translate the current token to an associative operator.
387    /// The method does not advance the current token.
388    ///
389    /// Also performs recovery for `and` / `or` which are mistaken for `&&` and `||` respectively.
390    pub(super) fn check_assoc_op(&self) -> Option<Spanned<AssocOp>> {
391        let (op, span) = match (AssocOp::from_token(&self.token), self.token.ident()) {
392            // When parsing const expressions, stop parsing when encountering `>`.
393            (
394                Some(
395                    AssocOp::ShiftRight
396                    | AssocOp::Greater
397                    | AssocOp::GreaterEqual
398                    | AssocOp::AssignOp(token::BinOpToken::Shr),
399                ),
400                _,
401            ) if self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::CONST_EXPR) => {
402                return None;
403            }
404            // When recovering patterns as expressions, stop parsing when encountering an assignment `=`, an alternative `|`, or a range `..`.
405            (
406                Some(
407                    AssocOp::Assign
408                    | AssocOp::AssignOp(_)
409                    | AssocOp::BitOr
410                    | AssocOp::DotDot
411                    | AssocOp::DotDotEq,
412                ),
413                _,
414            ) if self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::IS_PAT) => {
415                return None;
416            }
417            (Some(op), _) => (op, self.token.span),
418            (None, Some((Ident { name: sym::and, span }, IdentIsRaw::No)))
419                if self.may_recover() =>
420            {
421                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidLogicalOperator {
422                    span: self.token.span,
423                    incorrect: "and".into(),
424                    sub: errors::InvalidLogicalOperatorSub::Conjunction(self.token.span),
425                });
426                (AssocOp::LAnd, span)
427            }
428            (None, Some((Ident { name: sym::or, span }, IdentIsRaw::No))) if self.may_recover() => {
429                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidLogicalOperator {
430                    span: self.token.span,
431                    incorrect: "or".into(),
432                    sub: errors::InvalidLogicalOperatorSub::Disjunction(self.token.span),
433                });
434                (AssocOp::LOr, span)
435            }
436            _ => return None,
437        };
438        Some(source_map::respan(span, op))
439    }
441    /// Checks if this expression is a successfully parsed statement.
442    fn expr_is_complete(&self, e: &Expr) -> bool {
443        self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::STMT_EXPR) && classify::expr_is_complete(e)
444    }
446    /// Parses `x..y`, `x..=y`, and `x..`/`x..=`.
447    /// The other two variants are handled in `parse_prefix_range_expr` below.
448    fn parse_expr_range(
449        &mut self,
450        prec: ExprPrecedence,
451        lhs: P<Expr>,
452        op: AssocOp,
453        cur_op_span: Span,
454    ) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
455        let rhs = if self.is_at_start_of_range_notation_rhs() {
456            let maybe_lt = self.token.clone();
457            let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
458            Some(
459                self.parse_expr_assoc_with(Bound::Excluded(prec), attrs)
460                    .map_err(|err| self.maybe_err_dotdotlt_syntax(maybe_lt, err))?
461                    .0,
462            )
463        } else {
464            None
465        };
466        let rhs_span = rhs.as_ref().map_or(cur_op_span, |x| x.span);
467        let span = self.mk_expr_sp(&lhs, lhs.span, rhs_span);
468        let limits =
469            if op == AssocOp::DotDot { RangeLimits::HalfOpen } else { RangeLimits::Closed };
470        let range = self.mk_range(Some(lhs), rhs, limits);
471        Ok(self.mk_expr(span, range))
472    }
474    fn is_at_start_of_range_notation_rhs(&self) -> bool {
475        if self.token.can_begin_expr() {
476            // Parse `for i in 1.. { }` as infinite loop, not as `for i in (1..{})`.
477            if self.token == token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace) {
478                return !self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::NO_STRUCT_LITERAL);
479            }
480            true
481        } else {
482            false
483        }
484    }
486    /// Parses prefix-forms of range notation: `..expr`, `..`, `..=expr`.
487    fn parse_expr_prefix_range(&mut self, attrs: AttrWrapper) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
488        if !attrs.is_empty() {
489            let err = errors::DotDotRangeAttribute { span: self.token.span };
490            self.dcx().emit_err(err);
491        }
493        // Check for deprecated `...` syntax.
494        if self.token == token::DotDotDot {
495            self.err_dotdotdot_syntax(self.token.span);
496        }
498        debug_assert!(
499            self.token.is_range_separator(),
500            "parse_prefix_range_expr: token {:?} is not DotDot/DotDotEq",
501            self.token
502        );
504        let limits = match self.token.kind {
505            token::DotDot => RangeLimits::HalfOpen,
506            _ => RangeLimits::Closed,
507        };
508        let op = AssocOp::from_token(&self.token);
509        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
510        self.collect_tokens_for_expr(attrs, |this, attrs| {
511            let lo = this.token.span;
512            let maybe_lt = this.look_ahead(1, |t| t.clone());
513            this.bump();
514            let (span, opt_end) = if this.is_at_start_of_range_notation_rhs() {
515                // RHS must be parsed with more associativity than the dots.
516                let attrs = this.parse_outer_attributes()?;
517                this.parse_expr_assoc_with(Bound::Excluded(op.unwrap().precedence()), attrs)
518                    .map(|(x, _)| (, Some(x)))
519                    .map_err(|err| this.maybe_err_dotdotlt_syntax(maybe_lt, err))?
520            } else {
521                (lo, None)
522            };
523            let range = this.mk_range(None, opt_end, limits);
524            Ok(this.mk_expr_with_attrs(span, range, attrs))
525        })
526    }
528    /// Parses a prefix-unary-operator expr.
529    fn parse_expr_prefix(&mut self, attrs: AttrWrapper) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
530        let lo = self.token.span;
532        macro_rules! make_it {
533            ($this:ident, $attrs:expr, |this, _| $body:expr) => {
534                $this.collect_tokens_for_expr($attrs, |$this, attrs| {
535                    let (hi, ex) = $body?;
536                    Ok($this.mk_expr_with_attrs(, ex, attrs))
537                })
538            };
539        }
541        let this = self;
543        // Note: when adding new unary operators, don't forget to adjust TokenKind::can_begin_expr()
544        match this.token.uninterpolate().kind {
545            // `!expr`
546            token::Not => make_it!(this, attrs, |this, _| this.parse_expr_unary(lo, UnOp::Not)),
547            // `~expr`
548            token::Tilde => make_it!(this, attrs, |this, _| this.recover_tilde_expr(lo)),
549            // `-expr`
550            token::BinOp(token::Minus) => {
551                make_it!(this, attrs, |this, _| this.parse_expr_unary(lo, UnOp::Neg))
552            }
553            // `*expr`
554            token::BinOp(token::Star) => {
555                make_it!(this, attrs, |this, _| this.parse_expr_unary(lo, UnOp::Deref))
556            }
557            // `&expr` and `&&expr`
558            token::BinOp(token::And) | token::AndAnd => {
559                make_it!(this, attrs, |this, _| this.parse_expr_borrow(lo))
560            }
561            // `+lit`
562            token::BinOp(token::Plus) if this.look_ahead(1, |tok| tok.is_numeric_lit()) => {
563                let mut err = errors::LeadingPlusNotSupported {
564                    span: lo,
565                    remove_plus: None,
566                    add_parentheses: None,
567                };
569                // a block on the LHS might have been intended to be an expression instead
570                if let Some(sp) = this.psess.ambiguous_block_expr_parse.borrow().get(&lo) {
571                    err.add_parentheses = Some(ExprParenthesesNeeded::surrounding(*sp));
572                } else {
573                    err.remove_plus = Some(lo);
574                }
575                this.dcx().emit_err(err);
577                this.bump();
578                let attrs = this.parse_outer_attributes()?;
579                this.parse_expr_prefix(attrs)
580            }
581            // Recover from `++x`:
582            token::BinOp(token::Plus)
583                if this.look_ahead(1, |t| *t == token::BinOp(token::Plus)) =>
584            {
585                let starts_stmt = this.prev_token == token::Semi
586                    || this.prev_token == token::CloseDelim(Delimiter::Brace);
587                let pre_span =, |t| t.span));
588                // Eat both `+`s.
589                this.bump();
590                this.bump();
592                let operand_expr = this.parse_expr_dot_or_call(attrs)?;
593                this.recover_from_prefix_increment(operand_expr, pre_span, starts_stmt)
594            }
595            token::Ident(..) if this.token.is_keyword(kw::Box) => {
596                make_it!(this, attrs, |this, _| this.parse_expr_box(lo))
597            }
598            token::Ident(..) if this.may_recover() && this.is_mistaken_not_ident_negation() => {
599                make_it!(this, attrs, |this, _| this.recover_not_expr(lo))
600            }
601            _ => return this.parse_expr_dot_or_call(attrs),
602        }
603    }
605    fn parse_expr_prefix_common(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, (Span, P<Expr>)> {
606        self.bump();
607        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
608        let expr = self.parse_expr_prefix(attrs)?;
609        let span = self.interpolated_or_expr_span(&expr);
610        Ok((, expr))
611    }
613    fn parse_expr_unary(&mut self, lo: Span, op: UnOp) -> PResult<'a, (Span, ExprKind)> {
614        let (span, expr) = self.parse_expr_prefix_common(lo)?;
615        Ok((span, self.mk_unary(op, expr)))
616    }
618    /// Recover on `~expr` in favor of `!expr`.
619    fn recover_tilde_expr(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, (Span, ExprKind)> {
620        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::TildeAsUnaryOperator(lo));
622        self.parse_expr_unary(lo, UnOp::Not)
623    }
625    /// Parse `box expr` - this syntax has been removed, but we still parse this
626    /// for now to provide a more useful error
627    fn parse_expr_box(&mut self, box_kw: Span) -> PResult<'a, (Span, ExprKind)> {
628        let (span, expr) = self.parse_expr_prefix_common(box_kw)?;
629        // Make a multipart suggestion instead of `span_to_snippet` in case source isn't available
630        let box_kw_and_lo = box_kw.until(self.interpolated_or_expr_span(&expr));
631        let hi = span.shrink_to_hi();
632        let sugg = errors::AddBoxNew { box_kw_and_lo, hi };
633        let guar = self.dcx().emit_err(errors::BoxSyntaxRemoved { span, sugg });
634        Ok((span, ExprKind::Err(guar)))
635    }
637    fn is_mistaken_not_ident_negation(&self) -> bool {
638        let token_cannot_continue_expr = |t: &Token| match t.uninterpolate().kind {
639            // These tokens can start an expression after `!`, but
640            // can't continue an expression after an ident
641            token::Ident(name, is_raw) => token::ident_can_begin_expr(name, t.span, is_raw),
642            token::Literal(..) | token::Pound => true,
643            _ => t.is_whole_expr(),
644        };
645        self.token.is_ident_named(sym::not) && self.look_ahead(1, token_cannot_continue_expr)
646    }
648    /// Recover on `not expr` in favor of `!expr`.
649    fn recover_not_expr(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, (Span, ExprKind)> {
650        let negated_token = self.look_ahead(1, |t| t.clone());
652        let sub_diag = if negated_token.is_numeric_lit() {
653            errors::NotAsNegationOperatorSub::SuggestNotBitwise
654        } else if negated_token.is_bool_lit() {
655            errors::NotAsNegationOperatorSub::SuggestNotLogical
656        } else {
657            errors::NotAsNegationOperatorSub::SuggestNotDefault
658        };
660        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::NotAsNegationOperator {
661            negated: negated_token.span,
662            negated_desc: super::token_descr(&negated_token),
663            // Span the `not` plus trailing whitespace to avoid
664            // trailing whitespace after the `!` in our suggestion
665            sub: sub_diag(
666                self.psess.source_map().span_until_non_whitespace(,
667            ),
668        });
670        self.parse_expr_unary(lo, UnOp::Not)
671    }
673    /// Returns the span of expr if it was not interpolated, or the span of the interpolated token.
674    fn interpolated_or_expr_span(&self, expr: &Expr) -> Span {
675        match self.prev_token.kind {
676            TokenKind::NtIdent(..) | TokenKind::NtLifetime(..) | TokenKind::Interpolated(..) => {
677                self.prev_token.span
678            }
679            _ => expr.span,
680        }
681    }
683    fn parse_assoc_op_cast(
684        &mut self,
685        lhs: P<Expr>,
686        lhs_span: Span,
687        expr_kind: fn(P<Expr>, P<Ty>) -> ExprKind,
688    ) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
689        let mk_expr = |this: &mut Self, lhs: P<Expr>, rhs: P<Ty>| {
690            this.mk_expr(this.mk_expr_sp(&lhs, lhs_span, rhs.span), expr_kind(lhs, rhs))
691        };
693        // Save the state of the parser before parsing type normally, in case there is a
694        // LessThan comparison after this cast.
695        let parser_snapshot_before_type = self.clone();
696        let cast_expr = match self.parse_as_cast_ty() {
697            Ok(rhs) => mk_expr(self, lhs, rhs),
698            Err(type_err) => {
699                if !self.may_recover() {
700                    return Err(type_err);
701                }
703                // Rewind to before attempting to parse the type with generics, to recover
704                // from situations like `x as usize < y` in which we first tried to parse
705                // `usize < y` as a type with generic arguments.
706                let parser_snapshot_after_type = mem::replace(self, parser_snapshot_before_type);
708                // Check for typo of `'a: loop { break 'a }` with a missing `'`.
709                match (&lhs.kind, &self.token.kind) {
710                    (
711                        // `foo: `
712                        ExprKind::Path(None, ast::Path { segments, .. }),
713                        token::Ident(kw::For | kw::Loop | kw::While, IdentIsRaw::No),
714                    ) if let [segment] = segments.as_slice() => {
715                        let snapshot = self.create_snapshot_for_diagnostic();
716                        let label = Label {
717                            ident: Ident::from_str_and_span(
718                                &format!("'{}", segment.ident),
719                                segment.ident.span,
720                            ),
721                        };
722                        match self.parse_expr_labeled(label, false) {
723                            Ok(expr) => {
724                                type_err.cancel();
725                                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::MalformedLoopLabel {
726                                    span: label.ident.span,
727                                    suggestion: label.ident.span.shrink_to_lo(),
728                                });
729                                return Ok(expr);
730                            }
731                            Err(err) => {
732                                err.cancel();
733                                self.restore_snapshot(snapshot);
734                            }
735                        }
736                    }
737                    _ => {}
738                }
740                match self.parse_path(PathStyle::Expr) {
741                    Ok(path) => {
742                        let span_after_type = parser_snapshot_after_type.token.span;
743                        let expr = mk_expr(
744                            self,
745                            lhs,
746                            self.mk_ty(path.span, TyKind::Path(None, path.clone())),
747                        );
749                        let args_span = self.look_ahead(1, |t| t.span).to(span_after_type);
750                        let suggestion = errors::ComparisonOrShiftInterpretedAsGenericSugg {
751                            left: expr.span.shrink_to_lo(),
752                            right: expr.span.shrink_to_hi(),
753                        };
755                        match self.token.kind {
756                            token::Lt => {
757                                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::ComparisonInterpretedAsGeneric {
758                                    comparison: self.token.span,
759                                    r#type: path,
760                                    args: args_span,
761                                    suggestion,
762                                })
763                            }
764                            token::BinOp(token::Shl) => {
765                                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::ShiftInterpretedAsGeneric {
766                                    shift: self.token.span,
767                                    r#type: path,
768                                    args: args_span,
769                                    suggestion,
770                                })
771                            }
772                            _ => {
773                                // We can end up here even without `<` being the next token, for
774                                // example because `parse_ty_no_plus` returns `Err` on keywords,
775                                // but `parse_path` returns `Ok` on them due to error recovery.
776                                // Return original error and parser state.
777                                *self = parser_snapshot_after_type;
778                                return Err(type_err);
779                            }
780                        };
782                        // Successfully parsed the type path leaving a `<` yet to parse.
783                        type_err.cancel();
785                        // Keep `x as usize` as an expression in AST and continue parsing.
786                        expr
787                    }
788                    Err(path_err) => {
789                        // Couldn't parse as a path, return original error and parser state.
790                        path_err.cancel();
791                        *self = parser_snapshot_after_type;
792                        return Err(type_err);
793                    }
794                }
795            }
796        };
798        // Try to parse a postfix operator such as `.`, `?`, or index (`[]`)
799        // after a cast. If one is present, emit an error then return a valid
800        // parse tree; For something like `&x as T[0]` will be as if it was
801        // written `((&x) as T)[0]`.
803        let span = cast_expr.span;
805        let with_postfix = self.parse_expr_dot_or_call_with(AttrVec::new(), cast_expr, span)?;
807        // Check if an illegal postfix operator has been added after the cast.
808        // If the resulting expression is not a cast, it is an illegal postfix operator.
809        if !matches!(with_postfix.kind, ExprKind::Cast(_, _)) {
810            let msg = format!(
811                "cast cannot be followed by {}",
812                match with_postfix.kind {
813                    ExprKind::Index(..) => "indexing",
814                    ExprKind::Try(_) => "`?`",
815                    ExprKind::Field(_, _) => "a field access",
816                    ExprKind::MethodCall(_) => "a method call",
817                    ExprKind::Call(_, _) => "a function call",
818                    ExprKind::Await(_, _) => "`.await`",
819                    ExprKind::Match(_, _, MatchKind::Postfix) => "a postfix match",
820                    ExprKind::Err(_) => return Ok(with_postfix),
821                    _ => unreachable!("parse_dot_or_call_expr_with_ shouldn't produce this"),
822                }
823            );
824            let mut err = self.dcx().struct_span_err(span, msg);
826            let suggest_parens = |err: &mut Diag<'_>| {
827                let suggestions = vec![
828                    (span.shrink_to_lo(), "(".to_string()),
829                    (span.shrink_to_hi(), ")".to_string()),
830                ];
831                err.multipart_suggestion(
832                    "try surrounding the expression in parentheses",
833                    suggestions,
834                    Applicability::MachineApplicable,
835                );
836            };
838            suggest_parens(&mut err);
840            err.emit();
841        };
842        Ok(with_postfix)
843    }
845    /// Parse `& mut? <expr>` or `& raw [ const | mut ] <expr>`.
846    fn parse_expr_borrow(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, (Span, ExprKind)> {
847        self.expect_and()?;
848        let has_lifetime = self.token.is_lifetime() && self.look_ahead(1, |t| t != &token::Colon);
849        let lifetime = has_lifetime.then(|| self.expect_lifetime()); // For recovery, see below.
850        let (borrow_kind, mutbl) = self.parse_borrow_modifiers();
851        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
852        let expr = if self.token.is_range_separator() {
853            self.parse_expr_prefix_range(attrs)
854        } else {
855            self.parse_expr_prefix(attrs)
856        }?;
857        let hi = self.interpolated_or_expr_span(&expr);
858        let span =;
859        if let Some(lt) = lifetime {
860            self.error_remove_borrow_lifetime(span, lt.ident.span.until(expr.span));
861        }
862        Ok((span, ExprKind::AddrOf(borrow_kind, mutbl, expr)))
863    }
865    fn error_remove_borrow_lifetime(&self, span: Span, lt_span: Span) {
866        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::LifetimeInBorrowExpression { span, lifetime_span: lt_span });
867    }
869    /// Parse `mut?` or `raw [ const | mut ]`.
870    fn parse_borrow_modifiers(&mut self) -> (ast::BorrowKind, ast::Mutability) {
871        if self.check_keyword(exp!(Raw)) && self.look_ahead(1, Token::is_mutability) {
872            // `raw [ const | mut ]`.
873            let found_raw = self.eat_keyword(exp!(Raw));
874            assert!(found_raw);
875            let mutability = self.parse_const_or_mut().unwrap();
876            (ast::BorrowKind::Raw, mutability)
877        } else {
878            // `mut?`
879            (ast::BorrowKind::Ref, self.parse_mutability())
880        }
881    }
883    /// Parses `a.b` or `a(13)` or `a[4]` or just `a`.
884    fn parse_expr_dot_or_call(&mut self, attrs: AttrWrapper) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
885        self.collect_tokens_for_expr(attrs, |this, attrs| {
886            let base = this.parse_expr_bottom()?;
887            let span = this.interpolated_or_expr_span(&base);
888            this.parse_expr_dot_or_call_with(attrs, base, span)
889        })
890    }
892    pub(super) fn parse_expr_dot_or_call_with(
893        &mut self,
894        mut attrs: ast::AttrVec,
895        mut e: P<Expr>,
896        lo: Span,
897    ) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
898        let mut res = ensure_sufficient_stack(|| {
899            loop {
900                let has_question =
901                    if self.prev_token == TokenKind::Ident(kw::Return, IdentIsRaw::No) {
902                        // We are using noexpect here because we don't expect a `?` directly after
903                        // a `return` which could be suggested otherwise.
904                        self.eat_noexpect(&token::Question)
905                    } else {
906              !(Question))
907                    };
908                if has_question {
909                    // `expr?`
910                    e = self.mk_expr(, ExprKind::Try(e));
911                    continue;
912                }
913                let has_dot = if self.prev_token == TokenKind::Ident(kw::Return, IdentIsRaw::No) {
914                    // We are using noexpect here because we don't expect a `.` directly after
915                    // a `return` which could be suggested otherwise.
916                    self.eat_noexpect(&token::Dot)
917                } else if self.token == TokenKind::RArrow && self.may_recover() {
918                    // Recovery for `expr->suffix`.
919                    self.bump();
920                    let span = self.prev_token.span;
921                    self.dcx().emit_err(errors::ExprRArrowCall { span });
922                    true
923                } else {
924          !(Dot))
925                };
926                if has_dot {
927                    // expr.f
928                    e = self.parse_dot_suffix_expr(lo, e)?;
929                    continue;
930                }
931                if self.expr_is_complete(&e) {
932                    return Ok(e);
933                }
934                e = match self.token.kind {
935                    token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Parenthesis) => self.parse_expr_fn_call(lo, e),
936                    token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Bracket) => self.parse_expr_index(lo, e)?,
937                    _ => return Ok(e),
938                }
939            }
940        });
942        // Stitch the list of outer attributes onto the return value. A little
943        // bit ugly, but the best way given the current code structure.
944        if !attrs.is_empty()
945            && let Ok(expr) = &mut res
946        {
947            mem::swap(&mut expr.attrs, &mut attrs);
948            expr.attrs.extend(attrs)
949        }
950        res
951    }
953    pub(super) fn parse_dot_suffix_expr(
954        &mut self,
955        lo: Span,
956        base: P<Expr>,
957    ) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
958        // At this point we've consumed something like `expr.` and `self.token` holds the token
959        // after the dot.
960        match self.token.uninterpolate().kind {
961            token::Ident(..) => self.parse_dot_suffix(base, lo),
962            token::Literal(token::Lit { kind: token::Integer, symbol, suffix }) => {
963                let ident_span = self.token.span;
964                self.bump();
965                Ok(self.mk_expr_tuple_field_access(lo, ident_span, base, symbol, suffix))
966            }
967            token::Literal(token::Lit { kind: token::Float, symbol, suffix }) => {
968                Ok(match self.break_up_float(symbol, self.token.span) {
969                    // 1e2
970                    DestructuredFloat::Single(sym, _sp) => {
971                        // `foo.1e2`: a single complete dot access, fully consumed. We end up with
972                        // the `1e2` token in `self.prev_token` and the following token in
973                        // `self.token`.
974                        let ident_span = self.token.span;
975                        self.bump();
976                        self.mk_expr_tuple_field_access(lo, ident_span, base, sym, suffix)
977                    }
978                    // 1.
979                    DestructuredFloat::TrailingDot(sym, ident_span, dot_span) => {
980                        // `foo.1.`: a single complete dot access and the start of another.
981                        // We end up with the `sym` (`1`) token in `self.prev_token` and a dot in
982                        // `self.token`.
983                        assert!(suffix.is_none());
984                        self.token = Token::new(token::Ident(sym, IdentIsRaw::No), ident_span);
985                        self.bump_with((Token::new(token::Dot, dot_span), self.token_spacing));
986                        self.mk_expr_tuple_field_access(lo, ident_span, base, sym, None)
987                    }
988                    // 1.2 | 1.2e3
989                    DestructuredFloat::MiddleDot(
990                        sym1,
991                        ident1_span,
992                        _dot_span,
993                        sym2,
994                        ident2_span,
995                    ) => {
996                        // `foo.1.2` (or `foo.1.2e3`): two complete dot accesses. We end up with
997                        // the `sym2` (`2` or `2e3`) token in `self.prev_token` and the following
998                        // token in `self.token`.
999                        let next_token2 =
1000                            Token::new(token::Ident(sym2, IdentIsRaw::No), ident2_span);
1001                        self.bump_with((next_token2, self.token_spacing));
1002                        self.bump();
1003                        let base1 =
1004                            self.mk_expr_tuple_field_access(lo, ident1_span, base, sym1, None);
1005                        self.mk_expr_tuple_field_access(lo, ident2_span, base1, sym2, suffix)
1006                    }
1007                    DestructuredFloat::Error => base,
1008                })
1009            }
1010            _ => {
1011                self.error_unexpected_after_dot();
1012                Ok(base)
1013            }
1014        }
1015    }
1017    fn error_unexpected_after_dot(&self) {
1018        let actual = pprust::token_to_string(&self.token);
1019        let span = self.token.span;
1020        let sm = self.psess.source_map();
1021        let (span, actual) = match (&self.token.kind, self.subparser_name) {
1022            (token::Eof, Some(_)) if let Ok(actual) = sm.span_to_snippet(sm.next_point(span)) => {
1023                (span.shrink_to_hi(), actual.into())
1024            }
1025            _ => (span, actual),
1026        };
1027        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::UnexpectedTokenAfterDot { span, actual });
1028    }
1030    /// We need an identifier or integer, but the next token is a float.
1031    /// Break the float into components to extract the identifier or integer.
1032    ///
1033    /// See also [`TokenKind::break_two_token_op`] which does similar splitting of `>>` into `>`.
1034    //
1035    // FIXME: With current `TokenCursor` it's hard to break tokens into more than 2
1036    //  parts unless those parts are processed immediately. `TokenCursor` should either
1037    //  support pushing "future tokens" (would be also helpful to `break_and_eat`), or
1038    //  we should break everything including floats into more basic proc-macro style
1039    //  tokens in the lexer (probably preferable).
1040    pub(super) fn break_up_float(&self, float: Symbol, span: Span) -> DestructuredFloat {
1041        #[derive(Debug)]
1042        enum FloatComponent {
1043            IdentLike(String),
1044            Punct(char),
1045        }
1046        use FloatComponent::*;
1048        let float_str = float.as_str();
1049        let mut components = Vec::new();
1050        let mut ident_like = String::new();
1051        for c in float_str.chars() {
1052            if c == '_' || c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() {
1053                ident_like.push(c);
1054            } else if matches!(c, '.' | '+' | '-') {
1055                if !ident_like.is_empty() {
1056                    components.push(IdentLike(mem::take(&mut ident_like)));
1057                }
1058                components.push(Punct(c));
1059            } else {
1060                panic!("unexpected character in a float token: {c:?}")
1061            }
1062        }
1063        if !ident_like.is_empty() {
1064            components.push(IdentLike(ident_like));
1065        }
1067        // With proc macros the span can refer to anything, the source may be too short,
1068        // or too long, or non-ASCII. It only makes sense to break our span into components
1069        // if its underlying text is identical to our float literal.
1070        let can_take_span_apart =
1071            || self.span_to_snippet(span).as_deref() == Ok(float_str).as_deref();
1073        match &*components {
1074            // 1e2
1075            [IdentLike(i)] => {
1076                DestructuredFloat::Single(Symbol::intern(i), span)
1077            }
1078            // 1.
1079            [IdentLike(left), Punct('.')] => {
1080                let (left_span, dot_span) = if can_take_span_apart() {
1081                    let left_span = span.with_hi(span.lo() + BytePos::from_usize(left.len()));
1082                    let dot_span = span.with_lo(left_span.hi());
1083                    (left_span, dot_span)
1084                } else {
1085                    (span, span)
1086                };
1087                let left = Symbol::intern(left);
1088                DestructuredFloat::TrailingDot(left, left_span, dot_span)
1089            }
1090            // 1.2 | 1.2e3
1091            [IdentLike(left), Punct('.'), IdentLike(right)] => {
1092                let (left_span, dot_span, right_span) = if can_take_span_apart() {
1093                    let left_span = span.with_hi(span.lo() + BytePos::from_usize(left.len()));
1094                    let dot_span = span.with_lo(left_span.hi()).with_hi(left_span.hi() + BytePos(1));
1095                    let right_span = span.with_lo(dot_span.hi());
1096                    (left_span, dot_span, right_span)
1097                } else {
1098                    (span, span, span)
1099                };
1100                let left = Symbol::intern(left);
1101                let right = Symbol::intern(right);
1102                DestructuredFloat::MiddleDot(left, left_span, dot_span, right, right_span)
1103            }
1104            // 1e+ | 1e- (recovered)
1105            [IdentLike(_), Punct('+' | '-')] |
1106            // 1e+2 | 1e-2
1107            [IdentLike(_), Punct('+' | '-'), IdentLike(_)] |
1108            // 1.2e+ | 1.2e-
1109            [IdentLike(_), Punct('.'), IdentLike(_), Punct('+' | '-')] |
1110            // 1.2e+3 | 1.2e-3
1111            [IdentLike(_), Punct('.'), IdentLike(_), Punct('+' | '-'), IdentLike(_)] => {
1112                // See the FIXME about `TokenCursor` above.
1113                self.error_unexpected_after_dot();
1114                DestructuredFloat::Error
1115            }
1116            _ => panic!("unexpected components in a float token: {components:?}"),
1117        }
1118    }
1120    /// Parse the field access used in offset_of, matched by `$(e:expr)+`.
1121    /// Currently returns a list of idents. However, it should be possible in
1122    /// future to also do array indices, which might be arbitrary expressions.
1123    fn parse_floating_field_access(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<[Ident]>> {
1124        let mut fields = Vec::new();
1125        let mut trailing_dot = None;
1127        loop {
1128            // This is expected to use a metavariable $(args:expr)+, but the builtin syntax
1129            // could be called directly. Calling `parse_expr` allows this function to only
1130            // consider `Expr`s.
1131            let expr = self.parse_expr()?;
1132            let mut current = &expr;
1133            let start_idx = fields.len();
1134            loop {
1135                match current.kind {
1136                    ExprKind::Field(ref left, right) => {
1137                        // Field access is read right-to-left.
1138                        fields.insert(start_idx, right);
1139                        trailing_dot = None;
1140                        current = left;
1141                    }
1142                    // Parse this both to give helpful error messages and to
1143                    // verify it can be done with this parser setup.
1144                    ExprKind::Index(ref left, ref _right, span) => {
1145                        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::ArrayIndexInOffsetOf(span));
1146                        current = left;
1147                    }
1148                    ExprKind::Lit(token::Lit {
1149                        kind: token::Float | token::Integer,
1150                        symbol,
1151                        suffix,
1152                    }) => {
1153                        if let Some(suffix) = suffix {
1154                            self.expect_no_tuple_index_suffix(current.span, suffix);
1155                        }
1156                        match self.break_up_float(symbol, current.span) {
1157                            // 1e2
1158                            DestructuredFloat::Single(sym, sp) => {
1159                                trailing_dot = None;
1160                                fields.insert(start_idx, Ident::new(sym, sp));
1161                            }
1162                            // 1.
1163                            DestructuredFloat::TrailingDot(sym, sym_span, dot_span) => {
1164                                assert!(suffix.is_none());
1165                                trailing_dot = Some(dot_span);
1166                                fields.insert(start_idx, Ident::new(sym, sym_span));
1167                            }
1168                            // 1.2 | 1.2e3
1169                            DestructuredFloat::MiddleDot(
1170                                symbol1,
1171                                span1,
1172                                _dot_span,
1173                                symbol2,
1174                                span2,
1175                            ) => {
1176                                trailing_dot = None;
1177                                fields.insert(start_idx, Ident::new(symbol2, span2));
1178                                fields.insert(start_idx, Ident::new(symbol1, span1));
1179                            }
1180                            DestructuredFloat::Error => {
1181                                trailing_dot = None;
1182                                fields.insert(start_idx, Ident::new(symbol, self.prev_token.span));
1183                            }
1184                        }
1185                        break;
1186                    }
1187                    ExprKind::Path(None, Path { ref segments, .. }) => {
1188                        match &segments[..] {
1189                            [PathSegment { ident, args: None, .. }] => {
1190                                trailing_dot = None;
1191                                fields.insert(start_idx, *ident)
1192                            }
1193                            _ => {
1194                                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidOffsetOf(current.span));
1195                                break;
1196                            }
1197                        }
1198                        break;
1199                    }
1200                    _ => {
1201                        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidOffsetOf(current.span));
1202                        break;
1203                    }
1204                }
1205            }
1207            if matches!(self.token.kind, token::CloseDelim(..) | token::Comma) {
1208                break;
1209            } else if trailing_dot.is_none() {
1210                // This loop should only repeat if there is a trailing dot.
1211                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidOffsetOf(self.token.span));
1212                break;
1213            }
1214        }
1215        if let Some(dot) = trailing_dot {
1216            self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidOffsetOf(dot));
1217        }
1218        Ok(fields.into_iter().collect())
1219    }
1221    fn mk_expr_tuple_field_access(
1222        &self,
1223        lo: Span,
1224        ident_span: Span,
1225        base: P<Expr>,
1226        field: Symbol,
1227        suffix: Option<Symbol>,
1228    ) -> P<Expr> {
1229        if let Some(suffix) = suffix {
1230            self.expect_no_tuple_index_suffix(ident_span, suffix);
1231        }
1232        self.mk_expr(, ExprKind::Field(base, Ident::new(field, ident_span)))
1233    }
1235    /// Parse a function call expression, `expr(...)`.
1236    fn parse_expr_fn_call(&mut self, lo: Span, fun: P<Expr>) -> P<Expr> {
1237        let snapshot = if self.token == token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Parenthesis) {
1238            Some((self.create_snapshot_for_diagnostic(), fun.kind.clone()))
1239        } else {
1240            None
1241        };
1242        let open_paren = self.token.span;
1244        let seq = self
1245            .parse_expr_paren_seq()
1246            .map(|args| self.mk_expr(, self.mk_call(fun, args)));
1247        match self.maybe_recover_struct_lit_bad_delims(lo, open_paren, seq, snapshot) {
1248            Ok(expr) => expr,
1249            Err(err) => self.recover_seq_parse_error(exp!(OpenParen), exp!(CloseParen), lo, err),
1250        }
1251    }
1253    /// If we encounter a parser state that looks like the user has written a `struct` literal with
1254    /// parentheses instead of braces, recover the parser state and provide suggestions.
1255    #[instrument(skip(self, seq, snapshot), level = "trace")]
1256    fn maybe_recover_struct_lit_bad_delims(
1257        &mut self,
1258        lo: Span,
1259        open_paren: Span,
1260        seq: PResult<'a, P<Expr>>,
1261        snapshot: Option<(SnapshotParser<'a>, ExprKind)>,
1262    ) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1263        match (self.may_recover(), seq, snapshot) {
1264            (true, Err(err), Some((mut snapshot, ExprKind::Path(None, path)))) => {
1265                snapshot.bump(); // `(`
1266                match snapshot.parse_struct_fields(path.clone(), false, exp!(CloseParen)) {
1267                    Ok((fields, ..)) if!(CloseParen)) => {
1268                        // We are certain we have `Enum::Foo(a: 3, b: 4)`, suggest
1269                        // `Enum::Foo { a: 3, b: 4 }` or `Enum::Foo(3, 4)`.
1270                        self.restore_snapshot(snapshot);
1271                        let close_paren = self.prev_token.span;
1272                        let span =;
1273                        // filter shorthand fields
1274                        let fields: Vec<_> =
1275                            fields.into_iter().filter(|field| !field.is_shorthand).collect();
1277                        let guar = if !fields.is_empty() &&
1278                            // `token.kind` should not be compared here.
1279                            // This is because the `snapshot.token.kind` is treated as the same as
1280                            // that of the open delim in `TokenTreesReader::parse_token_tree`, even
1281                            // if they are different.
1282                            self.span_to_snippet(close_paren).is_ok_and(|snippet| snippet == ")")
1283                        {
1284                            err.cancel();
1285                            self.dcx()
1286                                .create_err(errors::ParenthesesWithStructFields {
1287                                    span,
1288                                    r#type: path,
1289                                    braces_for_struct: errors::BracesForStructLiteral {
1290                                        first: open_paren,
1291                                        second: close_paren,
1292                                    },
1293                                    no_fields_for_fn: errors::NoFieldsForFnCall {
1294                                        fields: fields
1295                                            .into_iter()
1296                                            .map(|field| field.span.until(field.expr.span))
1297                                            .collect(),
1298                                    },
1299                                })
1300                                .emit()
1301                        } else {
1302                            err.emit()
1303                        };
1304                        Ok(self.mk_expr_err(span, guar))
1305                    }
1306                    Ok(_) => Err(err),
1307                    Err(err2) => {
1308                        err2.cancel();
1309                        Err(err)
1310                    }
1311                }
1312            }
1313            (_, seq, _) => seq,
1314        }
1315    }
1317    /// Parse an indexing expression `expr[...]`.
1318    fn parse_expr_index(&mut self, lo: Span, base: P<Expr>) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1319        let prev_span = self.prev_token.span;
1320        let open_delim_span = self.token.span;
1321        self.bump(); // `[`
1322        let index = self.parse_expr()?;
1323        self.suggest_missing_semicolon_before_array(prev_span, open_delim_span)?;
1324        self.expect(exp!(CloseBracket))?;
1325        Ok(self.mk_expr(
1326  ,
1327            self.mk_index(base, index,,
1328        ))
1329    }
1331    /// Assuming we have just parsed `.`, continue parsing into an expression.
1332    fn parse_dot_suffix(&mut self, self_arg: P<Expr>, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1333        if self.token.uninterpolated_span().at_least_rust_2018() && self.eat_keyword(exp!(Await)) {
1334            return Ok(self.mk_await_expr(self_arg, lo));
1335        }
1337        // Post-fix match
1338        if self.eat_keyword(exp!(Match)) {
1339            let match_span = self.prev_token.span;
1340            self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::postfix_match, match_span);
1341            return self.parse_match_block(lo, match_span, self_arg, MatchKind::Postfix);
1342        }
1344        let fn_span_lo = self.token.span;
1345        let mut seg = self.parse_path_segment(PathStyle::Expr, None)?;
1346        self.check_trailing_angle_brackets(&seg, &[exp!(OpenParen)]);
1347        self.check_turbofish_missing_angle_brackets(&mut seg);
1349        if self.check(exp!(OpenParen)) {
1350            // Method call `expr.f()`
1351            let args = self.parse_expr_paren_seq()?;
1352            let fn_span =;
1353            let span =;
1354            Ok(self.mk_expr(
1355                span,
1356                ExprKind::MethodCall(Box::new(ast::MethodCall {
1357                    seg,
1358                    receiver: self_arg,
1359                    args,
1360                    span: fn_span,
1361                })),
1362            ))
1363        } else {
1364            // Field access `expr.f`
1365            let span =;
1366            if let Some(args) = seg.args {
1367                // See `StashKey::GenericInFieldExpr` for more info on why we stash this.
1368                self.dcx()
1369                    .create_err(errors::FieldExpressionWithGeneric(args.span()))
1370                    .stash(seg.ident.span, StashKey::GenericInFieldExpr);
1371            }
1373            Ok(self.mk_expr(span, ExprKind::Field(self_arg, seg.ident)))
1374        }
1375    }
1377    /// At the bottom (top?) of the precedence hierarchy,
1378    /// Parses things like parenthesized exprs, macros, `return`, etc.
1379    ///
1380    /// N.B., this does not parse outer attributes, and is private because it only works
1381    /// correctly if called from `parse_expr_dot_or_call`.
1382    fn parse_expr_bottom(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1383        maybe_recover_from_interpolated_ty_qpath!(self, true);
1385        if let token::Interpolated(nt) = &self.token.kind {
1386            match &**nt {
1387                token::NtExpr(e) | token::NtLiteral(e) => {
1388                    let e = e.clone();
1389                    self.bump();
1390                    return Ok(e);
1391                }
1392                token::NtPath(path) => {
1393                    let path = (**path).clone();
1394                    self.bump();
1395                    return Ok(self.mk_expr(self.prev_token.span, ExprKind::Path(None, path)));
1396                }
1397                token::NtBlock(block) => {
1398                    let block = block.clone();
1399                    self.bump();
1400                    return Ok(self.mk_expr(self.prev_token.span, ExprKind::Block(block, None)));
1401                }
1402                _ => {}
1403            };
1404        }
1406        // Outer attributes are already parsed and will be
1407        // added to the return value after the fact.
1409        let restrictions = self.restrictions;
1410        self.with_res(restrictions - Restrictions::ALLOW_LET, |this| {
1411            // Note: adding new syntax here? Don't forget to adjust `TokenKind::can_begin_expr()`.
1412            let lo = this.token.span;
1413            if let token::Literal(_) = this.token.kind {
1414                // This match arm is a special-case of the `_` match arm below and
1415                // could be removed without changing functionality, but it's faster
1416                // to have it here, especially for programs with large constants.
1417                this.parse_expr_lit()
1418            } else if this.check(exp!(OpenParen)) {
1419                this.parse_expr_tuple_parens(restrictions)
1420            } else if this.check(exp!(OpenBrace)) {
1421                this.parse_expr_block(None, lo, BlockCheckMode::Default)
1422            } else if this.check(exp!(Or)) || this.check(exp!(OrOr)) {
1423                this.parse_expr_closure().map_err(|mut err| {
1424                    // If the input is something like `if a { 1 } else { 2 } | if a { 3 } else { 4 }`
1425                    // then suggest parens around the lhs.
1426                    if let Some(sp) = this.psess.ambiguous_block_expr_parse.borrow().get(&lo) {
1427                        err.subdiagnostic(ExprParenthesesNeeded::surrounding(*sp));
1428                    }
1429                    err
1430                })
1431            } else if this.check(exp!(OpenBracket)) {
1432                this.parse_expr_array_or_repeat(exp!(CloseBracket))
1433            } else if this.is_builtin() {
1434                this.parse_expr_builtin()
1435            } else if this.check_path() {
1436                this.parse_expr_path_start()
1437            } else if this.check_keyword(exp!(Move))
1438                || this.check_keyword(exp!(Static))
1439                || this.check_const_closure()
1440            {
1441                this.parse_expr_closure()
1442            } else if this.eat_keyword(exp!(If)) {
1443                this.parse_expr_if()
1444            } else if this.check_keyword(exp!(For)) {
1445                if this.choose_generics_over_qpath(1) {
1446                    this.parse_expr_closure()
1447                } else {
1448                    assert!(this.eat_keyword(exp!(For)));
1449                    this.parse_expr_for(None, lo)
1450                }
1451            } else if this.eat_keyword(exp!(While)) {
1452                this.parse_expr_while(None, lo)
1453            } else if let Some(label) = this.eat_label() {
1454                this.parse_expr_labeled(label, true)
1455            } else if this.eat_keyword(exp!(Loop)) {
1456                this.parse_expr_loop(None, lo).map_err(|mut err| {
1457                    err.span_label(lo, "while parsing this `loop` expression");
1458                    err
1459                })
1460            } else if this.eat_keyword(exp!(Match)) {
1461                this.parse_expr_match().map_err(|mut err| {
1462                    err.span_label(lo, "while parsing this `match` expression");
1463                    err
1464                })
1465            } else if this.eat_keyword(exp!(Unsafe)) {
1466                this.parse_expr_block(None, lo, BlockCheckMode::Unsafe(ast::UserProvided)).map_err(
1467                    |mut err| {
1468                        err.span_label(lo, "while parsing this `unsafe` expression");
1469                        err
1470                    },
1471                )
1472            } else if this.check_inline_const(0) {
1473                this.parse_const_block(lo, false)
1474            } else if this.may_recover() && this.is_do_catch_block() {
1475                this.recover_do_catch()
1476            } else if this.is_try_block() {
1477                this.expect_keyword(exp!(Try))?;
1478                this.parse_try_block(lo)
1479            } else if this.eat_keyword(exp!(Return)) {
1480                this.parse_expr_return()
1481            } else if this.eat_keyword(exp!(Continue)) {
1482                this.parse_expr_continue(lo)
1483            } else if this.eat_keyword(exp!(Break)) {
1484                this.parse_expr_break()
1485            } else if this.eat_keyword(exp!(Yield)) {
1486                this.parse_expr_yield()
1487            } else if this.is_do_yeet() {
1488                this.parse_expr_yeet()
1489            } else if this.eat_keyword(exp!(Become)) {
1490                this.parse_expr_become()
1491            } else if this.check_keyword(exp!(Let)) {
1492                this.parse_expr_let(restrictions)
1493            } else if this.eat_keyword(exp!(Underscore)) {
1494                Ok(this.mk_expr(this.prev_token.span, ExprKind::Underscore))
1495            } else if this.token.uninterpolated_span().at_least_rust_2018() {
1496                // `Span::at_least_rust_2018()` is somewhat expensive; don't get it repeatedly.
1497                if this.token.uninterpolated_span().at_least_rust_2024()
1498                    // check for `gen {}` and `gen move {}`
1499                    // or `async gen {}` and `async gen move {}`
1500                    && (this.is_gen_block(kw::Gen, 0)
1501                        || (this.check_keyword(exp!(Async)) && this.is_gen_block(kw::Gen, 1)))
1502                {
1503                    // FIXME: (async) gen closures aren't yet parsed.
1504                    this.parse_gen_block()
1505                } else if this.check_keyword(exp!(Async)) {
1506                    // FIXME(gen_blocks): Parse `gen async` and suggest swap
1507                    if this.is_gen_block(kw::Async, 0) {
1508                        // Check for `async {` and `async move {`,
1509                        this.parse_gen_block()
1510                    } else {
1511                        this.parse_expr_closure()
1512                    }
1513                } else if this.eat_keyword_noexpect(kw::Await) {
1514                    this.recover_incorrect_await_syntax(lo)
1515                } else {
1516                    this.parse_expr_lit()
1517                }
1518            } else {
1519                this.parse_expr_lit()
1520            }
1521        })
1522    }
1524    fn parse_expr_lit(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1525        let lo = self.token.span;
1526        match self.parse_opt_token_lit() {
1527            Some((token_lit, _)) => {
1528                let expr = self.mk_expr(, ExprKind::Lit(token_lit));
1529                self.maybe_recover_from_bad_qpath(expr)
1530            }
1531            None => self.try_macro_suggestion(),
1532        }
1533    }
1535    fn parse_expr_tuple_parens(&mut self, restrictions: Restrictions) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1536        let lo = self.token.span;
1537        self.expect(exp!(OpenParen))?;
1538        let (es, trailing_comma) = match self.parse_seq_to_end(
1539            exp!(CloseParen),
1540            SeqSep::trailing_allowed(exp!(Comma)),
1541            |p| p.parse_expr_catch_underscore(restrictions.intersection(Restrictions::ALLOW_LET)),
1542        ) {
1543            Ok(x) => x,
1544            Err(err) => {
1545                return Ok(self.recover_seq_parse_error(
1546                    exp!(OpenParen),
1547                    exp!(CloseParen),
1548                    lo,
1549                    err,
1550                ));
1551            }
1552        };
1553        let kind = if es.len() == 1 && matches!(trailing_comma, Trailing::No) {
1554            // `(e)` is parenthesized `e`.
1555            ExprKind::Paren(es.into_iter().next().unwrap())
1556        } else {
1557            // `(e,)` is a tuple with only one field, `e`.
1558            ExprKind::Tup(es)
1559        };
1560        let expr = self.mk_expr(, kind);
1561        self.maybe_recover_from_bad_qpath(expr)
1562    }
1564    fn parse_expr_array_or_repeat(&mut self, close: ExpTokenPair<'_>) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1565        let lo = self.token.span;
1566        self.bump(); // `[` or other open delim
1568        let kind = if {
1569            // Empty vector
1570            ExprKind::Array(ThinVec::new())
1571        } else {
1572            // Non-empty vector
1573            let first_expr = self.parse_expr()?;
1574            if!(Semi)) {
1575                // Repeating array syntax: `[ 0; 512 ]`
1576                let count = self.parse_expr_anon_const()?;
1577                self.expect(close)?;
1578                ExprKind::Repeat(first_expr, count)
1579            } else if!(Comma)) {
1580                // Vector with two or more elements.
1581                let sep = SeqSep::trailing_allowed(exp!(Comma));
1582                let (mut exprs, _) = self.parse_seq_to_end(close, sep, |p| p.parse_expr())?;
1583                exprs.insert(0, first_expr);
1584                ExprKind::Array(exprs)
1585            } else {
1586                // Vector with one element
1587                self.expect(close)?;
1588                ExprKind::Array(thin_vec![first_expr])
1589            }
1590        };
1591        let expr = self.mk_expr(, kind);
1592        self.maybe_recover_from_bad_qpath(expr)
1593    }
1595    fn parse_expr_path_start(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1596        let maybe_eq_tok = self.prev_token.clone();
1597        let (qself, path) = if self.eat_lt() {
1598            let lt_span = self.prev_token.span;
1599            let (qself, path) = self.parse_qpath(PathStyle::Expr).map_err(|mut err| {
1600                // Suggests using '<=' if there is an error parsing qpath when the previous token
1601                // is an '=' token. Only emits suggestion if the '<' token and '=' token are
1602                // directly adjacent (i.e. '=<')
1603                if maybe_eq_tok == TokenKind::Eq && maybe_eq_tok.span.hi() == lt_span.lo() {
1604                    let eq_lt =;
1605                    err.span_suggestion(eq_lt, "did you mean", "<=", Applicability::Unspecified);
1606                }
1607                err
1608            })?;
1609            (Some(qself), path)
1610        } else {
1611            (None, self.parse_path(PathStyle::Expr)?)
1612        };
1614        // `!`, as an operator, is prefix, so we know this isn't that.
1615        let (span, kind) = if!(Not)) {
1616            // MACRO INVOCATION expression
1617            if qself.is_some() {
1618                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::MacroInvocationWithQualifiedPath(path.span));
1619            }
1620            let lo = path.span;
1621            let mac = P(MacCall { path, args: self.parse_delim_args()? });
1622            (, ExprKind::MacCall(mac))
1623        } else if self.check(exp!(OpenBrace))
1624            && let Some(expr) = self.maybe_parse_struct_expr(&qself, &path)
1625        {
1626            if qself.is_some() {
1627                self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::more_qualified_paths, path.span);
1628            }
1629            return expr;
1630        } else {
1631            (path.span, ExprKind::Path(qself, path))
1632        };
1634        let expr = self.mk_expr(span, kind);
1635        self.maybe_recover_from_bad_qpath(expr)
1636    }
1638    /// Parse `'label: $expr`. The label is already parsed.
1639    pub(super) fn parse_expr_labeled(
1640        &mut self,
1641        label_: Label,
1642        mut consume_colon: bool,
1643    ) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1644        let lo = label_.ident.span;
1645        let label = Some(label_);
1646        let ate_colon =!(Colon));
1647        let tok_sp = self.token.span;
1648        let expr = if self.eat_keyword(exp!(While)) {
1649            self.parse_expr_while(label, lo)
1650        } else if self.eat_keyword(exp!(For)) {
1651            self.parse_expr_for(label, lo)
1652        } else if self.eat_keyword(exp!(Loop)) {
1653            self.parse_expr_loop(label, lo)
1654        } else if self.check_noexpect(&token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace))
1655            || self.token.is_whole_block()
1656        {
1657            self.parse_expr_block(label, lo, BlockCheckMode::Default)
1658        } else if !ate_colon
1659            && self.may_recover()
1660            && (matches!(self.token.kind, token::CloseDelim(_) | token::Comma)
1661                || self.token.is_punct())
1662            && could_be_unclosed_char_literal(label_.ident)
1663        {
1664            let (lit, _) =
1665                self.recover_unclosed_char(label_.ident, Parser::mk_token_lit_char, |self_| {
1666                    self_.dcx().create_err(errors::UnexpectedTokenAfterLabel {
1667                        span: self_.token.span,
1668                        remove_label: None,
1669                        enclose_in_block: None,
1670                    })
1671                });
1672            consume_colon = false;
1673            Ok(self.mk_expr(lo, ExprKind::Lit(lit)))
1674        } else if !ate_colon
1675            && (self.check_noexpect(&TokenKind::Comma) || self.check_noexpect(&TokenKind::Gt))
1676        {
1677            // We're probably inside of a `Path<'a>` that needs a turbofish
1678            let guar = self.dcx().emit_err(errors::UnexpectedTokenAfterLabel {
1679                span: self.token.span,
1680                remove_label: None,
1681                enclose_in_block: None,
1682            });
1683            consume_colon = false;
1684            Ok(self.mk_expr_err(lo, guar))
1685        } else {
1686            let mut err = errors::UnexpectedTokenAfterLabel {
1687                span: self.token.span,
1688                remove_label: None,
1689                enclose_in_block: None,
1690            };
1692            // Continue as an expression in an effort to recover on `'label: non_block_expr`.
1693            let expr = self.parse_expr().map(|expr| {
1694                let span = expr.span;
1696                let found_labeled_breaks = {
1697                    struct FindLabeledBreaksVisitor;
1699                    impl<'ast> Visitor<'ast> for FindLabeledBreaksVisitor {
1700                        type Result = ControlFlow<()>;
1701                        fn visit_expr(&mut self, ex: &'ast Expr) -> ControlFlow<()> {
1702                            if let ExprKind::Break(Some(_label), _) = ex.kind {
1703                                ControlFlow::Break(())
1704                            } else {
1705                                walk_expr(self, ex)
1706                            }
1707                        }
1708                    }
1710                    FindLabeledBreaksVisitor.visit_expr(&expr).is_break()
1711                };
1713                // Suggestion involves adding a labeled block.
1714                //
1715                // If there are no breaks that may use this label, suggest removing the label and
1716                // recover to the unmodified expression.
1717                if !found_labeled_breaks {
1718                    err.remove_label = Some(lo.until(span));
1720                    return expr;
1721                }
1723                err.enclose_in_block = Some(errors::UnexpectedTokenAfterLabelSugg {
1724                    left: span.shrink_to_lo(),
1725                    right: span.shrink_to_hi(),
1726                });
1728                // Replace `'label: non_block_expr` with `'label: {non_block_expr}` in order to suppress future errors about `break 'label`.
1729                let stmt = self.mk_stmt(span, StmtKind::Expr(expr));
1730                let blk = self.mk_block(thin_vec![stmt], BlockCheckMode::Default, span);
1731                self.mk_expr(span, ExprKind::Block(blk, label))
1732            });
1734            self.dcx().emit_err(err);
1735            expr
1736        }?;
1738        if !ate_colon && consume_colon {
1739            self.dcx().emit_err(errors::RequireColonAfterLabeledExpression {
1740                span: expr.span,
1741                label: lo,
1742                label_end: lo.between(tok_sp),
1743            });
1744        }
1746        Ok(expr)
1747    }
1749    /// Emit an error when a char is parsed as a lifetime or label because of a missing quote.
1750    pub(super) fn recover_unclosed_char<L>(
1751        &self,
1752        ident: Ident,
1753        mk_lit_char: impl FnOnce(Symbol, Span) -> L,
1754        err: impl FnOnce(&Self) -> Diag<'a>,
1755    ) -> L {
1756        assert!(could_be_unclosed_char_literal(ident));
1757        self.dcx()
1758            .try_steal_modify_and_emit_err(ident.span, StashKey::LifetimeIsChar, |err| {
1759                err.span_suggestion_verbose(
1760                    ident.span.shrink_to_hi(),
1761                    "add `'` to close the char literal",
1762                    "'",
1763                    Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
1764                );
1765            })
1766            .unwrap_or_else(|| {
1767                err(self)
1768                    .with_span_suggestion_verbose(
1769                        ident.span.shrink_to_hi(),
1770                        "add `'` to close the char literal",
1771                        "'",
1772                        Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
1773                    )
1774                    .emit()
1775            });
1776        let name = ident.without_first_quote().name;
1777        mk_lit_char(name, ident.span)
1778    }
1780    /// Recover on the syntax `do catch { ... }` suggesting `try { ... }` instead.
1781    fn recover_do_catch(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1782        let lo = self.token.span;
1784        self.bump(); // `do`
1785        self.bump(); // `catch`
1787        let span =;
1788        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::DoCatchSyntaxRemoved { span });
1790        self.parse_try_block(lo)
1791    }
1793    /// Parse an expression if the token can begin one.
1794    fn parse_expr_opt(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, Option<P<Expr>>> {
1795        Ok(if self.token.can_begin_expr() { Some(self.parse_expr()?) } else { None })
1796    }
1798    /// Parse `"return" expr?`.
1799    fn parse_expr_return(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1800        let lo = self.prev_token.span;
1801        let kind = ExprKind::Ret(self.parse_expr_opt()?);
1802        let expr = self.mk_expr(, kind);
1803        self.maybe_recover_from_bad_qpath(expr)
1804    }
1806    /// Parse `"do" "yeet" expr?`.
1807    fn parse_expr_yeet(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1808        let lo = self.token.span;
1810        self.bump(); // `do`
1811        self.bump(); // `yeet`
1813        let kind = ExprKind::Yeet(self.parse_expr_opt()?);
1815        let span =;
1816        self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::yeet_expr, span);
1817        let expr = self.mk_expr(span, kind);
1818        self.maybe_recover_from_bad_qpath(expr)
1819    }
1821    /// Parse `"become" expr`, with `"become"` token already eaten.
1822    fn parse_expr_become(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1823        let lo = self.prev_token.span;
1824        let kind = ExprKind::Become(self.parse_expr()?);
1825        let span =;
1826        self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::explicit_tail_calls, span);
1827        let expr = self.mk_expr(span, kind);
1828        self.maybe_recover_from_bad_qpath(expr)
1829    }
1831    /// Parse `"break" (('label (:? expr)?) | expr?)` with `"break"` token already eaten.
1832    /// If the label is followed immediately by a `:` token, the label and `:` are
1833    /// parsed as part of the expression (i.e. a labeled loop). The language team has
1834    /// decided in #87026 to require parentheses as a visual aid to avoid confusion if
1835    /// the break expression of an unlabeled break is a labeled loop (as in
1836    /// `break 'lbl: loop {}`); a labeled break with an unlabeled loop as its value
1837    /// expression only gets a warning for compatibility reasons; and a labeled break
1838    /// with a labeled loop does not even get a warning because there is no ambiguity.
1839    fn parse_expr_break(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1840        let lo = self.prev_token.span;
1841        let mut label = self.eat_label();
1842        let kind = if self.token == token::Colon
1843            && let Some(label) = label.take()
1844        {
1845            // The value expression can be a labeled loop, see issue #86948, e.g.:
1846            // `loop { break 'label: loop { break 'label 42; }; }`
1847            let lexpr = self.parse_expr_labeled(label, true)?;
1848            self.dcx().emit_err(errors::LabeledLoopInBreak {
1849                span: lexpr.span,
1850                sub: errors::WrapInParentheses::Expression {
1851                    left: lexpr.span.shrink_to_lo(),
1852                    right: lexpr.span.shrink_to_hi(),
1853                },
1854            });
1855            Some(lexpr)
1856        } else if self.token != token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace)
1857            || !self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::NO_STRUCT_LITERAL)
1858        {
1859            let mut expr = self.parse_expr_opt()?;
1860            if let Some(expr) = &mut expr {
1861                if label.is_some()
1862                    && matches!(
1863                        expr.kind,
1864                        ExprKind::While(_, _, None)
1865                            | ExprKind::ForLoop { label: None, .. }
1866                            | ExprKind::Loop(_, None, _)
1867                            | ExprKind::Block(_, None)
1868                    )
1869                {
1870                    self.psess.buffer_lint(
1871                        BREAK_WITH_LABEL_AND_LOOP,
1872              ,
1873                        ast::CRATE_NODE_ID,
1874                        BuiltinLintDiag::BreakWithLabelAndLoop(expr.span),
1875                    );
1876                }
1878                // Recover `break label aaaaa`
1879                if self.may_recover()
1880                    && let ExprKind::Path(None, p) = &expr.kind
1881                    && let [segment] = &*p.segments
1882                    && let &ast::PathSegment { ident, args: None, .. } = segment
1883                    && let Some(next) = self.parse_expr_opt()?
1884                {
1885                    label = Some(self.recover_ident_into_label(ident));
1886                    *expr = next;
1887                }
1888            }
1890            expr
1891        } else {
1892            None
1893        };
1894        let expr = self.mk_expr(, ExprKind::Break(label, kind));
1895        self.maybe_recover_from_bad_qpath(expr)
1896    }
1898    /// Parse `"continue" label?`.
1899    fn parse_expr_continue(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1900        let mut label = self.eat_label();
1902        // Recover `continue label` -> `continue 'label`
1903        if self.may_recover()
1904            && label.is_none()
1905            && let Some((ident, _)) = self.token.ident()
1906        {
1907            self.bump();
1908            label = Some(self.recover_ident_into_label(ident));
1909        }
1911        let kind = ExprKind::Continue(label);
1912        Ok(self.mk_expr(, kind))
1913    }
1915    /// Parse `"yield" expr?`.
1916    fn parse_expr_yield(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1917        let lo = self.prev_token.span;
1918        let kind = ExprKind::Yield(self.parse_expr_opt()?);
1919        let span =;
1920        self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::yield_expr, span);
1921        let expr = self.mk_expr(span, kind);
1922        self.maybe_recover_from_bad_qpath(expr)
1923    }
1925    /// Parse `builtin # ident(args,*)`.
1926    fn parse_expr_builtin(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1927        self.parse_builtin(|this, lo, ident| {
1928            Ok(match {
1929                sym::offset_of => Some(this.parse_expr_offset_of(lo)?),
1930                sym::type_ascribe => Some(this.parse_expr_type_ascribe(lo)?),
1931                sym::wrap_binder => {
1932                    Some(this.parse_expr_unsafe_binder_cast(lo, UnsafeBinderCastKind::Wrap)?)
1933                }
1934                sym::unwrap_binder => {
1935                    Some(this.parse_expr_unsafe_binder_cast(lo, UnsafeBinderCastKind::Unwrap)?)
1936                }
1937                _ => None,
1938            })
1939        })
1940    }
1942    pub(crate) fn parse_builtin<T>(
1943        &mut self,
1944        parse: impl FnOnce(&mut Parser<'a>, Span, Ident) -> PResult<'a, Option<T>>,
1945    ) -> PResult<'a, T> {
1946        let lo = self.token.span;
1948        self.bump(); // `builtin`
1949        self.bump(); // `#`
1951        let Some((ident, IdentIsRaw::No)) = self.token.ident() else {
1952            let err = self.dcx().create_err(errors::ExpectedBuiltinIdent { span: self.token.span });
1953            return Err(err);
1954        };
1955        self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::builtin_syntax, ident.span);
1956        self.bump();
1958        self.expect(exp!(OpenParen))?;
1959        let ret = if let Some(res) = parse(self, lo, ident)? {
1960            Ok(res)
1961        } else {
1962            let err = self.dcx().create_err(errors::UnknownBuiltinConstruct {
1963                span:,
1964                name: ident,
1965            });
1966            return Err(err);
1967        };
1968        self.expect(exp!(CloseParen))?;
1970        ret
1971    }
1973    /// Built-in macro for `offset_of!` expressions.
1974    pub(crate) fn parse_expr_offset_of(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
1975        let container = self.parse_ty()?;
1976        self.expect(exp!(Comma))?;
1978        let fields = self.parse_floating_field_access()?;
1979        let trailing_comma = self.eat_noexpect(&TokenKind::Comma);
1981        if let Err(mut e) = self.expect_one_of(&[], &[exp!(CloseParen)]) {
1982            if trailing_comma {
1983                e.note("unexpected third argument to offset_of");
1984            } else {
1985                e.note("offset_of expects dot-separated field and variant names");
1986            }
1987            e.emit();
1988        }
1990        // Eat tokens until the macro call ends.
1991        if self.may_recover() {
1992            while !matches!(self.token.kind, token::CloseDelim(..) | token::Eof) {
1993                self.bump();
1994            }
1995        }
1997        let span =;
1998        Ok(self.mk_expr(span, ExprKind::OffsetOf(container, fields)))
1999    }
2001    /// Built-in macro for type ascription expressions.
2002    pub(crate) fn parse_expr_type_ascribe(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2003        let expr = self.parse_expr()?;
2004        self.expect(exp!(Comma))?;
2005        let ty = self.parse_ty()?;
2006        let span =;
2007        Ok(self.mk_expr(span, ExprKind::Type(expr, ty)))
2008    }
2010    pub(crate) fn parse_expr_unsafe_binder_cast(
2011        &mut self,
2012        lo: Span,
2013        kind: UnsafeBinderCastKind,
2014    ) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2015        let expr = self.parse_expr()?;
2016        let ty = if!(Comma)) { Some(self.parse_ty()?) } else { None };
2017        let span =;
2018        Ok(self.mk_expr(span, ExprKind::UnsafeBinderCast(kind, expr, ty)))
2019    }
2021    /// Returns a string literal if the next token is a string literal.
2022    /// In case of error returns `Some(lit)` if the next token is a literal with a wrong kind,
2023    /// and returns `None` if the next token is not literal at all.
2024    pub fn parse_str_lit(&mut self) -> Result<ast::StrLit, Option<MetaItemLit>> {
2025        match self.parse_opt_meta_item_lit() {
2026            Some(lit) => match lit.kind {
2027                ast::LitKind::Str(symbol_unescaped, style) => Ok(ast::StrLit {
2028                    style,
2029                    symbol: lit.symbol,
2030                    suffix: lit.suffix,
2031                    span: lit.span,
2032                    symbol_unescaped,
2033                }),
2034                _ => Err(Some(lit)),
2035            },
2036            None => Err(None),
2037        }
2038    }
2040    pub(crate) fn mk_token_lit_char(name: Symbol, span: Span) -> (token::Lit, Span) {
2041        (token::Lit { symbol: name, suffix: None, kind: token::Char }, span)
2042    }
2044    fn mk_meta_item_lit_char(name: Symbol, span: Span) -> MetaItemLit {
2045        ast::MetaItemLit {
2046            symbol: name,
2047            suffix: None,
2048            kind: ast::LitKind::Char(name.as_str().chars().next().unwrap_or('_')),
2049            span,
2050        }
2051    }
2053    fn handle_missing_lit<L>(
2054        &mut self,
2055        mk_lit_char: impl FnOnce(Symbol, Span) -> L,
2056    ) -> PResult<'a, L> {
2057        let token = self.token.clone();
2058        let err = |self_: &Self| {
2059            let msg = format!("unexpected token: {}", super::token_descr(&token));
2060            self_.dcx().struct_span_err(token.span, msg)
2061        };
2062        // On an error path, eagerly consider a lifetime to be an unclosed character lit, if that
2063        // makes sense.
2064        if let Some((ident, IdentIsRaw::No)) = self.token.lifetime()
2065            && could_be_unclosed_char_literal(ident)
2066        {
2067            let lt = self.expect_lifetime();
2068            Ok(self.recover_unclosed_char(lt.ident, mk_lit_char, err))
2069        } else {
2070            Err(err(self))
2071        }
2072    }
2074    pub(super) fn parse_token_lit(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, (token::Lit, Span)> {
2075        self.parse_opt_token_lit()
2076            .ok_or(())
2077            .or_else(|()| self.handle_missing_lit(Parser::mk_token_lit_char))
2078    }
2080    pub(super) fn parse_meta_item_lit(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, MetaItemLit> {
2081        self.parse_opt_meta_item_lit()
2082            .ok_or(())
2083            .or_else(|()| self.handle_missing_lit(Parser::mk_meta_item_lit_char))
2084    }
2086    fn recover_after_dot(&mut self) -> Option<Token> {
2087        let mut recovered = None;
2088        if self.token == token::Dot {
2089            // Attempt to recover `.4` as `0.4`. We don't currently have any syntax where
2090            // dot would follow an optional literal, so we do this unconditionally.
2091            recovered = self.look_ahead(1, |next_token| {
2092                if let token::Literal(token::Lit { kind: token::Integer, symbol, suffix }) =
2093                    next_token.kind
2094                {
2095                    // If this integer looks like a float, then recover as such.
2096                    //
2097                    // We will never encounter the exponent part of a floating
2098                    // point literal here, since there's no use of the exponent
2099                    // syntax that also constitutes a valid integer, so we need
2100                    // not check for that.
2101                    if suffix.is_none_or(|s| s == sym::f32 || s == sym::f64)
2102                        && symbol.as_str().chars().all(|c| c.is_numeric() || c == '_')
2103                        && self.token.span.hi() == next_token.span.lo()
2104                    {
2105                        let s = String::from("0.") + symbol.as_str();
2106                        let kind = TokenKind::lit(token::Float, Symbol::intern(&s), suffix);
2107                        return Some(Token::new(kind,;
2108                    }
2109                }
2110                None
2111            });
2112            if let Some(token) = &recovered {
2113                self.bump();
2114                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::FloatLiteralRequiresIntegerPart {
2115                    span: token.span,
2116                    suggestion: token.span.shrink_to_lo(),
2117                });
2118            }
2119        }
2121        recovered
2122    }
2124    /// Matches `lit = true | false | token_lit`.
2125    /// Returns `None` if the next token is not a literal.
2126    pub(super) fn parse_opt_token_lit(&mut self) -> Option<(token::Lit, Span)> {
2127        let recovered = self.recover_after_dot();
2128        let token = recovered.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.token);
2129        let span = token.span;
2131        token::Lit::from_token(token).map(|token_lit| {
2132            self.bump();
2133            (token_lit, span)
2134        })
2135    }
2137    /// Matches `lit = true | false | token_lit`.
2138    /// Returns `None` if the next token is not a literal.
2139    pub(super) fn parse_opt_meta_item_lit(&mut self) -> Option<MetaItemLit> {
2140        let recovered = self.recover_after_dot();
2141        let token = recovered.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.token);
2142        match token::Lit::from_token(token) {
2143            Some(lit) => {
2144                match MetaItemLit::from_token_lit(lit, token.span) {
2145                    Ok(lit) => {
2146                        self.bump();
2147                        Some(lit)
2148                    }
2149                    Err(err) => {
2150                        let span = token.uninterpolated_span();
2151                        self.bump();
2152                        let guar = report_lit_error(self.psess, err, lit, span);
2153                        // Pack possible quotes and prefixes from the original literal into
2154                        // the error literal's symbol so they can be pretty-printed faithfully.
2155                        let suffixless_lit = token::Lit::new(lit.kind, lit.symbol, None);
2156                        let symbol = Symbol::intern(&suffixless_lit.to_string());
2157                        let lit = token::Lit::new(token::Err(guar), symbol, lit.suffix);
2158                        Some(
2159                            MetaItemLit::from_token_lit(lit, span)
2160                                .unwrap_or_else(|_| unreachable!()),
2161                        )
2162                    }
2163                }
2164            }
2165            None => None,
2166        }
2167    }
2169    pub(super) fn expect_no_tuple_index_suffix(&self, span: Span, suffix: Symbol) {
2170        if [sym::i32, sym::u32, sym::isize, sym::usize].contains(&suffix) {
2171            // #59553: warn instead of reject out of hand to allow the fix to percolate
2172            // through the ecosystem when people fix their macros
2173            self.dcx().emit_warn(errors::InvalidLiteralSuffixOnTupleIndex {
2174                span,
2175                suffix,
2176                exception: true,
2177            });
2178        } else {
2179            self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidLiteralSuffixOnTupleIndex {
2180                span,
2181                suffix,
2182                exception: false,
2183            });
2184        }
2185    }
2187    /// Matches `'-' lit | lit` (cf. `ast_validation::AstValidator::check_expr_within_pat`).
2188    /// Keep this in sync with `Token::can_begin_literal_maybe_minus`.
2189    pub fn parse_literal_maybe_minus(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2190        if let token::Interpolated(nt) = &self.token.kind {
2191            match &**nt {
2192                // FIXME(nnethercote) The `NtExpr` case should only match if
2193                // `e` is an `ExprKind::Lit` or an `ExprKind::Unary` containing
2194                // an `UnOp::Neg` and an `ExprKind::Lit`, like how
2195                // `can_begin_literal_maybe_minus` works. But this method has
2196                // been over-accepting for a long time, and to make that change
2197                // here requires also changing some `parse_literal_maybe_minus`
2198                // call sites to accept additional expression kinds. E.g.
2199                // `ExprKind::Path` must be accepted when parsing range
2200                // patterns. That requires some care. So for now, we continue
2201                // being less strict here than we should be.
2202                token::NtExpr(e) | token::NtLiteral(e) => {
2203                    let e = e.clone();
2204                    self.bump();
2205                    return Ok(e);
2206                }
2207                _ => {}
2208            };
2209        }
2211        let lo = self.token.span;
2212        let minus_present =!(Minus));
2213        let (token_lit, span) = self.parse_token_lit()?;
2214        let expr = self.mk_expr(span, ExprKind::Lit(token_lit));
2216        if minus_present {
2217            Ok(self.mk_expr(, self.mk_unary(UnOp::Neg, expr)))
2218        } else {
2219            Ok(expr)
2220        }
2221    }
2223    fn is_array_like_block(&mut self) -> bool {
2224        self.look_ahead(1, |t| matches!(t.kind, TokenKind::Ident(..) | TokenKind::Literal(_)))
2225            && self.look_ahead(2, |t| t == &token::Comma)
2226            && self.look_ahead(3, |t| t.can_begin_expr())
2227    }
2229    /// Emits a suggestion if it looks like the user meant an array but
2230    /// accidentally used braces, causing the code to be interpreted as a block
2231    /// expression.
2232    fn maybe_suggest_brackets_instead_of_braces(&mut self, lo: Span) -> Option<P<Expr>> {
2233        let mut snapshot = self.create_snapshot_for_diagnostic();
2234        match snapshot.parse_expr_array_or_repeat(exp!(CloseBrace)) {
2235            Ok(arr) => {
2236                let guar = self.dcx().emit_err(errors::ArrayBracketsInsteadOfSpaces {
2237                    span: arr.span,
2238                    sub: errors::ArrayBracketsInsteadOfSpacesSugg {
2239                        left: lo,
2240                        right: snapshot.prev_token.span,
2241                    },
2242                });
2244                self.restore_snapshot(snapshot);
2245                Some(self.mk_expr_err(arr.span, guar))
2246            }
2247            Err(e) => {
2248                e.cancel();
2249                None
2250            }
2251        }
2252    }
2254    fn suggest_missing_semicolon_before_array(
2255        &self,
2256        prev_span: Span,
2257        open_delim_span: Span,
2258    ) -> PResult<'a, ()> {
2259        if !self.may_recover() {
2260            return Ok(());
2261        }
2263        if self.token == token::Comma {
2264            if !self.psess.source_map().is_multiline(prev_span.until(self.token.span)) {
2265                return Ok(());
2266            }
2267            let mut snapshot = self.create_snapshot_for_diagnostic();
2268            snapshot.bump();
2269            match snapshot.parse_seq_to_before_end(
2270                exp!(CloseBracket),
2271                SeqSep::trailing_allowed(exp!(Comma)),
2272                |p| p.parse_expr(),
2273            ) {
2274                Ok(_)
2275                    // When the close delim is `)`, `token.kind` is expected to be `token::CloseDelim(Delimiter::Parenthesis)`,
2276                    // but the actual `token.kind` is `token::CloseDelim(Delimiter::Bracket)`.
2277                    // This is because the `token.kind` of the close delim is treated as the same as
2278                    // that of the open delim in `TokenTreesReader::parse_token_tree`, even if the delimiters of them are different.
2279                    // Therefore, `token.kind` should not be compared here.
2280                    if snapshot
2281                        .span_to_snippet(snapshot.token.span)
2282                        .is_ok_and(|snippet| snippet == "]") =>
2283                {
2284                    return Err(self.dcx().create_err(errors::MissingSemicolonBeforeArray {
2285                        open_delim: open_delim_span,
2286                        semicolon: prev_span.shrink_to_hi(),
2287                    }));
2288                }
2289                Ok(_) => (),
2290                Err(err) => err.cancel(),
2291            }
2292        }
2293        Ok(())
2294    }
2296    /// Parses a block or unsafe block.
2297    pub(super) fn parse_expr_block(
2298        &mut self,
2299        opt_label: Option<Label>,
2300        lo: Span,
2301        blk_mode: BlockCheckMode,
2302    ) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2303        if self.may_recover() && self.is_array_like_block() {
2304            if let Some(arr) = self.maybe_suggest_brackets_instead_of_braces(lo) {
2305                return Ok(arr);
2306            }
2307        }
2309        if self.token.is_whole_block() {
2310            self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidBlockMacroSegment {
2311                span: self.token.span,
2312                context:,
2313                wrap: errors::WrapInExplicitBlock {
2314                    lo: self.token.span.shrink_to_lo(),
2315                    hi: self.token.span.shrink_to_hi(),
2316                },
2317            });
2318        }
2320        let (attrs, blk) = self.parse_block_common(lo, blk_mode, true)?;
2321        Ok(self.mk_expr_with_attrs(blk.span, ExprKind::Block(blk, opt_label), attrs))
2322    }
2324    /// Parse a block which takes no attributes and has no label
2325    fn parse_simple_block(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2326        let blk = self.parse_block()?;
2327        Ok(self.mk_expr(blk.span, ExprKind::Block(blk, None)))
2328    }
2330    /// Parses a closure expression (e.g., `move |args| expr`).
2331    fn parse_expr_closure(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2332        let lo = self.token.span;
2334        let before = self.prev_token.clone();
2335        let binder = if self.check_keyword(exp!(For)) {
2336            let lo = self.token.span;
2337            let (lifetime_defs, _) = self.parse_late_bound_lifetime_defs()?;
2338            let span =;
2340            self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::closure_lifetime_binder, span);
2342            ClosureBinder::For { span, generic_params: lifetime_defs }
2343        } else {
2344            ClosureBinder::NotPresent
2345        };
2347        let constness = self.parse_closure_constness();
2349        let movability =
2350            if self.eat_keyword(exp!(Static)) { Movability::Static } else { Movability::Movable };
2352        let coroutine_kind = if self.token.uninterpolated_span().at_least_rust_2018() {
2353            self.parse_coroutine_kind(Case::Sensitive)
2354        } else {
2355            None
2356        };
2358        let capture_clause = self.parse_capture_clause()?;
2359        let (fn_decl, fn_arg_span) = self.parse_fn_block_decl()?;
2360        let decl_hi = self.prev_token.span;
2361        let mut body = match fn_decl.output {
2362            FnRetTy::Default(_) => {
2363                let restrictions =
2364                    self.restrictions - Restrictions::STMT_EXPR - Restrictions::ALLOW_LET;
2365                let prev = self.prev_token.clone();
2366                let token = self.token.clone();
2367                let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
2368                match self.parse_expr_res(restrictions, attrs) {
2369                    Ok((expr, _)) => expr,
2370                    Err(err) => self.recover_closure_body(err, before, prev, token, lo, decl_hi)?,
2371                }
2372            }
2373            _ => {
2374                // If an explicit return type is given, require a block to appear (RFC 968).
2375                let body_lo = self.token.span;
2376                self.parse_expr_block(None, body_lo, BlockCheckMode::Default)?
2377            }
2378        };
2380        match coroutine_kind {
2381            Some(CoroutineKind::Async { .. }) => {}
2382            Some(CoroutineKind::Gen { span, .. }) | Some(CoroutineKind::AsyncGen { span, .. }) => {
2383                // Feature-gate `gen ||` and `async gen ||` closures.
2384                // FIXME(gen_blocks): This perhaps should be a different gate.
2385                self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::gen_blocks, span);
2386            }
2387            None => {}
2388        }
2390        if self.token == TokenKind::Semi
2391            && let Some(last) = self.token_cursor.stack.last()
2392            && let Some(TokenTree::Delimited(_, _, Delimiter::Parenthesis, _)) = last.curr()
2393            && self.may_recover()
2394        {
2395            // It is likely that the closure body is a block but where the
2396            // braces have been removed. We will recover and eat the next
2397            // statements later in the parsing process.
2398            body = self.mk_expr_err(
2399                body.span,
2400                self.dcx().span_delayed_bug(body.span, "recovered a closure body as a block"),
2401            );
2402        }
2404        let body_span = body.span;
2406        let closure = self.mk_expr(
2407  ,
2408            ExprKind::Closure(Box::new(ast::Closure {
2409                binder,
2410                capture_clause,
2411                constness,
2412                coroutine_kind,
2413                movability,
2414                fn_decl,
2415                body,
2416                fn_decl_span:,
2417                fn_arg_span,
2418            })),
2419        );
2421        // Disable recovery for closure body
2422        let spans =
2423            ClosureSpans { whole_closure: closure.span, closing_pipe: decl_hi, body: body_span };
2424        self.current_closure = Some(spans);
2426        Ok(closure)
2427    }
2429    /// Parses an optional `move` prefix to a closure-like construct.
2430    fn parse_capture_clause(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, CaptureBy> {
2431        if self.eat_keyword(exp!(Move)) {
2432            let move_kw_span = self.prev_token.span;
2433            // Check for `move async` and recover
2434            if self.check_keyword(exp!(Async)) {
2435                let move_async_span = self.token.span.with_lo(;
2436                Err(self
2437                    .dcx()
2438                    .create_err(errors::AsyncMoveOrderIncorrect { span: move_async_span }))
2439            } else {
2440                Ok(CaptureBy::Value { move_kw: move_kw_span })
2441            }
2442        } else {
2443            Ok(CaptureBy::Ref)
2444        }
2445    }
2447    /// Parses the `|arg, arg|` header of a closure.
2448    fn parse_fn_block_decl(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, (P<FnDecl>, Span)> {
2449        let arg_start = self.token.span.lo();
2451        let inputs = if!(OrOr)) {
2452            ThinVec::new()
2453        } else {
2454            self.expect(exp!(Or))?;
2455            let args = self
2456                .parse_seq_to_before_tokens(
2457                    &[exp!(Or)],
2458                    &[&token::OrOr],
2459                    SeqSep::trailing_allowed(exp!(Comma)),
2460                    |p| p.parse_fn_block_param(),
2461                )?
2462                .0;
2463            self.expect_or()?;
2464            args
2465        };
2466        let arg_span = self.prev_token.span.with_lo(arg_start);
2467        let output =
2468            self.parse_ret_ty(AllowPlus::Yes, RecoverQPath::Yes, RecoverReturnSign::Yes)?;
2470        Ok((P(FnDecl { inputs, output }), arg_span))
2471    }
2473    /// Parses a parameter in a closure header (e.g., `|arg, arg|`).
2474    fn parse_fn_block_param(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, Param> {
2475        let lo = self.token.span;
2476        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
2477        self.collect_tokens(None, attrs, ForceCollect::No, |this, attrs| {
2478            let pat = this.parse_pat_no_top_alt(Some(Expected::ParameterName), None)?;
2479            let ty = if!(Colon)) {
2480                this.parse_ty()?
2481            } else {
2482                this.mk_ty(pat.span, TyKind::Infer)
2483            };
2485            Ok((
2486                Param {
2487                    attrs,
2488                    ty,
2489                    pat,
2490                    span:,
2491                    id: DUMMY_NODE_ID,
2492                    is_placeholder: false,
2493                },
2494                Trailing::from(this.token == token::Comma),
2495                UsePreAttrPos::No,
2496            ))
2497        })
2498    }
2500    /// Parses an `if` expression (`if` token already eaten).
2501    fn parse_expr_if(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2502        let lo = self.prev_token.span;
2503        let cond = self.parse_expr_cond()?;
2504        self.parse_if_after_cond(lo, cond)
2505    }
2507    fn parse_if_after_cond(&mut self, lo: Span, mut cond: P<Expr>) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2508        let cond_span = cond.span;
2509        // Tries to interpret `cond` as either a missing expression if it's a block,
2510        // or as an unfinished expression if it's a binop and the RHS is a block.
2511        // We could probably add more recoveries here too...
2512        let mut recover_block_from_condition = |this: &mut Self| {
2513            let block = match &mut cond.kind {
2514                ExprKind::Binary(Spanned { span: binop_span, .. }, _, right)
2515                    if let ExprKind::Block(_, None) = right.kind =>
2516                {
2517                    let guar = this.dcx().emit_err(errors::IfExpressionMissingThenBlock {
2518                        if_span: lo,
2519                        missing_then_block_sub:
2520                            errors::IfExpressionMissingThenBlockSub::UnfinishedCondition(
2521                                cond_span.shrink_to_lo().to(*binop_span),
2522                            ),
2523                        let_else_sub: None,
2524                    });
2525                    std::mem::replace(right, this.mk_expr_err(binop_span.shrink_to_hi(), guar))
2526                }
2527                ExprKind::Block(_, None) => {
2528                    let guar = this.dcx().emit_err(errors::IfExpressionMissingCondition {
2529                        if_span: lo.with_neighbor(cond.span).shrink_to_hi(),
2530                        block_span: self.psess.source_map().start_point(cond_span),
2531                    });
2532                    std::mem::replace(&mut cond, this.mk_expr_err(cond_span.shrink_to_hi(), guar))
2533                }
2534                _ => {
2535                    return None;
2536                }
2537            };
2538            if let ExprKind::Block(block, _) = &block.kind {
2539                Some(block.clone())
2540            } else {
2541                unreachable!()
2542            }
2543        };
2544        // Parse then block
2545        let thn = if self.token.is_keyword(kw::Else) {
2546            if let Some(block) = recover_block_from_condition(self) {
2547                block
2548            } else {
2549                let let_else_sub = matches!(cond.kind, ExprKind::Let(..))
2550                    .then(|| errors::IfExpressionLetSomeSub { if_span: lo.until(cond_span) });
2552                let guar = self.dcx().emit_err(errors::IfExpressionMissingThenBlock {
2553                    if_span: lo,
2554                    missing_then_block_sub: errors::IfExpressionMissingThenBlockSub::AddThenBlock(
2555                        cond_span.shrink_to_hi(),
2556                    ),
2557                    let_else_sub,
2558                });
2559                self.mk_block_err(cond_span.shrink_to_hi(), guar)
2560            }
2561        } else {
2562            let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?; // For recovery.
2563            let maybe_fatarrow = self.token.clone();
2564            let block = if self.check(exp!(OpenBrace)) {
2565                self.parse_block()?
2566            } else if let Some(block) = recover_block_from_condition(self) {
2567                block
2568            } else {
2569                self.error_on_extra_if(&cond)?;
2570                // Parse block, which will always fail, but we can add a nice note to the error
2571                self.parse_block().map_err(|mut err| {
2572                        if self.prev_token == token::Semi
2573                            && self.token == token::AndAnd
2574                            && let maybe_let = self.look_ahead(1, |t| t.clone())
2575                            && maybe_let.is_keyword(kw::Let)
2576                        {
2577                            err.span_suggestion(
2578                                self.prev_token.span,
2579                                "consider removing this semicolon to parse the `let` as part of the same chain",
2580                                "",
2581                                Applicability::MachineApplicable,
2582                            ).span_note(
2583                      ,
2584                                "you likely meant to continue parsing the let-chain starting here",
2585                            );
2586                        } else {
2587                            // Look for usages of '=>' where '>=' might be intended
2588                            if maybe_fatarrow == token::FatArrow {
2589                                err.span_suggestion(
2590                                    maybe_fatarrow.span,
2591                                    "you might have meant to write a \"greater than or equal to\" comparison",
2592                                    ">=",
2593                                    Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
2594                                );
2595                            }
2596                            err.span_note(
2597                                cond_span,
2598                                "the `if` expression is missing a block after this condition",
2599                            );
2600                        }
2601                        err
2602                    })?
2603            };
2604            self.error_on_if_block_attrs(lo, false, block.span, attrs);
2605            block
2606        };
2607        let els = if self.eat_keyword(exp!(Else)) { Some(self.parse_expr_else()?) } else { None };
2608        Ok(self.mk_expr(, ExprKind::If(cond, thn, els)))
2609    }
2611    /// Parses the condition of a `if` or `while` expression.
2612    fn parse_expr_cond(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2613        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
2614        let (mut cond, _) =
2615            self.parse_expr_res(Restrictions::NO_STRUCT_LITERAL | Restrictions::ALLOW_LET, attrs)?;
2617        CondChecker::new(self).visit_expr(&mut cond);
2619        if let ExprKind::Let(_, _, _, Recovered::No) = cond.kind {
2620            // Remove the last feature gating of a `let` expression since it's stable.
2621            self.psess.gated_spans.ungate_last(sym::let_chains, cond.span);
2622        }
2624        Ok(cond)
2625    }
2627    /// Parses a `let $pat = $expr` pseudo-expression.
2628    fn parse_expr_let(&mut self, restrictions: Restrictions) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2629        let recovered = if !restrictions.contains(Restrictions::ALLOW_LET) {
2630            let err = errors::ExpectedExpressionFoundLet {
2631                span: self.token.span,
2632                reason: ForbiddenLetReason::OtherForbidden,
2633                missing_let: None,
2634                comparison: None,
2635            };
2636            if self.prev_token == token::BinOp(token::Or) {
2637                // This was part of a closure, the that part of the parser recover.
2638                return Err(self.dcx().create_err(err));
2639            } else {
2640                Recovered::Yes(self.dcx().emit_err(err))
2641            }
2642        } else {
2643            Recovered::No
2644        };
2645        self.bump(); // Eat `let` token
2646        let lo = self.prev_token.span;
2647        let pat = self.parse_pat_no_top_guard(
2648            None,
2649            RecoverComma::Yes,
2650            RecoverColon::Yes,
2651            CommaRecoveryMode::LikelyTuple,
2652        )?;
2653        if self.token == token::EqEq {
2654            self.dcx().emit_err(errors::ExpectedEqForLetExpr {
2655                span: self.token.span,
2656                sugg_span: self.token.span,
2657            });
2658            self.bump();
2659        } else {
2660            self.expect(exp!(Eq))?;
2661        }
2662        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
2663        let (expr, _) =
2664            self.parse_expr_assoc_with(Bound::Excluded(prec_let_scrutinee_needs_par()), attrs)?;
2665        let span =;
2666        Ok(self.mk_expr(span, ExprKind::Let(pat, expr, span, recovered)))
2667    }
2669    /// Parses an `else { ... }` expression (`else` token already eaten).
2670    fn parse_expr_else(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2671        let else_span = self.prev_token.span; // `else`
2672        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?; // For recovery.
2673        let expr = if self.eat_keyword(exp!(If)) {
2674            ensure_sufficient_stack(|| self.parse_expr_if())?
2675        } else if self.check(exp!(OpenBrace)) {
2676            self.parse_simple_block()?
2677        } else {
2678            let snapshot = self.create_snapshot_for_diagnostic();
2679            let first_tok = super::token_descr(&self.token);
2680            let first_tok_span = self.token.span;
2681            match self.parse_expr() {
2682                Ok(cond)
2683                // Try to guess the difference between a "condition-like" vs
2684                // "statement-like" expression.
2685                //
2686                // We are seeing the following code, in which $cond is neither
2687                // ExprKind::Block nor ExprKind::If (the 2 cases wherein this
2688                // would be valid syntax).
2689                //
2690                //     if ... {
2691                //     } else $cond
2692                //
2693                // If $cond is "condition-like" such as ExprKind::Binary, we
2694                // want to suggest inserting `if`.
2695                //
2696                //     if ... {
2697                //     } else if a == b {
2698                //            ^^
2699                //     }
2700                //
2701                // We account for macro calls that were meant as conditions as well.
2702                //
2703                //     if ... {
2704                //     } else if macro! { foo bar } {
2705                //            ^^
2706                //     }
2707                //
2708                // If $cond is "statement-like" such as ExprKind::While then we
2709                // want to suggest wrapping in braces.
2710                //
2711                //     if ... {
2712                //     } else {
2713                //            ^
2714                //         while true {}
2715                //     }
2716                //     ^
2717                    if self.check(exp!(OpenBrace))
2718                        && (classify::expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(&cond)
2719                            || matches!(cond.kind, ExprKind::MacCall(..)))
2720                    =>
2721                {
2722                    self.dcx().emit_err(errors::ExpectedElseBlock {
2723                        first_tok_span,
2724                        first_tok,
2725                        else_span,
2726                        condition_start: cond.span.shrink_to_lo(),
2727                    });
2728                    self.parse_if_after_cond(cond.span.shrink_to_lo(), cond)?
2729                }
2730                Err(e) => {
2731                    e.cancel();
2732                    self.restore_snapshot(snapshot);
2733                    self.parse_simple_block()?
2734                },
2735                Ok(_) => {
2736                    self.restore_snapshot(snapshot);
2737                    self.parse_simple_block()?
2738                },
2739            }
2740        };
2741        self.error_on_if_block_attrs(else_span, true, expr.span, attrs);
2742        Ok(expr)
2743    }
2745    fn error_on_if_block_attrs(
2746        &self,
2747        ctx_span: Span,
2748        is_ctx_else: bool,
2749        branch_span: Span,
2750        attrs: AttrWrapper,
2751    ) {
2752        if !attrs.is_empty()
2753            && let [x0 @ xn] | [x0, .., xn] = &*attrs.take_for_recovery(self.psess)
2754        {
2755            let attributes = x0.span.until(branch_span);
2756            let last = xn.span;
2757            let ctx = if is_ctx_else { "else" } else { "if" };
2758            self.dcx().emit_err(errors::OuterAttributeNotAllowedOnIfElse {
2759                last,
2760                branch_span,
2761                ctx_span,
2762                ctx: ctx.to_string(),
2763                attributes,
2764            });
2765        }
2766    }
2768    fn error_on_extra_if(&mut self, cond: &P<Expr>) -> PResult<'a, ()> {
2769        if let ExprKind::Binary(Spanned { span: binop_span, node: binop }, _, right) = &cond.kind
2770            && let BinOpKind::And = binop
2771            && let ExprKind::If(cond, ..) = &right.kind
2772        {
2773            Err(self.dcx().create_err(errors::UnexpectedIfWithIf(
2774                binop_span.shrink_to_hi().to(cond.span.shrink_to_lo()),
2775            )))
2776        } else {
2777            Ok(())
2778        }
2779    }
2781    fn parse_for_head(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, (P<Pat>, P<Expr>)> {
2782        let begin_paren = if self.token == token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Parenthesis) {
2783            // Record whether we are about to parse `for (`.
2784            // This is used below for recovery in case of `for ( $stuff ) $block`
2785            // in which case we will suggest `for $stuff $block`.
2786            let start_span = self.token.span;
2787            let left = self.prev_token.span.between(self.look_ahead(1, |t| t.span));
2788            Some((start_span, left))
2789        } else {
2790            None
2791        };
2792        // Try to parse the pattern `for ($PAT) in $EXPR`.
2793        let pat = match (
2794            self.parse_pat_allow_top_guard(
2795                None,
2796                RecoverComma::Yes,
2797                RecoverColon::Yes,
2798                CommaRecoveryMode::LikelyTuple,
2799            ),
2800            begin_paren,
2801        ) {
2802            (Ok(pat), _) => pat, // Happy path.
2803            (Err(err), Some((start_span, left))) if self.eat_keyword(exp!(In)) => {
2804                // We know for sure we have seen `for ($SOMETHING in`. In the happy path this would
2805                // happen right before the return of this method.
2806                let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
2807                let (expr, _) = match self.parse_expr_res(Restrictions::NO_STRUCT_LITERAL, attrs) {
2808                    Ok(expr) => expr,
2809                    Err(expr_err) => {
2810                        // We don't know what followed the `in`, so cancel and bubble up the
2811                        // original error.
2812                        expr_err.cancel();
2813                        return Err(err);
2814                    }
2815                };
2816                return if self.token == token::CloseDelim(Delimiter::Parenthesis) {
2817                    // We know for sure we have seen `for ($SOMETHING in $EXPR)`, so we recover the
2818                    // parser state and emit a targeted suggestion.
2819                    let span = vec![start_span, self.token.span];
2820                    let right = self.prev_token.span.between(self.look_ahead(1, |t| t.span));
2821                    self.bump(); // )
2822                    err.cancel();
2823                    self.dcx().emit_err(errors::ParenthesesInForHead {
2824                        span,
2825                        // With e.g. `for (x) in y)` this would replace `(x) in y)`
2826                        // with `x) in y)` which is syntactically invalid.
2827                        // However, this is prevented before we get here.
2828                        sugg: errors::ParenthesesInForHeadSugg { left, right },
2829                    });
2830                    Ok((self.mk_pat(, ast::PatKind::Wild), expr))
2831                } else {
2832                    Err(err) // Some other error, bubble up.
2833                };
2834            }
2835            (Err(err), _) => return Err(err), // Some other error, bubble up.
2836        };
2837        if !self.eat_keyword(exp!(In)) {
2838            self.error_missing_in_for_loop();
2839        }
2840        self.check_for_for_in_in_typo(self.prev_token.span);
2841        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
2842        let (expr, _) = self.parse_expr_res(Restrictions::NO_STRUCT_LITERAL, attrs)?;
2843        Ok((pat, expr))
2844    }
2846    /// Parses `for await? <src_pat> in <src_expr> <src_loop_block>` (`for` token already eaten).
2847    fn parse_expr_for(&mut self, opt_label: Option<Label>, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2848        let is_await =
2849            self.token.uninterpolated_span().at_least_rust_2018() && self.eat_keyword(exp!(Await));
2851        if is_await {
2852            self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::async_for_loop, self.prev_token.span);
2853        }
2855        let kind = if is_await { ForLoopKind::ForAwait } else { ForLoopKind::For };
2857        let (pat, expr) = self.parse_for_head()?;
2858        // Recover from missing expression in `for` loop
2859        if matches!(expr.kind, ExprKind::Block(..))
2860            && !matches!(self.token.kind, token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace))
2861            && self.may_recover()
2862        {
2863            let guar = self
2864                .dcx()
2865                .emit_err(errors::MissingExpressionInForLoop { span: expr.span.shrink_to_lo() });
2866            let err_expr = self.mk_expr(expr.span, ExprKind::Err(guar));
2867            let block = self.mk_block(thin_vec![], BlockCheckMode::Default, self.prev_token.span);
2868            return Ok(self.mk_expr(
2869      ,
2870                ExprKind::ForLoop { pat, iter: err_expr, body: block, label: opt_label, kind },
2871            ));
2872        }
2874        let (attrs, loop_block) = self.parse_inner_attrs_and_block()?;
2876        let kind = ExprKind::ForLoop { pat, iter: expr, body: loop_block, label: opt_label, kind };
2878        self.recover_loop_else("for", lo)?;
2880        Ok(self.mk_expr_with_attrs(, kind, attrs))
2881    }
2883    /// Recovers from an `else` clause after a loop (`for...else`, `while...else`)
2884    fn recover_loop_else(&mut self, loop_kind: &'static str, loop_kw: Span) -> PResult<'a, ()> {
2885        if self.token.is_keyword(kw::Else) && self.may_recover() {
2886            let else_span = self.token.span;
2887            self.bump();
2888            let else_clause = self.parse_expr_else()?;
2889            self.dcx().emit_err(errors::LoopElseNotSupported {
2890                span:,
2891                loop_kind,
2892                loop_kw,
2893            });
2894        }
2895        Ok(())
2896    }
2898    fn error_missing_in_for_loop(&mut self) {
2899        let (span, sub): (_, fn(_) -> _) = if self.token.is_ident_named(sym::of) {
2900            // Possibly using JS syntax (#75311).
2901            let span = self.token.span;
2902            self.bump();
2903            (span, errors::MissingInInForLoopSub::InNotOf)
2904        } else {
2905            (self.prev_token.span.between(self.token.span), errors::MissingInInForLoopSub::AddIn)
2906        };
2908        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::MissingInInForLoop { span, sub: sub(span) });
2909    }
2911    /// Parses a `while` or `while let` expression (`while` token already eaten).
2912    fn parse_expr_while(&mut self, opt_label: Option<Label>, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2913        let cond = self.parse_expr_cond().map_err(|mut err| {
2914            err.span_label(lo, "while parsing the condition of this `while` expression");
2915            err
2916        })?;
2917        let (attrs, body) = self.parse_inner_attrs_and_block().map_err(|mut err| {
2918            err.span_label(lo, "while parsing the body of this `while` expression");
2919            err.span_label(cond.span, "this `while` condition successfully parsed");
2920            err
2921        })?;
2923        self.recover_loop_else("while", lo)?;
2925        Ok(self.mk_expr_with_attrs(
2926  ,
2927            ExprKind::While(cond, body, opt_label),
2928            attrs,
2929        ))
2930    }
2932    /// Parses `loop { ... }` (`loop` token already eaten).
2933    fn parse_expr_loop(&mut self, opt_label: Option<Label>, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2934        let loop_span = self.prev_token.span;
2935        let (attrs, body) = self.parse_inner_attrs_and_block()?;
2936        self.recover_loop_else("loop", lo)?;
2937        Ok(self.mk_expr_with_attrs(
2938  ,
2939            ExprKind::Loop(body, opt_label, loop_span),
2940            attrs,
2941        ))
2942    }
2944    pub(crate) fn eat_label(&mut self) -> Option<Label> {
2945        if let Some((ident, is_raw)) = self.token.lifetime() {
2946            // Disallow `'fn`, but with a better error message than `expect_lifetime`.
2947            if matches!(is_raw, IdentIsRaw::No) && ident.without_first_quote().is_reserved() {
2948                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::InvalidLabel { span: ident.span, name: });
2949            }
2951            self.bump();
2952            Some(Label { ident })
2953        } else {
2954            None
2955        }
2956    }
2958    /// Parses a `match ... { ... }` expression (`match` token already eaten).
2959    fn parse_expr_match(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2960        let match_span = self.prev_token.span;
2961        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
2962        let (scrutinee, _) = self.parse_expr_res(Restrictions::NO_STRUCT_LITERAL, attrs)?;
2964        self.parse_match_block(match_span, match_span, scrutinee, MatchKind::Prefix)
2965    }
2967    /// Parses the block of a `match expr { ... }` or a `expr.match { ... }`
2968    /// expression. This is after the match token and scrutinee are eaten
2969    fn parse_match_block(
2970        &mut self,
2971        lo: Span,
2972        match_span: Span,
2973        scrutinee: P<Expr>,
2974        match_kind: MatchKind,
2975    ) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
2976        if let Err(mut e) = self.expect(exp!(OpenBrace)) {
2977            if self.token == token::Semi {
2978                e.span_suggestion_short(
2979                    match_span,
2980                    "try removing this `match`",
2981                    "",
2982                    Applicability::MaybeIncorrect, // speculative
2983                );
2984            }
2985            if self.maybe_recover_unexpected_block_label() {
2986                e.cancel();
2987                self.bump();
2988            } else {
2989                return Err(e);
2990            }
2991        }
2992        let attrs = self.parse_inner_attributes()?;
2994        let mut arms = ThinVec::new();
2995        while self.token != token::CloseDelim(Delimiter::Brace) {
2996            match self.parse_arm() {
2997                Ok(arm) => arms.push(arm),
2998                Err(e) => {
2999                    // Recover by skipping to the end of the block.
3000                    let guar = e.emit();
3001                    self.recover_stmt();
3002                    let span =;
3003                    if self.token == token::CloseDelim(Delimiter::Brace) {
3004                        self.bump();
3005                    }
3006                    // Always push at least one arm to make the match non-empty
3007                    arms.push(Arm {
3008                        attrs: Default::default(),
3009                        pat: self.mk_pat(span, ast::PatKind::Err(guar)),
3010                        guard: None,
3011                        body: Some(self.mk_expr_err(span, guar)),
3012                        span,
3013                        id: DUMMY_NODE_ID,
3014                        is_placeholder: false,
3015                    });
3016                    return Ok(self.mk_expr_with_attrs(
3017                        span,
3018                        ExprKind::Match(scrutinee, arms, match_kind),
3019                        attrs,
3020                    ));
3021                }
3022            }
3023        }
3024        let hi = self.token.span;
3025        self.bump();
3026        Ok(self.mk_expr_with_attrs(, ExprKind::Match(scrutinee, arms, match_kind), attrs))
3027    }
3029    /// Attempt to recover from match arm body with statements and no surrounding braces.
3030    fn parse_arm_body_missing_braces(
3031        &mut self,
3032        first_expr: &P<Expr>,
3033        arrow_span: Span,
3034    ) -> Option<(Span, ErrorGuaranteed)> {
3035        if self.token != token::Semi {
3036            return None;
3037        }
3038        let start_snapshot = self.create_snapshot_for_diagnostic();
3039        let semi_sp = self.token.span;
3040        self.bump(); // `;`
3041        let mut stmts =
3042            vec![self.mk_stmt(first_expr.span, ast::StmtKind::Expr(first_expr.clone()))];
3043        let err = |this: &Parser<'_>, stmts: Vec<ast::Stmt>| {
3044            let span = stmts[0][stmts.len() - 1].span);
3046            let guar = this.dcx().emit_err(errors::MatchArmBodyWithoutBraces {
3047                statements: span,
3048                arrow: arrow_span,
3049                num_statements: stmts.len(),
3050                sub: if stmts.len() > 1 {
3051                    errors::MatchArmBodyWithoutBracesSugg::AddBraces {
3052                        left: span.shrink_to_lo(),
3053                        right: span.shrink_to_hi(),
3054                    }
3055                } else {
3056                    errors::MatchArmBodyWithoutBracesSugg::UseComma { semicolon: semi_sp }
3057                },
3058            });
3059            (span, guar)
3060        };
3061        // We might have either a `,` -> `;` typo, or a block without braces. We need
3062        // a more subtle parsing strategy.
3063        loop {
3064            if self.token == token::CloseDelim(Delimiter::Brace) {
3065                // We have reached the closing brace of the `match` expression.
3066                return Some(err(self, stmts));
3067            }
3068            if self.token == token::Comma {
3069                self.restore_snapshot(start_snapshot);
3070                return None;
3071            }
3072            let pre_pat_snapshot = self.create_snapshot_for_diagnostic();
3073            match self.parse_pat_no_top_alt(None, None) {
3074                Ok(_pat) => {
3075                    if self.token == token::FatArrow {
3076                        // Reached arm end.
3077                        self.restore_snapshot(pre_pat_snapshot);
3078                        return Some(err(self, stmts));
3079                    }
3080                }
3081                Err(err) => {
3082                    err.cancel();
3083                }
3084            }
3086            self.restore_snapshot(pre_pat_snapshot);
3087            match self.parse_stmt_without_recovery(true, ForceCollect::No) {
3088                // Consume statements for as long as possible.
3089                Ok(Some(stmt)) => {
3090                    stmts.push(stmt);
3091                }
3092                Ok(None) => {
3093                    self.restore_snapshot(start_snapshot);
3094                    break;
3095                }
3096                // We couldn't parse either yet another statement missing it's
3097                // enclosing block nor the next arm's pattern or closing brace.
3098                Err(stmt_err) => {
3099                    stmt_err.cancel();
3100                    self.restore_snapshot(start_snapshot);
3101                    break;
3102                }
3103            }
3104        }
3105        None
3106    }
3108    pub(super) fn parse_arm(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, Arm> {
3109        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
3110        self.collect_tokens(None, attrs, ForceCollect::No, |this, attrs| {
3111            let lo = this.token.span;
3112            let (pat, guard) = this.parse_match_arm_pat_and_guard()?;
3114            let span_before_body = this.prev_token.span;
3115            let arm_body;
3116            let is_fat_arrow = this.check(exp!(FatArrow));
3117            let is_almost_fat_arrow =
3118                TokenKind::FatArrow.similar_tokens().contains(&this.token.kind);
3120            // this avoids the compiler saying that a `,` or `}` was expected even though
3121            // the pattern isn't a never pattern (and thus an arm body is required)
3122            let armless = (!is_fat_arrow && !is_almost_fat_arrow && pat.could_be_never_pattern())
3123                || matches!(this.token.kind, token::Comma | token::CloseDelim(Delimiter::Brace));
3125            let mut result = if armless {
3126                // A pattern without a body, allowed for never patterns.
3127                arm_body = None;
3128                this.expect_one_of(&[exp!(Comma)], &[exp!(CloseBrace)]).map(|x| {
3129                    // Don't gate twice
3130                    if !pat.contains_never_pattern() {
3131                        this.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::never_patterns, pat.span);
3132                    }
3133                    x
3134                })
3135            } else {
3136                if let Err(mut err) = this.expect(exp!(FatArrow)) {
3137                    // We might have a `=>` -> `=` or `->` typo (issue #89396).
3138                    if is_almost_fat_arrow {
3139                        err.span_suggestion(
3140                            this.token.span,
3141                            "use a fat arrow to start a match arm",
3142                            "=>",
3143                            Applicability::MachineApplicable,
3144                        );
3145                        if matches!(
3146                            (&this.prev_token.kind, &this.token.kind),
3147                            (token::DotDotEq, token::Gt)
3148                        ) {
3149                            // `error_inclusive_range_match_arrow` handles cases like `0..=> {}`,
3150                            // so we suppress the error here
3151                            err.delay_as_bug();
3152                        } else {
3153                            err.emit();
3154                        }
3155                        this.bump();
3156                    } else {
3157                        return Err(err);
3158                    }
3159                }
3160                let arrow_span = this.prev_token.span;
3161                let arm_start_span = this.token.span;
3163                let attrs = this.parse_outer_attributes()?;
3164                let (expr, _) =
3165                    this.parse_expr_res(Restrictions::STMT_EXPR, attrs).map_err(|mut err| {
3166                        err.span_label(arrow_span, "while parsing the `match` arm starting here");
3167                        err
3168                    })?;
3170                let require_comma = !classify::expr_is_complete(&expr)
3171                    && this.token != token::CloseDelim(Delimiter::Brace);
3173                if !require_comma {
3174                    arm_body = Some(expr);
3175                    // Eat a comma if it exists, though.
3176                    let _ =!(Comma));
3177                    Ok(Recovered::No)
3178                } else if let Some((span, guar)) =
3179                    this.parse_arm_body_missing_braces(&expr, arrow_span)
3180                {
3181                    let body = this.mk_expr_err(span, guar);
3182                    arm_body = Some(body);
3183                    Ok(Recovered::Yes(guar))
3184                } else {
3185                    let expr_span = expr.span;
3186                    arm_body = Some(expr);
3187                    this.expect_one_of(&[exp!(Comma)], &[exp!(CloseBrace)]).map_err(|mut err| {
3188                        if this.token == token::FatArrow {
3189                            let sm = this.psess.source_map();
3190                            if let Ok(expr_lines) = sm.span_to_lines(expr_span)
3191                                && let Ok(arm_start_lines) = sm.span_to_lines(arm_start_span)
3192                                && arm_start_lines.lines[0].end_col == expr_lines.lines[0].end_col
3193                                && expr_lines.lines.len() == 2
3194                            {
3195                                // We check whether there's any trailing code in the parse span,
3196                                // if there isn't, we very likely have the following:
3197                                //
3198                                // X |     &Y => "y"
3199                                //   |        --    - missing comma
3200                                //   |        |
3201                                //   |        arrow_span
3202                                // X |     &X => "x"
3203                                //   |      - ^^ self.token.span
3204                                //   |      |
3205                                //   |      parsed until here as `"y" & X`
3206                                err.span_suggestion_short(
3207                                    arm_start_span.shrink_to_hi(),
3208                                    "missing a comma here to end this `match` arm",
3209                                    ",",
3210                                    Applicability::MachineApplicable,
3211                                );
3212                            }
3213                        } else {
3214                            err.span_label(
3215                                arrow_span,
3216                                "while parsing the `match` arm starting here",
3217                            );
3218                        }
3219                        err
3220                    })
3221                }
3222            };
3224            let hi_span = arm_body.as_ref().map_or(span_before_body, |body| body.span);
3225            let arm_span =;
3227            // We want to recover:
3228            // X |     Some(_) => foo()
3229            //   |                     - missing comma
3230            // X |     None => "x"
3231            //   |     ^^^^ self.token.span
3232            // as well as:
3233            // X |     Some(!)
3234            //   |            - missing comma
3235            // X |     None => "x"
3236            //   |     ^^^^ self.token.span
3237            // But we musn't recover
3238            // X |     pat[0] => {}
3239            //   |        ^ self.token.span
3240            let recover_missing_comma = arm_body.is_some() || pat.could_be_never_pattern();
3241            if recover_missing_comma {
3242                result = result.or_else(|err| {
3243                    // FIXME(compiler-errors): We could also recover `; PAT =>` here
3245                    // Try to parse a following `PAT =>`, if successful
3246                    // then we should recover.
3247                    let mut snapshot = this.create_snapshot_for_diagnostic();
3248                    let pattern_follows = snapshot
3249                        .parse_pat_no_top_guard(
3250                            None,
3251                            RecoverComma::Yes,
3252                            RecoverColon::Yes,
3253                            CommaRecoveryMode::EitherTupleOrPipe,
3254                        )
3255                        .map_err(|err| err.cancel())
3256                        .is_ok();
3257                    if pattern_follows && snapshot.check(exp!(FatArrow)) {
3258                        err.cancel();
3259                        let guar = this.dcx().emit_err(errors::MissingCommaAfterMatchArm {
3260                            span: arm_span.shrink_to_hi(),
3261                        });
3262                        return Ok(Recovered::Yes(guar));
3263                    }
3264                    Err(err)
3265                });
3266            }
3267            result?;
3269            Ok((
3270                ast::Arm {
3271                    attrs,
3272                    pat,
3273                    guard,
3274                    body: arm_body,
3275                    span: arm_span,
3276                    id: DUMMY_NODE_ID,
3277                    is_placeholder: false,
3278                },
3279                Trailing::No,
3280                UsePreAttrPos::No,
3281            ))
3282        })
3283    }
3285    fn parse_match_arm_guard(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, Option<P<Expr>>> {
3286        // Used to check the `let_chains` and `if_let_guard` features mostly by scanning
3287        // `&&` tokens.
3288        fn check_let_expr(expr: &Expr) -> (bool, bool) {
3289            match &expr.kind {
3290                ExprKind::Binary(BinOp { node: BinOpKind::And, .. }, lhs, rhs) => {
3291                    let lhs_rslt = check_let_expr(lhs);
3292                    let rhs_rslt = check_let_expr(rhs);
3293                    (lhs_rslt.0 || rhs_rslt.0, false)
3294                }
3295                ExprKind::Let(..) => (true, true),
3296                _ => (false, true),
3297            }
3298        }
3299        if !self.eat_keyword(exp!(If)) {
3300            // No match arm guard present.
3301            return Ok(None);
3302        }
3304        let if_span = self.prev_token.span;
3305        let mut cond = self.parse_match_guard_condition()?;
3307        CondChecker::new(self).visit_expr(&mut cond);
3309        let (has_let_expr, does_not_have_bin_op) = check_let_expr(&cond);
3310        if has_let_expr {
3311            if does_not_have_bin_op {
3312                // Remove the last feature gating of a `let` expression since it's stable.
3313                self.psess.gated_spans.ungate_last(sym::let_chains, cond.span);
3314            }
3315            let span =;
3316            self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::if_let_guard, span);
3317        }
3318        Ok(Some(cond))
3319    }
3321    fn parse_match_arm_pat_and_guard(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, (P<Pat>, Option<P<Expr>>)> {
3322        if self.token == token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Parenthesis) {
3323            let left = self.token.span;
3324            let pat = self.parse_pat_no_top_guard(
3325                None,
3326                RecoverComma::Yes,
3327                RecoverColon::Yes,
3328                CommaRecoveryMode::EitherTupleOrPipe,
3329            )?;
3330            if let ast::PatKind::Paren(subpat) = &pat.kind
3331                && let ast::PatKind::Guard(..) = &subpat.kind
3332            {
3333                // Detect and recover from `($pat if $cond) => $arm`.
3334                // FIXME(guard_patterns): convert this to a normal guard instead
3335                let span = pat.span;
3336                let ast::PatKind::Paren(subpat) = pat.into_inner().kind else { unreachable!() };
3337                let ast::PatKind::Guard(_, mut cond) = subpat.into_inner().kind else {
3338                    unreachable!()
3339                };
3340                self.psess.gated_spans.ungate_last(sym::guard_patterns, cond.span);
3341                CondChecker::new(self).visit_expr(&mut cond);
3342                let right = self.prev_token.span;
3343                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::ParenthesesInMatchPat {
3344                    span: vec![left, right],
3345                    sugg: errors::ParenthesesInMatchPatSugg { left, right },
3346                });
3347                Ok((self.mk_pat(span, ast::PatKind::Wild), Some(cond)))
3348            } else {
3349                Ok((pat, self.parse_match_arm_guard()?))
3350            }
3351        } else {
3352            // Regular parser flow:
3353            let pat = self.parse_pat_no_top_guard(
3354                None,
3355                RecoverComma::Yes,
3356                RecoverColon::Yes,
3357                CommaRecoveryMode::EitherTupleOrPipe,
3358            )?;
3359            Ok((pat, self.parse_match_arm_guard()?))
3360        }
3361    }
3363    fn parse_match_guard_condition(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
3364        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
3365        match self.parse_expr_res(Restrictions::ALLOW_LET | Restrictions::IN_IF_GUARD, attrs) {
3366            Ok((expr, _)) => Ok(expr),
3367            Err(mut err) => {
3368                if self.prev_token == token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace) {
3369                    let sugg_sp = self.prev_token.span.shrink_to_lo();
3370                    // Consume everything within the braces, let's avoid further parse
3371                    // errors.
3372                    self.recover_stmt_(SemiColonMode::Ignore, BlockMode::Ignore);
3373                    let msg = "you might have meant to start a match arm after the match guard";
3374                    if!(CloseBrace)) {
3375                        let applicability = if self.token != token::FatArrow {
3376                            // We have high confidence that we indeed didn't have a struct
3377                            // literal in the match guard, but rather we had some operation
3378                            // that ended in a path, immediately followed by a block that was
3379                            // meant to be the match arm.
3380                            Applicability::MachineApplicable
3381                        } else {
3382                            Applicability::MaybeIncorrect
3383                        };
3384                        err.span_suggestion_verbose(sugg_sp, msg, "=> ", applicability);
3385                    }
3386                }
3387                Err(err)
3388            }
3389        }
3390    }
3392    pub(crate) fn is_builtin(&self) -> bool {
3393        self.token.is_keyword(kw::Builtin) && self.look_ahead(1, |t| *t == token::Pound)
3394    }
3396    /// Parses a `try {...}` expression (`try` token already eaten).
3397    fn parse_try_block(&mut self, span_lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
3398        let (attrs, body) = self.parse_inner_attrs_and_block()?;
3399        if self.eat_keyword(exp!(Catch)) {
3400            Err(self.dcx().create_err(errors::CatchAfterTry { span: self.prev_token.span }))
3401        } else {
3402            let span =;
3403            self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::try_blocks, span);
3404            Ok(self.mk_expr_with_attrs(span, ExprKind::TryBlock(body), attrs))
3405        }
3406    }
3408    fn is_do_catch_block(&self) -> bool {
3409        self.token.is_keyword(kw::Do)
3410            && self.is_keyword_ahead(1, &[kw::Catch])
3411            && self
3412                .look_ahead(2, |t| *t == token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace) || t.is_whole_block())
3413            && !self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::NO_STRUCT_LITERAL)
3414    }
3416    fn is_do_yeet(&self) -> bool {
3417        self.token.is_keyword(kw::Do) && self.is_keyword_ahead(1, &[kw::Yeet])
3418    }
3420    fn is_try_block(&self) -> bool {
3421        self.token.is_keyword(kw::Try)
3422            && self
3423                .look_ahead(1, |t| *t == token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace) || t.is_whole_block())
3424            && self.token.uninterpolated_span().at_least_rust_2018()
3425    }
3427    /// Parses an `async move? {...}` or `gen move? {...}` expression.
3428    fn parse_gen_block(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
3429        let lo = self.token.span;
3430        let kind = if self.eat_keyword(exp!(Async)) {
3431            if self.eat_keyword(exp!(Gen)) { GenBlockKind::AsyncGen } else { GenBlockKind::Async }
3432        } else {
3433            assert!(self.eat_keyword(exp!(Gen)));
3434            GenBlockKind::Gen
3435        };
3436        match kind {
3437            GenBlockKind::Async => {
3438                // `async` blocks are stable
3439            }
3440            GenBlockKind::Gen | GenBlockKind::AsyncGen => {
3441                self.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::gen_blocks,;
3442            }
3443        }
3444        let capture_clause = self.parse_capture_clause()?;
3445        let decl_span =;
3446        let (attrs, body) = self.parse_inner_attrs_and_block()?;
3447        let kind = ExprKind::Gen(capture_clause, body, kind, decl_span);
3448        Ok(self.mk_expr_with_attrs(, kind, attrs))
3449    }
3451    fn is_gen_block(&self, kw: Symbol, lookahead: usize) -> bool {
3452        self.is_keyword_ahead(lookahead, &[kw])
3453            && ((
3454                // `async move {`
3455                self.is_keyword_ahead(lookahead + 1, &[kw::Move])
3456                    && self.look_ahead(lookahead + 2, |t| {
3457                        *t == token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace) || t.is_whole_block()
3458                    })
3459            ) || (
3460                // `async {`
3461                self.look_ahead(lookahead + 1, |t| {
3462                    *t == token::OpenDelim(Delimiter::Brace) || t.is_whole_block()
3463                })
3464            ))
3465    }
3467    pub(super) fn is_async_gen_block(&self) -> bool {
3468        self.token.is_keyword(kw::Async) && self.is_gen_block(kw::Gen, 1)
3469    }
3471    fn is_certainly_not_a_block(&self) -> bool {
3472        self.look_ahead(1, |t| t.is_ident())
3473            && (
3474                // `{ ident, ` cannot start a block.
3475                self.look_ahead(2, |t| t == &token::Comma)
3476                    || self.look_ahead(2, |t| t == &token::Colon)
3477                        && (
3478                            // `{ ident: token, ` cannot start a block.
3479                            self.look_ahead(4, |t| t == &token::Comma)
3480                                // `{ ident: ` cannot start a block unless it's a type ascription
3481                                // `ident: Type`.
3482                                || self.look_ahead(3, |t| !t.can_begin_type())
3483                        )
3484            )
3485    }
3487    fn maybe_parse_struct_expr(
3488        &mut self,
3489        qself: &Option<P<ast::QSelf>>,
3490        path: &ast::Path,
3491    ) -> Option<PResult<'a, P<Expr>>> {
3492        let struct_allowed = !self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::NO_STRUCT_LITERAL);
3493        if struct_allowed || self.is_certainly_not_a_block() {
3494            if let Err(err) = self.expect(exp!(OpenBrace)) {
3495                return Some(Err(err));
3496            }
3497            let expr = self.parse_expr_struct(qself.clone(), path.clone(), true);
3498            if let (Ok(expr), false) = (&expr, struct_allowed) {
3499                // This is a struct literal, but we don't can't accept them here.
3500                self.dcx().emit_err(errors::StructLiteralNotAllowedHere {
3501                    span: expr.span,
3502                    sub: errors::StructLiteralNotAllowedHereSugg {
3503                        left: path.span.shrink_to_lo(),
3504                        right: expr.span.shrink_to_hi(),
3505                    },
3506                });
3507            }
3508            return Some(expr);
3509        }
3510        None
3511    }
3513    pub(super) fn parse_struct_fields(
3514        &mut self,
3515        pth: ast::Path,
3516        recover: bool,
3517        close: ExpTokenPair<'_>,
3518    ) -> PResult<
3519        'a,
3520        (
3521            ThinVec<ExprField>,
3522            ast::StructRest,
3523            Option<ErrorGuaranteed>, /* async blocks are forbidden in Rust 2015 */
3524        ),
3525    > {
3526        let mut fields = ThinVec::new();
3527        let mut base = ast::StructRest::None;
3528        let mut recovered_async = None;
3529        let in_if_guard = self.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::IN_IF_GUARD);
3531        let async_block_err = |e: &mut Diag<'_>, span: Span| {
3532            errors::AsyncBlockIn2015 { span }.add_to_diag(e);
3533            errors::HelpUseLatestEdition::new().add_to_diag(e);
3534        };
3536        while self.token != *close.tok {
3537            if!(DotDot)) || self.recover_struct_field_dots(close.tok) {
3538                let exp_span = self.prev_token.span;
3539                // We permit `.. }` on the left-hand side of a destructuring assignment.
3540                if self.check(close) {
3541                    base = ast::StructRest::Rest(self.prev_token.span);
3542                    break;
3543                }
3544                match self.parse_expr() {
3545                    Ok(e) => base = ast::StructRest::Base(e),
3546                    Err(e) if recover => {
3547                        e.emit();
3548                        self.recover_stmt();
3549                    }
3550                    Err(e) => return Err(e),
3551                }
3552                self.recover_struct_comma_after_dotdot(exp_span);
3553                break;
3554            }
3556            // Peek the field's ident before parsing its expr in order to emit better diagnostics.
3557            let peek = self
3558                .token
3559                .ident()
3560                .filter(|(ident, is_raw)| {
3561                    (!ident.is_reserved() || matches!(is_raw, IdentIsRaw::Yes))
3562                        && self.look_ahead(1, |tok| *tok == token::Colon)
3563                })
3564                .map(|(ident, _)| ident);
3566            // We still want a field even if its expr didn't parse.
3567            let field_ident = |this: &Self, guar: ErrorGuaranteed| {
3568      |ident| {
3569                    let span = ident.span;
3570                    ExprField {
3571                        ident,
3572                        span,
3573                        expr: this.mk_expr_err(span, guar),
3574                        is_shorthand: false,
3575                        attrs: AttrVec::new(),
3576                        id: DUMMY_NODE_ID,
3577                        is_placeholder: false,
3578                    }
3579                })
3580            };
3582            let parsed_field = match self.parse_expr_field() {
3583                Ok(f) => Ok(f),
3584                Err(mut e) => {
3585                    if pth == kw::Async {
3586                        async_block_err(&mut e, pth.span);
3587                    } else {
3588                        e.span_label(pth.span, "while parsing this struct");
3589                    }
3591                    if let Some((ident, _)) = self.token.ident()
3592                        && !self.token.is_reserved_ident()
3593                        && self.look_ahead(1, |t| {
3594                            AssocOp::from_token(t).is_some()
3595                                || matches!(
3596                                    t.kind,
3597                                    token::OpenDelim(
3598                                        Delimiter::Parenthesis
3599                                            | Delimiter::Bracket
3600                                            | Delimiter::Brace
3601                                    )
3602                                )
3603                                || *t == token::Dot
3604                        })
3605                    {
3606                        // Looks like they tried to write a shorthand, complex expression,
3607                        // E.g.: `n + m`, `f(a)`, `a[i]`, `S { x: 3 }`, or `x.y`.
3608                        e.span_suggestion_verbose(
3609                            self.token.span.shrink_to_lo(),
3610                            "try naming a field",
3611                            &format!("{ident}: ",),
3612                            Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
3613                        );
3614                    }
3615                    if in_if_guard && close.token_type == TokenType::CloseBrace {
3616                        return Err(e);
3617                    }
3619                    if !recover {
3620                        return Err(e);
3621                    }
3623                    let guar = e.emit();
3624                    if pth == kw::Async {
3625                        recovered_async = Some(guar);
3626                    }
3628                    // If the next token is a comma, then try to parse
3629                    // what comes next as additional fields, rather than
3630                    // bailing out until next `}`.
3631                    if self.token != token::Comma {
3632                        self.recover_stmt_(SemiColonMode::Comma, BlockMode::Ignore);
3633                        if self.token != token::Comma {
3634                            break;
3635                        }
3636                    }
3638                    Err(guar)
3639                }
3640            };
3642            let is_shorthand = parsed_field.as_ref().is_ok_and(|f| f.is_shorthand);
3643            // A shorthand field can be turned into a full field with `:`.
3644            // We should point this out.
3645            self.check_or_expected(!is_shorthand, TokenType::Colon);
3647            match self.expect_one_of(&[exp!(Comma)], &[close]) {
3648                Ok(_) => {
3649                    if let Ok(f) = parsed_field.or_else(|guar| field_ident(self, guar).ok_or(guar))
3650                    {
3651                        // Only include the field if there's no parse error for the field name.
3652                        fields.push(f);
3653                    }
3654                }
3655                Err(mut e) => {
3656                    if pth == kw::Async {
3657                        async_block_err(&mut e, pth.span);
3658                    } else {
3659                        e.span_label(pth.span, "while parsing this struct");
3660                        if peek.is_some() {
3661                            e.span_suggestion(
3662                                self.prev_token.span.shrink_to_hi(),
3663                                "try adding a comma",
3664                                ",",
3665                                Applicability::MachineApplicable,
3666                            );
3667                        }
3668                    }
3669                    if !recover {
3670                        return Err(e);
3671                    }
3672                    let guar = e.emit();
3673                    if pth == kw::Async {
3674                        recovered_async = Some(guar);
3675                    } else if let Some(f) = field_ident(self, guar) {
3676                        fields.push(f);
3677                    }
3678                    self.recover_stmt_(SemiColonMode::Comma, BlockMode::Ignore);
3679                    let _ =!(Comma));
3680                }
3681            }
3682        }
3683        Ok((fields, base, recovered_async))
3684    }
3686    /// Precondition: already parsed the '{'.
3687    pub(super) fn parse_expr_struct(
3688        &mut self,
3689        qself: Option<P<ast::QSelf>>,
3690        pth: ast::Path,
3691        recover: bool,
3692    ) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
3693        let lo = pth.span;
3694        let (fields, base, recovered_async) =
3695            self.parse_struct_fields(pth.clone(), recover, exp!(CloseBrace))?;
3696        let span =;
3697        self.expect(exp!(CloseBrace))?;
3698        let expr = if let Some(guar) = recovered_async {
3699            ExprKind::Err(guar)
3700        } else {
3701            ExprKind::Struct(P(ast::StructExpr { qself, path: pth, fields, rest: base }))
3702        };
3703        Ok(self.mk_expr(span, expr))
3704    }
3706    fn recover_struct_comma_after_dotdot(&mut self, span: Span) {
3707        if self.token != token::Comma {
3708            return;
3709        }
3710        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::CommaAfterBaseStruct {
3711            span:,
3712            comma: self.token.span,
3713        });
3714        self.recover_stmt();
3715    }
3717    fn recover_struct_field_dots(&mut self, close: &TokenKind) -> bool {
3718        if !self.look_ahead(1, |t| t == close) &&!(DotDotDot)) {
3719            // recover from typo of `...`, suggest `..`
3720            let span = self.prev_token.span;
3721            self.dcx().emit_err(errors::MissingDotDot { token_span: span, sugg_span: span });
3722            return true;
3723        }
3724        false
3725    }
3727    /// Converts an ident into 'label and emits an "expected a label, found an identifier" error.
3728    fn recover_ident_into_label(&mut self, ident: Ident) -> Label {
3729        // Convert `label` -> `'label`,
3730        // so that nameres doesn't complain about non-existing label
3731        let label = format!("'{}",;
3732        let ident = Ident { name: Symbol::intern(&label), span: ident.span };
3734        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::ExpectedLabelFoundIdent {
3735            span: ident.span,
3736            start: ident.span.shrink_to_lo(),
3737        });
3739        Label { ident }
3740    }
3742    /// Parses `ident (COLON expr)?`.
3743    fn parse_expr_field(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, ExprField> {
3744        let attrs = self.parse_outer_attributes()?;
3745        self.recover_vcs_conflict_marker();
3746        self.collect_tokens(None, attrs, ForceCollect::No, |this, attrs| {
3747            let lo = this.token.span;
3749            // Check if a colon exists one ahead. This means we're parsing a fieldname.
3750            let is_shorthand = !this.look_ahead(1, |t| t == &token::Colon || t == &token::Eq);
3751            // Proactively check whether parsing the field will be incorrect.
3752            let is_wrong = this.token.is_ident()
3753                && !this.token.is_reserved_ident()
3754                && !this.look_ahead(1, |t| {
3755                    t == &token::Colon
3756                        || t == &token::Eq
3757                        || t == &token::Comma
3758                        || t == &token::CloseDelim(Delimiter::Brace)
3759                        || t == &token::CloseDelim(Delimiter::Parenthesis)
3760                });
3761            if is_wrong {
3762                return Err(this.dcx().create_err(errors::ExpectedStructField {
3763                    span: this.look_ahead(1, |t| t.span),
3764                    ident_span: this.token.span,
3765                    token: this.look_ahead(1, |t| t.clone()),
3766                }));
3767            }
3768            let (ident, expr) = if is_shorthand {
3769                // Mimic `x: x` for the `x` field shorthand.
3770                let ident = this.parse_ident_common(false)?;
3771                let path = ast::Path::from_ident(ident);
3772                (ident, this.mk_expr(ident.span, ExprKind::Path(None, path)))
3773            } else {
3774                let ident = this.parse_field_name()?;
3775                this.error_on_eq_field_init(ident);
3776                this.bump(); // `:`
3777                (ident, this.parse_expr()?)
3778            };
3780            Ok((
3781                ast::ExprField {
3782                    ident,
3783                    span:,
3784                    expr,
3785                    is_shorthand,
3786                    attrs,
3787                    id: DUMMY_NODE_ID,
3788                    is_placeholder: false,
3789                },
3790                Trailing::from(this.token == token::Comma),
3791                UsePreAttrPos::No,
3792            ))
3793        })
3794    }
3796    /// Check for `=`. This means the source incorrectly attempts to
3797    /// initialize a field with an eq rather than a colon.
3798    fn error_on_eq_field_init(&self, field_name: Ident) {
3799        if self.token != token::Eq {
3800            return;
3801        }
3803        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::EqFieldInit {
3804            span: self.token.span,
3805            eq: field_name.span.shrink_to_hi().to(self.token.span),
3806        });
3807    }
3809    fn err_dotdotdot_syntax(&self, span: Span) {
3810        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::DotDotDot { span });
3811    }
3813    fn err_larrow_operator(&self, span: Span) {
3814        self.dcx().emit_err(errors::LeftArrowOperator { span });
3815    }
3817    fn mk_assign_op(&self, binop: BinOp, lhs: P<Expr>, rhs: P<Expr>) -> ExprKind {
3818        ExprKind::AssignOp(binop, lhs, rhs)
3819    }
3821    fn mk_range(
3822        &mut self,
3823        start: Option<P<Expr>>,
3824        end: Option<P<Expr>>,
3825        limits: RangeLimits,
3826    ) -> ExprKind {
3827        if end.is_none() && limits == RangeLimits::Closed {
3828            let guar = self.inclusive_range_with_incorrect_end();
3829            ExprKind::Err(guar)
3830        } else {
3831            ExprKind::Range(start, end, limits)
3832        }
3833    }
3835    fn mk_unary(&self, unop: UnOp, expr: P<Expr>) -> ExprKind {
3836        ExprKind::Unary(unop, expr)
3837    }
3839    fn mk_binary(&self, binop: BinOp, lhs: P<Expr>, rhs: P<Expr>) -> ExprKind {
3840        ExprKind::Binary(binop, lhs, rhs)
3841    }
3843    fn mk_index(&self, expr: P<Expr>, idx: P<Expr>, brackets_span: Span) -> ExprKind {
3844        ExprKind::Index(expr, idx, brackets_span)
3845    }
3847    fn mk_call(&self, f: P<Expr>, args: ThinVec<P<Expr>>) -> ExprKind {
3848        ExprKind::Call(f, args)
3849    }
3851    fn mk_await_expr(&mut self, self_arg: P<Expr>, lo: Span) -> P<Expr> {
3852        let span =;
3853        let await_expr = self.mk_expr(span, ExprKind::Await(self_arg, self.prev_token.span));
3854        self.recover_from_await_method_call();
3855        await_expr
3856    }
3858    pub(crate) fn mk_expr_with_attrs(&self, span: Span, kind: ExprKind, attrs: AttrVec) -> P<Expr> {
3859        P(Expr { kind, span, attrs, id: DUMMY_NODE_ID, tokens: None })
3860    }
3862    pub(crate) fn mk_expr(&self, span: Span, kind: ExprKind) -> P<Expr> {
3863        self.mk_expr_with_attrs(span, kind, AttrVec::new())
3864    }
3866    pub(super) fn mk_expr_err(&self, span: Span, guar: ErrorGuaranteed) -> P<Expr> {
3867        self.mk_expr(span, ExprKind::Err(guar))
3868    }
3870    /// Create expression span ensuring the span of the parent node
3871    /// is larger than the span of lhs and rhs, including the attributes.
3872    fn mk_expr_sp(&self, lhs: &P<Expr>, lhs_span: Span, rhs_span: Span) -> Span {
3873        lhs.attrs
3874            .iter()
3875            .find(|a| == AttrStyle::Outer)
3876            .map_or(lhs_span, |a| a.span)
3877            .to(rhs_span)
3878    }
3880    fn collect_tokens_for_expr(
3881        &mut self,
3882        attrs: AttrWrapper,
3883        f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self, ast::AttrVec) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>>,
3884    ) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
3885        self.collect_tokens(None, attrs, ForceCollect::No, |this, attrs| {
3886            let res = f(this, attrs)?;
3887            let trailing = Trailing::from(
3888                this.restrictions.contains(Restrictions::STMT_EXPR)
3889                     && this.token == token::Semi
3890                // FIXME: pass an additional condition through from the place
3891                // where we know we need a comma, rather than assuming that
3892                // `#[attr] expr,` always captures a trailing comma.
3893                || this.token == token::Comma,
3894            );
3895            Ok((res, trailing, UsePreAttrPos::No))
3896        })
3897    }
3900/// Could this lifetime/label be an unclosed char literal? For example, `'a`
3901/// could be, but `'abc` could not.
3902pub(crate) fn could_be_unclosed_char_literal(ident: Ident) -> bool {
3904        && unescape_char(ident.without_first_quote().name.as_str()).is_ok()
3907/// Used to forbid `let` expressions in certain syntactic locations.
3908#[derive(Clone, Copy, Subdiagnostic)]
3909pub(crate) enum ForbiddenLetReason {
3910    /// `let` is not valid and the source environment is not important
3911    OtherForbidden,
3912    /// A let chain with the `||` operator
3913    #[note(parse_not_supported_or)]
3914    NotSupportedOr(#[primary_span] Span),
3915    /// A let chain with invalid parentheses
3916    ///
3917    /// For example, `let 1 = 1 && (expr && expr)` is allowed
3918    /// but `(let 1 = 1 && (let 1 = 1 && (let 1 = 1))) && let a = 1` is not
3919    #[note(parse_not_supported_parentheses)]
3920    NotSupportedParentheses(#[primary_span] Span),
3923/// Visitor to check for invalid/unstable use of `ExprKind::Let` that can't
3924/// easily be caught in parsing. For example:
3926/// ```rust,ignore (example)
3927/// // Only know that the let isn't allowed once the `||` token is reached
3928/// if let Some(x) = y || true {}
3929/// // Only know that the let isn't allowed once the second `=` token is reached.
3930/// if let Some(x) = y && z = 1 {}
3931/// ```
3932struct CondChecker<'a> {
3933    parser: &'a Parser<'a>,
3934    forbid_let_reason: Option<ForbiddenLetReason>,
3935    missing_let: Option<errors::MaybeMissingLet>,
3936    comparison: Option<errors::MaybeComparison>,
3939impl<'a> CondChecker<'a> {
3940    fn new(parser: &'a Parser<'a>) -> Self {
3941        CondChecker { parser, forbid_let_reason: None, missing_let: None, comparison: None }
3942    }
3945impl MutVisitor for CondChecker<'_> {
3946    fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &mut P<Expr>) {
3947        use ForbiddenLetReason::*;
3949        let span = e.span;
3950        match e.kind {
3951            ExprKind::Let(_, _, _, ref mut recovered @ Recovered::No) => {
3952                if let Some(reason) = self.forbid_let_reason {
3953                    *recovered = Recovered::Yes(self.parser.dcx().emit_err(
3954                        errors::ExpectedExpressionFoundLet {
3955                            span,
3956                            reason,
3957                            missing_let: self.missing_let,
3958                            comparison: self.comparison,
3959                        },
3960                    ));
3961                } else {
3962                    self.parser.psess.gated_spans.gate(sym::let_chains, span);
3963                }
3964            }
3965            ExprKind::Binary(Spanned { node: BinOpKind::And, .. }, _, _) => {
3966                mut_visit::walk_expr(self, e);
3967            }
3968            ExprKind::Binary(Spanned { node: BinOpKind::Or, span: or_span }, _, _)
3969                if let None | Some(NotSupportedOr(_)) = self.forbid_let_reason =>
3970            {
3971                let forbid_let_reason = self.forbid_let_reason;
3972                self.forbid_let_reason = Some(NotSupportedOr(or_span));
3973                mut_visit::walk_expr(self, e);
3974                self.forbid_let_reason = forbid_let_reason;
3975            }
3976            ExprKind::Paren(ref inner)
3977                if let None | Some(NotSupportedParentheses(_)) = self.forbid_let_reason =>
3978            {
3979                let forbid_let_reason = self.forbid_let_reason;
3980                self.forbid_let_reason = Some(NotSupportedParentheses(inner.span));
3981                mut_visit::walk_expr(self, e);
3982                self.forbid_let_reason = forbid_let_reason;
3983            }
3984            ExprKind::Assign(ref lhs, _, span) => {
3985                let forbid_let_reason = self.forbid_let_reason;
3986                self.forbid_let_reason = Some(OtherForbidden);
3987                let missing_let = self.missing_let;
3988                if let ExprKind::Binary(_, _, rhs) = &lhs.kind
3989                    && let ExprKind::Path(_, _)
3990                    | ExprKind::Struct(_)
3991                    | ExprKind::Call(_, _)
3992                    | ExprKind::Array(_) = rhs.kind
3993                {
3994                    self.missing_let =
3995                        Some(errors::MaybeMissingLet { span: rhs.span.shrink_to_lo() });
3996                }
3997                let comparison = self.comparison;
3998                self.comparison = Some(errors::MaybeComparison { span: span.shrink_to_hi() });
3999                mut_visit::walk_expr(self, e);
4000                self.forbid_let_reason = forbid_let_reason;
4001                self.missing_let = missing_let;
4002                self.comparison = comparison;
4003            }
4004            ExprKind::Unary(_, _)
4005            | ExprKind::Await(_, _)
4006            | ExprKind::AssignOp(_, _, _)
4007            | ExprKind::Range(_, _, _)
4008            | ExprKind::Try(_)
4009            | ExprKind::AddrOf(_, _, _)
4010            | ExprKind::Binary(_, _, _)
4011            | ExprKind::Field(_, _)
4012            | ExprKind::Index(_, _, _)
4013            | ExprKind::Call(_, _)
4014            | ExprKind::MethodCall(_)
4015            | ExprKind::Tup(_)
4016            | ExprKind::Paren(_) => {
4017                let forbid_let_reason = self.forbid_let_reason;
4018                self.forbid_let_reason = Some(OtherForbidden);
4019                mut_visit::walk_expr(self, e);
4020                self.forbid_let_reason = forbid_let_reason;
4021            }
4022            ExprKind::Cast(ref mut op, _)
4023            | ExprKind::Type(ref mut op, _)
4024            | ExprKind::UnsafeBinderCast(_, ref mut op, _) => {
4025                let forbid_let_reason = self.forbid_let_reason;
4026                self.forbid_let_reason = Some(OtherForbidden);
4027                self.visit_expr(op);
4028                self.forbid_let_reason = forbid_let_reason;
4029            }
4030            ExprKind::Let(_, _, _, Recovered::Yes(_))
4031            | ExprKind::Array(_)
4032            | ExprKind::ConstBlock(_)
4033            | ExprKind::Lit(_)
4034            | ExprKind::If(_, _, _)
4035            | ExprKind::While(_, _, _)
4036            | ExprKind::ForLoop { .. }
4037            | ExprKind::Loop(_, _, _)
4038            | ExprKind::Match(_, _, _)
4039            | ExprKind::Closure(_)
4040            | ExprKind::Block(_, _)
4041            | ExprKind::Gen(_, _, _, _)
4042            | ExprKind::TryBlock(_)
4043            | ExprKind::Underscore
4044            | ExprKind::Path(_, _)
4045            | ExprKind::Break(_, _)
4046            | ExprKind::Continue(_)
4047            | ExprKind::Ret(_)
4048            | ExprKind::InlineAsm(_)
4049            | ExprKind::OffsetOf(_, _)
4050            | ExprKind::MacCall(_)
4051            | ExprKind::Struct(_)
4052            | ExprKind::Repeat(_, _)
4053            | ExprKind::Yield(_)
4054            | ExprKind::Yeet(_)
4055            | ExprKind::Become(_)
4056            | ExprKind::IncludedBytes(_)
4057            | ExprKind::FormatArgs(_)
4058            | ExprKind::Err(_)
4059            | ExprKind::Dummy => {
4060                // These would forbid any let expressions they contain already.
4061            }
4062        }
4063    }