
1//! This module implements expansion of delegation items with early resolved paths.
2//! It includes a delegation to a free functions:
4//! ```ignore (illustrative)
5//! reuse module::name { target_expr_template }
6//! ```
8//! And delegation to a trait methods:
10//! ```ignore (illustrative)
11//! reuse <Type as Trait>::name { target_expr_template }
12//! ```
14//! After expansion for both cases we get:
16//! ```ignore (illustrative)
17//! fn name(
18//!     arg0: InferDelegation(sig_id, Input(0)),
19//!     arg1: InferDelegation(sig_id, Input(1)),
20//!     ...,
21//!     argN: InferDelegation(sig_id, Input(N)),
22//! ) -> InferDelegation(sig_id, Output) {
23//!     callee_path(target_expr_template(arg0), arg1, ..., argN)
24//! }
25//! ```
27//! Where `callee_path` is a path in delegation item e.g. `<Type as Trait>::name`.
28//! `sig_id` is a id of item from which the signature is inherited. It may be a delegation
29//! item id (`item_id`) in case of impl trait or path resolution id (`path_id`) otherwise.
31//! Since we do not have a proper way to obtain function type information by path resolution
32//! in AST, we mark each function parameter type as `InferDelegation` and inherit it during
33//! HIR ty lowering.
35//! Similarly generics, predicates and header are set to the "default" values.
36//! In case of discrepancy with callee function the `UnsupportedDelegation` error will
37//! also be emitted during HIR ty lowering.
39use std::iter;
41use ast::visit::Visitor;
42use hir::def::{DefKind, PartialRes, Res};
43use hir::{BodyId, HirId};
44use rustc_abi::ExternAbi;
45use rustc_ast::*;
46use rustc_errors::ErrorGuaranteed;
47use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
48use rustc_middle::span_bug;
49use rustc_middle::ty::{Asyncness, ResolverAstLowering};
50use rustc_span::{Ident, Span};
51use {rustc_ast as ast, rustc_hir as hir};
53use super::{GenericArgsMode, ImplTraitContext, LoweringContext, ParamMode};
54use crate::{AllowReturnTypeNotation, ImplTraitPosition, ResolverAstLoweringExt};
56pub(crate) struct DelegationResults<'hir> {
57    pub body_id: hir::BodyId,
58    pub sig: hir::FnSig<'hir>,
59    pub generics: &'hir hir::Generics<'hir>,
62impl<'hir> LoweringContext<'_, 'hir> {
63    pub(crate) fn delegation_has_self(&self, item_id: NodeId, path_id: NodeId, span: Span) -> bool {
64        let sig_id = self.get_delegation_sig_id(item_id, path_id, span);
65        let Ok(sig_id) = sig_id else {
66            return false;
67        };
68        self.has_self(sig_id, span)
69    }
71    fn has_self(&self, def_id: DefId, span: Span) -> bool {
72        if let Some(local_sig_id) = def_id.as_local() {
73            // The value may be missing due to recursive delegation.
74            // Error will be emitted later during HIR ty lowering.
75            self.resolver.delegation_fn_sigs.get(&local_sig_id).is_some_and(|sig| sig.has_self)
76        } else {
77            match self.tcx.def_kind(def_id) {
78                DefKind::Fn => false,
79                DefKind::AssocFn => self.tcx.associated_item(def_id).fn_has_self_parameter,
80                _ => span_bug!(span, "unexpected DefKind for delegation item"),
81            }
82        }
83    }
85    pub(crate) fn lower_delegation(
86        &mut self,
87        delegation: &Delegation,
88        item_id: NodeId,
89    ) -> DelegationResults<'hir> {
90        let span = self.lower_span(delegation.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.span);
91        let sig_id = self.get_delegation_sig_id(item_id,, span);
92        match sig_id {
93            Ok(sig_id) => {
94                let (param_count, c_variadic) = self.param_count(sig_id);
95                let decl = self.lower_delegation_decl(sig_id, param_count, c_variadic, span);
96                let sig = self.lower_delegation_sig(sig_id, decl, span);
97                let body_id = self.lower_delegation_body(delegation, param_count, span);
99                let generics = self.lower_delegation_generics(span);
100                DelegationResults { body_id, sig, generics }
101            }
102            Err(err) => self.generate_delegation_error(err, span),
103        }
104    }
106    fn get_delegation_sig_id(
107        &self,
108        item_id: NodeId,
109        path_id: NodeId,
110        span: Span,
111    ) -> Result<DefId, ErrorGuaranteed> {
112        let sig_id = if self.is_in_trait_impl { item_id } else { path_id };
113        self.get_resolution_id(sig_id, span)
114    }
116    fn get_resolution_id(&self, node_id: NodeId, span: Span) -> Result<DefId, ErrorGuaranteed> {
117        let def_id =
118            self.resolver.get_partial_res(node_id).and_then(|r| r.expect_full_res().opt_def_id());
119        def_id.ok_or_else(|| {
120            self.tcx.dcx().span_delayed_bug(
121                span,
122                format!("LoweringContext: couldn't resolve node {:?} in delegation item", node_id),
123            )
124        })
125    }
127    fn lower_delegation_generics(&mut self, span: Span) -> &'hir hir::Generics<'hir> {
128        self.arena.alloc(hir::Generics {
129            params: &[],
130            predicates: &[],
131            has_where_clause_predicates: false,
132            where_clause_span: span,
133            span,
134        })
135    }
137    // Function parameter count, including C variadic `...` if present.
138    fn param_count(&self, sig_id: DefId) -> (usize, bool /*c_variadic*/) {
139        if let Some(local_sig_id) = sig_id.as_local() {
140            // Map may be filled incorrectly due to recursive delegation.
141            // Error will be emitted later during HIR ty lowering.
142            match self.resolver.delegation_fn_sigs.get(&local_sig_id) {
143                Some(sig) => (sig.param_count, sig.c_variadic),
144                None => (0, false),
145            }
146        } else {
147            let sig = self.tcx.fn_sig(sig_id).skip_binder().skip_binder();
148            (sig.inputs().len() + usize::from(sig.c_variadic), sig.c_variadic)
149        }
150    }
152    fn lower_delegation_decl(
153        &mut self,
154        sig_id: DefId,
155        param_count: usize,
156        c_variadic: bool,
157        span: Span,
158    ) -> &'hir hir::FnDecl<'hir> {
159        // The last parameter in C variadic functions is skipped in the signature,
160        // like during regular lowering.
161        let decl_param_count = param_count - c_variadic as usize;
162        let inputs = self.arena.alloc_from_iter((0..decl_param_count).map(|arg| hir::Ty {
163            hir_id: self.next_id(),
164            kind: hir::TyKind::InferDelegation(sig_id, hir::InferDelegationKind::Input(arg)),
165            span,
166        }));
168        let output = self.arena.alloc(hir::Ty {
169            hir_id: self.next_id(),
170            kind: hir::TyKind::InferDelegation(sig_id, hir::InferDelegationKind::Output),
171            span,
172        });
174        self.arena.alloc(hir::FnDecl {
175            inputs,
176            output: hir::FnRetTy::Return(output),
177            c_variadic,
178            lifetime_elision_allowed: true,
179            implicit_self: hir::ImplicitSelfKind::None,
180        })
181    }
183    fn lower_delegation_sig(
184        &mut self,
185        sig_id: DefId,
186        decl: &'hir hir::FnDecl<'hir>,
187        span: Span,
188    ) -> hir::FnSig<'hir> {
189        let header = if let Some(local_sig_id) = sig_id.as_local() {
190            match self.resolver.delegation_fn_sigs.get(&local_sig_id) {
191                Some(sig) => self.lower_fn_header(
192                    sig.header,
193                    // HACK: we override the default safety instead of generating attributes from the ether.
194                    // We are not forwarding the attributes, as the delegation fn sigs are collected on the ast,
195                    // and here we need the hir attributes.
196                    if sig.target_feature { hir::Safety::Unsafe } else { hir::Safety::Safe },
197                    &[],
198                ),
199                None => self.generate_header_error(),
200            }
201        } else {
202            let sig = self.tcx.fn_sig(sig_id).skip_binder().skip_binder();
203            let asyncness = match self.tcx.asyncness(sig_id) {
204                Asyncness::Yes => hir::IsAsync::Async(span),
205                Asyncness::No => hir::IsAsync::NotAsync,
206            };
207            hir::FnHeader {
208                safety: if self.tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(sig_id).safe_target_features {
209                    hir::HeaderSafety::SafeTargetFeatures
210                } else {
211                    hir::HeaderSafety::Normal(
212                },
213                constness: self.tcx.constness(sig_id),
214                asyncness,
215                abi: sig.abi,
216            }
217        };
218        hir::FnSig { decl, header, span }
219    }
221    fn generate_param(&mut self, span: Span) -> (hir::Param<'hir>, NodeId) {
222        let pat_node_id = self.next_node_id();
223        let pat_id = self.lower_node_id(pat_node_id);
224        let pat = self.arena.alloc(hir::Pat {
225            hir_id: pat_id,
226            kind: hir::PatKind::Binding(hir::BindingMode::NONE, pat_id, Ident::empty(), None),
227            span,
228            default_binding_modes: false,
229        });
231        (hir::Param { hir_id: self.next_id(), pat, ty_span: span, span }, pat_node_id)
232    }
234    fn generate_arg(&mut self, param_id: HirId, span: Span) -> hir::Expr<'hir> {
235        let segments = self.arena.alloc_from_iter(iter::once(hir::PathSegment {
236            ident: Ident::empty(),
237            hir_id: self.next_id(),
238            res: Res::Local(param_id),
239            args: None,
240            infer_args: false,
241        }));
243        let path = self.arena.alloc(hir::Path { span, res: Res::Local(param_id), segments });
244        self.mk_expr(hir::ExprKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(None, path)), span)
245    }
247    fn lower_delegation_body(
248        &mut self,
249        delegation: &Delegation,
250        param_count: usize,
251        span: Span,
252    ) -> BodyId {
253        let block = delegation.body.as_deref();
255        self.lower_body(|this| {
256            let mut parameters: Vec<hir::Param<'_>> = Vec::with_capacity(param_count);
257            let mut args: Vec<hir::Expr<'_>> = Vec::with_capacity(param_count);
259            for idx in 0..param_count {
260                let (param, pat_node_id) = this.generate_param(span);
261                parameters.push(param);
263                let arg = if let Some(block) = block
264                    && idx == 0
265                {
266                    let mut self_resolver = SelfResolver {
267                        resolver: this.resolver,
268                        path_id:,
269                        self_param_id: pat_node_id,
270                    };
271                    self_resolver.visit_block(block);
272                    // Target expr needs to lower `self` path.
273                    this.ident_and_label_to_local_id.insert(pat_node_id, param.pat.hir_id.local_id);
274                    this.lower_target_expr(&block)
275                } else {
276                    this.generate_arg(param.pat.hir_id, span)
277                };
278                args.push(arg);
279            }
281            let final_expr = this.finalize_body_lowering(delegation, args, span);
282            (this.arena.alloc_from_iter(parameters), final_expr)
283        })
284    }
286    // FIXME(fn_delegation): Alternatives for target expression lowering:
287    //
288    fn lower_target_expr(&mut self, block: &Block) -> hir::Expr<'hir> {
289        if let [stmt] = block.stmts.as_slice()
290            && let StmtKind::Expr(expr) = &stmt.kind
291        {
292            return self.lower_expr_mut(expr);
293        }
295        let block = self.lower_block(block, false);
296        self.mk_expr(hir::ExprKind::Block(block, None), block.span)
297    }
299    // Generates expression for the resulting body. If possible, `MethodCall` is used
300    // to allow autoref/autoderef for target expression. For example in:
301    //
302    // trait Trait : Sized {
303    //     fn by_value(self) -> i32 { 1 }
304    //     fn by_mut_ref(&mut self) -> i32 { 2 }
305    //     fn by_ref(&self) -> i32 { 3 }
306    // }
307    //
308    // struct NewType(SomeType);
309    // impl Trait for NewType {
310    //     reuse Trait::* { self.0 }
311    // }
312    //
313    // `self.0` will automatically coerce.
314    fn finalize_body_lowering(
315        &mut self,
316        delegation: &Delegation,
317        args: Vec<hir::Expr<'hir>>,
318        span: Span,
319    ) -> hir::Expr<'hir> {
320        let args = self.arena.alloc_from_iter(args);
322        let has_generic_args =
323            delegation.path.segments.iter().rev().skip(1).any(|segment| segment.args.is_some());
325        let call = if self
326            .get_resolution_id(, span)
327            .and_then(|def_id| Ok(self.has_self(def_id, span)))
328            .unwrap_or_default()
329            && delegation.qself.is_none()
330            && !has_generic_args
331        {
332            let ast_segment = delegation.path.segments.last().unwrap();
333            let segment = self.lower_path_segment(
334                delegation.path.span,
335                ast_segment,
336                ParamMode::Optional,
337                GenericArgsMode::Err,
338                ImplTraitContext::Disallowed(ImplTraitPosition::Path),
339                None,
340            );
341            let segment = self.arena.alloc(segment);
343            self.arena.alloc(hir::Expr {
344                hir_id: self.next_id(),
345                kind: hir::ExprKind::MethodCall(segment, &args[0], &args[1..], span),
346                span,
347            })
348        } else {
349            let path = self.lower_qpath(
350      ,
351                &delegation.qself,
352                &delegation.path,
353                ParamMode::Optional,
354                AllowReturnTypeNotation::No,
355                ImplTraitContext::Disallowed(ImplTraitPosition::Path),
356                None,
357            );
359            let callee_path = self.arena.alloc(self.mk_expr(hir::ExprKind::Path(path), span));
360            self.arena.alloc(self.mk_expr(hir::ExprKind::Call(callee_path, args), span))
361        };
362        let block = self.arena.alloc(hir::Block {
363            stmts: &[],
364            expr: Some(call),
365            hir_id: self.next_id(),
366            rules: hir::BlockCheckMode::DefaultBlock,
367            span,
368            targeted_by_break: false,
369        });
371        self.mk_expr(hir::ExprKind::Block(block, None), span)
372    }
374    fn generate_delegation_error(
375        &mut self,
376        err: ErrorGuaranteed,
377        span: Span,
378    ) -> DelegationResults<'hir> {
379        let generics = self.lower_delegation_generics(span);
381        let decl = self.arena.alloc(hir::FnDecl {
382            inputs: &[],
383            output: hir::FnRetTy::DefaultReturn(span),
384            c_variadic: false,
385            lifetime_elision_allowed: true,
386            implicit_self: hir::ImplicitSelfKind::None,
387        });
389        let header = self.generate_header_error();
390        let sig = hir::FnSig { decl, header, span };
392        let body_id = self.lower_body(|this| (&[], this.mk_expr(hir::ExprKind::Err(err), span)));
393        DelegationResults { generics, body_id, sig }
394    }
396    fn generate_header_error(&self) -> hir::FnHeader {
397        hir::FnHeader {
398            safety: hir::Safety::Safe.into(),
399            constness: hir::Constness::NotConst,
400            asyncness: hir::IsAsync::NotAsync,
401            abi: ExternAbi::Rust,
402        }
403    }
405    #[inline]
406    fn mk_expr(&mut self, kind: hir::ExprKind<'hir>, span: Span) -> hir::Expr<'hir> {
407        hir::Expr { hir_id: self.next_id(), kind, span }
408    }
411struct SelfResolver<'a> {
412    resolver: &'a mut ResolverAstLowering,
413    path_id: NodeId,
414    self_param_id: NodeId,
417impl<'a> SelfResolver<'a> {
418    fn try_replace_id(&mut self, id: NodeId) {
419        if let Some(res) = self.resolver.partial_res_map.get(&id)
420            && let Some(Res::Local(sig_id)) = res.full_res()
421            && sig_id == self.path_id
422        {
423            let new_res = PartialRes::new(Res::Local(self.self_param_id));
424            self.resolver.partial_res_map.insert(id, new_res);
425        }
426    }
429impl<'ast, 'a> Visitor<'ast> for SelfResolver<'a> {
430    fn visit_path(&mut self, path: &'ast Path, id: NodeId) {
431        self.try_replace_id(id);
432        visit::walk_path(self, path);
433    }
435    fn visit_path_segment(&mut self, seg: &'ast PathSegment) {
436        self.try_replace_id(;
437        visit::walk_path_segment(self, seg);
438    }