
1use std::fmt;
2use std::fmt::Write as _;
3use std::task::Poll;
5use crate::core::{Dependency, PackageId, Registry, Summary};
6use crate::sources::source::QueryKind;
7use crate::sources::IndexSummary;
8use crate::util::edit_distance::edit_distance;
9use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
10use crate::util::{GlobalContext, OptVersionReq, VersionExt};
11use anyhow::Error;
13use super::context::ResolverContext;
14use super::types::{ConflictMap, ConflictReason};
16/// Error during resolution providing a path of `PackageId`s.
17pub struct ResolveError {
18    cause: Error,
19    package_path: Vec<PackageId>,
22impl ResolveError {
23    pub fn new<E: Into<Error>>(cause: E, package_path: Vec<PackageId>) -> Self {
24        Self {
25            cause: cause.into(),
26            package_path,
27        }
28    }
30    /// Returns a path of packages from the package whose requirements could not be resolved up to
31    /// the root.
32    pub fn package_path(&self) -> &[PackageId] {
33        &self.package_path
34    }
37impl std::error::Error for ResolveError {
38    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
39        self.cause.source()
40    }
43impl fmt::Debug for ResolveError {
44    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
45        self.cause.fmt(f)
46    }
49impl fmt::Display for ResolveError {
50    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
51        self.cause.fmt(f)
52    }
55pub type ActivateResult<T> = Result<T, ActivateError>;
58pub enum ActivateError {
59    Fatal(anyhow::Error),
60    Conflict(PackageId, ConflictReason),
63impl From<::anyhow::Error> for ActivateError {
64    fn from(t: ::anyhow::Error) -> Self {
65        ActivateError::Fatal(t)
66    }
69impl From<(PackageId, ConflictReason)> for ActivateError {
70    fn from(t: (PackageId, ConflictReason)) -> Self {
71        ActivateError::Conflict(t.0, t.1)
72    }
75pub(super) fn activation_error(
76    resolver_ctx: &ResolverContext,
77    registry: &mut dyn Registry,
78    parent: &Summary,
79    dep: &Dependency,
80    conflicting_activations: &ConflictMap,
81    candidates: &[Summary],
82    gctx: Option<&GlobalContext>,
83) -> ResolveError {
84    let to_resolve_err = |err| {
85        ResolveError::new(
86            err,
87            resolver_ctx
88                .parents
89                .path_to_bottom(&parent.package_id())
90                .into_iter()
91                .map(|(node, _)| node)
92                .cloned()
93                .collect(),
94        )
95    };
97    if !candidates.is_empty() {
98        let mut msg = format!("failed to select a version for `{}`.", dep.package_name());
99        msg.push_str("\n    ... required by ");
100        msg.push_str(&describe_path_in_context(
101            resolver_ctx,
102            &parent.package_id(),
103        ));
105        msg.push_str("\nversions that meet the requirements `");
106        msg.push_str(&dep.version_req().to_string());
107        msg.push_str("` ");
109        if let Some(v) = dep.version_req().locked_version() {
110            msg.push_str("(locked to ");
111            msg.push_str(&v.to_string());
112            msg.push_str(") ");
113        }
115        msg.push_str("are: ");
116        msg.push_str(
117            &candidates
118                .iter()
119                .map(|v| v.version())
120                .map(|v| v.to_string())
121                .collect::<Vec<_>>()
122                .join(", "),
123        );
125        let mut conflicting_activations: Vec<_> = conflicting_activations.iter().collect();
126        conflicting_activations.sort_unstable();
127        // This is reversed to show the newest versions first. I don't know if there is
128        // a strong reason to do this, but that is how the code previously worked
129        // (see and I don't feel like changing it.
130        conflicting_activations.reverse();
131        // Flag used for grouping all semver errors together.
132        let mut has_semver = false;
134        for (p, r) in &conflicting_activations {
135            match r {
136                ConflictReason::Semver => {
137                    has_semver = true;
138                }
139                ConflictReason::Links(link) => {
140                    msg.push_str("\n\nthe package `");
141                    msg.push_str(&*dep.package_name());
142                    msg.push_str("` links to the native library `");
143                    msg.push_str(link);
144                    msg.push_str("`, but it conflicts with a previous package which links to `");
145                    msg.push_str(link);
146                    msg.push_str("` as well:\n");
147                    msg.push_str(&describe_path_in_context(resolver_ctx, p));
148                    msg.push_str("\nOnly one package in the dependency graph may specify the same links value. This helps ensure that only one copy of a native library is linked in the final binary. ");
149                    msg.push_str("Try to adjust your dependencies so that only one package uses the `links = \"");
150                    msg.push_str(link);
151                    msg.push_str("\"` value. For more information, see");
152                }
153                ConflictReason::MissingFeatures(features) => {
154                    msg.push_str("\n\nthe package `");
155                    msg.push_str(&*;
156                    msg.push_str("` depends on `");
157                    msg.push_str(&*dep.package_name());
158                    msg.push_str("`, with features: `");
159                    msg.push_str(features);
160                    msg.push_str("` but `");
161                    msg.push_str(&*dep.package_name());
162                    msg.push_str("` does not have these features.\n");
163                    // p == parent so the full path is redundant.
164                }
165                ConflictReason::RequiredDependencyAsFeature(features) => {
166                    msg.push_str("\n\nthe package `");
167                    msg.push_str(&*;
168                    msg.push_str("` depends on `");
169                    msg.push_str(&*dep.package_name());
170                    msg.push_str("`, with features: `");
171                    msg.push_str(features);
172                    msg.push_str("` but `");
173                    msg.push_str(&*dep.package_name());
174                    msg.push_str("` does not have these features.\n");
175                    msg.push_str(
176                        " It has a required dependency with that name, \
177                         but only optional dependencies can be used as features.\n",
178                    );
179                    // p == parent so the full path is redundant.
180                }
181                ConflictReason::NonImplicitDependencyAsFeature(features) => {
182                    msg.push_str("\n\nthe package `");
183                    msg.push_str(&*;
184                    msg.push_str("` depends on `");
185                    msg.push_str(&*dep.package_name());
186                    msg.push_str("`, with features: `");
187                    msg.push_str(features);
188                    msg.push_str("` but `");
189                    msg.push_str(&*dep.package_name());
190                    msg.push_str("` does not have these features.\n");
191                    msg.push_str(
192                        " It has an optional dependency with that name, \
193                         but that dependency uses the \"dep:\" \
194                         syntax in the features table, so it does not have an \
195                         implicit feature with that name.\n",
196                    );
197                    // p == parent so the full path is redundant.
198                }
199            }
200        }
202        if has_semver {
203            // Group these errors together.
204            msg.push_str("\n\nall possible versions conflict with previously selected packages.");
205            for (p, r) in &conflicting_activations {
206                if let ConflictReason::Semver = r {
207                    msg.push_str("\n\n  previously selected ");
208                    msg.push_str(&describe_path_in_context(resolver_ctx, p));
209                }
210            }
211        }
213        msg.push_str("\n\nfailed to select a version for `");
214        msg.push_str(&*dep.package_name());
215        msg.push_str("` which could resolve this conflict");
217        return to_resolve_err(anyhow::format_err!("{}", msg));
218    }
220    // We didn't actually find any candidates, so we need to
221    // give an error message that nothing was found.
222    let mut msg = String::new();
223    let mut hints = String::new();
224    if let Some(version_candidates) = rejected_versions(registry, dep) {
225        let version_candidates = match version_candidates {
226            Ok(c) => c,
227            Err(e) => return to_resolve_err(e),
228        };
230        let locked_version = dep
231            .version_req()
232            .locked_version()
233            .map(|v| format!(" (locked to {})", v))
234            .unwrap_or_default();
235        let _ = writeln!(
236            &mut msg,
237            "failed to select a version for the requirement `{} = \"{}\"`{}",
238            dep.package_name(),
239            dep.version_req(),
240            locked_version
241        );
242        for candidate in version_candidates {
243            match candidate {
244                IndexSummary::Candidate(summary) => {
245                    // HACK: If this was a real candidate, we wouldn't hit this case.
246                    // so it must be a patch which get normalized to being a candidate
247                    let _ = writeln!(&mut msg, "  version {} is unavailable", summary.version());
248                }
249                IndexSummary::Yanked(summary) => {
250                    let _ = writeln!(&mut msg, "  version {} is yanked", summary.version());
251                }
252                IndexSummary::Offline(summary) => {
253                    let _ = writeln!(&mut msg, "  version {} is not cached", summary.version());
254                }
255                IndexSummary::Unsupported(summary, schema_version) => {
256                    if let Some(rust_version) = summary.rust_version() {
257                        // HACK: technically its unsupported and we shouldn't make assumptions
258                        // about the entry but this is limited and for diagnostics purposes
259                        let _ = writeln!(
260                            &mut msg,
261                            "  version {} requires cargo {}",
262                            summary.version(),
263                            rust_version
264                        );
265                    } else {
266                        let _ = writeln!(
267                            &mut msg,
268                            "  version {} requires a Cargo version that supports index version {}",
269                            summary.version(),
270                            schema_version
271                        );
272                    }
273                }
274                IndexSummary::Invalid(summary) => {
275                    let _ = writeln!(
276                        &mut msg,
277                        "  version {}'s index entry is invalid",
278                        summary.version()
279                    );
280                }
281            }
282        }
283    } else if let Some(candidates) = alt_versions(registry, dep) {
284        let candidates = match candidates {
285            Ok(c) => c,
286            Err(e) => return to_resolve_err(e),
287        };
288        let versions = {
289            let mut versions = candidates
290                .iter()
291                .take(3)
292                .map(|cand| cand.version().to_string())
293                .collect::<Vec<_>>();
295            if candidates.len() > 3 {
296                versions.push("...".into());
297            }
299            versions.join(", ")
300        };
302        let locked_version = dep
303            .version_req()
304            .locked_version()
305            .map(|v| format!(" (locked to {})", v))
306            .unwrap_or_default();
308        let _ = writeln!(
309            &mut msg,
310            "failed to select a version for the requirement `{} = \"{}\"`{}",
311            dep.package_name(),
312            dep.version_req(),
313            locked_version,
314        );
315        let _ = writeln!(
316            &mut msg,
317            "candidate versions found which didn't match: {versions}",
318        );
320        // If we have a pre-release candidate, then that may be what our user is looking for
321        if let Some(pre) = candidates.iter().find(|c| c.version().is_prerelease()) {
322            let _ = write!(&mut hints, "\nif you are looking for the prerelease package it needs to be specified explicitly");
323            let _ = write!(
324                &mut hints,
325                "\n    {} = {{ version = \"{}\" }}",
326      ,
327                pre.version()
328            );
329        }
331        // If we have a path dependency with a locked version, then this may
332        // indicate that we updated a sub-package and forgot to run `cargo
333        // update`. In this case try to print a helpful error!
334        if dep.source_id().is_path() && dep.version_req().is_locked() {
335            let _ = write!(
336                &mut hints,
337                "\nconsider running `cargo update` to update \
338                          a path dependency's locked version",
339            );
340        }
342        if registry.is_replaced(dep.source_id()) {
343            let _ = write!(
344                &mut hints,
345                "\nperhaps a crate was updated and forgotten to be re-vendored?"
346            );
347        }
348    } else if let Some(name_candidates) = alt_names(registry, dep) {
349        let name_candidates = match name_candidates {
350            Ok(c) => c,
351            Err(e) => return to_resolve_err(e),
352        };
353        let _ = writeln!(&mut msg, "no matching package found",);
354        let _ = writeln!(&mut msg, "searched package name: `{}`", dep.package_name());
355        let mut names = name_candidates
356            .iter()
357            .take(3)
358            .map(|c|
359            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
361        if name_candidates.len() > 3 {
362            names.push("...");
363        }
364        // Vertically align first suggestion with missing crate name
365        // so a typo jumps out at you.
366        let suggestions =
367            names
368                .iter()
369                .enumerate()
370                .fold(String::default(), |acc, (i, el)| match i {
371                    0 => acc + el,
372                    i if names.len() - 1 == i && name_candidates.len() <= 3 => acc + " or " + el,
373                    _ => acc + ", " + el,
374                });
375        let _ = writeln!(&mut msg, "perhaps you meant:      {suggestions}");
376    } else {
377        let _ = writeln!(
378            &mut msg,
379            "no matching package named `{}` found",
380            dep.package_name()
381        );
382    }
384    let mut location_searched_msg = registry.describe_source(dep.source_id());
385    if location_searched_msg.is_empty() {
386        location_searched_msg = format!("{}", dep.source_id());
387    }
388    let _ = writeln!(&mut msg, "location searched: {}", location_searched_msg);
389    let _ = write!(
390        &mut msg,
391        "required by {}",
392        describe_path_in_context(resolver_ctx, &parent.package_id()),
393    );
395    if let Some(gctx) = gctx {
396        if gctx.offline() {
397            let _ = write!(
398                &mut hints,
399                "\nAs a reminder, you're using offline mode (--offline) \
400                 which can sometimes cause surprising resolution failures, \
401                 if this error is too confusing you may wish to retry \
402                 without the offline flag.",
403            );
404        }
405    }
407    to_resolve_err(anyhow::format_err!("{msg}{hints}"))
410// Maybe the user mistyped the ver_req? Like `dep="2"` when `dep="0.2"`
411// was meant. So we re-query the registry with `dep="*"` so we can
412// list a few versions that were actually found.
413fn alt_versions(
414    registry: &mut dyn Registry,
415    dep: &Dependency,
416) -> Option<CargoResult<Vec<Summary>>> {
417    let mut wild_dep = dep.clone();
418    wild_dep.set_version_req(OptVersionReq::Any);
420    let candidates = loop {
421        match registry.query_vec(&wild_dep, QueryKind::Exact) {
422            Poll::Ready(Ok(candidates)) => break candidates,
423            Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => return Some(Err(e)),
424            Poll::Pending => match registry.block_until_ready() {
425                Ok(()) => continue,
426                Err(e) => return Some(Err(e)),
427            },
428        }
429    };
430    let mut candidates: Vec<_> = candidates.into_iter().map(|s| s.into_summary()).collect();
431    candidates.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.version().cmp(a.version()));
432    if candidates.is_empty() {
433        None
434    } else {
435        Some(Ok(candidates))
436    }
439/// Maybe something is wrong with the available versions
440fn rejected_versions(
441    registry: &mut dyn Registry,
442    dep: &Dependency,
443) -> Option<CargoResult<Vec<IndexSummary>>> {
444    let mut version_candidates = loop {
445        match registry.query_vec(&dep, QueryKind::RejectedVersions) {
446            Poll::Ready(Ok(candidates)) => break candidates,
447            Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => return Some(Err(e)),
448            Poll::Pending => match registry.block_until_ready() {
449                Ok(()) => continue,
450                Err(e) => return Some(Err(e)),
451            },
452        }
453    };
454    version_candidates.sort_unstable_by_key(|a| a.as_summary().version().clone());
455    if version_candidates.is_empty() {
456        None
457    } else {
458        Some(Ok(version_candidates))
459    }
462/// Maybe the user mistyped the name? Like `dep-thing` when `Dep_Thing`
463/// was meant. So we try asking the registry for a `fuzzy` search for suggestions.
464fn alt_names(
465    registry: &mut dyn Registry,
466    dep: &Dependency,
467) -> Option<CargoResult<Vec<(usize, Summary)>>> {
468    let mut wild_dep = dep.clone();
469    wild_dep.set_version_req(OptVersionReq::Any);
471    let name_candidates = loop {
472        match registry.query_vec(&wild_dep, QueryKind::AlternativeNames) {
473            Poll::Ready(Ok(candidates)) => break candidates,
474            Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => return Some(Err(e)),
475            Poll::Pending => match registry.block_until_ready() {
476                Ok(()) => continue,
477                Err(e) => return Some(Err(e)),
478            },
479        }
480    };
481    let mut name_candidates: Vec<_> = name_candidates
482        .into_iter()
483        .map(|s| s.into_summary())
484        .collect();
485    name_candidates.sort_unstable_by_key(|a|;
486    name_candidates.dedup_by(|a, b| ==;
487    let mut name_candidates: Vec<_> = name_candidates
488        .into_iter()
489        .filter_map(|n| Some((edit_distance(&*wild_dep.package_name(), &*, 3)?, n)))
490        .collect();
491    name_candidates.sort_by_key(|o| o.0);
493    if name_candidates.is_empty() {
494        None
495    } else {
496        Some(Ok(name_candidates))
497    }
500/// Returns String representation of dependency chain for a particular `pkgid`
501/// within given context.
502pub(super) fn describe_path_in_context(cx: &ResolverContext, id: &PackageId) -> String {
503    let iter = cx
504        .parents
505        .path_to_bottom(id)
506        .into_iter()
507        .map(|(p, d)| (p, d.and_then(|d| d.iter().next())));
508    describe_path(iter)
511/// Returns String representation of dependency chain for a particular `pkgid`.
513/// Note that all elements of `path` iterator should have `Some` dependency
514/// except the first one. It would look like:
516/// (pkg0, None)
517/// -> (pkg1, dep from pkg1 satisfied by pkg0)
518/// -> (pkg2, dep from pkg2 satisfied by pkg1)
519/// -> ...
520pub(crate) fn describe_path<'a>(
521    mut path: impl Iterator<Item = (&'a PackageId, Option<&'a Dependency>)>,
522) -> String {
523    use std::fmt::Write;
525    if let Some(p) = {
526        let mut dep_path_desc = format!("package `{}`", p.0);
527        for (pkg, dep) in path {
528            let dep = dep.unwrap();
529            let source_kind = if dep.source_id().is_path() {
530                "path "
531            } else if dep.source_id().is_git() {
532                "git "
533            } else {
534                ""
535            };
536            let requirement = if source_kind.is_empty() {
537                format!("{} = \"{}\"", dep.name_in_toml(), dep.version_req())
538            } else {
539                dep.name_in_toml().to_string()
540            };
541            let locked_version = dep
542                .version_req()
543                .locked_version()
544                .map(|v| format!("(locked to {}) ", v))
545                .unwrap_or_default();
547            write!(
548                dep_path_desc,
549                "\n    ... which satisfies {}dependency `{}` {}of package `{}`",
550                source_kind, requirement, locked_version, pkg
551            )
552            .unwrap();
553        }
555        return dep_path_desc;
556    }
558    String::new()