
1//! Partitioning Codegen Units for Incremental Compilation
2//! ======================================================
4//! The task of this module is to take the complete set of monomorphizations of
5//! a crate and produce a set of codegen units from it, where a codegen unit
6//! is a named set of (mono-item, linkage) pairs. That is, this module
7//! decides which monomorphization appears in which codegen units with which
8//! linkage. The following paragraphs describe some of the background on the
9//! partitioning scheme.
11//! The most important opportunity for saving on compilation time with
12//! incremental compilation is to avoid re-codegenning and re-optimizing code.
13//! Since the unit of codegen and optimization for LLVM is "modules" or, how
14//! we call them "codegen units", the particulars of how much time can be saved
15//! by incremental compilation are tightly linked to how the output program is
16//! partitioned into these codegen units prior to passing it to LLVM --
17//! especially because we have to treat codegen units as opaque entities once
18//! they are created: There is no way for us to incrementally update an existing
19//! LLVM module and so we have to build any such module from scratch if it was
20//! affected by some change in the source code.
22//! From that point of view it would make sense to maximize the number of
23//! codegen units by, for example, putting each function into its own module.
24//! That way only those modules would have to be re-compiled that were actually
25//! affected by some change, minimizing the number of functions that could have
26//! been re-used but just happened to be located in a module that is
27//! re-compiled.
29//! However, since LLVM optimization does not work across module boundaries,
30//! using such a highly granular partitioning would lead to very slow runtime
31//! code since it would effectively prohibit inlining and other inter-procedure
32//! optimizations. We want to avoid that as much as possible.
34//! Thus we end up with a trade-off: The bigger the codegen units, the better
35//! LLVM's optimizer can do its work, but also the smaller the compilation time
36//! reduction we get from incremental compilation.
38//! Ideally, we would create a partitioning such that there are few big codegen
39//! units with few interdependencies between them. For now though, we use the
40//! following heuristic to determine the partitioning:
42//! - There are two codegen units for every source-level module:
43//! - One for "stable", that is non-generic, code
44//! - One for more "volatile" code, i.e., monomorphized instances of functions
45//!   defined in that module
47//! In order to see why this heuristic makes sense, let's take a look at when a
48//! codegen unit can get invalidated:
50//! 1. The most straightforward case is when the BODY of a function or global
51//! changes. Then any codegen unit containing the code for that item has to be
52//! re-compiled. Note that this includes all codegen units where the function
53//! has been inlined.
55//! 2. The next case is when the SIGNATURE of a function or global changes. In
56//! this case, all codegen units containing a REFERENCE to that item have to be
57//! re-compiled. This is a superset of case 1.
59//! 3. The final and most subtle case is when a REFERENCE to a generic function
60//! is added or removed somewhere. Even though the definition of the function
61//! might be unchanged, a new REFERENCE might introduce a new monomorphized
62//! instance of this function which has to be placed and compiled somewhere.
63//! Conversely, when removing a REFERENCE, it might have been the last one with
64//! that particular set of generic arguments and thus we have to remove it.
66//! From the above we see that just using one codegen unit per source-level
67//! module is not such a good idea, since just adding a REFERENCE to some
68//! generic item somewhere else would invalidate everything within the module
69//! containing the generic item. The heuristic above reduces this detrimental
70//! side-effect of references a little by at least not touching the non-generic
71//! code of the module.
73//! A Note on Inlining
74//! ------------------
75//! As briefly mentioned above, in order for LLVM to be able to inline a
76//! function call, the body of the function has to be available in the LLVM
77//! module where the call is made. This has a few consequences for partitioning:
79//! - The partitioning algorithm has to take care of placing functions into all
80//!   codegen units where they should be available for inlining. It also has to
81//!   decide on the correct linkage for these functions.
83//! - The partitioning algorithm has to know which functions are likely to get
84//!   inlined, so it can distribute function instantiations accordingly. Since
85//!   there is no way of knowing for sure which functions LLVM will decide to
86//!   inline in the end, we apply a heuristic here: Only functions marked with
87//!   `#[inline]` are considered for inlining by the partitioner. The current
88//!   implementation will not try to determine if a function is likely to be
89//!   inlined by looking at the functions definition.
91//! Note though that as a side-effect of creating a codegen units per
92//! source-level module, functions from the same module will be available for
93//! inlining, even when they are not marked `#[inline]`.
95mod autodiff;
97use std::cmp;
98use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
99use std::fs::{self, File};
100use std::io::Write;
101use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
103use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxIndexMap, FxIndexSet};
104use rustc_data_structures::sync;
105use rustc_data_structures::unord::{UnordMap, UnordSet};
106use rustc_hir::LangItem;
107use rustc_hir::def::DefKind;
108use rustc_hir::def_id::{DefId, DefIdSet, LOCAL_CRATE};
109use rustc_hir::definitions::DefPathDataName;
110use rustc_middle::bug;
111use rustc_middle::middle::codegen_fn_attrs::CodegenFnAttrFlags;
112use rustc_middle::middle::exported_symbols::{SymbolExportInfo, SymbolExportLevel};
113use rustc_middle::mir::mono::{
114    CodegenUnit, CodegenUnitNameBuilder, InstantiationMode, Linkage, MonoItem, MonoItemData,
115    MonoItemPartitions, Visibility,
117use rustc_middle::ty::print::{characteristic_def_id_of_type, with_no_trimmed_paths};
118use rustc_middle::ty::{self, InstanceKind, TyCtxt};
119use rustc_middle::util::Providers;
120use rustc_session::CodegenUnits;
121use rustc_session::config::{DumpMonoStatsFormat, SwitchWithOptPath};
122use rustc_span::Symbol;
123use rustc_target::spec::SymbolVisibility;
124use tracing::debug;
126use crate::collector::{self, MonoItemCollectionStrategy, UsageMap};
127use crate::errors::{CouldntDumpMonoStats, SymbolAlreadyDefined, UnknownCguCollectionMode};
129struct PartitioningCx<'a, 'tcx> {
130    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
131    usage_map: &'a UsageMap<'tcx>,
134struct PlacedMonoItems<'tcx> {
135    /// The codegen units, sorted by name to make things deterministic.
136    codegen_units: Vec<CodegenUnit<'tcx>>,
138    internalization_candidates: UnordSet<MonoItem<'tcx>>,
141// The output CGUs are sorted by name.
142fn partition<'tcx, I>(
143    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
144    mono_items: I,
145    usage_map: &UsageMap<'tcx>,
146) -> Vec<CodegenUnit<'tcx>>
148    I: Iterator<Item = MonoItem<'tcx>>,
150    let _prof_timer ="cgu_partitioning");
152    let cx = &PartitioningCx { tcx, usage_map };
154    // Place all mono items into a codegen unit. `place_mono_items` is
155    // responsible for initializing the CGU size estimates.
156    let PlacedMonoItems { mut codegen_units, internalization_candidates } = {
157        let _prof_timer ="cgu_partitioning_place_items");
158        let placed = place_mono_items(cx, mono_items);
160        debug_dump(tcx, "PLACE", &placed.codegen_units);
162        placed
163    };
165    // Merge until we don't exceed the max CGU count.
166    // `merge_codegen_units` is responsible for updating the CGU size
167    // estimates.
168    {
169        let _prof_timer ="cgu_partitioning_merge_cgus");
170        merge_codegen_units(cx, &mut codegen_units);
171        debug_dump(tcx, "MERGE", &codegen_units);
172    }
174    // Make as many symbols "internal" as possible, so LLVM has more freedom to
175    // optimize.
176    if !tcx.sess.link_dead_code() {
177        let _prof_timer ="cgu_partitioning_internalize_symbols");
178        internalize_symbols(cx, &mut codegen_units, internalization_candidates);
180        debug_dump(tcx, "INTERNALIZE", &codegen_units);
181    }
183    // Mark one CGU for dead code, if necessary.
184    if tcx.sess.instrument_coverage() {
185        mark_code_coverage_dead_code_cgu(&mut codegen_units);
186    }
188    // Ensure CGUs are sorted by name, so that we get deterministic results.
189    if !codegen_units.is_sorted_by(|a, b| <= {
190        let mut names = String::new();
191        for cgu in codegen_units.iter() {
192            names += &format!("- {}\n",;
193        }
194        bug!("unsorted CGUs:\n{names}");
195    }
197    codegen_units
200fn place_mono_items<'tcx, I>(cx: &PartitioningCx<'_, 'tcx>, mono_items: I) -> PlacedMonoItems<'tcx>
202    I: Iterator<Item = MonoItem<'tcx>>,
204    let mut codegen_units = UnordMap::default();
205    let is_incremental_build = cx.tcx.sess.opts.incremental.is_some();
206    let mut internalization_candidates = UnordSet::default();
208    // Determine if monomorphizations instantiated in this crate will be made
209    // available to downstream crates. This depends on whether we are in
210    // share-generics mode and whether the current crate can even have
211    // downstream crates.
212    let can_export_generics = cx.tcx.local_crate_exports_generics();
213    let always_export_generics = can_export_generics && cx.tcx.sess.opts.share_generics();
215    let cgu_name_builder = &mut CodegenUnitNameBuilder::new(cx.tcx);
216    let cgu_name_cache = &mut UnordMap::default();
218    for mono_item in mono_items {
219        // Handle only root (GloballyShared) items directly here. Inlined (LocalCopy) items
220        // are handled at the bottom of the loop based on reachability, with one exception.
221        // The #[lang = "start"] item is the program entrypoint, so there are no calls to it in MIR.
222        // So even if its mode is LocalCopy, we need to treat it like a root.
223        match mono_item.instantiation_mode(cx.tcx) {
224            InstantiationMode::GloballyShared { .. } => {}
225            InstantiationMode::LocalCopy => {
226                if Some(mono_item.def_id()) != cx.tcx.lang_items().start_fn() {
227                    continue;
228                }
229            }
230        }
232        let characteristic_def_id = characteristic_def_id_of_mono_item(cx.tcx, mono_item);
233        let is_volatile = is_incremental_build && mono_item.is_generic_fn();
235        let cgu_name = match characteristic_def_id {
236            Some(def_id) => compute_codegen_unit_name(
237                cx.tcx,
238                cgu_name_builder,
239                def_id,
240                is_volatile,
241                cgu_name_cache,
242            ),
243            None => fallback_cgu_name(cgu_name_builder),
244        };
246        let cgu = codegen_units.entry(cgu_name).or_insert_with(|| CodegenUnit::new(cgu_name));
248        let mut can_be_internalized = true;
249        let (linkage, visibility) = mono_item_linkage_and_visibility(
250            cx.tcx,
251            &mono_item,
252            &mut can_be_internalized,
253            can_export_generics,
254            always_export_generics,
255        );
257        // We can't differentiate something that got inlined.
258        let autodiff_active = cfg!(llvm_enzyme)
259            && cx
260                .tcx
261                .codegen_fn_attrs(mono_item.def_id())
262                .autodiff_item
263                .as_ref()
264                .is_some_and(|ad| ad.is_active());
266        if !autodiff_active && visibility == Visibility::Hidden && can_be_internalized {
267            internalization_candidates.insert(mono_item);
268        }
269        let size_estimate = mono_item.size_estimate(cx.tcx);
271        cgu.items_mut()
272            .insert(mono_item, MonoItemData { inlined: false, linkage, visibility, size_estimate });
274        // Get all inlined items that are reachable from `mono_item` without
275        // going via another root item. This includes drop-glue, functions from
276        // external crates, and local functions the definition of which is
277        // marked with `#[inline]`.
278        let mut reachable_inlined_items = FxIndexSet::default();
279        get_reachable_inlined_items(cx.tcx, mono_item, cx.usage_map, &mut reachable_inlined_items);
281        // Add those inlined items. It's possible an inlined item is reachable
282        // from multiple root items within a CGU, which is fine, it just means
283        // the `insert` will be a no-op.
284        for inlined_item in reachable_inlined_items {
285            // This is a CGU-private copy.
286            cgu.items_mut().entry(inlined_item).or_insert_with(|| MonoItemData {
287                inlined: true,
288                linkage: Linkage::Internal,
289                visibility: Visibility::Default,
290                size_estimate: inlined_item.size_estimate(cx.tcx),
291            });
292        }
293    }
295    // Always ensure we have at least one CGU; otherwise, if we have a
296    // crate with just types (for example), we could wind up with no CGU.
297    if codegen_units.is_empty() {
298        let cgu_name = fallback_cgu_name(cgu_name_builder);
299        codegen_units.insert(cgu_name, CodegenUnit::new(cgu_name));
300    }
302    let mut codegen_units: Vec<_> = cx.tcx.with_stable_hashing_context(|ref hcx| {
303        codegen_units.into_items().map(|(_, cgu)| cgu).collect_sorted(hcx, true)
304    });
306    for cgu in codegen_units.iter_mut() {
307        cgu.compute_size_estimate();
308    }
310    return PlacedMonoItems { codegen_units, internalization_candidates };
312    fn get_reachable_inlined_items<'tcx>(
313        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
314        item: MonoItem<'tcx>,
315        usage_map: &UsageMap<'tcx>,
316        visited: &mut FxIndexSet<MonoItem<'tcx>>,
317    ) {
318        usage_map.for_each_inlined_used_item(tcx, item, |inlined_item| {
319            let is_new = visited.insert(inlined_item);
320            if is_new {
321                get_reachable_inlined_items(tcx, inlined_item, usage_map, visited);
322            }
323        });
324    }
327// This function requires the CGUs to be sorted by name on input, and ensures
328// they are sorted by name on return, for deterministic behaviour.
329fn merge_codegen_units<'tcx>(
330    cx: &PartitioningCx<'_, 'tcx>,
331    codegen_units: &mut Vec<CodegenUnit<'tcx>>,
332) {
333    assert!(cx.tcx.sess.codegen_units().as_usize() >= 1);
335    // A sorted order here ensures merging is deterministic.
336    assert!(codegen_units.is_sorted_by(|a, b| <=;
338    // This map keeps track of what got merged into what.
339    let mut cgu_contents: UnordMap<Symbol, Vec<Symbol>> =
340        codegen_units.iter().map(|cgu| (, vec![])).collect();
342    // If N is the maximum number of CGUs, and the CGUs are sorted from largest
343    // to smallest, we repeatedly find which CGU in codegen_units[N..] has the
344    // greatest overlap of inlined items with codegen_units[N-1], merge that
345    // CGU into codegen_units[N-1], then re-sort by size and repeat.
346    //
347    // We use inlined item overlap to guide this merging because it minimizes
348    // duplication of inlined items, which makes LLVM be faster and generate
349    // better and smaller machine code.
350    //
351    // Why merge into codegen_units[N-1]? We want CGUs to have similar sizes,
352    // which means we don't want codegen_units[0..N] (the already big ones)
353    // getting any bigger, if we can avoid it. When we have more than N CGUs
354    // then at least one of the biggest N will have to grow. codegen_units[N-1]
355    // is the smallest of those, and so has the most room to grow.
356    let max_codegen_units = cx.tcx.sess.codegen_units().as_usize();
357    while codegen_units.len() > max_codegen_units {
358        // Sort small CGUs to the back.
359        codegen_units.sort_by_key(|cgu| cmp::Reverse(cgu.size_estimate()));
361        let cgu_dst = &codegen_units[max_codegen_units - 1];
363        // Find the CGU that overlaps the most with `cgu_dst`. In the case of a
364        // tie, favour the earlier (bigger) CGU.
365        let mut max_overlap = 0;
366        let mut max_overlap_i = max_codegen_units;
367        for (i, cgu_src) in codegen_units.iter().enumerate().skip(max_codegen_units) {
368            if cgu_src.size_estimate() <= max_overlap {
369                // None of the remaining overlaps can exceed `max_overlap`, so
370                // stop looking.
371                break;
372            }
374            let overlap = compute_inlined_overlap(cgu_dst, cgu_src);
375            if overlap > max_overlap {
376                max_overlap = overlap;
377                max_overlap_i = i;
378            }
379        }
381        let mut cgu_src = codegen_units.swap_remove(max_overlap_i);
382        let cgu_dst = &mut codegen_units[max_codegen_units - 1];
384        // Move the items from `cgu_src` to `cgu_dst`. Some of them may be
385        // duplicate inlined items, in which case the destination CGU is
386        // unaffected. Recalculate size estimates afterwards.
387        cgu_dst.items_mut().append(cgu_src.items_mut());
388        cgu_dst.compute_size_estimate();
390        // Record that `cgu_dst` now contains all the stuff that was in
391        // `cgu_src` before.
392        let mut consumed_cgu_names = cgu_contents.remove(&;
393        cgu_contents.get_mut(& consumed_cgu_names);
394    }
396    // Having multiple CGUs can drastically speed up compilation. But for
397    // non-incremental builds, tiny CGUs slow down compilation *and* result in
398    // worse generated code. So we don't allow CGUs smaller than this (unless
399    // there is just one CGU, of course). Note that CGU sizes of 100,000+ are
400    // common in larger programs, so this isn't all that large.
401    const NON_INCR_MIN_CGU_SIZE: usize = 1800;
403    // Repeatedly merge the two smallest codegen units as long as: it's a
404    // non-incremental build, and the user didn't specify a CGU count, and
405    // there are multiple CGUs, and some are below the minimum size.
406    //
407    // The "didn't specify a CGU count" condition is because when an explicit
408    // count is requested we observe it as closely as possible. For example,
409    // the `compiler_builtins` crate sets `codegen-units = 10000` and it's
410    // critical they aren't merged. Also, some tests use explicit small values
411    // and likewise won't work if small CGUs are merged.
412    while cx.tcx.sess.opts.incremental.is_none()
413        && matches!(cx.tcx.sess.codegen_units(), CodegenUnits::Default(_))
414        && codegen_units.len() > 1
415        && codegen_units.iter().any(|cgu| cgu.size_estimate() < NON_INCR_MIN_CGU_SIZE)
416    {
417        // Sort small cgus to the back.
418        codegen_units.sort_by_key(|cgu| cmp::Reverse(cgu.size_estimate()));
420        let mut smallest = codegen_units.pop().unwrap();
421        let second_smallest = codegen_units.last_mut().unwrap();
423        // Move the items from `smallest` to `second_smallest`. Some of them
424        // may be duplicate inlined items, in which case the destination CGU is
425        // unaffected. Recalculate size estimates afterwards.
426        second_smallest.items_mut().append(smallest.items_mut());
427        second_smallest.compute_size_estimate();
429        // Don't update `cgu_contents`, that's only for incremental builds.
430    }
432    let cgu_name_builder = &mut CodegenUnitNameBuilder::new(cx.tcx);
434    // Rename the newly merged CGUs.
435    if cx.tcx.sess.opts.incremental.is_some() {
436        // If we are doing incremental compilation, we want CGU names to
437        // reflect the path of the source level module they correspond to.
438        // For CGUs that contain the code of multiple modules because of the
439        // merging done above, we use a concatenation of the names of all
440        // contained CGUs.
441        let new_cgu_names = UnordMap::from(
442            cgu_contents
443                .items()
444                // This `filter` makes sure we only update the name of CGUs that
445                // were actually modified by merging.
446                .filter(|(_, cgu_contents)| cgu_contents.len() > 1)
447                .map(|(current_cgu_name, cgu_contents)| {
448                    let mut cgu_contents: Vec<&str> =
449                        cgu_contents.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();
451                    // Sort the names, so things are deterministic and easy to
452                    // predict. We are sorting primitive `&str`s here so we can
453                    // use unstable sort.
454                    cgu_contents.sort_unstable();
456                    (*current_cgu_name, cgu_contents.join("--"))
457                }),
458        );
460        for cgu in codegen_units.iter_mut() {
461            if let Some(new_cgu_name) = new_cgu_names.get(& {
462                if cx.tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.human_readable_cgu_names {
463                    cgu.set_name(Symbol::intern(new_cgu_name));
464                } else {
465                    // If we don't require CGU names to be human-readable,
466                    // we use a fixed length hash of the composite CGU name
467                    // instead.
468                    let new_cgu_name = CodegenUnit::mangle_name(new_cgu_name);
469                    cgu.set_name(Symbol::intern(&new_cgu_name));
470                }
471            }
472        }
474        // A sorted order here ensures what follows can be deterministic.
475        codegen_units.sort_by(|a, b|;
476    } else {
477        // When compiling non-incrementally, we rename the CGUS so they have
478        // identical names except for the numeric suffix, something like
479        // `regex.f10ba03eb5ec7975-cgu.N`, where `N` varies.
480        //
481        // It is useful for debugging and profiling purposes if the resulting
482        // CGUs are sorted by name *and* reverse sorted by size. (CGU 0 is the
483        // biggest, CGU 1 is the second biggest, etc.)
484        //
485        // So first we reverse sort by size. Then we generate the names with
486        // zero-padded suffixes, which means they are automatically sorted by
487        // names. The numeric suffix width depends on the number of CGUs, which
488        // is always greater than zero:
489        // - [1,9]     CGUs: `0`, `1`, `2`, ...
490        // - [10,99]   CGUs: `00`, `01`, `02`, ...
491        // - [100,999] CGUs: `000`, `001`, `002`, ...
492        // - etc.
493        //
494        // If we didn't zero-pad the sorted-by-name order would be `XYZ-cgu.0`,
495        // `XYZ-cgu.1`, `XYZ-cgu.10`, `XYZ-cgu.11`, ..., `XYZ-cgu.2`, etc.
496        codegen_units.sort_by_key(|cgu| cmp::Reverse(cgu.size_estimate()));
497        let num_digits = codegen_units.len().ilog10() as usize + 1;
498        for (index, cgu) in codegen_units.iter_mut().enumerate() {
499            // Note: `WorkItem::short_description` depends on this name ending
500            // with `-cgu.` followed by a numeric suffix. Please keep it in
501            // sync with this code.
502            let suffix = format!("{index:0num_digits$}");
503            let numbered_codegen_unit_name =
504                cgu_name_builder.build_cgu_name_no_mangle(LOCAL_CRATE, &["cgu"], Some(suffix));
505            cgu.set_name(numbered_codegen_unit_name);
506        }
507    }
510/// Compute the combined size of all inlined items that appear in both `cgu1`
511/// and `cgu2`.
512fn compute_inlined_overlap<'tcx>(cgu1: &CodegenUnit<'tcx>, cgu2: &CodegenUnit<'tcx>) -> usize {
513    // Either order works. We pick the one that involves iterating over fewer
514    // items.
515    let (src_cgu, dst_cgu) =
516        if cgu1.items().len() <= cgu2.items().len() { (cgu1, cgu2) } else { (cgu2, cgu1) };
518    let mut overlap = 0;
519    for (item, data) in src_cgu.items().iter() {
520        if data.inlined && dst_cgu.items().contains_key(item) {
521            overlap += data.size_estimate;
522        }
523    }
524    overlap
527fn internalize_symbols<'tcx>(
528    cx: &PartitioningCx<'_, 'tcx>,
529    codegen_units: &mut [CodegenUnit<'tcx>],
530    internalization_candidates: UnordSet<MonoItem<'tcx>>,
531) {
532    /// For symbol internalization, we need to know whether a symbol/mono-item
533    /// is used from outside the codegen unit it is defined in. This type is
534    /// used to keep track of that.
535    #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
536    enum MonoItemPlacement {
537        SingleCgu(Symbol),
538        MultipleCgus,
539    }
541    let mut mono_item_placements = UnordMap::default();
542    let single_codegen_unit = codegen_units.len() == 1;
544    if !single_codegen_unit {
545        for cgu in codegen_units.iter() {
546            for item in cgu.items().keys() {
547                // If there is more than one codegen unit, we need to keep track
548                // in which codegen units each monomorphization is placed.
549                match mono_item_placements.entry(*item) {
550                    Entry::Occupied(e) => {
551                        let placement = e.into_mut();
552                        debug_assert!(match *placement {
553                            MonoItemPlacement::SingleCgu(cgu_name) => cgu_name !=,
554                            MonoItemPlacement::MultipleCgus => true,
555                        });
556                        *placement = MonoItemPlacement::MultipleCgus;
557                    }
558                    Entry::Vacant(e) => {
559                        e.insert(MonoItemPlacement::SingleCgu(;
560                    }
561                }
562            }
563        }
564    }
566    // For each internalization candidates in each codegen unit, check if it is
567    // used from outside its defining codegen unit.
568    for cgu in codegen_units {
569        let home_cgu = MonoItemPlacement::SingleCgu(;
571        for (item, data) in cgu.items_mut() {
572            if !internalization_candidates.contains(item) {
573                // This item is no candidate for internalizing, so skip it.
574                continue;
575            }
577            if !single_codegen_unit {
578                debug_assert_eq!(mono_item_placements[item], home_cgu);
580                if cx
581                    .usage_map
582                    .get_user_items(*item)
583                    .iter()
584                    .filter_map(|user_item| {
585                        // Some user mono items might not have been
586                        // instantiated. We can safely ignore those.
587                        mono_item_placements.get(user_item)
588                    })
589                    .any(|placement| *placement != home_cgu)
590                {
591                    // Found a user from another CGU, so skip to the next item
592                    // without marking this one as internal.
593                    continue;
594                }
595            }
597            // If we got here, we did not find any uses from other CGUs, so
598            // it's fine to make this monomorphization internal.
599            data.linkage = Linkage::Internal;
600            data.visibility = Visibility::Default;
601        }
602    }
605fn mark_code_coverage_dead_code_cgu<'tcx>(codegen_units: &mut [CodegenUnit<'tcx>]) {
606    assert!(!codegen_units.is_empty());
608    // Find the smallest CGU that has exported symbols and put the dead
609    // function stubs in that CGU. We look for exported symbols to increase
610    // the likelihood the linker won't throw away the dead functions.
611    // FIXME(#92165): In order to truly resolve this, we need to make sure
612    // the object file (CGU) containing the dead function stubs is included
613    // in the final binary. This will probably require forcing these
614    // function symbols to be included via `-u` or `/include` linker args.
615    let dead_code_cgu = codegen_units
616        .iter_mut()
617        .filter(|cgu| cgu.items().iter().any(|(_, data)| data.linkage == Linkage::External))
618        .min_by_key(|cgu| cgu.size_estimate());
620    // If there are no CGUs that have externally linked items, then we just
621    // pick the first CGU as a fallback.
622    let dead_code_cgu = if let Some(cgu) = dead_code_cgu { cgu } else { &mut codegen_units[0] };
624    dead_code_cgu.make_code_coverage_dead_code_cgu();
627fn characteristic_def_id_of_mono_item<'tcx>(
628    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
629    mono_item: MonoItem<'tcx>,
630) -> Option<DefId> {
631    match mono_item {
632        MonoItem::Fn(instance) => {
633            let def_id = match instance.def {
634                ty::InstanceKind::Item(def) => def,
635                ty::InstanceKind::VTableShim(..)
636                | ty::InstanceKind::ReifyShim(..)
637                | ty::InstanceKind::FnPtrShim(..)
638                | ty::InstanceKind::ClosureOnceShim { .. }
639                | ty::InstanceKind::ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim { .. }
640                | ty::InstanceKind::Intrinsic(..)
641                | ty::InstanceKind::DropGlue(..)
642                | ty::InstanceKind::Virtual(..)
643                | ty::InstanceKind::CloneShim(..)
644                | ty::InstanceKind::ThreadLocalShim(..)
645                | ty::InstanceKind::FnPtrAddrShim(..)
646                | ty::InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(..) => return None,
647            };
649            // If this is a method, we want to put it into the same module as
650            // its self-type. If the self-type does not provide a characteristic
651            // DefId, we use the location of the impl after all.
653            if tcx.trait_of_item(def_id).is_some() {
654                let self_ty = instance.args.type_at(0);
655                // This is a default implementation of a trait method.
656                return characteristic_def_id_of_type(self_ty).or(Some(def_id));
657            }
659            if let Some(impl_def_id) = tcx.impl_of_method(def_id) {
660                if tcx.sess.opts.incremental.is_some()
661                    && tcx
662                        .trait_id_of_impl(impl_def_id)
663                        .is_some_and(|def_id| tcx.is_lang_item(def_id, LangItem::Drop))
664                {
665                    // Put `Drop::drop` into the same cgu as `drop_in_place`
666                    // since `drop_in_place` is the only thing that can
667                    // call it.
668                    return None;
669                }
671                // This is a method within an impl, find out what the self-type is:
672                let impl_self_ty = tcx.instantiate_and_normalize_erasing_regions(
673                    instance.args,
674                    ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized(),
675                    tcx.type_of(impl_def_id),
676                );
677                if let Some(def_id) = characteristic_def_id_of_type(impl_self_ty) {
678                    return Some(def_id);
679                }
680            }
682            Some(def_id)
683        }
684        MonoItem::Static(def_id) => Some(def_id),
685        MonoItem::GlobalAsm(item_id) => Some(item_id.owner_id.to_def_id()),
686    }
689fn compute_codegen_unit_name(
690    tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
691    name_builder: &mut CodegenUnitNameBuilder<'_>,
692    def_id: DefId,
693    volatile: bool,
694    cache: &mut CguNameCache,
695) -> Symbol {
696    // Find the innermost module that is not nested within a function.
697    let mut current_def_id = def_id;
698    let mut cgu_def_id = None;
699    // Walk backwards from the item we want to find the module for.
700    loop {
701        if current_def_id.is_crate_root() {
702            if cgu_def_id.is_none() {
703                // If we have not found a module yet, take the crate root.
704                cgu_def_id = Some(def_id.krate.as_def_id());
705            }
706            break;
707        } else if tcx.def_kind(current_def_id) == DefKind::Mod {
708            if cgu_def_id.is_none() {
709                cgu_def_id = Some(current_def_id);
710            }
711        } else {
712            // If we encounter something that is not a module, throw away
713            // any module that we've found so far because we now know that
714            // it is nested within something else.
715            cgu_def_id = None;
716        }
718        current_def_id = tcx.parent(current_def_id);
719    }
721    let cgu_def_id = cgu_def_id.unwrap();
723    *cache.entry((cgu_def_id, volatile)).or_insert_with(|| {
724        let def_path = tcx.def_path(cgu_def_id);
726        let components =|part| match {
727            DefPathDataName::Named(name) => name,
728            DefPathDataName::Anon { .. } => unreachable!(),
729        });
731        let volatile_suffix = volatile.then_some("volatile");
733        name_builder.build_cgu_name(def_path.krate, components, volatile_suffix)
734    })
737// Anything we can't find a proper codegen unit for goes into this.
738fn fallback_cgu_name(name_builder: &mut CodegenUnitNameBuilder<'_>) -> Symbol {
739    name_builder.build_cgu_name(LOCAL_CRATE, &["fallback"], Some("cgu"))
742fn mono_item_linkage_and_visibility<'tcx>(
743    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
744    mono_item: &MonoItem<'tcx>,
745    can_be_internalized: &mut bool,
746    can_export_generics: bool,
747    always_export_generics: bool,
748) -> (Linkage, Visibility) {
749    if let Some(explicit_linkage) = mono_item.explicit_linkage(tcx) {
750        return (explicit_linkage, Visibility::Default);
751    }
752    let vis = mono_item_visibility(
753        tcx,
754        mono_item,
755        can_be_internalized,
756        can_export_generics,
757        always_export_generics,
758    );
759    (Linkage::External, vis)
762type CguNameCache = UnordMap<(DefId, bool), Symbol>;
764fn static_visibility<'tcx>(
765    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
766    can_be_internalized: &mut bool,
767    def_id: DefId,
768) -> Visibility {
769    if tcx.is_reachable_non_generic(def_id) {
770        *can_be_internalized = false;
771        default_visibility(tcx, def_id, false)
772    } else {
773        Visibility::Hidden
774    }
777fn mono_item_visibility<'tcx>(
778    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
779    mono_item: &MonoItem<'tcx>,
780    can_be_internalized: &mut bool,
781    can_export_generics: bool,
782    always_export_generics: bool,
783) -> Visibility {
784    let instance = match mono_item {
785        // This is pretty complicated; see below.
786        MonoItem::Fn(instance) => instance,
788        // Misc handling for generics and such, but otherwise:
789        MonoItem::Static(def_id) => return static_visibility(tcx, can_be_internalized, *def_id),
790        MonoItem::GlobalAsm(item_id) => {
791            return static_visibility(tcx, can_be_internalized, item_id.owner_id.to_def_id());
792        }
793    };
795    let def_id = match instance.def {
796        InstanceKind::Item(def_id)
797        | InstanceKind::DropGlue(def_id, Some(_))
798        | InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(def_id, Some(_)) => def_id,
800        // We match the visibility of statics here
801        InstanceKind::ThreadLocalShim(def_id) => {
802            return static_visibility(tcx, can_be_internalized, def_id);
803        }
805        // These are all compiler glue and such, never exported, always hidden.
806        InstanceKind::VTableShim(..)
807        | InstanceKind::ReifyShim(..)
808        | InstanceKind::FnPtrShim(..)
809        | InstanceKind::Virtual(..)
810        | InstanceKind::Intrinsic(..)
811        | InstanceKind::ClosureOnceShim { .. }
812        | InstanceKind::ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim { .. }
813        | InstanceKind::DropGlue(..)
814        | InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(..)
815        | InstanceKind::CloneShim(..)
816        | InstanceKind::FnPtrAddrShim(..) => return Visibility::Hidden,
817    };
819    // The `start_fn` lang item is actually a monomorphized instance of a
820    // function in the standard library, used for the `main` function. We don't
821    // want to export it so we tag it with `Hidden` visibility but this symbol
822    // is only referenced from the actual `main` symbol which we unfortunately
823    // don't know anything about during partitioning/collection. As a result we
824    // forcibly keep this symbol out of the `internalization_candidates` set.
825    //
826    // FIXME: eventually we don't want to always force this symbol to have
827    //        hidden visibility, it should indeed be a candidate for
828    //        internalization, but we have to understand that it's referenced
829    //        from the `main` symbol we'll generate later.
830    //
831    //        This may be fixable with a new `InstanceKind` perhaps? Unsure!
832    if tcx.is_lang_item(def_id, LangItem::Start) {
833        *can_be_internalized = false;
834        return Visibility::Hidden;
835    }
837    let is_generic = instance.args.non_erasable_generics().next().is_some();
839    // Upstream `DefId` instances get different handling than local ones.
840    let Some(def_id) = def_id.as_local() else {
841        return if is_generic
842            && (always_export_generics
843                || (can_export_generics
844                    && tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(def_id).inline
845                        == rustc_attr_parsing::InlineAttr::Never))
846        {
847            // If it is an upstream monomorphization and we export generics, we must make
848            // it available to downstream crates.
849            *can_be_internalized = false;
850            default_visibility(tcx, def_id, true)
851        } else {
852            Visibility::Hidden
853        };
854    };
856    if is_generic {
857        if always_export_generics
858            || (can_export_generics
859                && tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(def_id).inline == rustc_attr_parsing::InlineAttr::Never)
860        {
861            if tcx.is_unreachable_local_definition(def_id) {
862                // This instance cannot be used from another crate.
863                Visibility::Hidden
864            } else {
865                // This instance might be useful in a downstream crate.
866                *can_be_internalized = false;
867                default_visibility(tcx, def_id.to_def_id(), true)
868            }
869        } else {
870            // We are not exporting generics or the definition is not reachable
871            // for downstream crates, we can internalize its instantiations.
872            Visibility::Hidden
873        }
874    } else {
875        // If this isn't a generic function then we mark this a `Default` if
876        // this is a reachable item, meaning that it's a symbol other crates may
877        // use when they link to us.
878        if tcx.is_reachable_non_generic(def_id.to_def_id()) {
879            *can_be_internalized = false;
880            debug_assert!(!is_generic);
881            return default_visibility(tcx, def_id.to_def_id(), false);
882        }
884        // If this isn't reachable then we're gonna tag this with `Hidden`
885        // visibility. In some situations though we'll want to prevent this
886        // symbol from being internalized.
887        //
888        // There's two categories of items here:
889        //
890        // * First is weak lang items. These are basically mechanisms for
891        //   libcore to forward-reference symbols defined later in crates like
892        //   the standard library or `#[panic_handler]` definitions. The
893        //   definition of these weak lang items needs to be referencable by
894        //   libcore, so we're no longer a candidate for internalization.
895        //   Removal of these functions can't be done by LLVM but rather must be
896        //   done by the linker as it's a non-local decision.
897        //
898        // * Second is "std internal symbols". Currently this is primarily used
899        //   for allocator symbols. Allocators are a little weird in their
900        //   implementation, but the idea is that the compiler, at the last
901        //   minute, defines an allocator with an injected object file. The
902        //   `alloc` crate references these symbols (`__rust_alloc`) and the
903        //   definition doesn't get hooked up until a linked crate artifact is
904        //   generated.
905        //
906        //   The symbols synthesized by the compiler (`__rust_alloc`) are thin
907        //   veneers around the actual implementation, some other symbol which
908        //   implements the same ABI. These symbols (things like `__rg_alloc`,
909        //   `__rdl_alloc`, `__rde_alloc`, etc), are all tagged with "std
910        //   internal symbols".
911        //
912        //   The std-internal symbols here **should not show up in a dll as an
913        //   exported interface**, so they return `false` from
914        //   `is_reachable_non_generic` above and we'll give them `Hidden`
915        //   visibility below. Like the weak lang items, though, we can't let
916        //   LLVM internalize them as this decision is left up to the linker to
917        //   omit them, so prevent them from being internalized.
918        let attrs = tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(def_id);
919        if attrs.flags.contains(CodegenFnAttrFlags::RUSTC_STD_INTERNAL_SYMBOL) {
920            *can_be_internalized = false;
921        }
923        Visibility::Hidden
924    }
927fn default_visibility(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, id: DefId, is_generic: bool) -> Visibility {
928    // Fast-path to avoid expensive query call below
929    if tcx.sess.default_visibility() == SymbolVisibility::Interposable {
930        return Visibility::Default;
931    }
933    let export_level = if is_generic {
934        // Generic functions never have export-level C.
935        SymbolExportLevel::Rust
936    } else {
937        match tcx.reachable_non_generics(id.krate).get(&id) {
938            Some(SymbolExportInfo { level: SymbolExportLevel::C, .. }) => SymbolExportLevel::C,
939            _ => SymbolExportLevel::Rust,
940        }
941    };
943    match export_level {
944        // C-export level items remain at `Default` to allow C code to
945        // access and interpose them.
946        SymbolExportLevel::C => Visibility::Default,
948        // For all other symbols, `default_visibility` determines which visibility to use.
949        SymbolExportLevel::Rust => tcx.sess.default_visibility().into(),
950    }
953fn debug_dump<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, label: &str, cgus: &[CodegenUnit<'tcx>]) {
954    let dump = move || {
955        use std::fmt::Write;
957        let mut num_cgus = 0;
958        let mut all_cgu_sizes = Vec::new();
960        // Note: every unique root item is placed exactly once, so the number
961        // of unique root items always equals the number of placed root items.
962        //
963        // Also, unreached inlined items won't be counted here. This is fine.
965        let mut inlined_items = UnordSet::default();
967        let mut root_items = 0;
968        let mut unique_inlined_items = 0;
969        let mut placed_inlined_items = 0;
971        let mut root_size = 0;
972        let mut unique_inlined_size = 0;
973        let mut placed_inlined_size = 0;
975        for cgu in cgus.iter() {
976            num_cgus += 1;
977            all_cgu_sizes.push(cgu.size_estimate());
979            for (item, data) in cgu.items() {
980                if !data.inlined {
981                    root_items += 1;
982                    root_size += data.size_estimate;
983                } else {
984                    if inlined_items.insert(item) {
985                        unique_inlined_items += 1;
986                        unique_inlined_size += data.size_estimate;
987                    }
988                    placed_inlined_items += 1;
989                    placed_inlined_size += data.size_estimate;
990                }
991            }
992        }
994        all_cgu_sizes.sort_unstable_by_key(|&n| cmp::Reverse(n));
996        let unique_items = root_items + unique_inlined_items;
997        let placed_items = root_items + placed_inlined_items;
998        let items_ratio = placed_items as f64 / unique_items as f64;
1000        let unique_size = root_size + unique_inlined_size;
1001        let placed_size = root_size + placed_inlined_size;
1002        let size_ratio = placed_size as f64 / unique_size as f64;
1004        let mean_cgu_size = placed_size as f64 / num_cgus as f64;
1006        assert_eq!(placed_size, all_cgu_sizes.iter().sum::<usize>());
1008        let s = &mut String::new();
1009        let _ = writeln!(s, "{label}");
1010        let _ = writeln!(
1011            s,
1012            "- unique items: {unique_items} ({root_items} root + {unique_inlined_items} inlined), \
1013               unique size: {unique_size} ({root_size} root + {unique_inlined_size} inlined)\n\
1014             - placed items: {placed_items} ({root_items} root + {placed_inlined_items} inlined), \
1015               placed size: {placed_size} ({root_size} root + {placed_inlined_size} inlined)\n\
1016             - placed/unique items ratio: {items_ratio:.2}, \
1017               placed/unique size ratio: {size_ratio:.2}\n\
1018             - CGUs: {num_cgus}, mean size: {mean_cgu_size:.1}, sizes: {}",
1019            list(&all_cgu_sizes),
1020        );
1021        let _ = writeln!(s);
1023        for (i, cgu) in cgus.iter().enumerate() {
1024            let name =;
1025            let size = cgu.size_estimate();
1026            let num_items = cgu.items().len();
1027            let mean_size = size as f64 / num_items as f64;
1029            let mut placed_item_sizes: Vec<_> =
1030                cgu.items().values().map(|data| data.size_estimate).collect();
1031            placed_item_sizes.sort_unstable_by_key(|&n| cmp::Reverse(n));
1032            let sizes = list(&placed_item_sizes);
1034            let _ = writeln!(s, "- CGU[{i}]");
1035            let _ = writeln!(s, "  - {name}, size: {size}");
1036            let _ =
1037                writeln!(s, "  - items: {num_items}, mean size: {mean_size:.1}, sizes: {sizes}",);
1039            for (item, data) in cgu.items_in_deterministic_order(tcx) {
1040                let linkage = data.linkage;
1041                let symbol_name = item.symbol_name(tcx).name;
1042                let symbol_hash_start = symbol_name.rfind('h');
1043                let symbol_hash = symbol_hash_start.map_or("<no hash>", |i| &symbol_name[i..]);
1044                let kind = if !data.inlined { "root" } else { "inlined" };
1045                let size = data.size_estimate;
1046                let _ = with_no_trimmed_paths!(writeln!(
1047                    s,
1048                    "  - {item} [{linkage:?}] [{symbol_hash}] ({kind}, size: {size})"
1049                ));
1050            }
1052            let _ = writeln!(s);
1053        }
1055        return std::mem::take(s);
1057        // Converts a slice to a string, capturing repetitions to save space.
1058        // E.g. `[4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]` -> "[4 (x3), 3, 2, 1 (x5)]".
1059        fn list(ns: &[usize]) -> String {
1060            let mut v = Vec::new();
1061            if ns.is_empty() {
1062                return "[]".to_string();
1063            }
1065            let mut elem = |curr, curr_count| {
1066                if curr_count == 1 {
1067                    v.push(format!("{curr}"));
1068                } else {
1069                    v.push(format!("{curr} (x{curr_count})"));
1070                }
1071            };
1073            let mut curr = ns[0];
1074            let mut curr_count = 1;
1076            for &n in &ns[1..] {
1077                if n != curr {
1078                    elem(curr, curr_count);
1079                    curr = n;
1080                    curr_count = 1;
1081                } else {
1082                    curr_count += 1;
1083                }
1084            }
1085            elem(curr, curr_count);
1087            format!("[{}]", v.join(", "))
1088        }
1089    };
1091    debug!("{}", dump());
1094#[inline(never)] // give this a place in the profiler
1095fn assert_symbols_are_distinct<'a, 'tcx, I>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, mono_items: I)
1097    I: Iterator<Item = &'a MonoItem<'tcx>>,
1098    'tcx: 'a,
1100    let _prof_timer ="assert_symbols_are_distinct");
1102    let mut symbols: Vec<_> =
1103|mono_item| (mono_item, mono_item.symbol_name(tcx))).collect();
1105    symbols.sort_by_key(|sym| sym.1);
1107    for &[(mono_item1, ref sym1), (mono_item2, ref sym2)] in symbols.array_windows() {
1108        if sym1 == sym2 {
1109            let span1 = mono_item1.local_span(tcx);
1110            let span2 = mono_item2.local_span(tcx);
1112            // Deterministically select one of the spans for error reporting
1113            let span = match (span1, span2) {
1114                (Some(span1), Some(span2)) => {
1115                    Some(if span1.lo().0 > span2.lo().0 { span1 } else { span2 })
1116                }
1117                (span1, span2) => span1.or(span2),
1118            };
1120            tcx.dcx().emit_fatal(SymbolAlreadyDefined { span, symbol: sym1.to_string() });
1121        }
1122    }
1125fn collect_and_partition_mono_items(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, (): ()) -> MonoItemPartitions<'_> {
1126    let collection_strategy = match tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.print_mono_items {
1127        Some(ref s) => {
1128            let mode = s.to_lowercase();
1129            let mode = mode.trim();
1130            if mode == "eager" {
1131                MonoItemCollectionStrategy::Eager
1132            } else {
1133                if mode != "lazy" {
1134                    tcx.dcx().emit_warn(UnknownCguCollectionMode { mode });
1135                }
1137                MonoItemCollectionStrategy::Lazy
1138            }
1139        }
1140        None => {
1141            if tcx.sess.link_dead_code() {
1142                MonoItemCollectionStrategy::Eager
1143            } else {
1144                MonoItemCollectionStrategy::Lazy
1145            }
1146        }
1147    };
1149    let (items, usage_map) = collector::collect_crate_mono_items(tcx, collection_strategy);
1151    // If there was an error during collection (e.g. from one of the constants we evaluated),
1152    // then we stop here. This way codegen does not have to worry about failing constants.
1153    // (codegen relies on this and ICEs will happen if this is violated.)
1154    tcx.dcx().abort_if_errors();
1156    let (codegen_units, _) = tcx.sess.time("partition_and_assert_distinct_symbols", || {
1157        sync::join(
1158            || {
1159                let mut codegen_units = partition(tcx, items.iter().copied(), &usage_map);
1160                codegen_units[0].make_primary();
1161                &*tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(codegen_units)
1162            },
1163            || assert_symbols_are_distinct(tcx, items.iter()),
1164        )
1165    });
1167    if {
1168        // Record CGU size estimates for self-profiling.
1169        for cgu in codegen_units {
1171                "codegen_unit_size_estimate",
1172      ,
1173                cgu.size_estimate() as u64,
1174            );
1175        }
1176    }
1178    #[cfg(not(llvm_enzyme))]
1179    let autodiff_mono_items: Vec<_> = vec![];
1180    #[cfg(llvm_enzyme)]
1181    let mut autodiff_mono_items: Vec<_> = vec![];
1182    let mono_items: DefIdSet = items
1183        .iter()
1184        .filter_map(|mono_item| match *mono_item {
1185            MonoItem::Fn(ref instance) => {
1186                #[cfg(llvm_enzyme)]
1187                autodiff_mono_items.push((mono_item, instance));
1188                Some(instance.def_id())
1189            }
1190            MonoItem::Static(def_id) => Some(def_id),
1191            _ => None,
1192        })
1193        .collect();
1195    let autodiff_items =
1196        autodiff::find_autodiff_source_functions(tcx, &usage_map, autodiff_mono_items);
1197    let autodiff_items = tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(autodiff_items);
1199    // Output monomorphization stats per def_id
1200    if let SwitchWithOptPath::Enabled(ref path) = tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.dump_mono_stats {
1201        if let Err(err) =
1202            dump_mono_items_stats(tcx, codegen_units, path, tcx.crate_name(LOCAL_CRATE))
1203        {
1204            tcx.dcx().emit_fatal(CouldntDumpMonoStats { error: err.to_string() });
1205        }
1206    }
1208    if tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.print_mono_items.is_some() {
1209        let mut item_to_cgus: UnordMap<_, Vec<_>> = Default::default();
1211        for cgu in codegen_units {
1212            for (&mono_item, &data) in cgu.items() {
1213                item_to_cgus.entry(mono_item).or_default().push((, data.linkage));
1214            }
1215        }
1217        let mut item_keys: Vec<_> = items
1218            .iter()
1219            .map(|i| {
1220                let mut output = with_no_trimmed_paths!(i.to_string());
1221                output.push_str(" @@");
1222                let mut empty = Vec::new();
1223                let cgus = item_to_cgus.get_mut(i).unwrap_or(&mut empty);
1224                cgus.sort_by_key(|(name, _)| *name);
1225                cgus.dedup();
1226                for &(ref cgu_name, linkage) in cgus.iter() {
1227                    output.push(' ');
1228                    output.push_str(cgu_name.as_str());
1230                    let linkage_abbrev = match linkage {
1231                        Linkage::External => "External",
1232                        Linkage::AvailableExternally => "Available",
1233                        Linkage::LinkOnceAny => "OnceAny",
1234                        Linkage::LinkOnceODR => "OnceODR",
1235                        Linkage::WeakAny => "WeakAny",
1236                        Linkage::WeakODR => "WeakODR",
1237                        Linkage::Internal => "Internal",
1238                        Linkage::ExternalWeak => "ExternalWeak",
1239                        Linkage::Common => "Common",
1240                    };
1242                    output.push('[');
1243                    output.push_str(linkage_abbrev);
1244                    output.push(']');
1245                }
1246                output
1247            })
1248            .collect();
1250        item_keys.sort();
1252        for item in item_keys {
1253            println!("MONO_ITEM {item}");
1254        }
1255    }
1257    MonoItemPartitions {
1258        all_mono_items: tcx.arena.alloc(mono_items),
1259        codegen_units,
1260        autodiff_items,
1261    }
1264/// Outputs stats about instantiation counts and estimated size, per `MonoItem`'s
1265/// def, to a file in the given output directory.
1266fn dump_mono_items_stats<'tcx>(
1267    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
1268    codegen_units: &[CodegenUnit<'tcx>],
1269    output_directory: &Option<PathBuf>,
1270    crate_name: Symbol,
1271) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
1272    let output_directory = if let Some(ref directory) = output_directory {
1273        fs::create_dir_all(directory)?;
1274        directory
1275    } else {
1276        Path::new(".")
1277    };
1279    let format = tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.dump_mono_stats_format;
1280    let ext = format.extension();
1281    let filename = format!("{crate_name}.mono_items.{ext}");
1282    let output_path = output_directory.join(&filename);
1283    let mut file = File::create_buffered(&output_path)?;
1285    // Gather instantiated mono items grouped by def_id
1286    let mut items_per_def_id: FxIndexMap<_, Vec<_>> = Default::default();
1287    for cgu in codegen_units {
1288        cgu.items()
1289            .keys()
1290            // Avoid variable-sized compiler-generated shims
1291            .filter(|mono_item| mono_item.is_user_defined())
1292            .for_each(|mono_item| {
1293                items_per_def_id.entry(mono_item.def_id()).or_default().push(mono_item);
1294            });
1295    }
1297    #[derive(serde::Serialize)]
1298    struct MonoItem {
1299        name: String,
1300        instantiation_count: usize,
1301        size_estimate: usize,
1302        total_estimate: usize,
1303    }
1305    // Output stats sorted by total instantiated size, from heaviest to lightest
1306    let mut stats: Vec<_> = items_per_def_id
1307        .into_iter()
1308        .map(|(def_id, items)| {
1309            let name = with_no_trimmed_paths!(tcx.def_path_str(def_id));
1310            let instantiation_count = items.len();
1311            let size_estimate = items[0].size_estimate(tcx);
1312            let total_estimate = instantiation_count * size_estimate;
1313            MonoItem { name, instantiation_count, size_estimate, total_estimate }
1314        })
1315        .collect();
1316    stats.sort_unstable_by_key(|item| cmp::Reverse(item.total_estimate));
1318    if !stats.is_empty() {
1319        match format {
1320            DumpMonoStatsFormat::Json => serde_json::to_writer(file, &stats)?,
1321            DumpMonoStatsFormat::Markdown => {
1322                writeln!(
1323                    file,
1324                    "| Item | Instantiation count | Estimated Cost Per Instantiation | Total Estimated Cost |"
1325                )?;
1326                writeln!(file, "| --- | ---: | ---: | ---: |")?;
1328                for MonoItem { name, instantiation_count, size_estimate, total_estimate } in stats {
1329                    writeln!(
1330                        file,
1331                        "| `{name}` | {instantiation_count} | {size_estimate} | {total_estimate} |"
1332                    )?;
1333                }
1334            }
1335        }
1336    }
1338    Ok(())
1341pub(crate) fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
1342    providers.collect_and_partition_mono_items = collect_and_partition_mono_items;
1344    providers.is_codegened_item =
1345        |tcx, def_id| tcx.collect_and_partition_mono_items(()).all_mono_items.contains(&def_id);
1347    providers.codegen_unit = |tcx, name| {
1348        tcx.collect_and_partition_mono_items(())
1349            .codegen_units
1350            .iter()
1351            .find(|cgu| == name)
1352            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("failed to find cgu with name {name:?}"))
1353    };
1355    providers.size_estimate = |tcx, instance| {
1356        match instance.def {
1357            // "Normal" functions size estimate: the number of
1358            // statements, plus one for the terminator.
1359            InstanceKind::Item(..)
1360            | InstanceKind::DropGlue(..)
1361            | InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(..) => {
1362                let mir = tcx.instance_mir(instance.def);
1363                mir.basic_blocks.iter().map(|bb| bb.statements.len() + 1).sum()
1364            }
1365            // Other compiler-generated shims size estimate: 1
1366            _ => 1,
1367        }
1368    };
1370    collector::provide(providers);