1//! See the docs for [`RenameReturnPlace`].
23use rustc_hir::Mutability;
4use rustc_index::bit_set::DenseBitSet;
5use rustc_middle::bug;
6use rustc_middle::mir::visit::{MutVisitor, NonUseContext, PlaceContext, Visitor};
7use rustc_middle::mir::{self, BasicBlock, Local, Location};
8use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
9use tracing::{debug, trace};
1011/// This pass looks for MIR that always copies the same local into the return place and eliminates
12/// the copy by renaming all uses of that local to `_0`.
14/// This allows LLVM to perform an optimization similar to the named return value optimization
15/// (NRVO) that is guaranteed in C++. This avoids a stack allocation and `memcpy` for the
16/// relatively common pattern of allocating a buffer on the stack, mutating it, and returning it by
17/// value like so:
19/// ```rust
20/// fn foo(init: fn(&mut [u8; 1024])) -> [u8; 1024] {
21/// let mut buf = [0; 1024];
22/// init(&mut buf);
23/// buf
24/// }
25/// ```
27/// For now, this pass is very simple and only capable of eliminating a single copy. A more general
28/// version of copy propagation, such as the one based on non-overlapping live ranges in [#47954] and
29/// [#71003], could yield even more benefits.
31/// [#47954]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/47954
32/// [#71003]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/71003
33pub(super) struct RenameReturnPlace;
3435impl<'tcx> crate::MirPass<'tcx> for RenameReturnPlace {
36fn is_enabled(&self, sess: &rustc_session::Session) -> bool {
37// unsound: #111005
38sess.mir_opt_level() > 0 && sess.opts.unstable_opts.unsound_mir_opts
39 }
4041fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mut mir::Body<'tcx>) {
42let def_id = body.source.def_id();
43let Some(returned_local) = local_eligible_for_nrvo(body) else {
44debug!("`{:?}` was ineligible for NRVO", def_id);
46 };
49"`{:?}` was eligible for NRVO, making {:?} the return place",
50 def_id, returned_local
51 );
5253RenameToReturnPlace { tcx, to_rename: returned_local }.visit_body_preserves_cfg(body);
5455// Clean up the `NOP`s we inserted for statements made useless by our renaming.
56for block_data in body.basic_blocks.as_mut_preserves_cfg() {
57 block_data.statements.retain(|stmt| stmt.kind != mir::StatementKind::Nop);
58 }
5960// Overwrite the debuginfo of `_0` with that of the renamed local.
61let (renamed_decl, ret_decl) =
62body.local_decls.pick2_mut(returned_local, mir::RETURN_PLACE);
6364// Sometimes, the return place is assigned a local of a different but coercible type, for
65 // example `&mut T` instead of `&T`. Overwriting the `LocalInfo` for the return place means
66 // its type may no longer match the return type of its function. This doesn't cause a
67 // problem in codegen because these two types are layout-compatible, but may be unexpected.
68debug!("_0: {:?} = {:?}: {:?}", ret_decl.ty, returned_local, renamed_decl.ty);
7071// The return place is always mutable.
72ret_decl.mutability = Mutability::Mut;
73 }
7475fn is_required(&self) -> bool {
7980/// MIR that is eligible for the NRVO must fulfill two conditions:
81/// 1. The return place must not be read prior to the `Return` terminator.
82/// 2. A simple assignment of a whole local to the return place (e.g., `_0 = _1`) must be the
83/// only definition of the return place reaching the `Return` terminator.
85/// If the MIR fulfills both these conditions, this function returns the `Local` that is assigned
86/// to the return place along all possible paths through the control-flow graph.
87fn local_eligible_for_nrvo(body: &mir::Body<'_>) -> Option<Local> {
88if IsReturnPlaceRead::run(body) {
89return None;
90 }
9192let mut copied_to_return_place = None;
93for block in body.basic_blocks.indices() {
94// Look for blocks with a `Return` terminator.
95if !matches!(body[block].terminator().kind, mir::TerminatorKind::Return) {
97 }
9899// Look for an assignment of a single local to the return place prior to the `Return`.
100let returned_local = find_local_assigned_to_return_place(block, body)?;
101match body.local_kind(returned_local) {
102// FIXME: Can we do this for arguments as well?
103mir::LocalKind::Arg => return None,
104105 mir::LocalKind::ReturnPointer => bug!("Return place was assigned to itself?"),
106 mir::LocalKind::Temp => {}
107 }
108109// If multiple different locals are copied to the return place. We can't pick a
110 // single one to rename.
111if copied_to_return_place.is_some_and(|old| old != returned_local) {
112return None;
113 }
114115 copied_to_return_place = Some(returned_local);
116 }
120121fn find_local_assigned_to_return_place(start: BasicBlock, body: &mir::Body<'_>) -> Option<Local> {
122let mut block = start;
123let mut seen = DenseBitSet::new_empty(body.basic_blocks.len());
124125// Iterate as long as `block` has exactly one predecessor that we have not yet visited.
126while seen.insert(block) {
127trace!("Looking for assignments to `_0` in {:?}", block);
128129let local = body[block].statements.iter().rev().find_map(as_local_assigned_to_return_place);
130if local.is_some() {
131return local;
132 }
133134match body.basic_blocks.predecessors()[block].as_slice() {
135&[pred] => block = pred,
136_ => return None,
137 }
138 }
142143// If this statement is an assignment of an unprojected local to the return place,
144// return that local.
145fn as_local_assigned_to_return_place(stmt: &mir::Statement<'_>) -> Option<Local> {
146if let mir::StatementKind::Assign(box (lhs, rhs)) = &stmt.kind {
147if lhs.as_local() == Some(mir::RETURN_PLACE) {
148if let mir::Rvalue::Use(mir::Operand::Copy(rhs) | mir::Operand::Move(rhs)) = rhs {
149return rhs.as_local();
150 }
151 }
152 }
156157struct RenameToReturnPlace<'tcx> {
158 to_rename: Local,
159 tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
161162/// Replaces all uses of `self.to_rename` with `_0`.
163impl<'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for RenameToReturnPlace<'tcx> {
164fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
166 }
167168fn visit_statement(&mut self, stmt: &mut mir::Statement<'tcx>, loc: Location) {
169// Remove assignments of the local being replaced to the return place, since it is now the
170 // return place:
171 // _0 = _1
172if as_local_assigned_to_return_place(stmt) == Some(self.to_rename) {
173stmt.kind = mir::StatementKind::Nop;
175 }
176177// Remove storage annotations for the local being replaced:
178 // StorageLive(_1)
179if let mir::StatementKind::StorageLive(local) | mir::StatementKind::StorageDead(local) =
181 {
182if local == self.to_rename {
183stmt.kind = mir::StatementKind::Nop;
185 }
186 }
187188self.super_statement(stmt, loc)
189 }
190191fn visit_terminator(&mut self, terminator: &mut mir::Terminator<'tcx>, loc: Location) {
192// Ignore the implicit "use" of the return place in a `Return` statement.
193if let mir::TerminatorKind::Return = terminator.kind {
195 }
196197self.super_terminator(terminator, loc);
198 }
199200fn visit_local(&mut self, l: &mut Local, ctxt: PlaceContext, _: Location) {
201if *l == mir::RETURN_PLACE {
202assert_eq!(ctxt, PlaceContext::NonUse(NonUseContext::VarDebugInfo));
203 } else if *l == self.to_rename {
204*l = mir::RETURN_PLACE;
205 }
206 }
208209struct IsReturnPlaceRead(bool);
210211impl IsReturnPlaceRead {
212fn run(body: &mir::Body<'_>) -> bool {
213let mut vis = IsReturnPlaceRead(false);
218219impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for IsReturnPlaceRead {
220fn visit_local(&mut self, l: Local, ctxt: PlaceContext, _: Location) {
221if l == mir::RETURN_PLACE && ctxt.is_use() && !ctxt.is_place_assignment() {
222self.0 = true;
223 }
224 }
225226fn visit_terminator(&mut self, terminator: &mir::Terminator<'tcx>, loc: Location) {
227// Ignore the implicit "use" of the return place in a `Return` statement.
228if let mir::TerminatorKind::Return = terminator.kind {
230 }
231232self.super_terminator(terminator, loc);
233 }