
1//! Implementation of compiling various phases of the compiler and standard
2//! library.
4//! This module contains some of the real meat in the bootstrap build system
5//! which is where Cargo is used to compile the standard library, libtest, and
6//! the compiler. This module is also responsible for assembling the sysroot as it
7//! goes along from the output of the previous stage.
9use std::borrow::Cow;
10use std::collections::HashSet;
11use std::ffi::OsStr;
12use std::io::BufReader;
13use std::io::prelude::*;
14use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
15use std::process::Stdio;
16use std::{env, fs, str};
18use serde_derive::Deserialize;
20use crate::core::build_steps::tool::SourceType;
21use crate::core::build_steps::{dist, llvm};
22use crate::core::builder;
23use crate::core::builder::{
24    Builder, Cargo, Kind, PathSet, RunConfig, ShouldRun, Step, TaskPath, crate_description,
26use crate::core::config::{DebuginfoLevel, LlvmLibunwind, RustcLto, TargetSelection};
27use crate::utils::build_stamp;
28use crate::utils::build_stamp::BuildStamp;
29use crate::utils::exec::command;
30use crate::utils::helpers::{
31    exe, get_clang_cl_resource_dir, is_debug_info, is_dylib, symlink_dir, t, up_to_date,
33use crate::{CLang, Compiler, DependencyType, GitRepo, LLVM_TOOLS, Mode};
35#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
36pub struct Std {
37    pub target: TargetSelection,
38    pub compiler: Compiler,
39    /// Whether to build only a subset of crates in the standard library.
40    ///
41    /// This shouldn't be used from other steps; see the comment on [`Rustc`].
42    crates: Vec<String>,
43    /// When using download-rustc, we need to use a new build of `std` for running unit tests of Std itself,
44    /// but we need to use the downloaded copy of std for linking to rustdoc. Allow this to be overridden by `builder.ensure` from other steps.
45    force_recompile: bool,
46    extra_rust_args: &'static [&'static str],
47    is_for_mir_opt_tests: bool,
50impl Std {
51    pub fn new(compiler: Compiler, target: TargetSelection) -> Self {
52        Self {
53            target,
54            compiler,
55            crates: Default::default(),
56            force_recompile: false,
57            extra_rust_args: &[],
58            is_for_mir_opt_tests: false,
59        }
60    }
62    pub fn force_recompile(mut self, force_recompile: bool) -> Self {
63        self.force_recompile = force_recompile;
64        self
65    }
67    #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)]
68    pub fn is_for_mir_opt_tests(mut self, is_for_mir_opt_tests: bool) -> Self {
69        self.is_for_mir_opt_tests = is_for_mir_opt_tests;
70        self
71    }
73    pub fn extra_rust_args(mut self, extra_rust_args: &'static [&'static str]) -> Self {
74        self.extra_rust_args = extra_rust_args;
75        self
76    }
78    fn copy_extra_objects(
79        &self,
80        builder: &Builder<'_>,
81        compiler: &Compiler,
82        target: TargetSelection,
83    ) -> Vec<(PathBuf, DependencyType)> {
84        let mut deps = Vec::new();
85        if !self.is_for_mir_opt_tests {
86            deps.extend(copy_third_party_objects(builder, compiler, target));
87            deps.extend(copy_self_contained_objects(builder, compiler, target));
88        }
89        deps
90    }
93impl Step for Std {
94    type Output = ();
95    const DEFAULT: bool = true;
97    fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
98        run.crate_or_deps("sysroot").path("library").alias("core")
99    }
101    fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
102        let crates = std_crates_for_run_make(&run);
103        let builder = run.builder;
105        // Force compilation of the standard library from source if the `library` is modified. This allows
106        // library team to compile the standard library without needing to compile the compiler with
107        // the `` option.
108        let force_recompile = builder.rust_info().is_managed_git_subrepository()
109            && builder.download_rustc()
110            && builder.config.last_modified_commit(&["library"], "download-rustc", true).is_none();
112        run.builder.ensure(Std {
113            compiler: run.builder.compiler(run.builder.top_stage, run.build_triple()),
114            target:,
115            crates,
116            force_recompile,
117            extra_rust_args: &[],
118            is_for_mir_opt_tests: false,
119        });
120    }
122    /// Builds the standard library.
123    ///
124    /// This will build the standard library for a particular stage of the build
125    /// using the `compiler` targeting the `target` architecture. The artifacts
126    /// created will also be linked into the sysroot directory.
127    fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) {
128        let target =;
129        let compiler = self.compiler;
131        // When using `download-rustc`, we already have artifacts for the host available. Don't
132        // recompile them.
133        if builder.download_rustc() && target ==
134            // NOTE: the beta compiler may generate different artifacts than the downloaded compiler, so
135            // its artifacts can't be reused.
136            && compiler.stage != 0
137            && !self.force_recompile
138        {
139            let sysroot = builder.ensure(Sysroot { compiler, force_recompile: false });
140            cp_rustc_component_to_ci_sysroot(
141                builder,
142                &sysroot,
143                builder.config.ci_rust_std_contents(),
144            );
145            return;
146        }
148        if builder.config.keep_stage.contains(&compiler.stage)
149            || builder.config.keep_stage_std.contains(&compiler.stage)
150        {
151  "WARNING: Using a potentially old libstd. This may not behave well.");
153            builder.ensure(StartupObjects { compiler, target });
155            self.copy_extra_objects(builder, &compiler, target);
157            builder.ensure(StdLink::from_std(self, compiler));
158            return;
159        }
161        builder.require_submodule("library/stdarch", None);
163        let mut target_deps = builder.ensure(StartupObjects { compiler, target });
165        let compiler_to_use = builder.compiler_for(compiler.stage,, target);
166        if compiler_to_use != compiler {
167            builder.ensure(Std::new(compiler_to_use, target));
168            let msg = if == target {
169                format!(
170                    "Uplifting library (stage{} -> stage{})",
171                    compiler_to_use.stage, compiler.stage
172                )
173            } else {
174                format!(
175                    "Uplifting library (stage{}:{} -> stage{}:{})",
176                    compiler_to_use.stage,, compiler.stage, target
177                )
178            };
179  ;
181            // Even if we're not building std this stage, the new sysroot must
182            // still contain the third party objects needed by various targets.
183            self.copy_extra_objects(builder, &compiler, target);
185            builder.ensure(StdLink::from_std(self, compiler_to_use));
186            return;
187        }
189        target_deps.extend(self.copy_extra_objects(builder, &compiler, target));
191        // The LLD wrappers and `rust-lld` are self-contained linking components that can be
192        // necessary to link the stdlib on some targets. We'll also need to copy these binaries to
193        // the `stage0-sysroot` to ensure the linker is found when bootstrapping on such a target.
194        if compiler.stage == 0 && builder.is_builder_target(& {
195            // We want to copy the host `bin` folder within the `rustlib` folder in the sysroot.
196            let src_sysroot_bin = builder
197                .rustc_snapshot_sysroot()
198                .join("lib")
199                .join("rustlib")
200                .join(
201                .join("bin");
202            if src_sysroot_bin.exists() {
203                let target_sysroot_bin = builder.sysroot_target_bindir(compiler, target);
204                t!(fs::create_dir_all(&target_sysroot_bin));
205                builder.cp_link_r(&src_sysroot_bin, &target_sysroot_bin);
206            }
207        }
209        // We build a sysroot for mir-opt tests using the same trick that Miri does: A check build
210        // with -Zalways-encode-mir. This frees us from the need to have a target linker, and the
211        // fact that this is a check build integrates nicely with run_cargo.
212        let mut cargo = if self.is_for_mir_opt_tests {
213            let mut cargo = builder::Cargo::new_for_mir_opt_tests(
214                builder,
215                compiler,
216                Mode::Std,
217                SourceType::InTree,
218                target,
219                Kind::Check,
220            );
221            cargo.rustflag("-Zalways-encode-mir");
222            cargo.arg("--manifest-path").arg(builder.src.join("library/sysroot/Cargo.toml"));
223            cargo
224        } else {
225            let mut cargo = builder::Cargo::new(
226                builder,
227                compiler,
228                Mode::Std,
229                SourceType::InTree,
230                target,
231                Kind::Build,
232            );
233            std_cargo(builder, target, compiler.stage, &mut cargo);
234            for krate in &*self.crates {
235                cargo.arg("-p").arg(krate);
236            }
237            cargo
238        };
240        // See src/bootstrap/
241        if target.is_synthetic() {
242            cargo.env("RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP_SYNTHETIC_TARGET", "1");
243        }
244        for rustflag in self.extra_rust_args.iter() {
245            cargo.rustflag(rustflag);
246        }
248        let _guard = builder.msg(
249            Kind::Build,
250            compiler.stage,
251            format_args!("library artifacts{}", crate_description(&self.crates)),
252  ,
253            target,
254        );
255        run_cargo(
256            builder,
257            cargo,
258            vec![],
259            &build_stamp::libstd_stamp(builder, compiler, target),
260            target_deps,
261            self.is_for_mir_opt_tests, // is_check
262            false,
263        );
265        builder.ensure(StdLink::from_std(
266            self,
267            builder.compiler(compiler.stage,,
268        ));
269    }
272fn copy_and_stamp(
273    builder: &Builder<'_>,
274    libdir: &Path,
275    sourcedir: &Path,
276    name: &str,
277    target_deps: &mut Vec<(PathBuf, DependencyType)>,
278    dependency_type: DependencyType,
279) {
280    let target = libdir.join(name);
281    builder.copy_link(&sourcedir.join(name), &target);
283    target_deps.push((target, dependency_type));
286fn copy_llvm_libunwind(builder: &Builder<'_>, target: TargetSelection, libdir: &Path) -> PathBuf {
287    let libunwind_path = builder.ensure(llvm::Libunwind { target });
288    let libunwind_source = libunwind_path.join("libunwind.a");
289    let libunwind_target = libdir.join("libunwind.a");
290    builder.copy_link(&libunwind_source, &libunwind_target);
291    libunwind_target
294/// Copies third party objects needed by various targets.
295fn copy_third_party_objects(
296    builder: &Builder<'_>,
297    compiler: &Compiler,
298    target: TargetSelection,
299) -> Vec<(PathBuf, DependencyType)> {
300    let mut target_deps = vec![];
302    if builder.config.needs_sanitizer_runtime_built(target) && compiler.stage != 0 {
303        // The sanitizers are only copied in stage1 or above,
304        // to avoid creating dependency on LLVM.
305        target_deps.extend(
306            copy_sanitizers(builder, compiler, target)
307                .into_iter()
308                .map(|d| (d, DependencyType::Target)),
309        );
310    }
312    if target == "x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx"
313        || builder.config.llvm_libunwind(target) == LlvmLibunwind::InTree
314            && (target.contains("linux") || target.contains("fuchsia") || target.contains("aix"))
315    {
316        let libunwind_path =
317            copy_llvm_libunwind(builder, target, &builder.sysroot_target_libdir(*compiler, target));
318        target_deps.push((libunwind_path, DependencyType::Target));
319    }
321    target_deps
324/// Copies third party objects needed by various targets for self-contained linkage.
325fn copy_self_contained_objects(
326    builder: &Builder<'_>,
327    compiler: &Compiler,
328    target: TargetSelection,
329) -> Vec<(PathBuf, DependencyType)> {
330    let libdir_self_contained =
331        builder.sysroot_target_libdir(*compiler, target).join("self-contained");
332    t!(fs::create_dir_all(&libdir_self_contained));
333    let mut target_deps = vec![];
335    // Copies the libc and CRT objects.
336    //
337    // rustc historically provides a more self-contained installation for musl targets
338    // not requiring the presence of a native musl toolchain. For example, it can fall back
339    // to using gcc from a glibc-targeting toolchain for linking.
340    // To do that we have to distribute musl startup objects as a part of Rust toolchain
341    // and link with them manually in the self-contained mode.
342    if target.needs_crt_begin_end() {
343        let srcdir = builder.musl_libdir(target).unwrap_or_else(|| {
344            panic!("Target {:?} does not have a \"musl-libdir\" key", target.triple)
345        });
346        for &obj in &["libc.a", "crt1.o", "Scrt1.o", "rcrt1.o", "crti.o", "crtn.o"] {
347            copy_and_stamp(
348                builder,
349                &libdir_self_contained,
350                &srcdir,
351                obj,
352                &mut target_deps,
353                DependencyType::TargetSelfContained,
354            );
355        }
356        let crt_path = builder.ensure(llvm::CrtBeginEnd { target });
357        for &obj in &["crtbegin.o", "crtbeginS.o", "crtend.o", "crtendS.o"] {
358            let src = crt_path.join(obj);
359            let target = libdir_self_contained.join(obj);
360            builder.copy_link(&src, &target);
361            target_deps.push((target, DependencyType::TargetSelfContained));
362        }
364        if !target.starts_with("s390x") {
365            let libunwind_path = copy_llvm_libunwind(builder, target, &libdir_self_contained);
366            target_deps.push((libunwind_path, DependencyType::TargetSelfContained));
367        }
368    } else if target.contains("-wasi") {
369        let srcdir = builder.wasi_libdir(target).unwrap_or_else(|| {
370            panic!(
371                "Target {:?} does not have a \"wasi-root\" key in Config.toml \
372                    or `$WASI_SDK_PATH` set",
373                target.triple
374            )
375        });
376        for &obj in &["libc.a", "crt1-command.o", "crt1-reactor.o"] {
377            copy_and_stamp(
378                builder,
379                &libdir_self_contained,
380                &srcdir,
381                obj,
382                &mut target_deps,
383                DependencyType::TargetSelfContained,
384            );
385        }
386    } else if target.is_windows_gnu() {
387        for obj in ["crt2.o", "dllcrt2.o"].iter() {
388            let src = compiler_file(builder, &, target, CLang::C, obj);
389            let target = libdir_self_contained.join(obj);
390            builder.copy_link(&src, &target);
391            target_deps.push((target, DependencyType::TargetSelfContained));
392        }
393    }
395    target_deps
398/// Resolves standard library crates for `Std::run_make` for any build kind (like check, build, clippy, etc.).
399pub fn std_crates_for_run_make(run: &RunConfig<'_>) -> Vec<String> {
400    // FIXME: Extend builder tests to cover the `crates` field of `Std` instances.
401    if cfg!(test) {
402        return vec![];
403    }
405    let has_alias = run.paths.iter().any(|set| set.assert_single_path().path.ends_with("library"));
406    let target_is_no_std = run.builder.no_std(;
408    // For no_std targets, do not add any additional crates to the compilation other than what `compile::std_cargo` already adds for no_std targets.
409    if target_is_no_std {
410        vec![]
411    }
412    // If the paths include "library", build the entire standard library.
413    else if has_alias {
414        run.make_run_crates(builder::Alias::Library)
415    } else {
416        run.cargo_crates_in_set()
417    }
420/// Tries to find LLVM's `compiler-rt` source directory, for building `library/profiler_builtins`.
422/// Normally it lives in the `src/llvm-project` submodule, but if we will be using a
423/// downloaded copy of CI LLVM, then we try to use the `compiler-rt` sources from
424/// there instead, which lets us avoid checking out the LLVM submodule.
425fn compiler_rt_for_profiler(builder: &Builder<'_>) -> PathBuf {
426    // Try to use `compiler-rt` sources from downloaded CI LLVM, if possible.
427    if builder.config.llvm_from_ci {
428        // CI LLVM might not have been downloaded yet, so try to download it now.
429        builder.config.maybe_download_ci_llvm();
430        let ci_llvm_compiler_rt = builder.config.ci_llvm_root().join("compiler-rt");
431        if ci_llvm_compiler_rt.exists() {
432            return ci_llvm_compiler_rt;
433        }
434    }
436    // Otherwise, fall back to requiring the LLVM submodule.
437    builder.require_submodule("src/llvm-project", {
438        Some("The `build.profiler` config option requires `compiler-rt` sources from LLVM.")
439    });
440    builder.src.join("src/llvm-project/compiler-rt")
443/// Configure cargo to compile the standard library, adding appropriate env vars
444/// and such.
445pub fn std_cargo(builder: &Builder<'_>, target: TargetSelection, stage: u32, cargo: &mut Cargo) {
446    // rustc already ensures that it builds with the minimum deployment
447    // target, so ideally we shouldn't need to do anything here.
448    //
449    // However, `cc` currently defaults to a higher version for backwards
450    // compatibility, which means that compiler-rt, which is built via
451    // compiler-builtins' build script, gets built with a higher deployment
452    // target. This in turn causes warnings while linking, and is generally
453    // a compatibility hazard.
454    //
455    // So, at least until, or
456    // perhaps is resolved, we
457    // explicitly set the deployment target environment variables to avoid
458    // this issue.
459    //
460    // This place also serves as an extension point if we ever wanted to raise
461    // rustc's default deployment target while keeping the prebuilt `std` at
462    // a lower version, so it's kinda nice to have in any case.
463    if target.contains("apple") && !builder.config.dry_run() {
464        // Query rustc for the deployment target, and the associated env var.
465        // The env var is one of the standard `*_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET` vars, i.e.
467        let mut cmd = command(builder.rustc(cargo.compiler()));
468        cmd.arg("--target").arg(target.rustc_target_arg());
469        cmd.arg("--print=deployment-target");
470        let output = cmd.run_capture_stdout(builder).stdout();
472        let (env_var, value) = output.split_once('=').unwrap();
473        // Unconditionally set the env var (if it was set in the environment
474        // already, rustc should've picked that up).
475        cargo.env(env_var.trim(), value.trim());
477        // Allow CI to override the deployment target for `std` on macOS.
478        //
479        // This is useful because we might want the host tooling LLVM, `rustc`
480        // and Cargo to have a different deployment target than `std` itself
481        // (currently, these two versions are the same, but in the past, we
482        // supported macOS 10.7 for user code and macOS 10.8 in host tooling).
483        //
484        // It is not necessary on the other platforms, since only macOS has
485        // support for host tooling.
486        if let Some(target) = env::var_os("MACOSX_STD_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET") {
487            cargo.env("MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET", target);
488        }
489    }
491    // Paths needed by `library/profiler_builtins/`.
492    if let Some(path) = builder.config.profiler_path(target) {
493        cargo.env("LLVM_PROFILER_RT_LIB", path);
494    } else if builder.config.profiler_enabled(target) {
495        let compiler_rt = compiler_rt_for_profiler(builder);
496        // Currently this is separate from the env var used by `compiler_builtins`
497        // (below) so that adding support for CI LLVM here doesn't risk breaking
498        // the compiler builtins. But they could be unified if desired.
499        cargo.env("RUST_COMPILER_RT_FOR_PROFILER", compiler_rt);
500    }
502    // Determine if we're going to compile in optimized C intrinsics to
503    // the `compiler-builtins` crate. These intrinsics live in LLVM's
504    // `compiler-rt` repository.
505    //
506    // Note that this shouldn't affect the correctness of `compiler-builtins`,
507    // but only its speed. Some intrinsics in C haven't been translated to Rust
508    // yet but that's pretty rare. Other intrinsics have optimized
509    // implementations in C which have only had slower versions ported to Rust,
510    // so we favor the C version where we can, but it's not critical.
511    //
512    // If `compiler-rt` is available ensure that the `c` feature of the
513    // `compiler-builtins` crate is enabled and it's configured to learn where
514    // `compiler-rt` is located.
515    let compiler_builtins_c_feature = if builder.config.optimized_compiler_builtins(target) {
516        // NOTE: this interacts strangely with `llvm-has-rust-patches`. In that case, we enforce `submodules = false`, so this is a no-op.
517        // But, the user could still decide to manually use an in-tree submodule.
518        //
519        // NOTE: if we're using system llvm, we'll end up building a version of `compiler-rt` that doesn't match the LLVM we're linking to.
520        // That's probably ok? At least, the difference wasn't enforced before. There's a comment in
521        // the compiler_builtins build script that makes me nervous, though:
522        //
523        builder.require_submodule(
524            "src/llvm-project",
525            Some(
526                "The `build.optimized-compiler-builtins` config option \
527                 requires `compiler-rt` sources from LLVM.",
528            ),
529        );
530        let compiler_builtins_root = builder.src.join("src/llvm-project/compiler-rt");
531        assert!(compiler_builtins_root.exists());
532        // The path to `compiler-rt` is also used by `profiler_builtins` (above),
533        // so if you're changing something here please also change that as appropriate.
534        cargo.env("RUST_COMPILER_RT_ROOT", &compiler_builtins_root);
535        " compiler-builtins-c"
536    } else {
537        ""
538    };
540    // `libtest` uses this to know whether or not to support
541    // `-Zunstable-options`.
542    if !builder.unstable_features() {
543        cargo.env("CFG_DISABLE_UNSTABLE_FEATURES", "1");
544    }
546    let mut features = String::new();
548    if stage != 0 && builder.config.default_codegen_backend(target).as_deref() == Some("cranelift")
549    {
550        features += "compiler-builtins-no-f16-f128 ";
551    }
553    if builder.no_std(target) == Some(true) {
554        features += " compiler-builtins-mem";
555        if !target.starts_with("bpf") {
556            features.push_str(compiler_builtins_c_feature);
557        }
559        // for no-std targets we only compile a few no_std crates
560        cargo
561            .args(["-p", "alloc"])
562            .arg("--manifest-path")
563            .arg(builder.src.join("library/alloc/Cargo.toml"))
564            .arg("--features")
565            .arg(features);
566    } else {
567        features += &builder.std_features(target);
568        features.push_str(compiler_builtins_c_feature);
570        cargo
571            .arg("--features")
572            .arg(features)
573            .arg("--manifest-path")
574            .arg(builder.src.join("library/sysroot/Cargo.toml"));
576        // Help the libc crate compile by assisting it in finding various
577        // sysroot native libraries.
578        if target.contains("musl") {
579            if let Some(p) = builder.musl_libdir(target) {
580                let root = format!("native={}", p.to_str().unwrap());
581                cargo.rustflag("-L").rustflag(&root);
582            }
583        }
585        if target.contains("-wasi") {
586            if let Some(dir) = builder.wasi_libdir(target) {
587                let root = format!("native={}", dir.to_str().unwrap());
588                cargo.rustflag("-L").rustflag(&root);
589            }
590        }
591    }
593    // By default, rustc uses `-Cembed-bitcode=yes`, and Cargo overrides that
594    // with `-Cembed-bitcode=no` for non-LTO builds. However, libstd must be
595    // built with bitcode so that the produced rlibs can be used for both LTO
596    // builds (which use bitcode) and non-LTO builds (which use object code).
597    // So we override the override here!
598    //
599    // But we don't bother for the stage 0 compiler because it's never used
600    // with LTO.
601    if stage >= 1 {
602        cargo.rustflag("-Cembed-bitcode=yes");
603    }
604    if builder.config.rust_lto == RustcLto::Off {
605        cargo.rustflag("-Clto=off");
606    }
608    // By default, rustc does not include unwind tables unless they are required
609    // for a particular target. They are not required by RISC-V targets, but
610    // compiling the standard library with them means that users can get
611    // backtraces without having to recompile the standard library themselves.
612    //
613    // This choice was discussed in
614    if target.contains("riscv") {
615        cargo.rustflag("-Cforce-unwind-tables=yes");
616    }
618    // Enable frame pointers by default for the library. Note that they are still controlled by a
619    // separate setting for the compiler.
620    cargo.rustflag("-Cforce-frame-pointers=yes");
622    let html_root =
623        format!("-Zcrate-attr=doc(html_root_url=\"{}/\")", builder.doc_rust_lang_org_channel(),);
624    cargo.rustflag(&html_root);
625    cargo.rustdocflag(&html_root);
627    cargo.rustdocflag("-Zcrate-attr=warn(rust_2018_idioms)");
630#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
631struct StdLink {
632    pub compiler: Compiler,
633    pub target_compiler: Compiler,
634    pub target: TargetSelection,
635    /// Not actually used; only present to make sure the cache invalidation is correct.
636    crates: Vec<String>,
637    /// See [`Std::force_recompile`].
638    force_recompile: bool,
641impl StdLink {
642    fn from_std(std: Std, host_compiler: Compiler) -> Self {
643        Self {
644            compiler: host_compiler,
645            target_compiler: std.compiler,
646            target:,
647            crates: std.crates,
648            force_recompile: std.force_recompile,
649        }
650    }
653impl Step for StdLink {
654    type Output = ();
656    fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
657        run.never()
658    }
660    /// Link all libstd rlibs/dylibs into the sysroot location.
661    ///
662    /// Links those artifacts generated by `compiler` to the `stage` compiler's
663    /// sysroot for the specified `host` and `target`.
664    ///
665    /// Note that this assumes that `compiler` has already generated the libstd
666    /// libraries for `target`, and this method will find them in the relevant
667    /// output directory.
668    fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) {
669        let compiler = self.compiler;
670        let target_compiler = self.target_compiler;
671        let target =;
673        // NOTE: intentionally does *not* check `target ==` to avoid having to add the same check in `test::Crate`.
674        let (libdir, hostdir) = if self.force_recompile && builder.download_rustc() {
675            // NOTE: copies part of `sysroot_libdir` to avoid having to add a new `force_recompile` argument there too
676            let lib = builder.sysroot_libdir_relative(self.compiler);
677            let sysroot = builder.ensure(crate::core::build_steps::compile::Sysroot {
678                compiler: self.compiler,
679                force_recompile: self.force_recompile,
680            });
681            let libdir = sysroot.join(lib).join("rustlib").join(target).join("lib");
682            let hostdir = sysroot.join(lib).join("rustlib").join("lib");
683            (libdir, hostdir)
684        } else {
685            let libdir = builder.sysroot_target_libdir(target_compiler, target);
686            let hostdir = builder.sysroot_target_libdir(target_compiler,;
687            (libdir, hostdir)
688        };
690        add_to_sysroot(
691            builder,
692            &libdir,
693            &hostdir,
694            &build_stamp::libstd_stamp(builder, compiler, target),
695        );
697        // Special case for stage0, to make `rustup toolchain link` and `x dist --stage 0`
698        // work for stage0-sysroot. We only do this if the stage0 compiler comes from beta,
699        // and is not set to a custom path.
700        if compiler.stage == 0
701            && builder
702                .build
703                .config
704                .initial_rustc
705                .starts_with(builder.out.join("stage0/bin"))
706        {
707            // Copy bin files from stage0/bin to stage0-sysroot/bin
708            let sysroot = builder.out.join("stage0-sysroot");
710            let host =;
711            let stage0_bin_dir = builder.out.join(host).join("stage0/bin");
712            let sysroot_bin_dir = sysroot.join("bin");
713            t!(fs::create_dir_all(&sysroot_bin_dir));
714            builder.cp_link_r(&stage0_bin_dir, &sysroot_bin_dir);
716            // Copy all files from stage0/lib to stage0-sysroot/lib
717            let stage0_lib_dir = builder.out.join(host).join("stage0/lib");
718            if let Ok(files) = fs::read_dir(stage0_lib_dir) {
719                for file in files {
720                    let file = t!(file);
721                    let path = file.path();
722                    if path.is_file() {
723                        builder
724                            .copy_link(&path, &sysroot.join("lib").join(path.file_name().unwrap()));
725                    }
726                }
727            }
729            // Copy codegen-backends from stage0
730            let sysroot_codegen_backends = builder.sysroot_codegen_backends(compiler);
731            t!(fs::create_dir_all(&sysroot_codegen_backends));
732            let stage0_codegen_backends = builder
733                .out
734                .join(host)
735                .join("stage0/lib/rustlib")
736                .join(host)
737                .join("codegen-backends");
738            if stage0_codegen_backends.exists() {
739                builder.cp_link_r(&stage0_codegen_backends, &sysroot_codegen_backends);
740            }
741        }
742    }
745/// Copies sanitizer runtime libraries into target libdir.
746fn copy_sanitizers(
747    builder: &Builder<'_>,
748    compiler: &Compiler,
749    target: TargetSelection,
750) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
751    let runtimes: Vec<llvm::SanitizerRuntime> = builder.ensure(llvm::Sanitizers { target });
753    if builder.config.dry_run() {
754        return Vec::new();
755    }
757    let mut target_deps = Vec::new();
758    let libdir = builder.sysroot_target_libdir(*compiler, target);
760    for runtime in &runtimes {
761        let dst = libdir.join(&;
762        builder.copy_link(&runtime.path, &dst);
764        // The `aarch64-apple-ios-macabi` and `x86_64-apple-ios-macabi` are also supported for
765        // sanitizers, but they share a sanitizer runtime with `${arch}-apple-darwin`, so we do
766        // not list them here to rename and sign the runtime library.
767        if target == "x86_64-apple-darwin"
768            || target == "aarch64-apple-darwin"
769            || target == "aarch64-apple-ios"
770            || target == "aarch64-apple-ios-sim"
771            || target == "x86_64-apple-ios"
772        {
773            // Update the library’s install name to reflect that it has been renamed.
774            apple_darwin_update_library_name(builder, &dst, &format!("@rpath/{}",;
775            // Upon renaming the install name, the code signature of the file will invalidate,
776            // so we will sign it again.
777            apple_darwin_sign_file(builder, &dst);
778        }
780        target_deps.push(dst);
781    }
783    target_deps
786fn apple_darwin_update_library_name(builder: &Builder<'_>, library_path: &Path, new_name: &str) {
787    command("install_name_tool").arg("-id").arg(new_name).arg(library_path).run(builder);
790fn apple_darwin_sign_file(builder: &Builder<'_>, file_path: &Path) {
791    command("codesign")
792        .arg("-f") // Force to rewrite the existing signature
793        .arg("-s")
794        .arg("-")
795        .arg(file_path)
796        .run(builder);
799#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
800pub struct StartupObjects {
801    pub compiler: Compiler,
802    pub target: TargetSelection,
805impl Step for StartupObjects {
806    type Output = Vec<(PathBuf, DependencyType)>;
808    fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
809        run.path("library/rtstartup")
810    }
812    fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
813        run.builder.ensure(StartupObjects {
814            compiler: run.builder.compiler(run.builder.top_stage, run.build_triple()),
815            target:,
816        });
817    }
819    /// Builds and prepare startup objects like rsbegin.o and rsend.o
820    ///
821    /// These are primarily used on Windows right now for linking executables/dlls.
822    /// They don't require any library support as they're just plain old object
823    /// files, so we just use the nightly snapshot compiler to always build them (as
824    /// no other compilers are guaranteed to be available).
825    fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Vec<(PathBuf, DependencyType)> {
826        let for_compiler = self.compiler;
827        let target =;
828        if !target.is_windows_gnu() {
829            return vec![];
830        }
832        let mut target_deps = vec![];
834        let src_dir = &builder.src.join("library").join("rtstartup");
835        let dst_dir = &builder.native_dir(target).join("rtstartup");
836        let sysroot_dir = &builder.sysroot_target_libdir(for_compiler, target);
837        t!(fs::create_dir_all(dst_dir));
839        for file in &["rsbegin", "rsend"] {
840            let src_file = &src_dir.join(file.to_string() + ".rs");
841            let dst_file = &dst_dir.join(file.to_string() + ".o");
842            if !up_to_date(src_file, dst_file) {
843                let mut cmd = command(&builder.initial_rustc);
844                cmd.env("RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP", "1");
845                if !builder.local_rebuild {
846                    // a local_rebuild compiler already has stage1 features
847                    cmd.arg("--cfg").arg("bootstrap");
848                }
849                cmd.arg("--target")
850                    .arg(target.rustc_target_arg())
851                    .arg("--emit=obj")
852                    .arg("-o")
853                    .arg(dst_file)
854                    .arg(src_file)
855                    .run(builder);
856            }
858            let target = sysroot_dir.join((*file).to_string() + ".o");
859            builder.copy_link(dst_file, &target);
860            target_deps.push((target, DependencyType::Target));
861        }
863        target_deps
864    }
867fn cp_rustc_component_to_ci_sysroot(builder: &Builder<'_>, sysroot: &Path, contents: Vec<String>) {
868    let ci_rustc_dir = builder.config.ci_rustc_dir();
870    for file in contents {
871        let src = ci_rustc_dir.join(&file);
872        let dst = sysroot.join(file);
873        if src.is_dir() {
874            t!(fs::create_dir_all(dst));
875        } else {
876            builder.copy_link(&src, &dst);
877        }
878    }
881#[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
882pub struct Rustc {
883    pub target: TargetSelection,
884    /// The **previous** compiler used to compile this compiler.
885    pub compiler: Compiler,
886    /// Whether to build a subset of crates, rather than the whole compiler.
887    ///
888    /// This should only be requested by the user, not used within bootstrap itself.
889    /// Using it within bootstrap can lead to confusing situation where lints are replayed
890    /// in two different steps.
891    crates: Vec<String>,
894impl Rustc {
895    pub fn new(compiler: Compiler, target: TargetSelection) -> Self {
896        Self { target, compiler, crates: Default::default() }
897    }
900impl Step for Rustc {
901    /// We return the stage of the "actual" compiler (not the uplifted one).
902    ///
903    /// By "actual" we refer to the uplifting logic where we may not compile the requested stage;
904    /// instead, we uplift it from the previous stages. Which can lead to bootstrap failures in
905    /// specific situations where we request stage X from other steps. However we may end up
906    /// uplifting it from stage Y, causing the other stage to fail when attempting to link with
907    /// stage X which was never actually built.
908    type Output = u32;
909    const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true;
910    const DEFAULT: bool = false;
912    fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
913        let mut crates = run.builder.in_tree_crates("rustc-main", None);
914        for (i, krate) in crates.iter().enumerate() {
915            // We can't allow `build rustc` as an alias for this Step, because that's reserved by `Assemble`.
916            // Ideally Assemble would use `build compiler` instead, but that seems too confusing to be worth the breaking change.
917            if == "rustc-main" {
918                crates.swap_remove(i);
919                break;
920            }
921        }
922        run.crates(crates)
923    }
925    fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
926        let crates = run.cargo_crates_in_set();
927        run.builder.ensure(Rustc {
928            compiler: run.builder.compiler(run.builder.top_stage, run.build_triple()),
929            target:,
930            crates,
931        });
932    }
934    /// Builds the compiler.
935    ///
936    /// This will build the compiler for a particular stage of the build using
937    /// the `compiler` targeting the `target` architecture. The artifacts
938    /// created will also be linked into the sysroot directory.
939    fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> u32 {
940        let compiler = self.compiler;
941        let target =;
943        // NOTE: the ABI of the beta compiler is different from the ABI of the downloaded compiler,
944        // so its artifacts can't be reused.
945        if builder.download_rustc() && compiler.stage != 0 {
946            let sysroot = builder.ensure(Sysroot { compiler, force_recompile: false });
947            cp_rustc_component_to_ci_sysroot(
948                builder,
949                &sysroot,
950                builder.config.ci_rustc_dev_contents(),
951            );
952            return compiler.stage;
953        }
955        builder.ensure(Std::new(compiler, target));
957        if builder.config.keep_stage.contains(&compiler.stage) {
958  "WARNING: Using a potentially old librustc. This may not behave well.");
959  "WARNING: Use `--keep-stage-std` if you want to rebuild the compiler when it changes");
960            builder.ensure(RustcLink::from_rustc(self, compiler));
962            return compiler.stage;
963        }
965        let compiler_to_use = builder.compiler_for(compiler.stage,, target);
966        if compiler_to_use != compiler {
967            builder.ensure(Rustc::new(compiler_to_use, target));
968            let msg = if == target {
969                format!(
970                    "Uplifting rustc (stage{} -> stage{})",
971                    compiler_to_use.stage,
972                    compiler.stage + 1
973                )
974            } else {
975                format!(
976                    "Uplifting rustc (stage{}:{} -> stage{}:{})",
977                    compiler_to_use.stage,
978          ,
979                    compiler.stage + 1,
980                    target
981                )
982            };
983  ;
984            builder.ensure(RustcLink::from_rustc(self, compiler_to_use));
985            return compiler_to_use.stage;
986        }
988        // Ensure that build scripts and proc macros have a std / libproc_macro to link against.
989        builder.ensure(Std::new(
990            builder.compiler(self.compiler.stage,,
991  ,
992        ));
994        let mut cargo = builder::Cargo::new(
995            builder,
996            compiler,
997            Mode::Rustc,
998            SourceType::InTree,
999            target,
1000            Kind::Build,
1001        );
1003        rustc_cargo(builder, &mut cargo, target, &compiler, &self.crates);
1005        // NB: all RUSTFLAGS should be added to `rustc_cargo()` so they will be
1006        // consistently applied by check/doc/test modes too.
1008        for krate in &*self.crates {
1009            cargo.arg("-p").arg(krate);
1010        }
1012        if && compiler.stage == 1 {
1013            // Relocations are required for BOLT to work.
1014            cargo.env("RUSTC_BOLT_LINK_FLAGS", "1");
1015        }
1017        let _guard = builder.msg_sysroot_tool(
1018            Kind::Build,
1019            compiler.stage,
1020            format_args!("compiler artifacts{}", crate_description(&self.crates)),
1021  ,
1022            target,
1023        );
1024        let stamp = build_stamp::librustc_stamp(builder, compiler, target);
1025        run_cargo(
1026            builder,
1027            cargo,
1028            vec![],
1029            &stamp,
1030            vec![],
1031            false,
1032            true, // Only ship and .rmeta files, not all intermediate .rlib files.
1033        );
1035        let target_root_dir = stamp.path().parent().unwrap();
1036        // When building `` (like ``) on linux, it can contain
1037        // unexpected debuginfo from dependencies, for example from the C++ standard library used in
1038        // our LLVM wrapper. Unless we're explicitly requesting `librustc_driver` to be built with
1039        // debuginfo (via the debuginfo level of the executables using it): strip this debuginfo
1040        // away after the fact.
1041        if builder.config.rust_debuginfo_level_rustc == DebuginfoLevel::None
1042            && builder.config.rust_debuginfo_level_tools == DebuginfoLevel::None
1043        {
1044            let rustc_driver = target_root_dir.join("");
1045            strip_debug(builder, target, &rustc_driver);
1046        }
1048        if builder.config.rust_debuginfo_level_rustc == DebuginfoLevel::None {
1049            // Due to LTO a lot of debug info from C++ dependencies such as jemalloc can make it into
1050            // our final binaries
1051            strip_debug(builder, target, &target_root_dir.join("rustc-main"));
1052        }
1054        builder.ensure(RustcLink::from_rustc(
1055            self,
1056            builder.compiler(compiler.stage,,
1057        ));
1059        compiler.stage
1060    }
1063pub fn rustc_cargo(
1064    builder: &Builder<'_>,
1065    cargo: &mut Cargo,
1066    target: TargetSelection,
1067    compiler: &Compiler,
1068    crates: &[String],
1069) {
1070    cargo
1071        .arg("--features")
1072        .arg(builder.rustc_features(builder.kind, target, crates))
1073        .arg("--manifest-path")
1074        .arg(builder.src.join("compiler/rustc/Cargo.toml"));
1076    cargo.rustdocflag("-Zcrate-attr=warn(rust_2018_idioms)");
1078    // If the rustc output is piped to e.g. `head -n1` we want the process to be killed, rather than
1079    // having an error bubble up and cause a panic.
1080    //
1081    // FIXME(jieyouxu): this flag is load-bearing for rustc to not ICE on broken pipes, because
1082    // rustc internally sometimes uses std `println!` -- but std `println!` by default will panic on
1083    // broken pipes, and uncaught panics will manifest as an ICE. The compiler *should* handle this
1084    // properly, but this flag is set in the meantime to paper over the I/O errors.
1085    //
1086    // See <> for details.
1087    //
1088    // Also see the discussion for properly handling I/O errors related to broken pipes, i.e. safe
1089    // variants of `println!` in
1090    // <!.60.20and.20.60println!.60.3F>.
1091    cargo.rustflag("-Zon-broken-pipe=kill");
1093    // We want to link against registerEnzyme and in the future we want to use additional
1094    // functionality from Enzyme core. For that we need to link against Enzyme.
1095    if builder.config.llvm_enzyme {
1096        let llvm_config = builder.llvm_config(;
1097        let llvm_version_major = llvm::get_llvm_version_major(builder, &llvm_config);
1098        cargo.rustflag("-l").rustflag(&format!("Enzyme-{llvm_version_major}"));
1099    }
1101    // Building with protected visibility reduces the number of dynamic relocations needed, giving
1102    // us a faster startup time. However GNU ld < 2.40 will error if we try to link a shared object
1103    // with direct references to protected symbols, so for now we only use protected symbols if
1104    // linking with LLD is enabled.
1105    if {
1106        cargo.rustflag("-Zdefault-visibility=protected");
1107    }
1109    if is_lto_stage(compiler) {
1110        match builder.config.rust_lto {
1111            RustcLto::Thin | RustcLto::Fat => {
1112                // Since using LTO for optimizing dylibs is currently experimental,
1113                // we need to pass -Zdylib-lto.
1114                cargo.rustflag("-Zdylib-lto");
1115                // Cargo by default passes `-Cembed-bitcode=no` and doesn't pass `-Clto` when
1116                // compiling dylibs (and their dependencies), even when LTO is enabled for the
1117                // crate. Therefore, we need to override `-Clto` and `-Cembed-bitcode` here.
1118                let lto_type = match builder.config.rust_lto {
1119                    RustcLto::Thin => "thin",
1120                    RustcLto::Fat => "fat",
1121                    _ => unreachable!(),
1122                };
1123                cargo.rustflag(&format!("-Clto={lto_type}"));
1124                cargo.rustflag("-Cembed-bitcode=yes");
1125            }
1126            RustcLto::ThinLocal => { /* Do nothing, this is the default */ }
1127            RustcLto::Off => {
1128                cargo.rustflag("-Clto=off");
1129            }
1130        }
1131    } else if builder.config.rust_lto == RustcLto::Off {
1132        cargo.rustflag("-Clto=off");
1133    }
1135    // With LLD, we can use ICF (identical code folding) to reduce the executable size
1136    // of librustc_driver/rustc and to improve i-cache utilization.
1137    //
1138    // -Wl,[link options] doesn't work on MSVC. However, /OPT:ICF (technically /OPT:REF,ICF)
1139    // is already on by default in MSVC optimized builds, which is interpreted as --icf=all:
1140    //
1141    //
1142    if builder.config.lld_mode.is_used() && ! {
1143        cargo.rustflag("-Clink-args=-Wl,--icf=all");
1144    }
1146    if builder.config.rust_profile_use.is_some() && builder.config.rust_profile_generate.is_some() {
1147        panic!("Cannot use and generate PGO profiles at the same time");
1148    }
1149    let is_collecting = if let Some(path) = &builder.config.rust_profile_generate {
1150        if compiler.stage == 1 {
1151            cargo.rustflag(&format!("-Cprofile-generate={path}"));
1152            // Apparently necessary to avoid overflowing the counters during
1153            // a Cargo build profile
1154            cargo.rustflag("-Cllvm-args=-vp-counters-per-site=4");
1155            true
1156        } else {
1157            false
1158        }
1159    } else if let Some(path) = &builder.config.rust_profile_use {
1160        if compiler.stage == 1 {
1161            cargo.rustflag(&format!("-Cprofile-use={path}"));
1162            if builder.is_verbose() {
1163                cargo.rustflag("-Cllvm-args=-pgo-warn-missing-function");
1164            }
1165            true
1166        } else {
1167            false
1168        }
1169    } else {
1170        false
1171    };
1172    if is_collecting {
1173        // Ensure paths to Rust sources are relative, not absolute.
1174        cargo.rustflag(&format!(
1175            "-Cllvm-args=-static-func-strip-dirname-prefix={}",
1176            builder.config.src.components().count()
1177        ));
1178    }
1180    rustc_cargo_env(builder, cargo, target, compiler.stage);
1183pub fn rustc_cargo_env(
1184    builder: &Builder<'_>,
1185    cargo: &mut Cargo,
1186    target: TargetSelection,
1187    stage: u32,
1188) {
1189    // Set some configuration variables picked up by build scripts and
1190    // the compiler alike
1191    cargo
1192        .env("CFG_RELEASE", builder.rust_release())
1193        .env("CFG_RELEASE_CHANNEL", &
1194        .env("CFG_VERSION", builder.rust_version());
1196    // Some tools like Cargo detect their own git information in build scripts. When omit-git-hash
1197    // is enabled in config.toml, we pass this environment variable to tell build scripts to avoid
1198    // detecting git information on their own.
1199    if builder.config.omit_git_hash {
1200        cargo.env("CFG_OMIT_GIT_HASH", "1");
1201    }
1203    if let Some(backend) = builder.config.default_codegen_backend(target) {
1204        cargo.env("CFG_DEFAULT_CODEGEN_BACKEND", backend);
1205    }
1207    let libdir_relative = builder.config.libdir_relative().unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new("lib"));
1208    let target_config = builder.config.target_config.get(&target);
1210    cargo.env("CFG_LIBDIR_RELATIVE", libdir_relative);
1212    if let Some(ref ver_date) = builder.rust_info().commit_date() {
1213        cargo.env("CFG_VER_DATE", ver_date);
1214    }
1215    if let Some(ref ver_hash) = builder.rust_info().sha() {
1216        cargo.env("CFG_VER_HASH", ver_hash);
1217    }
1218    if !builder.unstable_features() {
1219        cargo.env("CFG_DISABLE_UNSTABLE_FEATURES", "1");
1220    }
1222    // Prefer the current target's own default_linker, else a globally
1223    // specified one.
1224    if let Some(s) = target_config.and_then(|c| c.default_linker.as_ref()) {
1225        cargo.env("CFG_DEFAULT_LINKER", s);
1226    } else if let Some(ref s) = builder.config.rustc_default_linker {
1227        cargo.env("CFG_DEFAULT_LINKER", s);
1228    }
1230    // Enable rustc's env var for `rust-lld` when requested.
1231    if builder.config.lld_enabled
1232        && ( == "dev" || == "nightly")
1233    {
1234        cargo.env("CFG_USE_SELF_CONTAINED_LINKER", "1");
1235    }
1237    if builder.config.rust_verify_llvm_ir {
1238        cargo.env("RUSTC_VERIFY_LLVM_IR", "1");
1239    }
1241    if builder.config.llvm_enzyme {
1242        cargo.rustflag("--cfg=llvm_enzyme");
1243    }
1245    // Note that this is disabled if LLVM itself is disabled or we're in a check
1246    // build. If we are in a check build we still go ahead here presuming we've
1247    // detected that LLVM is already built and good to go which helps prevent
1248    // busting caches (e.g. like #71152).
1249    if builder.config.llvm_enabled(target) {
1250        let building_is_expensive =
1251            crate::core::build_steps::llvm::prebuilt_llvm_config(builder, target, false)
1252                .should_build();
1253        // `top_stage == stage` might be false for `check --stage 1`, if we are building the stage 1 compiler
1254        let can_skip_build = builder.kind == Kind::Check && builder.top_stage == stage;
1255        let should_skip_build = building_is_expensive && can_skip_build;
1256        if !should_skip_build {
1257            rustc_llvm_env(builder, cargo, target)
1258        }
1259    }
1261    // Build jemalloc on AArch64 with support for page sizes up to 64K
1262    // See:
1263    if builder.config.jemalloc
1264        && target.starts_with("aarch64")
1265        && env::var_os("JEMALLOC_SYS_WITH_LG_PAGE").is_none()
1266    {
1267        cargo.env("JEMALLOC_SYS_WITH_LG_PAGE", "16");
1268    }
1271/// Pass down configuration from the LLVM build into the build of
1272/// rustc_llvm and rustc_codegen_llvm.
1273fn rustc_llvm_env(builder: &Builder<'_>, cargo: &mut Cargo, target: TargetSelection) {
1274    if builder.is_rust_llvm(target) {
1275        cargo.env("LLVM_RUSTLLVM", "1");
1276    }
1277    if builder.config.llvm_enzyme {
1278        cargo.env("LLVM_ENZYME", "1");
1279    }
1280    let llvm::LlvmResult { llvm_config, .. } = builder.ensure(llvm::Llvm { target });
1281    cargo.env("LLVM_CONFIG", &llvm_config);
1283    // Some LLVM linker flags (-L and -l) may be needed to link `rustc_llvm`. Its build script
1284    // expects these to be passed via the `LLVM_LINKER_FLAGS` env variable, separated by
1285    // whitespace.
1286    //
1287    // For example:
1288    // - on windows, when `clang-cl` is used with instrumentation, we need to manually add
1289    // clang's runtime library resource directory so that the profiler runtime library can be
1290    // found. This is to avoid the linker errors about undefined references to
1291    // `__llvm_profile_instrument_memop` when linking `rustc_driver`.
1292    let mut llvm_linker_flags = String::new();
1293    if builder.config.llvm_profile_generate && target.is_msvc() {
1294        if let Some(ref clang_cl_path) = builder.config.llvm_clang_cl {
1295            // Add clang's runtime library directory to the search path
1296            let clang_rt_dir = get_clang_cl_resource_dir(builder, clang_cl_path);
1297            llvm_linker_flags.push_str(&format!("-L{}", clang_rt_dir.display()));
1298        }
1299    }
1301    // The config can also specify its own llvm linker flags.
1302    if let Some(ref s) = builder.config.llvm_ldflags {
1303        if !llvm_linker_flags.is_empty() {
1304            llvm_linker_flags.push(' ');
1305        }
1306        llvm_linker_flags.push_str(s);
1307    }
1309    // Set the linker flags via the env var that `rustc_llvm`'s build script will read.
1310    if !llvm_linker_flags.is_empty() {
1311        cargo.env("LLVM_LINKER_FLAGS", llvm_linker_flags);
1312    }
1314    // Building with a static libstdc++ is only supported on linux right now,
1315    // not for MSVC or macOS
1316    if builder.config.llvm_static_stdcpp
1317        && !target.contains("freebsd")
1318        && !target.is_msvc()
1319        && !target.contains("apple")
1320        && !target.contains("solaris")
1321    {
1322        let file = compiler_file(
1323            builder,
1324            &builder.cxx(target).unwrap(),
1325            target,
1326            CLang::Cxx,
1327            "libstdc++.a",
1328        );
1329        cargo.env("LLVM_STATIC_STDCPP", file);
1330    }
1331    if builder.llvm_link_shared() {
1332        cargo.env("LLVM_LINK_SHARED", "1");
1333    }
1334    if builder.config.llvm_use_libcxx {
1335        cargo.env("LLVM_USE_LIBCXX", "1");
1336    }
1337    if builder.config.llvm_assertions {
1338        cargo.env("LLVM_ASSERTIONS", "1");
1339    }
1342/// `RustcLink` copies all of the rlibs from the rustc build into the previous stage's sysroot.
1343/// This is necessary for tools using `rustc_private`, where the previous compiler will build
1344/// a tool against the next compiler.
1345/// To build a tool against a compiler, the rlibs of that compiler that it links against
1346/// must be in the sysroot of the compiler that's doing the compiling.
1347#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
1348struct RustcLink {
1349    /// The compiler whose rlibs we are copying around.
1350    pub compiler: Compiler,
1351    /// This is the compiler into whose sysroot we want to copy the rlibs into.
1352    pub previous_stage_compiler: Compiler,
1353    pub target: TargetSelection,
1354    /// Not actually used; only present to make sure the cache invalidation is correct.
1355    crates: Vec<String>,
1358impl RustcLink {
1359    fn from_rustc(rustc: Rustc, host_compiler: Compiler) -> Self {
1360        Self {
1361            compiler: host_compiler,
1362            previous_stage_compiler: rustc.compiler,
1363            target:,
1364            crates: rustc.crates,
1365        }
1366    }
1369impl Step for RustcLink {
1370    type Output = ();
1372    fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
1373        run.never()
1374    }
1376    /// Same as `std_link`, only for librustc
1377    fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) {
1378        let compiler = self.compiler;
1379        let previous_stage_compiler = self.previous_stage_compiler;
1380        let target =;
1381        add_to_sysroot(
1382            builder,
1383            &builder.sysroot_target_libdir(previous_stage_compiler, target),
1384            &builder.sysroot_target_libdir(previous_stage_compiler,,
1385            &build_stamp::librustc_stamp(builder, compiler, target),
1386        );
1387    }
1390#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
1391pub struct CodegenBackend {
1392    pub target: TargetSelection,
1393    pub compiler: Compiler,
1394    pub backend: String,
1397fn needs_codegen_config(run: &RunConfig<'_>) -> bool {
1398    let mut needs_codegen_cfg = false;
1399    for path_set in &run.paths {
1400        needs_codegen_cfg = match path_set {
1401            PathSet::Set(set) => set.iter().any(|p| is_codegen_cfg_needed(p, run)),
1402            PathSet::Suite(suite) => is_codegen_cfg_needed(suite, run),
1403        }
1404    }
1405    needs_codegen_cfg
1408pub(crate) const CODEGEN_BACKEND_PREFIX: &str = "rustc_codegen_";
1410fn is_codegen_cfg_needed(path: &TaskPath, run: &RunConfig<'_>) -> bool {
1411    let path = path.path.to_str().unwrap();
1413    let is_explicitly_called = |p| -> bool { run.builder.paths.contains(p) };
1414    let should_enforce = run.builder.kind == Kind::Dist || run.builder.kind == Kind::Install;
1416    if path.contains(CODEGEN_BACKEND_PREFIX) {
1417        let mut needs_codegen_backend_config = true;
1418        for backend in run.builder.config.codegen_backends( {
1419            if path.ends_with(&(CODEGEN_BACKEND_PREFIX.to_owned() + backend)) {
1420                needs_codegen_backend_config = false;
1421            }
1422        }
1423        if (is_explicitly_called(&PathBuf::from(path)) || should_enforce)
1424            && needs_codegen_backend_config
1425        {
1427                "WARNING: no codegen-backends config matched the requested path to build a codegen backend. \
1428                HELP: add backend to codegen-backends in config.toml.",
1429            );
1430            return true;
1431        }
1432    }
1434    false
1437impl Step for CodegenBackend {
1438    type Output = ();
1439    const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true;
1440    /// Only the backends specified in the `codegen-backends` entry of `config.toml` are built.
1441    const DEFAULT: bool = true;
1443    fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
1444        run.paths(&["compiler/rustc_codegen_cranelift", "compiler/rustc_codegen_gcc"])
1445    }
1447    fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
1448        if needs_codegen_config(&run) {
1449            return;
1450        }
1452        for backend in run.builder.config.codegen_backends( {
1453            if backend == "llvm" {
1454                continue; // Already built as part of rustc
1455            }
1457            run.builder.ensure(CodegenBackend {
1458                target:,
1459                compiler: run.builder.compiler(run.builder.top_stage, run.build_triple()),
1460                backend: backend.clone(),
1461            });
1462        }
1463    }
1465    fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) {
1466        let compiler = self.compiler;
1467        let target =;
1468        let backend = self.backend;
1470        builder.ensure(Rustc::new(compiler, target));
1472        if builder.config.keep_stage.contains(&compiler.stage) {
1474                "WARNING: Using a potentially old codegen backend. \
1475                This may not behave well.",
1476            );
1477            // Codegen backends are linked separately from this step today, so we don't do
1478            // anything here.
1479            return;
1480        }
1482        let compiler_to_use = builder.compiler_for(compiler.stage,, target);
1483        if compiler_to_use != compiler {
1484            builder.ensure(CodegenBackend { compiler: compiler_to_use, target, backend });
1485            return;
1486        }
1488        let out_dir = builder.cargo_out(compiler, Mode::Codegen, target);
1490        let mut cargo = builder::Cargo::new(
1491            builder,
1492            compiler,
1493            Mode::Codegen,
1494            SourceType::InTree,
1495            target,
1496            Kind::Build,
1497        );
1498        cargo
1499            .arg("--manifest-path")
1500            .arg(builder.src.join(format!("compiler/rustc_codegen_{backend}/Cargo.toml")));
1501        rustc_cargo_env(builder, &mut cargo, target, compiler.stage);
1503        let tmp_stamp = BuildStamp::new(&out_dir).with_prefix("tmp");
1505        let _guard = builder.msg_build(compiler, format_args!("codegen backend {backend}"), target);
1506        let files = run_cargo(builder, cargo, vec![], &tmp_stamp, vec![], false, false);
1507        if builder.config.dry_run() {
1508            return;
1509        }
1510        let mut files = files.into_iter().filter(|f| {
1511            let filename = f.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
1512            is_dylib(f) && filename.contains("rustc_codegen_")
1513        });
1514        let codegen_backend = match {
1515            Some(f) => f,
1516            None => panic!("no dylibs built for codegen backend?"),
1517        };
1518        if let Some(f) = {
1519            panic!(
1520                "codegen backend built two dylibs:\n{}\n{}",
1521                codegen_backend.display(),
1522                f.display()
1523            );
1524        }
1525        let stamp = build_stamp::codegen_backend_stamp(builder, compiler, target, &backend);
1526        let codegen_backend = codegen_backend.to_str().unwrap();
1527        t!(stamp.add_stamp(codegen_backend).write());
1528    }
1531/// Creates the `codegen-backends` folder for a compiler that's about to be
1532/// assembled as a complete compiler.
1534/// This will take the codegen artifacts produced by `compiler` and link them
1535/// into an appropriate location for `target_compiler` to be a functional
1536/// compiler.
1537fn copy_codegen_backends_to_sysroot(
1538    builder: &Builder<'_>,
1539    compiler: Compiler,
1540    target_compiler: Compiler,
1541) {
1542    let target =;
1544    // Note that this step is different than all the other `*Link` steps in
1545    // that it's not assembling a bunch of libraries but rather is primarily
1546    // moving the codegen backend into place. The codegen backend of rustc is
1547    // not linked into the main compiler by default but is rather dynamically
1548    // selected at runtime for inclusion.
1549    //
1550    // Here we're looking for the output dylib of the `CodegenBackend` step and
1551    // we're copying that into the `codegen-backends` folder.
1552    let dst = builder.sysroot_codegen_backends(target_compiler);
1553    t!(fs::create_dir_all(&dst), dst);
1555    if builder.config.dry_run() {
1556        return;
1557    }
1559    for backend in builder.config.codegen_backends(target) {
1560        if backend == "llvm" {
1561            continue; // Already built as part of rustc
1562        }
1564        let stamp = build_stamp::codegen_backend_stamp(builder, compiler, target, backend);
1565        let dylib = t!(fs::read_to_string(stamp.path()));
1566        let file = Path::new(&dylib);
1567        let filename = file.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
1568        // change `` to
1569        // ``
1570        let target_filename = {
1571            let dash = filename.find('-').unwrap();
1572            let dot = filename.find('.').unwrap();
1573            format!("{}-{}{}", &filename[..dash], builder.rust_release(), &filename[dot..])
1574        };
1575        builder.copy_link(file, &dst.join(target_filename));
1576    }
1579pub fn compiler_file(
1580    builder: &Builder<'_>,
1581    compiler: &Path,
1582    target: TargetSelection,
1583    c: CLang,
1584    file: &str,
1585) -> PathBuf {
1586    if builder.config.dry_run() {
1587        return PathBuf::new();
1588    }
1589    let mut cmd = command(compiler);
1590    cmd.args(builder.cc_handled_clags(target, c));
1591    cmd.args(builder.cc_unhandled_cflags(target, GitRepo::Rustc, c));
1592    cmd.arg(format!("-print-file-name={file}"));
1593    let out = cmd.run_capture_stdout(builder).stdout();
1594    PathBuf::from(out.trim())
1597#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
1598pub struct Sysroot {
1599    pub compiler: Compiler,
1600    /// See [`Std::force_recompile`].
1601    force_recompile: bool,
1604impl Sysroot {
1605    pub(crate) fn new(compiler: Compiler) -> Self {
1606        Sysroot { compiler, force_recompile: false }
1607    }
1610impl Step for Sysroot {
1611    type Output = PathBuf;
1613    fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
1614        run.never()
1615    }
1617    /// Returns the sysroot that `compiler` is supposed to use.
1618    /// For the stage0 compiler, this is stage0-sysroot (because of the initial std build).
1619    /// For all other stages, it's the same stage directory that the compiler lives in.
1620    fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> PathBuf {
1621        let compiler = self.compiler;
1622        let host_dir = builder.out.join(;
1624        let sysroot_dir = |stage| {
1625            if stage == 0 {
1626                host_dir.join("stage0-sysroot")
1627            } else if self.force_recompile && stage == compiler.stage {
1628                host_dir.join(format!("stage{stage}-test-sysroot"))
1629            } else if builder.download_rustc() && compiler.stage != builder.top_stage {
1630                host_dir.join("ci-rustc-sysroot")
1631            } else {
1632                host_dir.join(format!("stage{}", stage))
1633            }
1634        };
1635        let sysroot = sysroot_dir(compiler.stage);
1637        builder
1638            .verbose(|| println!("Removing sysroot {} to avoid caching bugs", sysroot.display()));
1639        let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&sysroot);
1640        t!(fs::create_dir_all(&sysroot));
1642        // In some cases(see, when the stage0
1643        // compiler relies on more recent version of LLVM than the beta compiler, it may not
1644        // be able to locate the correct LLVM in the sysroot. This situation typically occurs
1645        // when we upgrade LLVM version while the beta compiler continues to use an older version.
1646        //
1647        // Make sure to add the correct version of LLVM into the stage0 sysroot.
1648        if compiler.stage == 0 {
1649            dist::maybe_install_llvm_target(builder,, &sysroot);
1650        }
1652        // If we're downloading a compiler from CI, we can use the same compiler for all stages other than 0.
1653        if builder.download_rustc() && compiler.stage != 0 {
1654            assert_eq!(
1655      ,,
1656                "Cross-compiling is not yet supported with `download-rustc`",
1657            );
1659            // #102002, cleanup old toolchain folders when using download-rustc so people don't use them by accident.
1660            for stage in 0..=2 {
1661                if stage != compiler.stage {
1662                    let dir = sysroot_dir(stage);
1663                    if !dir.ends_with("ci-rustc-sysroot") {
1664                        let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(dir);
1665                    }
1666                }
1667            }
1669            // Copy the compiler into the correct sysroot.
1670            // NOTE(#108767): We intentionally don't copy `rustc-dev` artifacts until they're requested with `builder.ensure(Rustc)`.
1671            // This fixes an issue where we'd have multiple copies of libc in the sysroot with no way to tell which to load.
1672            // There are a few quirks of bootstrap that interact to make this reliable:
1673            // 1. The order `Step`s are run is hard-coded in `` and not configurable. This
1674            //    avoids e.g. reordering `test::UiFulldeps` before `test::Ui` and causing the latter to
1675            //    fail because of duplicate metadata.
1676            // 2. The sysroot is deleted and recreated between each invocation, so running `x test
1677            //    ui-fulldeps && x test ui` can't cause failures.
1678            let mut filtered_files = Vec::new();
1679            let mut add_filtered_files = |suffix, contents| {
1680                for path in contents {
1681                    let path = Path::new(&path);
1682                    if path.parent().is_some_and(|parent| parent.ends_with(suffix)) {
1683                        filtered_files.push(path.file_name().unwrap().to_owned());
1684                    }
1685                }
1686            };
1687            let suffix = format!("lib/rustlib/{}/lib",;
1688            add_filtered_files(suffix.as_str(), builder.config.ci_rustc_dev_contents());
1689            // NOTE: we can't copy std eagerly because `stage2-test-sysroot` needs to have only the
1690            // newly compiled std, not the downloaded std.
1691            add_filtered_files("lib", builder.config.ci_rust_std_contents());
1693            let filtered_extensions = [
1694                OsStr::new("rmeta"),
1695                OsStr::new("rlib"),
1696                // FIXME: this is wrong when != build, but we don't support that today
1697                OsStr::new(std::env::consts::DLL_EXTENSION),
1698            ];
1699            let ci_rustc_dir = builder.config.ci_rustc_dir();
1700            builder.cp_link_filtered(&ci_rustc_dir, &sysroot, &|path| {
1701                if path.extension().is_none_or(|ext| !filtered_extensions.contains(&ext)) {
1702                    return true;
1703                }
1704                if !path.parent().is_none_or(|p| p.ends_with(&suffix)) {
1705                    return true;
1706                }
1707                if !filtered_files.iter().all(|f| f != path.file_name().unwrap()) {
1708                    builder.verbose_than(1, || println!("ignoring {}", path.display()));
1709                    false
1710                } else {
1711                    true
1712                }
1713            });
1714        }
1716        // Symlink the source root into the same location inside the sysroot,
1717        // where `rust-src` component would go (`$sysroot/lib/rustlib/src/rust`),
1718        // so that any tools relying on `rust-src` also work for local builds,
1719        // and also for translating the virtual `/rustc/$hash` back to the real
1720        // directory (for running tests with `rust.remap-debuginfo = true`).
1721        let sysroot_lib_rustlib_src = sysroot.join("lib/rustlib/src");
1722        t!(fs::create_dir_all(&sysroot_lib_rustlib_src));
1723        let sysroot_lib_rustlib_src_rust = sysroot_lib_rustlib_src.join("rust");
1724        if let Err(e) = symlink_dir(&builder.config, &builder.src, &sysroot_lib_rustlib_src_rust) {
1725            eprintln!(
1726                "ERROR: creating symbolic link `{}` to `{}` failed with {}",
1727                sysroot_lib_rustlib_src_rust.display(),
1728                builder.src.display(),
1729                e,
1730            );
1731            if builder.config.rust_remap_debuginfo {
1732                eprintln!(
1733                    "ERROR: some `tests/ui` tests will fail when lacking `{}`",
1734                    sysroot_lib_rustlib_src_rust.display(),
1735                );
1736            }
1737            build_helper::exit!(1);
1738        }
1740        // rustc-src component is already part of CI rustc's sysroot
1741        if !builder.download_rustc() {
1742            let sysroot_lib_rustlib_rustcsrc = sysroot.join("lib/rustlib/rustc-src");
1743            t!(fs::create_dir_all(&sysroot_lib_rustlib_rustcsrc));
1744            let sysroot_lib_rustlib_rustcsrc_rust = sysroot_lib_rustlib_rustcsrc.join("rust");
1745            if let Err(e) =
1746                symlink_dir(&builder.config, &builder.src, &sysroot_lib_rustlib_rustcsrc_rust)
1747            {
1748                eprintln!(
1749                    "ERROR: creating symbolic link `{}` to `{}` failed with {}",
1750                    sysroot_lib_rustlib_rustcsrc_rust.display(),
1751                    builder.src.display(),
1752                    e,
1753                );
1754                build_helper::exit!(1);
1755            }
1756        }
1758        sysroot
1759    }
1762#[derive(Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
1763pub struct Assemble {
1764    /// The compiler which we will produce in this step. Assemble itself will
1765    /// take care of ensuring that the necessary prerequisites to do so exist,
1766    /// that is, this target can be a stage2 compiler and Assemble will build
1767    /// previous stages for you.
1768    pub target_compiler: Compiler,
1771impl Step for Assemble {
1772    type Output = Compiler;
1773    const ONLY_HOSTS: bool = true;
1775    fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
1776        run.path("compiler/rustc").path("compiler")
1777    }
1779    fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
1780        run.builder.ensure(Assemble {
1781            target_compiler: run.builder.compiler(run.builder.top_stage + 1,,
1782        });
1783    }
1785    /// Prepare a new compiler from the artifacts in `stage`
1786    ///
1787    /// This will assemble a compiler in `build/$host/stage$stage`. The compiler
1788    /// must have been previously produced by the `stage - 1`
1789    /// compiler.
1790    fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) -> Compiler {
1791        let target_compiler = self.target_compiler;
1793        if target_compiler.stage == 0 {
1794            assert_eq!(
1795      ,,
1796                "Cannot obtain compiler for non-native build triple at stage 0"
1797            );
1798            // The stage 0 compiler for the build triple is always pre-built.
1799            return target_compiler;
1800        }
1802        // We prepend this bin directory to the user PATH when linking Rust binaries. To
1803        // avoid shadowing the system LLD we rename the LLD we provide to `rust-lld`.
1804        let libdir = builder.sysroot_target_libdir(target_compiler,;
1805        let libdir_bin = libdir.parent().unwrap().join("bin");
1806        t!(fs::create_dir_all(&libdir_bin));
1808        if builder.config.llvm_enabled( {
1809            let llvm::LlvmResult { llvm_config, .. } =
1810                builder.ensure(llvm::Llvm { target: });
1811            if !builder.config.dry_run() && builder.config.llvm_tools_enabled {
1812                let llvm_bin_dir =
1813                    command(llvm_config).arg("--bindir").run_capture_stdout(builder).stdout();
1814                let llvm_bin_dir = Path::new(llvm_bin_dir.trim());
1816                // Since we've already built the LLVM tools, install them to the sysroot.
1817                // This is the equivalent of installing the `llvm-tools-preview` component via
1818                // rustup, and lets developers use a locally built toolchain to
1819                // build projects that expect llvm tools to be present in the sysroot
1820                // (e.g. the `bootimage` crate).
1821                for tool in LLVM_TOOLS {
1822                    let tool_exe = exe(tool,;
1823                    let src_path = llvm_bin_dir.join(&tool_exe);
1824                    // When using `download-ci-llvm`, some of the tools
1825                    // may not exist, so skip trying to copy them.
1826                    if src_path.exists() {
1827                        // There is a chance that these tools are being installed from an external LLVM.
1828                        // Use `Builder::resolve_symlink_and_copy` instead of `Builder::copy_link` to ensure
1829                        // we are copying the original file not the symlinked path, which causes issues for
1830                        // tarball distribution.
1831                        //
1832                        // See
1833                        builder.resolve_symlink_and_copy(&src_path, &libdir_bin.join(&tool_exe));
1834                    }
1835                }
1836            }
1837        }
1839        let maybe_install_llvm_bitcode_linker = |compiler| {
1840            if builder.config.llvm_bitcode_linker_enabled {
1841                let src_path = builder.ensure(crate::core::build_steps::tool::LlvmBitcodeLinker {
1842                    compiler,
1843                    target:,
1844                    extra_features: vec![],
1845                });
1846                let tool_exe = exe("llvm-bitcode-linker",;
1847                builder.copy_link(&src_path, &libdir_bin.join(tool_exe));
1848            }
1849        };
1851        // If we're downloading a compiler from CI, we can use the same compiler for all stages other than 0.
1852        if builder.download_rustc() {
1853            builder.ensure(Std::new(target_compiler,;
1854            let sysroot =
1855                builder.ensure(Sysroot { compiler: target_compiler, force_recompile: false });
1856            // Ensure that `` ends up in the newly created target directory,
1857            // so that tools using `rustc_private` can use it.
1858            dist::maybe_install_llvm_target(builder,, &sysroot);
1859            // Lower stages use `ci-rustc-sysroot`, not stageN
1860            if target_compiler.stage == builder.top_stage {
1861      !("Creating a sysroot for stage{stage} compiler (use `rustup toolchain link 'name' build/host/stage{stage}`)", stage=target_compiler.stage));
1862            }
1864            maybe_install_llvm_bitcode_linker(target_compiler);
1866            return target_compiler;
1867        }
1869        // Get the compiler that we'll use to bootstrap ourselves.
1870        //
1871        // Note that this is where the recursive nature of the bootstrap
1872        // happens, as this will request the previous stage's compiler on
1873        // downwards to stage 0.
1874        //
1875        // Also note that we're building a compiler for the host platform. We
1876        // only assume that we can run `build` artifacts, which means that to
1877        // produce some other architecture compiler we need to start from
1878        // `build` to get there.
1879        //
1880        // FIXME: It may be faster if we build just a stage 1 compiler and then
1881        //        use that to bootstrap this compiler forward.
1882        let mut build_compiler = builder.compiler(target_compiler.stage - 1,;
1884        // Build enzyme
1885        let enzyme_install = if builder.config.llvm_enzyme {
1886            Some(builder.ensure(llvm::Enzyme { target: }))
1887        } else {
1888            None
1889        };
1891        if let Some(enzyme_install) = enzyme_install {
1892            let lib_ext = std::env::consts::DLL_EXTENSION;
1893            let src_lib = enzyme_install.join("build/Enzyme/libEnzyme-19").with_extension(lib_ext);
1894            let libdir = builder.sysroot_target_libdir(build_compiler,;
1895            let target_libdir =
1896                builder.sysroot_target_libdir(target_compiler,;
1897            let dst_lib = libdir.join("libEnzyme-19").with_extension(lib_ext);
1898            let target_dst_lib = target_libdir.join("libEnzyme-19").with_extension(lib_ext);
1899            builder.copy_link(&src_lib, &dst_lib);
1900            builder.copy_link(&src_lib, &target_dst_lib);
1901        }
1903        // Build the libraries for this compiler to link to (i.e., the libraries
1904        // it uses at runtime). NOTE: Crates the target compiler compiles don't
1905        // link to these. (FIXME: Is that correct? It seems to be correct most
1906        // of the time but I think we do link to these for stage2/bin compilers
1907        // when not performing a full bootstrap).
1908        let actual_stage = builder.ensure(Rustc::new(build_compiler,;
1909        // Current build_compiler.stage might be uplifted instead of being built; so update it
1910        // to not fail while linking the artifacts.
1911        build_compiler.stage = actual_stage;
1913        for backend in builder.config.codegen_backends( {
1914            if backend == "llvm" {
1915                continue; // Already built as part of rustc
1916            }
1918            builder.ensure(CodegenBackend {
1919                compiler: build_compiler,
1920                target:,
1921                backend: backend.clone(),
1922            });
1923        }
1925        let stage = target_compiler.stage;
1926        let host =;
1927        let (host_info, dir_name) = if == host {
1928            ("".into(), "host".into())
1929        } else {
1930            (format!(" ({host})"), host.to_string())
1931        };
1932        // NOTE: "Creating a sysroot" is somewhat inconsistent with our internal terminology, since
1933        // sysroots can temporarily be empty until we put the compiler inside. However,
1934        // `ensure(Sysroot)` isn't really something that's user facing, so there shouldn't be any
1935        // ambiguity.
1936        let msg = format!(
1937            "Creating a sysroot for stage{stage} compiler{host_info} (use `rustup toolchain link 'name' build/{dir_name}/stage{stage}`)"
1938        );
1941        // Link in all dylibs to the libdir
1942        let stamp = build_stamp::librustc_stamp(builder, build_compiler,;
1943        let proc_macros = builder
1944            .read_stamp_file(&stamp)
1945            .into_iter()
1946            .filter_map(|(path, dependency_type)| {
1947                if dependency_type == DependencyType::Host {
1948                    Some(path.file_name().unwrap().to_owned().into_string().unwrap())
1949                } else {
1950                    None
1951                }
1952            })
1953            .collect::<HashSet<_>>();
1955        let sysroot = builder.sysroot(target_compiler);
1956        let rustc_libdir = builder.rustc_libdir(target_compiler);
1957        t!(fs::create_dir_all(&rustc_libdir));
1958        let src_libdir = builder.sysroot_target_libdir(build_compiler, host);
1959        for f in builder.read_dir(&src_libdir) {
1960            let filename = f.file_name().into_string().unwrap();
1962            let is_proc_macro = proc_macros.contains(&filename);
1963            let is_dylib_or_debug = is_dylib(&f.path()) || is_debug_info(&filename);
1965            // If we link statically to stdlib, do not copy the libstd dynamic library file
1966            // FIXME: Also do this for Windows once incremental post-optimization stage0 tests
1967            // work without std.dll (see
1968            let can_be_rustc_dynamic_dep = if builder
1969                .link_std_into_rustc_driver(
1970                && !
1971            {
1972                let is_std = filename.starts_with("std-") || filename.starts_with("libstd-");
1973                !is_std
1974            } else {
1975                true
1976            };
1978            if is_dylib_or_debug && can_be_rustc_dynamic_dep && !is_proc_macro {
1979                builder.copy_link(&f.path(), &rustc_libdir.join(&filename));
1980            }
1981        }
1983        copy_codegen_backends_to_sysroot(builder, build_compiler, target_compiler);
1985        if builder.config.lld_enabled {
1986            builder.ensure(crate::core::build_steps::tool::LldWrapper {
1987                build_compiler,
1988                target_compiler,
1989            });
1990        }
1992        if builder.config.llvm_enabled( && builder.config.llvm_tools_enabled {
1993            // `llvm-strip` is used by rustc, which is actually just a symlink to `llvm-objcopy`, so
1994            // copy and rename `llvm-objcopy`.
1995            //
1996            // But only do so if llvm-tools are enabled, as bootstrap compiler might not contain any
1997            // LLVM tools, e.g. for cg_clif.
1998            // See <>.
1999            let src_exe = exe("llvm-objcopy",;
2000            let dst_exe = exe("rust-objcopy",;
2001            builder.copy_link(&libdir_bin.join(src_exe), &libdir_bin.join(dst_exe));
2002        }
2004        // In addition to `rust-lld` also install `wasm-component-ld` when
2005        // LLD is enabled. This is a relatively small binary that primarily
2006        // delegates to the `rust-lld` binary for linking and then runs
2007        // logic to create the final binary. This is used by the
2008        // `wasm32-wasip2` target of Rust.
2009        if builder.tool_enabled("wasm-component-ld") {
2010            let wasm_component_ld_exe =
2011                builder.ensure(crate::core::build_steps::tool::WasmComponentLd {
2012                    compiler: build_compiler,
2013                    target:,
2014                });
2015            builder.copy_link(
2016                &wasm_component_ld_exe,
2017                &libdir_bin.join(wasm_component_ld_exe.file_name().unwrap()),
2018            );
2019        }
2021        maybe_install_llvm_bitcode_linker(build_compiler);
2023        // Ensure that `` ends up in the newly build compiler directory,
2024        // so that it can be found when the newly built `rustc` is run.
2025        dist::maybe_install_llvm_runtime(builder,, &sysroot);
2026        dist::maybe_install_llvm_target(builder,, &sysroot);
2028        // Link the compiler binary itself into place
2029        let out_dir = builder.cargo_out(build_compiler, Mode::Rustc, host);
2030        let rustc = out_dir.join(exe("rustc-main", host));
2031        let bindir = sysroot.join("bin");
2032        t!(fs::create_dir_all(bindir));
2033        let compiler = builder.rustc(target_compiler);
2034        builder.copy_link(&rustc, &compiler);
2036        target_compiler
2037    }
2040/// Link some files into a rustc sysroot.
2042/// For a particular stage this will link the file listed in `stamp` into the
2043/// `sysroot_dst` provided.
2044pub fn add_to_sysroot(
2045    builder: &Builder<'_>,
2046    sysroot_dst: &Path,
2047    sysroot_host_dst: &Path,
2048    stamp: &BuildStamp,
2049) {
2050    let self_contained_dst = &sysroot_dst.join("self-contained");
2051    t!(fs::create_dir_all(sysroot_dst));
2052    t!(fs::create_dir_all(sysroot_host_dst));
2053    t!(fs::create_dir_all(self_contained_dst));
2054    for (path, dependency_type) in builder.read_stamp_file(stamp) {
2055        let dst = match dependency_type {
2056            DependencyType::Host => sysroot_host_dst,
2057            DependencyType::Target => sysroot_dst,
2058            DependencyType::TargetSelfContained => self_contained_dst,
2059        };
2060        builder.copy_link(&path, &dst.join(path.file_name().unwrap()));
2061    }
2064pub fn run_cargo(
2065    builder: &Builder<'_>,
2066    cargo: Cargo,
2067    tail_args: Vec<String>,
2068    stamp: &BuildStamp,
2069    additional_target_deps: Vec<(PathBuf, DependencyType)>,
2070    is_check: bool,
2071    rlib_only_metadata: bool,
2072) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
2073    // `target_root_dir` looks like $dir/$target/release
2074    let target_root_dir = stamp.path().parent().unwrap();
2075    // `target_deps_dir` looks like $dir/$target/release/deps
2076    let target_deps_dir = target_root_dir.join("deps");
2077    // `host_root_dir` looks like $dir/release
2078    let host_root_dir = target_root_dir
2079        .parent()
2080        .unwrap() // chop off `release`
2081        .parent()
2082        .unwrap() // chop off `$target`
2083        .join(target_root_dir.file_name().unwrap());
2085    // Spawn Cargo slurping up its JSON output. We'll start building up the
2086    // `deps` array of all files it generated along with a `toplevel` array of
2087    // files we need to probe for later.
2088    let mut deps = Vec::new();
2089    let mut toplevel = Vec::new();
2090    let ok = stream_cargo(builder, cargo, tail_args, &mut |msg| {
2091        let (filenames, crate_types) = match msg {
2092            CargoMessage::CompilerArtifact {
2093                filenames,
2094                target: CargoTarget { crate_types },
2095                ..
2096            } => (filenames, crate_types),
2097            _ => return,
2098        };
2099        for filename in filenames {
2100            // Skip files like executables
2101            let mut keep = false;
2102            if filename.ends_with(".lib")
2103                || filename.ends_with(".a")
2104                || is_debug_info(&filename)
2105                || is_dylib(Path::new(&*filename))
2106            {
2107                // Always keep native libraries, rust dylibs and debuginfo
2108                keep = true;
2109            }
2110            if is_check && filename.ends_with(".rmeta") {
2111                // During check builds we need to keep crate metadata
2112                keep = true;
2113            } else if rlib_only_metadata {
2114                if filename.contains("jemalloc_sys")
2115                    || filename.contains("rustc_smir")
2116                    || filename.contains("stable_mir")
2117                {
2118                    // jemalloc_sys and rustc_smir are not linked into,
2119                    // so we need to distribute them as rlib to be able to use them.
2120                    keep |= filename.ends_with(".rlib");
2121                } else {
2122                    // Distribute the rest of the rustc crates as rmeta files only to reduce
2123                    // the tarball sizes by about 50%. The object files are linked into
2124                    //, so it is still possible to link against them.
2125                    keep |= filename.ends_with(".rmeta");
2126                }
2127            } else {
2128                // In all other cases keep all rlibs
2129                keep |= filename.ends_with(".rlib");
2130            }
2132            if !keep {
2133                continue;
2134            }
2136            let filename = Path::new(&*filename);
2138            // If this was an output file in the "host dir" we don't actually
2139            // worry about it, it's not relevant for us
2140            if filename.starts_with(&host_root_dir) {
2141                // Unless it's a proc macro used in the compiler
2142                if crate_types.iter().any(|t| t == "proc-macro") {
2143                    deps.push((filename.to_path_buf(), DependencyType::Host));
2144                }
2145                continue;
2146            }
2148            // If this was output in the `deps` dir then this is a precise file
2149            // name (hash included) so we start tracking it.
2150            if filename.starts_with(&target_deps_dir) {
2151                deps.push((filename.to_path_buf(), DependencyType::Target));
2152                continue;
2153            }
2155            // Otherwise this was a "top level artifact" which right now doesn't
2156            // have a hash in the name, but there's a version of this file in
2157            // the `deps` folder which *does* have a hash in the name. That's
2158            // the one we'll want to we'll probe for it later.
2159            //
2160            // We do not use `Path::file_stem` or `Path::extension` here,
2161            // because some generated files may have multiple extensions e.g.
2162            // `std-<hash>.dll.lib` on Windows. The aforementioned methods only
2163            // split the file name by the last extension (`.lib`) while we need
2164            // to split by all extensions (`.dll.lib`).
2165            let expected_len = t!(filename.metadata()).len();
2166            let filename = filename.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
2167            let mut parts = filename.splitn(2, '.');
2168            let file_stem =;
2169            let extension =;
2171            toplevel.push((file_stem, extension, expected_len));
2172        }
2173    });
2175    if !ok {
2176        crate::exit!(1);
2177    }
2179    if builder.config.dry_run() {
2180        return Vec::new();
2181    }
2183    // Ok now we need to actually find all the files listed in `toplevel`. We've
2184    // got a list of prefix/extensions and we basically just need to find the
2185    // most recent file in the `deps` folder corresponding to each one.
2186    let contents = t!(target_deps_dir.read_dir())
2187        .map(|e| t!(e))
2188        .map(|e| (e.path(), e.file_name().into_string().unwrap(), t!(e.metadata())))
2189        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
2190    for (prefix, extension, expected_len) in toplevel {
2191        let candidates = contents.iter().filter(|&(_, filename, meta)| {
2192            meta.len() == expected_len
2193                && filename
2194                    .strip_prefix(&prefix[..])
2195                    .map(|s| s.starts_with('-') && s.ends_with(&extension[..]))
2196                    .unwrap_or(false)
2197        });
2198        let max = candidates.max_by_key(|&(_, _, metadata)| {
2199            metadata.modified().expect("mtime should be available on all relevant OSes")
2200        });
2201        let path_to_add = match max {
2202            Some(triple) => triple.0.to_str().unwrap(),
2203            None => panic!("no output generated for {prefix:?} {extension:?}"),
2204        };
2205        if is_dylib(Path::new(path_to_add)) {
2206            let candidate = format!("{path_to_add}.lib");
2207            let candidate = PathBuf::from(candidate);
2208            if candidate.exists() {
2209                deps.push((candidate, DependencyType::Target));
2210            }
2211        }
2212        deps.push((path_to_add.into(), DependencyType::Target));
2213    }
2215    deps.extend(additional_target_deps);
2216    deps.sort();
2217    let mut new_contents = Vec::new();
2218    for (dep, dependency_type) in deps.iter() {
2219        new_contents.extend(match *dependency_type {
2220            DependencyType::Host => b"h",
2221            DependencyType::Target => b"t",
2222            DependencyType::TargetSelfContained => b"s",
2223        });
2224        new_contents.extend(dep.to_str().unwrap().as_bytes());
2225        new_contents.extend(b"\0");
2226    }
2227    t!(fs::write(stamp.path(), &new_contents));
2228    deps.into_iter().map(|(d, _)| d).collect()
2231pub fn stream_cargo(
2232    builder: &Builder<'_>,
2233    cargo: Cargo,
2234    tail_args: Vec<String>,
2235    cb: &mut dyn FnMut(CargoMessage<'_>),
2236) -> bool {
2237    let mut cmd = cargo.into_cmd();
2239    #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
2240    let _run_span = crate::trace_cmd!(cmd);
2242    let cargo = cmd.as_command_mut();
2243    // Instruct Cargo to give us json messages on stdout, critically leaving
2244    // stderr as piped so we can get those pretty colors.
2245    let mut message_format = if builder.config.json_output {
2246        String::from("json")
2247    } else {
2248        String::from("json-render-diagnostics")
2249    };
2250    if let Some(s) = &builder.config.rustc_error_format {
2251        message_format.push_str(",json-diagnostic-");
2252        message_format.push_str(s);
2253    }
2254    cargo.arg("--message-format").arg(message_format).stdout(Stdio::piped());
2256    for arg in tail_args {
2257        cargo.arg(arg);
2258    }
2260    builder.verbose(|| println!("running: {cargo:?}"));
2262    if builder.config.dry_run() {
2263        return true;
2264    }
2266    let mut child = match cargo.spawn() {
2267        Ok(child) => child,
2268        Err(e) => panic!("failed to execute command: {cargo:?}\nERROR: {e}"),
2269    };
2271    // Spawn Cargo slurping up its JSON output. We'll start building up the
2272    // `deps` array of all files it generated along with a `toplevel` array of
2273    // files we need to probe for later.
2274    let stdout = BufReader::new(child.stdout.take().unwrap());
2275    for line in stdout.lines() {
2276        let line = t!(line);
2277        match serde_json::from_str::<CargoMessage<'_>>(&line) {
2278            Ok(msg) => {
2279                if builder.config.json_output {
2280                    // Forward JSON to stdout.
2281                    println!("{line}");
2282                }
2283                cb(msg)
2284            }
2285            // If this was informational, just print it out and continue
2286            Err(_) => println!("{line}"),
2287        }
2288    }
2290    // Make sure Cargo actually succeeded after we read all of its stdout.
2291    let status = t!(child.wait());
2292    if builder.is_verbose() && !status.success() {
2293        eprintln!(
2294            "command did not execute successfully: {cargo:?}\n\
2295                  expected success, got: {status}"
2296        );
2297    }
2298    status.success()
2302pub struct CargoTarget<'a> {
2303    crate_types: Vec<Cow<'a, str>>,
2307#[serde(tag = "reason", rename_all = "kebab-case")]
2308pub enum CargoMessage<'a> {
2309    CompilerArtifact { filenames: Vec<Cow<'a, str>>, target: CargoTarget<'a> },
2310    BuildScriptExecuted,
2311    BuildFinished,
2314pub fn strip_debug(builder: &Builder<'_>, target: TargetSelection, path: &Path) {
2315    // FIXME: to make things simpler for now, limit this to the host and target where we know
2316    // `strip -g` is both available and will fix the issue, i.e. on a x64 linux host that is not
2317    // cross-compiling. Expand this to other appropriate targets in the future.
2318    if target != "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" || !builder.is_builder_target(&target) || !path.exists()
2319    {
2320        return;
2321    }
2323    let previous_mtime = t!(t!(path.metadata()).modified());
2324    command("strip").arg("--strip-debug").arg(path).run_capture(builder);
2326    let file = t!(fs::File::open(path));
2328    // After running `strip`, we have to set the file modification time to what it was before,
2329    // otherwise we risk Cargo invalidating its fingerprint and rebuilding the world next time
2330    // bootstrap is invoked.
2331    //
2332    // An example of this is if we run this on In the first invocation:
2333    // - Cargo will build (mtime of 1)
2334    // - Cargo will build rustc-main (mtime of 2)
2335    // - Bootstrap will strip (changing the mtime to 3).
2336    //
2337    // In the second invocation of bootstrap, Cargo will see that the mtime of
2338    // is greater than the mtime of rustc-main, and will rebuild rustc-main. That will then cause
2339    // everything else (standard library, future stages...) to be rebuilt.
2340    t!(file.set_modified(previous_mtime));
2343/// We only use LTO for stage 2+, to speed up build time of intermediate stages.
2344pub fn is_lto_stage(build_compiler: &Compiler) -> bool {
2345    build_compiler.stage != 0