
1//! This module contains logic for determining whether a type is inhabited or
2//! uninhabited. The [`InhabitedPredicate`] type captures the minimum
3//! information needed to determine whether a type is inhabited given a
4//! `ParamEnv` and module ID.
6//! # Example
7//! ```rust
8//! #![feature(never_type)]
9//! mod a {
10//!     pub mod b {
11//!         pub struct SecretlyUninhabited {
12//!             _priv: !,
13//!         }
14//!     }
15//! }
17//! mod c {
18//!     enum Void {}
19//!     pub struct AlsoSecretlyUninhabited {
20//!         _priv: Void,
21//!     }
22//!     mod d {
23//!     }
24//! }
26//! struct Foo {
27//!     x: a::b::SecretlyUninhabited,
28//!     y: c::AlsoSecretlyUninhabited,
29//! }
30//! ```
31//! In this code, the type `Foo` will only be visibly uninhabited inside the
32//! modules `b`, `c` and `d`. Calling `inhabited_predicate` on `Foo` will
33//! return `NotInModule(b) AND NotInModule(c)`.
35//! We need this information for pattern-matching on `Foo` or types that contain
36//! `Foo`.
38//! # Example
39//! ```ignore(illustrative)
40//! let foo_result: Result<T, Foo> = ... ;
41//! let Ok(t) = foo_result;
42//! ```
43//! This code should only compile in modules where the uninhabitedness of `Foo`
44//! is visible.
46use rustc_type_ir::TyKind::*;
47use tracing::instrument;
49use crate::query::Providers;
50use crate::ty::context::TyCtxt;
51use crate::ty::{self, DefId, Ty, TypeVisitableExt, VariantDef, Visibility};
53pub mod inhabited_predicate;
55pub use inhabited_predicate::InhabitedPredicate;
57pub(crate) fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
58    *providers = Providers { inhabited_predicate_adt, inhabited_predicate_type, ..*providers };
61/// Returns an `InhabitedPredicate` that is generic over type parameters and
62/// requires calling [`InhabitedPredicate::instantiate`]
63fn inhabited_predicate_adt(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def_id: DefId) -> InhabitedPredicate<'_> {
64    if let Some(def_id) = def_id.as_local() {
65        if matches!(tcx.representability(def_id), ty::Representability::Infinite(_)) {
66            return InhabitedPredicate::True;
67        }
68    }
69    let adt = tcx.adt_def(def_id);
70    InhabitedPredicate::any(
71        tcx,
72        adt.variants().iter().map(|variant| variant.inhabited_predicate(tcx, adt)),
73    )
76impl<'tcx> VariantDef {
77    /// Calculates the forest of `DefId`s from which this variant is visibly uninhabited.
78    pub fn inhabited_predicate(
79        &self,
80        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
81        adt: ty::AdtDef<'_>,
82    ) -> InhabitedPredicate<'tcx> {
83        debug_assert!(!adt.is_union());
84        InhabitedPredicate::all(
85            tcx,
86            self.fields.iter().map(|field| {
87                let pred = tcx.type_of(field.did).instantiate_identity().inhabited_predicate(tcx);
88                if adt.is_enum() {
89                    return pred;
90                }
91                match field.vis {
92                    Visibility::Public => pred,
93                    Visibility::Restricted(from) => {
94                        pred.or(tcx, InhabitedPredicate::NotInModule(from))
95                    }
96                }
97            }),
98        )
99    }
102impl<'tcx> Ty<'tcx> {
103    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(tcx), ret)]
104    pub fn inhabited_predicate(self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> InhabitedPredicate<'tcx> {
105        debug_assert!(!self.has_infer());
106        match self.kind() {
107            // For now, unions are always considered inhabited
108            Adt(adt, _) if adt.is_union() => InhabitedPredicate::True,
109            // Non-exhaustive ADTs from other crates are always considered inhabited
110            Adt(adt, _) if adt.is_variant_list_non_exhaustive() && !adt.did().is_local() => {
111                InhabitedPredicate::True
112            }
113            Never => InhabitedPredicate::False,
114            Param(_) | Alias(ty::Projection | ty::Weak, _) => InhabitedPredicate::GenericType(self),
115            Alias(ty::Opaque, alias_ty) => {
116                match alias_ty.def_id.as_local() {
117                    // Foreign opaque is considered inhabited.
118                    None => InhabitedPredicate::True,
119                    // Local opaque type may possibly be revealed.
120                    Some(local_def_id) => {
121                        let key = ty::OpaqueTypeKey { def_id: local_def_id, args: alias_ty.args };
122                        InhabitedPredicate::OpaqueType(key)
123                    }
124                }
125            }
126            // FIXME(inherent_associated_types): Most likely we can just map to `GenericType` like above.
127            // However it's unclear if the args passed to `InhabitedPredicate::instantiate` are of the correct
128            // format, i.e. don't contain parent args. If you hit this case, please verify this beforehand.
129            Alias(ty::Inherent, _) => {
130                bug!("unimplemented: inhabitedness checking for inherent projections")
131            }
132            Tuple(tys) if tys.is_empty() => InhabitedPredicate::True,
133            // use a query for more complex cases
134            Adt(..) | Array(..) | Tuple(_) => tcx.inhabited_predicate_type(self),
135            // references and other types are inhabited
136            _ => InhabitedPredicate::True,
137        }
138    }
140    /// Checks whether a type is visibly uninhabited from a particular module.
141    ///
142    /// # Example
143    /// ```
144    /// #![feature(never_type)]
145    /// # fn main() {}
146    /// enum Void {}
147    /// mod a {
148    ///     pub mod b {
149    ///         pub struct SecretlyUninhabited {
150    ///             _priv: !,
151    ///         }
152    ///     }
153    /// }
154    ///
155    /// mod c {
156    ///     use super::Void;
157    ///     pub struct AlsoSecretlyUninhabited {
158    ///         _priv: Void,
159    ///     }
160    ///     mod d {
161    ///     }
162    /// }
163    ///
164    /// struct Foo {
165    ///     x: a::b::SecretlyUninhabited,
166    ///     y: c::AlsoSecretlyUninhabited,
167    /// }
168    /// ```
169    /// In this code, the type `Foo` will only be visibly uninhabited inside the
170    /// modules b, c and d. This effects pattern-matching on `Foo` or types that
171    /// contain `Foo`.
172    ///
173    /// # Example
174    /// ```ignore (illustrative)
175    /// let foo_result: Result<T, Foo> = ... ;
176    /// let Ok(t) = foo_result;
177    /// ```
178    /// This code should only compile in modules where the uninhabitedness of Foo is
179    /// visible.
180    pub fn is_inhabited_from(
181        self,
182        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
183        module: DefId,
184        typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
185    ) -> bool {
186        self.inhabited_predicate(tcx).apply(tcx, typing_env, module)
187    }
189    /// Returns true if the type is uninhabited without regard to visibility
190    pub fn is_privately_uninhabited(
191        self,
192        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
193        typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
194    ) -> bool {
195        !self.inhabited_predicate(tcx).apply_ignore_module(tcx, typing_env)
196    }
199/// N.B. this query should only be called through `Ty::inhabited_predicate`
200fn inhabited_predicate_type<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> InhabitedPredicate<'tcx> {
201    match *ty.kind() {
202        Adt(adt, args) => tcx.inhabited_predicate_adt(adt.did()).instantiate(tcx, args),
204        Tuple(tys) => {
205            InhabitedPredicate::all(tcx, tys.iter().map(|ty| ty.inhabited_predicate(tcx)))
206        }
208        // If we can evaluate the array length before having a `ParamEnv`, then
209        // we can simplify the predicate. This is an optimization.
210        Array(ty, len) => match len.try_to_target_usize(tcx) {
211            Some(0) => InhabitedPredicate::True,
212            Some(1..) => ty.inhabited_predicate(tcx),
213            None => ty.inhabited_predicate(tcx).or(tcx, InhabitedPredicate::ConstIsZero(len)),
214        },
216        _ => bug!("unexpected TyKind, use `Ty::inhabited_predicate`"),
217    }