
1//! # Cargo as a library
3//! There are two places you can find API documentation of cargo-the-library,
5//! - <>: targeted at external tool developers using cargo-the-library
6//!   - Released with every rustc release
7//! - <>: targeted at cargo contributors
8//!   - Updated on each update of the `cargo` submodule in `rust-lang/rust`
10//! > This library is maintained by the Cargo team, primarily for use by Cargo
11//! > and not intended for external use (except as a transitive dependency). This
12//! > crate may make major changes to its APIs. See [The Cargo Book:
13//! > External tools] for more on this topic.
15//! ## Overview
17//! Major components of cargo include:
19//! - [`ops`]:
20//!   Every major operation is implemented here. Each command is a thin wrapper around ops.
21//!   - [`ops::cargo_compile`]:
22//!     This is the entry point for all the compilation commands. This is a
23//!     good place to start if you want to follow how compilation starts and
24//!     flows to completion.
25//! - [`ops::resolve`]:
26//!   Top-level API for dependency and feature resolver (e.g. [`ops::resolve_ws`])
27//!   - [`core::resolver`]: The core algorithm
28//! - [`core::compiler`]:
29//!   This is the code responsible for running `rustc` and `rustdoc`.
30//!   - [`core::compiler::build_context`]:
31//!     The [`BuildContext`][core::compiler::BuildContext] is the result of the "front end" of the
32//!     build process. This contains the graph of work to perform and any settings necessary for
33//!     `rustc`. After this is built, the next stage of building is handled in
34//!     [`BuildRunner`][core::compiler::BuildRunner].
35//!   - [`core::compiler::build_runner`]:
36//!     The `Context` is the mutable state used during the build process. This
37//!     is the core of the build process, and everything is coordinated through
38//!     this.
39//!   - [`core::compiler::fingerprint`]:
40//!     The `fingerprint` module contains all the code that handles detecting
41//!     if a crate needs to be recompiled.
42//! - [`sources::source`]:
43//!   The [`sources::source::Source`] trait is an abstraction over different sources of packages.
44//!   Sources are uniquely identified by a [`core::SourceId`]. Sources are implemented in the [`sources`]
45//!   directory.
46//! - [`util`]:
47//!   This directory contains generally-useful utility modules.
48//! - [`util::context`]:
49//!   This directory contains the global application context.
50//!   This includes the config parser which makes heavy use of
51//!   [serde]( to merge and translate config values.
52//!   The [`util::GlobalContext`] is usually accessed from the
53//!   [`core::Workspace`]
54//!   though references to it are scattered around for more convenient access.
55//! - [`util::toml`]:
56//!   This directory contains the code for parsing `Cargo.toml` files.
57//!   - [`ops::lockfile`]:
58//!     This is where `Cargo.lock` files are loaded and saved.
60//! Related crates:
61//! - [`cargo-platform`](
62//!   ([nightly docs](
63//!   This library handles parsing `cfg` expressions.
64//! - [`cargo-util`](
65//!   ([nightly docs](
66//!   This contains general utility code that is shared between cargo and the testsuite
67//! - [`cargo-util-schemas`](
68//!   ([nightly docs](
69//!   This contains the serde schemas for cargo
70//! - [`crates-io`](
71//!   ([nightly docs](
72//!   This contains code for accessing the API.
73//! - [`home`](
74//!   This library is shared between cargo and rustup and is used for finding their home directories.
75//!   This is not directly depended upon with a `path` dependency; cargo uses the version from
76//!   It is intended to be versioned and published independently of Rust's release system.
77//!   Whenever a change needs to be made, bump the version in Cargo.toml and `cargo publish` it manually, and then update cargo's `Cargo.toml` to depend on the new version.
78//! - [`rustfix`](
79//!   ([nightly docs](
80//!   This defines structures that represent fix suggestions from rustc,
81//!   as well as generates "fixed" code from suggestions.
82//!   Operations in `rustfix` are all in memory and won't write to disks.
83//! - [`cargo-test-support`](
84//!   ([nightly docs](
85//!   This contains a variety of code to support writing tests
86//! - [`cargo-test-macro`](
87//!   ([nightly docs](
88//!   This is the `#[cargo_test]` proc-macro used by the test suite to define tests.
89//! - [`credential`](
90//!   This subdirectory contains several packages for implementing the
91//!   [credential providers](
92//! - [`mdman`](
93//!   ([nightly docs](
94//!   This is a utility for generating cargo's man pages. See [Building the man
95//!   pages](
96//!   for more information.
97//! - [`resolver-tests`](
98//!   This is a dedicated package that defines tests for the [dependency
99//!   resolver][core::resolver].
101//! ### File Overview
103//! Files that interact with cargo include
105//! - Package
106//!   - `Cargo.toml`: User-written project manifest, loaded with [`util::toml::read_manifest`] and then
107//!     translated to [`core::manifest::Manifest`] which maybe stored in a [`core::Package`].
108//!     - This is editable with [`util::toml_mut::manifest::LocalManifest`]
109//!   - `Cargo.lock`: Generally loaded with [`ops::resolve_ws`] or a variant of it into a [`core::resolver::Resolve`]
110//!     - At the lowest level, [`ops::load_pkg_lockfile`] and [`ops::write_pkg_lockfile`] are used
111//!     - See [`core::resolver::encode`] for versioning of `Cargo.lock`
112//!   - `target/`: Used for build artifacts and abstracted with [`core::compiler::layout`]. `Layout` handles locking the target directory and providing paths to parts inside. There is a separate `Layout` for each build `target`.
113//!     - `target/debug/.fingerprint`: Tracker whether nor not a crate needs to be rebuilt.  See [`core::compiler::fingerprint`]
114//! - `$CARGO_HOME/`:
115//!   - `registry/`: Package registry cache which is managed in [`sources::registry`].  Be careful
116//!     as the lock [`util::GlobalContext::acquire_package_cache_lock`] must be manually acquired.
117//!     - `index`/: Fast-to-access crate metadata (no need to download / extract `*.crate` files)
118//!     - `cache/*/*.crate`: Local cache of published crates
119//!     - `src/*/*`: Extracted from `*.crate` by [`sources::registry::RegistrySource`]
120//!   - `git/`: Git source cache.  See [`sources::git`].
121//! - `**/.cargo/config.toml`: Environment dependent (env variables, files) configuration.  See
122//!   [`util::context`]
124//! ## Contribute to Cargo documentations
126//! The Cargo team always continues improving all external and internal documentations.
127//! If you spot anything could be better, don't hesitate to discuss with the team on
128//! Zulip [`t-cargo` stream], or [submit an issue] right on GitHub.
129//! There is also an issue label [`A-documenting-cargo-itself`],
130//! which is generally for documenting user-facing [The Cargo Book],
131//! but the Cargo team is welcome any form of enhancement for the [Cargo Contributor Guide]
132//! and this API documentation as well.
134//! [The Cargo Book: External tools]:
135//! [Cargo Architecture Overview]:
136//! [`t-cargo` stream]:
137//! [submit an issue]:
138//! [`A-documenting-cargo-itself`]:
139//! [The Cargo Book]:
140//! [Cargo Contributor Guide]:
142use crate::core::shell::Verbosity::Verbose;
143use crate::core::Shell;
144use anyhow::Error;
145use tracing::debug;
147pub use crate::util::errors::{AlreadyPrintedError, InternalError, VerboseError};
148pub use crate::util::{indented_lines, CargoResult, CliError, CliResult, GlobalContext};
149pub use crate::version::version;
151pub const CARGO_ENV: &str = "CARGO";
154mod macros;
156pub mod core;
157pub mod ops;
158pub mod sources;
159pub mod util;
160mod version;
162pub fn exit_with_error(err: CliError, shell: &mut Shell) -> ! {
163    debug!("exit_with_error; err={:?}", err);
165    if let Some(ref err) = err.error {
166        if let Some(clap_err) = err.downcast_ref::<clap::Error>() {
167            let exit_code = if clap_err.use_stderr() { 1 } else { 0 };
168            let _ = clap_err.print();
169            std::process::exit(exit_code)
170        }
171    }
173    let CliError { error, exit_code } = err;
174    if let Some(error) = error {
175        display_error(&error, shell);
176    }
178    std::process::exit(exit_code)
181/// Displays an error, and all its causes, to stderr.
182pub fn display_error(err: &Error, shell: &mut Shell) {
183    debug!("display_error; err={:?}", err);
184    _display_error(err, shell, true);
185    if err
186        .chain()
187        .any(|e| e.downcast_ref::<InternalError>().is_some())
188    {
189        drop(shell.note("this is an unexpected cargo internal error"));
190        drop(
191            shell.note(
192                "we would appreciate a bug report:",
193            ),
194        );
195        drop(shell.note(format!("cargo {}", version())));
196        // Once backtraces are stabilized, this should print out a backtrace
197        // if it is available.
198    }
201/// Displays a warning, with an error object providing detailed information
202/// and context.
203pub fn display_warning_with_error(warning: &str, err: &Error, shell: &mut Shell) {
204    drop(shell.warn(warning));
205    drop(writeln!(shell.err()));
206    _display_error(err, shell, false);
209fn _display_error(err: &Error, shell: &mut Shell, as_err: bool) -> bool {
210    for (i, err) in err.chain().enumerate() {
211        // If we're not in verbose mode then only print cause chain until one
212        // marked as `VerboseError` appears.
213        //
214        // Generally the top error shouldn't be verbose, but check it anyways.
215        if shell.verbosity() != Verbose &&<VerboseError>() {
216            return true;
217        }
218        if<AlreadyPrintedError>() {
219            break;
220        }
221        if i == 0 {
222            if as_err {
223                drop(shell.error(&err));
224            } else {
225                drop(writeln!(shell.err(), "{}", err));
226            }
227        } else {
228            drop(writeln!(shell.err(), "\nCaused by:"));
229            drop(write!(shell.err(), "{}", indented_lines(&err.to_string())));
230        }
231    }
232    false