1//! Deduces supplementary parameter attributes from MIR.
3//! Deduced parameter attributes are those that can only be soundly determined by examining the
4//! body of the function instead of just the signature. These can be useful for optimization
5//! purposes on a best-effort basis. We compute them here and store them into the crate metadata so
6//! dependent crates can use them.
8use rustc_hir::def_id::LocalDefId;
9use rustc_index::bit_set::DenseBitSet;
10use rustc_middle::mir::visit::{NonMutatingUseContext, PlaceContext, Visitor};
11use rustc_middle::mir::{Body, Location, Operand, Place, RETURN_PLACE, Terminator, TerminatorKind};
12use rustc_middle::ty::{self, DeducedParamAttrs, Ty, TyCtxt};
13use rustc_session::config::OptLevel;
15/// A visitor that determines which arguments have been mutated. We can't use the mutability field
16/// on LocalDecl for this because it has no meaning post-optimization.
17struct DeduceReadOnly {
18 /// Each bit is indexed by argument number, starting at zero (so 0 corresponds to local decl
19 /// 1). The bit is true if the argument may have been mutated or false if we know it hasn't
20 /// been up to the point we're at.
21 mutable_args: DenseBitSet<usize>,
24impl DeduceReadOnly {
25 /// Returns a new DeduceReadOnly instance.
26 fn new(arg_count: usize) -> Self {
27 Self { mutable_args: DenseBitSet::new_empty(arg_count) }
28 }
31impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for DeduceReadOnly {
32 fn visit_place(&mut self, place: &Place<'tcx>, context: PlaceContext, _location: Location) {
33 // We're only interested in arguments.
34 if place.local == RETURN_PLACE || place.local.index() > self.mutable_args.domain_size() {
35 return;
36 }
38 let mark_as_mutable = match context {
39 PlaceContext::MutatingUse(..) => {
40 // This is a mutation, so mark it as such.
41 true
42 }
43 PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(NonMutatingUseContext::RawBorrow) => {
44 // Whether mutating though a `&raw const` is allowed is still undecided, so we
45 // disable any sketchy `readonly` optimizations for now. But we only need to do
46 // this if the pointer would point into the argument. IOW: for indirect places,
47 // like `&raw (*local).field`, this surely cannot mutate `local`.
48 !place.is_indirect()
49 }
50 PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(..) | PlaceContext::NonUse(..) => {
51 // Not mutating, so it's fine.
52 false
53 }
54 };
56 if mark_as_mutable {
57 self.mutable_args.insert(place.local.index() - 1);
58 }
59 }
61 fn visit_terminator(&mut self, terminator: &Terminator<'tcx>, location: Location) {
62 // OK, this is subtle. Suppose that we're trying to deduce whether `x` in `f` is read-only
63 // and we have the following:
64 //
65 // fn f(x: BigStruct) { g(x) }
66 // fn g(mut y: BigStruct) { = 1 }
67 //
68 // If, at the generated MIR level, `f` turned into something like:
69 //
70 // fn f(_1: BigStruct) -> () {
71 // let mut _0: ();
72 // bb0: {
73 // _0 = g(move _1) -> bb1;
74 // }
75 // ...
76 // }
77 //
78 // then it would be incorrect to mark `x` (i.e. `_1`) as `readonly`, because `g`'s write to
79 // its copy of the indirect parameter would actually be a write directly to the pointer that
80 // `f` passes. Note that function arguments are the only situation in which this problem can
81 // arise: every other use of `move` in MIR doesn't actually write to the value it moves
82 // from.
83 //
84 // Anyway, right now this situation doesn't actually arise in practice. Instead, the MIR for
85 // that function looks like this:
86 //
87 // fn f(_1: BigStruct) -> () {
88 // let mut _0: ();
89 // let mut _2: BigStruct;
90 // bb0: {
91 // _2 = move _1;
92 // _0 = g(move _2) -> bb1;
93 // }
94 // ...
95 // }
96 //
97 // Because of that extra move that MIR construction inserts, `x` (i.e. `_1`) can *in
98 // practice* safely be marked `readonly`.
99 //
100 // To handle the possibility that other optimizations (for example, destination propagation)
101 // might someday generate MIR like the first example above, we panic upon seeing an argument
102 // to *our* function that is directly moved into *another* function as an argument. Having
103 // eliminated that problematic case, we can safely treat moves as copies in this analysis.
104 //
105 // In the future, if MIR optimizations cause arguments of a caller to be directly moved into
106 // the argument of a callee, we can just add that argument to `mutated_args` instead of
107 // panicking.
108 //
109 // Note that, because the problematic MIR is never actually generated, we can't add a test
110 // case for this.
112 if let TerminatorKind::Call { ref args, .. } = terminator.kind {
113 for arg in args {
114 if let Operand::Move(place) = arg.node {
115 let local = place.local;
116 if place.is_indirect()
117 || local == RETURN_PLACE
118 || local.index() > self.mutable_args.domain_size()
119 {
120 continue;
121 }
123 self.mutable_args.insert(local.index() - 1);
124 }
125 }
126 };
128 self.super_terminator(terminator, location);
129 }
132/// Returns true if values of a given type will never be passed indirectly, regardless of ABI.
133fn type_will_always_be_passed_directly(ty: Ty<'_>) -> bool {
134 matches!(
135 ty.kind(),
136 ty::Bool
137 | ty::Char
138 | ty::Float(..)
139 | ty::Int(..)
140 | ty::RawPtr(..)
141 | ty::Ref(..)
142 | ty::Slice(..)
143 | ty::Uint(..)
144 )
147/// Returns the deduced parameter attributes for a function.
149/// Deduced parameter attributes are those that can only be soundly determined by examining the
150/// body of the function instead of just the signature. These can be useful for optimization
151/// purposes on a best-effort basis. We compute them here and store them into the crate metadata so
152/// dependent crates can use them.
153pub(super) fn deduced_param_attrs<'tcx>(
154 tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
155 def_id: LocalDefId,
156) -> &'tcx [DeducedParamAttrs] {
157 // This computation is unfortunately rather expensive, so don't do it unless we're optimizing.
158 // Also skip it in incremental mode.
159 if tcx.sess.opts.optimize == OptLevel::No || tcx.sess.opts.incremental.is_some() {
160 return &[];
161 }
163 // If the Freeze lang item isn't present, then don't bother.
164 if tcx.lang_items().freeze_trait().is_none() {
165 return &[];
166 }
168 // Codegen won't use this information for anything if all the function parameters are passed
169 // directly. Detect that and bail, for compilation speed.
170 let fn_ty = tcx.type_of(def_id).instantiate_identity();
171 if matches!(fn_ty.kind(), ty::FnDef(..))
172 && fn_ty
173 .fn_sig(tcx)
174 .inputs()
175 .skip_binder()
176 .iter()
177 .cloned()
178 .all(type_will_always_be_passed_directly)
179 {
180 return &[];
181 }
183 // Don't deduce any attributes for functions that have no MIR.
184 if !tcx.is_mir_available(def_id) {
185 return &[];
186 }
188 // Grab the optimized MIR. Analyze it to determine which arguments have been mutated.
189 let body: &Body<'tcx> = tcx.optimized_mir(def_id);
190 let mut deduce_read_only = DeduceReadOnly::new(body.arg_count);
191 deduce_read_only.visit_body(body);
193 // Set the `readonly` attribute for every argument that we concluded is immutable and that
194 // contains no UnsafeCells.
195 //
196 // FIXME: This is overly conservative around generic parameters: `is_freeze()` will always
197 // return false for them. For a description of alternatives that could do a better job here,
198 // see [1].
199 //
200 // [1]:
201 let typing_env = body.typing_env(tcx);
202 let mut deduced_param_attrs = tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(
203 body.local_decls.iter().skip(1).take(body.arg_count).enumerate().map(
204 |(arg_index, local_decl)| DeducedParamAttrs {
205 read_only: !deduce_read_only.mutable_args.contains(arg_index)
206 // We must normalize here to reveal opaques and normalize
207 // their generic parameters, otherwise we'll see exponential
208 // blow-up in compile times: #113372
209 && tcx
210 .normalize_erasing_regions(typing_env, local_decl.ty)
211 .is_freeze(tcx, typing_env),
212 },
213 ),
214 );
216 // Trailing parameters past the size of the `deduced_param_attrs` array are assumed to have the
217 // default set of attributes, so we don't have to store them explicitly. Pop them off to save a
218 // few bytes in metadata.
219 while deduced_param_attrs.last() == Some(&DeducedParamAttrs::default()) {
220 let last_index = deduced_param_attrs.len() - 1;
221 deduced_param_attrs = &mut deduced_param_attrs[0..last_index];
222 }
224 deduced_param_attrs