
1//! A bunch of methods and structures more or less related to resolving imports.
3use std::cell::Cell;
4use std::mem;
6use rustc_ast::NodeId;
7use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
8use rustc_data_structures::intern::Interned;
9use rustc_errors::codes::*;
10use rustc_errors::{Applicability, MultiSpan, pluralize, struct_span_code_err};
11use rustc_hir::def::{self, DefKind, PartialRes};
12use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
13use rustc_middle::metadata::{ModChild, Reexport};
14use rustc_middle::{span_bug, ty};
15use rustc_session::lint::BuiltinLintDiag;
16use rustc_session::lint::builtin::{
20use rustc_session::parse::feature_err;
21use rustc_span::edit_distance::find_best_match_for_name;
22use rustc_span::hygiene::LocalExpnId;
23use rustc_span::{Ident, Span, Symbol, kw, sym};
24use smallvec::SmallVec;
25use tracing::debug;
27use crate::Determinacy::{self, *};
28use crate::Namespace::*;
29use crate::diagnostics::{DiagMode, Suggestion, import_candidates};
30use crate::errors::{
31    CannotBeReexportedCratePublic, CannotBeReexportedCratePublicNS, CannotBeReexportedPrivate,
32    CannotBeReexportedPrivateNS, CannotDetermineImportResolution, CannotGlobImportAllCrates,
33    ConsiderAddingMacroExport, ConsiderMarkingAsPub, IsNotDirectlyImportable,
34    ItemsInTraitsAreNotImportable,
36use crate::{
37    AmbiguityError, AmbiguityKind, BindingKey, Finalize, ImportSuggestion, Module,
38    ModuleOrUniformRoot, NameBinding, NameBindingData, NameBindingKind, ParentScope, PathResult,
39    PerNS, ResolutionError, Resolver, ScopeSet, Segment, Used, module_to_string, names_to_string,
42type Res = def::Res<NodeId>;
44/// Contains data for specific kinds of imports.
46pub(crate) enum ImportKind<'ra> {
47    Single {
48        /// `source` in `use prefix::source as target`.
49        source: Ident,
50        /// `target` in `use prefix::source as target`.
51        /// It will directly use `source` when the format is `use prefix::source`.
52        target: Ident,
53        /// Bindings to which `source` refers to.
54        source_bindings: PerNS<Cell<Result<NameBinding<'ra>, Determinacy>>>,
55        /// Bindings introduced by `target`.
56        target_bindings: PerNS<Cell<Option<NameBinding<'ra>>>>,
57        /// `true` for `...::{self [as target]}` imports, `false` otherwise.
58        type_ns_only: bool,
59        /// Did this import result from a nested import? ie. `use foo::{bar, baz};`
60        nested: bool,
61        /// The ID of the `UseTree` that imported this `Import`.
62        ///
63        /// In the case where the `Import` was expanded from a "nested" use tree,
64        /// this id is the ID of the leaf tree. For example:
65        ///
66        /// ```ignore (pacify the merciless tidy)
67        /// use foo::bar::{a, b}
68        /// ```
69        ///
70        /// If this is the import for `foo::bar::a`, we would have the ID of the `UseTree`
71        /// for `a` in this field.
72        id: NodeId,
73    },
74    Glob {
75        is_prelude: bool,
76        // The visibility of the greatest re-export.
77        // n.b. `max_vis` is only used in `finalize_import` to check for re-export errors.
78        max_vis: Cell<Option<ty::Visibility>>,
79        id: NodeId,
80    },
81    ExternCrate {
82        source: Option<Symbol>,
83        target: Ident,
84        id: NodeId,
85    },
86    MacroUse {
87        /// A field has been added indicating whether it should be reported as a lint,
88        /// addressing issue#119301.
89        warn_private: bool,
90    },
91    MacroExport,
94/// Manually implement `Debug` for `ImportKind` because the `source/target_bindings`
95/// contain `Cell`s which can introduce infinite loops while printing.
96impl<'ra> std::fmt::Debug for ImportKind<'ra> {
97    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
98        use ImportKind::*;
99        match self {
100            Single {
101                ref source,
102                ref target,
103                ref source_bindings,
104                ref target_bindings,
105                ref type_ns_only,
106                ref nested,
107                ref id,
108            } => f
109                .debug_struct("Single")
110                .field("source", source)
111                .field("target", target)
112                // Ignore the nested bindings to avoid an infinite loop while printing.
113                .field(
114                    "source_bindings",
115                    &source_bindings.clone().map(|b| b.into_inner().map(|_| format_args!(".."))),
116                )
117                .field(
118                    "target_bindings",
119                    &target_bindings.clone().map(|b| b.into_inner().map(|_| format_args!(".."))),
120                )
121                .field("type_ns_only", type_ns_only)
122                .field("nested", nested)
123                .field("id", id)
124                .finish(),
125            Glob { ref is_prelude, ref max_vis, ref id } => f
126                .debug_struct("Glob")
127                .field("is_prelude", is_prelude)
128                .field("max_vis", max_vis)
129                .field("id", id)
130                .finish(),
131            ExternCrate { ref source, ref target, ref id } => f
132                .debug_struct("ExternCrate")
133                .field("source", source)
134                .field("target", target)
135                .field("id", id)
136                .finish(),
137            MacroUse { .. } => f.debug_struct("MacroUse").finish(),
138            MacroExport => f.debug_struct("MacroExport").finish(),
139        }
140    }
143/// One import.
144#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
145pub(crate) struct ImportData<'ra> {
146    pub kind: ImportKind<'ra>,
148    /// Node ID of the "root" use item -- this is always the same as `ImportKind`'s `id`
149    /// (if it exists) except in the case of "nested" use trees, in which case
150    /// it will be the ID of the root use tree. e.g., in the example
151    /// ```ignore (incomplete code)
152    /// use foo::bar::{a, b}
153    /// ```
154    /// this would be the ID of the `use foo::bar` `UseTree` node.
155    /// In case of imports without their own node ID it's the closest node that can be used,
156    /// for example, for reporting lints.
157    pub root_id: NodeId,
159    /// Span of the entire use statement.
160    pub use_span: Span,
162    /// Span of the entire use statement with attributes.
163    pub use_span_with_attributes: Span,
165    /// Did the use statement have any attributes?
166    pub has_attributes: bool,
168    /// Span of this use tree.
169    pub span: Span,
171    /// Span of the *root* use tree (see `root_id`).
172    pub root_span: Span,
174    pub parent_scope: ParentScope<'ra>,
175    pub module_path: Vec<Segment>,
176    /// The resolution of `module_path`.
177    pub imported_module: Cell<Option<ModuleOrUniformRoot<'ra>>>,
178    pub vis: ty::Visibility,
181/// All imports are unique and allocated on a same arena,
182/// so we can use referential equality to compare them.
183pub(crate) type Import<'ra> = Interned<'ra, ImportData<'ra>>;
185impl<'ra> ImportData<'ra> {
186    pub(crate) fn is_glob(&self) -> bool {
187        matches!(self.kind, ImportKind::Glob { .. })
188    }
190    pub(crate) fn is_nested(&self) -> bool {
191        match self.kind {
192            ImportKind::Single { nested, .. } => nested,
193            _ => false,
194        }
195    }
197    pub(crate) fn id(&self) -> Option<NodeId> {
198        match self.kind {
199            ImportKind::Single { id, .. }
200            | ImportKind::Glob { id, .. }
201            | ImportKind::ExternCrate { id, .. } => Some(id),
202            ImportKind::MacroUse { .. } | ImportKind::MacroExport => None,
203        }
204    }
206    fn simplify(&self, r: &Resolver<'_, '_>) -> Reexport {
207        let to_def_id = |id| r.local_def_id(id).to_def_id();
208        match self.kind {
209            ImportKind::Single { id, .. } => Reexport::Single(to_def_id(id)),
210            ImportKind::Glob { id, .. } => Reexport::Glob(to_def_id(id)),
211            ImportKind::ExternCrate { id, .. } => Reexport::ExternCrate(to_def_id(id)),
212            ImportKind::MacroUse { .. } => Reexport::MacroUse,
213            ImportKind::MacroExport => Reexport::MacroExport,
214        }
215    }
218/// Records information about the resolution of a name in a namespace of a module.
219#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
220pub(crate) struct NameResolution<'ra> {
221    /// Single imports that may define the name in the namespace.
222    /// Imports are arena-allocated, so it's ok to use pointers as keys.
223    pub single_imports: FxHashSet<Import<'ra>>,
224    /// The least shadowable known binding for this name, or None if there are no known bindings.
225    pub binding: Option<NameBinding<'ra>>,
226    pub shadowed_glob: Option<NameBinding<'ra>>,
229impl<'ra> NameResolution<'ra> {
230    /// Returns the binding for the name if it is known or None if it not known.
231    pub(crate) fn binding(&self) -> Option<NameBinding<'ra>> {
232        self.binding.and_then(|binding| {
233            if !binding.is_glob_import() || self.single_imports.is_empty() {
234                Some(binding)
235            } else {
236                None
237            }
238        })
239    }
242/// An error that may be transformed into a diagnostic later. Used to combine multiple unresolved
243/// import errors within the same use tree into a single diagnostic.
244#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
245struct UnresolvedImportError {
246    span: Span,
247    label: Option<String>,
248    note: Option<String>,
249    suggestion: Option<Suggestion>,
250    candidates: Option<Vec<ImportSuggestion>>,
251    segment: Option<Symbol>,
252    /// comes from `PathRes::Failed { module }`
253    module: Option<DefId>,
256// Reexports of the form `pub use foo as bar;` where `foo` is `extern crate foo;`
257// are permitted for backward-compatibility under a deprecation lint.
258fn pub_use_of_private_extern_crate_hack(
259    import: Import<'_>,
260    binding: NameBinding<'_>,
261) -> Option<NodeId> {
262    match (&import.kind, &binding.kind) {
263        (ImportKind::Single { .. }, NameBindingKind::Import { import: binding_import, .. })
264            if let ImportKind::ExternCrate { id, .. } = binding_import.kind
265                && import.vis.is_public() =>
266        {
267            Some(id)
268        }
269        _ => None,
270    }
273impl<'ra, 'tcx> Resolver<'ra, 'tcx> {
274    /// Given a binding and an import that resolves to it,
275    /// return the corresponding binding defined by the import.
276    pub(crate) fn import(
277        &self,
278        binding: NameBinding<'ra>,
279        import: Import<'ra>,
280    ) -> NameBinding<'ra> {
281        let import_vis = import.vis.to_def_id();
282        let vis = if binding.vis.is_at_least(import_vis, self.tcx)
283            || pub_use_of_private_extern_crate_hack(import, binding).is_some()
284        {
285            import_vis
286        } else {
287            binding.vis
288        };
290        if let ImportKind::Glob { ref max_vis, .. } = import.kind
291            && (vis == import_vis
292                || max_vis.get().is_none_or(|max_vis| vis.is_at_least(max_vis, self.tcx)))
293        {
294            max_vis.set(Some(vis.expect_local()))
295        }
297        self.arenas.alloc_name_binding(NameBindingData {
298            kind: NameBindingKind::Import { binding, import },
299            ambiguity: None,
300            warn_ambiguity: false,
301            span: import.span,
302            vis,
303            expansion: import.parent_scope.expansion,
304        })
305    }
307    /// Define the name or return the existing binding if there is a collision.
308    /// `update` indicates if the definition is a redefinition of an existing binding.
309    pub(crate) fn try_define(
310        &mut self,
311        module: Module<'ra>,
312        key: BindingKey,
313        binding: NameBinding<'ra>,
314        warn_ambiguity: bool,
315    ) -> Result<(), NameBinding<'ra>> {
316        let res = binding.res();
317        self.check_reserved_macro_name(key.ident, res);
318        self.set_binding_parent_module(binding, module);
319        self.update_resolution(module, key, warn_ambiguity, |this, resolution| {
320            if let Some(old_binding) = resolution.binding {
321                if res == Res::Err && old_binding.res() != Res::Err {
322                    // Do not override real bindings with `Res::Err`s from error recovery.
323                    return Ok(());
324                }
325                match (old_binding.is_glob_import(), binding.is_glob_import()) {
326                    (true, true) => {
327                        // FIXME: remove `!binding.is_ambiguity_recursive()` after delete the warning ambiguity.
328                        if !binding.is_ambiguity_recursive()
329                            && let NameBindingKind::Import { import: old_import, .. } =
330                                old_binding.kind
331                            && let NameBindingKind::Import { import, .. } = binding.kind
332                            && old_import == import
333                        {
334                            // We should replace the `old_binding` with `binding` regardless
335                            // of whether they has same resolution or not when they are
336                            // imported from the same glob-import statement.
337                            resolution.binding = Some(binding);
338                        } else if res != old_binding.res() {
339                            resolution.binding = Some(this.new_ambiguity_binding(
340                                AmbiguityKind::GlobVsGlob,
341                                old_binding,
342                                binding,
343                                warn_ambiguity,
344                            ));
345                        } else if !old_binding.vis.is_at_least(binding.vis, this.tcx) {
346                            // We are glob-importing the same item but with greater visibility.
347                            resolution.binding = Some(binding);
348                        } else if binding.is_ambiguity_recursive() {
349                            resolution.binding = Some(this.new_warn_ambiguity_binding(binding));
350                        }
351                    }
352                    (old_glob @ true, false) | (old_glob @ false, true) => {
353                        let (glob_binding, nonglob_binding) =
354                            if old_glob { (old_binding, binding) } else { (binding, old_binding) };
355                        if key.ns == MacroNS
356                            && nonglob_binding.expansion != LocalExpnId::ROOT
357                            && glob_binding.res() != nonglob_binding.res()
358                        {
359                            resolution.binding = Some(this.new_ambiguity_binding(
360                                AmbiguityKind::GlobVsExpanded,
361                                nonglob_binding,
362                                glob_binding,
363                                false,
364                            ));
365                        } else {
366                            resolution.binding = Some(nonglob_binding);
367                        }
369                        if let Some(old_shadowed_glob) = resolution.shadowed_glob {
370                            assert!(old_shadowed_glob.is_glob_import());
371                            if glob_binding.res() != old_shadowed_glob.res() {
372                                resolution.shadowed_glob = Some(this.new_ambiguity_binding(
373                                    AmbiguityKind::GlobVsGlob,
374                                    old_shadowed_glob,
375                                    glob_binding,
376                                    false,
377                                ));
378                            } else if !old_shadowed_glob.vis.is_at_least(binding.vis, this.tcx) {
379                                resolution.shadowed_glob = Some(glob_binding);
380                            }
381                        } else {
382                            resolution.shadowed_glob = Some(glob_binding);
383                        }
384                    }
385                    (false, false) => {
386                        return Err(old_binding);
387                    }
388                }
389            } else {
390                resolution.binding = Some(binding);
391            }
393            Ok(())
394        })
395    }
397    fn new_ambiguity_binding(
398        &self,
399        ambiguity_kind: AmbiguityKind,
400        primary_binding: NameBinding<'ra>,
401        secondary_binding: NameBinding<'ra>,
402        warn_ambiguity: bool,
403    ) -> NameBinding<'ra> {
404        let ambiguity = Some((secondary_binding, ambiguity_kind));
405        let data = NameBindingData { ambiguity, warn_ambiguity, ..*primary_binding };
406        self.arenas.alloc_name_binding(data)
407    }
409    fn new_warn_ambiguity_binding(&self, binding: NameBinding<'ra>) -> NameBinding<'ra> {
410        assert!(binding.is_ambiguity_recursive());
411        self.arenas.alloc_name_binding(NameBindingData { warn_ambiguity: true, ..*binding })
412    }
414    // Use `f` to mutate the resolution of the name in the module.
415    // If the resolution becomes a success, define it in the module's glob importers.
416    fn update_resolution<T, F>(
417        &mut self,
418        module: Module<'ra>,
419        key: BindingKey,
420        warn_ambiguity: bool,
421        f: F,
422    ) -> T
423    where
424        F: FnOnce(&mut Resolver<'ra, 'tcx>, &mut NameResolution<'ra>) -> T,
425    {
426        // Ensure that `resolution` isn't borrowed when defining in the module's glob importers,
427        // during which the resolution might end up getting re-defined via a glob cycle.
428        let (binding, t, warn_ambiguity) = {
429            let resolution = &mut *self.resolution(module, key).borrow_mut();
430            let old_binding = resolution.binding();
432            let t = f(self, resolution);
434            if let Some(binding) = resolution.binding()
435                && old_binding != Some(binding)
436            {
437                (binding, t, warn_ambiguity || old_binding.is_some())
438            } else {
439                return t;
440            }
441        };
443        let Ok(glob_importers) = module.glob_importers.try_borrow_mut() else {
444            return t;
445        };
447        // Define or update `binding` in `module`s glob importers.
448        for import in glob_importers.iter() {
449            let mut ident = key.ident;
450            let scope = match ident.span.reverse_glob_adjust(module.expansion, import.span) {
451                Some(Some(def)) => self.expn_def_scope(def),
452                Some(None) => import.parent_scope.module,
453                None => continue,
454            };
455            if self.is_accessible_from(binding.vis, scope) {
456                let imported_binding = self.import(binding, *import);
457                let key = BindingKey { ident, ..key };
458                let _ = self.try_define(
459                    import.parent_scope.module,
460                    key,
461                    imported_binding,
462                    warn_ambiguity,
463                );
464            }
465        }
467        t
468    }
470    // Define a dummy resolution containing a `Res::Err` as a placeholder for a failed
471    // or indeterminate resolution, also mark such failed imports as used to avoid duplicate diagnostics.
472    fn import_dummy_binding(&mut self, import: Import<'ra>, is_indeterminate: bool) {
473        if let ImportKind::Single { target, ref target_bindings, .. } = import.kind {
474            if !(is_indeterminate || target_bindings.iter().all(|binding| binding.get().is_none()))
475            {
476                return; // Has resolution, do not create the dummy binding
477            }
478            let dummy_binding = self.dummy_binding;
479            let dummy_binding = self.import(dummy_binding, import);
480            self.per_ns(|this, ns| {
481                let key = BindingKey::new(target, ns);
482                let _ = this.try_define(import.parent_scope.module, key, dummy_binding, false);
483                this.update_resolution(import.parent_scope.module, key, false, |_, resolution| {
484                    resolution.single_imports.remove(&import);
485                })
486            });
487            self.record_use(target, dummy_binding, Used::Other);
488        } else if import.imported_module.get().is_none() {
489            self.import_use_map.insert(import, Used::Other);
490            if let Some(id) = {
491                self.used_imports.insert(id);
492            }
493        }
494    }
496    // Import resolution
497    //
498    // This is a fixed-point algorithm. We resolve imports until our efforts
499    // are stymied by an unresolved import; then we bail out of the current
500    // module and continue. We terminate successfully once no more imports
501    // remain or unsuccessfully when no forward progress in resolving imports
502    // is made.
504    /// Resolves all imports for the crate. This method performs the fixed-
505    /// point iteration.
506    pub(crate) fn resolve_imports(&mut self) {
507        let mut prev_indeterminate_count = usize::MAX;
508        let mut indeterminate_count = self.indeterminate_imports.len() * 3;
509        while indeterminate_count < prev_indeterminate_count {
510            prev_indeterminate_count = indeterminate_count;
511            indeterminate_count = 0;
512            for import in mem::take(&mut self.indeterminate_imports) {
513                let import_indeterminate_count = self.resolve_import(import);
514                indeterminate_count += import_indeterminate_count;
515                match import_indeterminate_count {
516                    0 => self.determined_imports.push(import),
517                    _ => self.indeterminate_imports.push(import),
518                }
519            }
520        }
521    }
523    pub(crate) fn finalize_imports(&mut self) {
524        for module in self.arenas.local_modules().iter() {
525            self.finalize_resolutions_in(*module);
526        }
528        let mut seen_spans = FxHashSet::default();
529        let mut errors = vec![];
530        let mut prev_root_id: NodeId = NodeId::ZERO;
531        let determined_imports = mem::take(&mut self.determined_imports);
532        let indeterminate_imports = mem::take(&mut self.indeterminate_imports);
534        let mut glob_error = false;
535        for (is_indeterminate, import) in determined_imports
536            .iter()
537            .map(|i| (false, i))
538            .chain(indeterminate_imports.iter().map(|i| (true, i)))
539        {
540            let unresolved_import_error = self.finalize_import(*import);
541            // If this import is unresolved then create a dummy import
542            // resolution for it so that later resolve stages won't complain.
543            self.import_dummy_binding(*import, is_indeterminate);
545            let Some(err) = unresolved_import_error else { continue };
547            glob_error |= import.is_glob();
549            if let ImportKind::Single { source, ref source_bindings, .. } = import.kind
550                && == kw::SelfLower
551                // Silence `unresolved import` error if E0429 is already emitted
552                && let Err(Determined) = source_bindings.value_ns.get()
553            {
554                continue;
555            }
557            if prev_root_id != NodeId::ZERO && prev_root_id != import.root_id && !errors.is_empty()
558            {
559                // In the case of a new import line, throw a diagnostic message
560                // for the previous line.
561                self.throw_unresolved_import_error(errors, glob_error);
562                errors = vec![];
563            }
564            if seen_spans.insert(err.span) {
565                errors.push((*import, err));
566                prev_root_id = import.root_id;
567            }
568        }
570        if !errors.is_empty() {
571            self.throw_unresolved_import_error(errors, glob_error);
572            return;
573        }
575        for import in &indeterminate_imports {
576            let path = import_path_to_string(
577                &import.module_path.iter().map(|seg| seg.ident).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
578                &import.kind,
579                import.span,
580            );
581            // FIXME: there should be a better way of doing this than
582            // formatting this as a string then checking for `::`
583            if path.contains("::") {
584                let err = UnresolvedImportError {
585                    span: import.span,
586                    label: None,
587                    note: None,
588                    suggestion: None,
589                    candidates: None,
590                    segment: None,
591                    module: None,
592                };
593                errors.push((*import, err))
594            }
595        }
597        self.throw_unresolved_import_error(errors, glob_error);
598    }
600    pub(crate) fn check_hidden_glob_reexports(
601        &mut self,
602        exported_ambiguities: FxHashSet<NameBinding<'ra>>,
603    ) {
604        for module in self.arenas.local_modules().iter() {
605            for (key, resolution) in self.resolutions(*module).borrow().iter() {
606                let resolution = resolution.borrow();
608                let Some(binding) = resolution.binding else { continue };
610                if let NameBindingKind::Import { import, .. } = binding.kind
611                    && let Some((amb_binding, _)) = binding.ambiguity
612                    && binding.res() != Res::Err
613                    && exported_ambiguities.contains(&binding)
614                {
615                    self.lint_buffer.buffer_lint(
616                        AMBIGUOUS_GLOB_REEXPORTS,
617                        import.root_id,
618                        import.root_span,
619                        BuiltinLintDiag::AmbiguousGlobReexports {
620                            name: key.ident.to_string(),
621                            namespace: key.ns.descr().to_string(),
622                            first_reexport_span: import.root_span,
623                            duplicate_reexport_span: amb_binding.span,
624                        },
625                    );
626                }
628                if let Some(glob_binding) = resolution.shadowed_glob {
629                    let binding_id = match binding.kind {
630                        NameBindingKind::Res(res) => {
631                            Some(self.def_id_to_node_id[res.def_id().expect_local()])
632                        }
633                        NameBindingKind::Module(module) => {
634                            Some(self.def_id_to_node_id[module.def_id().expect_local()])
635                        }
636                        NameBindingKind::Import { import, .. } =>,
637                    };
639                    if binding.res() != Res::Err
640                        && glob_binding.res() != Res::Err
641                        && let NameBindingKind::Import { import: glob_import, .. } =
642                            glob_binding.kind
643                        && let Some(binding_id) = binding_id
644                        && let Some(glob_import_id) =
645                        && let glob_import_def_id = self.local_def_id(glob_import_id)
646                        && self.effective_visibilities.is_exported(glob_import_def_id)
647                        && glob_binding.vis.is_public()
648                        && !binding.vis.is_public()
649                    {
650                        self.lint_buffer.buffer_lint(
651                            HIDDEN_GLOB_REEXPORTS,
652                            binding_id,
653                            binding.span,
654                            BuiltinLintDiag::HiddenGlobReexports {
655                                name:,
656                                namespace: key.ns.descr().to_owned(),
657                                glob_reexport_span: glob_binding.span,
658                                private_item_span: binding.span,
659                            },
660                        );
661                    }
662                }
663            }
664        }
665    }
667    fn throw_unresolved_import_error(
668        &mut self,
669        mut errors: Vec<(Import<'_>, UnresolvedImportError)>,
670        glob_error: bool,
671    ) {
672        errors.retain(|(_import, err)| match err.module {
673            // Skip `use` errors for `use foo::Bar;` if `` has unrecovered parse errors.
674            Some(def_id) if self.mods_with_parse_errors.contains(&def_id) => false,
675            _ => true,
676        });
677        if errors.is_empty() {
678            return;
679        }
681        /// Upper limit on the number of `span_label` messages.
682        const MAX_LABEL_COUNT: usize = 10;
684        let span = MultiSpan::from_spans(errors.iter().map(|(_, err)| err.span).collect());
685        let paths = errors
686            .iter()
687            .map(|(import, err)| {
688                let path = import_path_to_string(
689                    &import.module_path.iter().map(|seg| seg.ident).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
690                    &import.kind,
691                    err.span,
692                );
693                format!("`{path}`")
694            })
695            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
696        let msg = format!("unresolved import{} {}", pluralize!(paths.len()), paths.join(", "),);
698        let mut diag = struct_span_code_err!(self.dcx(), span, E0432, "{msg}");
700        if let Some((_, UnresolvedImportError { note: Some(note), .. })) = errors.iter().last() {
701            diag.note(note.clone());
702        }
704        for (import, err) in errors.into_iter().take(MAX_LABEL_COUNT) {
705            if let Some(label) = err.label {
706                diag.span_label(err.span, label);
707            }
709            if let Some((suggestions, msg, applicability)) = err.suggestion {
710                if suggestions.is_empty() {
711          ;
712                    continue;
713                }
714                diag.multipart_suggestion(msg, suggestions, applicability);
715            }
717            if let Some(candidates) = &err.candidates {
718                match &import.kind {
719                    ImportKind::Single { nested: false, source, target, .. } => import_candidates(
720                        self.tcx,
721                        &mut diag,
722                        Some(err.span),
723                        candidates,
724                        DiagMode::Import { append: false },
725                        (source != target)
726                            .then(|| format!(" as {target}"))
727                            .as_deref()
728                            .unwrap_or(""),
729                    ),
730                    ImportKind::Single { nested: true, source, target, .. } => {
731                        import_candidates(
732                            self.tcx,
733                            &mut diag,
734                            None,
735                            candidates,
736                            DiagMode::Normal,
737                            (source != target)
738                                .then(|| format!(" as {target}"))
739                                .as_deref()
740                                .unwrap_or(""),
741                        );
742                    }
743                    _ => {}
744                }
745            }
747            if matches!(import.kind, ImportKind::Single { .. })
748                && let Some(segment) = err.segment
749                && let Some(module) = err.module
750            {
751                self.find_cfg_stripped(&mut diag, &segment, module)
752            }
753        }
755        let guar = diag.emit();
756        if glob_error {
757            self.glob_error = Some(guar);
758        }
759    }
761    /// Attempts to resolve the given import, returning:
762    /// - `0` means its resolution is determined.
763    /// - Other values mean that indeterminate exists under certain namespaces.
764    ///
765    /// Meanwhile, if resolve successful, the resolved bindings are written
766    /// into the module.
767    fn resolve_import(&mut self, import: Import<'ra>) -> usize {
768        debug!(
769            "(resolving import for module) resolving import `{}::...` in `{}`",
770            Segment::names_to_string(&import.module_path),
771            module_to_string(import.parent_scope.module).unwrap_or_else(|| "???".to_string()),
772        );
773        let module = if let Some(module) = import.imported_module.get() {
774            module
775        } else {
776            let path_res = self.maybe_resolve_path(
777                &import.module_path,
778                None,
779                &import.parent_scope,
780                Some(import),
781            );
783            match path_res {
784                PathResult::Module(module) => module,
785                PathResult::Indeterminate => return 3,
786                PathResult::NonModule(..) | PathResult::Failed { .. } => return 0,
787            }
788        };
790        import.imported_module.set(Some(module));
791        let (source, target, source_bindings, target_bindings, type_ns_only) = match import.kind {
792            ImportKind::Single {
793                source,
794                target,
795                ref source_bindings,
796                ref target_bindings,
797                type_ns_only,
798                ..
799            } => (source, target, source_bindings, target_bindings, type_ns_only),
800            ImportKind::Glob { .. } => {
801                self.resolve_glob_import(import);
802                return 0;
803            }
804            _ => unreachable!(),
805        };
807        let mut indeterminate_count = 0;
808        self.per_ns(|this, ns| {
809            if !type_ns_only || ns == TypeNS {
810                if let Err(Undetermined) = source_bindings[ns].get() {
811                    let binding = this.maybe_resolve_ident_in_module(
812                        module,
813                        source,
814                        ns,
815                        &import.parent_scope,
816                        Some(import),
817                    );
818                    source_bindings[ns].set(binding);
819                } else {
820                    return;
821                };
823                let parent = import.parent_scope.module;
824                match source_bindings[ns].get() {
825                    Err(Undetermined) => indeterminate_count += 1,
826                    // Don't update the resolution, because it was never added.
827                    Err(Determined) if == kw::Underscore => {}
828                    Ok(binding) if binding.is_importable() => {
829                        if binding.is_assoc_const_or_fn()
830                            && !this.tcx.features().import_trait_associated_functions()
831                        {
832                            feature_err(
833                                this.tcx.sess,
834                                sym::import_trait_associated_functions,
835                                import.span,
836                                "`use` associated items of traits is unstable",
837                            )
838                            .emit();
839                        }
840                        let imported_binding = this.import(binding, import);
841                        target_bindings[ns].set(Some(imported_binding));
842                        this.define(parent, target, ns, imported_binding);
843                    }
844                    source_binding @ (Ok(..) | Err(Determined)) => {
845                        if source_binding.is_ok() {
846                            this.dcx()
847                                .create_err(IsNotDirectlyImportable { span: import.span, target })
848                                .emit();
849                        }
850                        let key = BindingKey::new(target, ns);
851                        this.update_resolution(parent, key, false, |_, resolution| {
852                            resolution.single_imports.remove(&import);
853                        });
854                    }
855                }
856            }
857        });
859        indeterminate_count
860    }
862    /// Performs final import resolution, consistency checks and error reporting.
863    ///
864    /// Optionally returns an unresolved import error. This error is buffered and used to
865    /// consolidate multiple unresolved import errors into a single diagnostic.
866    fn finalize_import(&mut self, import: Import<'ra>) -> Option<UnresolvedImportError> {
867        let ignore_binding = match &import.kind {
868            ImportKind::Single { target_bindings, .. } => target_bindings[TypeNS].get(),
869            _ => None,
870        };
871        let ambiguity_errors_len =
872            |errors: &Vec<AmbiguityError<'_>>| errors.iter().filter(|error| !error.warning).count();
873        let prev_ambiguity_errors_len = ambiguity_errors_len(&self.ambiguity_errors);
874        let finalize = Finalize::with_root_span(import.root_id, import.span, import.root_span);
876        // We'll provide more context to the privacy errors later, up to `len`.
877        let privacy_errors_len = self.privacy_errors.len();
879        let path_res = self.resolve_path(
880            &import.module_path,
881            None,
882            &import.parent_scope,
883            Some(finalize),
884            ignore_binding,
885            Some(import),
886        );
888        let no_ambiguity =
889            ambiguity_errors_len(&self.ambiguity_errors) == prev_ambiguity_errors_len;
891        let module = match path_res {
892            PathResult::Module(module) => {
893                // Consistency checks, analogous to `finalize_macro_resolutions`.
894                if let Some(initial_module) = import.imported_module.get() {
895                    if module != initial_module && no_ambiguity {
896                        span_bug!(import.span, "inconsistent resolution for an import");
897                    }
898                } else if self.privacy_errors.is_empty() {
899                    self.dcx()
900                        .create_err(CannotDetermineImportResolution { span: import.span })
901                        .emit();
902                }
904                module
905            }
906            PathResult::Failed {
907                is_error_from_last_segment: false,
908                span,
909                segment_name,
910                label,
911                suggestion,
912                module,
913                error_implied_by_parse_error: _,
914            } => {
915                if no_ambiguity {
916                    assert!(import.imported_module.get().is_none());
917                    self.report_error(
918                        span,
919                        ResolutionError::FailedToResolve {
920                            segment: Some(segment_name),
921                            label,
922                            suggestion,
923                            module,
924                        },
925                    );
926                }
927                return None;
928            }
929            PathResult::Failed {
930                is_error_from_last_segment: true,
931                span,
932                label,
933                suggestion,
934                module,
935                segment_name,
936                ..
937            } => {
938                if no_ambiguity {
939                    assert!(import.imported_module.get().is_none());
940                    let module = if let Some(ModuleOrUniformRoot::Module(m)) = module {
941                        m.opt_def_id()
942                    } else {
943                        None
944                    };
945                    let err = match self.make_path_suggestion(
946                        span,
947                        import.module_path.clone(),
948                        &import.parent_scope,
949                    ) {
950                        Some((suggestion, note)) => UnresolvedImportError {
951                            span,
952                            label: None,
953                            note,
954                            suggestion: Some((
955                                vec![(span, Segment::names_to_string(&suggestion))],
956                                String::from("a similar path exists"),
957                                Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
958                            )),
959                            candidates: None,
960                            segment: Some(segment_name),
961                            module,
962                        },
963                        None => UnresolvedImportError {
964                            span,
965                            label: Some(label),
966                            note: None,
967                            suggestion,
968                            candidates: None,
969                            segment: Some(segment_name),
970                            module,
971                        },
972                    };
973                    return Some(err);
974                }
975                return None;
976            }
977            PathResult::NonModule(partial_res) => {
978                if no_ambiguity && partial_res.full_res() != Some(Res::Err) {
979                    // Check if there are no ambiguities and the result is not dummy.
980                    assert!(import.imported_module.get().is_none());
981                }
982                // The error was already reported earlier.
983                return None;
984            }
985            PathResult::Indeterminate => unreachable!(),
986        };
988        let (ident, target, source_bindings, target_bindings, type_ns_only, import_id) =
989            match import.kind {
990                ImportKind::Single {
991                    source,
992                    target,
993                    ref source_bindings,
994                    ref target_bindings,
995                    type_ns_only,
996                    id,
997                    ..
998                } => (source, target, source_bindings, target_bindings, type_ns_only, id),
999                ImportKind::Glob { is_prelude, ref max_vis, id } => {
1000                    if import.module_path.len() <= 1 {
1001                        // HACK(eddyb) `lint_if_path_starts_with_module` needs at least
1002                        // 2 segments, so the `resolve_path` above won't trigger it.
1003                        let mut full_path = import.module_path.clone();
1004                        full_path.push(Segment::from_ident(Ident::empty()));
1005                        self.lint_if_path_starts_with_module(Some(finalize), &full_path, None);
1006                    }
1008                    if let ModuleOrUniformRoot::Module(module) = module
1009                        && module == import.parent_scope.module
1010                    {
1011                        // Importing a module into itself is not allowed.
1012                        return Some(UnresolvedImportError {
1013                            span: import.span,
1014                            label: Some(String::from("cannot glob-import a module into itself")),
1015                            note: None,
1016                            suggestion: None,
1017                            candidates: None,
1018                            segment: None,
1019                            module: None,
1020                        });
1021                    }
1022                    if !is_prelude
1023                        && let Some(max_vis) = max_vis.get()
1024                        && !max_vis.is_at_least(import.vis, self.tcx)
1025                    {
1026                        let def_id = self.local_def_id(id);
1027                        self.lint_buffer.buffer_lint(
1028                            UNUSED_IMPORTS,
1029                            id,
1030                            import.span,
1031                            BuiltinLintDiag::RedundantImportVisibility {
1032                                max_vis: max_vis.to_string(def_id, self.tcx),
1033                                import_vis: import.vis.to_string(def_id, self.tcx),
1034                                span: import.span,
1035                            },
1036                        );
1037                    }
1038                    return None;
1039                }
1040                _ => unreachable!(),
1041            };
1043        if self.privacy_errors.len() != privacy_errors_len {
1044            // Get the Res for the last element, so that we can point to alternative ways of
1045            // importing it if available.
1046            let mut path = import.module_path.clone();
1047            path.push(Segment::from_ident(ident));
1048            if let PathResult::Module(ModuleOrUniformRoot::Module(module)) = self.resolve_path(
1049                &path,
1050                None,
1051                &import.parent_scope,
1052                Some(finalize),
1053                ignore_binding,
1054                None,
1055            ) {
1056                let res = module.res().map(|r| (r, ident));
1057                for error in &mut self.privacy_errors[privacy_errors_len..] {
1058                    error.outermost_res = res;
1059                }
1060            }
1061        }
1063        let mut all_ns_err = true;
1064        self.per_ns(|this, ns| {
1065            if !type_ns_only || ns == TypeNS {
1066                let binding = this.resolve_ident_in_module(
1067                    module,
1068                    ident,
1069                    ns,
1070                    &import.parent_scope,
1071                    Some(Finalize { report_private: false, ..finalize }),
1072                    target_bindings[ns].get(),
1073                    Some(import),
1074                );
1076                match binding {
1077                    Ok(binding) => {
1078                        // Consistency checks, analogous to `finalize_macro_resolutions`.
1079                        let initial_res = source_bindings[ns].get().map(|initial_binding| {
1080                            all_ns_err = false;
1081                            if let Some(target_binding) = target_bindings[ns].get()
1082                                && == kw::Underscore
1083                                && initial_binding.is_extern_crate()
1084                                && !initial_binding.is_import()
1085                            {
1086                                let used = if import.module_path.is_empty() {
1087                                    Used::Scope
1088                                } else {
1089                                    Used::Other
1090                                };
1091                                this.record_use(ident, target_binding, used);
1092                            }
1093                            initial_binding.res()
1094                        });
1095                        let res = binding.res();
1096                        let has_ambiguity_error =
1097                            this.ambiguity_errors.iter().any(|error| !error.warning);
1098                        if res == Res::Err || has_ambiguity_error {
1099                            this.dcx()
1100                                .span_delayed_bug(import.span, "some error happened for an import");
1101                            return;
1102                        }
1103                        if let Ok(initial_res) = initial_res {
1104                            if res != initial_res {
1105                                span_bug!(import.span, "inconsistent resolution for an import");
1106                            }
1107                        } else if this.privacy_errors.is_empty() {
1108                            this.dcx()
1109                                .create_err(CannotDetermineImportResolution { span: import.span })
1110                                .emit();
1111                        }
1112                    }
1113                    Err(..) => {
1114                        // FIXME: This assert may fire if public glob is later shadowed by a private
1115                        // single import (see test ``). In theory single imports should
1116                        // always block globs, even if they are not yet resolved, so that this kind of
1117                        // self-inconsistent resolution never happens.
1118                        // Re-enable the assert when the issue is fixed.
1119                        // assert!(result[ns].get().is_err());
1120                    }
1121                }
1122            }
1123        });
1125        if all_ns_err {
1126            let mut all_ns_failed = true;
1127            self.per_ns(|this, ns| {
1128                if !type_ns_only || ns == TypeNS {
1129                    let binding = this.resolve_ident_in_module(
1130                        module,
1131                        ident,
1132                        ns,
1133                        &import.parent_scope,
1134                        Some(finalize),
1135                        None,
1136                        None,
1137                    );
1138                    if binding.is_ok() {
1139                        all_ns_failed = false;
1140                    }
1141                }
1142            });
1144            return if all_ns_failed {
1145                let resolutions = match module {
1146                    ModuleOrUniformRoot::Module(module) => Some(self.resolutions(module).borrow()),
1147                    _ => None,
1148                };
1149                let resolutions = resolutions.as_ref().into_iter().flat_map(|r| r.iter());
1150                let names = resolutions
1151                    .filter_map(|(BindingKey { ident: i, .. }, resolution)| {
1152                        if == {
1153                            return None;
1154                        } // Never suggest the same name
1155                        match *resolution.borrow() {
1156                            NameResolution { binding: Some(name_binding), .. } => {
1157                                match name_binding.kind {
1158                                    NameBindingKind::Import { binding, .. } => {
1159                                        match binding.kind {
1160                                            // Never suggest the name that has binding error
1161                                            // i.e., the name that cannot be previously resolved
1162                                            NameBindingKind::Res(Res::Err) => None,
1163                                            _ => Some(,
1164                                        }
1165                                    }
1166                                    _ => Some(,
1167                                }
1168                            }
1169                            NameResolution { ref single_imports, .. }
1170                                if single_imports.is_empty() =>
1171                            {
1172                                None
1173                            }
1174                            _ => Some(,
1175                        }
1176                    })
1177                    .collect::<Vec<Symbol>>();
1179                let lev_suggestion =
1180                    find_best_match_for_name(&names,, None).map(|suggestion| {
1181                        (
1182                            vec![(ident.span, suggestion.to_string())],
1183                            String::from("a similar name exists in the module"),
1184                            Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
1185                        )
1186                    });
1188                let (suggestion, note) =
1189                    match self.check_for_module_export_macro(import, module, ident) {
1190                        Some((suggestion, note)) => (suggestion.or(lev_suggestion), note),
1191                        _ => (lev_suggestion, None),
1192                    };
1194                let label = match module {
1195                    ModuleOrUniformRoot::Module(module) => {
1196                        let module_str = module_to_string(module);
1197                        if let Some(module_str) = module_str {
1198                            format!("no `{ident}` in `{module_str}`")
1199                        } else {
1200                            format!("no `{ident}` in the root")
1201                        }
1202                    }
1203                    _ => {
1204                        if !ident.is_path_segment_keyword() {
1205                            format!("no external crate `{ident}`")
1206                        } else {
1207                            // HACK(eddyb) this shows up for `self` & `super`, which
1208                            // should work instead - for now keep the same error message.
1209                            format!("no `{ident}` in the root")
1210                        }
1211                    }
1212                };
1214                let parent_suggestion =
1215                    self.lookup_import_candidates(ident, TypeNS, &import.parent_scope, |_| true);
1217                Some(UnresolvedImportError {
1218                    span: import.span,
1219                    label: Some(label),
1220                    note,
1221                    suggestion,
1222                    candidates: if !parent_suggestion.is_empty() {
1223                        Some(parent_suggestion)
1224                    } else {
1225                        None
1226                    },
1227                    module: import.imported_module.get().and_then(|module| {
1228                        if let ModuleOrUniformRoot::Module(m) = module {
1229                            m.opt_def_id()
1230                        } else {
1231                            None
1232                        }
1233                    }),
1234                    segment: Some(,
1235                })
1236            } else {
1237                // `resolve_ident_in_module` reported a privacy error.
1238                None
1239            };
1240        }
1242        let mut reexport_error = None;
1243        let mut any_successful_reexport = false;
1244        let mut crate_private_reexport = false;
1245        self.per_ns(|this, ns| {
1246            let Ok(binding) = source_bindings[ns].get() else {
1247                return;
1248            };
1250            if !binding.vis.is_at_least(import.vis, this.tcx) {
1251                reexport_error = Some((ns, binding));
1252                if let ty::Visibility::Restricted(binding_def_id) = binding.vis
1253                    && binding_def_id.is_top_level_module()
1254                {
1255                    crate_private_reexport = true;
1256                }
1257            } else {
1258                any_successful_reexport = true;
1259            }
1260        });
1262        // All namespaces must be re-exported with extra visibility for an error to occur.
1263        if !any_successful_reexport {
1264            let (ns, binding) = reexport_error.unwrap();
1265            if let Some(extern_crate_id) = pub_use_of_private_extern_crate_hack(import, binding) {
1266                self.lint_buffer.buffer_lint(
1267                    PUB_USE_OF_PRIVATE_EXTERN_CRATE,
1268                    import_id,
1269                    import.span,
1270                    BuiltinLintDiag::PrivateExternCrateReexport {
1271                        source: ident,
1272                        extern_crate_span: self.tcx.source_span(self.local_def_id(extern_crate_id)),
1273                    },
1274                );
1275            } else if ns == TypeNS {
1276                let err = if crate_private_reexport {
1277                    self.dcx()
1278                        .create_err(CannotBeReexportedCratePublicNS { span: import.span, ident })
1279                } else {
1280                    self.dcx().create_err(CannotBeReexportedPrivateNS { span: import.span, ident })
1281                };
1282                err.emit();
1283            } else {
1284                let mut err = if crate_private_reexport {
1285                    self.dcx()
1286                        .create_err(CannotBeReexportedCratePublic { span: import.span, ident })
1287                } else {
1288                    self.dcx().create_err(CannotBeReexportedPrivate { span: import.span, ident })
1289                };
1291                match binding.kind {
1292                        NameBindingKind::Res(Res::Def(DefKind::Macro(_), def_id))
1293                            // exclude decl_macro
1294                            if self.get_macro_by_def_id(def_id).macro_rules =>
1295                        {
1296                            err.subdiagnostic( ConsiderAddingMacroExport {
1297                                span: binding.span,
1298                            });
1299                        }
1300                        _ => {
1301                            err.subdiagnostic( ConsiderMarkingAsPub {
1302                                span: import.span,
1303                                ident,
1304                            });
1305                        }
1306                    }
1307                err.emit();
1308            }
1309        }
1311        if import.module_path.len() <= 1 {
1312            // HACK(eddyb) `lint_if_path_starts_with_module` needs at least
1313            // 2 segments, so the `resolve_path` above won't trigger it.
1314            let mut full_path = import.module_path.clone();
1315            full_path.push(Segment::from_ident(ident));
1316            self.per_ns(|this, ns| {
1317                if let Ok(binding) = source_bindings[ns].get() {
1318                    this.lint_if_path_starts_with_module(Some(finalize), &full_path, Some(binding));
1319                }
1320            });
1321        }
1323        // Record what this import resolves to for later uses in documentation,
1324        // this may resolve to either a value or a type, but for documentation
1325        // purposes it's good enough to just favor one over the other.
1326        self.per_ns(|this, ns| {
1327            if let Ok(binding) = source_bindings[ns].get() {
1328                this.import_res_map.entry(import_id).or_default()[ns] = Some(binding.res());
1329            }
1330        });
1332        debug!("(resolving single import) successfully resolved import");
1333        None
1334    }
1336    pub(crate) fn check_for_redundant_imports(&mut self, import: Import<'ra>) -> bool {
1337        // This function is only called for single imports.
1338        let ImportKind::Single {
1339            source, target, ref source_bindings, ref target_bindings, id, ..
1340        } = import.kind
1341        else {
1342            unreachable!()
1343        };
1345        // Skip if the import is of the form `use source as target` and source != target.
1346        if source != target {
1347            return false;
1348        }
1350        // Skip if the import was produced by a macro.
1351        if import.parent_scope.expansion != LocalExpnId::ROOT {
1352            return false;
1353        }
1355        // Skip if we are inside a named module (in contrast to an anonymous
1356        // module defined by a block).
1357        // Skip if the import is public or was used through non scope-based resolution,
1358        // e.g. through a module-relative path.
1359        if self.import_use_map.get(&import) == Some(&Used::Other)
1360            || self.effective_visibilities.is_exported(self.local_def_id(id))
1361        {
1362            return false;
1363        }
1365        let mut is_redundant = true;
1366        let mut redundant_span = PerNS { value_ns: None, type_ns: None, macro_ns: None };
1367        self.per_ns(|this, ns| {
1368            if is_redundant && let Ok(binding) = source_bindings[ns].get() {
1369                if binding.res() == Res::Err {
1370                    return;
1371                }
1373                match this.early_resolve_ident_in_lexical_scope(
1374                    target,
1375                    ScopeSet::All(ns),
1376                    &import.parent_scope,
1377                    None,
1378                    false,
1379                    target_bindings[ns].get(),
1380                    None,
1381                ) {
1382                    Ok(other_binding) => {
1383                        is_redundant = binding.res() == other_binding.res()
1384                            && !other_binding.is_ambiguity_recursive();
1385                        if is_redundant {
1386                            redundant_span[ns] =
1387                                Some((other_binding.span, other_binding.is_import()));
1388                        }
1389                    }
1390                    Err(_) => is_redundant = false,
1391                }
1392            }
1393        });
1395        if is_redundant && !redundant_span.is_empty() {
1396            let mut redundant_spans: Vec<_> = redundant_span.present_items().collect();
1397            redundant_spans.sort();
1398            redundant_spans.dedup();
1399            self.lint_buffer.buffer_lint(
1400                REDUNDANT_IMPORTS,
1401                id,
1402                import.span,
1403                BuiltinLintDiag::RedundantImport(redundant_spans, source),
1404            );
1405            return true;
1406        }
1408        false
1409    }
1411    fn resolve_glob_import(&mut self, import: Import<'ra>) {
1412        // This function is only called for glob imports.
1413        let ImportKind::Glob { id, is_prelude, .. } = import.kind else { unreachable!() };
1415        let ModuleOrUniformRoot::Module(module) = import.imported_module.get().unwrap() else {
1416            self.dcx().emit_err(CannotGlobImportAllCrates { span: import.span });
1417            return;
1418        };
1420        if module.is_trait() {
1421            self.dcx().emit_err(ItemsInTraitsAreNotImportable { span: import.span });
1422            return;
1423        } else if module == import.parent_scope.module {
1424            return;
1425        } else if is_prelude {
1426            self.prelude = Some(module);
1427            return;
1428        }
1430        // Add to module's glob_importers
1431        module.glob_importers.borrow_mut().push(import);
1433        // Ensure that `resolutions` isn't borrowed during `try_define`,
1434        // since it might get updated via a glob cycle.
1435        let bindings = self
1436            .resolutions(module)
1437            .borrow()
1438            .iter()
1439            .filter_map(|(key, resolution)| {
1440                resolution.borrow().binding().map(|binding| (*key, binding))
1441            })
1442            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
1443        for (mut key, binding) in bindings {
1444            let scope = match key.ident.span.reverse_glob_adjust(module.expansion, import.span) {
1445                Some(Some(def)) => self.expn_def_scope(def),
1446                Some(None) => import.parent_scope.module,
1447                None => continue,
1448            };
1449            if self.is_accessible_from(binding.vis, scope) {
1450                let imported_binding = self.import(binding, import);
1451                let warn_ambiguity = self
1452                    .resolution(import.parent_scope.module, key)
1453                    .borrow()
1454                    .binding()
1455                    .is_some_and(|binding| binding.warn_ambiguity_recursive());
1456                let _ = self.try_define(
1457                    import.parent_scope.module,
1458                    key,
1459                    imported_binding,
1460                    warn_ambiguity,
1461                );
1462            }
1463        }
1465        // Record the destination of this import
1466        self.record_partial_res(id, PartialRes::new(module.res().unwrap()));
1467    }
1469    // Miscellaneous post-processing, including recording re-exports,
1470    // reporting conflicts, and reporting unresolved imports.
1471    fn finalize_resolutions_in(&mut self, module: Module<'ra>) {
1472        // Since import resolution is finished, globs will not define any more names.
1473        *module.globs.borrow_mut() = Vec::new();
1475        let Some(def_id) = module.opt_def_id() else { return };
1477        let mut children = Vec::new();
1479        module.for_each_child(self, |this, ident, _, binding| {
1480            let res = binding.res().expect_non_local();
1481            let error_ambiguity = binding.is_ambiguity_recursive() && !binding.warn_ambiguity;
1482            if res != def::Res::Err && !error_ambiguity {
1483                let mut reexport_chain = SmallVec::new();
1484                let mut next_binding = binding;
1485                while let NameBindingKind::Import { binding, import, .. } = next_binding.kind {
1486                    reexport_chain.push(import.simplify(this));
1487                    next_binding = binding;
1488                }
1490                children.push(ModChild { ident, res, vis: binding.vis, reexport_chain });
1491            }
1492        });
1494        if !children.is_empty() {
1495            // Should be fine because this code is only called for local modules.
1496            self.module_children.insert(def_id.expect_local(), children);
1497        }
1498    }
1501fn import_path_to_string(names: &[Ident], import_kind: &ImportKind<'_>, span: Span) -> String {
1502    let pos = names.iter().position(|p| span == p.span && != kw::PathRoot);
1503    let global = !names.is_empty() && names[0].name == kw::PathRoot;
1504    if let Some(pos) = pos {
1505        let names = if global { &names[1..pos + 1] } else { &names[..pos + 1] };
1506        names_to_string(names.iter().map(|ident|
1507    } else {
1508        let names = if global { &names[1..] } else { names };
1509        if names.is_empty() {
1510            import_kind_to_string(import_kind)
1511        } else {
1512            format!(
1513                "{}::{}",
1514                names_to_string(names.iter().map(|ident|,
1515                import_kind_to_string(import_kind),
1516            )
1517        }
1518    }
1521fn import_kind_to_string(import_kind: &ImportKind<'_>) -> String {
1522    match import_kind {
1523        ImportKind::Single { source, .. } => source.to_string(),
1524        ImportKind::Glob { .. } => "*".to_string(),
1525        ImportKind::ExternCrate { .. } => "<extern crate>".to_string(),
1526        ImportKind::MacroUse { .. } => "#[macro_use]".to_string(),
1527        ImportKind::MacroExport => "#[macro_export]".to_string(),
1528    }