
1use rustc_hir::lang_items::LangItem;
2use rustc_index::IndexVec;
3use rustc_middle::mir::visit::{MutatingUseContext, NonMutatingUseContext, PlaceContext, Visitor};
4use rustc_middle::mir::*;
5use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
6use tracing::{debug, trace};
8/// Details of a pointer check, the condition on which we decide whether to
9/// fail the assert and an [AssertKind] that defines the behavior on failure.
10pub(crate) struct PointerCheck<'tcx> {
11    pub(crate) cond: Operand<'tcx>,
12    pub(crate) assert_kind: Box<AssertKind<Operand<'tcx>>>,
15/// Indicates whether we insert the checks for borrow places of a raw pointer.
16/// Concretely places with [MutatingUseContext::Borrow] or
17/// [NonMutatingUseContext::SharedBorrow].
18#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
19pub(crate) enum BorrowCheckMode {
20    IncludeBorrows,
21    ExcludeBorrows,
24/// Utility for adding a check for read/write on every sized, raw pointer.
26/// Visits every read/write access to a [Sized], raw pointer and inserts a
27/// new basic block directly before the pointer access. (Read/write accesses
28/// are determined by the `PlaceContext` of the MIR visitor.) Then calls
29/// `on_finding` to insert the actual logic for a pointer check (e.g. check for
30/// alignment). A check can choose to be inserted for (mutable) borrows of
31/// raw pointers via the `borrow_check_mode` parameter.
33/// This utility takes care of the right order of blocks, the only thing a
34/// caller must do in `on_finding` is:
35/// - Append [Statement]s to `stmts`.
36/// - Append [LocalDecl]s to `local_decls`.
37/// - Return a [PointerCheck] that contains the condition and an [AssertKind].
38///   The AssertKind must be a panic with `#[rustc_nounwind]`. The condition
39///   should always return the boolean `is_ok`, so evaluate to true in case of
40///   success and fail the check otherwise.
41/// This utility will insert a terminator block that asserts on the condition
42/// and panics on failure.
43pub(crate) fn check_pointers<'tcx, F>(
44    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
45    body: &mut Body<'tcx>,
46    excluded_pointees: &[Ty<'tcx>],
47    on_finding: F,
48    borrow_check_mode: BorrowCheckMode,
49) where
50    F: Fn(
51        /* tcx: */ TyCtxt<'tcx>,
52        /* pointer: */ Place<'tcx>,
53        /* pointee_ty: */ Ty<'tcx>,
54        /* context: */ PlaceContext,
55        /* local_decls: */ &mut IndexVec<Local, LocalDecl<'tcx>>,
56        /* stmts: */ &mut Vec<Statement<'tcx>>,
57        /* source_info: */ SourceInfo,
58    ) -> PointerCheck<'tcx>,
60    // This pass emits new panics. If for whatever reason we do not have a panic
61    // implementation, running this pass may cause otherwise-valid code to not compile.
62    if tcx.lang_items().get(LangItem::PanicImpl).is_none() {
63        return;
64    }
66    let typing_env = body.typing_env(tcx);
67    let basic_blocks = body.basic_blocks.as_mut();
68    let local_decls = &mut body.local_decls;
70    // This operation inserts new blocks. Each insertion changes the Location for all
71    // statements/blocks after. Iterating or visiting the MIR in order would require updating
72    // our current location after every insertion. By iterating backwards, we dodge this issue:
73    // The only Locations that an insertion changes have already been handled.
74    for block in (0..basic_blocks.len()).rev() {
75        let block = block.into();
76        for statement_index in (0..basic_blocks[block].statements.len()).rev() {
77            let location = Location { block, statement_index };
78            let statement = &basic_blocks[block].statements[statement_index];
79            let source_info = statement.source_info;
81            let mut finder = PointerFinder::new(
82                tcx,
83                local_decls,
84                typing_env,
85                excluded_pointees,
86                borrow_check_mode,
87            );
88            finder.visit_statement(statement, location);
90            for (local, ty, context) in finder.into_found_pointers() {
91                debug!("Inserting check for {:?}", ty);
92                let new_block = split_block(basic_blocks, location);
94                // Invoke `on_finding` which appends to `local_decls` and the
95                // blocks statements. It returns information about the assert
96                // we're performing in the Terminator.
97                let block_data = &mut basic_blocks[block];
98                let pointer_check = on_finding(
99                    tcx,
100                    local,
101                    ty,
102                    context,
103                    local_decls,
104                    &mut block_data.statements,
105                    source_info,
106                );
107                block_data.terminator = Some(Terminator {
108                    source_info,
109                    kind: TerminatorKind::Assert {
110                        cond: pointer_check.cond,
111                        expected: true,
112                        target: new_block,
113                        msg: pointer_check.assert_kind,
114                        // This calls a panic function associated with the pointer check, which
115                        // is #[rustc_nounwind]. We never want to insert an unwind into unsafe
116                        // code, because unwinding could make a failing UB check turn into much
117                        // worse UB when we start unwinding.
118                        unwind: UnwindAction::Unreachable,
119                    },
120                });
121            }
122        }
123    }
126struct PointerFinder<'a, 'tcx> {
127    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
128    local_decls: &'a mut LocalDecls<'tcx>,
129    typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
130    pointers: Vec<(Place<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>, PlaceContext)>,
131    excluded_pointees: &'a [Ty<'tcx>],
132    borrow_check_mode: BorrowCheckMode,
135impl<'a, 'tcx> PointerFinder<'a, 'tcx> {
136    fn new(
137        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
138        local_decls: &'a mut LocalDecls<'tcx>,
139        typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
140        excluded_pointees: &'a [Ty<'tcx>],
141        borrow_check_mode: BorrowCheckMode,
142    ) -> Self {
143        PointerFinder {
144            tcx,
145            local_decls,
146            typing_env,
147            excluded_pointees,
148            pointers: Vec::new(),
149            borrow_check_mode,
150        }
151    }
153    fn into_found_pointers(self) -> Vec<(Place<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>, PlaceContext)> {
154        self.pointers
155    }
157    /// Whether or not we should visit a [Place] with [PlaceContext].
158    ///
159    /// We generally only visit Reads/Writes to a place and only Borrows if
160    /// requested.
161    fn should_visit_place(&self, context: PlaceContext) -> bool {
162        match context {
163            PlaceContext::MutatingUse(
164                MutatingUseContext::Store
165                | MutatingUseContext::Call
166                | MutatingUseContext::Yield
167                | MutatingUseContext::Drop,
168            ) => true,
169            PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(
170                NonMutatingUseContext::Copy | NonMutatingUseContext::Move,
171            ) => true,
172            PlaceContext::MutatingUse(MutatingUseContext::Borrow)
173            | PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(NonMutatingUseContext::SharedBorrow) => {
174                matches!(self.borrow_check_mode, BorrowCheckMode::IncludeBorrows)
175            }
176            _ => false,
177        }
178    }
181impl<'a, 'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for PointerFinder<'a, 'tcx> {
182    fn visit_place(&mut self, place: &Place<'tcx>, context: PlaceContext, location: Location) {
183        if !self.should_visit_place(context) || !place.is_indirect() {
184            return;
185        }
187        // Since Deref projections must come first and only once, the pointer for an indirect place
188        // is the Local that the Place is based on.
189        let pointer = Place::from(place.local);
190        let pointer_ty = self.local_decls[place.local].ty;
192        // We only want to check places based on raw pointers
193        if !pointer_ty.is_raw_ptr() {
194            trace!("Indirect, but not based on an raw ptr, not checking {:?}", place);
195            return;
196        }
198        let pointee_ty =
199            pointer_ty.builtin_deref(true).expect("no builtin_deref for an raw pointer");
200        // Ideally we'd support this in the future, but for now we are limited to sized types.
201        if !pointee_ty.is_sized(self.tcx, self.typing_env) {
202            trace!("Raw pointer, but pointee is not known to be sized: {:?}", pointer_ty);
203            return;
204        }
206        // We don't need to look for slices, we already rejected unsized types above.
207        let element_ty = match pointee_ty.kind() {
208            ty::Array(ty, _) => *ty,
209            _ => pointee_ty,
210        };
211        if self.excluded_pointees.contains(&element_ty) {
212            trace!("Skipping pointer for type: {:?}", pointee_ty);
213            return;
214        }
216        self.pointers.push((pointer, pointee_ty, context));
218        self.super_place(place, context, location);
219    }
222fn split_block(
223    basic_blocks: &mut IndexVec<BasicBlock, BasicBlockData<'_>>,
224    location: Location,
225) -> BasicBlock {
226    let block_data = &mut basic_blocks[location.block];
228    // Drain every statement after this one and move the current terminator to a new basic block.
229    let new_block = BasicBlockData {
230        statements: block_data.statements.split_off(location.statement_index),
231        terminator: block_data.terminator.take(),
232        is_cleanup: block_data.is_cleanup,
233    };
235    basic_blocks.push(new_block)