
1//! Implements a map from integer indices to data.
2//! Rather than storing data for every index, internally, this maps entire ranges to the data.
3//! To this end, the APIs all work on ranges, not on individual integers. Ranges are split as
4//! necessary (e.g., when [0,5) is first associated with X, and then [1,2) is mutated).
5//! Users must not depend on whether a range is coalesced or not, even though this is observable
6//! via the iteration APIs.
8use std::ops;
10use rustc_abi::Size;
12#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
13struct Elem<T> {
14    /// The range covered by this element; never empty.
15    range: ops::Range<u64>,
16    /// The data stored for this element.
17    data: T,
19#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
20pub struct RangeMap<T> {
21    v: Vec<Elem<T>>,
24impl<T> RangeMap<T> {
25    /// Creates a new `RangeMap` for the given size, and with the given initial value used for
26    /// the entire range.
27    #[inline(always)]
28    pub fn new(size: Size, init: T) -> RangeMap<T> {
29        let size = size.bytes();
30        let v = if size > 0 { vec![Elem { range: 0..size, data: init }] } else { Vec::new() };
31        RangeMap { v }
32    }
34    /// Finds the index containing the given offset.
35    fn find_offset(&self, offset: u64) -> usize {
36        self.v
37            .binary_search_by(|elem| -> std::cmp::Ordering {
38                if offset < elem.range.start {
39                    // We are too far right (offset is further left).
40                    // (`Greater` means that `elem` is greater than the desired target.)
41                    std::cmp::Ordering::Greater
42                } else if offset >= elem.range.end {
43                    // We are too far left (offset is further right).
44                    std::cmp::Ordering::Less
45                } else {
46                    // This is it!
47                    std::cmp::Ordering::Equal
48                }
49            })
50            .unwrap()
51    }
53    /// Provides read-only iteration over everything in the given range. This does
54    /// *not* split items if they overlap with the edges. Do not use this to mutate
55    /// through interior mutability.
56    ///
57    /// The iterator also provides the range of the given element.
58    /// How exactly the ranges are split can differ even for otherwise identical
59    /// maps, so user-visible behavior should never depend on the exact range.
60    pub fn iter(&self, offset: Size, len: Size) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ops::Range<u64>, &T)> {
61        let offset = offset.bytes();
62        let len = len.bytes();
63        // Compute a slice starting with the elements we care about.
64        let slice: &[Elem<T>] = if len == 0 {
65            // We just need any empty iterator. We don't even want to
66            // yield the element that surrounds this position.
67            &[]
68        } else {
69            let first_idx = self.find_offset(offset);
70            &self.v[first_idx..]
71        };
72        // The first offset that is not included any more.
73        let end = offset + len;
74        assert!(
75            end <= self.v.last().unwrap().range.end,
76            "iterating beyond the bounds of this RangeMap"
77        );
78        slice
79            .iter()
80            .take_while(move |elem| elem.range.start < end)
81            .map(|elem| (elem.range.clone(), &elem.data))
82    }
84    /// Provides mutable iteration over all elements.
85    /// The iterator also provides the range of the given element.
86    /// How exactly the ranges are split can differ even for otherwise identical
87    /// maps, so user-visible behavior should never depend on the exact range.
88    pub fn iter_mut_all(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ops::Range<u64>, &mut T)> {
89        self.v.iter_mut().map(|elem| (elem.range.clone(), &mut elem.data))
90    }
92    /// Provides iteration over all elements.
93    /// The iterator also provides the range of the given element.
94    /// How exactly the ranges are split can differ even for otherwise identical
95    /// maps, so user-visible behavior should never depend on the exact range.
96    pub fn iter_all(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ops::Range<u64>, &T)> {
97        self.v.iter().map(|elem| (elem.range.clone(), &elem.data))
98    }
100    // Splits the element situated at the given `index`, such that the 2nd one starts at offset
101    // `split_offset`. Do nothing if the element already starts there.
102    // Returns whether a split was necessary.
103    fn split_index(&mut self, index: usize, split_offset: u64) -> bool
104    where
105        T: Clone,
106    {
107        let elem = &mut self.v[index];
108        if split_offset == elem.range.start || split_offset == elem.range.end {
109            // Nothing to do.
110            return false;
111        }
112        debug_assert!(
113            elem.range.contains(&split_offset),
114            "the `split_offset` is not in the element to be split"
115        );
117        // Now we really have to split. Reduce length of first element.
118        let second_range = split_offset..elem.range.end;
119        elem.range.end = split_offset;
120        // Copy the data, and insert second element.
121        let second = Elem { range: second_range, data: elem.data.clone() };
122        self.v.insert(index + 1, second);
123        true
124    }
126    /// Provides mutable iteration over everything in the given range. As a side-effect,
127    /// this will split entries in the map that are only partially hit by the given range,
128    /// to make sure that when they are mutated, the effect is constrained to the given range.
129    /// Moreover, this will opportunistically merge neighbouring equal blocks.
130    ///
131    /// The iterator also provides the range of the given element.
132    /// How exactly the ranges are split (both prior to and resulting from the execution of this
133    /// function) can differ even for otherwise identical maps,
134    /// so user-visible behavior should never depend on the exact range.
135    pub fn iter_mut(
136        &mut self,
137        offset: Size,
138        len: Size,
139    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ops::Range<u64>, &mut T)>
140    where
141        T: Clone + PartialEq,
142    {
143        let offset = offset.bytes();
144        let len = len.bytes();
145        // Compute a slice containing exactly the elements we care about
146        let slice: &mut [Elem<T>] = if len == 0 {
147            // We just need any empty iterator. We don't even want to
148            // yield the element that surrounds this position, nor do
149            // any splitting.
150            &mut []
151        } else {
152            // Make sure we got a clear beginning
153            let mut first_idx = self.find_offset(offset);
154            if self.split_index(first_idx, offset) {
155                // The newly created 2nd element is ours
156                first_idx += 1;
157            }
158            // No more mutation.
159            let first_idx = first_idx;
160            // Find our end. Linear scan, but that's ok because the iteration
161            // is doing the same linear scan anyway -- no increase in complexity.
162            // We combine this scan with a scan for duplicates that we can merge, to reduce
163            // the number of elements.
164            // We stop searching after the first "block" of size 1, to avoid spending excessive
165            // amounts of time on the merging.
166            let mut equal_since_idx = first_idx;
167            // Once we see too many non-mergeable blocks, we stop.
168            // The initial value is chosen via... magic. Benchmarking and magic.
169            let mut successful_merge_count = 3usize;
170            // When the loop is done, this is the first excluded element.
171            let mut end_idx = first_idx;
172            loop {
173                // Compute if `end` is the last element we need to look at.
174                let done = self.v[end_idx].range.end >= offset + len;
175                // We definitely need to include `end`, so move the index.
176                end_idx += 1;
177                debug_assert!(
178                    done || end_idx < self.v.len(),
179                    "iter_mut: end-offset {} is out-of-bounds",
180                    offset + len
181                );
182                // see if we want to merge everything in `equal_since..end` (exclusive at the end!)
183                if successful_merge_count > 0 {
184                    if done || self.v[end_idx].data != self.v[equal_since_idx].data {
185                        // Everything in `equal_since..end` was equal. Make them just one element covering
186                        // the entire range.
187                        let removed_elems = end_idx - equal_since_idx - 1; // number of elements that we would remove
188                        if removed_elems > 0 {
189                            // Adjust the range of the first element to cover all of them.
190                            let equal_until = self.v[end_idx - 1].range.end; // end of range of last of the equal elements
191                            self.v[equal_since_idx].range.end = equal_until;
192                            // Delete the rest of them.
193                            self.v.splice(equal_since_idx + 1..end_idx, std::iter::empty());
194                            // Adjust `end_idx` because we made the list shorter.
195                            end_idx -= removed_elems;
196                            // Adjust the count for the cutoff.
197                            successful_merge_count += removed_elems;
198                        } else {
199                            // Adjust the count for the cutoff.
200                            successful_merge_count -= 1;
201                        }
202                        // Go on scanning for the next block starting here.
203                        equal_since_idx = end_idx;
204                    }
205                }
206                // Leave loop if this is the last element.
207                if done {
208                    break;
209                }
210            }
211            // Move to last included instead of first excluded index.
212            let end_idx = end_idx - 1;
213            // We need to split the end as well. Even if this performs a
214            // split, we don't have to adjust our index as we only care about
215            // the first part of the split.
216            self.split_index(end_idx, offset + len);
217            // Now we yield the slice. `end` is inclusive.
218            &mut self.v[first_idx..=end_idx]
219        };
220        slice.iter_mut().map(|elem| (elem.range.clone(), &mut elem.data))
221    }
223    /// Remove all adjacent duplicates
224    pub fn merge_adjacent_thorough(&mut self)
225    where
226        T: PartialEq,
227    {
228        let clean = Vec::with_capacity(self.v.len());
229        for elem in std::mem::replace(&mut self.v, clean) {
230            if let Some(prev) = self.v.last_mut() {
231                if prev.data == elem.data {
232                    assert_eq!(prev.range.end, elem.range.start);
233                    prev.range.end = elem.range.end;
234                    continue;
235                }
236            }
237            self.v.push(elem);
238        }
239    }
243mod tests {
244    use super::*;
246    /// Query the map at every offset in the range and collect the results.
247    fn to_vec<T: Copy>(map: &RangeMap<T>, offset: u64, len: u64) -> Vec<T> {
248        (offset..offset + len)
249            .map(|i| {
250                map.iter(Size::from_bytes(i), Size::from_bytes(1)).next().map(|(_, &t)| t).unwrap()
251            })
252            .collect()
253    }
255    #[test]
256    fn basic_insert() {
257        let mut map = RangeMap::<i32>::new(Size::from_bytes(20), -1);
258        // Insert.
259        for (_, x) in map.iter_mut(Size::from_bytes(10), Size::from_bytes(1)) {
260            *x = 42;
261        }
262        // Check.
263        assert_eq!(to_vec(&map, 10, 1), vec![42]);
264        assert_eq!(map.v.len(), 3);
266        // Insert with size 0.
267        for (_, x) in map.iter_mut(Size::from_bytes(10), Size::from_bytes(0)) {
268            *x = 19;
269        }
270        for (_, x) in map.iter_mut(Size::from_bytes(11), Size::from_bytes(0)) {
271            *x = 19;
272        }
273        assert_eq!(to_vec(&map, 10, 2), vec![42, -1]);
274        assert_eq!(map.v.len(), 3);
275    }
277    #[test]
278    fn gaps() {
279        let mut map = RangeMap::<i32>::new(Size::from_bytes(20), -1);
280        for (_, x) in map.iter_mut(Size::from_bytes(11), Size::from_bytes(1)) {
281            *x = 42;
282        }
283        for (_, x) in map.iter_mut(Size::from_bytes(15), Size::from_bytes(1)) {
284            *x = 43;
285        }
286        assert_eq!(map.v.len(), 5);
287        assert_eq!(to_vec(&map, 10, 10), vec![-1, 42, -1, -1, -1, 43, -1, -1, -1, -1]);
289        for (_, x) in map.iter_mut(Size::from_bytes(10), Size::from_bytes(10)) {
290            if *x < 42 {
291                *x = 23;
292            }
293        }
294        assert_eq!(map.v.len(), 6);
295        assert_eq!(to_vec(&map, 10, 10), vec![23, 42, 23, 23, 23, 43, 23, 23, 23, 23]);
296        assert_eq!(to_vec(&map, 13, 5), vec![23, 23, 43, 23, 23]);
298        for (_, x) in map.iter_mut(Size::from_bytes(15), Size::from_bytes(5)) {
299            *x = 19;
300        }
301        assert_eq!(map.v.len(), 6);
302        assert_eq!(to_vec(&map, 10, 10), vec![23, 42, 23, 23, 23, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19]);
303        // Should be seeing two blocks with 19.
304        assert_eq!(
305            map.iter(Size::from_bytes(15), Size::from_bytes(2))
306                .map(|(_, &t)| t)
307                .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
308            vec![19, 19]
309        );
311        // A NOP `iter_mut` should trigger merging.
312        for _ in map.iter_mut(Size::from_bytes(15), Size::from_bytes(5)) {}
313        assert_eq!(map.v.len(), 5);
314        assert_eq!(to_vec(&map, 10, 10), vec![23, 42, 23, 23, 23, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19]);
315    }
317    #[test]
318    #[should_panic]
319    fn out_of_range_iter_mut() {
320        let mut map = RangeMap::<i32>::new(Size::from_bytes(20), -1);
321        let _ = map.iter_mut(Size::from_bytes(11), Size::from_bytes(11));
322    }
324    #[test]
325    #[should_panic]
326    fn out_of_range_iter() {
327        let map = RangeMap::<i32>::new(Size::from_bytes(20), -1);
328        let _ = map.iter(Size::from_bytes(11), Size::from_bytes(11));
329    }