
1//! Linux `eventfd` implementation.
2use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
3use std::io;
4use std::io::ErrorKind;
6use crate::concurrency::VClock;
7use crate::shims::files::{FileDescription, FileDescriptionRef, WeakFileDescriptionRef};
8use crate::shims::unix::UnixFileDescription;
9use crate::shims::unix::linux_like::epoll::{EpollReadyEvents, EvalContextExt as _};
10use crate::*;
12/// Maximum value that the eventfd counter can hold.
13const MAX_COUNTER: u64 = u64::MAX - 1;
15/// A kind of file descriptor created by `eventfd`.
16/// The `Event` type isn't currently written to by `eventfd`.
17/// The interface is meant to keep track of objects associated
18/// with a file descriptor. For more information see the man
19/// page below:
21/// <https://man.netbsd.org/eventfd.2>
23struct EventFd {
24    /// The object contains an unsigned 64-bit integer (uint64_t) counter that is maintained by the
25    /// kernel. This counter is initialized with the value specified in the argument initval.
26    counter: Cell<u64>,
27    is_nonblock: bool,
28    clock: RefCell<VClock>,
29    /// A list of thread ids blocked on eventfd::read.
30    blocked_read_tid: RefCell<Vec<ThreadId>>,
31    /// A list of thread ids blocked on eventfd::write.
32    blocked_write_tid: RefCell<Vec<ThreadId>>,
35impl FileDescription for EventFd {
36    fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
37        "event"
38    }
40    fn close<'tcx>(
41        self,
42        _communicate_allowed: bool,
43        _ecx: &mut MiriInterpCx<'tcx>,
44    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, io::Result<()>> {
45        interp_ok(Ok(()))
46    }
48    /// Read the counter in the buffer and return the counter if succeeded.
49    fn read<'tcx>(
50        self: FileDescriptionRef<Self>,
51        _communicate_allowed: bool,
52        ptr: Pointer,
53        len: usize,
54        ecx: &mut MiriInterpCx<'tcx>,
55        finish: DynMachineCallback<'tcx, Result<usize, IoError>>,
56    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
57        // We're treating the buffer as a `u64`.
58        let ty = ecx.machine.layouts.u64;
59        // Check the size of slice, and return error only if the size of the slice < 8.
60        if len < ty.size.bytes_usize() {
61            return finish.call(ecx, Err(ErrorKind::InvalidInput.into()));
62        }
64        // Turn the pointer into a place at the right type.
65        let buf_place = ecx.ptr_to_mplace_unaligned(ptr, ty);
67        eventfd_read(buf_place, self, ecx, finish)
68    }
70    /// A write call adds the 8-byte integer value supplied in
71    /// its buffer (in native endianness) to the counter.  The maximum value that may be
72    /// stored in the counter is the largest unsigned 64-bit value
73    /// minus 1 (i.e., 0xfffffffffffffffe).  If the addition would
74    /// cause the counter's value to exceed the maximum, then the
75    /// write either blocks until a read is performed on the
76    /// file descriptor, or fails with the error EAGAIN if the
77    /// file descriptor has been made nonblocking.
78    ///
79    /// A write fails with the error EINVAL if the size of the
80    /// supplied buffer is less than 8 bytes, or if an attempt is
81    /// made to write the value 0xffffffffffffffff.
82    fn write<'tcx>(
83        self: FileDescriptionRef<Self>,
84        _communicate_allowed: bool,
85        ptr: Pointer,
86        len: usize,
87        ecx: &mut MiriInterpCx<'tcx>,
88        finish: DynMachineCallback<'tcx, Result<usize, IoError>>,
89    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
90        // We're treating the buffer as a `u64`.
91        let ty = ecx.machine.layouts.u64;
92        // Check the size of slice, and return error only if the size of the slice < 8.
93        if len < ty.layout.size.bytes_usize() {
94            return finish.call(ecx, Err(ErrorKind::InvalidInput.into()));
95        }
97        // Turn the pointer into a place at the right type.
98        let buf_place = ecx.ptr_to_mplace_unaligned(ptr, ty);
100        eventfd_write(buf_place, self, ecx, finish)
101    }
103    fn as_unix(&self) -> &dyn UnixFileDescription {
104        self
105    }
108impl UnixFileDescription for EventFd {
109    fn get_epoll_ready_events<'tcx>(&self) -> InterpResult<'tcx, EpollReadyEvents> {
110        // We only check the status of EPOLLIN and EPOLLOUT flags for eventfd. If other event flags
111        // need to be supported in the future, the check should be added here.
113        interp_ok(EpollReadyEvents {
114            epollin: self.counter.get() != 0,
115            epollout: self.counter.get() != MAX_COUNTER,
116            ..EpollReadyEvents::new()
117        })
118    }
121impl<'tcx> EvalContextExt<'tcx> for crate::MiriInterpCx<'tcx> {}
122pub trait EvalContextExt<'tcx>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'tcx> {
123    /// This function creates an `Event` that is used as an event wait/notify mechanism by
124    /// user-space applications, and by the kernel to notify user-space applications of events.
125    /// The `Event` contains an `u64` counter maintained by the kernel. The counter is initialized
126    /// with the value specified in the `initval` argument.
127    ///
128    /// A new file descriptor referring to the `Event` is returned. The `read`, `write`, `poll`,
129    /// `select`, and `close` operations can be performed on the file descriptor. For more
130    /// information on these operations, see the man page linked below.
131    ///
132    /// The `flags` are not currently implemented for eventfd.
133    /// The `flags` may be bitwise ORed to change the behavior of `eventfd`:
134    /// `EFD_CLOEXEC` - Set the close-on-exec (`FD_CLOEXEC`) flag on the new file descriptor.
135    /// `EFD_NONBLOCK` - Set the `O_NONBLOCK` file status flag on the new open file description.
136    /// `EFD_SEMAPHORE` - miri does not support semaphore-like semantics.
137    ///
138    /// <https://linux.die.net/man/2/eventfd>
139    fn eventfd(&mut self, val: &OpTy<'tcx>, flags: &OpTy<'tcx>) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar> {
140        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
142        let val = this.read_scalar(val)?.to_u32()?;
143        let mut flags = this.read_scalar(flags)?.to_i32()?;
145        let efd_cloexec = this.eval_libc_i32("EFD_CLOEXEC");
146        let efd_nonblock = this.eval_libc_i32("EFD_NONBLOCK");
147        let efd_semaphore = this.eval_libc_i32("EFD_SEMAPHORE");
149        if flags & efd_semaphore == efd_semaphore {
150            throw_unsup_format!("eventfd: EFD_SEMAPHORE is unsupported");
151        }
153        let mut is_nonblock = false;
154        // Unset the flag that we support.
155        // After unloading, flags != 0 means other flags are used.
156        if flags & efd_cloexec == efd_cloexec {
157            // cloexec is ignored because Miri does not support exec.
158            flags &= !efd_cloexec;
159        }
160        if flags & efd_nonblock == efd_nonblock {
161            flags &= !efd_nonblock;
162            is_nonblock = true;
163        }
164        if flags != 0 {
165            throw_unsup_format!("eventfd: encountered unknown unsupported flags {:#x}", flags);
166        }
168        let fds = &mut this.machine.fds;
170        let fd_value = fds.insert_new(EventFd {
171            counter: Cell::new(val.into()),
172            is_nonblock,
173            clock: RefCell::new(VClock::default()),
174            blocked_read_tid: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
175            blocked_write_tid: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
176        });
178        interp_ok(Scalar::from_i32(fd_value))
179    }
182/// Block thread if the value addition will exceed u64::MAX -1,
183/// else just add the user-supplied value to current counter.
184fn eventfd_write<'tcx>(
185    buf_place: MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
186    eventfd: FileDescriptionRef<EventFd>,
187    ecx: &mut MiriInterpCx<'tcx>,
188    finish: DynMachineCallback<'tcx, Result<usize, IoError>>,
189) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
190    // Figure out which value we should add.
191    let num = ecx.read_scalar(&buf_place)?.to_u64()?;
192    // u64::MAX as input is invalid because the maximum value of counter is u64::MAX - 1.
193    if num == u64::MAX {
194        return finish.call(ecx, Err(ErrorKind::InvalidInput.into()));
195    }
197    match eventfd.counter.get().checked_add(num) {
198        Some(new_count @ 0..=MAX_COUNTER) => {
199            // Future `read` calls will synchronize with this write, so update the FD clock.
200            ecx.release_clock(|clock| {
201                eventfd.clock.borrow_mut().join(clock);
202            });
204            // Store new counter value.
205            eventfd.counter.set(new_count);
207            // Unblock *all* threads previously blocked on `read`.
208            // We need to take out the blocked thread ids and unblock them together,
209            // because `unblock_threads` may block them again and end up re-adding the
210            // thread to the blocked list.
211            let waiting_threads = std::mem::take(&mut *eventfd.blocked_read_tid.borrow_mut());
212            // FIXME: We can randomize the order of unblocking.
213            for thread_id in waiting_threads {
214                ecx.unblock_thread(thread_id, BlockReason::Eventfd)?;
215            }
217            // The state changed; we check and update the status of all supported event
218            // types for current file description.
219            ecx.check_and_update_readiness(eventfd)?;
221            // Return how many bytes we consumed from the user-provided buffer.
222            return finish.call(ecx, Ok(buf_place.layout.size.bytes_usize()));
223        }
224        None | Some(u64::MAX) => {
225            // We can't update the state, so we have to block.
226            if eventfd.is_nonblock {
227                return finish.call(ecx, Err(ErrorKind::WouldBlock.into()));
228            }
230            eventfd.blocked_write_tid.borrow_mut().push(ecx.active_thread());
232            let weak_eventfd = FileDescriptionRef::downgrade(&eventfd);
233            ecx.block_thread(
234                BlockReason::Eventfd,
235                None,
236                callback!(
237                    @capture<'tcx> {
238                        num: u64,
239                        buf_place: MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
240                        finish: DynMachineCallback<'tcx, Result<usize, IoError>>,
241                        weak_eventfd: WeakFileDescriptionRef<EventFd>,
242                    }
243                    |this, unblock: UnblockKind| {
244                        assert_eq!(unblock, UnblockKind::Ready);
245                        // When we get unblocked, try again. We know the ref is still valid,
246                        // otherwise there couldn't be a `write` that unblocks us.
247                        let eventfd_ref = weak_eventfd.upgrade().unwrap();
248                        eventfd_write(buf_place, eventfd_ref, this, finish)
249                    }
250                ),
251            );
252        }
253    };
254    interp_ok(())
257/// Block thread if the current counter is 0,
258/// else just return the current counter value to the caller and set the counter to 0.
259fn eventfd_read<'tcx>(
260    buf_place: MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
261    eventfd: FileDescriptionRef<EventFd>,
262    ecx: &mut MiriInterpCx<'tcx>,
263    finish: DynMachineCallback<'tcx, Result<usize, IoError>>,
264) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
265    // Set counter to 0, get old value.
266    let counter = eventfd.counter.replace(0);
268    // Block when counter == 0.
269    if counter == 0 {
270        if eventfd.is_nonblock {
271            return finish.call(ecx, Err(ErrorKind::WouldBlock.into()));
272        }
274        eventfd.blocked_read_tid.borrow_mut().push(ecx.active_thread());
276        let weak_eventfd = FileDescriptionRef::downgrade(&eventfd);
277        ecx.block_thread(
278            BlockReason::Eventfd,
279            None,
280            callback!(
281                @capture<'tcx> {
282                    buf_place: MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
283                    finish: DynMachineCallback<'tcx, Result<usize, IoError>>,
284                    weak_eventfd: WeakFileDescriptionRef<EventFd>,
285                }
286                |this, unblock: UnblockKind| {
287                    assert_eq!(unblock, UnblockKind::Ready);
288                    // When we get unblocked, try again. We know the ref is still valid,
289                    // otherwise there couldn't be a `write` that unblocks us.
290                    let eventfd_ref = weak_eventfd.upgrade().unwrap();
291                    eventfd_read(buf_place, eventfd_ref, this, finish)
292                }
293            ),
294        );
295    } else {
296        // Synchronize with all prior `write` calls to this FD.
297        ecx.acquire_clock(&eventfd.clock.borrow());
299        // Return old counter value into user-space buffer.
300        ecx.write_int(counter, &buf_place)?;
302        // Unblock *all* threads previously blocked on `write`.
303        // We need to take out the blocked thread ids and unblock them together,
304        // because `unblock_threads` may block them again and end up re-adding the
305        // thread to the blocked list.
306        let waiting_threads = std::mem::take(&mut *eventfd.blocked_write_tid.borrow_mut());
307        // FIXME: We can randomize the order of unblocking.
308        for thread_id in waiting_threads {
309            ecx.unblock_thread(thread_id, BlockReason::Eventfd)?;
310        }
312        // The state changed; we check and update the status of all supported event
313        // types for current file description.
314        ecx.check_and_update_readiness(eventfd)?;
316        // Tell userspace how many bytes we put into the buffer.
317        return finish.call(ecx, Ok(buf_place.layout.size.bytes_usize()));
318    }
319    interp_ok(())