1use rustc_abi::{BackendRepr, FieldIdx, Primitive};
4use rustc_hir::lang_items::LangItem;
5use rustc_index::{Idx, IndexVec};
6use rustc_middle::bug;
7use rustc_middle::middle::region;
8use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::Scalar;
9use rustc_middle::mir::*;
10use rustc_middle::thir::*;
11use rustc_middle::ty::cast::{CastTy, mir_cast_kind};
12use rustc_middle::ty::layout::IntegerExt;
13use rustc_middle::ty::util::IntTypeExt;
14use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, UpvarArgs};
15use rustc_span::source_map::Spanned;
16use rustc_span::{DUMMY_SP, Span};
17use tracing::debug;
19use crate::builder::expr::as_place::PlaceBase;
20use crate::builder::expr::category::{Category, RvalueFunc};
21use crate::builder::{BlockAnd, BlockAndExtension, Builder, NeedsTemporary};
23impl<'a, 'tcx> Builder<'a, 'tcx> {
24 pub(crate) fn as_local_rvalue(
31 &mut self,
32 block: BasicBlock,
33 expr_id: ExprId,
34 ) -> BlockAnd<Rvalue<'tcx>> {
35 let local_scope = self.local_scope();
36 self.as_rvalue(
37 block,
38 TempLifetime { temp_lifetime: Some(local_scope), backwards_incompatible: None },
39 expr_id,
40 )
41 }
43 pub(crate) fn as_rvalue(
45 &mut self,
46 mut block: BasicBlock,
47 scope: TempLifetime,
48 expr_id: ExprId,
49 ) -> BlockAnd<Rvalue<'tcx>> {
50 let this = self;
51 let expr = &this.thir[expr_id];
52 debug!("expr_as_rvalue(block={:?}, scope={:?}, expr={:?})", block, scope, expr);
54 let expr_span = expr.span;
55 let source_info = this.source_info(expr_span);
57 match expr.kind {
58 ExprKind::ThreadLocalRef(did) => block.and(Rvalue::ThreadLocalRef(did)),
59 ExprKind::Scope { region_scope, lint_level, value } => {
60 let region_scope = (region_scope, source_info);
61 this.in_scope(region_scope, lint_level, |this| this.as_rvalue(block, scope, value))
62 }
63 ExprKind::Repeat { value, count } => {
64 if Some(0) == count.try_to_target_usize(this.tcx) {
65 this.build_zero_repeat(block, value, scope, source_info)
66 } else {
67 let value_operand = unpack!(
68 block = this.as_operand(
69 block,
70 scope,
71 value,
72 LocalInfo::Boring,
73 NeedsTemporary::No
74 )
75 );
76 block.and(Rvalue::Repeat(value_operand, count))
77 }
78 }
79 ExprKind::Binary { op, lhs, rhs } => {
80 let lhs = unpack!(
81 block = this.as_operand(
82 block,
83 scope,
84 lhs,
85 LocalInfo::Boring,
86 NeedsTemporary::Maybe
87 )
88 );
89 let rhs = unpack!(
90 block =
91 this.as_operand(block, scope, rhs, LocalInfo::Boring, NeedsTemporary::No)
92 );
93 this.build_binary_op(block, op, expr_span, expr.ty, lhs, rhs)
94 }
95 ExprKind::Unary { op, arg } => {
96 let arg = unpack!(
97 block =
98 this.as_operand(block, scope, arg, LocalInfo::Boring, NeedsTemporary::No)
99 );
100 if this.check_overflow && op == UnOp::Neg && expr.ty.is_signed() {
102 let bool_ty = this.tcx.types.bool;
104 let minval = this.minval_literal(expr_span, expr.ty);
105 let is_min = this.temp(bool_ty, expr_span);
107 this.cfg.push_assign(
108 block,
109 source_info,
110 is_min,
111 Rvalue::BinaryOp(BinOp::Eq, Box::new((arg.to_copy(), minval))),
112 );
114 block = this.assert(
115 block,
116 Operand::Move(is_min),
117 false,
118 AssertKind::OverflowNeg(arg.to_copy()),
119 expr_span,
120 );
121 }
122 block.and(Rvalue::UnaryOp(op, arg))
123 }
124 ExprKind::Box { value } => {
125 let value_ty = this.thir[value].ty;
126 let tcx = this.tcx;
127 let source_info = this.source_info(expr_span);
129 let size = this.temp(tcx.types.usize, expr_span);
130 this.cfg.push_assign(
131 block,
132 source_info,
133 size,
134 Rvalue::NullaryOp(NullOp::SizeOf, value_ty),
135 );
137 let align = this.temp(tcx.types.usize, expr_span);
138 this.cfg.push_assign(
139 block,
140 source_info,
141 align,
142 Rvalue::NullaryOp(NullOp::AlignOf, value_ty),
143 );
145 let exchange_malloc = Operand::function_handle(
147 tcx,
148 tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::ExchangeMalloc, Some(expr_span)),
149 [],
150 expr_span,
151 );
152 let storage = this.temp(Ty::new_mut_ptr(tcx, tcx.types.u8), expr_span);
153 let success = this.cfg.start_new_block();
154 this.cfg.terminate(
155 block,
156 source_info,
157 TerminatorKind::Call {
158 func: exchange_malloc,
159 args: [
160 Spanned { node: Operand::Move(size), span: DUMMY_SP },
161 Spanned { node: Operand::Move(align), span: DUMMY_SP },
162 ]
163 .into(),
164 destination: storage,
165 target: Some(success),
166 unwind: UnwindAction::Continue,
167 call_source: CallSource::Misc,
168 fn_span: expr_span,
169 },
170 );
171 this.diverge_from(block);
172 block = success;
174 let result = this.local_decls.push(LocalDecl::new(expr.ty, expr_span));
178 this.cfg.push(
179 block,
180 Statement { source_info, kind: StatementKind::StorageLive(result) },
181 );
182 if let Some(scope) = scope.temp_lifetime {
183 this.schedule_drop_storage_and_value(expr_span, scope, result);
185 }
187 let box_ = Rvalue::ShallowInitBox(Operand::Move(storage), value_ty);
189 this.cfg.push_assign(block, source_info, Place::from(result), box_);
191 block = this
193 .expr_into_dest(this.tcx.mk_place_deref(Place::from(result)), block, value)
194 .into_block();
195 block.and(Rvalue::Use(Operand::Move(Place::from(result))))
196 }
197 ExprKind::Cast { source } => {
198 let source_expr = &this.thir[source];
200 let (source, ty) = if let ty::Adt(adt_def, ..) = source_expr.ty.kind()
204 && adt_def.is_enum()
205 {
206 let discr_ty = adt_def.repr().discr_type().to_ty(this.tcx);
207 let temp = unpack!(block = this.as_temp(block, scope, source, Mutability::Not));
208 let layout =
209 this.tcx.layout_of(this.typing_env().as_query_input(source_expr.ty));
210 let discr = this.temp(discr_ty, source_expr.span);
211 this.cfg.push_assign(
212 block,
213 source_info,
214 discr,
215 Rvalue::Discriminant(temp.into()),
216 );
217 let (op, ty) = (Operand::Move(discr), discr_ty);
219 if let BackendRepr::Scalar(scalar) = layout.unwrap().backend_repr
220 && !scalar.is_always_valid(&this.tcx)
221 && let Primitive::Int(int_width, _signed) = scalar.primitive()
222 {
223 let unsigned_ty = int_width.to_ty(this.tcx, false);
224 let unsigned_place = this.temp(unsigned_ty, expr_span);
225 this.cfg.push_assign(
226 block,
227 source_info,
228 unsigned_place,
229 Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::IntToInt, Operand::Copy(discr), unsigned_ty),
230 );
232 let bool_ty = this.tcx.types.bool;
233 let range = scalar.valid_range(&this.tcx);
234 let merge_op =
235 if range.start <= range.end { BinOp::BitAnd } else { BinOp::BitOr };
237 let mut comparer = |range: u128, bin_op: BinOp| -> Place<'tcx> {
238 let range_val = Const::from_bits(
241 this.tcx,
242 range,
243 ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized(),
244 unsigned_ty,
245 );
246 let lit_op = this.literal_operand(expr.span, range_val);
247 let is_bin_op = this.temp(bool_ty, expr_span);
248 this.cfg.push_assign(
249 block,
250 source_info,
251 is_bin_op,
252 Rvalue::BinaryOp(
253 bin_op,
254 Box::new((Operand::Copy(unsigned_place), lit_op)),
255 ),
256 );
257 is_bin_op
258 };
259 let assert_place = if range.start == 0 {
260 comparer(range.end, BinOp::Le)
261 } else {
262 let start_place = comparer(range.start, BinOp::Ge);
263 let end_place = comparer(range.end, BinOp::Le);
264 let merge_place = this.temp(bool_ty, expr_span);
265 this.cfg.push_assign(
266 block,
267 source_info,
268 merge_place,
269 Rvalue::BinaryOp(
270 merge_op,
271 Box::new((
272 Operand::Move(start_place),
273 Operand::Move(end_place),
274 )),
275 ),
276 );
277 merge_place
278 };
279 this.cfg.push(
280 block,
281 Statement {
282 source_info,
283 kind: StatementKind::Intrinsic(Box::new(
284 NonDivergingIntrinsic::Assume(Operand::Move(assert_place)),
285 )),
286 },
287 );
288 }
290 (op, ty)
291 } else {
292 let ty = source_expr.ty;
293 let source = unpack!(
294 block = this.as_operand(
295 block,
296 scope,
297 source,
298 LocalInfo::Boring,
299 NeedsTemporary::No
300 )
301 );
302 (source, ty)
303 };
304 let from_ty = CastTy::from_ty(ty);
305 let cast_ty = CastTy::from_ty(expr.ty);
306 debug!("ExprKind::Cast from_ty={from_ty:?}, cast_ty={:?}/{cast_ty:?}", expr.ty);
307 let cast_kind = mir_cast_kind(ty, expr.ty);
308 block.and(Rvalue::Cast(cast_kind, source, expr.ty))
309 }
310 ExprKind::PointerCoercion { cast, source, is_from_as_cast } => {
311 let source = unpack!(
312 block = this.as_operand(
313 block,
314 scope,
315 source,
316 LocalInfo::Boring,
317 NeedsTemporary::No
318 )
319 );
320 let origin =
321 if is_from_as_cast { CoercionSource::AsCast } else { CoercionSource::Implicit };
322 block.and(Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::PointerCoercion(cast, origin), source, expr.ty))
323 }
324 ExprKind::Array { ref fields } => {
325 let el_ty = expr.ty.sequence_element_type(this.tcx);
353 let fields: IndexVec<FieldIdx, _> = fields
354 .into_iter()
355 .copied()
356 .map(|f| {
357 unpack!(
358 block = this.as_operand(
359 block,
360 scope,
361 f,
362 LocalInfo::Boring,
363 NeedsTemporary::Maybe
364 )
365 )
366 })
367 .collect();
369 block.and(Rvalue::Aggregate(Box::new(AggregateKind::Array(el_ty)), fields))
370 }
371 ExprKind::Tuple { ref fields } => {
372 let fields: IndexVec<FieldIdx, _> = fields
375 .into_iter()
376 .copied()
377 .map(|f| {
378 unpack!(
379 block = this.as_operand(
380 block,
381 scope,
382 f,
383 LocalInfo::Boring,
384 NeedsTemporary::Maybe
385 )
386 )
387 })
388 .collect();
390 block.and(Rvalue::Aggregate(Box::new(AggregateKind::Tuple), fields))
391 }
392 ExprKind::Closure(box ClosureExpr {
393 closure_id,
394 args,
395 ref upvars,
396 ref fake_reads,
397 movability: _,
398 }) => {
399 for (thir_place, cause, hir_id) in fake_reads.into_iter() {
414 let place_builder = unpack!(block = this.as_place_builder(block, *thir_place));
416 if let Some(mir_place) = place_builder.try_to_place(this) {
417 this.cfg.push_fake_read(
418 block,
419 this.source_info(this.tcx.hir().span(*hir_id)),
420 *cause,
421 mir_place,
422 );
423 }
424 }
426 let operands: IndexVec<FieldIdx, _> = upvars
428 .into_iter()
429 .copied()
430 .map(|upvar| {
431 let upvar_expr = &this.thir[upvar];
432 match Category::of(&upvar_expr.kind) {
433 Some(Category::Place) => {
442 let place = unpack!(block = this.as_place(block, upvar));
443 this.consume_by_copy_or_move(place)
444 }
445 _ => {
446 match upvar_expr.kind {
451 ExprKind::Borrow {
452 borrow_kind:
453 BorrowKind::Mut { kind: MutBorrowKind::Default },
454 arg,
455 } => unpack!(
456 block = this.limit_capture_mutability(
457 upvar_expr.span,
458 upvar_expr.ty,
459 scope.temp_lifetime,
460 block,
461 arg,
462 )
463 ),
464 _ => {
465 unpack!(
466 block = this.as_operand(
467 block,
468 scope,
469 upvar,
470 LocalInfo::Boring,
471 NeedsTemporary::Maybe
472 )
473 )
474 }
475 }
476 }
477 }
478 })
479 .collect();
481 let result = match args {
482 UpvarArgs::Coroutine(args) => {
483 Box::new(AggregateKind::Coroutine(closure_id.to_def_id(), args))
484 }
485 UpvarArgs::Closure(args) => {
486 Box::new(AggregateKind::Closure(closure_id.to_def_id(), args))
487 }
488 UpvarArgs::CoroutineClosure(args) => {
489 Box::new(AggregateKind::CoroutineClosure(closure_id.to_def_id(), args))
490 }
491 };
492 block.and(Rvalue::Aggregate(result, operands))
493 }
494 ExprKind::Assign { .. } | ExprKind::AssignOp { .. } => {
495 block = this.stmt_expr(block, expr_id, None).into_block();
496 block.and(Rvalue::Use(Operand::Constant(Box::new(ConstOperand {
497 span: expr_span,
498 user_ty: None,
499 const_: Const::zero_sized(this.tcx.types.unit),
500 }))))
501 }
503 ExprKind::OffsetOf { container, fields } => {
504 block.and(Rvalue::NullaryOp(NullOp::OffsetOf(fields), container))
505 }
507 ExprKind::Literal { .. }
508 | ExprKind::NamedConst { .. }
509 | ExprKind::NonHirLiteral { .. }
510 | ExprKind::ZstLiteral { .. }
511 | ExprKind::ConstParam { .. }
512 | ExprKind::ConstBlock { .. }
513 | ExprKind::StaticRef { .. } => {
514 let constant = this.as_constant(expr);
515 block.and(Rvalue::Use(Operand::Constant(Box::new(constant))))
516 }
518 ExprKind::WrapUnsafeBinder { source } => {
519 let source = unpack!(
520 block = this.as_operand(
521 block,
522 scope,
523 source,
524 LocalInfo::Boring,
525 NeedsTemporary::Maybe
526 )
527 );
528 block.and(Rvalue::WrapUnsafeBinder(source, expr.ty))
529 }
531 ExprKind::Yield { .. }
532 | ExprKind::Block { .. }
533 | ExprKind::Match { .. }
534 | ExprKind::If { .. }
535 | ExprKind::NeverToAny { .. }
536 | ExprKind::Use { .. }
537 | ExprKind::Borrow { .. }
538 | ExprKind::RawBorrow { .. }
539 | ExprKind::Adt { .. }
540 | ExprKind::Loop { .. }
541 | ExprKind::LogicalOp { .. }
542 | ExprKind::Call { .. }
543 | ExprKind::Field { .. }
544 | ExprKind::Let { .. }
545 | ExprKind::Deref { .. }
546 | ExprKind::Index { .. }
547 | ExprKind::VarRef { .. }
548 | ExprKind::UpvarRef { .. }
549 | ExprKind::Break { .. }
550 | ExprKind::Continue { .. }
551 | ExprKind::Return { .. }
552 | ExprKind::Become { .. }
553 | ExprKind::InlineAsm { .. }
554 | ExprKind::PlaceTypeAscription { .. }
555 | ExprKind::ValueTypeAscription { .. }
556 | ExprKind::PlaceUnwrapUnsafeBinder { .. }
557 | ExprKind::ValueUnwrapUnsafeBinder { .. } => {
558 debug_assert!(!matches!(
561 Category::of(&expr.kind),
562 Some(Category::Rvalue(RvalueFunc::AsRvalue) | Category::Constant)
563 ));
564 let operand = unpack!(
565 block = this.as_operand(
566 block,
567 scope,
568 expr_id,
569 LocalInfo::Boring,
570 NeedsTemporary::No,
571 )
572 );
573 block.and(Rvalue::Use(operand))
574 }
575 }
576 }
578 pub(crate) fn build_binary_op(
579 &mut self,
580 mut block: BasicBlock,
581 op: BinOp,
582 span: Span,
583 ty: Ty<'tcx>,
584 lhs: Operand<'tcx>,
585 rhs: Operand<'tcx>,
586 ) -> BlockAnd<Rvalue<'tcx>> {
587 let source_info = self.source_info(span);
588 let bool_ty = self.tcx.types.bool;
589 let rvalue = match op {
590 BinOp::Add | BinOp::Sub | BinOp::Mul if self.check_overflow && ty.is_integral() => {
591 let result_tup = Ty::new_tup(self.tcx, &[ty, bool_ty]);
592 let result_value = self.temp(result_tup, span);
594 let op_with_overflow = op.wrapping_to_overflowing().unwrap();
596 self.cfg.push_assign(
597 block,
598 source_info,
599 result_value,
600 Rvalue::BinaryOp(op_with_overflow, Box::new((lhs.to_copy(), rhs.to_copy()))),
601 );
602 let val_fld = FieldIdx::ZERO;
603 let of_fld = FieldIdx::new(1);
605 let tcx = self.tcx;
606 let val = tcx.mk_place_field(result_value, val_fld, ty);
607 let of = tcx.mk_place_field(result_value, of_fld, bool_ty);
609 let err = AssertKind::Overflow(op, lhs, rhs);
610 block = self.assert(block, Operand::Move(of), false, err, span);
612 Rvalue::Use(Operand::Move(val))
613 }
614 BinOp::Shl | BinOp::Shr if self.check_overflow && ty.is_integral() => {
615 let (lhs_size, _) = ty.int_size_and_signed(self.tcx);
622 assert!(lhs_size.bits() <= 128);
623 let rhs_ty = rhs.ty(&self.local_decls, self.tcx);
624 let (rhs_size, _) = rhs_ty.int_size_and_signed(self.tcx);
626 let (unsigned_rhs, unsigned_ty) = match rhs_ty.kind() {
627 ty::Uint(_) => (rhs.to_copy(), rhs_ty),
628 ty::Int(int_width) => {
629 let uint_ty = Ty::new_uint(self.tcx, int_width.to_unsigned());
630 let rhs_temp = self.temp(uint_ty, span);
631 self.cfg.push_assign(
632 block,
633 source_info,
634 rhs_temp,
635 Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::IntToInt, rhs.to_copy(), uint_ty),
636 );
637 (Operand::Move(rhs_temp), uint_ty)
638 }
639 _ => unreachable!("only integers are shiftable"),
640 };
642 let lhs_bits = Operand::const_from_scalar(
645 self.tcx,
646 unsigned_ty,
647 Scalar::from_uint(lhs_size.bits(), rhs_size),
648 span,
649 );
651 let inbounds = self.temp(bool_ty, span);
652 self.cfg.push_assign(
653 block,
654 source_info,
655 inbounds,
656 Rvalue::BinaryOp(BinOp::Lt, Box::new((unsigned_rhs, lhs_bits))),
657 );
659 let overflow_err = AssertKind::Overflow(op, lhs.to_copy(), rhs.to_copy());
660 block = self.assert(block, Operand::Move(inbounds), true, overflow_err, span);
661 Rvalue::BinaryOp(op, Box::new((lhs, rhs)))
662 }
663 BinOp::Div | BinOp::Rem if ty.is_integral() => {
664 let zero_err = if op == BinOp::Div {
668 AssertKind::DivisionByZero(lhs.to_copy())
669 } else {
670 AssertKind::RemainderByZero(lhs.to_copy())
671 };
672 let overflow_err = AssertKind::Overflow(op, lhs.to_copy(), rhs.to_copy());
674 let is_zero = self.temp(bool_ty, span);
676 let zero = self.zero_literal(span, ty);
677 self.cfg.push_assign(
678 block,
679 source_info,
680 is_zero,
681 Rvalue::BinaryOp(BinOp::Eq, Box::new((rhs.to_copy(), zero))),
682 );
684 block = self.assert(block, Operand::Move(is_zero), false, zero_err, span);
686 if ty.is_signed() {
689 let neg_1 = self.neg_1_literal(span, ty);
690 let min = self.minval_literal(span, ty);
692 let is_neg_1 = self.temp(bool_ty, span);
693 let is_min = self.temp(bool_ty, span);
694 let of = self.temp(bool_ty, span);
696 self.cfg.push_assign(
699 block,
700 source_info,
701 is_neg_1,
702 Rvalue::BinaryOp(BinOp::Eq, Box::new((rhs.to_copy(), neg_1))),
703 );
704 self.cfg.push_assign(
705 block,
706 source_info,
707 is_min,
708 Rvalue::BinaryOp(BinOp::Eq, Box::new((lhs.to_copy(), min))),
709 );
711 let is_neg_1 = Operand::Move(is_neg_1);
712 let is_min = Operand::Move(is_min);
713 self.cfg.push_assign(
714 block,
715 source_info,
716 of,
717 Rvalue::BinaryOp(BinOp::BitAnd, Box::new((is_neg_1, is_min))),
718 );
720 block = self.assert(block, Operand::Move(of), false, overflow_err, span);
721 }
723 Rvalue::BinaryOp(op, Box::new((lhs, rhs)))
724 }
725 _ => Rvalue::BinaryOp(op, Box::new((lhs, rhs))),
726 };
727 block.and(rvalue)
728 }
730 fn build_zero_repeat(
731 &mut self,
732 mut block: BasicBlock,
733 value: ExprId,
734 scope: TempLifetime,
735 outer_source_info: SourceInfo,
736 ) -> BlockAnd<Rvalue<'tcx>> {
737 let this = self;
738 let value_expr = &this.thir[value];
739 let elem_ty = value_expr.ty;
740 if let Some(Category::Constant) = Category::of(&value_expr.kind) {
741 } else {
743 let value_operand = unpack!(
745 block = this.as_operand(block, scope, value, LocalInfo::Boring, NeedsTemporary::No)
746 );
747 if let Operand::Move(to_drop) = value_operand {
748 let success = this.cfg.start_new_block();
749 this.cfg.terminate(
750 block,
751 outer_source_info,
752 TerminatorKind::Drop {
753 place: to_drop,
754 target: success,
755 unwind: UnwindAction::Continue,
756 replace: false,
757 },
758 );
759 this.diverge_from(block);
760 block = success;
761 }
762 this.record_operands_moved(&[Spanned { node: value_operand, span: DUMMY_SP }]);
763 }
764 block.and(Rvalue::Aggregate(Box::new(AggregateKind::Array(elem_ty)), IndexVec::new()))
765 }
767 fn limit_capture_mutability(
768 &mut self,
769 upvar_span: Span,
770 upvar_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
771 temp_lifetime: Option<region::Scope>,
772 mut block: BasicBlock,
773 arg: ExprId,
774 ) -> BlockAnd<Operand<'tcx>> {
775 let this = self;
777 let source_info = this.source_info(upvar_span);
778 let temp = this.local_decls.push(LocalDecl::new(upvar_ty, upvar_span));
780 this.cfg.push(block, Statement { source_info, kind: StatementKind::StorageLive(temp) });
782 let arg_place_builder = unpack!(block = this.as_place_builder(block, arg));
784 let mutability = match arg_place_builder.base() {
785 PlaceBase::Local(local) => this.local_decls[local].mutability,
789 PlaceBase::Upvar { .. } => {
793 let enclosing_upvars_resolved = arg_place_builder.to_place(this);
795 match enclosing_upvars_resolved.as_ref() {
796 PlaceRef {
797 local,
798 projection: &[ProjectionElem::Field(upvar_index, _), ..],
799 }
800 | PlaceRef {
801 local,
802 projection:
803 &[ProjectionElem::Deref, ProjectionElem::Field(upvar_index, _), ..],
804 } => {
805 debug_assert!(
807 local == ty::CAPTURE_STRUCT_LOCAL,
808 "Expected local to be Local(1), found {local:?}"
809 );
810 debug_assert!(
812 this.upvars.len() > upvar_index.index(),
813 "Unexpected capture place, upvars={:#?}, upvar_index={:?}",
814 this.upvars,
815 upvar_index
816 );
817 this.upvars[upvar_index.index()].mutability
818 }
819 _ => bug!("Unexpected capture place"),
820 }
821 }
822 };
824 let borrow_kind = match mutability {
825 Mutability::Not => BorrowKind::Mut { kind: MutBorrowKind::ClosureCapture },
826 Mutability::Mut => BorrowKind::Mut { kind: MutBorrowKind::Default },
827 };
829 let arg_place = arg_place_builder.to_place(this);
831 this.cfg.push_assign(
832 block,
833 source_info,
834 Place::from(temp),
835 Rvalue::Ref(this.tcx.lifetimes.re_erased, borrow_kind, arg_place),
836 );
838 if let Some(temp_lifetime) = temp_lifetime {
841 this.schedule_drop_storage_and_value(upvar_span, temp_lifetime, temp);
842 }
844 block.and(Operand::Move(Place::from(temp)))
845 }
847 fn neg_1_literal(&mut self, span: Span, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Operand<'tcx> {
849 let typing_env = ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized();
850 let size = self.tcx.layout_of(typing_env.as_query_input(ty)).unwrap().size;
851 let literal = Const::from_bits(self.tcx, size.unsigned_int_max(), typing_env, ty);
853 self.literal_operand(span, literal)
854 }
856 fn minval_literal(&mut self, span: Span, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Operand<'tcx> {
858 assert!(ty.is_signed());
859 let typing_env = ty::TypingEnv::fully_monomorphized();
860 let bits = self.tcx.layout_of(typing_env.as_query_input(ty)).unwrap().size.bits();
861 let n = 1 << (bits - 1);
862 let literal = Const::from_bits(self.tcx, n, typing_env, ty);
864 self.literal_operand(span, literal)
865 }