
1use cargo_util_schemas::core::PartialVersion;
2use cargo_util_schemas::manifest::RustVersion;
4use super::encode::Metadata;
5use crate::core::dependency::DepKind;
6use crate::core::{Dependency, PackageId, PackageIdSpec, PackageIdSpecQuery, Summary, Target};
7use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
8use crate::util::interning::InternedString;
9use crate::util::Graph;
10use std::borrow::Borrow;
11use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
12use std::fmt;
14/// Represents a fully-resolved package dependency graph. Each node in the graph
15/// is a package and edges represent dependencies between packages.
17/// Each instance of `Resolve` also understands the full set of features used
18/// for each package.
19pub struct Resolve {
20    /// A graph, whose vertices are packages and edges are dependency specifications
21    /// from `Cargo.toml`. We need a `HashSet` here because the same package
22    /// might be present in both `[dependencies]` and `[build-dependencies]`.
23    graph: Graph<PackageId, HashSet<Dependency>>,
24    /// Replacements from the `[replace]` table.
25    replacements: HashMap<PackageId, PackageId>,
26    /// Inverted version of `replacements`.
27    reverse_replacements: HashMap<PackageId, PackageId>,
28    /// Features enabled for a given package.
29    features: HashMap<PackageId, Vec<InternedString>>,
30    /// Checksum for each package. A SHA256 hash of the `.crate` file used to
31    /// validate the correct crate file is used. This is `None` for sources
32    /// that do not use `.crate` files, like path or git dependencies.
33    checksums: HashMap<PackageId, Option<String>>,
34    /// "Unknown" metadata. This is a collection of extra, unrecognized data
35    /// found in the `[metadata]` section of `Cargo.lock`, preserved for
36    /// forwards compatibility.
37    metadata: Metadata,
38    /// `[patch]` entries that did not match anything, preserved in
39    /// `Cargo.lock` as the `[[patch.unused]]` table array. Tracking unused
40    /// patches helps prevent Cargo from being forced to re-update the
41    /// registry every time it runs, and keeps the resolve in a locked state
42    /// so it doesn't re-resolve the unused entries.
43    unused_patches: Vec<PackageId>,
44    /// A map from packages to a set of their public dependencies
45    public_dependencies: HashMap<PackageId, HashSet<PackageId>>,
46    /// Version of the `Cargo.lock` format, see
47    /// `cargo::core::resolver::encode` for more.
48    version: ResolveVersion,
49    summaries: HashMap<PackageId, Summary>,
52/// A version to indicate how a `Cargo.lock` should be serialized.
54/// When creating a new lockfile, the version in [`ResolveVersion::default`] is used.
55/// If an old version of lockfile already exists, it will stay as-is.
57/// It's important that if a new version is added that this is not updated
58/// until *at least* the support for the version is in the stable release of Rust.
60/// This resolve version will be used for all new lock files, for example
61/// those generated by `cargo update` (update everything) or building after
62/// a `cargo new` (where no lock file previously existed). This is also used
63/// for *updated* lock files such as when a dependency is added or when a
64/// version requirement changes. In this situation Cargo's updating the lock
65/// file anyway so it takes the opportunity to bump the lock file version
66/// forward.
68/// It's theorized that we can add more here over time to track larger changes
69/// to the `Cargo.lock` format, but we've yet to see how that strategy pans out.
70#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord)]
71pub enum ResolveVersion {
72    /// Historical baseline for when this abstraction was added.
73    V1,
74    /// A more compact format, more amenable to avoiding source-control merge
75    /// conflicts. The `dependencies` arrays are compressed and checksums are
76    /// listed inline.
77    ///
78    /// * Introduced in 2019 in version 1.38.
79    /// * New lockfiles use V2 by default from 1.41 to 1.52.
80    V2,
81    /// A format that explicitly lists a `version` at the top of the file as
82    /// well as changing how git dependencies are encoded. Dependencies with
83    /// `branch = "master"` are no longer encoded the same way as those without
84    /// branch specifiers.
85    ///
86    /// * Introduced in 2020 in version 1.47.
87    /// * New lockfiles use V3 by default from in 1.53 to 1.82.
88    V3,
89    /// `SourceId` URL serialization is aware of URL encoding. For example,
90    /// `?branch=foo bar` is now encoded as `?branch=foo+bar` and can be decoded
91    /// back and forth correctly.
92    ///
93    /// * Introduced in 2024 in version 1.78.
94    /// * New lockfiles use V4 by default starting in 1.83.
95    V4,
96    /// Unstable. Will collect a certain amount of changes and then go.
97    ///
98    /// Changes made:
99    V5,
102impl ResolveVersion {
103    /// Gets the default lockfile version.
104    ///
105    /// This is intended to be private.
106    /// You shall use [`ResolveVersion::with_rust_version`] always.
107    ///
108    /// Update this and the description of enum variants of [`ResolveVersion`]
109    /// when we're changing the default lockfile version.
110    fn default() -> ResolveVersion {
111        ResolveVersion::V4
112    }
114    /// The maximum version of lockfile made into the stable channel.
115    ///
116    /// Any version larger than this needs `-Znext-lockfile-bump` to enable.
117    ///
118    /// Update this when you're going to stabilize a new lockfile format.
119    pub fn max_stable() -> ResolveVersion {
120        ResolveVersion::V4
121    }
123    /// Gets the default lockfile version for the given Rust version.
124    pub fn with_rust_version(rust_version: Option<&RustVersion>) -> Self {
125        let Some(rust_version) = rust_version else {
126            return ResolveVersion::default();
127        };
129        let rust = |major, minor| -> RustVersion {
130            PartialVersion {
131                major,
132                minor: Some(minor),
133                patch: None,
134                pre: None,
135                build: None,
136            }
137            .try_into()
138            .unwrap()
139        };
141        if rust_version >= &rust(1, 83) {
142            ResolveVersion::V4
143        } else if rust_version >= &rust(1, 53) {
144            ResolveVersion::V3
145        } else if rust_version >= &rust(1, 41) {
146            ResolveVersion::V2
147        } else {
148            ResolveVersion::V1
149        }
150    }
153impl Resolve {
154    pub fn new(
155        graph: Graph<PackageId, HashSet<Dependency>>,
156        replacements: HashMap<PackageId, PackageId>,
157        features: HashMap<PackageId, Vec<InternedString>>,
158        checksums: HashMap<PackageId, Option<String>>,
159        metadata: Metadata,
160        unused_patches: Vec<PackageId>,
161        version: ResolveVersion,
162        summaries: HashMap<PackageId, Summary>,
163    ) -> Resolve {
164        let reverse_replacements = replacements.iter().map(|(&p, &r)| (r, p)).collect();
165        let public_dependencies = graph
166            .iter()
167            .map(|p| {
168                let public_deps = graph
169                    .edges(p)
170                    .filter(|(_, deps)| {
171                        deps.iter()
172                            .any(|d| d.kind() == DepKind::Normal && d.is_public())
173                    })
174                    .map(|(dep_package, _)| *dep_package)
175                    .collect::<HashSet<PackageId>>();
177                (*p, public_deps)
178            })
179            .collect();
181        Resolve {
182            graph,
183            replacements,
184            features,
185            checksums,
186            metadata,
187            unused_patches,
188            reverse_replacements,
189            public_dependencies,
190            version,
191            summaries,
192        }
193    }
195    /// Resolves one of the paths from the given dependent package up to
196    /// the root.
197    pub fn path_to_top<'a>(
198        &'a self,
199        pkg: &'a PackageId,
200    ) -> Vec<(&'a PackageId, Option<&'a HashSet<Dependency>>)> {
201        self.graph.path_to_top(pkg)
202    }
204    pub fn register_used_patches<'a>(&mut self, patches: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Summary>) {
205        for summary in patches {
206            if !self.graph.contains(&summary.package_id()) {
207                self.unused_patches.push(summary.package_id())
208            };
209        }
210    }
212    pub fn merge_from(&mut self, previous: &Resolve) -> CargoResult<()> {
213        // Given a previous instance of resolve, it should be forbidden to ever
214        // have a checksums which *differ*. If the same package ID has differing
215        // checksums, then something has gone wrong such as:
216        //
217        // * Something got seriously corrupted
218        // * A "mirror" isn't actually a mirror as some changes were made
219        // * A replacement source wasn't actually a replacement, some changes
220        //   were made
221        //
222        // In all of these cases, we want to report an error to indicate that
223        // something is awry. Normal execution (esp just using should
224        // never run into this.
225        for (id, cksum) in previous.checksums.iter() {
226            if let Some(mine) = self.checksums.get(id) {
227                if mine == cksum {
228                    continue;
229                }
231                // If the previous checksum wasn't calculated, the current
232                // checksum is `Some`. This may indicate that a source was
233                // erroneously replaced or was replaced with something that
234                // desires stronger checksum guarantees than can be afforded
235                // elsewhere.
236                if cksum.is_none() {
237                    anyhow::bail!(
238                        "\
239checksum for `{}` was not previously calculated, but a checksum could now \
240be calculated
242this could be indicative of a few possible situations:
244    * the source `{}` did not previously support checksums,
245      but was replaced with one that does
246    * newer Cargo implementations know how to checksum this source, but this
247      older implementation does not
248    * the lock file is corrupt
250                        id,
251                        id.source_id()
252                    )
254                // If our checksum hasn't been calculated, then it could mean
255                // that future Cargo figured out how to checksum something or
256                // more realistically we were overridden with a source that does
257                // not have checksums.
258                } else if mine.is_none() {
259                    anyhow::bail!(
260                        "\
261checksum for `{}` could not be calculated, but a checksum is listed in \
262the existing lock file
264this could be indicative of a few possible situations:
266    * the source `{}` supports checksums,
267      but was replaced with one that doesn't
268    * the lock file is corrupt
270unable to verify that `{0}` is the same as when the lockfile was generated
272                        id,
273                        id.source_id()
274                    )
276                // If the checksums aren't equal, and neither is None, then they
277                // must both be Some, in which case the checksum now differs.
278                // That's quite bad!
279                } else {
280                    anyhow::bail!(
281                        "\
282checksum for `{}` changed between lock files
284this could be indicative of a few possible errors:
286    * the lock file is corrupt
287    * a replacement source in use (e.g., a mirror) returned a different checksum
288    * the source itself may be corrupt in one way or another
290unable to verify that `{0}` is the same as when the lockfile was generated
292                        id
293                    );
294                }
295            }
296        }
298        // Be sure to just copy over any unknown metadata.
299        self.metadata = previous.metadata.clone();
301        // Preserve the lockfile encoding where possible to avoid lockfile churn
302        self.version = previous.version;
304        Ok(())
305    }
307    pub fn contains<Q: ?Sized>(&self, k: &Q) -> bool
308    where
309        PackageId: Borrow<Q>,
310        Q: Ord + Eq,
311    {
312        self.graph.contains(k)
313    }
315    pub fn sort(&self) -> Vec<PackageId> {
316        self.graph.sort()
317    }
319    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = PackageId> + '_ {
320        self.graph.iter().cloned()
321    }
323    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
324        self.graph.len()
325    }
327    pub fn deps(&self, pkg: PackageId) -> impl Iterator<Item = (PackageId, &HashSet<Dependency>)> {
328        self.deps_not_replaced(pkg)
329            .map(move |(id, deps)| (self.replacement(id).unwrap_or(id), deps))
330    }
332    pub fn deps_not_replaced(
333        &self,
334        pkg: PackageId,
335    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (PackageId, &HashSet<Dependency>)> {
336        self.graph.edges(&pkg).map(|(id, deps)| (*id, deps))
337    }
339    // Only edges that are transitive, filtering out edges between a crate and its dev-dependency
340    // since that doesn't count for cycles.
341    pub fn transitive_deps_not_replaced(
342        &self,
343        pkg: PackageId,
344    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (PackageId, &Dependency)> {
345        self.graph.edges(&pkg).filter_map(|(id, deps)| {
346            deps.iter()
347                .find(|d| d.is_transitive())
348                .map(|transitive_dep| (*id, transitive_dep))
349        })
350    }
352    pub fn replacement(&self, pkg: PackageId) -> Option<PackageId> {
353        self.replacements.get(&pkg).cloned()
354    }
356    pub fn replacements(&self) -> &HashMap<PackageId, PackageId> {
357        &self.replacements
358    }
360    pub fn features(&self, pkg: PackageId) -> &[InternedString] {
361        self.features.get(&pkg).map(|v| &**v).unwrap_or(&[])
362    }
364    /// This is only here for legacy support, it will be removed when
365    /// switching to the new feature resolver.
366    pub fn features_clone(&self) -> HashMap<PackageId, Vec<InternedString>> {
367        self.features.clone()
368    }
370    pub fn is_public_dep(&self, pkg: PackageId, dep: PackageId) -> bool {
371        self.public_dependencies
372            .get(&pkg)
373            .map(|public_deps| public_deps.contains(&dep))
374            .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Unknown dependency {:?} for package {:?}", dep, pkg))
375    }
377    pub fn query(&self, spec: &str) -> CargoResult<PackageId> {
378        PackageIdSpec::query_str(spec, self.iter())
379    }
381    pub fn specs_to_ids(&self, specs: &[PackageIdSpec]) -> CargoResult<Vec<PackageId>> {
382        specs.iter().map(|s| s.query(self.iter())).collect()
383    }
385    pub fn unused_patches(&self) -> &[PackageId] {
386        &self.unused_patches
387    }
389    pub fn checksums(&self) -> &HashMap<PackageId, Option<String>> {
390        &self.checksums
391    }
393    pub fn metadata(&self) -> &Metadata {
394        &self.metadata
395    }
397    pub fn extern_crate_name_and_dep_name(
398        &self,
399        from: PackageId,
400        to: PackageId,
401        to_target: &Target,
402    ) -> CargoResult<(InternedString, Option<InternedString>)> {
403        let empty_set: HashSet<Dependency> = HashSet::new();
404        let deps = if from == to {
405            &empty_set
406        } else {
407            self.dependencies_listed(from, to)
408        };
410        let target_crate_name = || (to_target.crate_name(), None);
411        let mut name_pairs = deps.iter().map(|d| {
412            d.explicit_name_in_toml()
413                .map(|s| (s.as_str().replace("-", "_"), Some(s)))
414                .unwrap_or_else(target_crate_name)
415        });
416        let (extern_crate_name, dep_name) =;
417        for (n, _) in name_pairs {
418            anyhow::ensure!(
419                n == extern_crate_name,
420                "the crate `{}` depends on crate `{}` multiple times with different names",
421                from,
422                to,
423            );
424        }
425        Ok((extern_crate_name.into(), dep_name))
426    }
428    fn dependencies_listed(&self, from: PackageId, to: PackageId) -> &HashSet<Dependency> {
429        // We've got a dependency on `from` to `to`, but this dependency edge
430        // may be affected by [replace]. If the `to` package is listed as the
431        // target of a replacement (aka the key of a reverse replacement map)
432        // then we try to find our dependency edge through that. If that fails
433        // then we go down below assuming it's not replaced.
434        //
435        // Note that we don't treat `from` as if it's been replaced because
436        // that's where the dependency originates from, and we only replace
437        // targets of dependencies not the originator.
438        if let Some(replace) = self.reverse_replacements.get(&to) {
439            if let Some(deps) = self.graph.edge(&from, replace) {
440                return deps;
441            }
442        }
443        match self.graph.edge(&from, &to) {
444            Some(ret) => ret,
445            None => panic!("no Dependency listed for `{}` => `{}`", from, to),
446        }
447    }
449    /// Returns the version of the encoding that's being used for this lock
450    /// file.
451    pub fn version(&self) -> ResolveVersion {
452        self.version
453    }
455    pub fn set_version(&mut self, version: ResolveVersion) {
456        self.version = version;
457    }
459    pub fn summary(&self, pkg_id: PackageId) -> &Summary {
460        &self.summaries[&pkg_id]
461    }
464impl PartialEq for Resolve {
465    fn eq(&self, other: &Resolve) -> bool {
466        macro_rules! compare {
467            ($($fields:ident)* | $($ignored:ident)*) => {
468                let Resolve { $($fields,)* $($ignored: _,)* } = self;
469                $($fields == &other.$fields)&&*
470            }
471        }
472        compare! {
473            // fields to compare
474            graph replacements reverse_replacements features
475            checksums metadata unused_patches public_dependencies summaries
476            |
477            // fields to ignore
478            version
479        }
480    }
483impl fmt::Debug for Resolve {
484    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
485        writeln!(fmt, "graph: {:?}", self.graph)?;
486        writeln!(fmt, "\nfeatures: {{")?;
487        for (pkg, features) in &self.features {
488            writeln!(fmt, "  {}: {:?}", pkg, features)?;
489        }
490        write!(fmt, "}}")
491    }