2 html_root_url = "https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/",
3 html_playground_url = "https://play.rust-lang.org/"
21#![recursion_limit = "256"]
23#![allow(clippy::collapsible_if, clippy::collapsible_else_if)]
27extern crate thin_vec;
29extern crate pulldown_cmark;
38extern crate rustc_abi;
39extern crate rustc_ast;
40extern crate rustc_ast_pretty;
41extern crate rustc_attr_parsing;
42extern crate rustc_data_structures;
43extern crate rustc_driver;
44extern crate rustc_errors;
45extern crate rustc_expand;
46extern crate rustc_feature;
47extern crate rustc_hir;
48extern crate rustc_hir_analysis;
49extern crate rustc_hir_pretty;
50extern crate rustc_index;
51extern crate rustc_infer;
52extern crate rustc_interface;
53extern crate rustc_lexer;
54extern crate rustc_lint;
55extern crate rustc_lint_defs;
56extern crate rustc_log;
57extern crate rustc_macros;
58extern crate rustc_metadata;
59extern crate rustc_middle;
60extern crate rustc_parse;
61extern crate rustc_passes;
62extern crate rustc_resolve;
63extern crate rustc_serialize;
64extern crate rustc_session;
65extern crate rustc_span;
66extern crate rustc_target;
67extern crate rustc_trait_selection;
68extern crate test;
70#[cfg(feature = "jemalloc")]
73extern crate tikv_jemalloc_sys as jemalloc_sys;
75use std::env::{self, VarError};
76use std::io::{self, IsTerminal};
77use std::process;
79use rustc_errors::DiagCtxtHandle;
80use rustc_interface::interface;
81use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
82use rustc_session::config::{ErrorOutputType, RustcOptGroup, make_crate_type_option};
83use rustc_session::{EarlyDiagCtxt, getopts};
84use tracing::info;
86use crate::clean::utils::DOC_RUST_LANG_ORG_VERSION;
88macro_rules! map {
99 ($( $key: expr => $val: expr ),* $(,)*) => {{
100 let mut map = ::rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexMap::default();
101 $( map.insert($key, $val); )*
102 map
103 }}
106mod clean;
107mod config;
108mod core;
109mod display;
110mod docfs;
111mod doctest;
112mod error;
113mod externalfiles;
114mod fold;
115mod formats;
116pub mod html;
118mod json;
119pub(crate) mod lint;
120mod markdown;
121mod passes;
122mod scrape_examples;
123mod theme;
124mod visit;
125mod visit_ast;
126mod visit_lib;
128pub fn main() {
129 #[cfg(feature = "jemalloc")]
132 {
133 use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
135 #[used]
136 static _F1: unsafe extern "C" fn(usize, usize) -> *mut c_void = jemalloc_sys::calloc;
137 #[used]
138 static _F2: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut *mut c_void, usize, usize) -> c_int =
139 jemalloc_sys::posix_memalign;
140 #[used]
141 static _F3: unsafe extern "C" fn(usize, usize) -> *mut c_void = jemalloc_sys::aligned_alloc;
142 #[used]
143 static _F4: unsafe extern "C" fn(usize) -> *mut c_void = jemalloc_sys::malloc;
144 #[used]
145 static _F5: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, usize) -> *mut c_void = jemalloc_sys::realloc;
146 #[used]
147 static _F6: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void) = jemalloc_sys::free;
149 #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
150 {
151 extern "C" {
152 fn _rjem_je_zone_register();
153 }
155 #[used]
156 static _F7: unsafe extern "C" fn() = _rjem_je_zone_register;
157 }
158 }
160 let mut early_dcx = EarlyDiagCtxt::new(ErrorOutputType::default());
162 rustc_driver::install_ice_hook(
163 "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/new\
164 ?labels=C-bug%2C+I-ICE%2C+T-rustdoc&template=ice.md",
165 |_| (),
166 );
168 init_logging(&early_dcx);
179 rustc_driver::init_logger(&early_dcx, rustc_log::LoggerConfig::from_env("RUSTDOC_LOG"));
181 let exit_code = rustc_driver::catch_with_exit_code(|| {
182 let at_args = rustc_driver::args::raw_args(&early_dcx);
183 main_args(&mut early_dcx, &at_args);
184 });
185 process::exit(exit_code);
188fn init_logging(early_dcx: &EarlyDiagCtxt) {
189 let color_logs = match env::var("RUSTDOC_LOG_COLOR").as_deref() {
190 Ok("always") => true,
191 Ok("never") => false,
192 Ok("auto") | Err(VarError::NotPresent) => io::stdout().is_terminal(),
193 Ok(value) => early_dcx.early_fatal(format!(
194 "invalid log color value '{value}': expected one of always, never, or auto",
195 )),
196 Err(VarError::NotUnicode(value)) => early_dcx.early_fatal(format!(
197 "invalid log color value '{}': expected one of always, never, or auto",
198 value.to_string_lossy()
199 )),
200 };
201 let filter = tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::from_env("RUSTDOC_LOG");
202 let layer = tracing_tree::HierarchicalLayer::default()
203 .with_writer(io::stderr)
204 .with_ansi(color_logs)
205 .with_targets(true)
206 .with_wraparound(10)
207 .with_verbose_exit(true)
208 .with_verbose_entry(true)
209 .with_indent_amount(2);
210 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
211 let layer = layer.with_thread_ids(true).with_thread_names(true);
213 use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt;
214 let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::Registry::default().with(filter).with(layer);
215 tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(subscriber).unwrap();
218fn opts() -> Vec<RustcOptGroup> {
219 use rustc_session::config::OptionKind::{Flag, FlagMulti, Multi, Opt};
220 use rustc_session::config::OptionStability::{Stable, Unstable};
221 use rustc_session::config::make_opt as opt;
223 vec![
224 opt(Stable, FlagMulti, "h", "help", "show this help message", ""),
225 opt(Stable, FlagMulti, "V", "version", "print rustdoc's version", ""),
226 opt(Stable, FlagMulti, "v", "verbose", "use verbose output", ""),
227 opt(Stable, Opt, "w", "output-format", "the output type to write", "[html]"),
228 opt(
229 Stable,
230 Opt,
231 "",
232 "output",
233 "Which directory to place the output. This option is deprecated, use --out-dir instead.",
234 "PATH",
235 ),
236 opt(Stable, Opt, "o", "out-dir", "which directory to place the output", "PATH"),
237 opt(Stable, Opt, "", "crate-name", "specify the name of this crate", "NAME"),
238 make_crate_type_option(),
239 opt(Stable, Multi, "L", "library-path", "directory to add to crate search path", "DIR"),
240 opt(Stable, Multi, "", "cfg", "pass a --cfg to rustc", ""),
241 opt(Stable, Multi, "", "check-cfg", "pass a --check-cfg to rustc", ""),
242 opt(Stable, Multi, "", "extern", "pass an --extern to rustc", "NAME[=PATH]"),
243 opt(
244 Unstable,
245 Multi,
246 "",
247 "extern-html-root-url",
248 "base URL to use for dependencies; for example, \
249 \"std=/doc\" links std::vec::Vec to /doc/std/vec/struct.Vec.html",
250 "NAME=URL",
251 ),
252 opt(
253 Unstable,
254 FlagMulti,
255 "",
256 "extern-html-root-takes-precedence",
257 "give precedence to `--extern-html-root-url`, not `html_root_url`",
258 "",
259 ),
260 opt(Stable, Multi, "C", "codegen", "pass a codegen option to rustc", "OPT[=VALUE]"),
261 opt(Stable, FlagMulti, "", "document-private-items", "document private items", ""),
262 opt(
263 Unstable,
264 FlagMulti,
265 "",
266 "document-hidden-items",
267 "document items that have doc(hidden)",
268 "",
269 ),
270 opt(Stable, FlagMulti, "", "test", "run code examples as tests", ""),
271 opt(Stable, Multi, "", "test-args", "arguments to pass to the test runner", "ARGS"),
272 opt(
273 Stable,
274 Opt,
275 "",
276 "test-run-directory",
277 "The working directory in which to run tests",
278 "PATH",
279 ),
280 opt(Stable, Opt, "", "target", "target triple to document", "TRIPLE"),
281 opt(
282 Stable,
283 Multi,
284 "",
285 "markdown-css",
286 "CSS files to include via <link> in a rendered Markdown file",
287 "FILES",
288 ),
289 opt(
290 Stable,
291 Multi,
292 "",
293 "html-in-header",
294 "files to include inline in the <head> section of a rendered Markdown file \
295 or generated documentation",
296 "FILES",
297 ),
298 opt(
299 Stable,
300 Multi,
301 "",
302 "html-before-content",
303 "files to include inline between <body> and the content of a rendered \
304 Markdown file or generated documentation",
305 "FILES",
306 ),
307 opt(
308 Stable,
309 Multi,
310 "",
311 "html-after-content",
312 "files to include inline between the content and </body> of a rendered \
313 Markdown file or generated documentation",
314 "FILES",
315 ),
316 opt(
317 Unstable,
318 Multi,
319 "",
320 "markdown-before-content",
321 "files to include inline between <body> and the content of a rendered \
322 Markdown file or generated documentation",
323 "FILES",
324 ),
325 opt(
326 Unstable,
327 Multi,
328 "",
329 "markdown-after-content",
330 "files to include inline between the content and </body> of a rendered \
331 Markdown file or generated documentation",
332 "FILES",
333 ),
334 opt(Stable, Opt, "", "markdown-playground-url", "URL to send code snippets to", "URL"),
335 opt(Stable, FlagMulti, "", "markdown-no-toc", "don't include table of contents", ""),
336 opt(
337 Stable,
338 Opt,
339 "e",
340 "extend-css",
341 "To add some CSS rules with a given file to generate doc with your own theme. \
342 However, your theme might break if the rustdoc's generated HTML changes, so be careful!",
343 "PATH",
344 ),
345 opt(
346 Unstable,
347 Multi,
348 "Z",
349 "",
350 "unstable / perma-unstable options (only on nightly build)",
351 "FLAG",
352 ),
353 opt(Stable, Opt, "", "sysroot", "Override the system root", "PATH"),
354 opt(
355 Unstable,
356 Opt,
357 "",
358 "playground-url",
359 "URL to send code snippets to, may be reset by --markdown-playground-url \
360 or `#![doc(html_playground_url=...)]`",
361 "URL",
362 ),
363 opt(
364 Unstable,
365 FlagMulti,
366 "",
367 "display-doctest-warnings",
368 "show warnings that originate in doctests",
369 "",
370 ),
371 opt(
372 Stable,
373 Opt,
374 "",
375 "crate-version",
376 "crate version to print into documentation",
377 "VERSION",
378 ),
379 opt(
380 Unstable,
381 FlagMulti,
382 "",
383 "sort-modules-by-appearance",
384 "sort modules by where they appear in the program, rather than alphabetically",
385 "",
386 ),
387 opt(
388 Stable,
389 Opt,
390 "",
391 "default-theme",
392 "Set the default theme. THEME should be the theme name, generally lowercase. \
393 If an unknown default theme is specified, the builtin default is used. \
394 The set of themes, and the rustdoc built-in default, are not stable.",
395 "THEME",
396 ),
397 opt(
398 Unstable,
399 Multi,
400 "",
401 "default-setting",
402 "Default value for a rustdoc setting (used when \"rustdoc-SETTING\" is absent \
403 from web browser Local Storage). If VALUE is not supplied, \"true\" is used. \
404 Supported SETTINGs and VALUEs are not documented and not stable.",
406 ),
407 opt(
408 Stable,
409 Multi,
410 "",
411 "theme",
412 "additional themes which will be added to the generated docs",
413 "FILES",
414 ),
415 opt(Stable, Multi, "", "check-theme", "check if given theme is valid", "FILES"),
416 opt(
417 Unstable,
418 Opt,
419 "",
420 "resource-suffix",
421 "suffix to add to CSS and JavaScript files, \
422 e.g., \"search-index.js\" will become \"search-index-suffix.js\"",
423 "PATH",
424 ),
425 opt(
426 Stable,
427 Opt,
428 "",
429 "edition",
430 "edition to use when compiling rust code (default: 2015)",
431 "EDITION",
432 ),
433 opt(
434 Stable,
435 Opt,
436 "",
437 "color",
438 "Configure coloring of output:
439 auto = colorize, if output goes to a tty (default);
440 always = always colorize output;
441 never = never colorize output",
442 "auto|always|never",
443 ),
444 opt(
445 Stable,
446 Opt,
447 "",
448 "error-format",
449 "How errors and other messages are produced",
450 "human|json|short",
451 ),
452 opt(
453 Stable,
454 Opt,
455 "",
456 "diagnostic-width",
457 "Provide width of the output for truncated error messages",
458 "WIDTH",
459 ),
460 opt(Stable, Opt, "", "json", "Configure the structure of JSON diagnostics", "CONFIG"),
461 opt(Stable, Multi, "A", "allow", "Set lint allowed", "LINT"),
462 opt(Stable, Multi, "W", "warn", "Set lint warnings", "LINT"),
463 opt(Stable, Multi, "", "force-warn", "Set lint force-warn", "LINT"),
464 opt(Stable, Multi, "D", "deny", "Set lint denied", "LINT"),
465 opt(Stable, Multi, "F", "forbid", "Set lint forbidden", "LINT"),
466 opt(
467 Stable,
468 Multi,
469 "",
470 "cap-lints",
471 "Set the most restrictive lint level. \
472 More restrictive lints are capped at this level. \
473 By default, it is at `forbid` level.",
474 "LEVEL",
475 ),
476 opt(Unstable, Opt, "", "index-page", "Markdown file to be used as index page", "PATH"),
477 opt(
478 Unstable,
479 FlagMulti,
480 "",
481 "enable-index-page",
482 "To enable generation of the index page",
483 "",
484 ),
485 opt(
486 Unstable,
487 Opt,
488 "",
489 "static-root-path",
490 "Path string to force loading static files from in output pages. \
491 If not set, uses combinations of '../' to reach the documentation root.",
492 "PATH",
493 ),
494 opt(
495 Unstable,
496 Opt,
497 "",
498 "persist-doctests",
499 "Directory to persist doctest executables into",
500 "PATH",
501 ),
502 opt(
503 Unstable,
504 FlagMulti,
505 "",
506 "show-coverage",
507 "calculate percentage of public items with documentation",
508 "",
509 ),
510 opt(
511 Unstable,
512 FlagMulti,
513 "",
514 "enable-per-target-ignores",
515 "parse ignore-foo for ignoring doctests on a per-target basis",
516 "",
517 ),
518 opt(
519 Unstable,
520 Opt,
521 "",
522 "runtool",
523 "",
524 "The tool to run tests with when building for a different target than host",
525 ),
526 opt(
527 Unstable,
528 Multi,
529 "",
530 "runtool-arg",
531 "",
532 "One (of possibly many) arguments to pass to the runtool",
533 ),
534 opt(
535 Unstable,
536 Opt,
537 "",
538 "test-builder",
539 "The rustc-like binary to use as the test builder",
540 "PATH",
541 ),
542 opt(
543 Unstable,
544 Multi,
545 "",
546 "test-builder-wrapper",
547 "Wrapper program to pass test-builder and arguments",
548 "PATH",
549 ),
550 opt(Unstable, FlagMulti, "", "check", "Run rustdoc checks", ""),
551 opt(
552 Unstable,
553 FlagMulti,
554 "",
555 "generate-redirect-map",
556 "Generate JSON file at the top level instead of generating HTML redirection files",
557 "",
558 ),
559 opt(
560 Unstable,
561 Multi,
562 "",
563 "emit",
564 "Comma separated list of types of output for rustdoc to emit",
565 "[unversioned-shared-resources,toolchain-shared-resources,invocation-specific]",
566 ),
567 opt(Unstable, FlagMulti, "", "no-run", "Compile doctests without running them", ""),
568 opt(
569 Unstable,
570 Multi,
571 "",
572 "remap-path-prefix",
573 "Remap source names in compiler messages",
574 "FROM=TO",
575 ),
576 opt(
577 Unstable,
578 FlagMulti,
579 "",
580 "show-type-layout",
581 "Include the memory layout of types in the docs",
582 "",
583 ),
584 opt(Unstable, Flag, "", "nocapture", "Don't capture stdout and stderr of tests", ""),
585 opt(
586 Unstable,
587 Flag,
588 "",
589 "generate-link-to-definition",
590 "Make the identifiers in the HTML source code pages navigable",
591 "",
592 ),
593 opt(
594 Unstable,
595 Opt,
596 "",
597 "scrape-examples-output-path",
598 "",
599 "collect function call information and output at the given path",
600 ),
601 opt(
602 Unstable,
603 Multi,
604 "",
605 "scrape-examples-target-crate",
606 "",
607 "collect function call information for functions from the target crate",
608 ),
609 opt(Unstable, Flag, "", "scrape-tests", "Include test code when scraping examples", ""),
610 opt(
611 Unstable,
612 Multi,
613 "",
614 "with-examples",
615 "",
616 "path to function call information (for displaying examples in the documentation)",
617 ),
618 opt(
619 Unstable,
620 Opt,
621 "",
622 "merge",
623 "Controls how rustdoc handles files from previously documented crates in the doc root\n\
624 none = Do not write cross-crate information to the --out-dir\n\
625 shared = Append current crate's info to files found in the --out-dir\n\
626 finalize = Write current crate's info and --include-parts-dir info to the --out-dir, overwriting conflicting files",
627 "none|shared|finalize",
628 ),
629 opt(
630 Unstable,
631 Opt,
632 "",
633 "parts-out-dir",
634 "Writes trait implementations and other info for the current crate to provided path. Only use with --merge=none",
635 "path/to/doc.parts/<crate-name>",
636 ),
637 opt(
638 Unstable,
639 Multi,
640 "",
641 "include-parts-dir",
642 "Includes trait implementations and other crate info from provided path. Only use with --merge=finalize",
643 "path/to/doc.parts/<crate-name>",
644 ),
645 opt(Unstable, Flag, "", "html-no-source", "Disable HTML source code pages generation", ""),
646 opt(
647 Unstable,
648 Multi,
649 "",
650 "doctest-compilation-args",
651 "",
652 "add arguments to be used when compiling doctests",
653 ),
654 opt(
655 Unstable,
656 FlagMulti,
657 "",
658 "disable-minification",
659 "disable the minification of CSS/JS files (perma-unstable, do not use with cached files)",
660 "",
661 ),
662 opt(
664 Stable,
665 Multi,
666 "",
667 "plugin-path",
668 "removed, see issue #44136 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/44136> for more information",
669 "DIR",
670 ),
671 opt(
672 Stable,
673 Multi,
674 "",
675 "passes",
676 "removed, see issue #44136 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/44136> for more information",
677 "PASSES",
678 ),
679 opt(
680 Stable,
681 Multi,
682 "",
683 "plugins",
684 "removed, see issue #44136 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/44136> for more information",
685 "PLUGINS",
686 ),
687 opt(
688 Stable,
689 FlagMulti,
690 "",
691 "no-defaults",
692 "removed, see issue #44136 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/44136> for more information",
693 "",
694 ),
695 opt(
696 Stable,
697 Opt,
698 "r",
699 "input-format",
700 "removed, see issue #44136 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/44136> for more information",
701 "[rust]",
702 ),
703 ]
706fn usage(argv0: &str) {
707 let mut options = getopts::Options::new();
708 for option in opts() {
709 option.apply(&mut options);
710 }
711 println!("{}", options.usage(&format!("{argv0} [options] <input>")));
712 println!(" @path Read newline separated options from `path`\n");
713 println!(
714 "More information available at {DOC_RUST_LANG_ORG_VERSION}/rustdoc/what-is-rustdoc.html",
715 );
718pub(crate) fn wrap_return(dcx: DiagCtxtHandle<'_>, res: Result<(), String>) {
719 match res {
720 Ok(()) => dcx.abort_if_errors(),
721 Err(err) => dcx.fatal(err),
722 }
725fn run_renderer<'tcx, T: formats::FormatRenderer<'tcx>>(
726 krate: clean::Crate,
727 renderopts: config::RenderOptions,
728 cache: formats::cache::Cache,
729 tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
730) {
731 match formats::run_format::<T>(krate, renderopts, cache, tcx) {
732 Ok(_) => tcx.dcx().abort_if_errors(),
733 Err(e) => {
734 let mut msg =
735 tcx.dcx().struct_fatal(format!("couldn't generate documentation: {}", e.error));
736 let file = e.file.display().to_string();
737 if !file.is_empty() {
738 msg.note(format!("failed to create or modify \"{file}\""));
739 }
740 msg.emit();
741 }
742 }
745fn run_merge_finalize(opt: config::RenderOptions) -> Result<(), error::Error> {
749 assert!(
750 opt.should_merge.write_rendered_cci,
751 "config.rs only allows us to return InputMode::NoInputMergeFinalize if --merge=finalize"
752 );
753 assert!(
754 !opt.should_merge.read_rendered_cci,
755 "config.rs only allows us to return InputMode::NoInputMergeFinalize if --merge=finalize"
756 );
757 let crates = html::render::CrateInfo::read_many(&opt.include_parts_dir)?;
758 let include_sources = !opt.html_no_source;
759 html::render::write_not_crate_specific(
760 &crates,
761 &opt.output,
762 &opt,
763 &opt.themes,
764 opt.extension_css.as_deref(),
765 &opt.resource_suffix,
766 include_sources,
767 )?;
768 Ok(())
771fn main_args(early_dcx: &mut EarlyDiagCtxt, at_args: &[String]) {
772 let at_args = at_args.get(1..).unwrap_or_default();
782 let args = rustc_driver::args::arg_expand_all(early_dcx, at_args);
784 let mut options = getopts::Options::new();
785 for option in opts() {
786 option.apply(&mut options);
787 }
788 let matches = match options.parse(&args) {
789 Ok(m) => m,
790 Err(err) => {
791 early_dcx.early_fatal(err.to_string());
792 }
793 };
795 let (input, options, render_options) =
798 match config::Options::from_matches(early_dcx, &matches, args) {
799 Some(opts) => opts,
800 None => return,
801 };
803 let dcx =
804 core::new_dcx(options.error_format, None, options.diagnostic_width, &options.unstable_opts);
805 let dcx = dcx.handle();
807 let input = match input {
808 config::InputMode::HasFile(input) => input,
809 config::InputMode::NoInputMergeFinalize => {
810 return wrap_return(
811 dcx,
812 run_merge_finalize(render_options)
813 .map_err(|e| format!("could not write merged cross-crate info: {e}")),
814 );
815 }
816 };
818 let output_format = options.output_format;
820 match (
821 options.should_test || output_format == config::OutputFormat::Doctest,
822 config::markdown_input(&input),
823 ) {
824 (true, Some(_)) => return wrap_return(dcx, doctest::test_markdown(&input, options)),
825 (true, None) => return doctest::run(dcx, input, options),
826 (false, Some(md_input)) => {
827 let md_input = md_input.to_owned();
828 let edition = options.edition;
829 let config = core::create_config(input, options, &render_options);
831 return wrap_return(
835 dcx,
836 interface::run_compiler(config, |_compiler| {
837 markdown::render_and_write(&md_input, render_options, edition)
838 }),
839 );
840 }
841 (false, None) => {}
842 }
844 let show_coverage = options.show_coverage;
847 let run_check = options.run_check;
849 info!("starting to run rustc");
852 let crate_version = options.crate_version.clone();
858 let scrape_examples_options = options.scrape_examples_options.clone();
859 let bin_crate = options.bin_crate;
861 let config = core::create_config(input, options, &render_options);
863 let registered_lints = config.register_lints.is_some();
865 interface::run_compiler(config, |compiler| {
866 let sess = &compiler.sess;
868 if sess.opts.describe_lints {
869 rustc_driver::describe_lints(sess, registered_lints);
870 return;
871 }
873 let krate = rustc_interface::passes::parse(sess);
874 rustc_interface::create_and_enter_global_ctxt(compiler, krate, |tcx| {
875 if sess.dcx().has_errors().is_some() {
876 sess.dcx().fatal("Compilation failed, aborting rustdoc");
877 }
879 let (krate, render_opts, mut cache) = sess.time("run_global_ctxt", || {
880 core::run_global_ctxt(tcx, show_coverage, render_options, output_format)
881 });
882 info!("finished with rustc");
884 if let Some(options) = scrape_examples_options {
885 return scrape_examples::run(krate, render_opts, cache, tcx, options, bin_crate);
886 }
888 cache.crate_version = crate_version;
890 if show_coverage {
891 return;
894 } else if run_check {
895 return;
897 }
899 info!("going to format");
900 match output_format {
901 config::OutputFormat::Html => sess.time("render_html", || {
902 run_renderer::<html::render::Context<'_>>(krate, render_opts, cache, tcx)
903 }),
904 config::OutputFormat::Json => sess.time("render_json", || {
905 run_renderer::<json::JsonRenderer<'_>>(krate, render_opts, cache, tcx)
906 }),
907 config::OutputFormat::Doctest => unreachable!(),
909 }
910 })
911 })