
1//! High-level overview of how `fix` works:
3//! The main goal is to run `cargo check` to get rustc to emit JSON
4//! diagnostics with suggested fixes that can be applied to the files on the
5//! filesystem, and validate that those changes didn't break anything.
7//! Cargo begins by launching a `LockServer` thread in the background to
8//! listen for network connections to coordinate locking when multiple targets
9//! are built simultaneously. It ensures each package has only one fix running
10//! at once.
12//! The `RustfixDiagnosticServer` is launched in a background thread (in
13//! `JobQueue`) to listen for network connections to coordinate displaying
14//! messages to the user on the console (so that multiple processes don't try
15//! to print at the same time).
17//! Cargo begins a normal `cargo check` operation with itself set as a proxy
18//! for rustc by setting `primary_unit_rustc` in the build config. When
19//! cargo launches rustc to check a crate, it is actually launching itself.
20//! The `FIX_ENV_INTERNAL` environment variable is set so that cargo knows it is in
21//! fix-proxy-mode.
23//! Each proxied cargo-as-rustc detects it is in fix-proxy-mode (via `FIX_ENV_INTERNAL`
24//! environment variable in `main`) and does the following:
26//! - Acquire a lock from the `LockServer` from the master cargo process.
27//! - Launches the real rustc (`rustfix_and_fix`), looking at the JSON output
28//!   for suggested fixes.
29//! - Uses the `rustfix` crate to apply the suggestions to the files on the
30//!   file system.
31//! - If rustfix fails to apply any suggestions (for example, they are
32//!   overlapping), but at least some suggestions succeeded, it will try the
33//!   previous two steps up to 4 times as long as some suggestions succeed.
34//! - Assuming there's at least one suggestion applied, and the suggestions
35//!   applied cleanly, rustc is run again to verify the suggestions didn't
36//!   break anything. The change will be backed out if it fails (unless
37//!   `--broken-code` is used).
39use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
40use std::ffi::OsString;
41use std::io::Write;
42use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
43use std::process::{self, ExitStatus, Output};
44use std::{env, fs, str};
46use anyhow::{bail, Context as _};
47use cargo_util::{exit_status_to_string, is_simple_exit_code, paths, ProcessBuilder};
48use cargo_util_schemas::manifest::TomlManifest;
49use rustfix::diagnostics::Diagnostic;
50use rustfix::CodeFix;
51use semver::Version;
52use tracing::{debug, trace, warn};
54use crate::core::compiler::CompileKind;
55use crate::core::compiler::RustcTargetData;
56use crate::core::resolver::features::{DiffMap, FeatureOpts, FeatureResolver, FeaturesFor};
57use crate::core::resolver::{HasDevUnits, Resolve, ResolveBehavior};
58use crate::core::PackageIdSpecQuery as _;
59use crate::core::{Edition, MaybePackage, Package, PackageId, Workspace};
60use crate::ops::resolve::WorkspaceResolve;
61use crate::ops::{self, CompileOptions};
62use crate::util::diagnostic_server::{Message, RustfixDiagnosticServer};
63use crate::util::errors::CargoResult;
64use crate::util::toml_mut::manifest::LocalManifest;
65use crate::util::GlobalContext;
66use crate::util::{existing_vcs_repo, LockServer, LockServerClient};
67use crate::{drop_eprint, drop_eprintln};
69/// **Internal only.**
70/// Indicates Cargo is in fix-proxy-mode if presents.
71/// The value of it is the socket address of the [`LockServer`] being used.
72/// See the [module-level documentation](mod@super::fix) for more.
73const FIX_ENV_INTERNAL: &str = "__CARGO_FIX_PLZ";
74/// **Internal only.**
75/// For passing [`FixOptions::broken_code`] through to cargo running in proxy mode.
77/// **Internal only.**
78/// For passing [`FixOptions::edition`] through to cargo running in proxy mode.
80/// **Internal only.**
81/// For passing [`FixOptions::idioms`] through to cargo running in proxy mode.
83/// **Internal only.**
84/// The sysroot path.
86/// This is for preventing `cargo fix` from fixing rust std/core libs. See
88/// * <>
89/// * <>
92pub struct FixOptions {
93    pub edition: bool,
94    pub idioms: bool,
95    pub compile_opts: CompileOptions,
96    pub allow_dirty: bool,
97    pub allow_no_vcs: bool,
98    pub allow_staged: bool,
99    pub broken_code: bool,
100    pub requested_lockfile_path: Option<PathBuf>,
103pub fn fix(
104    gctx: &GlobalContext,
105    original_ws: &Workspace<'_>,
106    root_manifest: &Path,
107    opts: &mut FixOptions,
108) -> CargoResult<()> {
109    check_version_control(gctx, opts)?;
111    let mut target_data =
112        RustcTargetData::new(original_ws, &opts.compile_opts.build_config.requested_kinds)?;
113    if opts.edition {
114        let specs = opts.compile_opts.spec.to_package_id_specs(&original_ws)?;
115        let members: Vec<&Package> = original_ws
116            .members()
117            .filter(|m| specs.iter().any(|spec| spec.matches(m.package_id())))
118            .collect();
119        migrate_manifests(original_ws, &members)?;
121        check_resolver_change(&original_ws, &mut target_data, opts)?;
122    }
123    let mut ws = Workspace::new(&root_manifest, gctx)?;
124    ws.set_resolve_honors_rust_version(Some(original_ws.resolve_honors_rust_version()));
125    ws.set_resolve_feature_unification(original_ws.resolve_feature_unification());
126    ws.set_requested_lockfile_path(opts.requested_lockfile_path.clone());
128    // Spin up our lock server, which our subprocesses will use to synchronize fixes.
129    let lock_server = LockServer::new()?;
130    let mut wrapper = ProcessBuilder::new(env::current_exe()?);
131    wrapper.env(FIX_ENV_INTERNAL, lock_server.addr().to_string());
132    let _started = lock_server.start()?;
134    opts.compile_opts.build_config.force_rebuild = true;
136    if opts.broken_code {
137        wrapper.env(BROKEN_CODE_ENV_INTERNAL, "1");
138    }
140    if opts.edition {
141        wrapper.env(EDITION_ENV_INTERNAL, "1");
142    }
143    if opts.idioms {
144        wrapper.env(IDIOMS_ENV_INTERNAL, "1");
145    }
147    let sysroot = &;
148    if sysroot.is_dir() {
149        wrapper.env(SYSROOT_INTERNAL, sysroot);
150    }
152    *opts
153        .compile_opts
154        .build_config
155        .rustfix_diagnostic_server
156        .borrow_mut() = Some(RustfixDiagnosticServer::new()?);
158    if let Some(server) = opts
159        .compile_opts
160        .build_config
161        .rustfix_diagnostic_server
162        .borrow()
163        .as_ref()
164    {
165        server.configure(&mut wrapper);
166    }
168    let rustc = ws.gctx().load_global_rustc(Some(&ws))?;
169    wrapper.arg(&rustc.path);
170    // This is calling rustc in cargo fix-proxy-mode, so it also need to retry.
171    // The argfile handling are located at `FixArgs::from_args`.
172    wrapper.retry_with_argfile(true);
174    // primary crates are compiled using a cargo subprocess to do extra work of applying fixes and
175    // repeating build until there are no more changes to be applied
176    opts.compile_opts.build_config.primary_unit_rustc = Some(wrapper);
178    ops::compile(&ws, &opts.compile_opts)?;
179    Ok(())
182fn check_version_control(gctx: &GlobalContext, opts: &FixOptions) -> CargoResult<()> {
183    if opts.allow_no_vcs {
184        return Ok(());
185    }
186    if !existing_vcs_repo(gctx.cwd(), gctx.cwd()) {
187        bail!(
188            "no VCS found for this package and `cargo fix` can potentially \
189             perform destructive changes; if you'd like to suppress this \
190             error pass `--allow-no-vcs`"
191        )
192    }
194    if opts.allow_dirty && opts.allow_staged {
195        return Ok(());
196    }
198    let mut dirty_files = Vec::new();
199    let mut staged_files = Vec::new();
200    if let Ok(repo) = git2::Repository::discover(gctx.cwd()) {
201        let mut repo_opts = git2::StatusOptions::new();
202        repo_opts.include_ignored(false);
203        repo_opts.include_untracked(true);
204        for status in repo.statuses(Some(&mut repo_opts))?.iter() {
205            if let Some(path) = status.path() {
206                match status.status() {
207                    git2::Status::CURRENT => (),
208                    git2::Status::INDEX_NEW
209                    | git2::Status::INDEX_MODIFIED
210                    | git2::Status::INDEX_DELETED
211                    | git2::Status::INDEX_RENAMED
212                    | git2::Status::INDEX_TYPECHANGE => {
213                        if !opts.allow_staged {
214                            staged_files.push(path.to_string())
215                        }
216                    }
217                    _ => {
218                        if !opts.allow_dirty {
219                            dirty_files.push(path.to_string())
220                        }
221                    }
222                };
223            }
224        }
225    }
227    if dirty_files.is_empty() && staged_files.is_empty() {
228        return Ok(());
229    }
231    let mut files_list = String::new();
232    for file in dirty_files {
233        files_list.push_str("  * ");
234        files_list.push_str(&file);
235        files_list.push_str(" (dirty)\n");
236    }
237    for file in staged_files {
238        files_list.push_str("  * ");
239        files_list.push_str(&file);
240        files_list.push_str(" (staged)\n");
241    }
243    bail!(
244        "the working directory of this package has uncommitted changes, and \
245         `cargo fix` can potentially perform destructive changes; if you'd \
246         like to suppress this error pass `--allow-dirty`, \
247         or commit the changes to these files:\n\
248         \n\
249         {}\n\
250         ",
251        files_list
252    );
255fn migrate_manifests(ws: &Workspace<'_>, pkgs: &[&Package]) -> CargoResult<()> {
256    // HACK: Duplicate workspace migration logic between virtual manifests and real manifests to
257    // reduce multiple Migrating messages being reported for the same file to the user
258    if matches!(ws.root_maybe(), MaybePackage::Virtual(_)) {
259        // Warning: workspaces do not have an edition so this should only include changes needed by
260        // packages that preserve the behavior of the workspace on all editions
261        let highest_edition = pkgs
262            .iter()
263            .map(|p| p.manifest().edition())
264            .max()
265            .unwrap_or_default();
266        let prepare_for_edition = highest_edition.saturating_next();
267        if highest_edition == prepare_for_edition
268            || (!prepare_for_edition.is_stable() && !ws.gctx().nightly_features_allowed)
269        {
270            //
271        } else {
272            let mut manifest_mut = LocalManifest::try_new(ws.root_manifest())?;
273            let document = &mut;
274            let mut fixes = 0;
276            if Edition::Edition2024 <= prepare_for_edition {
277                let root = document.as_table_mut();
279                if let Some(workspace) = root
280                    .get_mut("workspace")
281                    .and_then(|t| t.as_table_like_mut())
282                {
283                    // strictly speaking, the edition doesn't apply to this table but it should be safe
284                    // enough
285                    fixes += rename_dep_fields_2024(workspace, "dependencies");
286                }
287            }
289            if 0 < fixes {
290                // HACK: As workspace migration is a special case, only report it if something
291                // happened
292                let file = ws.root_manifest();
293                let file = file.strip_prefix(ws.root()).unwrap_or(file);
294                let file = file.display();
295                ws.gctx().shell().status(
296                    "Migrating",
297                    format!("{file} from {highest_edition} edition to {prepare_for_edition}"),
298                )?;
300                let verb = if fixes == 1 { "fix" } else { "fixes" };
301                let msg = format!("{file} ({fixes} {verb})");
302                ws.gctx().shell().status("Fixed", msg)?;
304                manifest_mut.write()?;
305            }
306        }
307    }
309    for pkg in pkgs {
310        let existing_edition = pkg.manifest().edition();
311        let prepare_for_edition = existing_edition.saturating_next();
312        if existing_edition == prepare_for_edition
313            || (!prepare_for_edition.is_stable() && !ws.gctx().nightly_features_allowed)
314        {
315            continue;
316        }
317        let file = pkg.manifest_path();
318        let file = file.strip_prefix(ws.root()).unwrap_or(file);
319        let file = file.display();
320        ws.gctx().shell().status(
321            "Migrating",
322            format!("{file} from {existing_edition} edition to {prepare_for_edition}"),
323        )?;
325        let mut manifest_mut = LocalManifest::try_new(pkg.manifest_path())?;
326        let document = &mut;
327        let mut fixes = 0;
329        let ws_original_toml = match ws.root_maybe() {
330            MaybePackage::Package(package) => package.manifest().original_toml(),
331            MaybePackage::Virtual(manifest) => manifest.original_toml(),
332        };
333        if Edition::Edition2024 <= prepare_for_edition {
334            let root = document.as_table_mut();
336            if let Some(workspace) = root
337                .get_mut("workspace")
338                .and_then(|t| t.as_table_like_mut())
339            {
340                // strictly speaking, the edition doesn't apply to this table but it should be safe
341                // enough
342                fixes += rename_dep_fields_2024(workspace, "dependencies");
343            }
345            fixes += rename_table(root, "project", "package");
346            if let Some(target) = root.get_mut("lib").and_then(|t| t.as_table_like_mut()) {
347                fixes += rename_target_fields_2024(target);
348            }
349            fixes += rename_array_of_target_fields_2024(root, "bin");
350            fixes += rename_array_of_target_fields_2024(root, "example");
351            fixes += rename_array_of_target_fields_2024(root, "test");
352            fixes += rename_array_of_target_fields_2024(root, "bench");
353            fixes += rename_dep_fields_2024(root, "dependencies");
354            fixes += remove_ignored_default_features_2024(root, "dependencies", ws_original_toml);
355            fixes += rename_table(root, "dev_dependencies", "dev-dependencies");
356            fixes += rename_dep_fields_2024(root, "dev-dependencies");
357            fixes +=
358                remove_ignored_default_features_2024(root, "dev-dependencies", ws_original_toml);
359            fixes += rename_table(root, "build_dependencies", "build-dependencies");
360            fixes += rename_dep_fields_2024(root, "build-dependencies");
361            fixes +=
362                remove_ignored_default_features_2024(root, "build-dependencies", ws_original_toml);
363            for target in root
364                .get_mut("target")
365                .and_then(|t| t.as_table_like_mut())
366                .iter_mut()
367                .flat_map(|t| t.iter_mut())
368                .filter_map(|(_k, t)| t.as_table_like_mut())
369            {
370                fixes += rename_dep_fields_2024(target, "dependencies");
371                fixes +=
372                    remove_ignored_default_features_2024(target, "dependencies", ws_original_toml);
373                fixes += rename_table(target, "dev_dependencies", "dev-dependencies");
374                fixes += rename_dep_fields_2024(target, "dev-dependencies");
375                fixes += remove_ignored_default_features_2024(
376                    target,
377                    "dev-dependencies",
378                    ws_original_toml,
379                );
380                fixes += rename_table(target, "build_dependencies", "build-dependencies");
381                fixes += rename_dep_fields_2024(target, "build-dependencies");
382                fixes += remove_ignored_default_features_2024(
383                    target,
384                    "build-dependencies",
385                    ws_original_toml,
386                );
387            }
388        }
390        if 0 < fixes {
391            let verb = if fixes == 1 { "fix" } else { "fixes" };
392            let msg = format!("{file} ({fixes} {verb})");
393            ws.gctx().shell().status("Fixed", msg)?;
395            manifest_mut.write()?;
396        }
397    }
399    Ok(())
402fn rename_dep_fields_2024(parent: &mut dyn toml_edit::TableLike, dep_kind: &str) -> usize {
403    let mut fixes = 0;
404    for target in parent
405        .get_mut(dep_kind)
406        .and_then(|t| t.as_table_like_mut())
407        .iter_mut()
408        .flat_map(|t| t.iter_mut())
409        .filter_map(|(_k, t)| t.as_table_like_mut())
410    {
411        fixes += rename_table(target, "default_features", "default-features");
412    }
413    fixes
416fn remove_ignored_default_features_2024(
417    parent: &mut dyn toml_edit::TableLike,
418    dep_kind: &str,
419    ws_original_toml: &TomlManifest,
420) -> usize {
421    let mut fixes = 0;
422    for (name_in_toml, target) in parent
423        .get_mut(dep_kind)
424        .and_then(|t| t.as_table_like_mut())
425        .iter_mut()
426        .flat_map(|t| t.iter_mut())
427        .filter_map(|(k, t)| t.as_table_like_mut().map(|t| (k, t)))
428    {
429        let name_in_toml: &str = &name_in_toml;
430        let ws_deps = ws_original_toml
431            .workspace
432            .as_ref()
433            .and_then(|ws| ws.dependencies.as_ref());
434        if let Some(ws_dep) = ws_deps.and_then(|ws_deps| ws_deps.get(name_in_toml)) {
435            if ws_dep.default_features() == Some(false) {
436                continue;
437            }
438        }
439        if target
440            .get("workspace")
441            .and_then(|i| i.as_value())
442            .and_then(|i| i.as_bool())
443            == Some(true)
444            && target
445                .get("default-features")
446                .and_then(|i| i.as_value())
447                .and_then(|i| i.as_bool())
448                == Some(false)
449        {
450            target.remove("default-features");
451            fixes += 1;
452        }
453    }
454    fixes
457fn rename_array_of_target_fields_2024(root: &mut dyn toml_edit::TableLike, kind: &str) -> usize {
458    let mut fixes = 0;
459    for target in root
460        .get_mut(kind)
461        .and_then(|t| t.as_array_of_tables_mut())
462        .iter_mut()
463        .flat_map(|t| t.iter_mut())
464    {
465        fixes += rename_target_fields_2024(target);
466    }
467    fixes
470fn rename_target_fields_2024(target: &mut dyn toml_edit::TableLike) -> usize {
471    let mut fixes = 0;
472    fixes += rename_table(target, "crate_type", "crate-type");
473    fixes += rename_table(target, "proc_macro", "proc-macro");
474    fixes
477fn rename_table(parent: &mut dyn toml_edit::TableLike, old: &str, new: &str) -> usize {
478    let Some(old_key) = parent.key(old).cloned() else {
479        return 0;
480    };
482    let project = parent.remove(old).expect("returned early");
483    if !parent.contains_key(new) {
484        parent.insert(new, project);
485        let mut new_key = parent.key_mut(new).expect("just inserted");
486        *new_key.dotted_decor_mut() = old_key.dotted_decor().clone();
487        *new_key.leaf_decor_mut() = old_key.leaf_decor().clone();
488    }
489    1
492fn check_resolver_change<'gctx>(
493    ws: &Workspace<'gctx>,
494    target_data: &mut RustcTargetData<'gctx>,
495    opts: &FixOptions,
496) -> CargoResult<()> {
497    let root = ws.root_maybe();
498    match root {
499        MaybePackage::Package(root_pkg) => {
500            if root_pkg.manifest().resolve_behavior().is_some() {
501                // If explicitly specified by the user, no need to check.
502                return Ok(());
503            }
504            // Only trigger if updating the root package from 2018.
505            let pkgs = opts.compile_opts.spec.get_packages(ws)?;
506            if !pkgs.iter().any(|&pkg| pkg == root_pkg) {
507                // The root is not being migrated.
508                return Ok(());
509            }
510            if root_pkg.manifest().edition() != Edition::Edition2018 {
511                // V1 to V2 only happens on 2018 to 2021.
512                return Ok(());
513            }
514        }
515        MaybePackage::Virtual(_vm) => {
516            // Virtual workspaces don't have a global edition to set (yet).
517            return Ok(());
518        }
519    }
520    // 2018 without `resolver` set must be V1
521    assert_eq!(ws.resolve_behavior(), ResolveBehavior::V1);
522    let specs = opts.compile_opts.spec.to_package_id_specs(ws)?;
523    let mut resolve_differences = |has_dev_units| -> CargoResult<(WorkspaceResolve<'_>, DiffMap)> {
524        let dry_run = false;
525        let ws_resolve = ops::resolve_ws_with_opts(
526            ws,
527            target_data,
528            &opts.compile_opts.build_config.requested_kinds,
529            &opts.compile_opts.cli_features,
530            &specs,
531            has_dev_units,
532            crate::core::resolver::features::ForceAllTargets::No,
533            dry_run,
534        )?;
536        let feature_opts = FeatureOpts::new_behavior(ResolveBehavior::V2, has_dev_units);
537        let v2_features = FeatureResolver::resolve(
538            ws,
539            target_data,
540            &ws_resolve.targeted_resolve,
541            &ws_resolve.pkg_set,
542            &opts.compile_opts.cli_features,
543            &specs,
544            &opts.compile_opts.build_config.requested_kinds,
545            feature_opts,
546        )?;
548        let diffs = v2_features.compare_legacy(&ws_resolve.resolved_features);
549        Ok((ws_resolve, diffs))
550    };
551    let (_, without_dev_diffs) = resolve_differences(HasDevUnits::No)?;
552    let (ws_resolve, mut with_dev_diffs) = resolve_differences(HasDevUnits::Yes)?;
553    if without_dev_diffs.is_empty() && with_dev_diffs.is_empty() {
554        // Nothing is different, nothing to report.
555        return Ok(());
556    }
557    // Only display unique changes with dev-dependencies.
558    with_dev_diffs.retain(|k, vals| without_dev_diffs.get(k) != Some(vals));
559    let gctx = ws.gctx();
561        "Switching to Edition 2021 will enable the use of the version 2 feature resolver in Cargo.",
562    )?;
563    drop_eprintln!(
564        gctx,
565        "This may cause some dependencies to be built with fewer features enabled than previously."
566    );
567    drop_eprintln!(
568        gctx,
569        "More information about the resolver changes may be found \
570         at"
571    );
572    drop_eprintln!(
573        gctx,
574        "When building the following dependencies, \
575         the given features will no longer be used:\n"
576    );
577    let show_diffs = |differences: DiffMap| {
578        for ((pkg_id, features_for), removed) in differences {
579            drop_eprint!(gctx, "  {}", pkg_id);
580            if let FeaturesFor::HostDep = features_for {
581                drop_eprint!(gctx, " (as host dependency)");
582            }
583            drop_eprint!(gctx, " removed features: ");
584            let joined: Vec<_> = removed.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect();
585            drop_eprintln!(gctx, "{}", joined.join(", "));
586        }
587        drop_eprint!(gctx, "\n");
588    };
589    if !without_dev_diffs.is_empty() {
590        show_diffs(without_dev_diffs);
591    }
592    if !with_dev_diffs.is_empty() {
593        drop_eprintln!(
594            gctx,
595            "The following differences only apply when building with dev-dependencies:\n"
596        );
597        show_diffs(with_dev_diffs);
598    }
599    report_maybe_diesel(gctx, &ws_resolve.targeted_resolve)?;
600    Ok(())
603fn report_maybe_diesel(gctx: &GlobalContext, resolve: &Resolve) -> CargoResult<()> {
604    fn is_broken_diesel(pid: PackageId) -> bool {
605 == "diesel" && pid.version() < &Version::new(1, 4, 8)
606    }
608    fn is_broken_diesel_migration(pid: PackageId) -> bool {
609 == "diesel_migrations" && pid.version().major <= 1
610    }
612    if resolve.iter().any(is_broken_diesel) && resolve.iter().any(is_broken_diesel_migration) {
614            "\
615This project appears to use both diesel and diesel_migrations. These packages have
616a known issue where the build may fail due to the version 2 resolver preventing
617feature unification between those two packages. Please update to at least diesel 1.4.8
618to prevent this issue from happening.
620        )?;
621    }
622    Ok(())
625/// Provide the lock address when running in proxy mode
627/// Returns `None` if `fix` is not being run (not in proxy mode). Returns
628/// `Some(...)` if in `fix` proxy mode
629pub fn fix_get_proxy_lock_addr() -> Option<String> {
630    // ALLOWED: For the internal mechanism of `cargo fix` only.
631    // Shouldn't be set directly by anyone.
632    #[allow(clippy::disallowed_methods)]
633    env::var(FIX_ENV_INTERNAL).ok()
636/// Entry point for `cargo` running as a proxy for `rustc`.
638/// This is called every time `cargo` is run to check if it is in proxy mode.
640/// If there are warnings or errors, this does not return,
641/// and the process exits with the corresponding `rustc` exit code.
643/// See [`fix_get_proxy_lock_addr`]
644pub fn fix_exec_rustc(gctx: &GlobalContext, lock_addr: &str) -> CargoResult<()> {
645    let args = FixArgs::get()?;
646    trace!("cargo-fix as rustc got file {:?}", args.file);
648    let workspace_rustc = gctx
649        .get_env("RUSTC_WORKSPACE_WRAPPER")
650        .map(PathBuf::from)
651        .ok();
652    let mut rustc = ProcessBuilder::new(&args.rustc).wrapped(workspace_rustc.as_ref());
653    rustc.retry_with_argfile(true);
654    rustc.env_remove(FIX_ENV_INTERNAL);
655    args.apply(&mut rustc);
656    // Removes `FD_CLOEXEC` set by `jobserver::Client` to ensure that the
657    // compiler can access the jobserver.
658    if let Some(client) = gctx.jobserver_from_env() {
659        rustc.inherit_jobserver(client);
660    }
662    trace!("start rustfixing {:?}", args.file);
663    let fixes = rustfix_crate(&lock_addr, &rustc, &args.file, &args, gctx)?;
665    if fixes.last_output.status.success() {
666        for (path, file) in fixes.files.iter() {
667            Message::Fixed {
668                file: path.clone(),
669                fixes: file.fixes_applied,
670            }
671            .post(gctx)?;
672        }
673        // Display any remaining diagnostics.
674        emit_output(&fixes.last_output)?;
675        return Ok(());
676    }
678    let allow_broken_code = gctx.get_env_os(BROKEN_CODE_ENV_INTERNAL).is_some();
680    // There was an error running rustc during the last run.
681    //
682    // Back out all of the changes unless --broken-code was used.
683    if !allow_broken_code {
684        for (path, file) in fixes.files.iter() {
685            debug!("reverting {:?} due to errors", path);
686            paths::write(path, &file.original_code)?;
687        }
688    }
690    // If there were any fixes, let the user know that there was a failure
691    // attempting to apply them, and to ask for a bug report.
692    //
693    // FIXME: The error message here is not correct with --broken-code.
694    //
695    if fixes.files.is_empty() {
696        // No fixes were available. Display whatever errors happened.
697        emit_output(&fixes.last_output)?;
698        exit_with(fixes.last_output.status);
699    } else {
700        let krate = {
701            let mut iter = rustc.get_args();
702            let mut krate = None;
703            while let Some(arg) = {
704                if arg == "--crate-name" {
705                    krate =|s| s.to_owned().into_string().ok());
706                }
707            }
708            krate
709        };
710        log_failed_fix(
711            gctx,
712            krate,
713            &fixes.last_output.stderr,
714            fixes.last_output.status,
715        )?;
716        // Display the diagnostics that appeared at the start, before the
717        // fixes failed. This can help with diagnosing which suggestions
718        // caused the failure.
719        emit_output(&fixes.first_output)?;
720        // Exit with whatever exit code we initially started with. `cargo fix`
721        // treats this as a warning, and shouldn't return a failure code
722        // unless the code didn't compile in the first place.
723        exit_with(fixes.first_output.status);
724    }
727fn emit_output(output: &Output) -> CargoResult<()> {
728    // Unfortunately if there is output on stdout, this does not preserve the
729    // order of output relative to stderr. In practice, rustc should never
730    // print to stdout unless some proc-macro does it.
731    std::io::stderr().write_all(&output.stderr)?;
732    std::io::stdout().write_all(&output.stdout)?;
733    Ok(())
736struct FixedCrate {
737    /// Map of file path to some information about modifications made to that file.
738    files: HashMap<String, FixedFile>,
739    /// The output from rustc from the first time it was called.
740    ///
741    /// This is needed when fixes fail to apply, so that it can display the
742    /// original diagnostics to the user which can help with diagnosing which
743    /// suggestions caused the failure.
744    first_output: Output,
745    /// The output from rustc from the last time it was called.
746    ///
747    /// This will be displayed to the user to show any remaining diagnostics
748    /// or errors.
749    last_output: Output,
753struct FixedFile {
754    errors_applying_fixes: Vec<String>,
755    fixes_applied: u32,
756    original_code: String,
759/// Attempts to apply fixes to a single crate.
761/// This runs `rustc` (possibly multiple times) to gather suggestions from the
762/// compiler and applies them to the files on disk.
763fn rustfix_crate(
764    lock_addr: &str,
765    rustc: &ProcessBuilder,
766    filename: &Path,
767    args: &FixArgs,
768    gctx: &GlobalContext,
769) -> CargoResult<FixedCrate> {
770    // First up, we want to make sure that each crate is only checked by one
771    // process at a time. If two invocations concurrently check a crate then
772    // it's likely to corrupt it.
773    //
774    // Historically this used per-source-file locking, then per-package
775    // locking. It now uses a single, global lock as some users do things like
776    // #[path] or include!() of shared files between packages. Serializing
777    // makes it slower, but is the only safe way to prevent concurrent
778    // modification.
779    let _lock = LockServerClient::lock(&lock_addr.parse()?, "global")?;
781    // Map of files that have been modified.
782    let mut files = HashMap::new();
784    if !args.can_run_rustfix(gctx)? {
785        // This fix should not be run. Skipping...
786        // We still need to run rustc at least once to make sure any potential
787        // rmeta gets generated, and diagnostics get displayed.
788        debug!("can't fix {filename:?}, running rustc: {rustc}");
789        let last_output = rustc.output()?;
790        let fixes = FixedCrate {
791            files,
792            first_output: last_output.clone(),
793            last_output,
794        };
795        return Ok(fixes);
796    }
798    // Next up, this is a bit suspicious, but we *iteratively* execute rustc and
799    // collect suggestions to feed to rustfix. Once we hit our limit of times to
800    // execute rustc or we appear to be reaching a fixed point we stop running
801    // rustc.
802    //
803    // This is currently done to handle code like:
804    //
805    //      ::foo::<::Bar>();
806    //
807    // where there are two fixes to happen here: `crate::foo::<crate::Bar>()`.
808    // The spans for these two suggestions are overlapping and its difficult in
809    // the compiler to **not** have overlapping spans here. As a result, a naive
810    // implementation would feed the two compiler suggestions for the above fix
811    // into `rustfix`, but one would be rejected because it overlaps with the
812    // other.
813    //
814    // In this case though, both suggestions are valid and can be automatically
815    // applied! To handle this case we execute rustc multiple times, collecting
816    // fixes each time we do so. Along the way we discard any suggestions that
817    // failed to apply, assuming that they can be fixed the next time we run
818    // rustc.
819    //
820    // Naturally, we want a few protections in place here though to avoid looping
821    // forever or otherwise losing data. To that end we have a few termination
822    // conditions:
823    //
824    // * Do this whole process a fixed number of times. In theory we probably
825    //   need an infinite number of times to apply fixes, but we're not gonna
826    //   sit around waiting for that.
827    // * If it looks like a fix genuinely can't be applied we need to bail out.
828    //   Detect this when a fix fails to get applied *and* no suggestions
829    //   successfully applied to the same file. In that case looks like we
830    //   definitely can't make progress, so bail out.
831    let max_iterations = gctx
832        .get_env("CARGO_FIX_MAX_RETRIES")
833        .ok()
834        .and_then(|n| n.parse().ok())
835        .unwrap_or(4);
836    let mut last_output;
837    let mut last_made_changes;
838    let mut first_output = None;
839    let mut current_iteration = 0;
840    loop {
841        for file in files.values_mut() {
842            // We'll generate new errors below.
843            file.errors_applying_fixes.clear();
844        }
845        (last_output, last_made_changes) =
846            rustfix_and_fix(&mut files, rustc, filename, args, gctx)?;
847        if current_iteration == 0 {
848            first_output = Some(last_output.clone());
849        }
850        let mut progress_yet_to_be_made = false;
851        for (path, file) in files.iter_mut() {
852            if file.errors_applying_fixes.is_empty() {
853                continue;
854            }
855            debug!("had rustfix apply errors in {path:?} {file:?}");
856            // If anything was successfully fixed *and* there's at least one
857            // error, then assume the error was spurious and we'll try again on
858            // the next iteration.
859            if last_made_changes {
860                progress_yet_to_be_made = true;
861            }
862        }
863        if !progress_yet_to_be_made {
864            break;
865        }
866        current_iteration += 1;
867        if current_iteration >= max_iterations {
868            break;
869        }
870    }
871    if last_made_changes {
872        debug!("calling rustc one last time for final results: {rustc}");
873        last_output = rustc.output()?;
874    }
876    // Any errors still remaining at this point need to be reported as probably
877    // bugs in Cargo and/or rustfix.
878    for (path, file) in files.iter_mut() {
879        for error in file.errors_applying_fixes.drain(..) {
880            Message::ReplaceFailed {
881                file: path.clone(),
882                message: error,
883            }
884            .post(gctx)?;
885        }
886    }
888    Ok(FixedCrate {
889        files,
890        first_output: first_output.expect("at least one iteration"),
891        last_output,
892    })
895/// Executes `rustc` to apply one round of suggestions to the crate in question.
897/// This will fill in the `fixes` map with original code, suggestions applied,
898/// and any errors encountered while fixing files.
899fn rustfix_and_fix(
900    files: &mut HashMap<String, FixedFile>,
901    rustc: &ProcessBuilder,
902    filename: &Path,
903    args: &FixArgs,
904    gctx: &GlobalContext,
905) -> CargoResult<(Output, bool)> {
906    // If not empty, filter by these lints.
907    // TODO: implement a way to specify this.
908    let only = HashSet::new();
910    debug!("calling rustc to collect suggestions and validate previous fixes: {rustc}");
911    let output = rustc.output()?;
913    // If rustc didn't succeed for whatever reasons then we're very likely to be
914    // looking at otherwise broken code. Let's not make things accidentally
915    // worse by applying fixes where a bug could cause *more* broken code.
916    // Instead, punt upwards which will reexec rustc over the original code,
917    // displaying pretty versions of the diagnostics we just read out.
918    if !output.status.success() && gctx.get_env_os(BROKEN_CODE_ENV_INTERNAL).is_none() {
919        debug!(
920            "rustfixing `{:?}` failed, rustc exited with {:?}",
921            filename,
922            output.status.code()
923        );
924        return Ok((output, false));
925    }
927    let fix_mode = gctx
928        .get_env_os("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO")
929        .map(|_| rustfix::Filter::Everything)
930        .unwrap_or(rustfix::Filter::MachineApplicableOnly);
932    // Sift through the output of the compiler to look for JSON messages.
933    // indicating fixes that we can apply.
934    let stderr = str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).context("failed to parse rustc stderr as UTF-8")?;
936    let suggestions = stderr
937        .lines()
938        .filter(|x| !x.is_empty())
939        .inspect(|y| trace!("line: {}", y))
940        // Parse each line of stderr, ignoring errors, as they may not all be JSON.
941        .filter_map(|line| serde_json::from_str::<Diagnostic>(line).ok())
942        // From each diagnostic, try to extract suggestions from rustc.
943        .filter_map(|diag| rustfix::collect_suggestions(&diag, &only, fix_mode));
945    // Collect suggestions by file so we can apply them one at a time later.
946    let mut file_map = HashMap::new();
947    let mut num_suggestion = 0;
948    // It's safe since we won't read any content under home dir.
949    let home_path = gctx.home().as_path_unlocked();
950    for suggestion in suggestions {
951        trace!("suggestion");
952        // Make sure we've got a file associated with this suggestion and all
953        // snippets point to the same file. Right now it's not clear what
954        // we would do with multiple files.
955        let file_names = suggestion
956            .solutions
957            .iter()
958            .flat_map(|s| s.replacements.iter())
959            .map(|r| &r.snippet.file_name);
961        let file_name = if let Some(file_name) = file_names.clone().next() {
962            file_name.clone()
963        } else {
964            trace!("rejecting as it has no solutions {:?}", suggestion);
965            continue;
966        };
968        let file_path = Path::new(&file_name);
969        // Do not write into registry cache. See rust-lang/cargo#9857.
970        if file_path.starts_with(home_path) {
971            continue;
972        }
973        // Do not write into standard library source. See rust-lang/cargo#9857.
974        if let Some(sysroot) = args.sysroot.as_deref() {
975            if file_path.starts_with(sysroot) {
976                continue;
977            }
978        }
980        if !file_names.clone().all(|f| f == &file_name) {
981            trace!("rejecting as it changes multiple files: {:?}", suggestion);
982            continue;
983        }
985        trace!("adding suggestion for {:?}: {:?}", file_name, suggestion);
986        file_map
987            .entry(file_name)
988            .or_insert_with(Vec::new)
989            .push(suggestion);
990        num_suggestion += 1;
991    }
993    debug!(
994        "collected {} suggestions for `{}`",
995        num_suggestion,
996        filename.display(),
997    );
999    let mut made_changes = false;
1000    for (file, suggestions) in file_map {
1001        // Attempt to read the source code for this file. If this fails then
1002        // that'd be pretty surprising, so log a message and otherwise keep
1003        // going.
1004        let code = match paths::read(file.as_ref()) {
1005            Ok(s) => s,
1006            Err(e) => {
1007                warn!("failed to read `{}`: {}", file, e);
1008                continue;
1009            }
1010        };
1011        let num_suggestions = suggestions.len();
1012        debug!("applying {} fixes to {}", num_suggestions, file);
1014        // If this file doesn't already exist then we just read the original
1015        // code, so save it. If the file already exists then the original code
1016        // doesn't need to be updated as we've just read an interim state with
1017        // some fixes but perhaps not all.
1018        let fixed_file = files.entry(file.clone()).or_insert_with(|| FixedFile {
1019            errors_applying_fixes: Vec::new(),
1020            fixes_applied: 0,
1021            original_code: code.clone(),
1022        });
1023        let mut fixed = CodeFix::new(&code);
1025        for suggestion in suggestions.iter().rev() {
1026            // As mentioned above in `rustfix_crate`,
1027            // we don't immediately warn about suggestions that fail to apply here,
1028            // and instead we save them off for later processing.
1029            //
1030            // However, we don't bother reporting conflicts that exactly match prior replacements.
1031            // This is currently done to reduce noise for things like rust-lang/rust#51211,
1032            // although it may be removed if that's fixed deeper in the compiler.
1033            match fixed.apply(suggestion) {
1034                Ok(()) => fixed_file.fixes_applied += 1,
1035                Err(rustfix::Error::AlreadyReplaced {
1036                    is_identical: true, ..
1037                }) => continue,
1038                Err(e) => fixed_file.errors_applying_fixes.push(e.to_string()),
1039            }
1040        }
1041        if fixed.modified() {
1042            made_changes = true;
1043            let new_code = fixed.finish()?;
1044            paths::write(&file, new_code)?;
1045        }
1046    }
1048    Ok((output, made_changes))
1051fn exit_with(status: ExitStatus) -> ! {
1052    #[cfg(unix)]
1053    {
1054        use std::os::unix::prelude::*;
1055        if let Some(signal) = status.signal() {
1056            drop(writeln!(
1057                std::io::stderr().lock(),
1058                "child failed with signal `{}`",
1059                signal
1060            ));
1061            process::exit(2);
1062        }
1063    }
1064    process::exit(status.code().unwrap_or(3));
1067fn log_failed_fix(
1068    gctx: &GlobalContext,
1069    krate: Option<String>,
1070    stderr: &[u8],
1071    status: ExitStatus,
1072) -> CargoResult<()> {
1073    let stderr = str::from_utf8(stderr).context("failed to parse rustc stderr as utf-8")?;
1075    let diagnostics = stderr
1076        .lines()
1077        .filter(|x| !x.is_empty())
1078        .filter_map(|line| serde_json::from_str::<Diagnostic>(line).ok());
1079    let mut files = BTreeSet::new();
1080    let mut errors = Vec::new();
1081    for diagnostic in diagnostics {
1082        errors.push(diagnostic.rendered.unwrap_or(diagnostic.message));
1083        for span in diagnostic.spans.into_iter() {
1084            files.insert(span.file_name);
1085        }
1086    }
1087    // Include any abnormal messages (like an ICE or whatever).
1088    errors.extend(
1089        stderr
1090            .lines()
1091            .filter(|x| !x.starts_with('{'))
1092            .map(|x| x.to_string()),
1093    );
1095    let files = files.into_iter().collect();
1096    let abnormal_exit = if status.code().map_or(false, is_simple_exit_code) {
1097        None
1098    } else {
1099        Some(exit_status_to_string(status))
1100    };
1101    Message::FixFailed {
1102        files,
1103        krate,
1104        errors,
1105        abnormal_exit,
1106    }
1107    .post(gctx)?;
1109    Ok(())
1112/// Various command-line options and settings used when `cargo` is running as
1113/// a proxy for `rustc` during the fix operation.
1114struct FixArgs {
1115    /// This is the `.rs` file that is being fixed.
1116    file: PathBuf,
1117    /// If `--edition` is used to migrate to the next edition, this is the
1118    /// edition we are migrating towards.
1119    prepare_for_edition: Option<Edition>,
1120    /// `true` if `--edition-idioms` is enabled.
1121    idioms: bool,
1122    /// The current edition.
1123    ///
1124    /// `None` if on 2015.
1125    enabled_edition: Option<Edition>,
1126    /// Other command-line arguments not reflected by other fields in
1127    /// `FixArgs`.
1128    other: Vec<OsString>,
1129    /// Path to the `rustc` executable.
1130    rustc: PathBuf,
1131    /// Path to host sysroot.
1132    sysroot: Option<PathBuf>,
1135impl FixArgs {
1136    fn get() -> CargoResult<FixArgs> {
1137        Self::from_args(env::args_os())
1138    }
1140    // This is a separate function so that we can use it in tests.
1141    fn from_args(argv: impl IntoIterator<Item = OsString>) -> CargoResult<Self> {
1142        let mut argv = argv.into_iter();
1143        let mut rustc = argv
1144            .nth(1)
1145            .map(PathBuf::from)
1146            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("expected rustc or `@path` as first argument"))?;
1147        let mut file = None;
1148        let mut enabled_edition = None;
1149        let mut other = Vec::new();
1151        let mut handle_arg = |arg: OsString| -> CargoResult<()> {
1152            let path = PathBuf::from(arg);
1153            if path.extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) == Some("rs") && path.exists() {
1154                file = Some(path);
1155                return Ok(());
1156            }
1157            if let Some(s) = path.to_str() {
1158                if let Some(edition) = s.strip_prefix("--edition=") {
1159                    enabled_edition = Some(edition.parse()?);
1160                    return Ok(());
1161                }
1162            }
1163            other.push(path.into());
1164            Ok(())
1165        };
1167        if let Some(argfile_path) = rustc.to_str().unwrap_or_default().strip_prefix("@") {
1168            // Because cargo in fix-proxy-mode might hit the command line size limit,
1169            // cargo fix need handle `@path` argfile for this special case.
1170            if {
1171                bail!("argfile `@path` cannot be combined with other arguments");
1172            }
1173            let contents = fs::read_to_string(argfile_path)
1174                .with_context(|| format!("failed to read argfile at `{argfile_path}`"))?;
1175            let mut iter = contents.lines().map(OsString::from);
1176            rustc = iter
1177                .next()
1178                .map(PathBuf::from)
1179                .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("expected rustc as first argument"))?;
1180            for arg in iter {
1181                handle_arg(arg)?;
1182            }
1183        } else {
1184            for arg in argv {
1185                handle_arg(arg)?;
1186            }
1187        }
1189        let file = file.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("could not find .rs file in rustc args"))?;
1190        // ALLOWED: For the internal mechanism of `cargo fix` only.
1191        // Shouldn't be set directly by anyone.
1192        #[allow(clippy::disallowed_methods)]
1193        let idioms = env::var(IDIOMS_ENV_INTERNAL).is_ok();
1195        // ALLOWED: For the internal mechanism of `cargo fix` only.
1196        // Shouldn't be set directly by anyone.
1197        #[allow(clippy::disallowed_methods)]
1198        let prepare_for_edition = env::var(EDITION_ENV_INTERNAL).ok().map(|_| {
1199            enabled_edition
1200                .unwrap_or(Edition::Edition2015)
1201                .saturating_next()
1202        });
1204        // ALLOWED: For the internal mechanism of `cargo fix` only.
1205        // Shouldn't be set directly by anyone.
1206        #[allow(clippy::disallowed_methods)]
1207        let sysroot = env::var_os(SYSROOT_INTERNAL).map(PathBuf::from);
1209        Ok(FixArgs {
1210            file,
1211            prepare_for_edition,
1212            idioms,
1213            enabled_edition,
1214            other,
1215            rustc,
1216            sysroot,
1217        })
1218    }
1220    fn apply(&self, cmd: &mut ProcessBuilder) {
1221        cmd.arg(&self.file);
1222        cmd.args(&self.other);
1223        if self.prepare_for_edition.is_some() {
1224            // When migrating an edition, we don't want to fix other lints as
1225            // they can sometimes add suggestions that fail to apply, causing
1226            // the entire migration to fail. But those lints aren't needed to
1227            // migrate.
1228            cmd.arg("--cap-lints=allow");
1229        } else {
1230            // This allows `cargo fix` to work even if the crate has #[deny(warnings)].
1231            cmd.arg("--cap-lints=warn");
1232        }
1233        if let Some(edition) = self.enabled_edition {
1234            cmd.arg("--edition").arg(edition.to_string());
1235            if self.idioms && edition.supports_idiom_lint() {
1236                cmd.arg(format!("-Wrust-{}-idioms", edition));
1237            }
1238        }
1240        if let Some(edition) = self.prepare_for_edition {
1241            if edition.supports_compat_lint() {
1242                cmd.arg("--force-warn")
1243                    .arg(format!("rust-{}-compatibility", edition));
1244            }
1245        }
1246    }
1248    /// Validates the edition, and sends a message indicating what is being
1249    /// done. Returns a flag indicating whether this fix should be run.
1250    fn can_run_rustfix(&self, gctx: &GlobalContext) -> CargoResult<bool> {
1251        let Some(to_edition) = self.prepare_for_edition else {
1252            return Message::Fixing {
1253                file: self.file.display().to_string(),
1254            }
1255            .post(gctx)
1256            .and(Ok(true));
1257        };
1258        // Unfortunately determining which cargo targets are being built
1259        // isn't easy, and each target can be a different edition. The
1260        // cargo-as-rustc fix wrapper doesn't know anything about the
1261        // workspace, so it can't check for the `cargo-features` unstable
1262        // opt-in. As a compromise, this just restricts to the nightly
1263        // toolchain.
1264        //
1265        // Unfortunately this results in a pretty poor error message when
1266        // multiple jobs run in parallel (the error appears multiple
1267        // times). Hopefully this doesn't happen often in practice.
1268        if !to_edition.is_stable() && !gctx.nightly_features_allowed {
1269            let message = format!(
1270                "`{file}` is on the latest edition, but trying to \
1271                 migrate to edition {to_edition}.\n\
1272                 Edition {to_edition} is unstable and not allowed in \
1273                 this release, consider trying the nightly release channel.",
1274                file = self.file.display(),
1275                to_edition = to_edition
1276            );
1277            return Message::EditionAlreadyEnabled {
1278                message,
1279                edition: to_edition.previous().unwrap(),
1280            }
1281            .post(gctx)
1282            .and(Ok(false)); // Do not run rustfix for this the edition.
1283        }
1284        let from_edition = self.enabled_edition.unwrap_or(Edition::Edition2015);
1285        if from_edition == to_edition {
1286            let message = format!(
1287                "`{}` is already on the latest edition ({}), \
1288                 unable to migrate further",
1289                self.file.display(),
1290                to_edition
1291            );
1292            Message::EditionAlreadyEnabled {
1293                message,
1294                edition: to_edition,
1295            }
1296            .post(gctx)
1297        } else {
1298            Message::Migrating {
1299                file: self.file.display().to_string(),
1300                from_edition,
1301                to_edition,
1302            }
1303            .post(gctx)
1304        }
1305        .and(Ok(true))
1306    }
1310mod tests {
1311    use super::FixArgs;
1312    use std::ffi::OsString;
1313    use std::io::Write as _;
1314    use std::path::PathBuf;
1316    #[test]
1317    fn get_fix_args_from_argfile() {
1318        let mut temp = tempfile::Builder::new().tempfile().unwrap();
1319        let main_rs = tempfile::Builder::new().suffix(".rs").tempfile().unwrap();
1321        let content = format!("/path/to/rustc\n{}\nfoobar\n", main_rs.path().display());
1322        temp.write_all(content.as_bytes()).unwrap();
1324        let argfile = format!("@{}", temp.path().display());
1325        let args = ["cargo", &argfile];
1326        let fix_args = FixArgs::from_args(|x| x.into())).unwrap();
1327        assert_eq!(fix_args.rustc, PathBuf::from("/path/to/rustc"));
1328        assert_eq!(fix_args.file, main_rs.path());
1329        assert_eq!(fix_args.other, vec![OsString::from("foobar")]);
1330    }
1332    #[test]
1333    fn get_fix_args_from_argfile_with_extra_arg() {
1334        let mut temp = tempfile::Builder::new().tempfile().unwrap();
1335        let main_rs = tempfile::Builder::new().suffix(".rs").tempfile().unwrap();
1337        let content = format!("/path/to/rustc\n{}\nfoobar\n", main_rs.path().display());
1338        temp.write_all(content.as_bytes()).unwrap();
1340        let argfile = format!("@{}", temp.path().display());
1341        let args = ["cargo", &argfile, "boo!"];
1342        match FixArgs::from_args(|x| x.into())) {
1343            Err(e) => assert_eq!(
1344                e.to_string(),
1345                "argfile `@path` cannot be combined with other arguments"
1346            ),
1347            Ok(_) => panic!("should fail"),
1348        }
1349    }