1use rustc_data_structures::graph::dominators::Dominators;
5use rustc_index::bit_set::DenseBitSet;
6use rustc_index::{IndexSlice, IndexVec};
7use rustc_middle::mir::visit::{MutatingUseContext, NonMutatingUseContext, PlaceContext, Visitor};
8use rustc_middle::mir::{self, DefLocation, Location, TerminatorKind, traversal};
9use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{HasTyCtxt, LayoutOf};
10use rustc_middle::{bug, span_bug};
11use tracing::debug;
13use super::FunctionCx;
14use crate::traits::*;
16pub(crate) fn non_ssa_locals<'a, 'tcx, Bx: BuilderMethods<'a, 'tcx>>(
17 fx: &FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, Bx>,
18 traversal_order: &[mir::BasicBlock],
19) -> DenseBitSet<mir::Local> {
20 let mir = fx.mir;
21 let dominators = mir.basic_blocks.dominators();
22 let locals = mir
23 .local_decls
24 .iter()
25 .map(|decl| {
26 let ty = fx.monomorphize(decl.ty);
27 let layout = fx.cx.spanned_layout_of(ty, decl.source_info.span);
28 if layout.is_zst() { LocalKind::ZST } else { LocalKind::Unused }
29 })
30 .collect();
32 let mut analyzer = LocalAnalyzer { fx, dominators, locals };
34 for arg in mir.args_iter() {
36 analyzer.define(arg, DefLocation::Argument);
37 }
39 for bb in traversal_order.iter().copied() {
43 let data = &mir.basic_blocks[bb];
44 analyzer.visit_basic_block_data(bb, data);
45 }
47 let mut non_ssa_locals = DenseBitSet::new_empty(analyzer.locals.len());
48 for (local, kind) in analyzer.locals.iter_enumerated() {
49 if matches!(kind, LocalKind::Memory) {
50 non_ssa_locals.insert(local);
51 }
52 }
54 non_ssa_locals
57#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
58enum LocalKind {
59 ZST,
60 Memory,
62 Unused,
64 SSA(DefLocation),
68struct LocalAnalyzer<'a, 'b, 'tcx, Bx: BuilderMethods<'b, 'tcx>> {
69 fx: &'a FunctionCx<'b, 'tcx, Bx>,
70 dominators: &'a Dominators<mir::BasicBlock>,
71 locals: IndexVec<mir::Local, LocalKind>,
74impl<'a, 'b, 'tcx, Bx: BuilderMethods<'b, 'tcx>> LocalAnalyzer<'a, 'b, 'tcx, Bx> {
75 fn define(&mut self, local: mir::Local, location: DefLocation) {
76 let fx = self.fx;
77 let kind = &mut self.locals[local];
78 let decl = &fx.mir.local_decls[local];
79 match *kind {
80 LocalKind::ZST => {}
81 LocalKind::Memory => {}
82 LocalKind::Unused => {
83 let ty = fx.monomorphize(decl.ty);
84 let layout = fx.cx.spanned_layout_of(ty, decl.source_info.span);
85 *kind =
86 if fx.cx.is_backend_immediate(layout) || fx.cx.is_backend_scalar_pair(layout) {
87 LocalKind::SSA(location)
88 } else {
89 LocalKind::Memory
90 };
91 }
92 LocalKind::SSA(_) => *kind = LocalKind::Memory,
93 }
94 }
96 fn process_place(
97 &mut self,
98 place_ref: &mir::PlaceRef<'tcx>,
99 context: PlaceContext,
100 location: Location,
101 ) {
102 let cx = self.fx.cx;
104 if let Some((place_base, elem)) = place_ref.last_projection() {
105 let mut base_context = if context.is_mutating_use() {
106 PlaceContext::MutatingUse(MutatingUseContext::Projection)
107 } else {
108 PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(NonMutatingUseContext::Projection)
109 };
111 let is_consume = matches!(
113 context,
114 PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(
115 NonMutatingUseContext::Copy | NonMutatingUseContext::Move,
116 )
117 );
118 if is_consume {
119 let base_ty = place_base.ty(self.fx.mir, cx.tcx());
120 let base_ty = self.fx.monomorphize(base_ty);
122 let elem_ty = base_ty.projection_ty(cx.tcx(), self.fx.monomorphize(elem)).ty;
124 let span = self.fx.mir.local_decls[place_ref.local].source_info.span;
125 if cx.spanned_layout_of(elem_ty, span).is_zst() {
126 return;
127 }
129 if let mir::ProjectionElem::Field(..) = elem {
130 let layout = cx.spanned_layout_of(base_ty.ty, span);
131 if cx.is_backend_immediate(layout) || cx.is_backend_scalar_pair(layout) {
132 base_context = context;
136 }
137 }
138 }
140 if let mir::ProjectionElem::Deref = elem {
141 base_context = PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(NonMutatingUseContext::Copy);
143 }
145 self.process_place(&place_base, base_context, location);
146 if let mir::ProjectionElem::Index(local) = elem {
150 self.visit_local(
151 local,
152 PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(NonMutatingUseContext::Copy),
153 location,
154 );
155 }
156 } else {
157 self.visit_local(place_ref.local, context, location);
158 }
159 }
162impl<'a, 'b, 'tcx, Bx: BuilderMethods<'b, 'tcx>> Visitor<'tcx> for LocalAnalyzer<'a, 'b, 'tcx, Bx> {
163 fn visit_assign(
164 &mut self,
165 place: &mir::Place<'tcx>,
166 rvalue: &mir::Rvalue<'tcx>,
167 location: Location,
168 ) {
169 debug!("visit_assign(place={:?}, rvalue={:?})", place, rvalue);
171 if let Some(local) = place.as_local() {
172 self.define(local, DefLocation::Assignment(location));
173 if self.locals[local] != LocalKind::Memory {
174 let decl_span = self.fx.mir.local_decls[local].source_info.span;
175 if !self.fx.rvalue_creates_operand(rvalue, decl_span) {
176 self.locals[local] = LocalKind::Memory;
177 }
178 }
179 } else {
180 self.visit_place(place, PlaceContext::MutatingUse(MutatingUseContext::Store), location);
181 }
183 self.visit_rvalue(rvalue, location);
184 }
186 fn visit_place(&mut self, place: &mir::Place<'tcx>, context: PlaceContext, location: Location) {
187 debug!("visit_place(place={:?}, context={:?})", place, context);
188 self.process_place(&place.as_ref(), context, location);
189 }
191 fn visit_local(&mut self, local: mir::Local, context: PlaceContext, location: Location) {
192 match context {
193 PlaceContext::MutatingUse(MutatingUseContext::Call) => {
194 let call = location.block;
195 let TerminatorKind::Call { target, .. } =
196 self.fx.mir.basic_blocks[call].terminator().kind
197 else {
198 bug!()
199 };
200 self.define(local, DefLocation::CallReturn { call, target });
201 }
203 PlaceContext::NonUse(_)
204 | PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(NonMutatingUseContext::PlaceMention)
205 | PlaceContext::MutatingUse(MutatingUseContext::Retag) => {}
207 PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(
208 NonMutatingUseContext::Copy | NonMutatingUseContext::Move,
209 ) => match &mut self.locals[local] {
210 LocalKind::ZST => {}
211 LocalKind::Memory => {}
212 LocalKind::SSA(def) if def.dominates(location, self.dominators) => {}
213 kind @ (LocalKind::Unused | LocalKind::SSA(_)) => {
218 *kind = LocalKind::Memory;
219 }
220 },
222 PlaceContext::MutatingUse(
223 MutatingUseContext::Store
224 | MutatingUseContext::Deinit
225 | MutatingUseContext::SetDiscriminant
226 | MutatingUseContext::AsmOutput
227 | MutatingUseContext::Borrow
228 | MutatingUseContext::RawBorrow
229 | MutatingUseContext::Projection,
230 )
231 | PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(
232 NonMutatingUseContext::Inspect
233 | NonMutatingUseContext::SharedBorrow
234 | NonMutatingUseContext::FakeBorrow
235 | NonMutatingUseContext::RawBorrow
236 | NonMutatingUseContext::Projection,
237 ) => {
238 self.locals[local] = LocalKind::Memory;
239 }
241 PlaceContext::MutatingUse(MutatingUseContext::Drop) => {
242 let kind = &mut self.locals[local];
243 if *kind != LocalKind::Memory {
244 let ty = self.fx.mir.local_decls[local].ty;
245 let ty = self.fx.monomorphize(ty);
246 if self.fx.cx.type_needs_drop(ty) {
247 *kind = LocalKind::Memory;
249 }
250 }
251 }
253 PlaceContext::MutatingUse(MutatingUseContext::Yield) => bug!(),
254 }
255 }
258#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
259pub(crate) enum CleanupKind {
260 NotCleanup,
261 Funclet,
262 Internal { funclet: mir::BasicBlock },
265impl CleanupKind {
266 pub(crate) fn funclet_bb(self, for_bb: mir::BasicBlock) -> Option<mir::BasicBlock> {
267 match self {
268 CleanupKind::NotCleanup => None,
269 CleanupKind::Funclet => Some(for_bb),
270 CleanupKind::Internal { funclet } => Some(funclet),
271 }
272 }
275pub(crate) fn cleanup_kinds(mir: &mir::Body<'_>) -> IndexVec<mir::BasicBlock, CleanupKind> {
279 fn discover_masters<'tcx>(
280 result: &mut IndexSlice<mir::BasicBlock, CleanupKind>,
281 mir: &mir::Body<'tcx>,
282 ) {
283 for (bb, data) in mir.basic_blocks.iter_enumerated() {
284 match data.terminator().kind {
285 TerminatorKind::Goto { .. }
286 | TerminatorKind::UnwindResume
287 | TerminatorKind::UnwindTerminate(_)
288 | TerminatorKind::Return
289 | TerminatorKind::TailCall { .. }
290 | TerminatorKind::CoroutineDrop
291 | TerminatorKind::Unreachable
292 | TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. }
293 | TerminatorKind::Yield { .. }
294 | TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { .. }
295 | TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { .. } => { }
296 TerminatorKind::Call { unwind, .. }
297 | TerminatorKind::InlineAsm { unwind, .. }
298 | TerminatorKind::Assert { unwind, .. }
299 | TerminatorKind::Drop { unwind, .. } => {
300 if let mir::UnwindAction::Cleanup(unwind) = unwind {
301 debug!(
302 "cleanup_kinds: {:?}/{:?} registering {:?} as funclet",
303 bb, data, unwind
304 );
305 result[unwind] = CleanupKind::Funclet;
306 }
307 }
308 }
309 }
310 }
312 fn propagate<'tcx>(
313 result: &mut IndexSlice<mir::BasicBlock, CleanupKind>,
314 mir: &mir::Body<'tcx>,
315 ) {
316 let mut funclet_succs = IndexVec::from_elem(None, &mir.basic_blocks);
318 let mut set_successor = |funclet: mir::BasicBlock, succ| match funclet_succs[funclet] {
319 ref mut s @ None => {
320 debug!("set_successor: updating successor of {:?} to {:?}", funclet, succ);
321 *s = Some(succ);
322 }
323 Some(s) => {
324 if s != succ {
325 span_bug!(
326 mir.span,
327 "funclet {:?} has 2 parents - {:?} and {:?}",
328 funclet,
329 s,
330 succ
331 );
332 }
333 }
334 };
336 for (bb, data) in traversal::reverse_postorder(mir) {
337 let funclet = match result[bb] {
338 CleanupKind::NotCleanup => continue,
339 CleanupKind::Funclet => bb,
340 CleanupKind::Internal { funclet } => funclet,
341 };
343 debug!(
344 "cleanup_kinds: {:?}/{:?}/{:?} propagating funclet {:?}",
345 bb, data, result[bb], funclet
346 );
348 for succ in data.terminator().successors() {
349 let kind = result[succ];
350 debug!("cleanup_kinds: propagating {:?} to {:?}/{:?}", funclet, succ, kind);
351 match kind {
352 CleanupKind::NotCleanup => {
353 result[succ] = CleanupKind::Internal { funclet };
354 }
355 CleanupKind::Funclet => {
356 if funclet != succ {
357 set_successor(funclet, succ);
358 }
359 }
360 CleanupKind::Internal { funclet: succ_funclet } => {
361 if funclet != succ_funclet {
362 debug!(
366 "promoting {:?} to a funclet and updating {:?}",
367 succ, succ_funclet
368 );
369 result[succ] = CleanupKind::Funclet;
370 set_successor(succ_funclet, succ);
371 set_successor(funclet, succ);
372 }
373 }
374 }
375 }
376 }
377 }
379 let mut result = IndexVec::from_elem(CleanupKind::NotCleanup, &mir.basic_blocks);
381 discover_masters(&mut result, mir);
382 propagate(&mut result, mir);
383 debug!("cleanup_kinds: result={:?}", result);
384 result