1//! This pass constructs a second coroutine body sufficient for return from
2//! `FnOnce`/`AsyncFnOnce` implementations for coroutine-closures (e.g. async closures).
4//! Consider an async closure like:
5//! ```rust
6//! let x = vec![1, 2, 3];
8//! let closure = async move || {
9//! println!("{x:#?}");
10//! };
11//! ```
13//! This desugars to something like:
14//! ```rust,ignore (invalid-borrowck)
15//! let x = vec![1, 2, 3];
17//! let closure = move || {
18//! async {
19//! println!("{x:#?}");
20//! }
21//! };
22//! ```
24//! Important to note here is that while the outer closure *moves* `x: Vec<i32>`
25//! into its upvars, the inner `async` coroutine simply captures a ref of `x`.
26//! This is the "magic" of async closures -- the futures that they return are
27//! allowed to borrow from their parent closure's upvars.
29//! However, what happens when we call `closure` with `AsyncFnOnce` (or `FnOnce`,
30//! since all async closures implement that too)? Well, recall the signature:
31//! ```
32//! use std::future::Future;
33//! pub trait AsyncFnOnce<Args>
34//! {
35//! type CallOnceFuture: Future<Output = Self::Output>;
36//! type Output;
37//! fn async_call_once(
38//! self,
39//! args: Args
40//! ) -> Self::CallOnceFuture;
41//! }
42//! ```
44//! This signature *consumes* the async closure (`self`) and returns a `CallOnceFuture`.
45//! How do we deal with the fact that the coroutine is supposed to take a reference
46//! to the captured `x` from the parent closure, when that parent closure has been
47//! destroyed?
49//! This is the second piece of magic of async closures. We can simply create a
50//! *second* `async` coroutine body where that `x` that was previously captured
51//! by reference is now captured by value. This means that we consume the outer
52//! closure and return a new coroutine that will hold onto all of these captures,
53//! and drop them when it is finished (i.e. after it has been `.await`ed).
55//! We do this with the analysis below, which detects the captures that come from
56//! borrowing from the outer closure, and we simply peel off a `deref` projection
57//! from them. This second body is stored alongside the first body, and optimized
58//! with it in lockstep. When we need to resolve a body for `FnOnce` or `AsyncFnOnce`,
59//! we use this "by-move" body instead.
61//! ## How does this work?
63//! This pass essentially remaps the body of the (child) closure of the coroutine-closure
64//! to take the set of upvars of the parent closure by value. This at least requires
65//! changing a by-ref upvar to be by-value in the case that the outer coroutine-closure
66//! captures something by value; however, it may also require renumbering field indices
67//! in case precise captures (edition 2021 closure capture rules) caused the inner coroutine
68//! to split one field capture into two.
70use rustc_abi::{FieldIdx, VariantIdx};
71use rustc_data_structures::steal::Steal;
72use rustc_data_structures::unord::UnordMap;
73use rustc_hir as hir;
74use rustc_hir::def::DefKind;
75use rustc_hir::def_id::{DefId, LocalDefId};
76use rustc_middle::bug;
77use rustc_middle::hir::place::{Projection, ProjectionKind};
78use rustc_middle::mir::visit::MutVisitor;
79use rustc_middle::mir::{self, dump_mir};
80use rustc_middle::ty::{self, InstanceKind, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt};
81use rustc_span::kw;
83pub(crate) fn coroutine_by_move_body_def_id<'tcx>(
84 tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
85 coroutine_def_id: LocalDefId,
86) -> DefId {
87 let body = tcx.mir_built(coroutine_def_id).borrow();
89 // If the typeck results are tainted, no need to make a by-ref body.
90 if body.tainted_by_errors.is_some() {
91 return coroutine_def_id.to_def_id();
92 }
94 let Some(hir::CoroutineKind::Desugared(_, hir::CoroutineSource::Closure)) =
95 tcx.coroutine_kind(coroutine_def_id)
96 else {
97 bug!("should only be invoked on coroutine-closures");
98 };
100 // Also, let's skip processing any bodies with errors, since there's no guarantee
101 // the MIR body will be constructed well.
102 let coroutine_ty = body.local_decls[ty::CAPTURE_STRUCT_LOCAL].ty;
104 let ty::Coroutine(_, args) = *coroutine_ty.kind() else {
105 bug!("tried to create by-move body of non-coroutine receiver");
106 };
107 let args = args.as_coroutine();
109 let coroutine_kind = args.kind_ty().to_opt_closure_kind().unwrap();
111 let parent_def_id = tcx.local_parent(coroutine_def_id);
112 let ty::CoroutineClosure(_, parent_args) =
113 *tcx.type_of(parent_def_id).instantiate_identity().kind()
114 else {
115 bug!("coroutine's parent was not a coroutine-closure");
116 };
117 if parent_args.references_error() {
118 return coroutine_def_id.to_def_id();
119 }
121 let parent_closure_args = parent_args.as_coroutine_closure();
122 let num_args = parent_closure_args
123 .coroutine_closure_sig()
124 .skip_binder()
125 .tupled_inputs_ty
126 .tuple_fields()
127 .len();
129 let field_remapping: UnordMap<_, _> = ty::analyze_coroutine_closure_captures(
130 tcx.closure_captures(parent_def_id).iter().copied(),
131 tcx.closure_captures(coroutine_def_id).iter().skip(num_args).copied(),
132 |(parent_field_idx, parent_capture), (child_field_idx, child_capture)| {
133 // Store this set of additional projections (fields and derefs).
134 // We need to re-apply them later.
135 let mut child_precise_captures =
138 // If the parent capture is by-ref, then we need to apply an additional
139 // deref before applying any further projections to this place.
140 if parent_capture.is_by_ref() {
141 child_precise_captures.insert(
142 0,
143 Projection { ty:, kind: ProjectionKind::Deref },
144 );
145 }
146 // If the child capture is by-ref, then we need to apply a "ref"
147 // projection (i.e. `&`) at the end. But wait! We don't have that
148 // as a projection kind. So instead, we can apply its dual and
149 // *peel* a deref off of the place when it shows up in the MIR body.
150 // Luckily, by construction this is always possible.
151 let peel_deref = if child_capture.is_by_ref() {
152 assert!(
153 parent_capture.is_by_ref() || coroutine_kind != ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce,
154 "`FnOnce` coroutine-closures return coroutines that capture from \
155 their body; it will always result in a borrowck error!"
156 );
157 true
158 } else {
159 false
160 };
162 // Regarding the behavior above, you may think that it's redundant to both
163 // insert a deref and then peel a deref if the parent and child are both
164 // captured by-ref. This would be correct, except for the case where we have
165 // precise capturing projections, since the inserted deref is to the *beginning*
166 // and the peeled deref is at the *end*. I cannot seem to actually find a
167 // case where this happens, though, but let's keep this code flexible.
169 // Finally, store the type of the parent's captured place. We need
170 // this when building the field projection in the MIR body later on.
171 let mut parent_capture_ty =;
172 parent_capture_ty = match {
173 ty::UpvarCapture::ByValue => parent_capture_ty,
174 ty::UpvarCapture::ByRef(kind) => Ty::new_ref(
175 tcx,
176 tcx.lifetimes.re_erased,
177 parent_capture_ty,
178 kind.to_mutbl_lossy(),
179 ),
180 };
182 (
183 FieldIdx::from_usize(child_field_idx + num_args),
184 (
185 FieldIdx::from_usize(parent_field_idx + num_args),
186 parent_capture_ty,
187 peel_deref,
188 child_precise_captures,
189 ),
190 )
191 },
192 )
193 .collect();
195 if coroutine_kind == ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce {
196 assert_eq!(field_remapping.len(), tcx.closure_captures(parent_def_id).len());
197 // The by-move body is just the body :)
198 return coroutine_def_id.to_def_id();
199 }
201 let by_move_coroutine_ty = tcx
202 .instantiate_bound_regions_with_erased(parent_closure_args.coroutine_closure_sig())
203 .to_coroutine_given_kind_and_upvars(
204 tcx,
205 parent_closure_args.parent_args(),
206 coroutine_def_id.to_def_id(),
207 ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce,
208 tcx.lifetimes.re_erased,
209 parent_closure_args.tupled_upvars_ty(),
210 parent_closure_args.coroutine_captures_by_ref_ty(),
211 );
213 let mut by_move_body = body.clone();
214 MakeByMoveBody { tcx, field_remapping, by_move_coroutine_ty }.visit_body(&mut by_move_body);
216 // This will always be `{closure#1}`, since the original coroutine is `{closure#0}`.
217 let body_def = tcx.create_def(parent_def_id, kw::Empty, DefKind::SyntheticCoroutineBody);
218 by_move_body.source =
219 mir::MirSource::from_instance(InstanceKind::Item(body_def.def_id().to_def_id()));
220 dump_mir(tcx, false, "built", &"after", &by_move_body, |_, _| Ok(()));
222 // Inherited from the by-ref coroutine.
223 body_def.codegen_fn_attrs(tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(coroutine_def_id).clone());
224 body_def.coverage_attr_on(tcx.coverage_attr_on(coroutine_def_id));
225 body_def.constness(tcx.constness(coroutine_def_id));
226 body_def.coroutine_kind(tcx.coroutine_kind(coroutine_def_id));
227 body_def.def_ident_span(tcx.def_ident_span(coroutine_def_id));
228 body_def.def_span(tcx.def_span(coroutine_def_id));
229 body_def.explicit_predicates_of(tcx.explicit_predicates_of(coroutine_def_id));
230 body_def.generics_of(tcx.generics_of(coroutine_def_id).clone());
231 body_def.param_env(tcx.param_env(coroutine_def_id));
232 body_def.predicates_of(tcx.predicates_of(coroutine_def_id));
234 // The type of the coroutine is the `by_move_coroutine_ty`.
235 body_def.type_of(ty::EarlyBinder::bind(by_move_coroutine_ty));
237 body_def.mir_built(tcx.arena.alloc(Steal::new(by_move_body)));
239 body_def.def_id().to_def_id()
242struct MakeByMoveBody<'tcx> {
243 tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
244 field_remapping: UnordMap<FieldIdx, (FieldIdx, Ty<'tcx>, bool, Vec<Projection<'tcx>>)>,
245 by_move_coroutine_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
248impl<'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for MakeByMoveBody<'tcx> {
249 fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
250 self.tcx
251 }
253 fn visit_place(
254 &mut self,
255 place: &mut mir::Place<'tcx>,
256 context: mir::visit::PlaceContext,
257 location: mir::Location,
258 ) {
259 // Initializing an upvar local always starts with `CAPTURE_STRUCT_LOCAL` and a
260 // field projection. If this is in `field_remapping`, then it must not be an
261 // arg from calling the closure, but instead an upvar.
262 if place.local == ty::CAPTURE_STRUCT_LOCAL
263 && let Some((&mir::ProjectionElem::Field(idx, _), projection)) =
264 place.projection.split_first()
265 && let Some(&(remapped_idx, remapped_ty, peel_deref, ref bridging_projections)) =
266 self.field_remapping.get(&idx)
267 {
268 // As noted before, if the parent closure captures a field by value, and
269 // the child captures a field by ref, then for the by-move body we're
270 // generating, we also are taking that field by value. Peel off a deref,
271 // since a layer of ref'ing has now become redundant.
272 let final_projections = if peel_deref {
273 let Some((mir::ProjectionElem::Deref, projection)) = projection.split_first()
274 else {
275 bug!(
276 "There should be at least a single deref for an upvar local initialization, found {projection:#?}"
277 );
278 };
279 // There may be more derefs, since we may also implicitly reborrow
280 // a captured mut pointer.
281 projection
282 } else {
283 projection
284 };
286 // These projections are applied in order to "bridge" the local that we are
287 // currently transforming *from* the old upvar that the by-ref coroutine used
288 // to capture *to* the upvar of the parent coroutine-closure. For example, if
289 // the parent captures `&s` but the child captures `&(s.field)`, then we will
290 // apply a field projection.
291 let bridging_projections = bridging_projections.iter().map(|elem| match elem.kind {
292 ProjectionKind::Deref => mir::ProjectionElem::Deref,
293 ProjectionKind::Field(idx, VariantIdx::ZERO) => {
294 mir::ProjectionElem::Field(idx, elem.ty)
295 }
296 _ => unreachable!("precise captures only through fields and derefs"),
297 });
299 // We start out with an adjusted field index (and ty), representing the
300 // upvar that we get from our parent closure. We apply any of the additional
301 // projections to make sure that to the rest of the body of the closure, the
302 // place looks the same, and then apply that final deref if necessary.
303 *place = mir::Place {
304 local: place.local,
305 projection: self.tcx.mk_place_elems_from_iter(
306 [mir::ProjectionElem::Field(remapped_idx, remapped_ty)]
307 .into_iter()
308 .chain(bridging_projections)
309 .chain(final_projections.iter().copied()),
310 ),
311 };
312 }
313 self.super_place(place, context, location);
314 }
316 fn visit_local_decl(&mut self, local: mir::Local, local_decl: &mut mir::LocalDecl<'tcx>) {
317 // Replace the type of the self arg.
318 if local == ty::CAPTURE_STRUCT_LOCAL {
319 local_decl.ty = self.by_move_coroutine_ty;
320 }
321 }