1use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
3use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
4use tracing::trace;
6use super::types::ConflictMap;
7use crate::core::resolver::ResolverContext;
8use crate::core::{Dependency, PackageId};
10/// This is a trie for storing a large number of sets designed to
11/// efficiently see if any of the stored sets are a subset of a search set.
12enum ConflictStoreTrie {
13 /// One of the stored sets.
14 Leaf(ConflictMap),
15 /// A map from an element to a subtrie where
16 /// all the sets in the subtrie contains that element.
17 Node(BTreeMap<PackageId, ConflictStoreTrie>),
20impl ConflictStoreTrie {
21 /// Finds any known set of conflicts, if any,
22 /// where all elements return some from `is_active` and contain `PackageId` specified.
23 /// If more than one are activated, then it will return
24 /// one that will allow for the most jump-back.
25 fn find(
26 &self,
27 is_active: &impl Fn(PackageId) -> Option<usize>,
28 must_contain: Option<PackageId>,
29 mut max_age: usize,
30 ) -> Option<(&ConflictMap, usize)> {
31 match self {
32 ConflictStoreTrie::Leaf(c) => {
33 if must_contain.is_none() {
34 Some((c, 0))
35 } else {
36 // We did not find `must_contain`, so we need to keep looking.
37 None
38 }
39 }
40 ConflictStoreTrie::Node(m) => {
41 let mut out = None;
42 for (&pid, store) in must_contain
43 .map(|f| m.range(..=f))
44 .unwrap_or_else(|| m.range(..))
45 {
46 // If the key is active, then we need to check all of the corresponding subtrie.
47 if let Some(age_this) = is_active(pid) {
48 if age_this >= max_age && must_contain != Some(pid) {
49 // not worth looking at, it is to old.
50 continue;
51 }
52 if let Some((o, age_o)) =
53 store.find(is_active, must_contain.filter(|&f| f != pid), max_age)
54 {
55 let age = if must_contain == Some(pid) {
56 // all the results will include `must_contain`
57 // so the age of must_contain is not relevant to find the best result.
58 age_o
59 } else {
60 std::cmp::max(age_this, age_o)
61 };
62 if max_age > age {
63 // we found one that can jump-back further so replace the out.
64 out = Some((o, age));
65 // and don't look at anything older
66 max_age = age
67 }
68 }
69 }
70 // Else, if it is not active then there is no way any of the corresponding
71 // subtrie will be conflicting.
72 }
73 out
74 }
75 }
76 }
78 fn insert(&mut self, mut iter: impl Iterator<Item = PackageId>, con: ConflictMap) {
79 if let Some(pid) = {
80 if let ConflictStoreTrie::Node(p) = self {
81 p.entry(pid)
82 .or_insert_with(|| ConflictStoreTrie::Node(BTreeMap::new()))
83 .insert(iter, con);
84 }
85 // Else, we already have a subset of this in the `ConflictStore`.
86 } else {
87 // We are at the end of the set we are adding, there are three cases for what to do
88 // next:
89 // 1. `self` is an empty dummy Node inserted by `or_insert_with`
90 // in witch case we should replace it with `Leaf(con)`.
91 // 2. `self` is a `Node` because we previously inserted a superset of
92 // the thing we are working on (I don't know if this happens in practice)
93 // but the subset that we are working on will
94 // always match any time the larger set would have
95 // in witch case we can replace it with `Leaf(con)`.
96 // 3. `self` is a `Leaf` that is in the same spot in the structure as
97 // the thing we are working on. So it is equivalent.
98 // We can replace it with `Leaf(con)`.
99 if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
100 if let ConflictStoreTrie::Leaf(c) = self {
101 let a: Vec<_> = con.keys().collect();
102 let b: Vec<_> = c.keys().collect();
103 assert_eq!(a, b);
104 }
105 }
106 *self = ConflictStoreTrie::Leaf(con)
107 }
108 }
111pub(super) struct ConflictCache {
112 // `con_from_dep` is a cache of the reasons for each time we
113 // backtrack. For example after several backtracks we may have:
114 //
115 // con_from_dep[`foo = "^1.0.2"`] = map!{
116 // `foo=1.0.1`: map!{`foo=1.0.1`: Semver},
117 // `foo=1.0.0`: map!{`foo=1.0.0`: Semver},
118 // };
119 //
120 // This can be read as "we cannot find a candidate for dep `foo = "^1.0.2"`
121 // if either `foo=1.0.1` OR `foo=1.0.0` are activated".
122 //
123 // Another example after several backtracks we may have:
124 //
125 // con_from_dep[`foo = ">=0.8.2, <=0.9.3"`] = map!{
126 // `foo=0.8.1`: map!{
127 // `foo=0.9.4`: map!{`foo=0.8.1`: Semver, `foo=0.9.4`: Semver},
128 // }
129 // };
130 //
131 // This can be read as "we cannot find a candidate for dep `foo = ">=0.8.2,
132 // <=0.9.3"` if both `foo=0.8.1` AND `foo=0.9.4` are activated".
133 //
134 // This is used to make sure we don't queue work we know will fail. See the
135 // discussion in for why this
136 // is so important. The nested HashMaps act as a kind of btree, that lets us
137 // look up which entries are still active without
138 // linearly scanning through the full list.
139 //
140 // Also, as a final note, this map is **not** ever removed from. This remains
141 // as a global cache which we never delete from. Any entry in this map is
142 // unconditionally true regardless of our resolution history of how we got
143 // here.
144 con_from_dep: FxHashMap<Dependency, ConflictStoreTrie>,
145 // `dep_from_pid` is an inverse-index of `con_from_dep`.
146 // For every `PackageId` this lists the `Dependency`s that mention it in `dep_from_pid`.
147 dep_from_pid: FxHashMap<PackageId, FxHashSet<Dependency>>,
150impl ConflictCache {
151 pub fn new() -> ConflictCache {
152 ConflictCache {
153 con_from_dep: HashMap::default(),
154 dep_from_pid: HashMap::default(),
155 }
156 }
157 pub fn find(
158 &self,
159 dep: &Dependency,
160 is_active: &impl Fn(PackageId) -> Option<usize>,
161 must_contain: Option<PackageId>,
162 max_age: usize,
163 ) -> Option<&ConflictMap> {
164 self.con_from_dep
165 .get(dep)?
166 .find(is_active, must_contain, max_age)
167 .map(|(c, _)| c)
168 }
169 /// Finds any known set of conflicts, if any,
170 /// which are activated in `cx` and contain `PackageId` specified.
171 /// If more than one are activated, then it will return
172 /// one that will allow for the most jump-back.
173 pub fn find_conflicting(
174 &self,
175 cx: &ResolverContext,
176 dep: &Dependency,
177 must_contain: Option<PackageId>,
178 ) -> Option<&ConflictMap> {
179 let out = self.find(dep, &|id| cx.is_active(id), must_contain, usize::MAX);
180 if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
181 if let Some(c) = &out {
182 assert!(cx.is_conflicting(None, c).is_some());
183 if let Some(f) = must_contain {
184 assert!(c.contains_key(&f));
185 }
186 }
187 }
188 out
189 }
190 pub fn conflicting(&self, cx: &ResolverContext, dep: &Dependency) -> Option<&ConflictMap> {
191 self.find_conflicting(cx, dep, None)
192 }
194 /// Adds to the cache a conflict of the form:
195 /// `dep` is known to be unresolvable if
196 /// all the `PackageId` entries are activated.
197 pub fn insert(&mut self, dep: &Dependency, con: &ConflictMap) {
198 self.con_from_dep
199 .entry(dep.clone())
200 .or_insert_with(|| ConflictStoreTrie::Node(BTreeMap::new()))
201 .insert(con.keys().cloned(), con.clone());
203 trace!(
204 "{} = \"{}\" adding a skip {:?}",
205 dep.package_name(),
206 dep.version_req(),
207 con
208 );
210 for c in con.keys() {
211 self.dep_from_pid.entry(*c).or_default().insert(dep.clone());
212 }
213 }
215 pub fn dependencies_conflicting_with(&self, pid: PackageId) -> Option<&FxHashSet<Dependency>> {
216 self.dep_from_pid.get(&pid)
217 }