
1//! Routines the parser and pretty-printer use to classify AST nodes.
3use crate::ast::ExprKind::*;
4use crate::ast::{self, MatchKind};
5use crate::token::Delimiter;
7/// This classification determines whether various syntactic positions break out
8/// of parsing the current expression (true) or continue parsing more of the
9/// same expression (false).
11/// For example, it's relevant in the parsing of match arms:
13/// ```ignore (illustrative)
14/// match ... {
15///     // Is this calling $e as a function, or is it the start of a new arm
16///     // with a tuple pattern?
17///     _ => $e (
18///             ^                                                          )
20///     // Is this an Index operation, or new arm with a slice pattern?
21///     _ => $e [
22///             ^                                                          ]
24///     // Is this a binary operator, or leading vert in a new arm? Same for
25///     // other punctuation which can either be a binary operator in
26///     // expression or unary operator in pattern, such as `&` and `-`.
27///     _ => $e |
28///             ^
29/// }
30/// ```
32/// If $e is something like `{}` or `if … {}`, then terminate the current
33/// arm and parse a new arm.
35/// If $e is something like `path::to` or `(…)`, continue parsing the same
36/// arm.
38/// *Almost* the same classification is used as an early bail-out for parsing
39/// statements. See `expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt`.
40pub fn expr_is_complete(e: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
41    matches!(
42        e.kind,
43        If(..)
44            | Match(..)
45            | Block(..)
46            | While(..)
47            | Loop(..)
48            | ForLoop { .. }
49            | TryBlock(..)
50            | ConstBlock(..)
51    )
54/// Does this expression require a semicolon to be treated as a statement?
56/// The negation of this: "can this expression be used as a statement without a
57/// semicolon" -- is used as an early bail-out when parsing statements so that,
58/// for instance,
60/// ```ignore (illustrative)
61/// if true {...} else {...}
62/// |x| 5
63/// ```
65/// isn't parsed as `(if true {...} else {...} | x) | 5`.
67/// Surprising special case: even though braced macro calls like `m! {}`
68/// normally do not introduce a boundary when found at the head of a match arm,
69/// they do terminate the parsing of a statement.
71/// ```ignore (illustrative)
72/// match ... {
73///     _ => m! {} (),  // macro that expands to a function, which is then called
74/// }
76/// let _ = { m! {} () };  // macro call followed by unit
77/// ```
78pub fn expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(e: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
79    match &e.kind {
80        MacCall(mac_call) => mac_call.args.delim != Delimiter::Brace,
81        _ => !expr_is_complete(e),
82    }
85/// Returns whether the leftmost token of the given expression is the label of a
86/// labeled loop or block, such as in `'inner: loop { break 'inner 1 } + 1`.
88/// Such expressions are not allowed as the value of an unlabeled break.
90/// ```ignore (illustrative)
91/// 'outer: {
92///     break 'inner: loop { break 'inner 1 } + 1;  // invalid syntax
94///     break 'outer 'inner: loop { break 'inner 1 } + 1;  // okay
96///     break ('inner: loop { break 'inner 1 } + 1);  // okay
98///     break ('inner: loop { break 'inner 1 }) + 1;  // okay
99/// }
100/// ```
101pub fn leading_labeled_expr(mut expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
102    loop {
103        match &expr.kind {
104            Block(_, label) | ForLoop { label, .. } | Loop(_, label, _) | While(_, _, label) => {
105                return label.is_some();
106            }
108            Assign(e, _, _)
109            | AssignOp(_, e, _)
110            | Await(e, _)
111            | Binary(_, e, _)
112            | Call(e, _)
113            | Cast(e, _)
114            | Field(e, _)
115            | Index(e, _, _)
116            | Match(e, _, MatchKind::Postfix)
117            | Range(Some(e), _, _)
118            | Try(e) => {
119                expr = e;
120            }
121            MethodCall(method_call) => {
122                expr = &method_call.receiver;
123            }
125            AddrOf(..)
126            | Array(..)
127            | Become(..)
128            | Break(..)
129            | Closure(..)
130            | ConstBlock(..)
131            | Continue(..)
132            | FormatArgs(..)
133            | Gen(..)
134            | If(..)
135            | IncludedBytes(..)
136            | InlineAsm(..)
137            | Let(..)
138            | Lit(..)
139            | MacCall(..)
140            | Match(_, _, MatchKind::Prefix)
141            | OffsetOf(..)
142            | Paren(..)
143            | Path(..)
144            | Range(None, _, _)
145            | Repeat(..)
146            | Ret(..)
147            | Struct(..)
148            | TryBlock(..)
149            | Tup(..)
150            | Type(..)
151            | Unary(..)
152            | Underscore
153            | Yeet(..)
154            | Yield(..)
155            | UnsafeBinderCast(..)
156            | Err(..)
157            | Dummy => return false,
158        }
159    }
162pub enum TrailingBrace<'a> {
163    /// Trailing brace in a macro call, like the one in `x as *const brace! {}`.
164    /// We will suggest changing the macro call to a different delimiter.
165    MacCall(&'a ast::MacCall),
166    /// Trailing brace in any other expression, such as `a + B {}`. We will
167    /// suggest wrapping the innermost expression in parentheses: `a + (B {})`.
168    Expr(&'a ast::Expr),
171/// If an expression ends with `}`, returns the innermost expression ending in the `}`
172pub fn expr_trailing_brace(mut expr: &ast::Expr) -> Option<TrailingBrace<'_>> {
173    loop {
174        match &expr.kind {
175            AddrOf(_, _, e)
176            | Assign(_, e, _)
177            | AssignOp(_, _, e)
178            | Binary(_, _, e)
179            | Break(_, Some(e))
180            | Let(_, e, _, _)
181            | Range(_, Some(e), _)
182            | Ret(Some(e))
183            | Unary(_, e)
184            | Yield(Some(e))
185            | Yeet(Some(e))
186            | Become(e) => {
187                expr = e;
188            }
189            Closure(closure) => {
190                expr = &closure.body;
191            }
192            Gen(..)
193            | Block(..)
194            | ForLoop { .. }
195            | If(..)
196            | Loop(..)
197            | Match(..)
198            | Struct(..)
199            | TryBlock(..)
200            | While(..)
201            | ConstBlock(_) => break Some(TrailingBrace::Expr(expr)),
203            Cast(_, ty) => {
204                break type_trailing_braced_mac_call(ty).map(TrailingBrace::MacCall);
205            }
207            MacCall(mac) => {
208                break (mac.args.delim == Delimiter::Brace).then_some(TrailingBrace::MacCall(mac));
209            }
211            InlineAsm(_) | OffsetOf(_, _) | IncludedBytes(_) | FormatArgs(_) => {
212                // These should have been denied pre-expansion.
213                break None;
214            }
216            Break(_, None)
217            | Range(_, None, _)
218            | Ret(None)
219            | Yield(None)
220            | Array(_)
221            | Call(_, _)
222            | MethodCall(_)
223            | Tup(_)
224            | Lit(_)
225            | Type(_, _)
226            | Await(_, _)
227            | Field(_, _)
228            | Index(_, _, _)
229            | Underscore
230            | Path(_, _)
231            | Continue(_)
232            | Repeat(_, _)
233            | Paren(_)
234            | Try(_)
235            | Yeet(None)
236            | UnsafeBinderCast(..)
237            | Err(_)
238            | Dummy => break None,
239        }
240    }
243/// If the type's last token is `}`, it must be due to a braced macro call, such
244/// as in `*const brace! { ... }`. Returns that trailing macro call.
245fn type_trailing_braced_mac_call(mut ty: &ast::Ty) -> Option<&ast::MacCall> {
246    loop {
247        match &ty.kind {
248            ast::TyKind::MacCall(mac) => {
249                break (mac.args.delim == Delimiter::Brace).then_some(mac);
250            }
252            ast::TyKind::Ptr(mut_ty)
253            | ast::TyKind::Ref(_, mut_ty)
254            | ast::TyKind::PinnedRef(_, mut_ty) => {
255                ty = &mut_ty.ty;
256            }
258            ast::TyKind::UnsafeBinder(binder) => {
259                ty = &binder.inner_ty;
260            }
262            ast::TyKind::BareFn(fn_ty) => match &fn_ty.decl.output {
263                ast::FnRetTy::Default(_) => break None,
264                ast::FnRetTy::Ty(ret) => ty = ret,
265            },
267            ast::TyKind::Path(_, path) => match path_return_type(path) {
268                Some(trailing_ty) => ty = trailing_ty,
269                None => break None,
270            },
272            ast::TyKind::TraitObject(bounds, _) | ast::TyKind::ImplTrait(_, bounds) => {
273                match bounds.last() {
274                    Some(ast::GenericBound::Trait(bound)) => {
275                        match path_return_type(&bound.trait_ref.path) {
276                            Some(trailing_ty) => ty = trailing_ty,
277                            None => break None,
278                        }
279                    }
280                    Some(ast::GenericBound::Outlives(_) | ast::GenericBound::Use(..)) | None => {
281                        break None;
282                    }
283                }
284            }
286            ast::TyKind::Slice(..)
287            | ast::TyKind::Array(..)
288            | ast::TyKind::Never
289            | ast::TyKind::Tup(..)
290            | ast::TyKind::Paren(..)
291            | ast::TyKind::Typeof(..)
292            | ast::TyKind::Infer
293            | ast::TyKind::ImplicitSelf
294            | ast::TyKind::CVarArgs
295            | ast::TyKind::Pat(..)
296            | ast::TyKind::Dummy
297            | ast::TyKind::Err(..) => break None,
298        }
299    }
302/// Returns the trailing return type in the given path, if it has one.
304/// ```ignore (illustrative)
305/// ::std::ops::FnOnce(&str) -> fn() -> *const c_void
306///                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
307/// ```
308fn path_return_type(path: &ast::Path) -> Option<&ast::Ty> {
309    let last_segment = path.segments.last()?;
310    let args = last_segment.args.as_ref()?;
311    match &**args {
312        ast::GenericArgs::Parenthesized(args) => match &args.output {
313            ast::FnRetTy::Default(_) => None,
314            ast::FnRetTy::Ty(ret) => Some(ret),
315        },
316        ast::GenericArgs::AngleBracketed(_) | ast::GenericArgs::ParenthesizedElided(_) => None,
317    }