
1//! This is an NFA-based parser, which calls out to the main Rust parser for named non-terminals
2//! (which it commits to fully when it hits one in a grammar). There's a set of current NFA threads
3//! and a set of next ones. Instead of NTs, we have a special case for Kleene star. The big-O, in
4//! pathological cases, is worse than traditional use of NFA or Earley parsing, but it's an easier
5//! fit for Macro-by-Example-style rules.
7//! (In order to prevent the pathological case, we'd need to lazily construct the resulting
8//! `NamedMatch`es at the very end. It'd be a pain, and require more memory to keep around old
9//! matcher positions, but it would also save overhead)
11//! We don't say this parser uses the Earley algorithm, because it's unnecessarily inaccurate.
12//! The macro parser restricts itself to the features of finite state automata. Earley parsers
13//! can be described as an extension of NFAs with completion rules, prediction rules, and recursion.
15//! Quick intro to how the parser works:
17//! A "matcher position" (a.k.a. "position" or "mp") is a dot in the middle of a matcher, usually
18//! written as a `·`. For example `· a $( a )* a b` is one, as is `a $( · a )* a b`.
20//! The parser walks through the input a token at a time, maintaining a list
21//! of threads consistent with the current position in the input string: `cur_mps`.
23//! As it processes them, it fills up `eof_mps` with threads that would be valid if
24//! the macro invocation is now over, `bb_mps` with threads that are waiting on
25//! a Rust non-terminal like `$e:expr`, and `next_mps` with threads that are waiting
26//! on a particular token. Most of the logic concerns moving the · through the
27//! repetitions indicated by Kleene stars. The rules for moving the · without
28//! consuming any input are called epsilon transitions. It only advances or calls
29//! out to the real Rust parser when no `cur_mps` threads remain.
31//! Example:
33//! ```text, ignore
34//! Start parsing a a a a b against [· a $( a )* a b].
36//! Remaining input: a a a a b
37//! next: [· a $( a )* a b]
39//! - - - Advance over an a. - - -
41//! Remaining input: a a a b
42//! cur: [a · $( a )* a b]
43//! Descend/Skip (first position).
44//! next: [a $( · a )* a b]  [a $( a )* · a b].
46//! - - - Advance over an a. - - -
48//! Remaining input: a a b
49//! cur: [a $( a · )* a b]  [a $( a )* a · b]
50//! Follow epsilon transition: Finish/Repeat (first position)
51//! next: [a $( a )* · a b]  [a $( · a )* a b]  [a $( a )* a · b]
53//! - - - Advance over an a. - - - (this looks exactly like the last step)
55//! Remaining input: a b
56//! cur: [a $( a · )* a b]  [a $( a )* a · b]
57//! Follow epsilon transition: Finish/Repeat (first position)
58//! next: [a $( a )* · a b]  [a $( · a )* a b]  [a $( a )* a · b]
60//! - - - Advance over an a. - - - (this looks exactly like the last step)
62//! Remaining input: b
63//! cur: [a $( a · )* a b]  [a $( a )* a · b]
64//! Follow epsilon transition: Finish/Repeat (first position)
65//! next: [a $( a )* · a b]  [a $( · a )* a b]  [a $( a )* a · b]
67//! - - - Advance over a b. - - -
69//! Remaining input: ''
70//! eof: [a $( a )* a b ·]
71//! ```
73use std::borrow::Cow;
74use std::collections::hash_map::Entry::{Occupied, Vacant};
75use std::fmt::Display;
76use std::rc::Rc;
78pub(crate) use NamedMatch::*;
79pub(crate) use ParseResult::*;
80use rustc_ast::token::{self, DocComment, NonterminalKind, Token};
81use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
82use rustc_errors::ErrorGuaranteed;
83use rustc_lint_defs::pluralize;
84use rustc_parse::parser::{ParseNtResult, Parser, token_descr};
85use rustc_span::{Ident, MacroRulesNormalizedIdent, Span};
87use crate::mbe::macro_rules::Tracker;
88use crate::mbe::{KleeneOp, TokenTree};
90/// A unit within a matcher that a `MatcherPos` can refer to. Similar to (and derived from)
91/// `mbe::TokenTree`, but designed specifically for fast and easy traversal during matching.
92/// Notable differences to `mbe::TokenTree`:
93/// - It is non-recursive, i.e. there is no nesting.
94/// - The end pieces of each sequence (the separator, if present, and the Kleene op) are
95///   represented explicitly, as is the very end of the matcher.
97/// This means a matcher can be represented by `&[MatcherLoc]`, and traversal mostly involves
98/// simply incrementing the current matcher position index by one.
99#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
100pub(crate) enum MatcherLoc {
101    Token {
102        token: Token,
103    },
104    Delimited,
105    Sequence {
106        op: KleeneOp,
107        num_metavar_decls: usize,
108        idx_first_after: usize,
109        next_metavar: usize,
110        seq_depth: usize,
111    },
112    SequenceKleeneOpNoSep {
113        op: KleeneOp,
114        idx_first: usize,
115    },
116    SequenceSep {
117        separator: Token,
118    },
119    SequenceKleeneOpAfterSep {
120        idx_first: usize,
121    },
122    MetaVarDecl {
123        span: Span,
124        bind: Ident,
125        kind: Option<NonterminalKind>,
126        next_metavar: usize,
127        seq_depth: usize,
128    },
129    Eof,
132impl MatcherLoc {
133    pub(super) fn span(&self) -> Option<Span> {
134        match self {
135            MatcherLoc::Token { token } => Some(token.span),
136            MatcherLoc::Delimited => None,
137            MatcherLoc::Sequence { .. } => None,
138            MatcherLoc::SequenceKleeneOpNoSep { .. } => None,
139            MatcherLoc::SequenceSep { .. } => None,
140            MatcherLoc::SequenceKleeneOpAfterSep { .. } => None,
141            MatcherLoc::MetaVarDecl { span, .. } => Some(*span),
142            MatcherLoc::Eof => None,
143        }
144    }
147impl Display for MatcherLoc {
148    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
149        match self {
150            MatcherLoc::Token { token } | MatcherLoc::SequenceSep { separator: token } => {
151                write!(f, "{}", token_descr(token))
152            }
153            MatcherLoc::MetaVarDecl { bind, kind, .. } => {
154                write!(f, "meta-variable `${bind}")?;
155                if let Some(kind) = kind {
156                    write!(f, ":{kind}")?;
157                }
158                write!(f, "`")?;
159                Ok(())
160            }
161            MatcherLoc::Eof => f.write_str("end of macro"),
163            // These are not printed in the diagnostic
164            MatcherLoc::Delimited => f.write_str("delimiter"),
165            MatcherLoc::Sequence { .. } => f.write_str("sequence start"),
166            MatcherLoc::SequenceKleeneOpNoSep { .. } => f.write_str("sequence end"),
167            MatcherLoc::SequenceKleeneOpAfterSep { .. } => f.write_str("sequence end"),
168        }
169    }
172pub(super) fn compute_locs(matcher: &[TokenTree]) -> Vec<MatcherLoc> {
173    fn inner(
174        tts: &[TokenTree],
175        locs: &mut Vec<MatcherLoc>,
176        next_metavar: &mut usize,
177        seq_depth: usize,
178    ) {
179        for tt in tts {
180            match tt {
181                TokenTree::Token(token) => {
182                    locs.push(MatcherLoc::Token { token: token.clone() });
183                }
184                TokenTree::Delimited(span, _, delimited) => {
185                    let open_token = Token::new(token::OpenDelim(delimited.delim),;
186                    let close_token = Token::new(token::CloseDelim(delimited.delim), span.close);
188                    locs.push(MatcherLoc::Delimited);
189                    locs.push(MatcherLoc::Token { token: open_token });
190                    inner(&delimited.tts, locs, next_metavar, seq_depth);
191                    locs.push(MatcherLoc::Token { token: close_token });
192                }
193                TokenTree::Sequence(_, seq) => {
194                    // We can't determine `idx_first_after` and construct the final
195                    // `MatcherLoc::Sequence` until after `inner()` is called and the sequence end
196                    // pieces are processed. So we push a dummy value (`Eof` is cheapest to
197                    // construct) now, and overwrite it with the proper value below.
198                    let dummy = MatcherLoc::Eof;
199                    locs.push(dummy);
201                    let next_metavar_orig = *next_metavar;
202                    let op = seq.kleene.op;
203                    let idx_first = locs.len();
204                    let idx_seq = idx_first - 1;
205                    inner(&seq.tts, locs, next_metavar, seq_depth + 1);
207                    if let Some(separator) = &seq.separator {
208                        locs.push(MatcherLoc::SequenceSep { separator: separator.clone() });
209                        locs.push(MatcherLoc::SequenceKleeneOpAfterSep { idx_first });
210                    } else {
211                        locs.push(MatcherLoc::SequenceKleeneOpNoSep { op, idx_first });
212                    }
214                    // Overwrite the dummy value pushed above with the proper value.
215                    locs[idx_seq] = MatcherLoc::Sequence {
216                        op,
217                        num_metavar_decls: seq.num_captures,
218                        idx_first_after: locs.len(),
219                        next_metavar: next_metavar_orig,
220                        seq_depth,
221                    };
222                }
223                &TokenTree::MetaVarDecl(span, bind, kind) => {
224                    locs.push(MatcherLoc::MetaVarDecl {
225                        span,
226                        bind,
227                        kind,
228                        next_metavar: *next_metavar,
229                        seq_depth,
230                    });
231                    *next_metavar += 1;
232                }
233                TokenTree::MetaVar(..) | TokenTree::MetaVarExpr(..) => unreachable!(),
234            }
235        }
236    }
238    let mut locs = vec![];
239    let mut next_metavar = 0;
240    inner(matcher, &mut locs, &mut next_metavar, /* seq_depth */ 0);
242    // A final entry is needed for eof.
243    locs.push(MatcherLoc::Eof);
245    locs
248/// A single matcher position, representing the state of matching.
250struct MatcherPos {
251    /// The index into `TtParser::locs`, which represents the "dot".
252    idx: usize,
254    /// The matches made against metavar decls so far. On a successful match, this vector ends up
255    /// with one element per metavar decl in the matcher. Each element records token trees matched
256    /// against the relevant metavar by the black box parser. An element will be a `MatchedSeq` if
257    /// the corresponding metavar decl is within a sequence.
258    ///
259    /// It is critical to performance that this is an `Rc`, because it gets cloned frequently when
260    /// processing sequences. Mostly for sequence-ending possibilities that must be tried but end
261    /// up failing.
262    matches: Rc<Vec<NamedMatch>>,
265// This type is used a lot. Make sure it doesn't unintentionally get bigger.
266#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
267rustc_data_structures::static_assert_size!(MatcherPos, 16);
269impl MatcherPos {
270    /// Adds `m` as a named match for the `metavar_idx`-th metavar. There are only two call sites,
271    /// and both are hot enough to be always worth inlining.
272    #[inline(always)]
273    fn push_match(&mut self, metavar_idx: usize, seq_depth: usize, m: NamedMatch) {
274        let matches = Rc::make_mut(&mut self.matches);
275        match seq_depth {
276            0 => {
277                // We are not within a sequence. Just append `m`.
278                assert_eq!(metavar_idx, matches.len());
279                matches.push(m);
280            }
281            _ => {
282                // We are within a sequence. Find the final `MatchedSeq` at the appropriate depth
283                // and append `m` to its vector.
284                let mut curr = &mut matches[metavar_idx];
285                for _ in 0..seq_depth - 1 {
286                    match curr {
287                        MatchedSeq(seq) => curr = seq.last_mut().unwrap(),
288                        _ => unreachable!(),
289                    }
290                }
291                match curr {
292                    MatchedSeq(seq) => seq.push(m),
293                    _ => unreachable!(),
294                }
295            }
296        }
297    }
300enum EofMatcherPositions {
301    None,
302    One(MatcherPos),
303    Multiple,
306/// Represents the possible results of an attempted parse.
307pub(crate) enum ParseResult<T, F> {
308    /// Parsed successfully.
309    Success(T),
310    /// Arm failed to match. If the second parameter is `token::Eof`, it indicates an unexpected
311    /// end of macro invocation. Otherwise, it indicates that no rules expected the given token.
312    /// The usize is the approximate position of the token in the input token stream.
313    Failure(F),
314    /// Fatal error (malformed macro?). Abort compilation.
315    Error(rustc_span::Span, String),
316    ErrorReported(ErrorGuaranteed),
319/// A `ParseResult` where the `Success` variant contains a mapping of
320/// `MacroRulesNormalizedIdent`s to `NamedMatch`es. This represents the mapping
321/// of metavars to the token trees they bind to.
322pub(crate) type NamedParseResult<F> = ParseResult<NamedMatches, F>;
324/// Contains a mapping of `MacroRulesNormalizedIdent`s to `NamedMatch`es.
325/// This represents the mapping of metavars to the token trees they bind to.
326pub(crate) type NamedMatches = FxHashMap<MacroRulesNormalizedIdent, NamedMatch>;
328/// Count how many metavars declarations are in `matcher`.
329pub(super) fn count_metavar_decls(matcher: &[TokenTree]) -> usize {
330    matcher
331        .iter()
332        .map(|tt| match tt {
333            TokenTree::MetaVarDecl(..) => 1,
334            TokenTree::Sequence(_, seq) => seq.num_captures,
335            TokenTree::Delimited(.., delim) => count_metavar_decls(&delim.tts),
336            TokenTree::Token(..) => 0,
337            TokenTree::MetaVar(..) | TokenTree::MetaVarExpr(..) => unreachable!(),
338        })
339        .sum()
342/// `NamedMatch` is a pattern-match result for a single metavar. All
343/// `MatchedNonterminal`s in the `NamedMatch` have the same non-terminal type
344/// (expr, item, etc).
346/// The in-memory structure of a particular `NamedMatch` represents the match
347/// that occurred when a particular subset of a matcher was applied to a
348/// particular token tree.
350/// The width of each `MatchedSeq` in the `NamedMatch`, and the identity of
351/// the `MatchedNtNonTts`s, will depend on the token tree it was applied
352/// to: each `MatchedSeq` corresponds to a single repetition in the originating
353/// token tree. The depth of the `NamedMatch` structure will therefore depend
354/// only on the nesting depth of repetitions in the originating token tree it
355/// was derived from.
357/// In layperson's terms: `NamedMatch` will form a tree representing nested matches of a particular
358/// meta variable. For example, if we are matching the following macro against the following
359/// invocation...
361/// ```rust
362/// macro_rules! foo {
363///   ($($($x:ident),+);+) => {}
364/// }
366/// foo!(a, b, c, d; a, b, c, d, e);
367/// ```
369/// Then, the tree will have the following shape:
371/// ```ignore (private-internal)
372/// # use NamedMatch::*;
373/// MatchedSeq([
374///   MatchedSeq([
375///     MatchedNonterminal(a),
376///     MatchedNonterminal(b),
377///     MatchedNonterminal(c),
378///     MatchedNonterminal(d),
379///   ]),
380///   MatchedSeq([
381///     MatchedNonterminal(a),
382///     MatchedNonterminal(b),
383///     MatchedNonterminal(c),
384///     MatchedNonterminal(d),
385///     MatchedNonterminal(e),
386///   ])
387/// ])
388/// ```
389#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
390pub(crate) enum NamedMatch {
391    MatchedSeq(Vec<NamedMatch>),
392    MatchedSingle(ParseNtResult),
395/// Performs a token equality check, ignoring syntax context (that is, an unhygienic comparison)
396fn token_name_eq(t1: &Token, t2: &Token) -> bool {
397    if let (Some((ident1, is_raw1)), Some((ident2, is_raw2))) = (t1.ident(), t2.ident()) {
398 == && is_raw1 == is_raw2
399    } else if let (Some((ident1, is_raw1)), Some((ident2, is_raw2))) =
400        (t1.lifetime(), t2.lifetime())
401    {
402 == && is_raw1 == is_raw2
403    } else {
404        t1.kind == t2.kind
405    }
408// Note: the vectors could be created and dropped within `parse_tt`, but to avoid excess
409// allocations we have a single vector for each kind that is cleared and reused repeatedly.
410pub(crate) struct TtParser {
411    macro_name: Ident,
413    /// The set of current mps to be processed. This should be empty by the end of a successful
414    /// execution of `parse_tt_inner`.
415    cur_mps: Vec<MatcherPos>,
417    /// The set of newly generated mps. These are used to replenish `cur_mps` in the function
418    /// `parse_tt`.
419    next_mps: Vec<MatcherPos>,
421    /// The set of mps that are waiting for the black-box parser.
422    bb_mps: Vec<MatcherPos>,
424    /// Pre-allocate an empty match array, so it can be cloned cheaply for macros with many rules
425    /// that have no metavars.
426    empty_matches: Rc<Vec<NamedMatch>>,
429impl TtParser {
430    pub(super) fn new(macro_name: Ident) -> TtParser {
431        TtParser {
432            macro_name,
433            cur_mps: vec![],
434            next_mps: vec![],
435            bb_mps: vec![],
436            empty_matches: Rc::new(vec![]),
437        }
438    }
440    pub(super) fn has_no_remaining_items_for_step(&self) -> bool {
441        self.cur_mps.is_empty()
442    }
444    /// Process the matcher positions of `cur_mps` until it is empty. In the process, this will
445    /// produce more mps in `next_mps` and `bb_mps`.
446    ///
447    /// # Returns
448    ///
449    /// `Some(result)` if everything is finished, `None` otherwise. Note that matches are kept
450    /// track of through the mps generated.
451    fn parse_tt_inner<'matcher, T: Tracker<'matcher>>(
452        &mut self,
453        matcher: &'matcher [MatcherLoc],
454        token: &Token,
455        approx_position: u32,
456        track: &mut T,
457    ) -> Option<NamedParseResult<T::Failure>> {
458        // Matcher positions that would be valid if the macro invocation was over now. Only
459        // modified if `token == Eof`.
460        let mut eof_mps = EofMatcherPositions::None;
462        while let Some(mut mp) = self.cur_mps.pop() {
463            let matcher_loc = &matcher[mp.idx];
464            track.before_match_loc(self, matcher_loc);
466            match matcher_loc {
467                MatcherLoc::Token { token: t } => {
468                    // If it's a doc comment, we just ignore it and move on to the next tt in the
469                    // matcher. This is a bug, but #95267 showed that existing programs rely on
470                    // this behaviour, and changing it would require some care and a transition
471                    // period.
472                    //
473                    // If the token matches, we can just advance the parser.
474                    //
475                    // Otherwise, this match has failed, there is nothing to do, and hopefully
476                    // another mp in `cur_mps` will match.
477                    if matches!(t, Token { kind: DocComment(..), .. }) {
478                        mp.idx += 1;
479                        self.cur_mps.push(mp);
480                    } else if token_name_eq(t, token) {
481                        mp.idx += 1;
482                        self.next_mps.push(mp);
483                    }
484                }
485                MatcherLoc::Delimited => {
486                    // Entering the delimiter is trivial.
487                    mp.idx += 1;
488                    self.cur_mps.push(mp);
489                }
490                &MatcherLoc::Sequence {
491                    op,
492                    num_metavar_decls,
493                    idx_first_after,
494                    next_metavar,
495                    seq_depth,
496                } => {
497                    // Install an empty vec for each metavar within the sequence.
498                    for metavar_idx in next_metavar..next_metavar + num_metavar_decls {
499                        mp.push_match(metavar_idx, seq_depth, MatchedSeq(vec![]));
500                    }
502                    if matches!(op, KleeneOp::ZeroOrMore | KleeneOp::ZeroOrOne) {
503                        // Try zero matches of this sequence, by skipping over it.
504                        self.cur_mps.push(MatcherPos {
505                            idx: idx_first_after,
506                            matches: Rc::clone(&mp.matches),
507                        });
508                    }
510                    // Try one or more matches of this sequence, by entering it.
511                    mp.idx += 1;
512                    self.cur_mps.push(mp);
513                }
514                &MatcherLoc::SequenceKleeneOpNoSep { op, idx_first } => {
515                    // We are past the end of a sequence with no separator. Try ending the
516                    // sequence. If that's not possible, `ending_mp` will fail quietly when it is
517                    // processed next time around the loop.
518                    let ending_mp = MatcherPos {
519                        idx: mp.idx + 1, // +1 skips the Kleene op
520                        matches: Rc::clone(&mp.matches),
521                    };
522                    self.cur_mps.push(ending_mp);
524                    if op != KleeneOp::ZeroOrOne {
525                        // Try another repetition.
526                        mp.idx = idx_first;
527                        self.cur_mps.push(mp);
528                    }
529                }
530                MatcherLoc::SequenceSep { separator } => {
531                    // We are past the end of a sequence with a separator but we haven't seen the
532                    // separator yet. Try ending the sequence. If that's not possible, `ending_mp`
533                    // will fail quietly when it is processed next time around the loop.
534                    let ending_mp = MatcherPos {
535                        idx: mp.idx + 2, // +2 skips the separator and the Kleene op
536                        matches: Rc::clone(&mp.matches),
537                    };
538                    self.cur_mps.push(ending_mp);
540                    if token_name_eq(token, separator) {
541                        // The separator matches the current token. Advance past it.
542                        mp.idx += 1;
543                        self.next_mps.push(mp);
544                    } else {
545                        track.set_expected_token(separator);
546                    }
547                }
548                &MatcherLoc::SequenceKleeneOpAfterSep { idx_first } => {
549                    // We are past the sequence separator. This can't be a `?` Kleene op, because
550                    // they don't permit separators. Try another repetition.
551                    mp.idx = idx_first;
552                    self.cur_mps.push(mp);
553                }
554                &MatcherLoc::MetaVarDecl { span, kind, .. } => {
555                    // Built-in nonterminals never start with these tokens, so we can eliminate
556                    // them from consideration. We use the span of the metavariable declaration
557                    // to determine any edition-specific matching behavior for non-terminals.
558                    if let Some(kind) = kind {
559                        if Parser::nonterminal_may_begin_with(kind, token) {
560                            self.bb_mps.push(mp);
561                        }
562                    } else {
563                        // E.g. `$e` instead of `$e:expr`, reported as a hard error if actually used.
564                        // Both this check and the one in `nameize` are necessary, surprisingly.
565                        return Some(Error(span, "missing fragment specifier".to_string()));
566                    }
567                }
568                MatcherLoc::Eof => {
569                    // We are past the matcher's end, and not in a sequence. Try to end things.
570                    debug_assert_eq!(mp.idx, matcher.len() - 1);
571                    if *token == token::Eof {
572                        eof_mps = match eof_mps {
573                            EofMatcherPositions::None => EofMatcherPositions::One(mp),
574                            EofMatcherPositions::One(_) | EofMatcherPositions::Multiple => {
575                                EofMatcherPositions::Multiple
576                            }
577                        }
578                    }
579                }
580            }
581        }
583        // If we reached the end of input, check that there is EXACTLY ONE possible matcher.
584        // Otherwise, either the parse is ambiguous (which is an error) or there is a syntax error.
585        if *token == token::Eof {
586            Some(match eof_mps {
587                EofMatcherPositions::One(mut eof_mp) => {
588                    // Need to take ownership of the matches from within the `Rc`.
589                    Rc::make_mut(&mut eof_mp.matches);
590                    let matches = Rc::try_unwrap(eof_mp.matches).unwrap().into_iter();
591                    self.nameize(matcher, matches)
592                }
593                EofMatcherPositions::Multiple => {
594                    Error(token.span, "ambiguity: multiple successful parses".to_string())
595                }
596                EofMatcherPositions::None => Failure(T::build_failure(
597                    Token::new(
598                        token::Eof,
599                        if token.span.is_dummy() { token.span } else { token.span.shrink_to_hi() },
600                    ),
601                    approx_position,
602                    "missing tokens in macro arguments",
603                )),
604            })
605        } else {
606            None
607        }
608    }
610    /// Match the token stream from `parser` against `matcher`.
611    pub(super) fn parse_tt<'matcher, T: Tracker<'matcher>>(
612        &mut self,
613        parser: &mut Cow<'_, Parser<'_>>,
614        matcher: &'matcher [MatcherLoc],
615        track: &mut T,
616    ) -> NamedParseResult<T::Failure> {
617        // A queue of possible matcher positions. We initialize it with the matcher position in
618        // which the "dot" is before the first token of the first token tree in `matcher`.
619        // `parse_tt_inner` then processes all of these possible matcher positions and produces
620        // possible next positions into `next_mps`. After some post-processing, the contents of
621        // `next_mps` replenish `cur_mps` and we start over again.
622        self.cur_mps.clear();
623        self.cur_mps.push(MatcherPos { idx: 0, matches: Rc::clone(&self.empty_matches) });
625        loop {
626            self.next_mps.clear();
627            self.bb_mps.clear();
629            // Process `cur_mps` until either we have finished the input or we need to get some
630            // parsing from the black-box parser done.
631            let res = self.parse_tt_inner(
632                matcher,
633                &parser.token,
634                parser.approx_token_stream_pos(),
635                track,
636            );
638            if let Some(res) = res {
639                return res;
640            }
642            // `parse_tt_inner` handled all of `cur_mps`, so it's empty.
643            assert!(self.cur_mps.is_empty());
645            // Error messages here could be improved with links to original rules.
646            match (self.next_mps.len(), self.bb_mps.len()) {
647                (0, 0) => {
648                    // There are no possible next positions AND we aren't waiting for the black-box
649                    // parser: syntax error.
650                    return Failure(T::build_failure(
651                        parser.token.clone(),
652                        parser.approx_token_stream_pos(),
653                        "no rules expected this token in macro call",
654                    ));
655                }
657                (_, 0) => {
658                    // Dump all possible `next_mps` into `cur_mps` for the next iteration. Then
659                    // process the next token.
660                    self.cur_mps.append(&mut self.next_mps);
661                    parser.to_mut().bump();
662                }
664                (0, 1) => {
665                    // We need to call the black-box parser to get some nonterminal.
666                    let mut mp = self.bb_mps.pop().unwrap();
667                    let loc = &matcher[mp.idx];
668                    if let &MatcherLoc::MetaVarDecl {
669                        span,
670                        kind: Some(kind),
671                        next_metavar,
672                        seq_depth,
673                        ..
674                    } = loc
675                    {
676                        // We use the span of the metavariable declaration to determine any
677                        // edition-specific matching behavior for non-terminals.
678                        let nt = match parser.to_mut().parse_nonterminal(kind) {
679                            Err(err) => {
680                                let guarantee = err.with_span_label(
681                                    span,
682                                    format!(
683                                        "while parsing argument for this `{kind}` macro fragment"
684                                    ),
685                                )
686                                .emit();
687                                return ErrorReported(guarantee);
688                            }
689                            Ok(nt) => nt,
690                        };
691                        mp.push_match(next_metavar, seq_depth, MatchedSingle(nt));
692                        mp.idx += 1;
693                    } else {
694                        unreachable!()
695                    }
696                    self.cur_mps.push(mp);
697                }
699                (_, _) => {
700                    // Too many possibilities!
701                    return self.ambiguity_error(matcher, parser.token.span);
702                }
703            }
705            assert!(!self.cur_mps.is_empty());
706        }
707    }
709    fn ambiguity_error<F>(
710        &self,
711        matcher: &[MatcherLoc],
712        token_span: rustc_span::Span,
713    ) -> NamedParseResult<F> {
714        let nts = self
715            .bb_mps
716            .iter()
717            .map(|mp| match &matcher[mp.idx] {
718                MatcherLoc::MetaVarDecl { bind, kind: Some(kind), .. } => {
719                    format!("{kind} ('{bind}')")
720                }
721                _ => unreachable!(),
722            })
723            .collect::<Vec<String>>()
724            .join(" or ");
726        Error(
727            token_span,
728            format!(
729                "local ambiguity when calling macro `{}`: multiple parsing options: {}",
730                self.macro_name,
731                match self.next_mps.len() {
732                    0 => format!("built-in NTs {nts}."),
733                    n => format!("built-in NTs {nts} or {n} other option{s}.", s = pluralize!(n)),
734                }
735            ),
736        )
737    }
739    fn nameize<I: Iterator<Item = NamedMatch>, F>(
740        &self,
741        matcher: &[MatcherLoc],
742        mut res: I,
743    ) -> NamedParseResult<F> {
744        // Make that each metavar has _exactly one_ binding. If so, insert the binding into the
745        // `NamedParseResult`. Otherwise, it's an error.
746        let mut ret_val = FxHashMap::default();
747        for loc in matcher {
748            if let &MatcherLoc::MetaVarDecl { span, bind, kind, .. } = loc {
749                if kind.is_some() {
750                    match ret_val.entry(MacroRulesNormalizedIdent::new(bind)) {
751                        Vacant(spot) => spot.insert(,
752                        Occupied(..) => {
753                            return Error(span, format!("duplicated bind name: {bind}"));
754                        }
755                    };
756                } else {
757                    // E.g. `$e` instead of `$e:expr`, reported as a hard error if actually used.
758                    // Both this check and the one in `parse_tt_inner` are necessary, surprisingly.
759                    return Error(span, "missing fragment specifier".to_string());
760                }
761            }
762        }
763        Success(ret_val)
764    }