
1use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxIndexMap;
2use rustc_data_structures::graph::scc::Sccs;
3use rustc_data_structures::graph::vec_graph::VecGraph;
4use rustc_index::Idx;
5use rustc_middle::span_bug;
6use rustc_middle::ty::error::TypeError;
7use tracing::{debug, instrument};
9use super::*;
10use crate::infer::relate::RelateResult;
11use crate::infer::snapshot::CombinedSnapshot;
13impl<'tcx> RegionConstraintCollector<'_, 'tcx> {
14    /// Searches new universes created during `snapshot`, looking for
15    /// placeholders that may "leak" out from the universes they are contained
16    /// in. If any leaking placeholders are found, then an `Err` is returned
17    /// (typically leading to the snapshot being reversed). This algorithm
18    /// only looks at placeholders which cannot be named by `outer_universe`,
19    /// as this is the universe we're currently checking for a leak.
20    ///
21    /// The leak check *used* to be the only way we had to handle higher-ranked
22    /// obligations. Now that we have integrated universes into the region
23    /// solvers, this is no longer the case, but we retain the leak check for
24    /// backwards compatibility purposes. In particular, it lets us make "early"
25    /// decisions about whether a region error will be reported that are used in
26    /// coherence and elsewhere -- see #56105 and #59490 for more details. The
27    /// eventual fate of the leak checker is not yet settled.
28    ///
29    /// The leak checker works by searching for the following error patterns:
30    ///
31    /// * P1: P2, where P1 != P2
32    /// * P1: R, where R is in some universe that cannot name P1
33    ///
34    /// The idea here is that each of these patterns represents something that
35    /// the region solver would eventually report as an error, so we can detect
36    /// the error early. There is a fly in the ointment, though, in that this is
37    /// not entirely true. In particular, in the future, we may extend the
38    /// environment with implied bounds or other info about how placeholders
39    /// relate to regions in outer universes. In that case, `P1: R` for example
40    /// might become solvable.
41    ///
42    /// # Summary of the implementation
43    ///
44    /// The leak checks as follows. First, we construct a graph where `R2: R1`
45    /// implies `R2 -> R1`, and we compute the SCCs.
46    ///
47    /// For each SCC S, we compute:
48    ///
49    /// * what placeholder P it must be equal to, if any
50    ///   * if there are multiple placeholders that must be equal, report an error because `P1: P2`
51    /// * the minimum universe of its constituents
52    ///
53    /// Then we walk the SCCs in dependency order and compute
54    ///
55    /// * what placeholder they must outlive transitively
56    ///   * if they must also be equal to a placeholder, report an error because `P1: P2`
57    /// * minimum universe U of all SCCs they must outlive
58    ///   * if they must also be equal to a placeholder P, and U cannot name P, report an error, as
59    ///     that indicates `P: R` and `R` is in an incompatible universe
60    ///
61    /// To improve performance and for the old trait solver caching to be sound, this takes
62    /// an optional snapshot in which case we only look at region constraints added in that
63    /// snapshot. If we were to not do that the `leak_check` during evaluation can rely on
64    /// region constraints added outside of that evaluation. As that is not reflected in the
65    /// cache key this would be unsound.
66    ///
67    /// # Historical note
68    ///
69    /// Older variants of the leak check used to report errors for these
70    /// patterns, but we no longer do:
71    ///
72    /// * R: P1, even if R cannot name P1, because R = 'static is a valid sol'n
73    /// * R: P1, R: P2, as above
74    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, tcx, only_consider_snapshot), ret)]
75    pub fn leak_check(
76        self,
77        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
78        outer_universe: ty::UniverseIndex,
79        max_universe: ty::UniverseIndex,
80        only_consider_snapshot: Option<&CombinedSnapshot<'tcx>>,
81    ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ()> {
82        if outer_universe == max_universe {
83            return Ok(());
84        }
86        let mini_graph = MiniGraph::new(tcx, &self, only_consider_snapshot);
88        let mut leak_check = LeakCheck::new(tcx, outer_universe, max_universe, mini_graph, self);
89        leak_check.assign_placeholder_values()?;
90        leak_check.propagate_scc_value()?;
91        Ok(())
92    }
95struct LeakCheck<'a, 'tcx> {
96    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
97    outer_universe: ty::UniverseIndex,
98    mini_graph: MiniGraph<'tcx>,
99    rcc: RegionConstraintCollector<'a, 'tcx>,
101    // Initially, for each SCC S, stores a placeholder `P` such that `S = P`
102    // must hold.
103    //
104    // Later, during the [`LeakCheck::propagate_scc_value`] function, this array
105    // is repurposed to store some placeholder `P` such that the weaker
106    // condition `S: P` must hold. (This is true if `S: S1` transitively and `S1
107    // = P`.)
108    scc_placeholders: IndexVec<LeakCheckScc, Option<ty::PlaceholderRegion>>,
110    // For each SCC S, track the minimum universe that flows into it. Note that
111    // this is both the minimum of the universes for every region that is a
112    // member of the SCC, but also if you have `R1: R2`, then the universe of
113    // `R2` must be less than the universe of `R1` (i.e., `R1` flows `R2`). To
114    // see that, imagine that you have `P1: R` -- in that case, `R` must be
115    // either the placeholder `P1` or the empty region in that same universe.
116    //
117    // To detect errors, we look for an SCC S where the values in
118    // `scc_placeholders[S]` (if any) cannot be stored into `scc_universes[S]`.
119    scc_universes: IndexVec<LeakCheckScc, SccUniverse<'tcx>>,
122impl<'a, 'tcx> LeakCheck<'a, 'tcx> {
123    fn new(
124        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
125        outer_universe: ty::UniverseIndex,
126        max_universe: ty::UniverseIndex,
127        mini_graph: MiniGraph<'tcx>,
128        rcc: RegionConstraintCollector<'a, 'tcx>,
129    ) -> Self {
130        let dummy_scc_universe = SccUniverse { universe: max_universe, region: None };
131        let num_sccs = mini_graph.sccs.num_sccs();
132        Self {
133            tcx,
134            outer_universe,
135            mini_graph,
136            rcc,
137            scc_placeholders: IndexVec::from_elem_n(None, num_sccs),
138            scc_universes: IndexVec::from_elem_n(dummy_scc_universe, num_sccs),
139        }
140    }
142    /// Compute what placeholders (if any) each SCC must be equal to.
143    /// Also compute the minimum universe of all the regions in each SCC.
144    fn assign_placeholder_values(&mut self) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ()> {
145        // First walk: find each placeholder that is from a newly created universe.
146        for (region, leak_check_node) in &self.mini_graph.nodes {
147            let scc = self.mini_graph.sccs.scc(*leak_check_node);
149            // Set the universe of each SCC to be the minimum of its constituent universes
150            let universe = self.rcc.universe(*region);
151            debug!(
152                "assign_placeholder_values: scc={:?} universe={:?} region={:?}",
153                scc, universe, region
154            );
155            self.scc_universes[scc].take_min(universe, *region);
157            // Detect those SCCs that directly contain a placeholder
158            if let ty::RePlaceholder(placeholder) = **region {
159                if self.outer_universe.cannot_name(placeholder.universe) {
160                    // Update `scc_placeholders` to account for the fact that `P: S` must hold.
161                    match self.scc_placeholders[scc] {
162                        Some(p) => {
163                            assert_ne!(p, placeholder);
164                            return Err(self.placeholder_error(p, placeholder));
165                        }
166                        None => {
167                            self.scc_placeholders[scc] = Some(placeholder);
168                        }
169                    }
170                }
171            }
172        }
174        Ok(())
175    }
177    /// For each SCC S, iterate over each successor S1 where `S: S1`:
178    ///
179    /// * Compute
180    /// Iterate over each SCC `S` and ensure that, for each `S1` where `S1: S`,
181    /// `universe(S) <= universe(S1)`. This executes after
182    /// `assign_placeholder_values`, so `universe(S)` is already the minimum
183    /// universe of any of its direct constituents.
184    fn propagate_scc_value(&mut self) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ()> {
185        // Loop invariants:
186        //
187        // On start of the loop iteration for `scc1`:
188        //
189        // * `scc_universes[scc1]` contains the minimum universe of the
190        //   constituents of `scc1`
191        // * `scc_placeholder[scc1]` stores the placeholder that `scc1` must
192        //   be equal to (if any)
193        //
194        // For each successor `scc2` where `scc1: scc2`:
195        //
196        // * `scc_placeholder[scc2]` stores some placeholder `P` where
197        //   `scc2: P` (if any)
198        // * `scc_universes[scc2]` contains the minimum universe of the
199        //   constituents of `scc2` and any of its successors
200        for scc1 in self.mini_graph.sccs.all_sccs() {
201            debug!(
202                "propagate_scc_value: scc={:?} with universe {:?}",
203                scc1, self.scc_universes[scc1]
204            );
206            // Walk over each `scc2` such that `scc1: scc2` and compute:
207            //
208            // * `scc1_universe`: the minimum universe of `scc2` and the constituents of `scc1`
209            // * `succ_bound`: placeholder `P` that the successors must outlive, if any (if there
210            //   are multiple, we pick one arbitrarily)
211            let mut scc1_universe = self.scc_universes[scc1];
212            let mut succ_bound = None;
213            for &scc2 in self.mini_graph.sccs.successors(scc1) {
214                let SccUniverse { universe: scc2_universe, region: scc2_region } =
215                    self.scc_universes[scc2];
217                scc1_universe.take_min(scc2_universe, scc2_region.unwrap());
219                if let Some(b) = self.scc_placeholders[scc2] {
220                    succ_bound = Some(b);
221                }
222            }
224            // Update minimum universe of scc1.
225            self.scc_universes[scc1] = scc1_universe;
227            // At this point, `scc_placeholders[scc1]` stores the placeholder that
228            // `scc1` must be equal to, if any.
229            if let Some(scc1_placeholder) = self.scc_placeholders[scc1] {
230                debug!(
231                    "propagate_scc_value: scc1={:?} placeholder={:?} scc1_universe={:?}",
232                    scc1, scc1_placeholder, scc1_universe
233                );
235                // Check if `P1: R` for some `R` in a universe that cannot name
236                // P1. That's an error.
237                if scc1_universe.universe.cannot_name(scc1_placeholder.universe) {
238                    return Err(self.error(scc1_placeholder, scc1_universe.region.unwrap()));
239                }
241                // Check if we have some placeholder where `S: P2`
242                // (transitively). In that case, since `S = P1`, that implies
243                // `P1: P2`, which is an error condition.
244                if let Some(scc2_placeholder) = succ_bound {
245                    assert_ne!(scc1_placeholder, scc2_placeholder);
246                    return Err(self.placeholder_error(scc1_placeholder, scc2_placeholder));
247                }
248            } else {
249                // Otherwise, we can reach a placeholder if some successor can.
250                self.scc_placeholders[scc1] = succ_bound;
251            }
253            // At this point, `scc_placeholder[scc1]` stores some placeholder that `scc1` must
254            // outlive (if any).
255        }
256        Ok(())
257    }
259    fn placeholder_error(
260        &self,
261        placeholder1: ty::PlaceholderRegion,
262        placeholder2: ty::PlaceholderRegion,
263    ) -> TypeError<'tcx> {
264        self.error(placeholder1, ty::Region::new_placeholder(self.tcx, placeholder2))
265    }
267    fn error(
268        &self,
269        placeholder: ty::PlaceholderRegion,
270        other_region: ty::Region<'tcx>,
271    ) -> TypeError<'tcx> {
272        debug!("error: placeholder={:?}, other_region={:?}", placeholder, other_region);
273        TypeError::RegionsInsufficientlyPolymorphic(placeholder.bound, other_region)
274    }
277// States we need to distinguish:
279// * must be equal to a placeholder (i.e., a placeholder is in the SCC)
280//     * it could conflict with some other regions in the SCC in different universes
281//     * or a different placeholder
282// * `P1: S` and `S` must be equal to a placeholder
283// * `P1: S` and `S` is in an incompatible universe
285// So if we
287// (a) compute which placeholder (if any) each SCC must be equal to
288// (b) compute its minimum universe
289// (c) compute *some* placeholder where `S: P1` (any one will do)
291// then we get an error if:
293// - it must be equal to a placeholder `P1` and minimum universe cannot name `P1`
294// - `S: P1` and minimum universe cannot name `P1`
295// - `S: P1` and we must be equal to `P2`
297// So we want to track:
299// * Equal placeholder (if any)
300// * Some bounding placeholder (if any)
301// * Minimum universe
303// * We compute equal placeholder + minimum universe of constituents in first pass
304// * Then we walk in order and compute from our dependencies `S1` where `S: S1` (`S -> S1`)
305//   * bounding placeholder (if any)
306//   * minimum universe
307// * And if we must be equal to a placeholder then we check it against
308//   * minimum universe
309//   * no bounding placeholder
311/// Tracks the "minimum universe" for each SCC, along with some region that
312/// caused it to change.
313#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
314struct SccUniverse<'tcx> {
315    /// For some SCC S, the minimum universe of:
316    ///
317    /// * each region R in S
318    /// * each SCC S1 such that S: S1
319    universe: ty::UniverseIndex,
321    /// Some region that caused `universe` to be what it is.
322    region: Option<ty::Region<'tcx>>,
325impl<'tcx> SccUniverse<'tcx> {
326    /// If `universe` is less than our current universe, then update
327    /// `self.universe` and `self.region`.
328    fn take_min(&mut self, universe: ty::UniverseIndex, region: ty::Region<'tcx>) {
329        if universe < self.universe || self.region.is_none() {
330            self.universe = universe;
331            self.region = Some(region);
332        }
333    }
336rustc_index::newtype_index! {
337    #[orderable]
338    #[debug_format = "LeakCheckNode({})"]
339    struct LeakCheckNode {}
342rustc_index::newtype_index! {
343    #[orderable]
344    #[debug_format = "LeakCheckScc({})"]
345    struct LeakCheckScc {}
348/// Represents the graph of constraints. For each `R1: R2` constraint we create
349/// an edge `R1 -> R2` in the graph.
350struct MiniGraph<'tcx> {
351    /// Map from a region to the index of the node in the graph.
352    nodes: FxIndexMap<ty::Region<'tcx>, LeakCheckNode>,
354    /// Map from node index to SCC, and stores the successors of each SCC. All
355    /// the regions in the same SCC are equal to one another, and if `S1 -> S2`,
356    /// then `S1: S2`.
357    sccs: Sccs<LeakCheckNode, LeakCheckScc>,
360impl<'tcx> MiniGraph<'tcx> {
361    fn new(
362        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
363        region_constraints: &RegionConstraintCollector<'_, 'tcx>,
364        only_consider_snapshot: Option<&CombinedSnapshot<'tcx>>,
365    ) -> Self {
366        let mut nodes = FxIndexMap::default();
367        let mut edges = Vec::new();
369        // Note that if `R2: R1`, we get a callback `r1, r2`, so `target` is first parameter.
370        Self::iterate_region_constraints(
371            tcx,
372            region_constraints,
373            only_consider_snapshot,
374            |target, source| {
375                let source_node = Self::add_node(&mut nodes, source);
376                let target_node = Self::add_node(&mut nodes, target);
377                edges.push((source_node, target_node));
378            },
379        );
380        let graph = VecGraph::<_, false>::new(nodes.len(), edges);
381        let sccs = Sccs::new(&graph);
382        Self { nodes, sccs }
383    }
385    /// Invokes `each_edge(R1, R2)` for each edge where `R2: R1`
386    fn iterate_region_constraints(
387        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
388        region_constraints: &RegionConstraintCollector<'_, 'tcx>,
389        only_consider_snapshot: Option<&CombinedSnapshot<'tcx>>,
390        mut each_edge: impl FnMut(ty::Region<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>),
391    ) {
392        let mut each_constraint = |constraint| match constraint {
393            &Constraint::VarSubVar(a, b) => {
394                each_edge(ty::Region::new_var(tcx, a), ty::Region::new_var(tcx, b));
395            }
396            &Constraint::RegSubVar(a, b) => {
397                each_edge(a, ty::Region::new_var(tcx, b));
398            }
399            &Constraint::VarSubReg(a, b) => {
400                each_edge(ty::Region::new_var(tcx, a), b);
401            }
402            &Constraint::RegSubReg(a, b) => {
403                each_edge(a, b);
404            }
405        };
407        if let Some(snapshot) = only_consider_snapshot {
408            for undo_entry in
409                region_constraints.undo_log.region_constraints_in_snapshot(&snapshot.undo_snapshot)
410            {
411                match undo_entry {
412                    &AddConstraint(i) => {
413                        each_constraint(&[i].0);
414                    }
415                    &AddVerify(i) => span_bug!(
416              [i].origin.span(),
417                        "we never add verifications while doing higher-ranked things",
418                    ),
419                    &AddCombination(..) | &AddVar(..) => {}
420                }
421            }
422        } else {
423            region_constraints
424                .data()
425                .constraints
426                .iter()
427                .for_each(|(constraint, _)| each_constraint(constraint));
428        }
429    }
431    fn add_node(
432        nodes: &mut FxIndexMap<ty::Region<'tcx>, LeakCheckNode>,
433        r: ty::Region<'tcx>,
434    ) -> LeakCheckNode {
435        let l = nodes.len();
436        *nodes.entry(r).or_insert(LeakCheckNode::new(l))
437    }