1use std::{cmp, mem};
23/// Finds the [edit distance] between two strings.
5/// Returns `None` if the distance exceeds the limit.
7/// [edit distance]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edit_distance
8pub fn edit_distance(a: &str, b: &str, limit: usize) -> Option<usize> {
9// Comparing the strings lowercased will result in a difference in capitalization being less distance away
10 // than being a completely different letter. Otherwise `CHECK` is as far away from `check` as it
11 // is from `build` (both with a distance of 5). For a single letter shortcut (e.g. `b` or `c`), they will
12 // all be as far away from any capital single letter entry (all with a distance of 1).
13 // By first lowercasing the strings, `C` and `c` are closer than `C` and `b`, for example.
14let a = a.to_lowercase();
15let b = b.to_lowercase();
1617let mut a = &a.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>()[..];
18let mut b = &b.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>()[..];
1920// Ensure that `b` is the shorter string, minimizing memory use.
21if a.len() < b.len() {
22 mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b);
23 }
2425let min_dist = a.len() - b.len();
26// If we know the limit will be exceeded, we can return early.
27if min_dist > limit {
28return None;
29 }
3031// Strip common prefix.
32while let Some(((b_char, b_rest), (a_char, a_rest))) = b.split_first().zip(a.split_first()) {
33if a_char != b_char {
35 }
36 a = a_rest;
37 b = b_rest;
38 }
39// Strip common suffix.
40while let Some(((b_char, b_rest), (a_char, a_rest))) = b.split_last().zip(a.split_last()) {
41if a_char != b_char {
43 }
44 a = a_rest;
45 b = b_rest;
46 }
4748// If either string is empty, the distance is the length of the other.
49 // We know that `b` is the shorter string, so we don't need to check `a`.
50if b.len() == 0 {
51return Some(min_dist);
52 }
5354let mut prev_prev = vec![usize::MAX; b.len() + 1];
55let mut prev = (0..=b.len()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
56let mut current = vec![0; b.len() + 1];
5758// row by row
59for i in 1..=a.len() {
60 current[0] = i;
61let a_idx = i - 1;
6263// column by column
64for j in 1..=b.len() {
65let b_idx = j - 1;
6667// There is no cost to substitute a character with itself.
68let substitution_cost = if a[a_idx] == b[b_idx] { 0 } else { 1 };
6970 current[j] = cmp::min(
71// deletion
72prev[j] + 1,
73 cmp::min(
74// insertion
75current[j - 1] + 1,
76// substitution
77prev[j - 1] + substitution_cost,
78 ),
79 );
8081if (i > 1) && (j > 1) && (a[a_idx] == b[b_idx - 1]) && (a[a_idx - 1] == b[b_idx]) {
82// transposition
83current[j] = cmp::min(current[j], prev_prev[j - 2] + 1);
84 }
85 }
8687// Rotate the buffers, reusing the memory.
88[prev_prev, prev, current] = [prev, current, prev_prev];
89 }
9091// `prev` because we already rotated the buffers.
92let distance = prev[b.len()];
93 (distance <= limit).then_some(distance)
9596/// Find the closest element from `iter` matching `choice`. The `key` callback
97/// is used to select a `&str` from the iterator to compare against `choice`.
98pub fn closest<'a, T>(
99 choice: &str,
100 iter: impl Iterator<Item = T>,
101 key: impl Fn(&T) -> &'a str,
102) -> Option<T> {
103// Only consider candidates with an edit distance of 3 or less so we don't
104 // suggest out-of-the-blue options.
105iter.filter_map(|e| Some((edit_distance(choice, key(&e), 3)?, e)))
106 .min_by_key(|t| t.0)
107 .map(|t| t.1)
109110/// Version of `closest` that returns a common "suggestion" that can be tacked
111/// onto the end of an error message.
112pub fn closest_msg<'a, T>(
113 choice: &str,
114 iter: impl Iterator<Item = T>,
115 key: impl Fn(&T) -> &'a str,
116 kind: &str,
117) -> String {
118match closest(choice, iter, &key) {
119Some(e) => format!(
120"\n\nhelp: a {kind} with a similar name exists: `{}`",
121 key(&e)
122 ),
123None => String::new(),
124 }
128fn test_edit_distance() {
129use std::char::{from_u32, MAX};
130// Test bytelength agnosticity
131for c in (0u32..MAX as u32)
132 .filter_map(from_u32)
133 .map(|i| i.to_string())
134 {
135assert_eq!(edit_distance(&c, &c, usize::MAX), Some(0));
136 }
137138let a = "\nMäry häd ä little lämb\n\nLittle lämb\n";
139let b = "\nMary häd ä little lämb\n\nLittle lämb\n";
140let c = "Mary häd ä little lämb\n\nLittle lämb\n";
141assert_eq!(edit_distance(a, b, usize::MAX), Some(1));
142assert_eq!(edit_distance(b, a, usize::MAX), Some(1));
143assert_eq!(edit_distance(a, c, usize::MAX), Some(2));
144assert_eq!(edit_distance(c, a, usize::MAX), Some(2));
145assert_eq!(edit_distance(b, c, usize::MAX), Some(1));
146assert_eq!(edit_distance(c, b, usize::MAX), Some(1));