
1use std::assert_matches::assert_matches;
3use rustc_middle::ty::{self, OutlivesPredicate, Ty, TyCtxt};
4use rustc_type_ir::outlives::{Component, compute_alias_components_recursive};
5use smallvec::smallvec;
6use tracing::{debug, instrument, trace};
8use crate::infer::outlives::env::RegionBoundPairs;
9use crate::infer::region_constraints::VerifyIfEq;
10use crate::infer::{GenericKind, VerifyBound};
12/// The `TypeOutlives` struct has the job of "lowering" a `T: 'a`
13/// obligation into a series of `'a: 'b` constraints and "verifys", as
14/// described on the module comment. The final constraints are emitted
15/// via a "delegate" of type `D` -- this is usually the `infcx`, which
16/// accrues them into the `region_obligations` code, but for NLL we
17/// use something else.
18pub(crate) struct VerifyBoundCx<'cx, 'tcx> {
19    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
20    region_bound_pairs: &'cx RegionBoundPairs<'tcx>,
21    /// During borrowck, if there are no outlives bounds on a generic
22    /// parameter `T`, we assume that `T: 'in_fn_body` holds.
23    ///
24    /// Outside of borrowck the only way to prove `T: '?0` is by
25    /// setting  `'?0` to `'empty`.
26    implicit_region_bound: Option<ty::Region<'tcx>>,
27    caller_bounds: &'cx [ty::PolyTypeOutlivesPredicate<'tcx>],
30impl<'cx, 'tcx> VerifyBoundCx<'cx, 'tcx> {
31    pub(crate) fn new(
32        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
33        region_bound_pairs: &'cx RegionBoundPairs<'tcx>,
34        implicit_region_bound: Option<ty::Region<'tcx>>,
35        caller_bounds: &'cx [ty::PolyTypeOutlivesPredicate<'tcx>],
36    ) -> Self {
37        Self { tcx, region_bound_pairs, implicit_region_bound, caller_bounds }
38    }
40    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
41    pub(crate) fn param_or_placeholder_bound(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> VerifyBound<'tcx> {
42        // Start with anything like `T: 'a` we can scrape from the
43        // environment. If the environment contains something like
44        // `for<'a> T: 'a`, then we know that `T` outlives everything.
45        let declared_bounds_from_env = self.declared_generic_bounds_from_env(ty);
46        debug!(?declared_bounds_from_env);
47        let mut param_bounds = vec![];
48        for declared_bound in declared_bounds_from_env {
49            let bound_region = declared_bound.map_bound(|outlives| outlives.1);
50            if let Some(region) = bound_region.no_bound_vars() {
51                // This is `T: 'a` for some free region `'a`.
52                param_bounds.push(VerifyBound::OutlivedBy(region));
53            } else {
54                // This is `for<'a> T: 'a`. This means that `T` outlives everything! All done here.
55                debug!("found that {ty:?} outlives any lifetime, returning empty vector");
56                return VerifyBound::AllBounds(vec![]);
57            }
58        }
60        // Add in the default bound of fn body that applies to all in
61        // scope type parameters:
62        if let Some(r) = self.implicit_region_bound {
63            debug!("adding implicit region bound of {r:?}");
64            param_bounds.push(VerifyBound::OutlivedBy(r));
65        }
67        if param_bounds.is_empty() {
68            // We know that all types `T` outlive `'empty`, so if we
69            // can find no other bound, then check that the region
70            // being tested is `'empty`.
71            VerifyBound::IsEmpty
72        } else if param_bounds.len() == 1 {
73            // Micro-opt: no need to store the vector if it's just len 1
74            param_bounds.pop().unwrap()
75        } else {
76            // If we can find any other bound `R` such that `T: R`, then
77            // we don't need to check for `'empty`, because `R: 'empty`.
78            VerifyBound::AnyBound(param_bounds)
79        }
80    }
82    /// Given a projection like `T::Item`, searches the environment
83    /// for where-clauses like `T::Item: 'a`. Returns the set of
84    /// regions `'a` that it finds.
85    ///
86    /// This is an "approximate" check -- it may not find all
87    /// applicable bounds, and not all the bounds it returns can be
88    /// relied upon. In particular, this check ignores region
89    /// identity. So, for example, if we have `<T as
90    /// Trait<'0>>::Item` where `'0` is a region variable, and the
91    /// user has `<T as Trait<'a>>::Item: 'b` in the environment, then
92    /// the clause from the environment only applies if `'0 = 'a`,
93    /// which we don't know yet. But we would still include `'b` in
94    /// this list.
95    pub(crate) fn approx_declared_bounds_from_env(
96        &self,
97        alias_ty: ty::AliasTy<'tcx>,
98    ) -> Vec<ty::PolyTypeOutlivesPredicate<'tcx>> {
99        let erased_alias_ty = self.tcx.erase_regions(alias_ty.to_ty(self.tcx));
100        self.declared_generic_bounds_from_env_for_erased_ty(erased_alias_ty)
101    }
103    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
104    pub(crate) fn alias_bound(&self, alias_ty: ty::AliasTy<'tcx>) -> VerifyBound<'tcx> {
105        // Search the env for where clauses like `P: 'a`.
106        let env_bounds = self.approx_declared_bounds_from_env(alias_ty).into_iter().map(|binder| {
107            if let Some(ty::OutlivesPredicate(ty, r)) = binder.no_bound_vars()
108                && let ty::Alias(_, alias_ty_from_bound) = *ty.kind()
109                && alias_ty_from_bound == alias_ty
110            {
111                // Micro-optimize if this is an exact match (this
112                // occurs often when there are no region variables
113                // involved).
114                VerifyBound::OutlivedBy(r)
115            } else {
116                let verify_if_eq_b =
117                    binder.map_bound(|ty::OutlivesPredicate(ty, bound)| VerifyIfEq { ty, bound });
118                VerifyBound::IfEq(verify_if_eq_b)
119            }
120        });
122        // Extend with bounds that we can find from the definition.
123        let definition_bounds =
124            self.declared_bounds_from_definition(alias_ty).map(|r| VerifyBound::OutlivedBy(r));
126        // see the extensive comment in projection_must_outlive
127        let recursive_bound = {
128            let mut components = smallvec![];
129            let kind = alias_ty.kind(self.tcx);
130            compute_alias_components_recursive(self.tcx, kind, alias_ty, &mut components);
131            self.bound_from_components(&components)
132        };
134        VerifyBound::AnyBound(env_bounds.chain(definition_bounds).collect()).or(recursive_bound)
135    }
137    fn bound_from_components(&self, components: &[Component<TyCtxt<'tcx>>]) -> VerifyBound<'tcx> {
138        let mut bounds = components
139            .iter()
140            .map(|component| self.bound_from_single_component(component))
141            // Remove bounds that must hold, since they are not interesting.
142            .filter(|bound| !bound.must_hold());
144        match (, {
145            (Some(first), None) => first,
146            (first, second) => {
147                VerifyBound::AllBounds(first.into_iter().chain(second).chain(bounds).collect())
148            }
149        }
150    }
152    fn bound_from_single_component(
153        &self,
154        component: &Component<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
155    ) -> VerifyBound<'tcx> {
156        match *component {
157            Component::Region(lt) => VerifyBound::OutlivedBy(lt),
158            Component::Param(param_ty) => self.param_or_placeholder_bound(param_ty.to_ty(self.tcx)),
159            Component::Placeholder(placeholder_ty) => {
160                self.param_or_placeholder_bound(Ty::new_placeholder(self.tcx, placeholder_ty))
161            }
162            Component::Alias(alias_ty) => self.alias_bound(alias_ty),
163            Component::EscapingAlias(ref components) => self.bound_from_components(components),
164            Component::UnresolvedInferenceVariable(v) => {
165                // Ignore this, we presume it will yield an error later, since
166                // if a type variable is not resolved by this point it never
167                // will be.
168                self.tcx
169                    .dcx()
170                    .delayed_bug(format!("unresolved inference variable in outlives: {v:?}"));
171                // Add a bound that never holds.
172                VerifyBound::AnyBound(vec![])
173            }
174        }
175    }
177    /// Searches the environment for where-clauses like `G: 'a` where
178    /// `G` is either some type parameter `T` or a projection like
179    /// `T::Item`. Returns a vector of the `'a` bounds it can find.
180    ///
181    /// This is a conservative check -- it may not find all applicable
182    /// bounds, but all the bounds it returns can be relied upon.
183    fn declared_generic_bounds_from_env(
184        &self,
185        generic_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
186    ) -> Vec<ty::PolyTypeOutlivesPredicate<'tcx>> {
187        assert_matches!(generic_ty.kind(), ty::Param(_) | ty::Placeholder(_));
188        self.declared_generic_bounds_from_env_for_erased_ty(generic_ty)
189    }
191    /// Searches the environment to find all bounds that apply to `erased_ty`.
192    /// Obviously these must be approximate -- they are in fact both *over* and
193    /// and *under* approximated:
194    ///
195    /// * Over-approximated because we don't consider equality of regions.
196    /// * Under-approximated because we look for syntactic equality and so for complex types
197    ///   like `<T as Foo<fn(&u32, &u32)>>::Item` or whatever we may fail to figure out
198    ///   all the subtleties.
199    ///
200    /// In some cases, such as when `erased_ty` represents a `ty::Param`, however,
201    /// the result is precise.
202    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
203    fn declared_generic_bounds_from_env_for_erased_ty(
204        &self,
205        erased_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
206    ) -> Vec<ty::PolyTypeOutlivesPredicate<'tcx>> {
207        let tcx = self.tcx;
208        let mut bounds = vec![];
210        // To start, collect bounds from user environment. Note that
211        // parameter environments are already elaborated, so we don't
212        // have to worry about that.
213        bounds.extend(self.caller_bounds.iter().copied().filter(move |outlives_predicate| {
214            super::test_type_match::can_match_erased_ty(tcx, *outlives_predicate, erased_ty)
215        }));
217        // Next, collect regions we scraped from the well-formedness
218        // constraints in the fn signature. To do that, we walk the list
219        // of known relations from the fn ctxt.
220        //
221        // This is crucial because otherwise code like this fails:
222        //
223        //     fn foo<'a, A>(x: &'a A) { }
224        //
225        // The problem is that the type of `x` is `&'a A`. To be
226        // well-formed, then, A must outlive `'a`, but we don't know that
227        // this holds from first principles.
228        bounds.extend(self.region_bound_pairs.iter().filter_map(|&OutlivesPredicate(p, r)| {
229            debug!(
230                "declared_generic_bounds_from_env_for_erased_ty: region_bound_pair = {:?}",
231                (r, p)
232            );
233            // Fast path for the common case.
234            match (&p, erased_ty.kind()) {
235                // In outlive routines, all types are expected to be fully normalized.
236                // And therefore we can safely use structural equality for alias types.
237                (GenericKind::Param(p1), ty::Param(p2)) if p1 == p2 => {}
238                (GenericKind::Placeholder(p1), ty::Placeholder(p2)) if p1 == p2 => {}
239                (GenericKind::Alias(a1), ty::Alias(_, a2)) if a1.def_id == a2.def_id => {}
240                _ => return None,
241            }
243            let p_ty = p.to_ty(tcx);
244            let erased_p_ty = self.tcx.erase_regions(p_ty);
245            (erased_p_ty == erased_ty).then_some(ty::Binder::dummy(ty::OutlivesPredicate(p_ty, r)))
246        }));
248        bounds
249    }
251    /// Given a projection like `<T as Foo<'x>>::Bar`, returns any bounds
252    /// declared in the trait definition. For example, if the trait were
253    ///
254    /// ```rust
255    /// trait Foo<'a> {
256    ///     type Bar: 'a;
257    /// }
258    /// ```
259    ///
260    /// If we were given the `DefId` of `Foo::Bar`, we would return
261    /// `'a`. You could then apply the instantiations from the
262    /// projection to convert this into your namespace. This also
263    /// works if the user writes `where <Self as Foo<'a>>::Bar: 'a` on
264    /// the trait. In fact, it works by searching for just such a
265    /// where-clause.
266    ///
267    /// It will not, however, work for higher-ranked bounds like:
268    ///
269    /// ```ignore(this does compile today, previously was marked as `compile_fail,E0311`)
270    /// trait Foo<'a, 'b>
271    /// where for<'x> <Self as Foo<'x, 'b>>::Bar: 'x
272    /// {
273    ///     type Bar;
274    /// }
275    /// ```
276    ///
277    /// This is for simplicity, and because we are not really smart
278    /// enough to cope with such bounds anywhere.
279    pub(crate) fn declared_bounds_from_definition(
280        &self,
281        alias_ty: ty::AliasTy<'tcx>,
282    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = ty::Region<'tcx>> {
283        let tcx = self.tcx;
284        let bounds = tcx.item_self_bounds(alias_ty.def_id);
285        trace!("{:#?}", bounds.skip_binder());
286        bounds
287            .iter_instantiated(tcx, alias_ty.args)
288            .filter_map(|p| p.as_type_outlives_clause())
289            .filter_map(|p| p.no_bound_vars())
290            .map(|OutlivesPredicate(_, r)| r)
291    }