
1//! Formatting of chained expressions, i.e., expressions that are chained by
2//! dots: struct and enum field access, method calls, and try shorthand (`?`).
4//! Instead of walking these subexpressions one-by-one, as is our usual strategy
5//! for expression formatting, we collect maximal sequences of these expressions
6//! and handle them simultaneously.
8//! Whenever possible, the entire chain is put on a single line. If that fails,
9//! we put each subexpression on a separate, much like the (default) function
10//! argument function argument strategy.
12//! Depends on config options: `chain_indent` is the indent to use for
13//! blocks in the parent/root/base of the chain (and the rest of the chain's
14//! alignment).
15//! E.g., `let foo = { aaaa; bbb; ccc }.bar.baz();`, we would layout for the
16//! following values of `chain_indent`:
17//! Block:
19//! ```text
20//! let foo = {
21//!     aaaa;
22//!     bbb;
23//!     ccc
24//! }.bar
25//!     .baz();
26//! ```
28//! Visual:
30//! ```text
31//! let foo = {
32//!               aaaa;
33//!               bbb;
34//!               ccc
35//!           }
36//!           .bar
37//!           .baz();
38//! ```
40//! If the first item in the chain is a block expression, we align the dots with
41//! the braces.
42//! Block:
44//! ```text
45//! let a =
46//!     .baz()
47//!     .qux
48//! ```
50//! Visual:
52//! ```text
53//! let a =
54//!            .baz()
55//!            .qux
56//! ```
58use std::borrow::Cow;
59use std::cmp::min;
61use rustc_ast::{ast, ptr};
62use rustc_span::{BytePos, Span, symbol};
63use tracing::debug;
65use crate::comment::{CharClasses, FullCodeCharKind, RichChar, rewrite_comment};
66use crate::config::{IndentStyle, StyleEdition};
67use crate::expr::rewrite_call;
68use crate::lists::extract_pre_comment;
69use crate::macros::convert_try_mac;
70use crate::rewrite::{Rewrite, RewriteContext, RewriteError, RewriteErrorExt, RewriteResult};
71use crate::shape::Shape;
72use crate::source_map::SpanUtils;
73use crate::utils::{
74    self, filtered_str_fits, first_line_width, last_line_extendable, last_line_width, mk_sp,
75    rewrite_ident, trimmed_last_line_width, wrap_str,
78use thin_vec::ThinVec;
80/// Provides the original input contents from the span
81/// of a chain element with trailing spaces trimmed.
82fn format_overflow_style(span: Span, context: &RewriteContext<'_>) -> Option<String> {
83    // TODO(ding-young): Currently returning None when the given span is out of the range
84    // covered by the snippet provider. If this is a common cause for internal
85    // rewrite failure, add a new enum variant and return RewriteError instead of None
86    context.snippet_provider.span_to_snippet(span).map(|s| {
87        s.lines()
88            .map(|l| l.trim_end())
89            .collect::<Vec<_>>()
90            .join("\n")
91    })
94fn format_chain_item(
95    item: &ChainItem,
96    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
97    rewrite_shape: Shape,
98    allow_overflow: bool,
99) -> RewriteResult {
100    if allow_overflow {
101        // TODO(ding-young): Consider calling format_overflow_style()
102        // only when item.rewrite_result() returns RewriteError::ExceedsMaxWidth.
103        // It may be inappropriate to call format_overflow_style on other RewriteError
104        // since the current approach retries formatting if allow_overflow is true
105        item.rewrite_result(context, rewrite_shape)
106            .or_else(|_| format_overflow_style(item.span, context).unknown_error())
107    } else {
108        item.rewrite_result(context, rewrite_shape)
109    }
112fn get_block_child_shape(
113    prev_ends_with_block: bool,
114    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
115    shape: Shape,
116) -> Shape {
117    if prev_ends_with_block {
118        shape.block_indent(0)
119    } else {
120        shape.block_indent(context.config.tab_spaces())
121    }
122    .with_max_width(context.config)
125fn get_visual_style_child_shape(
126    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
127    shape: Shape,
128    offset: usize,
129    parent_overflowing: bool,
130) -> Option<Shape> {
131    if !parent_overflowing {
132        shape
133            .with_max_width(context.config)
134            .offset_left(offset)
135            .map(|s| s.visual_indent(0))
136    } else {
137        Some(shape.visual_indent(offset))
138    }
141pub(crate) fn rewrite_chain(
142    expr: &ast::Expr,
143    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
144    shape: Shape,
145) -> RewriteResult {
146    let chain = Chain::from_ast(expr, context);
147    debug!("rewrite_chain {:?} {:?}", chain, shape);
149    // If this is just an expression with some `?`s, then format it trivially and
150    // return early.
151    if chain.children.is_empty() {
152        return chain.parent.rewrite_result(context, shape);
153    }
155    chain.rewrite_result(context, shape)
159enum CommentPosition {
160    Back,
161    Top,
164/// Information about an expression in a chain.
165struct SubExpr {
166    expr: ast::Expr,
167    is_method_call_receiver: bool,
170/// An expression plus trailing `?`s to be formatted together.
172struct ChainItem {
173    kind: ChainItemKind,
174    tries: usize,
175    span: Span,
178// FIXME: we can't use a reference here because to convert `try!` to `?` we
179// synthesise the AST node. However, I think we could use `Cow` and that
180// would remove a lot of cloning.
182enum ChainItemKind {
183    Parent {
184        expr: ast::Expr,
185        parens: bool,
186    },
187    MethodCall(
188        ast::PathSegment,
189        Vec<ast::GenericArg>,
190        ThinVec<ptr::P<ast::Expr>>,
191    ),
192    StructField(symbol::Ident),
193    TupleField(symbol::Ident, bool),
194    Await,
195    Comment(String, CommentPosition),
198impl ChainItemKind {
199    fn is_block_like(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, reps: &str) -> bool {
200        match self {
201            ChainItemKind::Parent { expr, .. } => utils::is_block_expr(context, expr, reps),
202            ChainItemKind::MethodCall(..)
203            | ChainItemKind::StructField(..)
204            | ChainItemKind::TupleField(..)
205            | ChainItemKind::Await
206            | ChainItemKind::Comment(..) => false,
207        }
208    }
210    fn is_tup_field_access(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
211        match expr.kind {
212            ast::ExprKind::Field(_, ref field) => {
213      |c| c.is_digit(10))
214            }
215            _ => false,
216        }
217    }
219    fn from_ast(
220        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
221        expr: &ast::Expr,
222        is_method_call_receiver: bool,
223    ) -> (ChainItemKind, Span) {
224        let (kind, span) = match expr.kind {
225            ast::ExprKind::MethodCall(ref call) => {
226                let types = if let Some(ref generic_args) = call.seg.args {
227                    if let ast::GenericArgs::AngleBracketed(ref data) = **generic_args {
228                        data.args
229                            .iter()
230                            .filter_map(|x| match x {
231                                ast::AngleBracketedArg::Arg(ref generic_arg) => {
232                                    Some(generic_arg.clone())
233                                }
234                                _ => None,
235                            })
236                            .collect::<Vec<_>>()
237                    } else {
238                        vec![]
239                    }
240                } else {
241                    vec![]
242                };
243                let span = mk_sp(call.receiver.span.hi(), expr.span.hi());
244                let kind = ChainItemKind::MethodCall(call.seg.clone(), types, call.args.clone());
245                (kind, span)
246            }
247            ast::ExprKind::Field(ref nested, field) => {
248                let kind = if Self::is_tup_field_access(expr) {
249                    ChainItemKind::TupleField(field, Self::is_tup_field_access(nested))
250                } else {
251                    ChainItemKind::StructField(field)
252                };
253                let span = mk_sp(nested.span.hi(), field.span.hi());
254                (kind, span)
255            }
256            ast::ExprKind::Await(ref nested, _) => {
257                let span = mk_sp(nested.span.hi(), expr.span.hi());
258                (ChainItemKind::Await, span)
259            }
260            _ => {
261                return (
262                    ChainItemKind::Parent {
263                        expr: expr.clone(),
264                        parens: is_method_call_receiver && should_add_parens(expr),
265                    },
266                    expr.span,
267                );
268            }
269        };
271        // Remove comments from the span.
272        let lo = context.snippet_provider.span_before(span, ".");
273        (kind, mk_sp(lo, span.hi()))
274    }
277impl Rewrite for ChainItem {
278    fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option<String> {
279        self.rewrite_result(context, shape).ok()
280    }
282    fn rewrite_result(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> RewriteResult {
283        let shape = shape
284            .sub_width(self.tries)
285            .max_width_error(shape.width, self.span)?;
286        let rewrite = match self.kind {
287            ChainItemKind::Parent {
288                ref expr,
289                parens: true,
290            } => crate::expr::rewrite_paren(context, &expr, shape, expr.span)?,
291            ChainItemKind::Parent {
292                ref expr,
293                parens: false,
294            } => expr.rewrite_result(context, shape)?,
295            ChainItemKind::MethodCall(ref segment, ref types, ref exprs) => {
296                Self::rewrite_method_call(segment.ident, types, exprs, self.span, context, shape)?
297            }
298            ChainItemKind::StructField(ident) => format!(".{}", rewrite_ident(context, ident)),
299            ChainItemKind::TupleField(ident, nested) => format!(
300                "{}.{}",
301                if nested && context.config.style_edition() <= StyleEdition::Edition2021 {
302                    " "
303                } else {
304                    ""
305                },
306                rewrite_ident(context, ident)
307            ),
308            ChainItemKind::Await => ".await".to_owned(),
309            ChainItemKind::Comment(ref comment, _) => {
310                rewrite_comment(comment, false, shape, context.config)?
311            }
312        };
313        Ok(format!("{rewrite}{}", "?".repeat(self.tries)))
314    }
317impl ChainItem {
318    fn new(context: &RewriteContext<'_>, expr: &SubExpr, tries: usize) -> ChainItem {
319        let (kind, span) =
320            ChainItemKind::from_ast(context, &expr.expr, expr.is_method_call_receiver);
321        ChainItem { kind, tries, span }
322    }
324    fn comment(span: Span, comment: String, pos: CommentPosition) -> ChainItem {
325        ChainItem {
326            kind: ChainItemKind::Comment(comment, pos),
327            tries: 0,
328            span,
329        }
330    }
332    fn is_comment(&self) -> bool {
333        matches!(self.kind, ChainItemKind::Comment(..))
334    }
336    fn rewrite_method_call(
337        method_name: symbol::Ident,
338        types: &[ast::GenericArg],
339        args: &[ptr::P<ast::Expr>],
340        span: Span,
341        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
342        shape: Shape,
343    ) -> RewriteResult {
344        let type_str = if types.is_empty() {
345            String::new()
346        } else {
347            let type_list = types
348                .iter()
349                .map(|ty| ty.rewrite_result(context, shape))
350                .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, RewriteError>>()?;
352            format!("::<{}>", type_list.join(", "))
353        };
354        let callee_str = format!(".{}{}", rewrite_ident(context, method_name), type_str);
355        rewrite_call(context, &callee_str, &args, span, shape)
356    }
360struct Chain {
361    parent: ChainItem,
362    children: Vec<ChainItem>,
365impl Chain {
366    fn from_ast(expr: &ast::Expr, context: &RewriteContext<'_>) -> Chain {
367        let subexpr_list = Self::make_subexpr_list(expr, context);
369        // Un-parse the expression tree into ChainItems
370        let mut rev_children = vec![];
371        let mut sub_tries = 0;
372        for subexpr in &subexpr_list {
373            match subexpr.expr.kind {
374                ast::ExprKind::Try(_) => sub_tries += 1,
375                _ => {
376                    rev_children.push(ChainItem::new(context, subexpr, sub_tries));
377                    sub_tries = 0;
378                }
379            }
380        }
382        fn is_tries(s: &str) -> bool {
383            s.chars().all(|c| c == '?')
384        }
386        fn is_post_comment(s: &str) -> bool {
387            let comment_start_index = s.chars().position(|c| c == '/');
388            if comment_start_index.is_none() {
389                return false;
390            }
392            let newline_index = s.chars().position(|c| c == '\n');
393            if newline_index.is_none() {
394                return true;
395            }
397            comment_start_index.unwrap() < newline_index.unwrap()
398        }
400        fn handle_post_comment(
401            post_comment_span: Span,
402            post_comment_snippet: &str,
403            prev_span_end: &mut BytePos,
404            children: &mut Vec<ChainItem>,
405        ) {
406            let white_spaces: &[_] = &[' ', '\t'];
407            if post_comment_snippet
408                .trim_matches(white_spaces)
409                .starts_with('\n')
410            {
411                // No post comment.
412                return;
413            }
414            let trimmed_snippet = trim_tries(post_comment_snippet);
415            if is_post_comment(&trimmed_snippet) {
416                children.push(ChainItem::comment(
417                    post_comment_span,
418                    trimmed_snippet.trim().to_owned(),
419                    CommentPosition::Back,
420                ));
421                *prev_span_end = post_comment_span.hi();
422            }
423        }
425        let parent = rev_children.pop().unwrap();
426        let mut children = vec![];
427        let mut prev_span_end = parent.span.hi();
428        let mut iter = rev_children.into_iter().rev().peekable();
429        if let Some(first_chain_item) = iter.peek() {
430            let comment_span = mk_sp(prev_span_end, first_chain_item.span.lo());
431            let comment_snippet = context.snippet(comment_span);
432            if !is_tries(comment_snippet.trim()) {
433                handle_post_comment(
434                    comment_span,
435                    comment_snippet,
436                    &mut prev_span_end,
437                    &mut children,
438                );
439            }
440        }
441        while let Some(chain_item) = {
442            let comment_snippet = context.snippet(chain_item.span);
443            // FIXME: Figure out the way to get a correct span when converting `try!` to `?`.
444            let handle_comment =
445                !(context.config.use_try_shorthand() || is_tries(comment_snippet.trim()));
447            // Pre-comment
448            if handle_comment {
449                let pre_comment_span = mk_sp(prev_span_end, chain_item.span.lo());
450                let pre_comment_snippet = trim_tries(context.snippet(pre_comment_span));
451                let (pre_comment, _) = extract_pre_comment(&pre_comment_snippet);
452                match pre_comment {
453                    Some(ref comment) if !comment.is_empty() => {
454                        children.push(ChainItem::comment(
455                            pre_comment_span,
456                            comment.to_owned(),
457                            CommentPosition::Top,
458                        ));
459                    }
460                    _ => (),
461                }
462            }
464            prev_span_end = chain_item.span.hi();
465            children.push(chain_item);
467            // Post-comment
468            if !handle_comment || iter.peek().is_none() {
469                continue;
470            }
472            let next_lo = iter.peek().unwrap().span.lo();
473            let post_comment_span = mk_sp(prev_span_end, next_lo);
474            let post_comment_snippet = context.snippet(post_comment_span);
475            handle_post_comment(
476                post_comment_span,
477                post_comment_snippet,
478                &mut prev_span_end,
479                &mut children,
480            );
481        }
483        Chain { parent, children }
484    }
486    // Returns a Vec of the prefixes of the chain.
487    // E.g., for input `a.b.c` we return [`a.b.c`, `a.b`, 'a']
488    fn make_subexpr_list(expr: &ast::Expr, context: &RewriteContext<'_>) -> Vec<SubExpr> {
489        let mut subexpr_list = vec![SubExpr {
490            expr: expr.clone(),
491            is_method_call_receiver: false,
492        }];
494        while let Some(subexpr) = Self::pop_expr_chain(subexpr_list.last().unwrap(), context) {
495            subexpr_list.push(subexpr);
496        }
498        subexpr_list
499    }
501    // Returns the expression's subexpression, if it exists. When the subexpr
502    // is a try! macro, we'll convert it to shorthand when the option is set.
503    fn pop_expr_chain(expr: &SubExpr, context: &RewriteContext<'_>) -> Option<SubExpr> {
504        match expr.expr.kind {
505            ast::ExprKind::MethodCall(ref call) => Some(SubExpr {
506                expr: Self::convert_try(&call.receiver, context),
507                is_method_call_receiver: true,
508            }),
509            ast::ExprKind::Field(ref subexpr, _)
510            | ast::ExprKind::Try(ref subexpr)
511            | ast::ExprKind::Await(ref subexpr, _) => Some(SubExpr {
512                expr: Self::convert_try(subexpr, context),
513                is_method_call_receiver: false,
514            }),
515            _ => None,
516        }
517    }
519    fn convert_try(expr: &ast::Expr, context: &RewriteContext<'_>) -> ast::Expr {
520        match expr.kind {
521            ast::ExprKind::MacCall(ref mac) if context.config.use_try_shorthand() => {
522                if let Some(subexpr) = convert_try_mac(mac, context) {
523                    subexpr
524                } else {
525                    expr.clone()
526                }
527            }
528            _ => expr.clone(),
529        }
530    }
533impl Rewrite for Chain {
534    fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option<String> {
535        self.rewrite_result(context, shape).ok()
536    }
538    fn rewrite_result(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> RewriteResult {
539        debug!("rewrite chain {:?} {:?}", self, shape);
541        let mut formatter = match context.config.indent_style() {
542            IndentStyle::Block => {
543                Box::new(ChainFormatterBlock::new(self)) as Box<dyn ChainFormatter>
544            }
545            IndentStyle::Visual => {
546                Box::new(ChainFormatterVisual::new(self)) as Box<dyn ChainFormatter>
547            }
548        };
550        formatter.format_root(&self.parent, context, shape)?;
551        if let Some(result) = formatter.pure_root() {
552            return wrap_str(result, context.config.max_width(), shape)
553                .max_width_error(shape.width, self.parent.span);
554        }
556        let first = self.children.first().unwrap_or(&self.parent);
557        let last = self.children.last().unwrap_or(&self.parent);
558        let children_span = mk_sp(first.span.lo(), last.span.hi());
559        let full_span = self.parent.span.with_hi(children_span.hi());
561        // Decide how to layout the rest of the chain.
562        let child_shape = formatter
563            .child_shape(context, shape)
564            .max_width_error(shape.width, children_span)?;
566        formatter.format_children(context, child_shape)?;
567        formatter.format_last_child(context, shape, child_shape)?;
569        let result = formatter.join_rewrites(context, child_shape)?;
570        wrap_str(result, context.config.max_width(), shape).max_width_error(shape.width, full_span)
571    }
574// There are a few types for formatting chains. This is because there is a lot
575// in common between formatting with block vs visual indent, but they are
576// different enough that branching on the indent all over the place gets ugly.
577// Anything that can format a chain is a ChainFormatter.
578trait ChainFormatter {
579    // Parent is the first item in the chain, e.g., `foo` in ``.
580    // Root is the parent plus any other chain items placed on the first line to
581    // avoid an orphan. E.g.,
582    // ```text
583    //
584    //     .baz()
585    // ```
586    // If `bar` were not part of the root, then foo would be orphaned and 'float'.
587    fn format_root(
588        &mut self,
589        parent: &ChainItem,
590        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
591        shape: Shape,
592    ) -> Result<(), RewriteError>;
593    fn child_shape(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option<Shape>;
594    fn format_children(
595        &mut self,
596        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
597        child_shape: Shape,
598    ) -> Result<(), RewriteError>;
599    fn format_last_child(
600        &mut self,
601        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
602        shape: Shape,
603        child_shape: Shape,
604    ) -> Result<(), RewriteError>;
605    fn join_rewrites(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, child_shape: Shape) -> RewriteResult;
606    // Returns `Some` if the chain is only a root, None otherwise.
607    fn pure_root(&mut self) -> Option<String>;
610// Data and behaviour that is shared by both chain formatters. The concrete
611// formatters can delegate much behaviour to `ChainFormatterShared`.
612struct ChainFormatterShared<'a> {
613    // The current working set of child items.
614    children: &'a [ChainItem],
615    // The current rewrites of items (includes trailing `?`s, but not any way to
616    // connect the rewrites together).
617    rewrites: Vec<String>,
618    // Whether the chain can fit on one line.
619    fits_single_line: bool,
620    // The number of children in the chain. This is not equal to `self.children.len()`
621    // because `self.children` will change size as we process the chain.
622    child_count: usize,
623    // Whether elements are allowed to overflow past the max_width limit
624    allow_overflow: bool,
627impl<'a> ChainFormatterShared<'a> {
628    fn new(chain: &'a Chain) -> ChainFormatterShared<'a> {
629        ChainFormatterShared {
630            children: &chain.children,
631            rewrites: Vec::with_capacity(chain.children.len() + 1),
632            fits_single_line: false,
633            child_count: chain.children.len(),
634            // TODO(calebcartwright)
635            allow_overflow: false,
636        }
637    }
639    fn pure_root(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
640        if self.children.is_empty() {
641            assert_eq!(self.rewrites.len(), 1);
642            Some(self.rewrites.pop().unwrap())
643        } else {
644            None
645        }
646    }
648    fn format_children(
649        &mut self,
650        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
651        child_shape: Shape,
652    ) -> Result<(), RewriteError> {
653        for item in &self.children[..self.children.len() - 1] {
654            let rewrite = format_chain_item(item, context, child_shape, self.allow_overflow)?;
655            self.rewrites.push(rewrite);
656        }
657        Ok(())
658    }
660    // Rewrite the last child. The last child of a chain requires special treatment. We need to
661    // know whether 'overflowing' the last child make a better formatting:
662    //
663    // A chain with overflowing the last child:
664    // ```text
665    // parent.child1.child2.last_child(
666    //     a,
667    //     b,
668    //     c,
669    // )
670    // ```
671    //
672    // A chain without overflowing the last child (in vertical layout):
673    // ```text
674    // parent
675    //     .child1
676    //     .child2
677    //     .last_child(a, b, c)
678    // ```
679    //
680    // In particular, overflowing is effective when the last child is a method with a multi-lined
681    // block-like argument (e.g., closure):
682    // ```text
683    // parent.child1.child2.last_child(|a, b, c| {
684    //     let x = foo(a, b, c);
685    //     let y = bar(a, b, c);
686    //
687    //     // ...
688    //
689    //     result
690    // })
691    // ```
692    fn format_last_child(
693        &mut self,
694        may_extend: bool,
695        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
696        shape: Shape,
697        child_shape: Shape,
698    ) -> Result<(), RewriteError> {
699        let last = self.children.last().unknown_error()?;
700        let extendable = may_extend && last_line_extendable(&self.rewrites[0]);
701        let prev_last_line_width = last_line_width(&self.rewrites[0]);
703        // Total of all items excluding the last.
704        let almost_total = if extendable {
705            prev_last_line_width
706        } else {
707            self.rewrites
708                .iter()
709                .map(|rw| utils::unicode_str_width(rw))
710                .sum()
711        } + last.tries;
712        let one_line_budget = if self.child_count == 1 {
713            shape.width
714        } else {
715            min(shape.width, context.config.chain_width())
716        }
717        .saturating_sub(almost_total);
719        let all_in_one_line = !self.children.iter().any(ChainItem::is_comment)
720            && self.rewrites.iter().all(|s| !s.contains('\n'))
721            && one_line_budget > 0;
722        let last_shape = if all_in_one_line {
723            shape
724                .sub_width(last.tries)
725                .max_width_error(shape.width, last.span)?
726        } else if extendable {
727            child_shape
728                .sub_width(last.tries)
729                .max_width_error(child_shape.width, last.span)?
730        } else {
731            child_shape
732                .sub_width(shape.rhs_overhead(context.config) + last.tries)
733                .max_width_error(child_shape.width, last.span)?
734        };
736        let mut last_subexpr_str = None;
737        if all_in_one_line || extendable {
738            // First we try to 'overflow' the last child and see if it looks better than using
739            // vertical layout.
740            let one_line_shape = if context.use_block_indent() {
741                last_shape.offset_left(almost_total)
742            } else {
743                last_shape
744                    .visual_indent(almost_total)
745                    .sub_width(almost_total)
746            };
748            if let Some(one_line_shape) = one_line_shape {
749                if let Ok(rw) = last.rewrite_result(context, one_line_shape) {
750                    // We allow overflowing here only if both of the following conditions match:
751                    // 1. The entire chain fits in a single line except the last child.
752                    // 2. `last_child_str.lines().count() >= 5`.
753                    let line_count = rw.lines().count();
754                    let could_fit_single_line = first_line_width(&rw) <= one_line_budget;
755                    if could_fit_single_line && line_count >= 5 {
756                        last_subexpr_str = Some(rw);
757                        self.fits_single_line = all_in_one_line;
758                    } else {
759                        // We could not know whether overflowing is better than using vertical
760                        // layout, just by looking at the overflowed rewrite. Now we rewrite the
761                        // last child on its own line, and compare two rewrites to choose which is
762                        // better.
763                        let last_shape = child_shape
764                            .sub_width(shape.rhs_overhead(context.config) + last.tries)
765                            .max_width_error(child_shape.width, last.span)?;
766                        match last.rewrite_result(context, last_shape) {
767                            Ok(ref new_rw) if !could_fit_single_line => {
768                                last_subexpr_str = Some(new_rw.clone());
769                            }
770                            Ok(ref new_rw) if new_rw.lines().count() >= line_count => {
771                                last_subexpr_str = Some(rw);
772                                self.fits_single_line = could_fit_single_line && all_in_one_line;
773                            }
774                            Ok(new_rw) => {
775                                last_subexpr_str = Some(new_rw);
776                            }
777                            _ => {
778                                last_subexpr_str = Some(rw);
779                                self.fits_single_line = could_fit_single_line && all_in_one_line;
780                            }
781                        }
782                    }
783                }
784            }
785        }
787        let last_shape = if context.use_block_indent() {
788            last_shape
789        } else {
790            child_shape
791                .sub_width(shape.rhs_overhead(context.config) + last.tries)
792                .max_width_error(child_shape.width, last.span)?
793        };
795        let last_subexpr_str =
796            last_subexpr_str.unwrap_or(last.rewrite_result(context, last_shape)?);
797        self.rewrites.push(last_subexpr_str);
798        Ok(())
799    }
801    fn join_rewrites(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, child_shape: Shape) -> RewriteResult {
802        let connector = if self.fits_single_line {
803            // Yay, we can put everything on one line.
804            Cow::from("")
805        } else {
806            // Use new lines.
807            if context.force_one_line_chain.get() {
808                return Err(RewriteError::ExceedsMaxWidth {
809                    configured_width: child_shape.width,
810                    span: self.children.last().unknown_error()?.span,
811                });
812            }
813            child_shape.to_string_with_newline(context.config)
814        };
816        let mut rewrite_iter = self.rewrites.iter();
817        let mut result =;
818        let children_iter = self.children.iter();
819        let iter =;
821        for (rewrite, chain_item) in iter {
822            match chain_item.kind {
823                ChainItemKind::Comment(_, CommentPosition::Back) => result.push(' '),
824                ChainItemKind::Comment(_, CommentPosition::Top) => result.push_str(&connector),
825                _ => result.push_str(&connector),
826            }
827            result.push_str(rewrite);
828        }
830        Ok(result)
831    }
834// Formats a chain using block indent.
835struct ChainFormatterBlock<'a> {
836    shared: ChainFormatterShared<'a>,
837    root_ends_with_block: bool,
840impl<'a> ChainFormatterBlock<'a> {
841    fn new(chain: &'a Chain) -> ChainFormatterBlock<'a> {
842        ChainFormatterBlock {
843            shared: ChainFormatterShared::new(chain),
844            root_ends_with_block: false,
845        }
846    }
849impl<'a> ChainFormatter for ChainFormatterBlock<'a> {
850    fn format_root(
851        &mut self,
852        parent: &ChainItem,
853        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
854        shape: Shape,
855    ) -> Result<(), RewriteError> {
856        let mut root_rewrite: String = parent.rewrite_result(context, shape)?;
858        let mut root_ends_with_block = parent.kind.is_block_like(context, &root_rewrite);
859        let tab_width = context.config.tab_spaces().saturating_sub(shape.offset);
861        while root_rewrite.len() <= tab_width && !root_rewrite.contains('\n') {
862            let item = &self.shared.children[0];
863            if let ChainItemKind::Comment(..) = item.kind {
864                break;
865            }
866            let shape = shape
867                .offset_left(root_rewrite.len())
868                .max_width_error(shape.width, item.span)?;
869            match &item.rewrite_result(context, shape) {
870                Ok(rewrite) => root_rewrite.push_str(rewrite),
871                Err(_) => break,
872            }
874            root_ends_with_block = last_line_extendable(&root_rewrite);
876            self.shared.children = &self.shared.children[1..];
877            if self.shared.children.is_empty() {
878                break;
879            }
880        }
881        self.shared.rewrites.push(root_rewrite);
882        self.root_ends_with_block = root_ends_with_block;
883        Ok(())
884    }
886    fn child_shape(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option<Shape> {
887        let block_end = self.root_ends_with_block;
888        Some(get_block_child_shape(block_end, context, shape))
889    }
891    fn format_children(
892        &mut self,
893        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
894        child_shape: Shape,
895    ) -> Result<(), RewriteError> {
896        self.shared.format_children(context, child_shape)
897    }
899    fn format_last_child(
900        &mut self,
901        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
902        shape: Shape,
903        child_shape: Shape,
904    ) -> Result<(), RewriteError> {
905        self.shared
906            .format_last_child(true, context, shape, child_shape)
907    }
909    fn join_rewrites(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, child_shape: Shape) -> RewriteResult {
910        self.shared.join_rewrites(context, child_shape)
911    }
913    fn pure_root(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
914        self.shared.pure_root()
915    }
918// Format a chain using visual indent.
919struct ChainFormatterVisual<'a> {
920    shared: ChainFormatterShared<'a>,
921    // The extra offset from the chain's shape to the position of the `.`
922    offset: usize,
925impl<'a> ChainFormatterVisual<'a> {
926    fn new(chain: &'a Chain) -> ChainFormatterVisual<'a> {
927        ChainFormatterVisual {
928            shared: ChainFormatterShared::new(chain),
929            offset: 0,
930        }
931    }
934impl<'a> ChainFormatter for ChainFormatterVisual<'a> {
935    fn format_root(
936        &mut self,
937        parent: &ChainItem,
938        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
939        shape: Shape,
940    ) -> Result<(), RewriteError> {
941        let parent_shape = shape.visual_indent(0);
942        let mut root_rewrite = parent.rewrite_result(context, parent_shape)?;
943        let multiline = root_rewrite.contains('\n');
944        self.offset = if multiline {
945            last_line_width(&root_rewrite).saturating_sub(shape.used_width())
946        } else {
947            trimmed_last_line_width(&root_rewrite)
948        };
950        if !multiline || parent.kind.is_block_like(context, &root_rewrite) {
951            let item = &self.shared.children[0];
952            if let ChainItemKind::Comment(..) = item.kind {
953                self.shared.rewrites.push(root_rewrite);
954                return Ok(());
955            }
956            let child_shape = parent_shape
957                .visual_indent(self.offset)
958                .sub_width(self.offset)
959                .max_width_error(parent_shape.width, item.span)?;
960            let rewrite = item.rewrite_result(context, child_shape)?;
961            if filtered_str_fits(&rewrite, context.config.max_width(), shape) {
962                root_rewrite.push_str(&rewrite);
963            } else {
964                // We couldn't fit in at the visual indent, try the last
965                // indent.
966                let rewrite = item.rewrite_result(context, parent_shape)?;
967                root_rewrite.push_str(&rewrite);
968                self.offset = 0;
969            }
971            self.shared.children = &self.shared.children[1..];
972        }
974        self.shared.rewrites.push(root_rewrite);
975        Ok(())
976    }
978    fn child_shape(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, shape: Shape) -> Option<Shape> {
979        get_visual_style_child_shape(
980            context,
981            shape,
982            self.offset,
983            // TODO(calebcartwright): self.shared.permissibly_overflowing_parent,
984            false,
985        )
986    }
988    fn format_children(
989        &mut self,
990        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
991        child_shape: Shape,
992    ) -> Result<(), RewriteError> {
993        self.shared.format_children(context, child_shape)
994    }
996    fn format_last_child(
997        &mut self,
998        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
999        shape: Shape,
1000        child_shape: Shape,
1001    ) -> Result<(), RewriteError> {
1002        self.shared
1003            .format_last_child(false, context, shape, child_shape)
1004    }
1006    fn join_rewrites(&self, context: &RewriteContext<'_>, child_shape: Shape) -> RewriteResult {
1007        self.shared.join_rewrites(context, child_shape)
1008    }
1010    fn pure_root(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
1011        self.shared.pure_root()
1012    }
1015/// Removes try operators (`?`s) that appear in the given string. If removing
1016/// them leaves an empty line, remove that line as well unless it is the first
1017/// line (we need the first newline for detecting pre/post comment).
1018fn trim_tries(s: &str) -> String {
1019    let mut result = String::with_capacity(s.len());
1020    let mut line_buffer = String::with_capacity(s.len());
1021    for (kind, rich_char) in CharClasses::new(s.chars()) {
1022        match rich_char.get_char() {
1023            '\n' => {
1024                if result.is_empty() || !line_buffer.trim().is_empty() {
1025                    result.push_str(&line_buffer);
1026                    result.push('\n')
1027                }
1028                line_buffer.clear();
1029            }
1030            '?' if kind == FullCodeCharKind::Normal => continue,
1031            c => line_buffer.push(c),
1032        }
1033    }
1034    if !line_buffer.trim().is_empty() {
1035        result.push_str(&line_buffer);
1036    }
1037    result
1040/// Whether a method call's receiver needs parenthesis, like
1041/// ```rust,ignore
1042/// || .. .method();
1043/// || 1.. .method();
1044/// 1. .method();
1045/// ```
1046/// Which all need parenthesis or a space before `.method()`.
1047fn should_add_parens(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
1048    match expr.kind {
1049        ast::ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) => crate::expr::lit_ends_in_dot(lit),
1050        ast::ExprKind::Closure(ref cl) => match cl.body.kind {
1051            ast::ExprKind::Range(_, _, ast::RangeLimits::HalfOpen) => true,
1052            ast::ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) => crate::expr::lit_ends_in_dot(lit),
1053            _ => false,
1054        },
1055        _ => false,
1056    }