
1//! Code that handles "type-outlives" constraints like `T: 'a`. This
2//! is based on the `push_outlives_components` function defined in rustc_infer,
3//! but it adds a bit of heuristics on top, in particular to deal with
4//! associated types and projections.
6//! When we process a given `T: 'a` obligation, we may produce two
7//! kinds of constraints for the region inferencer:
9//! - Relationships between inference variables and other regions.
10//!   For example, if we have `&'?0 u32: 'a`, then we would produce
11//!   a constraint that `'a <= '?0`.
12//! - "Verifys" that must be checked after inferencing is done.
13//!   For example, if we know that, for some type parameter `T`,
14//!   `T: 'a + 'b`, and we have a requirement that `T: '?1`,
15//!   then we add a "verify" that checks that `'?1 <= 'a || '?1 <= 'b`.
16//!   - Note the difference with the previous case: here, the region
17//!     variable must be less than something else, so this doesn't
18//!     affect how inference works (it finds the smallest region that
19//!     will do); it's just a post-condition that we have to check.
21//! **The key point is that once this function is done, we have
22//! reduced all of our "type-region outlives" obligations into relationships
23//! between individual regions.**
25//! One key input to this function is the set of "region-bound pairs".
26//! These are basically the relationships between type parameters and
27//! regions that are in scope at the point where the outlives
28//! obligation was incurred. **When type-checking a function,
29//! particularly in the face of closures, this is not known until
30//! regionck runs!** This is because some of those bounds come
31//! from things we have yet to infer.
33//! Consider:
35//! ```
36//! fn bar<T>(a: T, b: impl for<'a> Fn(&'a T)) {}
37//! fn foo<T>(x: T) {
38//!     bar(x, |y| { /* ... */})
39//!          // ^ closure arg
40//! }
41//! ```
43//! Here, the type of `y` may involve inference variables and the
44//! like, and it may also contain implied bounds that are needed to
45//! type-check the closure body (e.g., here it informs us that `T`
46//! outlives the late-bound region `'a`).
48//! Note that by delaying the gathering of implied bounds until all
49//! inference information is known, we may find relationships between
50//! bound regions and other regions in the environment. For example,
51//! when we first check a closure like the one expected as argument
52//! to `foo`:
54//! ```
55//! fn foo<U, F: for<'a> FnMut(&'a U)>(_f: F) {}
56//! ```
58//! the type of the closure's first argument would be `&'a ?U`. We
59//! might later infer `?U` to something like `&'b u32`, which would
60//! imply that `'b: 'a`.
62use rustc_data_structures::undo_log::UndoLogs;
63use rustc_middle::bug;
64use rustc_middle::mir::ConstraintCategory;
65use rustc_middle::traits::query::NoSolution;
66use rustc_middle::ty::{
67    self, GenericArgKind, GenericArgsRef, PolyTypeOutlivesPredicate, Region, Ty, TyCtxt,
68    TypeFoldable as _, TypeVisitableExt,
70use rustc_type_ir::outlives::{Component, push_outlives_components};
71use smallvec::smallvec;
72use tracing::{debug, instrument};
74use super::env::OutlivesEnvironment;
75use crate::infer::outlives::env::RegionBoundPairs;
76use crate::infer::outlives::verify::VerifyBoundCx;
77use crate::infer::resolve::OpportunisticRegionResolver;
78use crate::infer::snapshot::undo_log::UndoLog;
79use crate::infer::{self, GenericKind, InferCtxt, RegionObligation, SubregionOrigin, VerifyBound};
80use crate::traits::{ObligationCause, ObligationCauseCode};
82impl<'tcx> InferCtxt<'tcx> {
83    /// Registers that the given region obligation must be resolved
84    /// from within the scope of `body_id`. These regions are enqueued
85    /// and later processed by regionck, when full type information is
86    /// available (see `region_obligations` field for more
87    /// information).
88    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
89    pub fn register_region_obligation(&self, obligation: RegionObligation<'tcx>) {
90        let mut inner = self.inner.borrow_mut();
91        inner.undo_log.push(UndoLog::PushRegionObligation);
92        inner.region_obligations.push(obligation);
93    }
95    pub fn register_region_obligation_with_cause(
96        &self,
97        sup_type: Ty<'tcx>,
98        sub_region: Region<'tcx>,
99        cause: &ObligationCause<'tcx>,
100    ) {
101        debug!(?sup_type, ?sub_region, ?cause);
102        let origin = SubregionOrigin::from_obligation_cause(cause, || {
103            infer::RelateParamBound(
104                cause.span,
105                sup_type,
106                match cause.code().peel_derives() {
107                    ObligationCauseCode::WhereClause(_, span)
108                    | ObligationCauseCode::WhereClauseInExpr(_, span, ..)
109                    | ObligationCauseCode::OpaqueTypeBound(span, _)
110                        if !span.is_dummy() =>
111                    {
112                        Some(*span)
113                    }
114                    _ => None,
115                },
116            )
117        });
119        self.register_region_obligation(RegionObligation { sup_type, sub_region, origin });
120    }
122    /// Trait queries just want to pass back type obligations "as is"
123    pub fn take_registered_region_obligations(&self) -> Vec<RegionObligation<'tcx>> {
124        std::mem::take(&mut self.inner.borrow_mut().region_obligations)
125    }
127    /// Process the region obligations that must be proven (during
128    /// `regionck`) for the given `body_id`, given information about
129    /// the region bounds in scope and so forth.
130    ///
131    /// See the `region_obligations` field of `InferCtxt` for some
132    /// comments about how this function fits into the overall expected
133    /// flow of the inferencer. The key point is that it is
134    /// invoked after all type-inference variables have been bound --
135    /// right before lexical region resolution.
136    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, outlives_env, deeply_normalize_ty))]
137    pub fn process_registered_region_obligations(
138        &self,
139        outlives_env: &OutlivesEnvironment<'tcx>,
140        mut deeply_normalize_ty: impl FnMut(
141            PolyTypeOutlivesPredicate<'tcx>,
142            SubregionOrigin<'tcx>,
143        )
144            -> Result<PolyTypeOutlivesPredicate<'tcx>, NoSolution>,
145    ) -> Result<(), (PolyTypeOutlivesPredicate<'tcx>, SubregionOrigin<'tcx>)> {
146        assert!(!self.in_snapshot(), "cannot process registered region obligations in a snapshot");
148        // Must loop since the process of normalizing may itself register region obligations.
149        for iteration in 0.. {
150            let my_region_obligations = self.take_registered_region_obligations();
151            if my_region_obligations.is_empty() {
152                break;
153            }
155            if !self.tcx.recursion_limit().value_within_limit(iteration) {
156                bug!(
157                    "FIXME(-Znext-solver): Overflowed when processing region obligations: {my_region_obligations:#?}"
158                );
159            }
161            for RegionObligation { sup_type, sub_region, origin } in my_region_obligations {
162                let outlives = ty::Binder::dummy(ty::OutlivesPredicate(sup_type, sub_region));
163                let ty::OutlivesPredicate(sup_type, sub_region) =
164                    deeply_normalize_ty(outlives, origin.clone())
165                        .map_err(|NoSolution| (outlives, origin.clone()))?
166                        .no_bound_vars()
167                        .expect("started with no bound vars, should end with no bound vars");
168                // `TypeOutlives` is structural, so we should try to opportunistically resolve all
169                // region vids before processing regions, so we have a better chance to match clauses
170                // in our param-env.
171                let (sup_type, sub_region) =
172                    (sup_type, sub_region).fold_with(&mut OpportunisticRegionResolver::new(self));
174                debug!(?sup_type, ?sub_region, ?origin);
176                let outlives = &mut TypeOutlives::new(
177                    self,
178                    self.tcx,
179                    outlives_env.region_bound_pairs(),
180                    None,
181                    outlives_env.known_type_outlives(),
182                );
183                let category = origin.to_constraint_category();
184                outlives.type_must_outlive(origin, sup_type, sub_region, category);
185            }
186        }
188        Ok(())
189    }
192/// The `TypeOutlives` struct has the job of "lowering" a `T: 'a`
193/// obligation into a series of `'a: 'b` constraints and "verify"s, as
194/// described on the module comment. The final constraints are emitted
195/// via a "delegate" of type `D` -- this is usually the `infcx`, which
196/// accrues them into the `region_obligations` code, but for NLL we
197/// use something else.
198pub struct TypeOutlives<'cx, 'tcx, D>
200    D: TypeOutlivesDelegate<'tcx>,
202    // See the comments on `process_registered_region_obligations` for the meaning
203    // of these fields.
204    delegate: D,
205    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
206    verify_bound: VerifyBoundCx<'cx, 'tcx>,
209pub trait TypeOutlivesDelegate<'tcx> {
210    fn push_sub_region_constraint(
211        &mut self,
212        origin: SubregionOrigin<'tcx>,
213        a: ty::Region<'tcx>,
214        b: ty::Region<'tcx>,
215        constraint_category: ConstraintCategory<'tcx>,
216    );
218    fn push_verify(
219        &mut self,
220        origin: SubregionOrigin<'tcx>,
221        kind: GenericKind<'tcx>,
222        a: ty::Region<'tcx>,
223        bound: VerifyBound<'tcx>,
224    );
227impl<'cx, 'tcx, D> TypeOutlives<'cx, 'tcx, D>
229    D: TypeOutlivesDelegate<'tcx>,
231    pub fn new(
232        delegate: D,
233        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
234        region_bound_pairs: &'cx RegionBoundPairs<'tcx>,
235        implicit_region_bound: Option<ty::Region<'tcx>>,
236        caller_bounds: &'cx [ty::PolyTypeOutlivesPredicate<'tcx>],
237    ) -> Self {
238        Self {
239            delegate,
240            tcx,
241            verify_bound: VerifyBoundCx::new(
242                tcx,
243                region_bound_pairs,
244                implicit_region_bound,
245                caller_bounds,
246            ),
247        }
248    }
250    /// Adds constraints to inference such that `T: 'a` holds (or
251    /// reports an error if it cannot).
252    ///
253    /// # Parameters
254    ///
255    /// - `origin`, the reason we need this constraint
256    /// - `ty`, the type `T`
257    /// - `region`, the region `'a`
258    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
259    pub fn type_must_outlive(
260        &mut self,
261        origin: infer::SubregionOrigin<'tcx>,
262        ty: Ty<'tcx>,
263        region: ty::Region<'tcx>,
264        category: ConstraintCategory<'tcx>,
265    ) {
266        assert!(!ty.has_escaping_bound_vars());
268        let mut components = smallvec![];
269        push_outlives_components(self.tcx, ty, &mut components);
270        self.components_must_outlive(origin, &components, region, category);
271    }
273    fn components_must_outlive(
274        &mut self,
275        origin: infer::SubregionOrigin<'tcx>,
276        components: &[Component<TyCtxt<'tcx>>],
277        region: ty::Region<'tcx>,
278        category: ConstraintCategory<'tcx>,
279    ) {
280        for component in components.iter() {
281            let origin = origin.clone();
282            match component {
283                Component::Region(region1) => {
284                    self.delegate.push_sub_region_constraint(origin, region, *region1, category);
285                }
286                Component::Param(param_ty) => {
287                    self.param_ty_must_outlive(origin, region, *param_ty);
288                }
289                Component::Placeholder(placeholder_ty) => {
290                    self.placeholder_ty_must_outlive(origin, region, *placeholder_ty);
291                }
292                Component::Alias(alias_ty) => self.alias_ty_must_outlive(origin, region, *alias_ty),
293                Component::EscapingAlias(subcomponents) => {
294                    self.components_must_outlive(origin, subcomponents, region, category);
295                }
296                Component::UnresolvedInferenceVariable(v) => {
297                    // Ignore this, we presume it will yield an error later,
298                    // since if a type variable is not resolved by this point
299                    // it never will be.
300                    self.tcx.dcx().span_delayed_bug(
301                        origin.span(),
302                        format!("unresolved inference variable in outlives: {v:?}"),
303                    );
304                }
305            }
306        }
307    }
309    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
310    fn param_ty_must_outlive(
311        &mut self,
312        origin: infer::SubregionOrigin<'tcx>,
313        region: ty::Region<'tcx>,
314        param_ty: ty::ParamTy,
315    ) {
316        let verify_bound = self.verify_bound.param_or_placeholder_bound(param_ty.to_ty(self.tcx));
317        self.delegate.push_verify(origin, GenericKind::Param(param_ty), region, verify_bound);
318    }
320    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
321    fn placeholder_ty_must_outlive(
322        &mut self,
323        origin: infer::SubregionOrigin<'tcx>,
324        region: ty::Region<'tcx>,
325        placeholder_ty: ty::PlaceholderType,
326    ) {
327        let verify_bound = self
328            .verify_bound
329            .param_or_placeholder_bound(Ty::new_placeholder(self.tcx, placeholder_ty));
330        self.delegate.push_verify(
331            origin,
332            GenericKind::Placeholder(placeholder_ty),
333            region,
334            verify_bound,
335        );
336    }
338    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
339    fn alias_ty_must_outlive(
340        &mut self,
341        origin: infer::SubregionOrigin<'tcx>,
342        region: ty::Region<'tcx>,
343        alias_ty: ty::AliasTy<'tcx>,
344    ) {
345        // An optimization for a common case with opaque types.
346        if alias_ty.args.is_empty() {
347            return;
348        }
350        if alias_ty.has_non_region_infer() {
351            self.tcx
352                .dcx()
353                .span_delayed_bug(origin.span(), "an alias has infers during region solving");
354            return;
355        }
357        // This case is thorny for inference. The fundamental problem is
358        // that there are many cases where we have choice, and inference
359        // doesn't like choice (the current region inference in
360        // particular). :) First off, we have to choose between using the
361        // OutlivesProjectionEnv, OutlivesProjectionTraitDef, and
362        // OutlivesProjectionComponent rules, any one of which is
363        // sufficient. If there are no inference variables involved, it's
364        // not hard to pick the right rule, but if there are, we're in a
365        // bit of a catch 22: if we picked which rule we were going to
366        // use, we could add constraints to the region inference graph
367        // that make it apply, but if we don't add those constraints, the
368        // rule might not apply (but another rule might). For now, we err
369        // on the side of adding too few edges into the graph.
371        // Compute the bounds we can derive from the trait definition.
372        // These are guaranteed to apply, no matter the inference
373        // results.
374        let trait_bounds: Vec<_> =
375            self.verify_bound.declared_bounds_from_definition(alias_ty).collect();
377        debug!(?trait_bounds);
379        // Compute the bounds we can derive from the environment. This
380        // is an "approximate" match -- in some cases, these bounds
381        // may not apply.
382        let approx_env_bounds = self.verify_bound.approx_declared_bounds_from_env(alias_ty);
383        debug!(?approx_env_bounds);
385        // If declared bounds list is empty, the only applicable rule is
386        // OutlivesProjectionComponent. If there are inference variables,
387        // then, we can break down the outlives into more primitive
388        // components without adding unnecessary edges.
389        //
390        // If there are *no* inference variables, however, we COULD do
391        // this, but we choose not to, because the error messages are less
392        // good. For example, a requirement like `T::Item: 'r` would be
393        // translated to a requirement that `T: 'r`; when this is reported
394        // to the user, it will thus say "T: 'r must hold so that T::Item:
395        // 'r holds". But that makes it sound like the only way to fix
396        // the problem is to add `T: 'r`, which isn't true. So, if there are no
397        // inference variables, we use a verify constraint instead of adding
398        // edges, which winds up enforcing the same condition.
399        let kind = alias_ty.kind(self.tcx);
400        if approx_env_bounds.is_empty()
401            && trait_bounds.is_empty()
402            && (alias_ty.has_infer_regions() || kind == ty::Opaque)
403        {
404            debug!("no declared bounds");
405            let opt_variances = self.tcx.opt_alias_variances(kind, alias_ty.def_id);
406            self.args_must_outlive(alias_ty.args, origin, region, opt_variances);
407            return;
408        }
410        // If we found a unique bound `'b` from the trait, and we
411        // found nothing else from the environment, then the best
412        // action is to require that `'b: 'r`, so do that.
413        //
414        // This is best no matter what rule we use:
415        //
416        // - OutlivesProjectionEnv: these would translate to the requirement that `'b:'r`
417        // - OutlivesProjectionTraitDef: these would translate to the requirement that `'b:'r`
418        // - OutlivesProjectionComponent: this would require `'b:'r`
419        //   in addition to other conditions
420        if !trait_bounds.is_empty()
421            && trait_bounds[1..]
422                .iter()
423                .map(|r| Some(*r))
424                .chain(
425                    // NB: The environment may contain `for<'a> T: 'a` style bounds.
426                    // In that case, we don't know if they are equal to the trait bound
427                    // or not (since we don't *know* whether the environment bound even applies),
428                    // so just map to `None` here if there are bound vars, ensuring that
429                    // the call to `all` will fail below.
430                    approx_env_bounds.iter().map(|b| b.map_bound(|b| b.1).no_bound_vars()),
431                )
432                .all(|b| b == Some(trait_bounds[0]))
433        {
434            let unique_bound = trait_bounds[0];
435            debug!(?unique_bound);
436            debug!("unique declared bound appears in trait ref");
437            let category = origin.to_constraint_category();
438            self.delegate.push_sub_region_constraint(origin, region, unique_bound, category);
439            return;
440        }
442        // Fallback to verifying after the fact that there exists a
443        // declared bound, or that all the components appearing in the
444        // projection outlive; in some cases, this may add insufficient
445        // edges into the inference graph, leading to inference failures
446        // even though a satisfactory solution exists.
447        let verify_bound = self.verify_bound.alias_bound(alias_ty);
448        debug!("alias_must_outlive: pushing {:?}", verify_bound);
449        self.delegate.push_verify(origin, GenericKind::Alias(alias_ty), region, verify_bound);
450    }
452    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
453    fn args_must_outlive(
454        &mut self,
455        args: GenericArgsRef<'tcx>,
456        origin: infer::SubregionOrigin<'tcx>,
457        region: ty::Region<'tcx>,
458        opt_variances: Option<&[ty::Variance]>,
459    ) {
460        let constraint = origin.to_constraint_category();
461        for (index, k) in args.iter().enumerate() {
462            match k.unpack() {
463                GenericArgKind::Lifetime(lt) => {
464                    let variance = if let Some(variances) = opt_variances {
465                        variances[index]
466                    } else {
467                        ty::Invariant
468                    };
469                    if variance == ty::Invariant {
470                        self.delegate.push_sub_region_constraint(
471                            origin.clone(),
472                            region,
473                            lt,
474                            constraint,
475                        );
476                    }
477                }
478                GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => {
479                    self.type_must_outlive(origin.clone(), ty, region, constraint);
480                }
481                GenericArgKind::Const(_) => {
482                    // Const parameters don't impose constraints.
483                }
484            }
485        }
486    }
489impl<'cx, 'tcx> TypeOutlivesDelegate<'tcx> for &'cx InferCtxt<'tcx> {
490    fn push_sub_region_constraint(
491        &mut self,
492        origin: SubregionOrigin<'tcx>,
493        a: ty::Region<'tcx>,
494        b: ty::Region<'tcx>,
495        _constraint_category: ConstraintCategory<'tcx>,
496    ) {
497        self.sub_regions(origin, a, b)
498    }
500    fn push_verify(
501        &mut self,
502        origin: SubregionOrigin<'tcx>,
503        kind: GenericKind<'tcx>,
504        a: ty::Region<'tcx>,
505        bound: VerifyBound<'tcx>,
506    ) {
507        self.verify_generic_bound(origin, kind, a, bound)
508    }