
1use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet, FxIndexSet};
2use rustc_data_structures::stack::ensure_sufficient_stack;
3use rustc_hir::def_id::{DefId, LocalDefId};
4use rustc_middle::mir::TerminatorKind;
5use rustc_middle::ty::{self, GenericArgsRef, InstanceKind, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt};
6use rustc_session::Limit;
7use rustc_span::sym;
8use tracing::{instrument, trace};
10// FIXME: check whether it is cheaper to precompute the entire call graph instead of invoking
11// this query ridiculously often.
12#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(tcx, root, target))]
13pub(crate) fn mir_callgraph_reachable<'tcx>(
14    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
15    (root, target): (ty::Instance<'tcx>, LocalDefId),
16) -> bool {
17    trace!(%root, target = %tcx.def_path_str(target));
18    assert_ne!(
19        root.def_id().expect_local(),
20        target,
21        "you should not call `mir_callgraph_reachable` on immediate self recursion"
22    );
23    assert!(
24        matches!(root.def, InstanceKind::Item(_)),
25        "you should not call `mir_callgraph_reachable` on shims"
26    );
27    assert!(
28        !tcx.is_constructor(root.def_id()),
29        "you should not call `mir_callgraph_reachable` on enum/struct constructor functions"
30    );
31    #[instrument(
32        level = "debug",
33        skip(tcx, typing_env, target, stack, seen, recursion_limiter, caller, recursion_limit)
34    )]
35    fn process<'tcx>(
36        tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
37        typing_env: ty::TypingEnv<'tcx>,
38        caller: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
39        target: LocalDefId,
40        stack: &mut Vec<ty::Instance<'tcx>>,
41        seen: &mut FxHashSet<ty::Instance<'tcx>>,
42        recursion_limiter: &mut FxHashMap<DefId, usize>,
43        recursion_limit: Limit,
44    ) -> bool {
45        trace!(%caller);
46        for &(callee, args) in tcx.mir_inliner_callees(caller.def) {
47            let Ok(args) = caller.try_instantiate_mir_and_normalize_erasing_regions(
48                tcx,
49                typing_env,
50                ty::EarlyBinder::bind(args),
51            ) else {
52                trace!(?caller, ?typing_env, ?args, "cannot normalize, skipping");
53                continue;
54            };
55            let Ok(Some(callee)) = ty::Instance::try_resolve(tcx, typing_env, callee, args) else {
56                trace!(?callee, "cannot resolve, skipping");
57                continue;
58            };
60            // Found a path.
61            if callee.def_id() == target.to_def_id() {
62                return true;
63            }
65            if tcx.is_constructor(callee.def_id()) {
66                trace!("constructors always have MIR");
67                // Constructor functions cannot cause a query cycle.
68                continue;
69            }
71            match callee.def {
72                InstanceKind::Item(_) => {
73                    // If there is no MIR available (either because it was not in metadata or
74                    // because it has no MIR because it's an extern function), then the inliner
75                    // won't cause cycles on this.
76                    if !tcx.is_mir_available(callee.def_id()) {
77                        trace!(?callee, "no mir available, skipping");
78                        continue;
79                    }
80                }
81                // These have no own callable MIR.
82                InstanceKind::Intrinsic(_) | InstanceKind::Virtual(..) => continue,
83                // These have MIR and if that MIR is inlined, instantiated and then inlining is run
84                // again, a function item can end up getting inlined. Thus we'll be able to cause
85                // a cycle that way
86                InstanceKind::VTableShim(_)
87                | InstanceKind::ReifyShim(..)
88                | InstanceKind::FnPtrShim(..)
89                | InstanceKind::ClosureOnceShim { .. }
90                | InstanceKind::ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim { .. }
91                | InstanceKind::ThreadLocalShim { .. }
92                | InstanceKind::CloneShim(..) => {}
94                // This shim does not call any other functions, thus there can be no recursion.
95                InstanceKind::FnPtrAddrShim(..) => {
96                    continue;
97                }
98                InstanceKind::DropGlue(..) | InstanceKind::AsyncDropGlueCtorShim(..) => {
99                    // FIXME: A not fully instantiated drop shim can cause ICEs if one attempts to
100                    // have its MIR built. Likely oli-obk just screwed up the `ParamEnv`s, so this
101                    // needs some more analysis.
102                    if callee.has_param() {
103                        continue;
104                    }
105                }
106            }
108            if seen.insert(callee) {
109                let recursion = recursion_limiter.entry(callee.def_id()).or_default();
110                trace!(?callee, recursion = *recursion);
111                if recursion_limit.value_within_limit(*recursion) {
112                    *recursion += 1;
113                    stack.push(callee);
114                    let found_recursion = ensure_sufficient_stack(|| {
115                        process(
116                            tcx,
117                            typing_env,
118                            callee,
119                            target,
120                            stack,
121                            seen,
122                            recursion_limiter,
123                            recursion_limit,
124                        )
125                    });
126                    if found_recursion {
127                        return true;
128                    }
129                    stack.pop();
130                } else {
131                    // Pessimistically assume that there could be recursion.
132                    return true;
133                }
134            }
135        }
136        false
137    }
138    // FIXME(-Znext-solver): Remove this hack when trait solver overflow can return an error.
139    // In code like that pointed out in #128887, the type complexity we ask the solver to deal with
140    // grows as we recurse into the call graph. If we use the same recursion limit here and in the
141    // solver, the solver hits the limit first and emits a fatal error. But if we use a reduced
142    // limit, we will hit the limit first and give up on looking for inlining. And in any case,
143    // the default recursion limits are quite generous for us. If we need to recurse 64 times
144    // into the call graph, we're probably not going to find any useful MIR inlining.
145    let recursion_limit = tcx.recursion_limit() / 2;
146    process(
147        tcx,
148        ty::TypingEnv::post_analysis(tcx, target),
149        root,
150        target,
151        &mut Vec::new(),
152        &mut FxHashSet::default(),
153        &mut FxHashMap::default(),
154        recursion_limit,
155    )
158pub(crate) fn mir_inliner_callees<'tcx>(
159    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
160    instance: ty::InstanceKind<'tcx>,
161) -> &'tcx [(DefId, GenericArgsRef<'tcx>)] {
162    let steal;
163    let guard;
164    let body = match (instance, instance.def_id().as_local()) {
165        (InstanceKind::Item(_), Some(def_id)) => {
166            steal = tcx.mir_promoted(def_id).0;
167            guard = steal.borrow();
168            &*guard
169        }
170        // Functions from other crates and MIR shims
171        _ => tcx.instance_mir(instance),
172    };
173    let mut calls = FxIndexSet::default();
174    for bb_data in body.basic_blocks.iter() {
175        let terminator = bb_data.terminator();
176        if let TerminatorKind::Call { func, args: call_args, .. } = &terminator.kind {
177            let ty = func.ty(&body.local_decls, tcx);
178            let ty::FnDef(def_id, generic_args) = ty.kind() else {
179                continue;
180            };
181            let call = if tcx.is_intrinsic(*def_id, sym::const_eval_select) {
182                let func = &call_args[2].node;
183                let ty = func.ty(&body.local_decls, tcx);
184                let ty::FnDef(def_id, generic_args) = ty.kind() else {
185                    continue;
186                };
187                (*def_id, *generic_args)
188            } else {
189                (*def_id, *generic_args)
190            };
191            calls.insert(call);
192        }
193    }
194    tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(calls.iter().copied())