1//! Implements "Stacked Borrows". See <https://github.com/rust-lang/unsafe-code-guidelines/blob/master/wip/stacked-borrows.md>
2//! for further information.
4pub mod diagnostics;
5mod item;
6mod stack;
8use std::fmt::Write;
9use std::{cmp, mem};
11use rustc_abi::{BackendRepr, Size};
12use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
13use rustc_middle::mir::{Mutability, RetagKind};
14use rustc_middle::ty::layout::HasTypingEnv;
15use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty};
17use self::diagnostics::{RetagCause, RetagInfo};
18pub use self::item::{Item, Permission};
19pub use self::stack::Stack;
20use crate::borrow_tracker::stacked_borrows::diagnostics::{
21 AllocHistory, DiagnosticCx, DiagnosticCxBuilder,
23use crate::borrow_tracker::{GlobalStateInner, ProtectorKind};
24use crate::concurrency::data_race::{NaReadType, NaWriteType};
25use crate::*;
27pub type AllocState = Stacks;
29/// Extra per-allocation state.
30#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
31pub struct Stacks {
32 // Even reading memory can have effects on the stack, so we need a `RefCell` here.
33 stacks: RangeMap<Stack>,
34 /// Stores past operations on this allocation
35 history: AllocHistory,
36 /// The set of tags that have been exposed inside this allocation.
37 exposed_tags: FxHashSet<BorTag>,
40/// Indicates which permissions to grant to the retagged pointer.
41#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
42enum NewPermission {
43 Uniform {
44 perm: Permission,
45 access: Option<AccessKind>,
46 protector: Option<ProtectorKind>,
47 },
48 FreezeSensitive {
49 freeze_perm: Permission,
50 freeze_access: Option<AccessKind>,
51 freeze_protector: Option<ProtectorKind>,
52 nonfreeze_perm: Permission,
53 nonfreeze_access: Option<AccessKind>,
54 // nonfreeze_protector must always be None
55 },
58impl NewPermission {
59 /// A key function: determine the permissions to grant at a retag for the given kind of
60 /// reference/pointer.
61 fn from_ref_ty<'tcx>(ty: Ty<'tcx>, kind: RetagKind, cx: &crate::MiriInterpCx<'tcx>) -> Self {
62 let protector = (kind == RetagKind::FnEntry).then_some(ProtectorKind::StrongProtector);
63 match ty.kind() {
64 ty::Ref(_, pointee, Mutability::Mut) => {
65 if kind == RetagKind::TwoPhase {
66 // We mostly just give up on 2phase-borrows, and treat these exactly like raw pointers.
67 assert!(protector.is_none()); // RetagKind can't be both FnEntry and TwoPhase.
68 NewPermission::Uniform {
69 perm: Permission::SharedReadWrite,
70 access: None,
71 protector: None,
72 }
73 } else if pointee.is_unpin(*cx.tcx, cx.typing_env()) {
74 // A regular full mutable reference. On `FnEntry` this is `noalias` and `dereferenceable`.
75 NewPermission::Uniform {
76 perm: Permission::Unique,
77 access: Some(AccessKind::Write),
78 protector,
79 }
80 } else {
81 // `!Unpin` dereferences do not get `noalias` nor `dereferenceable`.
82 NewPermission::Uniform {
83 perm: Permission::SharedReadWrite,
84 access: None,
85 protector: None,
86 }
87 }
88 }
89 ty::RawPtr(_, Mutability::Mut) => {
90 assert!(protector.is_none()); // RetagKind can't be both FnEntry and Raw.
91 // Mutable raw pointer. No access, not protected.
92 NewPermission::Uniform {
93 perm: Permission::SharedReadWrite,
94 access: None,
95 protector: None,
96 }
97 }
98 ty::Ref(_, _pointee, Mutability::Not) => {
99 // Shared references. If frozen, these get `noalias` and `dereferenceable`; otherwise neither.
100 NewPermission::FreezeSensitive {
101 freeze_perm: Permission::SharedReadOnly,
102 freeze_access: Some(AccessKind::Read),
103 freeze_protector: protector,
104 nonfreeze_perm: Permission::SharedReadWrite,
105 // Inside UnsafeCell, this does *not* count as an access, as there
106 // might actually be mutable references further up the stack that
107 // we have to keep alive.
108 nonfreeze_access: None,
109 // We do not protect inside UnsafeCell.
110 // This fixes https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/55005.
111 }
112 }
113 ty::RawPtr(_, Mutability::Not) => {
114 assert!(protector.is_none()); // RetagKind can't be both FnEntry and Raw.
115 // `*const T`, when freshly created, are read-only in the frozen part.
116 NewPermission::FreezeSensitive {
117 freeze_perm: Permission::SharedReadOnly,
118 freeze_access: Some(AccessKind::Read),
119 freeze_protector: None,
120 nonfreeze_perm: Permission::SharedReadWrite,
121 nonfreeze_access: None,
122 }
123 }
124 _ => unreachable!(),
125 }
126 }
128 fn from_box_ty<'tcx>(ty: Ty<'tcx>, kind: RetagKind, cx: &crate::MiriInterpCx<'tcx>) -> Self {
129 // `ty` is not the `Box` but the field of the Box with this pointer (due to allocator handling).
130 let pointee = ty.builtin_deref(true).unwrap();
131 if pointee.is_unpin(*cx.tcx, cx.typing_env()) {
132 // A regular box. On `FnEntry` this is `noalias`, but not `dereferenceable` (hence only
133 // a weak protector).
134 NewPermission::Uniform {
135 perm: Permission::Unique,
136 access: Some(AccessKind::Write),
137 protector: (kind == RetagKind::FnEntry).then_some(ProtectorKind::WeakProtector),
138 }
139 } else {
140 // `!Unpin` boxes do not get `noalias` nor `dereferenceable`.
141 NewPermission::Uniform {
142 perm: Permission::SharedReadWrite,
143 access: None,
144 protector: None,
145 }
146 }
147 }
149 fn protector(&self) -> Option<ProtectorKind> {
150 match self {
151 NewPermission::Uniform { protector, .. } => *protector,
152 NewPermission::FreezeSensitive { freeze_protector, .. } => *freeze_protector,
153 }
154 }
157// # Stacked Borrows Core Begin
159/// We need to make at least the following things true:
161/// U1: After creating a `Uniq`, it is at the top.
162/// U2: If the top is `Uniq`, accesses must be through that `Uniq` or remove it.
163/// U3: If an access happens with a `Uniq`, it requires the `Uniq` to be in the stack.
165/// F1: After creating a `&`, the parts outside `UnsafeCell` have our `SharedReadOnly` on top.
166/// F2: If a write access happens, it pops the `SharedReadOnly`. This has three pieces:
167/// F2a: If a write happens granted by an item below our `SharedReadOnly`, the `SharedReadOnly`
168/// gets popped.
169/// F2b: No `SharedReadWrite` or `Unique` will ever be added on top of our `SharedReadOnly`.
170/// F3: If an access happens with an `&` outside `UnsafeCell`,
171/// it requires the `SharedReadOnly` to still be in the stack.
173/// Core relation on `Permission` to define which accesses are allowed
174impl Permission {
175 /// This defines for a given permission, whether it permits the given kind of access.
176 fn grants(self, access: AccessKind) -> bool {
177 // Disabled grants nothing. Otherwise, all items grant read access, and except for SharedReadOnly they grant write access.
178 self != Permission::Disabled
179 && (access == AccessKind::Read || self != Permission::SharedReadOnly)
180 }
183/// Determines whether an item was invalidated by a conflicting access, or by deallocation.
184#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
185enum ItemInvalidationCause {
186 Conflict,
187 Dealloc,
190/// Core per-location operations: access, dealloc, reborrow.
191impl<'tcx> Stack {
192 /// Find the first write-incompatible item above the given one --
193 /// i.e, find the height to which the stack will be truncated when writing to `granting`.
194 fn find_first_write_incompatible(&self, granting: usize) -> usize {
195 let perm = self.get(granting).unwrap().perm();
196 match perm {
197 Permission::SharedReadOnly => bug!("Cannot use SharedReadOnly for writing"),
198 Permission::Disabled => bug!("Cannot use Disabled for anything"),
199 Permission::Unique => {
200 // On a write, everything above us is incompatible.
201 granting + 1
202 }
203 Permission::SharedReadWrite => {
204 // The SharedReadWrite *just* above us are compatible, to skip those.
205 let mut idx = granting + 1;
206 while let Some(item) = self.get(idx) {
207 if item.perm() == Permission::SharedReadWrite {
208 // Go on.
209 idx += 1;
210 } else {
211 // Found first incompatible!
212 break;
213 }
214 }
215 idx
216 }
217 }
218 }
220 /// The given item was invalidated -- check its protectors for whether that will cause UB.
221 fn item_invalidated(
222 item: &Item,
223 global: &GlobalStateInner,
224 dcx: &DiagnosticCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
225 cause: ItemInvalidationCause,
226 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
227 if !global.tracked_pointer_tags.is_empty() {
228 dcx.check_tracked_tag_popped(item, global);
229 }
231 if !item.protected() {
232 return interp_ok(());
233 }
235 // We store tags twice, once in global.protected_tags and once in each call frame.
236 // We do this because consulting a single global set in this function is faster
237 // than attempting to search all call frames in the program for the `FrameExtra`
238 // (if any) which is protecting the popped tag.
239 //
240 // This duplication trades off making `end_call` slower to make this function faster. This
241 // trade-off is profitable in practice for a combination of two reasons.
242 // 1. A single protected tag can (and does in some programs) protect thousands of `Item`s.
243 // Therefore, adding overhead in function call/return is profitable even if it only
244 // saves a little work in this function.
245 // 2. Most frames protect only one or two tags. So this duplicative global turns a search
246 // which ends up about linear in the number of protected tags in the program into a
247 // constant time check (and a slow linear, because the tags in the frames aren't contiguous).
248 if let Some(&protector_kind) = global.protected_tags.get(&item.tag()) {
249 // The only way this is okay is if the protector is weak and we are deallocating with
250 // the right pointer.
251 let allowed = matches!(cause, ItemInvalidationCause::Dealloc)
252 && matches!(protector_kind, ProtectorKind::WeakProtector);
253 if !allowed {
254 return Err(dcx.protector_error(item, protector_kind)).into();
255 }
256 }
257 interp_ok(())
258 }
260 /// Test if a memory `access` using pointer tagged `tag` is granted.
261 /// If yes, return the index of the item that granted it.
262 /// `range` refers the entire operation, and `offset` refers to the specific offset into the
263 /// allocation that we are currently checking.
264 fn access(
265 &mut self,
266 access: AccessKind,
267 tag: ProvenanceExtra,
268 global: &GlobalStateInner,
269 dcx: &mut DiagnosticCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
270 exposed_tags: &FxHashSet<BorTag>,
271 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
272 // Two main steps: Find granting item, remove incompatible items above.
274 // Step 1: Find granting item.
275 let granting_idx =
276 self.find_granting(access, tag, exposed_tags).map_err(|()| dcx.access_error(self))?;
278 // Step 2: Remove incompatible items above them. Make sure we do not remove protected
279 // items. Behavior differs for reads and writes.
280 // In case of wildcards/unknown matches, we remove everything that is *definitely* gone.
281 if access == AccessKind::Write {
282 // Remove everything above the write-compatible items, like a proper stack. This makes sure read-only and unique
283 // pointers become invalid on write accesses (ensures F2a, and ensures U2 for write accesses).
284 let first_incompatible_idx = if let Some(granting_idx) = granting_idx {
285 // The granting_idx *might* be approximate, but any lower idx would remove more
286 // things. Even if this is a Unique and the lower idx is an SRW (which removes
287 // less), there is an SRW group boundary here so strictly more would get removed.
288 self.find_first_write_incompatible(granting_idx)
289 } else {
290 // We are writing to something in the unknown part.
291 // There is a SRW group boundary between the unknown and the known, so everything is incompatible.
292 0
293 };
294 self.pop_items_after(first_incompatible_idx, |item| {
295 Stack::item_invalidated(&item, global, dcx, ItemInvalidationCause::Conflict)?;
296 dcx.log_invalidation(item.tag());
297 interp_ok(())
298 })?;
299 } else {
300 // On a read, *disable* all `Unique` above the granting item. This ensures U2 for read accesses.
301 // The reason this is not following the stack discipline (by removing the first Unique and
302 // everything on top of it) is that in `let raw = &mut *x as *mut _; let _val = *x;`, the second statement
303 // would pop the `Unique` from the reborrow of the first statement, and subsequently also pop the
304 // `SharedReadWrite` for `raw`.
305 // This pattern occurs a lot in the standard library: create a raw pointer, then also create a shared
306 // reference and use that.
307 // We *disable* instead of removing `Unique` to avoid "connecting" two neighbouring blocks of SRWs.
308 let first_incompatible_idx = if let Some(granting_idx) = granting_idx {
309 // The granting_idx *might* be approximate, but any lower idx would disable more things.
310 granting_idx + 1
311 } else {
312 // We are reading from something in the unknown part. That means *all* `Unique` we know about are dead now.
313 0
314 };
315 self.disable_uniques_starting_at(first_incompatible_idx, |item| {
316 Stack::item_invalidated(&item, global, dcx, ItemInvalidationCause::Conflict)?;
317 dcx.log_invalidation(item.tag());
318 interp_ok(())
319 })?;
320 }
322 // If this was an approximate action, we now collapse everything into an unknown.
323 if granting_idx.is_none() || matches!(tag, ProvenanceExtra::Wildcard) {
324 // Compute the upper bound of the items that remain.
325 // (This is why we did all the work above: to reduce the items we have to consider here.)
326 let mut max = BorTag::one();
327 for i in 0..self.len() {
328 let item = self.get(i).unwrap();
329 // Skip disabled items, they cannot be matched anyway.
330 if !matches!(item.perm(), Permission::Disabled) {
331 // We are looking for a strict upper bound, so add 1 to this tag.
332 max = cmp::max(item.tag().succ().unwrap(), max);
333 }
334 }
335 if let Some(unk) = self.unknown_bottom() {
336 max = cmp::max(unk, max);
337 }
338 // Use `max` as new strict upper bound for everything.
339 trace!(
340 "access: forgetting stack to upper bound {max} due to wildcard or unknown access",
341 max = max.get(),
342 );
343 self.set_unknown_bottom(max);
344 }
346 // Done.
347 interp_ok(())
348 }
350 /// Deallocate a location: Like a write access, but also there must be no
351 /// active protectors at all because we will remove all items.
352 fn dealloc(
353 &mut self,
354 tag: ProvenanceExtra,
355 global: &GlobalStateInner,
356 dcx: &mut DiagnosticCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
357 exposed_tags: &FxHashSet<BorTag>,
358 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
359 // Step 1: Make a write access.
360 // As part of this we do regular protector checking, i.e. even weakly protected items cause UB when popped.
361 self.access(AccessKind::Write, tag, global, dcx, exposed_tags)?;
363 // Step 2: Pretend we remove the remaining items, checking if any are strongly protected.
364 for idx in (0..self.len()).rev() {
365 let item = self.get(idx).unwrap();
366 Stack::item_invalidated(&item, global, dcx, ItemInvalidationCause::Dealloc)?;
367 }
369 interp_ok(())
370 }
372 /// Derive a new pointer from one with the given tag.
373 ///
374 /// `access` indicates which kind of memory access this retag itself should correspond to.
375 fn grant(
376 &mut self,
377 derived_from: ProvenanceExtra,
378 new: Item,
379 access: Option<AccessKind>,
380 global: &GlobalStateInner,
381 dcx: &mut DiagnosticCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
382 exposed_tags: &FxHashSet<BorTag>,
383 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
384 dcx.start_grant(new.perm());
386 // Compute where to put the new item.
387 // Either way, we ensure that we insert the new item in a way such that between
388 // `derived_from` and the new one, there are only items *compatible with* `derived_from`.
389 let new_idx = if let Some(access) = access {
390 // Simple case: We are just a regular memory access, and then push our thing on top,
391 // like a regular stack.
392 // This ensures F2b for `Unique`, by removing offending `SharedReadOnly`.
393 self.access(access, derived_from, global, dcx, exposed_tags)?;
395 // We insert "as far up as possible": We know only compatible items are remaining
396 // on top of `derived_from`, and we want the new item at the top so that we
397 // get the strongest possible guarantees.
398 // This ensures U1 and F1.
399 self.len()
400 } else {
401 // The tricky case: creating a new SRW permission without actually being an access.
402 assert!(new.perm() == Permission::SharedReadWrite);
404 // First we figure out which item grants our parent (`derived_from`) this kind of access.
405 // We use that to determine where to put the new item.
406 let granting_idx = self
407 .find_granting(AccessKind::Write, derived_from, exposed_tags)
408 .map_err(|()| dcx.grant_error(self))?;
410 let (Some(granting_idx), ProvenanceExtra::Concrete(_)) = (granting_idx, derived_from)
411 else {
412 // The parent is a wildcard pointer or matched the unknown bottom.
413 // This is approximate. Nobody knows what happened, so forget everything.
414 // The new thing is SRW anyway, so we cannot push it "on top of the unknown part"
415 // (for all we know, it might join an SRW group inside the unknown).
416 trace!(
417 "reborrow: forgetting stack entirely due to SharedReadWrite reborrow from wildcard or unknown"
418 );
419 self.set_unknown_bottom(global.next_ptr_tag);
420 return interp_ok(());
421 };
423 // SharedReadWrite can coexist with "existing loans", meaning they don't act like a write
424 // access. Instead of popping the stack, we insert the item at the place the stack would
425 // be popped to (i.e., we insert it above all the write-compatible items).
426 // This ensures F2b by adding the new item below any potentially existing `SharedReadOnly`.
427 self.find_first_write_incompatible(granting_idx)
428 };
430 // Put the new item there.
431 trace!("reborrow: adding item {:?}", new);
432 self.insert(new_idx, new);
433 interp_ok(())
434 }
436// # Stacked Borrows Core End
438/// Integration with the BorTag garbage collector
439impl Stacks {
440 pub fn remove_unreachable_tags(&mut self, live_tags: &FxHashSet<BorTag>) {
441 for (_stack_range, stack) in self.stacks.iter_mut_all() {
442 stack.retain(live_tags);
443 }
444 self.history.retain(live_tags);
445 }
448impl VisitProvenance for Stacks {
449 fn visit_provenance(&self, visit: &mut VisitWith<'_>) {
450 for tag in self.exposed_tags.iter().copied() {
451 visit(None, Some(tag));
452 }
453 }
456/// Map per-stack operations to higher-level per-location-range operations.
457impl<'tcx> Stacks {
458 /// Creates a new stack with an initial tag. For diagnostic purposes, we also need to know
459 /// the [`AllocId`] of the allocation this is associated with.
460 fn new(
461 size: Size,
462 perm: Permission,
463 tag: BorTag,
464 id: AllocId,
465 machine: &MiriMachine<'_>,
466 ) -> Self {
467 let item = Item::new(tag, perm, false);
468 let stack = Stack::new(item);
470 Stacks {
471 stacks: RangeMap::new(size, stack),
472 history: AllocHistory::new(id, item, machine),
473 exposed_tags: FxHashSet::default(),
474 }
475 }
477 /// Call `f` on every stack in the range.
478 fn for_each(
479 &mut self,
480 range: AllocRange,
481 mut dcx_builder: DiagnosticCxBuilder<'_, 'tcx>,
482 mut f: impl FnMut(
483 &mut Stack,
484 &mut DiagnosticCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
485 &mut FxHashSet<BorTag>,
486 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx>,
487 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
488 for (stack_range, stack) in self.stacks.iter_mut(range.start, range.size) {
489 let mut dcx = dcx_builder.build(&mut self.history, Size::from_bytes(stack_range.start));
490 f(stack, &mut dcx, &mut self.exposed_tags)?;
491 dcx_builder = dcx.unbuild();
492 }
493 interp_ok(())
494 }
497/// Glue code to connect with Miri Machine Hooks
498impl Stacks {
499 pub fn new_allocation(
500 id: AllocId,
501 size: Size,
502 state: &mut GlobalStateInner,
503 kind: MemoryKind,
504 machine: &MiriMachine<'_>,
505 ) -> Self {
506 let (base_tag, perm) = match kind {
507 // New unique borrow. This tag is not accessible by the program,
508 // so it will only ever be used when using the local directly (i.e.,
509 // not through a pointer). That is, whenever we directly write to a local, this will pop
510 // everything else off the stack, invalidating all previous pointers,
511 // and in particular, *all* raw pointers.
512 MemoryKind::Stack => (state.root_ptr_tag(id, machine), Permission::Unique),
513 // Everything else is shared by default.
514 _ => (state.root_ptr_tag(id, machine), Permission::SharedReadWrite),
515 };
516 Stacks::new(size, perm, base_tag, id, machine)
517 }
519 #[inline(always)]
520 pub fn before_memory_read<'ecx, 'tcx>(
521 &mut self,
522 alloc_id: AllocId,
523 tag: ProvenanceExtra,
524 range: AllocRange,
525 machine: &'ecx MiriMachine<'tcx>,
526 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx>
527 where
528 'tcx: 'ecx,
529 {
530 trace!(
531 "read access with tag {:?}: {:?}, size {}",
532 tag,
533 interpret::Pointer::new(alloc_id, range.start),
534 range.size.bytes()
535 );
536 let dcx = DiagnosticCxBuilder::read(machine, tag, range);
537 let state = machine.borrow_tracker.as_ref().unwrap().borrow();
538 self.for_each(range, dcx, |stack, dcx, exposed_tags| {
539 stack.access(AccessKind::Read, tag, &state, dcx, exposed_tags)
540 })
541 }
543 #[inline(always)]
544 pub fn before_memory_write<'tcx>(
545 &mut self,
546 alloc_id: AllocId,
547 tag: ProvenanceExtra,
548 range: AllocRange,
549 machine: &MiriMachine<'tcx>,
550 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
551 trace!(
552 "write access with tag {:?}: {:?}, size {}",
553 tag,
554 interpret::Pointer::new(alloc_id, range.start),
555 range.size.bytes()
556 );
557 let dcx = DiagnosticCxBuilder::write(machine, tag, range);
558 let state = machine.borrow_tracker.as_ref().unwrap().borrow();
559 self.for_each(range, dcx, |stack, dcx, exposed_tags| {
560 stack.access(AccessKind::Write, tag, &state, dcx, exposed_tags)
561 })
562 }
564 #[inline(always)]
565 pub fn before_memory_deallocation<'tcx>(
566 &mut self,
567 alloc_id: AllocId,
568 tag: ProvenanceExtra,
569 size: Size,
570 machine: &MiriMachine<'tcx>,
571 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
572 trace!("deallocation with tag {:?}: {:?}, size {}", tag, alloc_id, size.bytes());
573 let dcx = DiagnosticCxBuilder::dealloc(machine, tag);
574 let state = machine.borrow_tracker.as_ref().unwrap().borrow();
575 self.for_each(alloc_range(Size::ZERO, size), dcx, |stack, dcx, exposed_tags| {
576 stack.dealloc(tag, &state, dcx, exposed_tags)
577 })?;
578 interp_ok(())
579 }
582/// Retagging/reborrowing. There is some policy in here, such as which permissions
583/// to grant for which references, and when to add protectors.
584impl<'tcx, 'ecx> EvalContextPrivExt<'tcx, 'ecx> for crate::MiriInterpCx<'tcx> {}
585trait EvalContextPrivExt<'tcx, 'ecx>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'tcx> {
586 /// Returns the provenance that should be used henceforth.
587 fn sb_reborrow(
588 &mut self,
589 place: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
590 size: Size,
591 new_perm: NewPermission,
592 new_tag: BorTag,
593 retag_info: RetagInfo, // diagnostics info about this retag
594 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Option<Provenance>> {
595 let this = self.eval_context_mut();
596 // Ensure we bail out if the pointer goes out-of-bounds (see miri#1050).
597 this.check_ptr_access(place.ptr(), size, CheckInAllocMsg::InboundsTest)?;
599 // It is crucial that this gets called on all code paths, to ensure we track tag creation.
600 let log_creation = |this: &MiriInterpCx<'tcx>,
601 loc: Option<(AllocId, Size, ProvenanceExtra)>| // alloc_id, base_offset, orig_tag
602 -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
603 let global = this.machine.borrow_tracker.as_ref().unwrap().borrow();
604 let ty = place.layout.ty;
605 if global.tracked_pointer_tags.contains(&new_tag) {
606 let mut kind_str = String::new();
607 match new_perm {
608 NewPermission::Uniform { perm, .. } =>
609 write!(kind_str, "{perm:?} permission").unwrap(),
610 NewPermission::FreezeSensitive { freeze_perm, .. } if ty.is_freeze(*this.tcx, this.typing_env()) =>
611 write!(kind_str, "{freeze_perm:?} permission").unwrap(),
612 NewPermission::FreezeSensitive { freeze_perm, nonfreeze_perm, .. } =>
613 write!(kind_str, "{freeze_perm:?}/{nonfreeze_perm:?} permission for frozen/non-frozen parts").unwrap(),
614 }
615 write!(kind_str, " (pointee type {ty})").unwrap();
616 this.emit_diagnostic(NonHaltingDiagnostic::CreatedPointerTag(
617 new_tag.inner(),
618 Some(kind_str),
619 loc.map(|(alloc_id, base_offset, orig_tag)| (alloc_id, alloc_range(base_offset, size), orig_tag)),
620 ));
621 }
622 drop(global); // don't hold that reference any longer than we have to
624 let Some((alloc_id, base_offset, orig_tag)) = loc else {
625 return interp_ok(())
626 };
628 let alloc_kind = this.get_alloc_info(alloc_id).kind;
629 match alloc_kind {
630 AllocKind::LiveData => {
631 // This should have alloc_extra data, but `get_alloc_extra` can still fail
632 // if converting this alloc_id from a global to a local one
633 // uncovers a non-supported `extern static`.
634 let extra = this.get_alloc_extra(alloc_id)?;
635 let mut stacked_borrows = extra
636 .borrow_tracker_sb()
637 .borrow_mut();
638 // Note that we create a *second* `DiagnosticCxBuilder` below for the actual retag.
639 // FIXME: can this be done cleaner?
640 let dcx = DiagnosticCxBuilder::retag(
641 &this.machine,
642 retag_info,
643 new_tag,
644 orig_tag,
645 alloc_range(base_offset, size),
646 );
647 let mut dcx = dcx.build(&mut stacked_borrows.history, base_offset);
648 dcx.log_creation();
649 if new_perm.protector().is_some() {
650 dcx.log_protector();
651 }
652 },
653 AllocKind::Function | AllocKind::VTable | AllocKind::Dead => {
654 // No stacked borrows on these allocations.
655 }
656 }
657 interp_ok(())
658 };
660 if size == Size::ZERO {
661 trace!(
662 "reborrow of size 0: reference {:?} derived from {:?} (pointee {})",
663 new_tag,
664 place.ptr(),
665 place.layout.ty,
666 );
667 // Don't update any stacks for a zero-sized access; borrow stacks are per-byte and this
668 // touches no bytes so there is no stack to put this tag in.
669 // However, if the pointer for this operation points at a real allocation we still
670 // record where it was created so that we can issue a helpful diagnostic if there is an
671 // attempt to use it for a non-zero-sized access.
672 // Dangling slices are a common case here; it's valid to get their length but with raw
673 // pointer tagging for example all calls to get_unchecked on them are invalid.
674 if let Ok((alloc_id, base_offset, orig_tag)) = this.ptr_try_get_alloc_id(place.ptr(), 0)
675 {
676 log_creation(this, Some((alloc_id, base_offset, orig_tag)))?;
677 // Still give it the new provenance, it got retagged after all.
678 return interp_ok(Some(Provenance::Concrete { alloc_id, tag: new_tag }));
679 } else {
680 // This pointer doesn't come with an AllocId. :shrug:
681 log_creation(this, None)?;
682 // Provenance unchanged.
683 return interp_ok(place.ptr().provenance);
684 }
685 }
687 let (alloc_id, base_offset, orig_tag) = this.ptr_get_alloc_id(place.ptr(), 0)?;
688 log_creation(this, Some((alloc_id, base_offset, orig_tag)))?;
690 trace!(
691 "reborrow: reference {:?} derived from {:?} (pointee {}): {:?}, size {}",
692 new_tag,
693 orig_tag,
694 place.layout.ty,
695 interpret::Pointer::new(alloc_id, base_offset),
696 size.bytes()
697 );
699 if let Some(protect) = new_perm.protector() {
700 // See comment in `Stack::item_invalidated` for why we store the tag twice.
701 this.frame_mut()
702 .extra
703 .borrow_tracker
704 .as_mut()
705 .unwrap()
706 .protected_tags
707 .push((alloc_id, new_tag));
708 this.machine
709 .borrow_tracker
710 .as_mut()
711 .unwrap()
712 .get_mut()
713 .protected_tags
714 .insert(new_tag, protect);
715 }
717 // Update the stacks, according to the new permission information we are given.
718 match new_perm {
719 NewPermission::Uniform { perm, access, protector } => {
720 assert!(perm != Permission::SharedReadOnly);
721 // Here we can avoid `borrow()` calls because we have mutable references.
722 // Note that this asserts that the allocation is mutable -- but since we are creating a
723 // mutable pointer, that seems reasonable.
724 let (alloc_extra, machine) = this.get_alloc_extra_mut(alloc_id)?;
725 let stacked_borrows = alloc_extra.borrow_tracker_sb_mut().get_mut();
726 let item = Item::new(new_tag, perm, protector.is_some());
727 let range = alloc_range(base_offset, size);
728 let global = machine.borrow_tracker.as_ref().unwrap().borrow();
729 let dcx = DiagnosticCxBuilder::retag(
730 machine,
731 retag_info,
732 new_tag,
733 orig_tag,
734 alloc_range(base_offset, size),
735 );
736 stacked_borrows.for_each(range, dcx, |stack, dcx, exposed_tags| {
737 stack.grant(orig_tag, item, access, &global, dcx, exposed_tags)
738 })?;
739 drop(global);
740 if let Some(access) = access {
741 assert_eq!(access, AccessKind::Write);
742 // Make sure the data race model also knows about this.
743 if let Some(data_race) = alloc_extra.data_race.as_mut() {
744 data_race.write(
745 alloc_id,
746 range,
747 NaWriteType::Retag,
748 Some(place.layout.ty),
749 machine,
750 )?;
751 }
752 }
753 }
754 NewPermission::FreezeSensitive {
755 freeze_perm,
756 freeze_access,
757 freeze_protector,
758 nonfreeze_perm,
759 nonfreeze_access,
760 } => {
761 // The permission is not uniform across the entire range!
762 // We need a frozen-sensitive reborrow.
763 // We have to use shared references to alloc/memory_extra here since
764 // `visit_freeze_sensitive` needs to access the global state.
765 let alloc_extra = this.get_alloc_extra(alloc_id)?;
766 let mut stacked_borrows = alloc_extra.borrow_tracker_sb().borrow_mut();
767 this.visit_freeze_sensitive(place, size, |mut range, frozen| {
768 // Adjust range.
769 range.start += base_offset;
770 // We are only ever `SharedReadOnly` inside the frozen bits.
771 let (perm, access, protector) = if frozen {
772 (freeze_perm, freeze_access, freeze_protector)
773 } else {
774 (nonfreeze_perm, nonfreeze_access, None)
775 };
776 let item = Item::new(new_tag, perm, protector.is_some());
777 let global = this.machine.borrow_tracker.as_ref().unwrap().borrow();
778 let dcx = DiagnosticCxBuilder::retag(
779 &this.machine,
780 retag_info,
781 new_tag,
782 orig_tag,
783 alloc_range(base_offset, size),
784 );
785 stacked_borrows.for_each(range, dcx, |stack, dcx, exposed_tags| {
786 stack.grant(orig_tag, item, access, &global, dcx, exposed_tags)
787 })?;
788 drop(global);
789 if let Some(access) = access {
790 assert_eq!(access, AccessKind::Read);
791 // Make sure the data race model also knows about this.
792 if let Some(data_race) = alloc_extra.data_race.as_ref() {
793 data_race.read(
794 alloc_id,
795 range,
796 NaReadType::Retag,
797 Some(place.layout.ty),
798 &this.machine,
799 )?;
800 }
801 }
802 interp_ok(())
803 })?;
804 }
805 }
807 interp_ok(Some(Provenance::Concrete { alloc_id, tag: new_tag }))
808 }
810 fn sb_retag_place(
811 &mut self,
812 place: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
813 new_perm: NewPermission,
814 info: RetagInfo, // diagnostics info about this retag
815 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx>> {
816 let this = self.eval_context_mut();
817 let size = this.size_and_align_of_mplace(place)?.map(|(size, _)| size);
818 // FIXME: If we cannot determine the size (because the unsized tail is an `extern type`),
819 // bail out -- we cannot reasonably figure out which memory range to reborrow.
820 // See https://github.com/rust-lang/unsafe-code-guidelines/issues/276.
821 let size = match size {
822 Some(size) => size,
823 None => {
824 if !this.machine.sb_extern_type_warned.replace(true) {
825 this.emit_diagnostic(NonHaltingDiagnostic::ExternTypeReborrow);
826 }
827 return interp_ok(place.clone());
828 }
829 };
831 // Compute new borrow.
832 let new_tag = this.machine.borrow_tracker.as_mut().unwrap().get_mut().new_ptr();
834 // Reborrow.
835 let new_prov = this.sb_reborrow(place, size, new_perm, new_tag, info)?;
837 // Adjust place.
838 // (If the closure gets called, that means the old provenance was `Some`, and hence the new
839 // one must also be `Some`.)
840 interp_ok(place.clone().map_provenance(|_| new_prov.unwrap()))
841 }
843 /// Retags an individual pointer, returning the retagged version.
844 /// `kind` indicates what kind of reference is being created.
845 fn sb_retag_reference(
846 &mut self,
847 val: &ImmTy<'tcx>,
848 new_perm: NewPermission,
849 info: RetagInfo, // diagnostics info about this retag
850 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ImmTy<'tcx>> {
851 let this = self.eval_context_mut();
852 let place = this.ref_to_mplace(val)?;
853 let new_place = this.sb_retag_place(&place, new_perm, info)?;
854 interp_ok(ImmTy::from_immediate(new_place.to_ref(this), val.layout))
855 }
858impl<'tcx> EvalContextExt<'tcx> for crate::MiriInterpCx<'tcx> {}
859pub trait EvalContextExt<'tcx>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'tcx> {
860 fn sb_retag_ptr_value(
861 &mut self,
862 kind: RetagKind,
863 val: &ImmTy<'tcx>,
864 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ImmTy<'tcx>> {
865 let this = self.eval_context_mut();
866 let new_perm = NewPermission::from_ref_ty(val.layout.ty, kind, this);
867 let cause = match kind {
868 RetagKind::TwoPhase => RetagCause::TwoPhase,
869 RetagKind::FnEntry => unreachable!(),
870 RetagKind::Raw | RetagKind::Default => RetagCause::Normal,
871 };
872 this.sb_retag_reference(val, new_perm, RetagInfo { cause, in_field: false })
873 }
875 fn sb_retag_place_contents(
876 &mut self,
877 kind: RetagKind,
878 place: &PlaceTy<'tcx>,
879 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
880 let this = self.eval_context_mut();
881 let retag_fields = this.machine.borrow_tracker.as_mut().unwrap().get_mut().retag_fields;
882 let retag_cause = match kind {
883 RetagKind::TwoPhase => unreachable!(), // can only happen in `retag_ptr_value`
884 RetagKind::FnEntry => RetagCause::FnEntry,
885 RetagKind::Default | RetagKind::Raw => RetagCause::Normal,
886 };
887 let mut visitor =
888 RetagVisitor { ecx: this, kind, retag_cause, retag_fields, in_field: false };
889 return visitor.visit_value(place);
891 // The actual visitor.
892 struct RetagVisitor<'ecx, 'tcx> {
893 ecx: &'ecx mut MiriInterpCx<'tcx>,
894 kind: RetagKind,
895 retag_cause: RetagCause,
896 retag_fields: RetagFields,
897 in_field: bool,
898 }
899 impl<'ecx, 'tcx> RetagVisitor<'ecx, 'tcx> {
900 #[inline(always)] // yes this helps in our benchmarks
901 fn retag_ptr_inplace(
902 &mut self,
903 place: &PlaceTy<'tcx>,
904 new_perm: NewPermission,
905 ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
906 let val = self.ecx.read_immediate(&self.ecx.place_to_op(place)?)?;
907 let val = self.ecx.sb_retag_reference(
908 &val,
909 new_perm,
910 RetagInfo { cause: self.retag_cause, in_field: self.in_field },
911 )?;
912 self.ecx.write_immediate(*val, place)?;
913 interp_ok(())
914 }
915 }
916 impl<'ecx, 'tcx> ValueVisitor<'tcx, MiriMachine<'tcx>> for RetagVisitor<'ecx, 'tcx> {
917 type V = PlaceTy<'tcx>;
919 #[inline(always)]
920 fn ecx(&self) -> &MiriInterpCx<'tcx> {
921 self.ecx
922 }
924 fn visit_box(&mut self, box_ty: Ty<'tcx>, place: &PlaceTy<'tcx>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
925 // Only boxes for the global allocator get any special treatment.
926 if box_ty.is_box_global(*self.ecx.tcx) {
927 // Boxes get a weak protectors, since they may be deallocated.
928 let new_perm = NewPermission::from_box_ty(place.layout.ty, self.kind, self.ecx);
929 self.retag_ptr_inplace(place, new_perm)?;
930 }
931 interp_ok(())
932 }
934 fn visit_value(&mut self, place: &PlaceTy<'tcx>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
935 // If this place is smaller than a pointer, we know that it can't contain any
936 // pointers we need to retag, so we can stop recursion early.
937 // This optimization is crucial for ZSTs, because they can contain way more fields
938 // than we can ever visit.
939 if place.layout.is_sized() && place.layout.size < self.ecx.pointer_size() {
940 return interp_ok(());
941 }
943 // Check the type of this value to see what to do with it (retag, or recurse).
944 match place.layout.ty.kind() {
945 ty::Ref(..) | ty::RawPtr(..) => {
946 if matches!(place.layout.ty.kind(), ty::Ref(..))
947 || self.kind == RetagKind::Raw
948 {
949 let new_perm =
950 NewPermission::from_ref_ty(place.layout.ty, self.kind, self.ecx);
951 self.retag_ptr_inplace(place, new_perm)?;
952 }
953 }
954 ty::Adt(adt, _) if adt.is_box() => {
955 // Recurse for boxes, they require some tricky handling and will end up in `visit_box` above.
956 // (Yes this means we technically also recursively retag the allocator itself
957 // even if field retagging is not enabled. *shrug*)
958 self.walk_value(place)?;
959 }
960 _ => {
961 // Not a reference/pointer/box. Only recurse if configured appropriately.
962 let recurse = match self.retag_fields {
963 RetagFields::No => false,
964 RetagFields::Yes => true,
965 RetagFields::OnlyScalar => {
966 // Matching `ArgAbi::new` at the time of writing, only fields of
967 // `Scalar` and `ScalarPair` ABI are considered.
968 matches!(
969 place.layout.backend_repr,
970 BackendRepr::Scalar(..) | BackendRepr::ScalarPair(..)
971 )
972 }
973 };
974 if recurse {
975 let in_field = mem::replace(&mut self.in_field, true); // remember and restore old value
976 self.walk_value(place)?;
977 self.in_field = in_field;
978 }
979 }
980 }
982 interp_ok(())
983 }
984 }
985 }
987 /// Protect a place so that it cannot be used any more for the duration of the current function
988 /// call.
989 ///
990 /// This is used to ensure soundness of in-place function argument/return passing.
991 fn sb_protect_place(&mut self, place: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>) -> InterpResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx>> {
992 let this = self.eval_context_mut();
994 // Retag it. With protection! That is the entire point.
995 let new_perm = NewPermission::Uniform {
996 perm: Permission::Unique,
997 access: Some(AccessKind::Write),
998 protector: Some(ProtectorKind::StrongProtector),
999 };
1000 this.sb_retag_place(
1001 place,
1002 new_perm,
1003 RetagInfo { cause: RetagCause::InPlaceFnPassing, in_field: false },
1004 )
1005 }
1007 /// Mark the given tag as exposed. It was found on a pointer with the given AllocId.
1008 fn sb_expose_tag(&self, alloc_id: AllocId, tag: BorTag) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
1009 let this = self.eval_context_ref();
1011 // Function pointers and dead objects don't have an alloc_extra so we ignore them.
1012 // This is okay because accessing them is UB anyway, no need for any Stacked Borrows checks.
1013 // NOT using `get_alloc_extra_mut` since this might be a read-only allocation!
1014 let kind = this.get_alloc_info(alloc_id).kind;
1015 match kind {
1016 AllocKind::LiveData => {
1017 // This should have alloc_extra data, but `get_alloc_extra` can still fail
1018 // if converting this alloc_id from a global to a local one
1019 // uncovers a non-supported `extern static`.
1020 let alloc_extra = this.get_alloc_extra(alloc_id)?;
1021 trace!("Stacked Borrows tag {tag:?} exposed in {alloc_id:?}");
1022 alloc_extra.borrow_tracker_sb().borrow_mut().exposed_tags.insert(tag);
1023 }
1024 AllocKind::Function | AllocKind::VTable | AllocKind::Dead => {
1025 // No stacked borrows on these allocations.
1026 }
1027 }
1028 interp_ok(())
1029 }
1031 fn print_stacks(&mut self, alloc_id: AllocId) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
1032 let this = self.eval_context_mut();
1033 let alloc_extra = this.get_alloc_extra(alloc_id)?;
1034 let stacks = alloc_extra.borrow_tracker_sb().borrow();
1035 for (range, stack) in stacks.stacks.iter_all() {
1036 print!("{range:?}: [");
1037 if let Some(bottom) = stack.unknown_bottom() {
1038 print!(" unknown-bottom(..{bottom:?})");
1039 }
1040 for i in 0..stack.len() {
1041 let item = stack.get(i).unwrap();
1042 print!(" {:?}{:?}", item.perm(), item.tag());
1043 }
1044 println!(" ]");
1045 }
1046 interp_ok(())
1047 }