
1//! Functions dedicated to fact generation for the `-Zpolonius=legacy` datalog implementation.
3//! Will be removed in the future, once the in-tree `-Zpolonius=next` implementation reaches feature
4//! parity.
6use std::iter;
8use either::Either;
9use rustc_middle::mir::{Body, Local, LocalKind, Location, START_BLOCK};
10use rustc_middle::ty::{GenericArg, TyCtxt};
11use rustc_mir_dataflow::move_paths::{InitKind, InitLocation, MoveData};
12use tracing::debug;
14use crate::borrow_set::BorrowSet;
15use crate::constraints::OutlivesConstraint;
16use crate::type_check::MirTypeckRegionConstraints;
17use crate::type_check::free_region_relations::UniversalRegionRelations;
18use crate::universal_regions::UniversalRegions;
20mod accesses;
21mod loan_invalidations;
22mod loan_kills;
23mod location;
24pub use self::location::*;
25mod facts;
26pub use self::facts::*;
28/// When requested, emit most of the facts needed by polonius:
29/// - moves and assignments
30/// - universal regions and their relations
31/// - CFG points and edges
32/// - loan kills
33/// - loan invalidations
34/// - access facts such as variable definitions, uses, drops, and path accesses
35/// - outlives constraints
37/// The rest of the facts are emitted during typeck and liveness.
38pub(crate) fn emit_facts<'tcx>(
39    facts: &mut Option<PoloniusFacts>,
40    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
41    location_table: &PoloniusLocationTable,
42    body: &Body<'tcx>,
43    borrow_set: &BorrowSet<'tcx>,
44    move_data: &MoveData<'tcx>,
45    universal_region_relations: &UniversalRegionRelations<'tcx>,
46    constraints: &MirTypeckRegionConstraints<'tcx>,
47) {
48    let Some(facts) = facts else {
49        // We don't do anything if there are no facts to fill.
50        return;
51    };
52    let _prof_timer ="polonius_fact_generation");
53    emit_move_facts(facts, body, location_table, move_data);
54    emit_universal_region_facts(facts, borrow_set, universal_region_relations);
55    loan_kills::emit_loan_kills(tcx, facts, body, location_table, borrow_set);
56    loan_invalidations::emit_loan_invalidations(tcx, facts, body, location_table, borrow_set);
57    accesses::emit_access_facts(
58        tcx,
59        facts,
60        body,
61        location_table,
62        move_data,
63        &universal_region_relations.universal_regions,
64    );
65    emit_outlives_facts(facts, location_table, constraints);
68/// Emit facts needed for move/init analysis: moves and assignments.
69fn emit_move_facts(
70    facts: &mut PoloniusFacts,
71    body: &Body<'_>,
72    location_table: &PoloniusLocationTable,
73    move_data: &MoveData<'_>,
74) {
75    facts.path_is_var.extend(move_data.rev_lookup.iter_locals_enumerated().map(|(l, r)| (r, l)));
77    for (child, move_path) in move_data.move_paths.iter_enumerated() {
78        if let Some(parent) = move_path.parent {
79            facts.child_path.push((child, parent));
80        }
81    }
83    let fn_entry_start =
84        location_table.start_index(Location { block: START_BLOCK, statement_index: 0 });
86    // initialized_at
87    for init in move_data.inits.iter() {
88        match init.location {
89            InitLocation::Statement(location) => {
90                let block_data = &body[location.block];
91                let is_terminator = location.statement_index == block_data.statements.len();
93                if is_terminator && init.kind == InitKind::NonPanicPathOnly {
94                    // We are at the terminator of an init that has a panic path,
95                    // and where the init should not happen on panic
97                    for successor in block_data.terminator().successors() {
98                        if body[successor].is_cleanup {
99                            continue;
100                        }
102                        // The initialization happened in (or rather, when arriving at)
103                        // the successors, but not in the unwind block.
104                        let first_statement = Location { block: successor, statement_index: 0 };
105                        facts
106                            .path_assigned_at_base
107                            .push((init.path, location_table.start_index(first_statement)));
108                    }
109                } else {
110                    // In all other cases, the initialization just happens at the
111                    // midpoint, like any other effect.
112                    facts
113                        .path_assigned_at_base
114                        .push((init.path, location_table.mid_index(location)));
115                }
116            }
117            // Arguments are initialized on function entry
118            InitLocation::Argument(local) => {
119                assert!(body.local_kind(local) == LocalKind::Arg);
120                facts.path_assigned_at_base.push((init.path, fn_entry_start));
121            }
122        }
123    }
125    for (local, path) in move_data.rev_lookup.iter_locals_enumerated() {
126        if body.local_kind(local) != LocalKind::Arg {
127            // Non-arguments start out deinitialised; we simulate this with an
128            // initial move:
129            facts.path_moved_at_base.push((path, fn_entry_start));
130        }
131    }
133    // moved_out_at
134    // deinitialisation is assumed to always happen!
135    facts
136        .path_moved_at_base
137        .extend(move_data.moves.iter().map(|mo| (mo.path, location_table.mid_index(mo.source))));
140/// Emit universal regions facts, and their relations.
141fn emit_universal_region_facts(
142    facts: &mut PoloniusFacts,
143    borrow_set: &BorrowSet<'_>,
144    universal_region_relations: &UniversalRegionRelations<'_>,
145) {
146    // 1: universal regions are modeled in Polonius as a pair:
147    // - the universal region vid itself.
148    // - a "placeholder loan" associated to this universal region. Since they don't exist in
149    //   the `borrow_set`, their `BorrowIndex` are synthesized as the universal region index
150    //   added to the existing number of loans, as if they succeeded them in the set.
151    //
152    let universal_regions = &universal_region_relations.universal_regions;
153    facts
154        .universal_region
155        .extend(universal_regions.universal_regions_iter().map(PoloniusRegionVid::from));
156    let borrow_count = borrow_set.len();
157    debug!(
158        "emit_universal_region_facts: polonius placeholders, num_universals={}, borrow_count={}",
159        universal_regions.len(),
160        borrow_count
161    );
163    for universal_region in universal_regions.universal_regions_iter() {
164        let universal_region_idx = universal_region.index();
165        let placeholder_loan_idx = borrow_count + universal_region_idx;
166        facts.placeholder.push((universal_region.into(), placeholder_loan_idx.into()));
167    }
169    // 2: the universal region relations `outlives` constraints are emitted as
170    //  `known_placeholder_subset` facts.
171    for (fr1, fr2) in universal_region_relations.known_outlives() {
172        if fr1 != fr2 {
173            debug!(
174                "emit_universal_region_facts: emitting polonius `known_placeholder_subset` \
175                     fr1={:?}, fr2={:?}",
176                fr1, fr2
177            );
178            facts.known_placeholder_subset.push((fr1.into(), fr2.into()));
179        }
180    }
183/// For every potentially drop()-touched region `region` in `local`'s type
184/// (`kind`), emit a `drop_of_var_derefs_origin(local, origin)` fact.
185pub(crate) fn emit_drop_facts<'tcx>(
186    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
187    local: Local,
188    kind: &GenericArg<'tcx>,
189    universal_regions: &UniversalRegions<'tcx>,
190    facts: &mut Option<PoloniusFacts>,
191) {
192    debug!("emit_drop_facts(local={:?}, kind={:?}", local, kind);
193    let Some(facts) = facts.as_mut() else { return };
194    let _prof_timer ="polonius_fact_generation");
195    tcx.for_each_free_region(kind, |drop_live_region| {
196        let region_vid = universal_regions.to_region_vid(drop_live_region);
197        facts.drop_of_var_derefs_origin.push((local, region_vid.into()));
198    });
201/// Emit facts about the outlives constraints: the `subset` base relation, i.e. not a transitive
202/// closure.
203fn emit_outlives_facts<'tcx>(
204    facts: &mut PoloniusFacts,
205    location_table: &PoloniusLocationTable,
206    constraints: &MirTypeckRegionConstraints<'tcx>,
207) {
208    facts.subset_base.extend(constraints.outlives_constraints.outlives().iter().flat_map(
209        |constraint: &OutlivesConstraint<'_>| {
210            if let Some(from_location) = constraint.locations.from_location() {
211                Either::Left(iter::once((
212                    constraint.sup.into(),
213                    constraint.sub.into(),
214                    location_table.mid_index(from_location),
215                )))
216            } else {
217                Either::Right(
218                    location_table.all_points().map(move |location| {
219                        (constraint.sup.into(), constraint.sub.into(), location)
220                    }),
221                )
222            }
223        },
224    ));