1//! Module for managing build stamp files.
3//! Contains the core implementation of how bootstrap utilizes stamp files on build processes.
45use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
6use std::{fs, io};
78use sha2::digest::Digest;
910use crate::core::builder::Builder;
11use crate::core::config::TargetSelection;
12use crate::utils::helpers::{hex_encode, mtime};
13use crate::{Compiler, Mode, helpers, t};
16mod tests;
1718/// Manages a stamp file to track build state. The file is created in the given
19/// directory and can have custom content and name.
21pub struct BuildStamp {
22 path: PathBuf,
23 stamp: String,
2526impl BuildStamp {
27/// Creates a new `BuildStamp` for a given directory.
28 ///
29 /// By default, stamp will be an empty file named `.stamp` within the specified directory.
30pub fn new(dir: &Path) -> Self {
31// Avoid using `is_dir()` as the directory may not exist yet.
32 // It is more appropriate to assert that the path is not a file.
33assert!(!dir.is_file(), "can't be a file path");
34Self { path: dir.join(".stamp"), stamp: String::new() }
35 }
3637/// Returns path of the stamp file.
38pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
40 }
4142/// Returns the value of the stamp.
43 ///
44 /// Note that this is empty by default and is populated using `BuildStamp::add_stamp`.
45 /// It is not read from an actual file, but rather it holds the value that will be used
46 /// when `BuildStamp::write` is called.
47pub fn stamp(&self) -> &str {
49 }
5051/// Adds specified stamp content to the current value.
52 ///
53 /// This method can be used incrementally e.g., `add_stamp("x").add_stamp("y").add_stamp("z")`.
54pub fn add_stamp<S: ToString>(mut self, stamp: S) -> Self {
5859/// Adds a prefix to stamp's name.
60 ///
61 /// Prefix cannot start or end with a dot (`.`).
62pub fn with_prefix(mut self, prefix: &str) -> Self {
64 !prefix.starts_with('.') && !prefix.ends_with('.'),
65"prefix can not start or end with '.'"
6768let stamp_filename = self.path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
69let stamp_filename = stamp_filename.strip_prefix('.').unwrap_or(stamp_filename);
7475/// Removes the stamp file if it exists.
76pub fn remove(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
77match fs::remove_file(&self.path) {
78Ok(()) => Ok(()),
79Err(e) => {
80if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
82 } else {
84 }
85 }
86 }
87 }
8889/// Creates the stamp file.
90pub fn write(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
91 fs::write(&self.path, &self.stamp)
92 }
9394/// Checks if the stamp file is up-to-date.
95 ///
96 /// It is considered up-to-date if file content matches with the stamp string.
97pub fn is_up_to_date(&self) -> bool {
98match fs::read(&self.path) {
99Ok(h) => self.stamp.as_bytes() == h.as_slice(),
100Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => false,
101Err(e) => {
102panic!("failed to read stamp file `{}`: {}", self.path.display(), e);
103 }
104 }
105 }
107108/// Clear out `dir` if `input` is newer.
110/// After this executes, it will also ensure that `dir` exists.
111pub fn clear_if_dirty(builder: &Builder<'_>, dir: &Path, input: &Path) -> bool {
112let stamp = BuildStamp::new(dir);
113let mut cleared = false;
114if mtime(stamp.path()) < mtime(input) {
115 builder.verbose(|| println!("Dirty - {}", dir.display()));
116let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(dir);
117 cleared = true;
118 } else if stamp.path().exists() {
119return cleared;
120 }
123 cleared
125126/// Cargo's output path for librustc_codegen_llvm in a given stage, compiled by a particular
127/// compiler for the specified target and backend.
128pub fn codegen_backend_stamp(
129 builder: &Builder<'_>,
130 compiler: Compiler,
131 target: TargetSelection,
132 backend: &str,
133) -> BuildStamp {
134 BuildStamp::new(&builder.cargo_out(compiler, Mode::Codegen, target))
135 .with_prefix(&format!("librustc_codegen_{backend}"))
137138/// Cargo's output path for the standard library in a given stage, compiled
139/// by a particular compiler for the specified target.
140pub fn libstd_stamp(
141 builder: &Builder<'_>,
142 compiler: Compiler,
143 target: TargetSelection,
144) -> BuildStamp {
145 BuildStamp::new(&builder.cargo_out(compiler, Mode::Std, target)).with_prefix("libstd")
147148/// Cargo's output path for librustc in a given stage, compiled by a particular
149/// compiler for the specified target.
150pub fn librustc_stamp(
151 builder: &Builder<'_>,
152 compiler: Compiler,
153 target: TargetSelection,
154) -> BuildStamp {
155 BuildStamp::new(&builder.cargo_out(compiler, Mode::Rustc, target)).with_prefix("librustc")
157158/// Computes a hash representing the state of a repository/submodule and additional input.
160/// It uses `git diff` for the actual changes, and `git status` for including the untracked
161/// files in the specified directory. The additional input is also incorporated into the
162/// computation of the hash.
164/// # Parameters
166/// - `dir`: A reference to the directory path of the target repository/submodule.
167/// - `additional_input`: An additional input to be included in the hash.
169/// # Panics
171/// In case of errors during `git` command execution (e.g., in tarball sources), default values
172/// are used to prevent panics.
173pub fn generate_smart_stamp_hash(
174 builder: &Builder<'_>,
175 dir: &Path,
176 additional_input: &str,
177) -> String {
178let diff = helpers::git(Some(dir))
179 .allow_failure()
180 .arg("diff")
181 .arg(".")
182 .run_capture_stdout(builder)
183 .stdout_if_ok()
184 .unwrap_or_default();
185186let status = helpers::git(Some(dir))
187 .allow_failure()
188 .arg("status")
189 .arg(".")
190 .arg("--porcelain")
191 .arg("-z")
192 .arg("--untracked-files=normal")
193 .run_capture_stdout(builder)
194 .stdout_if_ok()
195 .unwrap_or_default();
196197let mut hasher = sha2::Sha256::new();
198199 hasher.update(diff);
200 hasher.update(status);
201 hasher.update(additional_input);
202203 hex_encode(hasher.finalize().as_slice())