
1use rustc_middle::ty::Ty;
2use rustc_span::Symbol;
3use rustc_target::callconv::{Conv, FnAbi};
5use super::{conditional_dot_product, mpsadbw, packusdw, round_all, round_first, test_bits_masked};
6use crate::*;
8impl<'tcx> EvalContextExt<'tcx> for crate::MiriInterpCx<'tcx> {}
9pub(super) trait EvalContextExt<'tcx>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'tcx> {
10    fn emulate_x86_sse41_intrinsic(
11        &mut self,
12        link_name: Symbol,
13        abi: &FnAbi<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>,
14        args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
15        dest: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
16    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, EmulateItemResult> {
17        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
18        this.expect_target_feature_for_intrinsic(link_name, "sse4.1")?;
19        // Prefix should have already been checked.
20        let unprefixed_name = link_name.as_str().strip_prefix("llvm.x86.sse41.").unwrap();
22        match unprefixed_name {
23            // Used to implement the _mm_insert_ps function.
24            // Takes one element of `right` and inserts it into `left` and
25            // optionally zero some elements. Source index is specified
26            // in bits `6..=7` of `imm`, destination index is specified in
27            // bits `4..=5` if `imm`, and `i`th bit specifies whether element
28            // `i` is zeroed.
29            "insertps" => {
30                let [left, right, imm] = this.check_shim(abi, Conv::C, link_name, args)?;
32                let (left, left_len) = this.project_to_simd(left)?;
33                let (right, right_len) = this.project_to_simd(right)?;
34                let (dest, dest_len) = this.project_to_simd(dest)?;
36                assert_eq!(dest_len, left_len);
37                assert_eq!(dest_len, right_len);
38                assert!(dest_len <= 4);
40                let imm = this.read_scalar(imm)?.to_u8()?;
41                let src_index = u64::from((imm >> 6) & 0b11);
42                let dst_index = u64::from((imm >> 4) & 0b11);
44                let src_value = this.read_immediate(&this.project_index(&right, src_index)?)?;
46                for i in 0..dest_len {
47                    let dest = this.project_index(&dest, i)?;
49                    if imm & (1 << i) != 0 {
50                        // zeroed
51                        this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u32(0), &dest)?;
52                    } else if i == dst_index {
53                        // copy from `right` at specified index
54                        this.write_immediate(*src_value, &dest)?;
55                    } else {
56                        // copy from `left`
57                        this.copy_op(&this.project_index(&left, i)?, &dest)?;
58                    }
59                }
60            }
61            // Used to implement the _mm_packus_epi32 function.
62            // Concatenates two 32-bit signed integer vectors and converts
63            // the result to a 16-bit unsigned integer vector with saturation.
64            "packusdw" => {
65                let [left, right] = this.check_shim(abi, Conv::C, link_name, args)?;
67                packusdw(this, left, right, dest)?;
68            }
69            // Used to implement the _mm_dp_ps and _mm_dp_pd functions.
70            // Conditionally multiplies the packed floating-point elements in
71            // `left` and `right` using the high 4 bits in `imm`, sums the four
72            // products, and conditionally stores the sum in `dest` using the low
73            // 4 bits of `imm`.
74            "dpps" | "dppd" => {
75                let [left, right, imm] = this.check_shim(abi, Conv::C, link_name, args)?;
77                conditional_dot_product(this, left, right, imm, dest)?;
78            }
79            // Used to implement the _mm_floor_ss, _mm_ceil_ss and _mm_round_ss
80            // functions. Rounds the first element of `right` according to `rounding`
81            // and copies the remaining elements from `left`.
82            "round.ss" => {
83                let [left, right, rounding] = this.check_shim(abi, Conv::C, link_name, args)?;
85                round_first::<rustc_apfloat::ieee::Single>(this, left, right, rounding, dest)?;
86            }
87            // Used to implement the _mm_floor_ps, _mm_ceil_ps and _mm_round_ps
88            // functions. Rounds the elements of `op` according to `rounding`.
89            "round.ps" => {
90                let [op, rounding] = this.check_shim(abi, Conv::C, link_name, args)?;
92                round_all::<rustc_apfloat::ieee::Single>(this, op, rounding, dest)?;
93            }
94            // Used to implement the _mm_floor_sd, _mm_ceil_sd and _mm_round_sd
95            // functions. Rounds the first element of `right` according to `rounding`
96            // and copies the remaining elements from `left`.
97            "round.sd" => {
98                let [left, right, rounding] = this.check_shim(abi, Conv::C, link_name, args)?;
100                round_first::<rustc_apfloat::ieee::Double>(this, left, right, rounding, dest)?;
101            }
102            // Used to implement the _mm_floor_pd, _mm_ceil_pd and _mm_round_pd
103            // functions. Rounds the elements of `op` according to `rounding`.
104            "round.pd" => {
105                let [op, rounding] = this.check_shim(abi, Conv::C, link_name, args)?;
107                round_all::<rustc_apfloat::ieee::Double>(this, op, rounding, dest)?;
108            }
109            // Used to implement the _mm_minpos_epu16 function.
110            // Find the minimum unsinged 16-bit integer in `op` and
111            // returns its value and position.
112            "phminposuw" => {
113                let [op] = this.check_shim(abi, Conv::C, link_name, args)?;
115                let (op, op_len) = this.project_to_simd(op)?;
116                let (dest, dest_len) = this.project_to_simd(dest)?;
118                // Find minimum
119                let mut min_value = u16::MAX;
120                let mut min_index = 0;
121                for i in 0..op_len {
122                    let op = this.read_scalar(&this.project_index(&op, i)?)?.to_u16()?;
123                    if op < min_value {
124                        min_value = op;
125                        min_index = i;
126                    }
127                }
129                // Write value and index
130                this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u16(min_value), &this.project_index(&dest, 0)?)?;
131                this.write_scalar(
132                    Scalar::from_u16(min_index.try_into().unwrap()),
133                    &this.project_index(&dest, 1)?,
134                )?;
135                // Fill remainder with zeros
136                for i in 2..dest_len {
137                    this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u16(0), &this.project_index(&dest, i)?)?;
138                }
139            }
140            // Used to implement the _mm_mpsadbw_epu8 function.
141            // Compute the sum of absolute differences of quadruplets of unsigned
142            // 8-bit integers in `left` and `right`, and store the 16-bit results
143            // in `right`. Quadruplets are selected from `left` and `right` with
144            // offsets specified in `imm`.
145            // https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/intrinsics-guide/index.html#text=_mm_mpsadbw_epu8
146            "mpsadbw" => {
147                let [left, right, imm] = this.check_shim(abi, Conv::C, link_name, args)?;
149                mpsadbw(this, left, right, imm, dest)?;
150            }
151            // Used to implement the _mm_testz_si128, _mm_testc_si128
152            // and _mm_testnzc_si128 functions.
153            // Tests `(op & mask) == 0`, `(op & mask) == mask` or
154            // `(op & mask) != 0 && (op & mask) != mask`
155            "ptestz" | "ptestc" | "ptestnzc" => {
156                let [op, mask] = this.check_shim(abi, Conv::C, link_name, args)?;
158                let (all_zero, masked_set) = test_bits_masked(this, op, mask)?;
159                let res = match unprefixed_name {
160                    "ptestz" => all_zero,
161                    "ptestc" => masked_set,
162                    "ptestnzc" => !all_zero && !masked_set,
163                    _ => unreachable!(),
164                };
166                this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_i32(res.into()), dest)?;
167            }
168            _ => return interp_ok(EmulateItemResult::NotSupported),
169        }
170        interp_ok(EmulateItemResult::NeedsReturn)
171    }