
1use std::any::Any;
2use std::ffi::OsString;
3use std::io::{self, BufWriter, Write};
4use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
5use std::sync::{Arc, LazyLock};
6use std::{env, fs, iter};
8use rustc_ast as ast;
9use rustc_codegen_ssa::traits::CodegenBackend;
10use rustc_data_structures::parallel;
11use rustc_data_structures::steal::Steal;
12use rustc_data_structures::sync::{AppendOnlyIndexVec, FreezeLock, OnceLock, WorkerLocal};
13use rustc_expand::base::{ExtCtxt, LintStoreExpand};
14use rustc_feature::Features;
15use rustc_fs_util::try_canonicalize;
16use rustc_hir::def_id::{LOCAL_CRATE, StableCrateId, StableCrateIdMap};
17use rustc_hir::definitions::Definitions;
18use rustc_incremental::setup_dep_graph;
19use rustc_lint::{BufferedEarlyLint, EarlyCheckNode, LintStore, unerased_lint_store};
20use rustc_metadata::creader::CStore;
21use rustc_middle::arena::Arena;
22use rustc_middle::ty::{self, CurrentGcx, GlobalCtxt, RegisteredTools, TyCtxt};
23use rustc_middle::util::Providers;
24use rustc_parse::{
25    new_parser_from_file, new_parser_from_source_str, unwrap_or_emit_fatal, validate_attr,
27use rustc_passes::{abi_test, input_stats, layout_test};
28use rustc_resolve::Resolver;
29use rustc_session::config::{CrateType, Input, OutFileName, OutputFilenames, OutputType};
30use rustc_session::cstore::Untracked;
31use rustc_session::output::{collect_crate_types, filename_for_input, find_crate_name};
32use rustc_session::search_paths::PathKind;
33use rustc_session::{Limit, Session};
34use rustc_span::{ErrorGuaranteed, FileName, SourceFileHash, SourceFileHashAlgorithm, Symbol, sym};
35use rustc_target::spec::PanicStrategy;
36use rustc_trait_selection::traits;
37use tracing::{info, instrument};
39use crate::interface::Compiler;
40use crate::{errors, proc_macro_decls, util};
42pub fn parse<'a>(sess: &'a Session) -> ast::Crate {
43    let krate = sess
44        .time("parse_crate", || {
45            let mut parser = unwrap_or_emit_fatal(match & {
46                Input::File(file) => new_parser_from_file(&sess.psess, file, None),
47                Input::Str { input, name } => {
48                    new_parser_from_source_str(&sess.psess, name.clone(), input.clone())
49                }
50            });
51            parser.parse_crate_mod()
52        })
53        .unwrap_or_else(|parse_error| {
54            let guar: ErrorGuaranteed = parse_error.emit();
55            guar.raise_fatal();
56        });
58    if sess.opts.unstable_opts.input_stats {
59        input_stats::print_ast_stats(&krate, "PRE EXPANSION AST STATS", "ast-stats-1");
60    }
62    krate
65fn pre_expansion_lint<'a>(
66    sess: &Session,
67    features: &Features,
68    lint_store: &LintStore,
69    registered_tools: &RegisteredTools,
70    check_node: impl EarlyCheckNode<'a>,
71    node_name: Symbol,
72) {
73"pre_AST_expansion_lint_checks", node_name.as_str()).run(
74        || {
75            rustc_lint::check_ast_node(
76                sess,
77                None,
78                features,
79                true,
80                lint_store,
81                registered_tools,
82                None,
83                rustc_lint::BuiltinCombinedPreExpansionLintPass::new(),
84                check_node,
85            );
86        },
87    );
90// Cannot implement directly for `LintStore` due to trait coherence.
91struct LintStoreExpandImpl<'a>(&'a LintStore);
93impl LintStoreExpand for LintStoreExpandImpl<'_> {
94    fn pre_expansion_lint(
95        &self,
96        sess: &Session,
97        features: &Features,
98        registered_tools: &RegisteredTools,
99        node_id: ast::NodeId,
100        attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
101        items: &[rustc_ast::ptr::P<ast::Item>],
102        name: Symbol,
103    ) {
104        pre_expansion_lint(sess, features, self.0, registered_tools, (node_id, attrs, items), name);
105    }
108/// Runs the "early phases" of the compiler: initial `cfg` processing,
109/// syntax expansion, secondary `cfg` expansion, synthesis of a test
110/// harness if one is to be provided, injection of a dependency on the
111/// standard library and prelude, and name resolution.
112#[instrument(level = "trace", skip(krate, resolver))]
113fn configure_and_expand(
114    mut krate: ast::Crate,
115    pre_configured_attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
116    resolver: &mut Resolver<'_, '_>,
117) -> ast::Crate {
118    let tcx = resolver.tcx();
119    let sess = tcx.sess;
120    let features = tcx.features();
121    let lint_store = unerased_lint_store(tcx.sess);
122    let crate_name = tcx.crate_name(LOCAL_CRATE);
123    let lint_check_node = (&krate, pre_configured_attrs);
124    pre_expansion_lint(
125        sess,
126        features,
127        lint_store,
128        tcx.registered_tools(()),
129        lint_check_node,
130        crate_name,
131    );
132    rustc_builtin_macros::register_builtin_macros(resolver);
134    let num_standard_library_imports = sess.time("crate_injection", || {
135        rustc_builtin_macros::standard_library_imports::inject(
136            &mut krate,
137            pre_configured_attrs,
138            resolver,
139            sess,
140            features,
141        )
142    });
144    util::check_attr_crate_type(sess, pre_configured_attrs, resolver.lint_buffer());
146    // Expand all macros
147    krate = sess.time("macro_expand_crate", || {
148        // Windows dlls do not have rpaths, so they don't know how to find their
149        // dependencies. It's up to us to tell the system where to find all the
150        // dependent dlls. Note that this uses cfg!(windows) as opposed to
151        // targ_cfg because syntax extensions are always loaded for the host
152        // compiler, not for the target.
153        //
154        // This is somewhat of an inherently racy operation, however, as
155        // multiple threads calling this function could possibly continue
156        // extending PATH far beyond what it should. To solve this for now we
157        // just don't add any new elements to PATH which are already there
158        // within PATH. This is basically a targeted fix at #17360 for rustdoc
159        // which runs rustc in parallel but has been seen (#33844) to cause
160        // problems with PATH becoming too long.
161        let mut old_path = OsString::new();
162        if cfg!(windows) {
163            old_path = env::var_os("PATH").unwrap_or(old_path);
164            let mut new_path = Vec::from_iter(
165                sess.host_filesearch().search_paths(PathKind::All).map(|p| p.dir.clone()),
166            );
167            for path in env::split_paths(&old_path) {
168                if !new_path.contains(&path) {
169                    new_path.push(path);
170                }
171            }
172            env::set_var(
173                "PATH",
174                &env::join_paths(
175                    new_path.iter().filter(|p| env::join_paths(iter::once(p)).is_ok()),
176                )
177                .unwrap(),
178            );
179        }
181        // Create the config for macro expansion
182        let recursion_limit = get_recursion_limit(pre_configured_attrs, sess);
183        let cfg = rustc_expand::expand::ExpansionConfig {
184            crate_name: crate_name.to_string(),
185            features,
186            recursion_limit,
187            trace_mac: sess.opts.unstable_opts.trace_macros,
188            should_test: sess.is_test_crate(),
189            span_debug: sess.opts.unstable_opts.span_debug,
190            proc_macro_backtrace: sess.opts.unstable_opts.proc_macro_backtrace,
191        };
193        let lint_store = LintStoreExpandImpl(lint_store);
194        let mut ecx = ExtCtxt::new(sess, cfg, resolver, Some(&lint_store));
195        ecx.num_standard_library_imports = num_standard_library_imports;
196        // Expand macros now!
197        let krate = sess.time("expand_crate", || ecx.monotonic_expander().expand_crate(krate));
199        // The rest is error reporting
201        sess.psess.buffered_lints.with_lock(|buffered_lints: &mut Vec<BufferedEarlyLint>| {
202            buffered_lints.append(&mut ecx.buffered_early_lint);
203        });
205        sess.time("check_unused_macros", || {
206            ecx.check_unused_macros();
207        });
209        // If we hit a recursion limit, exit early to avoid later passes getting overwhelmed
210        // with a large AST
211        if ecx.reduced_recursion_limit.is_some() {
212            sess.dcx().abort_if_errors();
213            unreachable!();
214        }
216        if cfg!(windows) {
217            env::set_var("PATH", &old_path);
218        }
220        krate
221    });
223    sess.time("maybe_building_test_harness", || {
224        rustc_builtin_macros::test_harness::inject(&mut krate, sess, features, resolver)
225    });
227    let has_proc_macro_decls = sess.time("AST_validation", || {
228        rustc_ast_passes::ast_validation::check_crate(
229            sess,
230            features,
231            &krate,
232            resolver.lint_buffer(),
233        )
234    });
236    let crate_types = tcx.crate_types();
237    let is_executable_crate = crate_types.contains(&CrateType::Executable);
238    let is_proc_macro_crate = crate_types.contains(&CrateType::ProcMacro);
240    if crate_types.len() > 1 {
241        if is_executable_crate {
242            sess.dcx().emit_err(errors::MixedBinCrate);
243        }
244        if is_proc_macro_crate {
245            sess.dcx().emit_err(errors::MixedProcMacroCrate);
246        }
247    }
249    if is_proc_macro_crate && sess.panic_strategy() == PanicStrategy::Abort {
250        sess.dcx().emit_warn(errors::ProcMacroCratePanicAbort);
251    }
253    sess.time("maybe_create_a_macro_crate", || {
254        let is_test_crate = sess.is_test_crate();
255        rustc_builtin_macros::proc_macro_harness::inject(
256            &mut krate,
257            sess,
258            features,
259            resolver,
260            is_proc_macro_crate,
261            has_proc_macro_decls,
262            is_test_crate,
263            sess.dcx(),
264        )
265    });
267    // Done with macro expansion!
269    resolver.resolve_crate(&krate);
271    CStore::from_tcx(tcx).report_incompatible_target_modifiers(tcx, &krate);
272    krate
275fn early_lint_checks(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, (): ()) {
276    let sess = tcx.sess;
277    let (resolver, krate) = &*tcx.resolver_for_lowering().borrow();
278    let mut lint_buffer = resolver.lint_buffer.steal();
280    if sess.opts.unstable_opts.input_stats {
281        input_stats::print_ast_stats(krate, "POST EXPANSION AST STATS", "ast-stats-2");
282    }
284    // Needs to go *after* expansion to be able to check the results of macro expansion.
285    sess.time("complete_gated_feature_checking", || {
286        rustc_ast_passes::feature_gate::check_crate(krate, sess, tcx.features());
287    });
289    // Add all buffered lints from the `ParseSess` to the `Session`.
290    sess.psess.buffered_lints.with_lock(|buffered_lints| {
291        info!("{} parse sess buffered_lints", buffered_lints.len());
292        for early_lint in buffered_lints.drain(..) {
293            lint_buffer.add_early_lint(early_lint);
294        }
295    });
297    // Gate identifiers containing invalid Unicode codepoints that were recovered during lexing.
298    sess.psess.bad_unicode_identifiers.with_lock(|identifiers| {
299        for (ident, mut spans) in identifiers.drain(..) {
300            spans.sort();
301            if ident == sym::ferris {
302                let first_span = spans[0];
303                sess.dcx().emit_err(errors::FerrisIdentifier { spans, first_span });
304            } else {
305                sess.dcx().emit_err(errors::EmojiIdentifier { spans, ident });
306            }
307        }
308    });
310    let lint_store = unerased_lint_store(tcx.sess);
311    rustc_lint::check_ast_node(
312        sess,
313        Some(tcx),
314        tcx.features(),
315        false,
316        lint_store,
317        tcx.registered_tools(()),
318        Some(lint_buffer),
319        rustc_lint::BuiltinCombinedEarlyLintPass::new(),
320        (&**krate, &*krate.attrs),
321    )
324// Returns all the paths that correspond to generated files.
325fn generated_output_paths(
326    tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
327    outputs: &OutputFilenames,
328    exact_name: bool,
329    crate_name: Symbol,
330) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
331    let sess = tcx.sess;
332    let mut out_filenames = Vec::new();
333    for output_type in sess.opts.output_types.keys() {
334        let out_filename = outputs.path(*output_type);
335        let file = out_filename.as_path().to_path_buf();
336        match *output_type {
337            // If the filename has been overridden using `-o`, it will not be modified
338            // by appending `.rlib`, `.exe`, etc., so we can skip this transformation.
339            OutputType::Exe if !exact_name => {
340                for crate_type in tcx.crate_types().iter() {
341                    let p = filename_for_input(sess, *crate_type, crate_name, outputs);
342                    out_filenames.push(p.as_path().to_path_buf());
343                }
344            }
345            OutputType::DepInfo if sess.opts.unstable_opts.dep_info_omit_d_target => {
346                // Don't add the dep-info output when omitting it from dep-info targets
347            }
348            OutputType::DepInfo if out_filename.is_stdout() => {
349                // Don't add the dep-info output when it goes to stdout
350            }
351            _ => {
352                out_filenames.push(file);
353            }
354        }
355    }
356    out_filenames
359fn output_contains_path(output_paths: &[PathBuf], input_path: &Path) -> bool {
360    let input_path = try_canonicalize(input_path).ok();
361    if input_path.is_none() {
362        return false;
363    }
364    output_paths.iter().any(|output_path| try_canonicalize(output_path).ok() == input_path)
367fn output_conflicts_with_dir(output_paths: &[PathBuf]) -> Option<&PathBuf> {
368    output_paths.iter().find(|output_path| output_path.is_dir())
371fn escape_dep_filename(filename: &str) -> String {
372    // Apparently clang and gcc *only* escape spaces:
373    //
374    filename.replace(' ', "\\ ")
377// Makefile comments only need escaping newlines and `\`.
378// The result can be unescaped by anything that can unescape `escape_default` and friends.
379fn escape_dep_env(symbol: Symbol) -> String {
380    let s = symbol.as_str();
381    let mut escaped = String::with_capacity(s.len());
382    for c in s.chars() {
383        match c {
384            '\n' => escaped.push_str(r"\n"),
385            '\r' => escaped.push_str(r"\r"),
386            '\\' => escaped.push_str(r"\\"),
387            _ => escaped.push(c),
388        }
389    }
390    escaped
393fn write_out_deps(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, outputs: &OutputFilenames, out_filenames: &[PathBuf]) {
394    // Write out dependency rules to the dep-info file if requested
395    let sess = tcx.sess;
396    if !sess.opts.output_types.contains_key(&OutputType::DepInfo) {
397        return;
398    }
399    let deps_output = outputs.path(OutputType::DepInfo);
400    let deps_filename = deps_output.as_path();
402    let result: io::Result<()> = try {
403        // Build a list of files used to compile the output and
404        // write Makefile-compatible dependency rules
405        let mut files: Vec<(String, u64, Option<SourceFileHash>)> = sess
406            .source_map()
407            .files()
408            .iter()
409            .filter(|fmap| fmap.is_real_file())
410            .filter(|fmap| !fmap.is_imported())
411            .map(|fmap| {
412                (
413                    escape_dep_filename(&,
414                    fmap.source_len.0 as u64,
415                    fmap.checksum_hash,
416                )
417            })
418            .collect();
420        let checksum_hash_algo = sess.opts.unstable_opts.checksum_hash_algorithm;
422        // Account for explicitly marked-to-track files
423        // (e.g. accessed in proc macros).
424        let file_depinfo = sess.psess.file_depinfo.borrow();
426        let normalize_path = |path: PathBuf| {
427            let file = FileName::from(path);
428            escape_dep_filename(&file.prefer_local().to_string())
429        };
431        // The entries will be used to declare dependencies between files in a
432        // Makefile-like output, so the iteration order does not matter.
433        fn hash_iter_files<P: AsRef<Path>>(
434            it: impl Iterator<Item = P>,
435            checksum_hash_algo: Option<SourceFileHashAlgorithm>,
436        ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (P, u64, Option<SourceFileHash>)> {
437   |path| {
438                match checksum_hash_algo.and_then(|algo| {
439                    fs::File::open(path.as_ref())
440                        .and_then(|mut file| {
441                            SourceFileHash::new(algo, &mut file).map(|h| (file, h))
442                        })
443                        .and_then(|(file, h)| file.metadata().map(|m| (m.len(), h)))
444                        .map_err(|e| {
445                            tracing::error!(
446                                "failed to compute checksum, omitting it from dep-info {} {e}",
447                                path.as_ref().display()
448                            )
449                        })
450                        .ok()
451                }) {
452                    Some((file_len, checksum)) => (path, file_len, Some(checksum)),
453                    None => (path, 0, None),
454                }
455            })
456        }
458        let extra_tracked_files = hash_iter_files(
459            file_depinfo.iter().map(|path_sym| normalize_path(PathBuf::from(path_sym.as_str()))),
460            checksum_hash_algo,
461        );
462        files.extend(extra_tracked_files);
464        // We also need to track used PGO profile files
465        if let Some(ref profile_instr) = {
466            files.extend(hash_iter_files(
467                iter::once(normalize_path(profile_instr.as_path().to_path_buf())),
468                checksum_hash_algo,
469            ));
470        }
471        if let Some(ref profile_sample) = sess.opts.unstable_opts.profile_sample_use {
472            files.extend(hash_iter_files(
473                iter::once(normalize_path(profile_sample.as_path().to_path_buf())),
474                checksum_hash_algo,
475            ));
476        }
478        // Debugger visualizer files
479        for debugger_visualizer in tcx.debugger_visualizers(LOCAL_CRATE) {
480            files.extend(hash_iter_files(
481                iter::once(normalize_path(debugger_visualizer.path.clone().unwrap())),
482                checksum_hash_algo,
483            ));
484        }
486        if sess.binary_dep_depinfo() {
487            if let Some(ref backend) = sess.opts.unstable_opts.codegen_backend {
488                if backend.contains('.') {
489                    // If the backend name contain a `.`, it is the path to an external dynamic
490                    // library. If not, it is not a path.
491                    files.extend(hash_iter_files(
492                        iter::once(backend.to_string()),
493                        checksum_hash_algo,
494                    ));
495                }
496            }
498            for &cnum in tcx.crates(()) {
499                let source = tcx.used_crate_source(cnum);
500                if let Some((path, _)) = &source.dylib {
501                    files.extend(hash_iter_files(
502                        iter::once(escape_dep_filename(&path.display().to_string())),
503                        checksum_hash_algo,
504                    ));
505                }
506                if let Some((path, _)) = &source.rlib {
507                    files.extend(hash_iter_files(
508                        iter::once(escape_dep_filename(&path.display().to_string())),
509                        checksum_hash_algo,
510                    ));
511                }
512                if let Some((path, _)) = &source.rmeta {
513                    files.extend(hash_iter_files(
514                        iter::once(escape_dep_filename(&path.display().to_string())),
515                        checksum_hash_algo,
516                    ));
517                }
518            }
519        }
521        let write_deps_to_file = |file: &mut dyn Write| -> io::Result<()> {
522            for path in out_filenames {
523                writeln!(
524                    file,
525                    "{}: {}\n",
526                    path.display(),
527                    files
528                        .iter()
529                        .map(|(path, _file_len, _checksum_hash_algo)| path.as_str())
530                        .intersperse(" ")
531                        .collect::<String>()
532                )?;
533            }
535            // Emit a fake target for each input file to the compilation. This
536            // prevents `make` from spitting out an error if a file is later
537            // deleted. For more info see #28735
538            for (path, _file_len, _checksum_hash_algo) in &files {
539                writeln!(file, "{path}:")?;
540            }
542            // Emit special comments with information about accessed environment variables.
543            let env_depinfo = sess.psess.env_depinfo.borrow();
544            if !env_depinfo.is_empty() {
545                // We will soon sort, so the initial order does not matter.
546                #[allow(rustc::potential_query_instability)]
547                let mut envs: Vec<_> = env_depinfo
548                    .iter()
549                    .map(|(k, v)| (escape_dep_env(*k),
550                    .collect();
551                envs.sort_unstable();
552                writeln!(file)?;
553                for (k, v) in envs {
554                    write!(file, "# env-dep:{k}")?;
555                    if let Some(v) = v {
556                        write!(file, "={v}")?;
557                    }
558                    writeln!(file)?;
559                }
560            }
562            // If caller requested this information, add special comments about source file checksums.
563            // These are not necessarily the same checksums as was used in the debug files.
564            if sess.opts.unstable_opts.checksum_hash_algorithm().is_some() {
565                files
566                    .iter()
567                    .filter_map(|(path, file_len, hash_algo)| {
568              |hash_algo| (path, file_len, hash_algo))
569                    })
570                    .try_for_each(|(path, file_len, checksum_hash)| {
571                        writeln!(file, "# checksum:{checksum_hash} file_len:{file_len} {path}")
572                    })?;
573            }
575            Ok(())
576        };
578        match deps_output {
579            OutFileName::Stdout => {
580                let mut file = BufWriter::new(io::stdout());
581                write_deps_to_file(&mut file)?;
582            }
583            OutFileName::Real(ref path) => {
584                let mut file = fs::File::create_buffered(path)?;
585                write_deps_to_file(&mut file)?;
586            }
587        }
588    };
590    match result {
591        Ok(_) => {
592            if sess.opts.json_artifact_notifications {
593                sess.dcx().emit_artifact_notification(deps_filename, "dep-info");
594            }
595        }
596        Err(error) => {
597            sess.dcx().emit_fatal(errors::ErrorWritingDependencies { path: deps_filename, error });
598        }
599    }
602fn resolver_for_lowering_raw<'tcx>(
603    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
604    (): (),
605) -> (&'tcx Steal<(ty::ResolverAstLowering, Arc<ast::Crate>)>, &'tcx ty::ResolverGlobalCtxt) {
606    let arenas = Resolver::arenas();
607    let _ = tcx.registered_tools(()); // Uses `crate_for_resolver`.
608    let (krate, pre_configured_attrs) = tcx.crate_for_resolver(()).steal();
609    let mut resolver = Resolver::new(
610        tcx,
611        &pre_configured_attrs,
612        krate.spans.inner_span,
613        krate.spans.inject_use_span,
614        &arenas,
615    );
616    let krate = configure_and_expand(krate, &pre_configured_attrs, &mut resolver);
618    // Make sure we don't mutate the cstore from here on.
619    tcx.untracked().cstore.freeze();
621    let ty::ResolverOutputs {
622        global_ctxt: untracked_resolutions,
623        ast_lowering: untracked_resolver_for_lowering,
624    } = resolver.into_outputs();
626    let resolutions = tcx.arena.alloc(untracked_resolutions);
627    (tcx.arena.alloc(Steal::new((untracked_resolver_for_lowering, Arc::new(krate)))), resolutions)
630pub fn write_dep_info(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) {
631    // Make sure name resolution and macro expansion is run for
632    // the side-effect of providing a complete set of all
633    // accessed files and env vars.
634    let _ = tcx.resolver_for_lowering();
636    let sess = tcx.sess;
637    let _timer = sess.timer("write_dep_info");
638    let crate_name = tcx.crate_name(LOCAL_CRATE);
640    let outputs = tcx.output_filenames(());
641    let output_paths =
642        generated_output_paths(tcx, &outputs,, crate_name);
644    // Ensure the source file isn't accidentally overwritten during compilation.
645    if let Some(input_path) = {
646        if sess.opts.will_create_output_file() {
647            if output_contains_path(&output_paths, input_path) {
648                sess.dcx().emit_fatal(errors::InputFileWouldBeOverWritten { path: input_path });
649            }
650            if let Some(dir_path) = output_conflicts_with_dir(&output_paths) {
651                sess.dcx().emit_fatal(errors::GeneratedFileConflictsWithDirectory {
652                    input_path,
653                    dir_path,
654                });
655            }
656        }
657    }
659    if let Some(ref dir) = {
660        if fs::create_dir_all(dir).is_err() {
661            sess.dcx().emit_fatal(errors::TempsDirError);
662        }
663    }
665    write_out_deps(tcx, &outputs, &output_paths);
667    let only_dep_info = sess.opts.output_types.contains_key(&OutputType::DepInfo)
668        && sess.opts.output_types.len() == 1;
670    if !only_dep_info {
671        if let Some(ref dir) = {
672            if fs::create_dir_all(dir).is_err() {
673                sess.dcx().emit_fatal(errors::OutDirError);
674            }
675        }
676    }
679pub static DEFAULT_QUERY_PROVIDERS: LazyLock<Providers> = LazyLock::new(|| {
680    let providers = &mut Providers::default();
681    providers.analysis = analysis;
682    providers.hir_crate = rustc_ast_lowering::lower_to_hir;
683    providers.resolver_for_lowering_raw = resolver_for_lowering_raw;
684    providers.stripped_cfg_items =
685        |tcx, _| tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(tcx.resolutions(()).stripped_cfg_items.steal());
686    providers.resolutions = |tcx, ()| tcx.resolver_for_lowering_raw(()).1;
687    providers.early_lint_checks = early_lint_checks;
688    proc_macro_decls::provide(providers);
689    rustc_const_eval::provide(providers);
690    rustc_middle::hir::provide(providers);
691    rustc_borrowck::provide(providers);
692    rustc_incremental::provide(providers);
693    rustc_mir_build::provide(providers);
694    rustc_mir_transform::provide(providers);
695    rustc_monomorphize::provide(providers);
696    rustc_privacy::provide(providers);
697    rustc_query_impl::provide(providers);
698    rustc_resolve::provide(providers);
699    rustc_hir_analysis::provide(providers);
700    rustc_hir_typeck::provide(providers);
701    ty::provide(providers);
702    traits::provide(providers);
703    rustc_passes::provide(providers);
704    rustc_traits::provide(providers);
705    rustc_ty_utils::provide(providers);
706    rustc_metadata::provide(providers);
707    rustc_lint::provide(providers);
708    rustc_symbol_mangling::provide(providers);
709    rustc_codegen_ssa::provide(providers);
710    *providers
713pub fn create_and_enter_global_ctxt<T, F: for<'tcx> FnOnce(TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> T>(
714    compiler: &Compiler,
715    mut krate: rustc_ast::Crate,
716    f: F,
717) -> T {
718    let sess = &compiler.sess;
720    rustc_builtin_macros::cmdline_attrs::inject(
721        &mut krate,
722        &sess.psess,
723        &sess.opts.unstable_opts.crate_attr,
724    );
726    let pre_configured_attrs = rustc_expand::config::pre_configure_attrs(sess, &krate.attrs);
728    // parse `#[crate_name]` even if `--crate-name` was passed, to make sure it matches.
729    let crate_name = find_crate_name(sess, &pre_configured_attrs);
730    let crate_types = collect_crate_types(sess, &pre_configured_attrs);
731    let stable_crate_id = StableCrateId::new(
732        crate_name,
733        crate_types.contains(&CrateType::Executable),
735        sess.cfg_version,
736    );
737    let outputs = util::build_output_filenames(&pre_configured_attrs, sess);
738    let dep_graph = setup_dep_graph(sess);
740    let cstore =
741        FreezeLock::new(Box::new(CStore::new(compiler.codegen_backend.metadata_loader())) as _);
742    let definitions = FreezeLock::new(Definitions::new(stable_crate_id));
744    let stable_crate_ids = FreezeLock::new(StableCrateIdMap::default());
745    let untracked =
746        Untracked { cstore, source_span: AppendOnlyIndexVec::new(), definitions, stable_crate_ids };
748    // We're constructing the HIR here; we don't care what we will
749    // read, since we haven't even constructed the *input* to
750    // incr. comp. yet.
751    dep_graph.assert_ignored();
753    let query_result_on_disk_cache = rustc_incremental::load_query_result_cache(sess);
755    let codegen_backend = &compiler.codegen_backend;
756    let mut providers = *DEFAULT_QUERY_PROVIDERS;
757    codegen_backend.provide(&mut providers);
759    if let Some(callback) = compiler.override_queries {
760        callback(sess, &mut providers);
761    }
763    let incremental = dep_graph.is_fully_enabled();
765    let gcx_cell = OnceLock::new();
766    let arena = WorkerLocal::new(|_| Arena::default());
767    let hir_arena = WorkerLocal::new(|_| rustc_hir::Arena::default());
769    // This closure is necessary to force rustc to perform the correct lifetime
770    // subtyping for GlobalCtxt::enter to be allowed.
771    let inner: Box<
772        dyn for<'tcx> FnOnce(
773            &'tcx Session,
774            CurrentGcx,
775            &'tcx OnceLock<GlobalCtxt<'tcx>>,
776            &'tcx WorkerLocal<Arena<'tcx>>,
777            &'tcx WorkerLocal<rustc_hir::Arena<'tcx>>,
778            F,
779        ) -> T,
780    > = Box::new(move |sess, current_gcx, gcx_cell, arena, hir_arena, f| {
781        TyCtxt::create_global_ctxt(
782            gcx_cell,
783            sess,
784            crate_types,
785            stable_crate_id,
786            arena,
787            hir_arena,
788            untracked,
789            dep_graph,
790            rustc_query_impl::query_callbacks(arena),
791            rustc_query_impl::query_system(
792                providers.queries,
793                providers.extern_queries,
794                query_result_on_disk_cache,
795                incremental,
796            ),
797            providers.hooks,
798            current_gcx,
799            |tcx| {
800                let feed = tcx.create_crate_num(stable_crate_id).unwrap();
801                assert_eq!(feed.key(), LOCAL_CRATE);
802                feed.crate_name(crate_name);
804                let feed = tcx.feed_unit_query();
805                feed.features_query(tcx.arena.alloc(rustc_expand::config::features(
806                    tcx.sess,
807                    &pre_configured_attrs,
808                    crate_name,
809                )));
810                feed.crate_for_resolver(tcx.arena.alloc(Steal::new((krate, pre_configured_attrs))));
811                feed.output_filenames(Arc::new(outputs));
813                let res = f(tcx);
814                // FIXME maybe run finish even when a fatal error occured? or at least tcx.alloc_self_profile_query_strings()?
815                tcx.finish();
816                res
817            },
818        )
819    });
821    inner(&compiler.sess, compiler.current_gcx.clone(), &gcx_cell, &arena, &hir_arena, f)
824/// Runs all analyses that we guarantee to run, even if errors were reported in earlier analyses.
825/// This function never fails.
826fn run_required_analyses(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) {
827    if tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.input_stats {
828        rustc_passes::input_stats::print_hir_stats(tcx);
829    }
830    // When using rustdoc's "jump to def" feature, it enters this code and `check_crate`
831    // is not defined. So we need to cfg it out.
832    #[cfg(all(not(doc), debug_assertions))]
833    rustc_passes::hir_id_validator::check_crate(tcx);
834    let sess = tcx.sess;
835    sess.time("misc_checking_1", || {
836        parallel!(
837            {
838                sess.time("looking_for_entry_point", || tcx.ensure_ok().entry_fn(()));
840                sess.time("looking_for_derive_registrar", || {
841                    tcx.ensure_ok().proc_macro_decls_static(())
842                });
844                CStore::from_tcx(tcx).report_unused_deps(tcx);
845            },
846            {
847                tcx.hir().par_for_each_module(|module| {
848                    tcx.ensure_ok().check_mod_loops(module);
849                    tcx.ensure_ok().check_mod_attrs(module);
850                    tcx.ensure_ok().check_mod_naked_functions(module);
851                    tcx.ensure_ok().check_mod_unstable_api_usage(module);
852                });
853            },
854            {
855                sess.time("unused_lib_feature_checking", || {
856                    rustc_passes::stability::check_unused_or_stable_features(tcx)
857                });
858            },
859            {
860                // We force these queries to run,
861                // since they might not otherwise get called.
862                // This marks the corresponding crate-level attributes
863                // as used, and ensures that their values are valid.
864                tcx.ensure_ok().limits(());
865                tcx.ensure_ok().stability_index(());
866            }
867        );
868    });
870    rustc_hir_analysis::check_crate(tcx);
871    sess.time("MIR_coroutine_by_move_body", || {
872        tcx.hir().par_body_owners(|def_id| {
873            if tcx.needs_coroutine_by_move_body_def_id(def_id.to_def_id()) {
874                tcx.ensure_done().coroutine_by_move_body_def_id(def_id);
875            }
876        });
877    });
878    // Freeze definitions as we don't add new ones at this point.
879    // We need to wait until now since we synthesize a by-move body
880    // for all coroutine-closures.
881    //
882    // This improves performance by allowing lock-free access to them.
883    tcx.untracked().definitions.freeze();
885    sess.time("MIR_borrow_checking", || {
886        tcx.hir().par_body_owners(|def_id| {
887            // Run unsafety check because it's responsible for stealing and
888            // deallocating THIR.
889            tcx.ensure_ok().check_unsafety(def_id);
890            tcx.ensure_ok().mir_borrowck(def_id)
891        });
892    });
893    sess.time("MIR_effect_checking", || {
894        tcx.hir().par_body_owners(|def_id| {
895            tcx.ensure_ok().has_ffi_unwind_calls(def_id);
897            // If we need to codegen, ensure that we emit all errors from
898            // `mir_drops_elaborated_and_const_checked` now, to avoid discovering
899            // them later during codegen.
900            if tcx.sess.opts.output_types.should_codegen()
901                || tcx.hir().body_const_context(def_id).is_some()
902            {
903                tcx.ensure_ok().mir_drops_elaborated_and_const_checked(def_id);
904            }
905        });
906    });
907    sess.time("coroutine_obligations", || {
908        tcx.hir().par_body_owners(|def_id| {
909            if tcx.is_coroutine(def_id.to_def_id()) {
910                tcx.ensure_ok().mir_coroutine_witnesses(def_id);
911                tcx.ensure_ok().check_coroutine_obligations(
912                    tcx.typeck_root_def_id(def_id.to_def_id()).expect_local(),
913                );
914                // Eagerly check the unsubstituted layout for cycles.
915                tcx.ensure_ok().layout_of(
916                    ty::TypingEnv::post_analysis(tcx, def_id.to_def_id())
917                        .as_query_input(tcx.type_of(def_id).instantiate_identity()),
918                );
919            }
920        });
921    });
923    sess.time("layout_testing", || layout_test::test_layout(tcx));
924    sess.time("abi_testing", || abi_test::test_abi(tcx));
926    // If `-Zvalidate-mir` is set, we also want to compute the final MIR for each item
927    // (either its `mir_for_ctfe` or `optimized_mir`) since that helps uncover any bugs
928    // in MIR optimizations that may only be reachable through codegen, or other codepaths
929    // that requires the optimized/ctfe MIR, coroutine bodies, or evaluating consts.
930    if tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.validate_mir {
931        sess.time("ensuring_final_MIR_is_computable", || {
932            tcx.hir().par_body_owners(|def_id| {
933                tcx.instance_mir(ty::InstanceKind::Item(def_id.into()));
934            });
935        });
936    }
939/// Runs the type-checking, region checking and other miscellaneous analysis
940/// passes on the crate.
941fn analysis(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, (): ()) {
942    run_required_analyses(tcx);
944    let sess = tcx.sess;
946    // Avoid overwhelming user with errors if borrow checking failed.
947    // I'm not sure how helpful this is, to be honest, but it avoids a
948    // lot of annoying errors in the ui tests (basically,
949    // lint warnings and so on -- kindck used to do this abort, but
950    // kindck is gone now). -nmatsakis
951    //
952    // But we exclude lint errors from this, because lint errors are typically
953    // less serious and we're more likely to want to continue (#87337).
954    if let Some(guar) = sess.dcx().has_errors_excluding_lint_errors() {
955        guar.raise_fatal();
956    }
958    sess.time("misc_checking_3", || {
959        parallel!(
960            {
961                tcx.ensure_ok().effective_visibilities(());
963                parallel!(
964                    {
965                        tcx.ensure_ok().check_private_in_public(());
966                    },
967                    {
968                        tcx.hir().par_for_each_module(|module| {
969                            tcx.ensure_ok().check_mod_deathness(module)
970                        });
971                    },
972                    {
973                        sess.time("lint_checking", || {
974                            rustc_lint::check_crate(tcx);
975                        });
976                    },
977                    {
978                        tcx.ensure_ok().clashing_extern_declarations(());
979                    }
980                );
981            },
982            {
983                sess.time("privacy_checking_modules", || {
984                    tcx.hir().par_for_each_module(|module| {
985                        tcx.ensure_ok().check_mod_privacy(module);
986                    });
987                });
988            }
989        );
991        // This check has to be run after all lints are done processing. We don't
992        // define a lint filter, as all lint checks should have finished at this point.
993        sess.time("check_lint_expectations", || tcx.ensure_ok().check_expectations(None));
995        // This query is only invoked normally if a diagnostic is emitted that needs any
996        // diagnostic item. If the crate compiles without checking any diagnostic items,
997        // we will fail to emit overlap diagnostics. Thus we invoke it here unconditionally.
998        let _ = tcx.all_diagnostic_items(());
999    });
1002/// Check for the `#[rustc_error]` annotation, which forces an error in codegen. This is used
1003/// to write UI tests that actually test that compilation succeeds without reporting
1004/// an error.
1005fn check_for_rustc_errors_attr(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) {
1006    let Some((def_id, _)) = tcx.entry_fn(()) else { return };
1007    for attr in tcx.get_attrs(def_id, sym::rustc_error) {
1008        match attr.meta_item_list() {
1009            // Check if there is a `#[rustc_error(delayed_bug_from_inside_query)]`.
1010            Some(list)
1011                if list.iter().any(|list_item| {
1012                    matches!(
1013                        list_item.ident().map(|i|,
1014                        Some(sym::delayed_bug_from_inside_query)
1015                    )
1016                }) =>
1017            {
1018                tcx.ensure_ok().trigger_delayed_bug(def_id);
1019            }
1021            // Bare `#[rustc_error]`.
1022            None => {
1023                tcx.dcx().emit_fatal(errors::RustcErrorFatal { span: tcx.def_span(def_id) });
1024            }
1026            // Some other attribute.
1027            Some(_) => {
1028                tcx.dcx().emit_warn(errors::RustcErrorUnexpectedAnnotation {
1029                    span: tcx.def_span(def_id),
1030                });
1031            }
1032        }
1033    }
1036/// Runs the codegen backend, after which the AST and analysis can
1037/// be discarded.
1038pub(crate) fn start_codegen<'tcx>(
1039    codegen_backend: &dyn CodegenBackend,
1040    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
1041) -> Box<dyn Any> {
1042    // Don't do code generation if there were any errors. Likewise if
1043    // there were any delayed bugs, because codegen will likely cause
1044    // more ICEs, obscuring the original problem.
1045    if let Some(guar) = tcx.sess.dcx().has_errors_or_delayed_bugs() {
1046        guar.raise_fatal();
1047    }
1049    // Hook for UI tests.
1050    check_for_rustc_errors_attr(tcx);
1052    info!("Pre-codegen\n{:?}", tcx.debug_stats());
1054    let (metadata, need_metadata_module) = rustc_metadata::fs::encode_and_write_metadata(tcx);
1056    let codegen = tcx.sess.time("codegen_crate", move || {
1057        codegen_backend.codegen_crate(tcx, metadata, need_metadata_module)
1058    });
1060    // Don't run this test assertions when not doing codegen. Compiletest tries to build
1061    // build-fail tests in check mode first and expects it to not give an error in that case.
1062    if tcx.sess.opts.output_types.should_codegen() {
1063        rustc_symbol_mangling::test::report_symbol_names(tcx);
1064    }
1066    info!("Post-codegen\n{:?}", tcx.debug_stats());
1068    if tcx.sess.opts.output_types.contains_key(&OutputType::Mir) {
1069        if let Err(error) = rustc_mir_transform::dump_mir::emit_mir(tcx) {
1070            tcx.dcx().emit_fatal(errors::CantEmitMIR { error });
1071        }
1072    }
1074    // This must run after monomorphization so that all generic types
1075    // have been instantiated.
1076    if tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts.print_type_sizes {
1077        tcx.sess.code_stats.print_type_sizes();
1078    }
1080    codegen
1083fn get_recursion_limit(krate_attrs: &[ast::Attribute], sess: &Session) -> Limit {
1084    if let Some(attr) = krate_attrs
1085        .iter()
1086        .find(|attr| attr.has_name(sym::recursion_limit) && attr.value_str().is_none())
1087    {
1088        // This is here mainly to check for using a macro, such as
1089        // #![recursion_limit = foo!()]. That is not supported since that
1090        // would require expanding this while in the middle of expansion,
1091        // which needs to know the limit before expanding. Otherwise,
1092        // validation would normally be caught in AstValidator (via
1093        // `check_builtin_attribute`), but by the time that runs the macro
1094        // is expanded, and it doesn't give an error.
1095        validate_attr::emit_fatal_malformed_builtin_attribute(
1096            &sess.psess,
1097            attr,
1098            sym::recursion_limit,
1099        );
1100    }
1101    rustc_middle::middle::limits::get_recursion_limit(krate_attrs, sess)