
1use std::iter;
3use rustc_middle::bug;
4use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::Scalar;
5use rustc_middle::mir::{
6    BasicBlock, BinOp, Body, Operand, Place, Rvalue, Statement, StatementKind, SwitchTargets,
7    TerminatorKind,
9use rustc_middle::ty::{Ty, TyCtxt};
10use tracing::trace;
12/// Pass to convert `if` conditions on integrals into switches on the integral.
13/// For an example, it turns something like
15/// ```ignore (MIR)
16/// _3 = Eq(move _4, const 43i32);
17/// StorageDead(_4);
18/// switchInt(_3) -> [false: bb2, otherwise: bb3];
19/// ```
21/// into:
23/// ```ignore (MIR)
24/// switchInt(_4) -> [43i32: bb3, otherwise: bb2];
25/// ```
26pub(super) struct SimplifyComparisonIntegral;
28impl<'tcx> crate::MirPass<'tcx> for SimplifyComparisonIntegral {
29    fn is_enabled(&self, sess: &rustc_session::Session) -> bool {
30        sess.mir_opt_level() > 0
31    }
33    fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
34        trace!("Running SimplifyComparisonIntegral on {:?}", body.source);
36        let helper = OptimizationFinder { body };
37        let opts = helper.find_optimizations();
38        let mut storage_deads_to_insert = vec![];
39        let mut storage_deads_to_remove: Vec<(usize, BasicBlock)> = vec![];
40        let typing_env = body.typing_env(tcx);
41        for opt in opts {
42            trace!("SUCCESS: Applying {:?}", opt);
43            // replace terminator with a switchInt that switches on the integer directly
44            let bbs = &mut body.basic_blocks_mut();
45            let bb = &mut bbs[opt.bb_idx];
46            let new_value = match opt.branch_value_scalar {
47                Scalar::Int(int) => {
48                    let layout = tcx
49                        .layout_of(typing_env.as_query_input(opt.branch_value_ty))
50                        .expect("if we have an evaluated constant we must know the layout");
51                    int.to_bits(layout.size)
52                }
53                Scalar::Ptr(..) => continue,
54            };
55            const FALSE: u128 = 0;
57            let mut new_targets = opt.targets;
58            let first_value = new_targets.iter().next().unwrap().0;
59            let first_is_false_target = first_value == FALSE;
60            match opt.op {
61                BinOp::Eq => {
62                    // if the assignment was Eq we want the true case to be first
63                    if first_is_false_target {
64                        new_targets.all_targets_mut().swap(0, 1);
65                    }
66                }
67                BinOp::Ne => {
68                    // if the assignment was Ne we want the false case to be first
69                    if !first_is_false_target {
70                        new_targets.all_targets_mut().swap(0, 1);
71                    }
72                }
73                _ => unreachable!(),
74            }
76            // delete comparison statement if it the value being switched on was moved, which means
77            // it can not be user later on
78            if opt.can_remove_bin_op_stmt {
79                bb.statements[opt.bin_op_stmt_idx].make_nop();
80            } else {
81                // if the integer being compared to a const integral is being moved into the
82                // comparison, e.g `_2 = Eq(move _3, const 'x');`
83                // we want to avoid making a double move later on in the switchInt on _3.
84                // So to avoid `switchInt(move _3) -> ['x': bb2, otherwise: bb1];`,
85                // we convert the move in the comparison statement to a copy.
87                // unwrap is safe as we know this statement is an assign
88                let (_, rhs) = bb.statements[opt.bin_op_stmt_idx].kind.as_assign_mut().unwrap();
90                use Operand::*;
91                match rhs {
92                    Rvalue::BinaryOp(_, box (ref mut left @ Move(_), Constant(_))) => {
93                        *left = Copy(opt.to_switch_on);
94                    }
95                    Rvalue::BinaryOp(_, box (Constant(_), ref mut right @ Move(_))) => {
96                        *right = Copy(opt.to_switch_on);
97                    }
98                    _ => (),
99                }
100            }
102            let terminator = bb.terminator();
104            // remove StorageDead (if it exists) being used in the assign of the comparison
105            for (stmt_idx, stmt) in bb.statements.iter().enumerate() {
106                if !matches!(
107                    stmt.kind,
108                    StatementKind::StorageDead(local) if local == opt.to_switch_on.local
109                ) {
110                    continue;
111                }
112                storage_deads_to_remove.push((stmt_idx, opt.bb_idx));
113                // if we have StorageDeads to remove then make sure to insert them at the top of
114                // each target
115                for bb_idx in new_targets.all_targets() {
116                    storage_deads_to_insert.push((
117                        *bb_idx,
118                        Statement {
119                            source_info: terminator.source_info,
120                            kind: StatementKind::StorageDead(opt.to_switch_on.local),
121                        },
122                    ));
123                }
124            }
126            let [bb_cond, bb_otherwise] = match new_targets.all_targets() {
127                [a, b] => [*a, *b],
128                e => bug!("expected 2 switch targets, got: {:?}", e),
129            };
131            let targets = SwitchTargets::new(iter::once((new_value, bb_cond)), bb_otherwise);
133            let terminator = bb.terminator_mut();
134            terminator.kind =
135                TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { discr: Operand::Move(opt.to_switch_on), targets };
136        }
138        for (idx, bb_idx) in storage_deads_to_remove {
139            body.basic_blocks_mut()[bb_idx].statements[idx].make_nop();
140        }
142        for (idx, stmt) in storage_deads_to_insert {
143            body.basic_blocks_mut()[idx].statements.insert(0, stmt);
144        }
145    }
147    fn is_required(&self) -> bool {
148        false
149    }
152struct OptimizationFinder<'a, 'tcx> {
153    body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
156impl<'tcx> OptimizationFinder<'_, 'tcx> {
157    fn find_optimizations(&self) -> Vec<OptimizationInfo<'tcx>> {
158        self.body
159            .basic_blocks
160            .iter_enumerated()
161            .filter_map(|(bb_idx, bb)| {
162                // find switch
163                let (place_switched_on, targets, place_switched_on_moved) =
164                    match &bb.terminator().kind {
165                        rustc_middle::mir::TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { discr, targets, .. } => {
166                            Some((, targets, discr.is_move()))
167                        }
168                        _ => None,
169                    }?;
171                // find the statement that assigns the place being switched on
172                bb.statements.iter().enumerate().rev().find_map(|(stmt_idx, stmt)| {
173                    match &stmt.kind {
174                        rustc_middle::mir::StatementKind::Assign(box (lhs, rhs))
175                            if *lhs == place_switched_on =>
176                        {
177                            match rhs {
178                                Rvalue::BinaryOp(
179                                    op @ (BinOp::Eq | BinOp::Ne),
180                                    box (left, right),
181                                ) => {
182                                    let (branch_value_scalar, branch_value_ty, to_switch_on) =
183                                        find_branch_value_info(left, right)?;
185                                    Some(OptimizationInfo {
186                                        bin_op_stmt_idx: stmt_idx,
187                                        bb_idx,
188                                        can_remove_bin_op_stmt: place_switched_on_moved,
189                                        to_switch_on,
190                                        branch_value_scalar,
191                                        branch_value_ty,
192                                        op: *op,
193                                        targets: targets.clone(),
194                                    })
195                                }
196                                _ => None,
197                            }
198                        }
199                        _ => None,
200                    }
201                })
202            })
203            .collect()
204    }
207fn find_branch_value_info<'tcx>(
208    left: &Operand<'tcx>,
209    right: &Operand<'tcx>,
210) -> Option<(Scalar, Ty<'tcx>, Place<'tcx>)> {
211    // check that either left or right is a constant.
212    // if any are, we can use the other to switch on, and the constant as a value in a switch
213    use Operand::*;
214    match (left, right) {
215        (Constant(branch_value), Copy(to_switch_on) | Move(to_switch_on))
216        | (Copy(to_switch_on) | Move(to_switch_on), Constant(branch_value)) => {
217            let branch_value_ty = branch_value.const_.ty();
218            // we only want to apply this optimization if we are matching on integrals (and chars),
219            // as it is not possible to switch on floats
220            if !branch_value_ty.is_integral() && !branch_value_ty.is_char() {
221                return None;
222            };
223            let branch_value_scalar = branch_value.const_.try_to_scalar()?;
224            Some((branch_value_scalar, branch_value_ty, *to_switch_on))
225        }
226        _ => None,
227    }
231struct OptimizationInfo<'tcx> {
232    /// Basic block to apply the optimization
233    bb_idx: BasicBlock,
234    /// Statement index of Eq/Ne assignment that can be removed. None if the assignment can not be
235    /// removed - i.e the statement is used later on
236    bin_op_stmt_idx: usize,
237    /// Can remove Eq/Ne assignment
238    can_remove_bin_op_stmt: bool,
239    /// Place that needs to be switched on. This place is of type integral
240    to_switch_on: Place<'tcx>,
241    /// Constant to use in switch target value
242    branch_value_scalar: Scalar,
243    /// Type of the constant value
244    branch_value_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
245    /// Either Eq or Ne
246    op: BinOp,
247    /// Current targets used in the switch
248    targets: SwitchTargets,