
1use hir::HirId;
2use rustc_abi::Primitive::Pointer;
3use rustc_abi::VariantIdx;
4use rustc_errors::codes::*;
5use rustc_errors::struct_span_code_err;
6use rustc_hir as hir;
7use rustc_index::Idx;
8use rustc_middle::bug;
9use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{LayoutError, SizeSkeleton};
10use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt};
11use tracing::trace;
13use super::FnCtxt;
15/// If the type is `Option<T>`, it will return `T`, otherwise
16/// the type itself. Works on most `Option`-like types.
17fn unpack_option_like<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
18    let ty::Adt(def, args) = *ty.kind() else { return ty };
20    if def.variants().len() == 2 && !def.repr().c() && def.repr().int.is_none() {
21        let data_idx;
23        let one = VariantIdx::new(1);
24        let zero = VariantIdx::ZERO;
26        if def.variant(zero).fields.is_empty() {
27            data_idx = one;
28        } else if def.variant(one).fields.is_empty() {
29            data_idx = zero;
30        } else {
31            return ty;
32        }
34        if def.variant(data_idx).fields.len() == 1 {
35            return def.variant(data_idx).single_field().ty(tcx, args);
36        }
37    }
39    ty
42impl<'a, 'tcx> FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
43    /// FIXME: Move this check out of typeck, since it'll easily cycle when revealing opaques,
44    /// and we shouldn't need to check anything here if the typeck results are tainted.
45    pub(crate) fn check_transmute(&self, from: Ty<'tcx>, to: Ty<'tcx>, hir_id: HirId) {
46        let tcx = self.tcx;
47        let dl = &tcx.data_layout;
48        let span = tcx.hir().span(hir_id);
49        let normalize = |ty| {
50            let ty = self.resolve_vars_if_possible(ty);
51            if let Ok(ty) =
52                self.tcx.try_normalize_erasing_regions(self.typing_env(self.param_env), ty)
53            {
54                ty
55            } else {
56                Ty::new_error_with_message(
57                    tcx,
58                    span,
59                    "tried to normalize non-wf type in check_transmute",
60                )
61            }
62        };
63        let from = normalize(from);
64        let to = normalize(to);
65        trace!(?from, ?to);
66        if from.has_non_region_infer() || to.has_non_region_infer() {
67            // Note: this path is currently not reached in any test, so any
68            // example that triggers this would be worth minimizing and
69            // converting into a test.
70            self.dcx().span_bug(span, "argument to transmute has inference variables");
71        }
72        // Transmutes that are only changing lifetimes are always ok.
73        if from == to {
74            return;
75        }
77        let skel = |ty| SizeSkeleton::compute(ty, tcx, self.typing_env(self.param_env));
78        let sk_from = skel(from);
79        let sk_to = skel(to);
80        trace!(?sk_from, ?sk_to);
82        // Check for same size using the skeletons.
83        if let (Ok(sk_from), Ok(sk_to)) = (sk_from, sk_to) {
84            if sk_from.same_size(sk_to) {
85                return;
86            }
88            // Special-case transmuting from `typeof(function)` and
89            // `Option<typeof(function)>` to present a clearer error.
90            let from = unpack_option_like(tcx, from);
91            if let (&ty::FnDef(..), SizeSkeleton::Known(size_to, _)) = (from.kind(), sk_to)
92                && size_to == Pointer(dl.instruction_address_space).size(&tcx)
93            {
94                struct_span_code_err!(self.dcx(), span, E0591, "can't transmute zero-sized type")
95                    .with_note(format!("source type: {from}"))
96                    .with_note(format!("target type: {to}"))
97                    .with_help("cast with `as` to a pointer instead")
98                    .emit();
99                return;
100            }
101        }
103        // Try to display a sensible error with as much information as possible.
104        let skeleton_string = |ty: Ty<'tcx>, sk: Result<_, &_>| match sk {
105            Ok(SizeSkeleton::Pointer { tail, .. }) => format!("pointer to `{tail}`"),
106            Ok(SizeSkeleton::Known(size, _)) => {
107                if let Some(v) = u128::from(size.bytes()).checked_mul(8) {
108                    format!("{v} bits")
109                } else {
110                    // `u128` should definitely be able to hold the size of different architectures
111                    // larger sizes should be reported as error `are too big for the target architecture`
112                    // otherwise we have a bug somewhere
113                    bug!("{:?} overflow for u128", size)
114                }
115            }
116            Ok(SizeSkeleton::Generic(size)) => {
117                if let Some(size) =
118                    self.try_structurally_resolve_const(span, size).try_to_target_usize(tcx)
119                {
120                    format!("{size} bytes")
121                } else {
122                    format!("generic size {size}")
123                }
124            }
125            Err(LayoutError::TooGeneric(bad)) => {
126                if *bad == ty {
127                    "this type does not have a fixed size".to_owned()
128                } else {
129                    format!("size can vary because of {bad}")
130                }
131            }
132            Err(err) => err.to_string(),
133        };
135        let mut err = struct_span_code_err!(
136            self.dcx(),
137            span,
138            E0512,
139            "cannot transmute between types of different sizes, \
140                                        or dependently-sized types"
141        );
142        if from == to {
143            err.note(format!("`{from}` does not have a fixed size"));
144            err.emit();
145        } else {
146            err.note(format!("source type: `{}` ({})", from, skeleton_string(from, sk_from)))
147                .note(format!("target type: `{}` ({})", to, skeleton_string(to, sk_to)));
148            if let Err(LayoutError::ReferencesError(_)) = sk_from {
149                err.delay_as_bug();
150            } else if let Err(LayoutError::ReferencesError(_)) = sk_to {
151                err.delay_as_bug();
152            } else {
153                err.emit();
154            }
155        }
156    }