
1use std::ops::ControlFlow;
3use rustc_infer::infer::InferCtxt;
4use rustc_infer::traits::solve::{CandidateSource, GoalSource, MaybeCause};
5use rustc_infer::traits::{
6    self, MismatchedProjectionTypes, Obligation, ObligationCause, ObligationCauseCode,
7    PredicateObligation, SelectionError,
9use rustc_middle::ty::error::{ExpectedFound, TypeError};
10use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
11use rustc_middle::{bug, span_bug};
12use rustc_next_trait_solver::solve::{GenerateProofTree, SolverDelegateEvalExt as _};
13use rustc_type_ir::solve::{Goal, NoSolution};
14use tracing::{instrument, trace};
16use crate::solve::Certainty;
17use crate::solve::delegate::SolverDelegate;
18use crate::solve::inspect::{self, ProofTreeInferCtxtExt, ProofTreeVisitor};
19use crate::traits::{FulfillmentError, FulfillmentErrorCode, wf};
21pub(super) fn fulfillment_error_for_no_solution<'tcx>(
22    infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
23    root_obligation: PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
24) -> FulfillmentError<'tcx> {
25    let obligation = find_best_leaf_obligation(infcx, &root_obligation, false);
27    let code = match obligation.predicate.kind().skip_binder() {
28        ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::Projection(_)) => {
29            FulfillmentErrorCode::Project(
30                // FIXME: This could be a `Sorts` if the term is a type
31                MismatchedProjectionTypes { err: TypeError::Mismatch },
32            )
33        }
34        ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::ConstArgHasType(ct, expected_ty)) => {
35            let ct_ty = match ct.kind() {
36                ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(uv) => {
37                    infcx.tcx.type_of(uv.def).instantiate(infcx.tcx, uv.args)
38                }
39                ty::ConstKind::Param(param_ct) => param_ct.find_ty_from_env(obligation.param_env),
40                ty::ConstKind::Value(cv) => cv.ty,
41                kind => span_bug!(
42                    obligation.cause.span,
43                    "ConstArgHasWrongType failed but we don't know how to compute type for {kind:?}"
44                ),
45            };
46            FulfillmentErrorCode::Select(SelectionError::ConstArgHasWrongType {
47                ct,
48                ct_ty,
49                expected_ty,
50            })
51        }
52        ty::PredicateKind::NormalizesTo(..) => {
53            FulfillmentErrorCode::Project(MismatchedProjectionTypes { err: TypeError::Mismatch })
54        }
55        ty::PredicateKind::AliasRelate(_, _, _) => {
56            FulfillmentErrorCode::Project(MismatchedProjectionTypes { err: TypeError::Mismatch })
57        }
58        ty::PredicateKind::Subtype(pred) => {
59            let (a, b) = infcx.enter_forall_and_leak_universe(
60                obligation.predicate.kind().rebind((pred.a, pred.b)),
61            );
62            let expected_found = ExpectedFound::new(a, b);
63            FulfillmentErrorCode::Subtype(expected_found, TypeError::Sorts(expected_found))
64        }
65        ty::PredicateKind::Coerce(pred) => {
66            let (a, b) = infcx.enter_forall_and_leak_universe(
67                obligation.predicate.kind().rebind((pred.a, pred.b)),
68            );
69            let expected_found = ExpectedFound::new(b, a);
70            FulfillmentErrorCode::Subtype(expected_found, TypeError::Sorts(expected_found))
71        }
72        ty::PredicateKind::Clause(_)
73        | ty::PredicateKind::DynCompatible(_)
74        | ty::PredicateKind::Ambiguous => {
75            FulfillmentErrorCode::Select(SelectionError::Unimplemented)
76        }
77        ty::PredicateKind::ConstEquate(..) => {
78            bug!("unexpected goal: {obligation:?}")
79        }
80    };
82    FulfillmentError { obligation, code, root_obligation }
85pub(super) fn fulfillment_error_for_stalled<'tcx>(
86    infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
87    root_obligation: PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
88) -> FulfillmentError<'tcx> {
89    let (code, refine_obligation) = infcx.probe(|_| {
90        match <&SolverDelegate<'tcx>>::from(infcx)
91            .evaluate_root_goal(
92                root_obligation.clone().into(),
93                GenerateProofTree::No,
94                root_obligation.cause.span,
95            )
96            .0
97        {
98            Ok((_, Certainty::Maybe(MaybeCause::Ambiguity))) => {
99                (FulfillmentErrorCode::Ambiguity { overflow: None }, true)
100            }
101            Ok((_, Certainty::Maybe(MaybeCause::Overflow { suggest_increasing_limit }))) => (
102                FulfillmentErrorCode::Ambiguity { overflow: Some(suggest_increasing_limit) },
103                // Don't look into overflows because we treat overflows weirdly anyways.
104                // We discard the inference constraints from overflowing goals, so
105                // recomputing the goal again during `find_best_leaf_obligation` may apply
106                // inference guidance that makes other goals go from ambig -> pass, for example.
107                //
108                // FIXME: We should probably just look into overflows here.
109                false,
110            ),
111            Ok((_, Certainty::Yes)) => {
112                bug!("did not expect successful goal when collecting ambiguity errors")
113            }
114            Err(_) => {
115                bug!("did not expect selection error when collecting ambiguity errors")
116            }
117        }
118    });
120    FulfillmentError {
121        obligation: if refine_obligation {
122            find_best_leaf_obligation(infcx, &root_obligation, true)
123        } else {
124            root_obligation.clone()
125        },
126        code,
127        root_obligation,
128    }
131pub(super) fn fulfillment_error_for_overflow<'tcx>(
132    infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
133    root_obligation: PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
134) -> FulfillmentError<'tcx> {
135    FulfillmentError {
136        obligation: find_best_leaf_obligation(infcx, &root_obligation, true),
137        code: FulfillmentErrorCode::Ambiguity { overflow: Some(true) },
138        root_obligation,
139    }
142#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(infcx), ret)]
143fn find_best_leaf_obligation<'tcx>(
144    infcx: &InferCtxt<'tcx>,
145    obligation: &PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
146    consider_ambiguities: bool,
147) -> PredicateObligation<'tcx> {
148    let obligation = infcx.resolve_vars_if_possible(obligation.clone());
149    // FIXME: we use a probe here as the `BestObligation` visitor does not
150    // check whether it uses candidates which get shadowed by where-bounds.
151    //
152    // We should probably fix the visitor to not do so instead, as this also
153    // means the leaf obligation may be incorrect.
154    infcx
155        .fudge_inference_if_ok(|| {
156            infcx
157                .visit_proof_tree(
158                    obligation.clone().into(),
159                    &mut BestObligation { obligation: obligation.clone(), consider_ambiguities },
160                )
161                .break_value()
162                .ok_or(())
163        })
164        .unwrap_or(obligation)
167struct BestObligation<'tcx> {
168    obligation: PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
169    consider_ambiguities: bool,
172impl<'tcx> BestObligation<'tcx> {
173    fn with_derived_obligation(
174        &mut self,
175        derived_obligation: PredicateObligation<'tcx>,
176        and_then: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> <Self as ProofTreeVisitor<'tcx>>::Result,
177    ) -> <Self as ProofTreeVisitor<'tcx>>::Result {
178        let old_obligation = std::mem::replace(&mut self.obligation, derived_obligation);
179        let res = and_then(self);
180        self.obligation = old_obligation;
181        res
182    }
184    /// Filter out the candidates that aren't interesting to visit for the
185    /// purposes of reporting errors. For ambiguities, we only consider
186    /// candidates that may hold. For errors, we only consider candidates that
187    /// *don't* hold and which have impl-where clauses that also don't hold.
188    fn non_trivial_candidates<'a>(
189        &self,
190        goal: &'a inspect::InspectGoal<'a, 'tcx>,
191    ) -> Vec<inspect::InspectCandidate<'a, 'tcx>> {
192        let mut candidates = goal.candidates();
193        match self.consider_ambiguities {
194            true => {
195                // If we have an ambiguous obligation, we must consider *all* candidates
196                // that hold, or else we may guide inference causing other goals to go
197                // from ambig -> pass/fail.
198                candidates.retain(|candidate| candidate.result().is_ok());
199            }
200            false => {
201                // We always handle rigid alias candidates separately as we may not add them for
202                // aliases whose trait bound doesn't hold.
203                candidates.retain(|c| !matches!(c.kind(), inspect::ProbeKind::RigidAlias { .. }));
204                // If we have >1 candidate, one may still be due to "boring" reasons, like
205                // an alias-relate that failed to hold when deeply evaluated. We really
206                // don't care about reasons like this.
207                if candidates.len() > 1 {
208                    candidates.retain(|candidate| {
209                        goal.infcx().probe(|_| {
210                            candidate.instantiate_nested_goals(self.span()).iter().any(
211                                |nested_goal| {
212                                    matches!(
213                                        nested_goal.source(),
214                                        GoalSource::ImplWhereBound
215                                            | GoalSource::AliasBoundConstCondition
216                                            | GoalSource::InstantiateHigherRanked
217                                            | GoalSource::AliasWellFormed
218                                    ) && nested_goal.result().is_err()
219                                },
220                            )
221                        })
222                    });
223                }
224            }
225        }
227        candidates
228    }
230    /// HACK: We walk the nested obligations for a well-formed arg manually,
231    /// since there's nontrivial logic in `` to set up an obligation cause.
232    /// Ideally we'd be able to track this better.
233    fn visit_well_formed_goal(
234        &mut self,
235        candidate: &inspect::InspectCandidate<'_, 'tcx>,
236        arg: ty::GenericArg<'tcx>,
237    ) -> ControlFlow<PredicateObligation<'tcx>> {
238        let infcx = candidate.goal().infcx();
239        let param_env = candidate.goal().goal().param_env;
240        let body_id = self.obligation.cause.body_id;
242        for obligation in wf::unnormalized_obligations(infcx, param_env, arg, self.span(), body_id)
243            .into_iter()
244            .flatten()
245        {
246            let nested_goal = candidate.instantiate_proof_tree_for_nested_goal(
247                GoalSource::Misc,
248                Goal::new(infcx.tcx, obligation.param_env, obligation.predicate),
249                self.span(),
250            );
251            // Skip nested goals that aren't the *reason* for our goal's failure.
252            match (self.consider_ambiguities, nested_goal.result()) {
253                (true, Ok(Certainty::Maybe(MaybeCause::Ambiguity))) | (false, Err(_)) => {}
254                _ => continue,
255            }
257            self.with_derived_obligation(obligation, |this| nested_goal.visit_with(this))?;
258        }
260        ControlFlow::Break(self.obligation.clone())
261    }
263    /// If a normalization of an associated item or a trait goal fails without trying any
264    /// candidates it's likely that normalizing its self type failed. We manually detect
265    /// such cases here.
266    fn detect_error_in_self_ty_normalization(
267        &mut self,
268        goal: &inspect::InspectGoal<'_, 'tcx>,
269        self_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
270    ) -> ControlFlow<PredicateObligation<'tcx>> {
271        assert!(!self.consider_ambiguities);
272        let tcx = goal.infcx().tcx;
273        if let ty::Alias(..) = self_ty.kind() {
274            let infer_term = goal.infcx().next_ty_var(self.obligation.cause.span);
275            let pred = ty::PredicateKind::AliasRelate(
276                self_ty.into(),
277                infer_term.into(),
278                ty::AliasRelationDirection::Equate,
279            );
280            let obligation =
281                Obligation::new(tcx, self.obligation.cause.clone(), goal.goal().param_env, pred);
282            self.with_derived_obligation(obligation, |this| {
283                goal.infcx().visit_proof_tree_at_depth(
284                    goal.goal().with(tcx, pred),
285                    goal.depth() + 1,
286                    this,
287                )
288            })
289        } else {
290            ControlFlow::Continue(())
291        }
292    }
294    /// It is likely that `NormalizesTo` failed without any applicable candidates
295    /// because the alias is not well-formed.
296    ///
297    /// As we only enter `RigidAlias` candidates if the trait bound of the associated type
298    /// holds, we discard these candidates in `non_trivial_candidates` and always manually
299    /// check this here.
300    fn detect_non_well_formed_assoc_item(
301        &mut self,
302        goal: &inspect::InspectGoal<'_, 'tcx>,
303        alias: ty::AliasTerm<'tcx>,
304    ) -> ControlFlow<PredicateObligation<'tcx>> {
305        let tcx = goal.infcx().tcx;
306        let obligation = Obligation::new(
307            tcx,
308            self.obligation.cause.clone(),
309            goal.goal().param_env,
310            alias.trait_ref(tcx),
311        );
312        self.with_derived_obligation(obligation, |this| {
313            goal.infcx().visit_proof_tree_at_depth(
314                goal.goal().with(tcx, alias.trait_ref(tcx)),
315                goal.depth() + 1,
316                this,
317            )
318        })
319    }
321    /// If we have no candidates, then it's likely that there is a
322    /// non-well-formed alias in the goal.
323    fn detect_error_from_empty_candidates(
324        &mut self,
325        goal: &inspect::InspectGoal<'_, 'tcx>,
326    ) -> ControlFlow<PredicateObligation<'tcx>> {
327        let tcx = goal.infcx().tcx;
328        let pred_kind = goal.goal().predicate.kind();
330        match pred_kind.no_bound_vars() {
331            Some(ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::Trait(pred))) => {
332                self.detect_error_in_self_ty_normalization(goal, pred.self_ty())?;
333            }
334            Some(ty::PredicateKind::NormalizesTo(pred))
335                if let ty::AliasTermKind::ProjectionTy | ty::AliasTermKind::ProjectionConst =
336                    pred.alias.kind(tcx) =>
337            {
338                self.detect_error_in_self_ty_normalization(goal, pred.alias.self_ty())?;
339                self.detect_non_well_formed_assoc_item(goal, pred.alias)?;
340            }
341            Some(_) | None => {}
342        }
344        ControlFlow::Break(self.obligation.clone())
345    }
348impl<'tcx> ProofTreeVisitor<'tcx> for BestObligation<'tcx> {
349    type Result = ControlFlow<PredicateObligation<'tcx>>;
351    fn span(&self) -> rustc_span::Span {
352        self.obligation.cause.span
353    }
355    #[instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, goal), fields(goal = ?goal.goal()))]
356    fn visit_goal(&mut self, goal: &inspect::InspectGoal<'_, 'tcx>) -> Self::Result {
357        let tcx = goal.infcx().tcx;
358        // Skip goals that aren't the *reason* for our goal's failure.
359        match (self.consider_ambiguities, goal.result()) {
360            (true, Ok(Certainty::Maybe(MaybeCause::Ambiguity))) | (false, Err(_)) => {}
361            _ => return ControlFlow::Continue(()),
362        }
363        let pred_kind = goal.goal().predicate.kind();
365        let candidates = self.non_trivial_candidates(goal);
366        let candidate = match candidates.as_slice() {
367            [candidate] => candidate,
368            [] => return self.detect_error_from_empty_candidates(goal),
369            _ => return ControlFlow::Break(self.obligation.clone()),
370        };
372        // Don't walk into impls that have `do_not_recommend`.
373        if let inspect::ProbeKind::TraitCandidate {
374            source: CandidateSource::Impl(impl_def_id),
375            result: _,
376        } = candidate.kind()
377            && goal.infcx().tcx.do_not_recommend_impl(impl_def_id)
378        {
379            trace!("#[do_not_recommend] -> exit");
380            return ControlFlow::Break(self.obligation.clone());
381        }
383        // FIXME: Also, what about considering >1 layer up the stack? May be necessary
384        // for normalizes-to.
385        let child_mode = match pred_kind.skip_binder() {
386            ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::Trait(pred)) => {
387                ChildMode::Trait(pred_kind.rebind(pred))
388            }
389            ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::HostEffect(pred)) => {
390                ChildMode::Host(pred_kind.rebind(pred))
391            }
392            ty::PredicateKind::NormalizesTo(normalizes_to)
393                if matches!(
394                    normalizes_to.alias.kind(tcx),
395                    ty::AliasTermKind::ProjectionTy | ty::AliasTermKind::ProjectionConst
396                ) =>
397            {
398                ChildMode::Trait(pred_kind.rebind(ty::TraitPredicate {
399                    trait_ref: normalizes_to.alias.trait_ref(tcx),
400                    polarity: ty::PredicatePolarity::Positive,
401                }))
402            }
403            ty::PredicateKind::Clause(ty::ClauseKind::WellFormed(arg)) => {
404                return self.visit_well_formed_goal(candidate, arg);
405            }
406            _ => ChildMode::PassThrough,
407        };
409        let nested_goals = candidate.instantiate_nested_goals(self.span());
411        // If the candidate requires some `T: FnPtr` bound which does not hold should not be treated as
412        // an actual candidate, instead we should treat them as if the impl was never considered to
413        // have potentially applied. As if `impl<A, R> Trait for for<..> fn(..A) -> R` was written
414        // instead of `impl<T: FnPtr> Trait for T`.
415        //
416        // We do this as a separate loop so that we do not choose to tell the user about some nested
417        // goal before we encounter a `T: FnPtr` nested goal.
418        for nested_goal in &nested_goals {
419            if let Some(fn_ptr_trait) = tcx.lang_items().fn_ptr_trait()
420                && let Some(poly_trait_pred) = nested_goal.goal().predicate.as_trait_clause()
421                && poly_trait_pred.def_id() == fn_ptr_trait
422                && let Err(NoSolution) = nested_goal.result()
423            {
424                return ControlFlow::Break(self.obligation.clone());
425            }
426        }
428        let mut impl_where_bound_count = 0;
429        for nested_goal in nested_goals {
430            trace!(nested_goal = ?(nested_goal.goal(), nested_goal.source(), nested_goal.result()));
432            let make_obligation = |cause| Obligation {
433                cause,
434                param_env: nested_goal.goal().param_env,
435                predicate: nested_goal.goal().predicate,
436                recursion_depth: self.obligation.recursion_depth + 1,
437            };
439            let obligation;
440            match (child_mode, nested_goal.source()) {
441                (ChildMode::Trait(_) | ChildMode::Host(_), GoalSource::Misc) => {
442                    continue;
443                }
444                (ChildMode::Trait(parent_trait_pred), GoalSource::ImplWhereBound) => {
445                    obligation = make_obligation(derive_cause(
446                        tcx,
447                        candidate.kind(),
448                        self.obligation.cause.clone(),
449                        impl_where_bound_count,
450                        parent_trait_pred,
451                    ));
452                    impl_where_bound_count += 1;
453                }
454                (
455                    ChildMode::Host(parent_host_pred),
456                    GoalSource::ImplWhereBound | GoalSource::AliasBoundConstCondition,
457                ) => {
458                    obligation = make_obligation(derive_host_cause(
459                        tcx,
460                        candidate.kind(),
461                        self.obligation.cause.clone(),
462                        impl_where_bound_count,
463                        parent_host_pred,
464                    ));
465                    impl_where_bound_count += 1;
466                }
467                // Skip over a higher-ranked predicate.
468                (_, GoalSource::InstantiateHigherRanked) => {
469                    obligation = self.obligation.clone();
470                }
471                (ChildMode::PassThrough, _)
472                | (_, GoalSource::AliasWellFormed | GoalSource::AliasBoundConstCondition) => {
473                    obligation = make_obligation(self.obligation.cause.clone());
474                }
475            }
477            self.with_derived_obligation(obligation, |this| nested_goal.visit_with(this))?;
478        }
480        // alias-relate may fail because the lhs or rhs can't be normalized,
481        // and therefore is treated as rigid.
482        if let Some(ty::PredicateKind::AliasRelate(lhs, rhs, _)) = pred_kind.no_bound_vars() {
483            if let Some(obligation) = goal
484                .infcx()
485                .visit_proof_tree_at_depth(
486                    goal.goal().with(goal.infcx().tcx, ty::ClauseKind::WellFormed(lhs.into())),
487                    goal.depth() + 1,
488                    self,
489                )
490                .break_value()
491            {
492                return ControlFlow::Break(obligation);
493            } else if let Some(obligation) = goal
494                .infcx()
495                .visit_proof_tree_at_depth(
496                    goal.goal().with(goal.infcx().tcx, ty::ClauseKind::WellFormed(rhs.into())),
497                    goal.depth() + 1,
498                    self,
499                )
500                .break_value()
501            {
502                return ControlFlow::Break(obligation);
503            }
504        }
506        ControlFlow::Break(self.obligation.clone())
507    }
510#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
511enum ChildMode<'tcx> {
512    // Try to derive an `ObligationCause::{ImplDerived,BuiltinDerived}`,
513    // and skip all `GoalSource::Misc`, which represent useless obligations
514    // such as alias-eq which may not hold.
515    Trait(ty::PolyTraitPredicate<'tcx>),
516    // Try to derive an `ObligationCause::{ImplDerived,BuiltinDerived}`,
517    // and skip all `GoalSource::Misc`, which represent useless obligations
518    // such as alias-eq which may not hold.
519    Host(ty::Binder<'tcx, ty::HostEffectPredicate<'tcx>>),
520    // Skip trying to derive an `ObligationCause` from this obligation, and
521    // report *all* sub-obligations as if they came directly from the parent
522    // obligation.
523    PassThrough,
526fn derive_cause<'tcx>(
527    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
528    candidate_kind: inspect::ProbeKind<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
529    mut cause: ObligationCause<'tcx>,
530    idx: usize,
531    parent_trait_pred: ty::PolyTraitPredicate<'tcx>,
532) -> ObligationCause<'tcx> {
533    match candidate_kind {
534        inspect::ProbeKind::TraitCandidate {
535            source: CandidateSource::Impl(impl_def_id),
536            result: _,
537        } => {
538            if let Some((_, span)) =
539                tcx.predicates_of(impl_def_id).instantiate_identity(tcx).iter().nth(idx)
540            {
541                cause = cause.derived_cause(parent_trait_pred, |derived| {
542                    ObligationCauseCode::ImplDerived(Box::new(traits::ImplDerivedCause {
543                        derived,
544                        impl_or_alias_def_id: impl_def_id,
545                        impl_def_predicate_index: Some(idx),
546                        span,
547                    }))
548                })
549            }
550        }
551        inspect::ProbeKind::TraitCandidate {
552            source: CandidateSource::BuiltinImpl(..),
553            result: _,
554        } => {
555            cause = cause.derived_cause(parent_trait_pred, ObligationCauseCode::BuiltinDerived);
556        }
557        _ => {}
558    };
559    cause
562fn derive_host_cause<'tcx>(
563    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
564    candidate_kind: inspect::ProbeKind<TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
565    mut cause: ObligationCause<'tcx>,
566    idx: usize,
567    parent_host_pred: ty::Binder<'tcx, ty::HostEffectPredicate<'tcx>>,
568) -> ObligationCause<'tcx> {
569    match candidate_kind {
570        inspect::ProbeKind::TraitCandidate {
571            source: CandidateSource::Impl(impl_def_id),
572            result: _,
573        } => {
574            if let Some((_, span)) = tcx
575                .predicates_of(impl_def_id)
576                .instantiate_identity(tcx)
577                .into_iter()
578                .chain(tcx.const_conditions(impl_def_id).instantiate_identity(tcx).into_iter().map(
579                    |(trait_ref, span)| {
580                        (
581                            trait_ref.to_host_effect_clause(
582                                tcx,
583                                parent_host_pred.skip_binder().constness,
584                            ),
585                            span,
586                        )
587                    },
588                ))
589                .nth(idx)
590            {
591                cause =
592                    cause.derived_host_cause(parent_host_pred, |derived| {
593                        ObligationCauseCode::ImplDerivedHost(Box::new(
594                            traits::ImplDerivedHostCause { derived, impl_def_id, span },
595                        ))
596                    })
597            }
598        }
599        inspect::ProbeKind::TraitCandidate {
600            source: CandidateSource::BuiltinImpl(..),
601            result: _,
602        } => {
603            cause =
604                cause.derived_host_cause(parent_host_pred, ObligationCauseCode::BuiltinDerivedHost);
605        }
606        _ => {}
607    };
608    cause