
1use rustc_middle::mir::BinOp;
2use rustc_middle::{mir, ty};
4use self::helpers::check_arg_count;
5use crate::*;
7pub enum AtomicOp {
8    /// The `bool` indicates whether the result of the operation should be negated (`UnOp::Not`,
9    /// must be a boolean-typed operation).
10    MirOp(mir::BinOp, bool),
11    Max,
12    Min,
15impl<'tcx> EvalContextExt<'tcx> for crate::MiriInterpCx<'tcx> {}
16pub trait EvalContextExt<'tcx>: crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'tcx> {
17    /// Calls the atomic intrinsic `intrinsic`; the `atomic_` prefix has already been removed.
18    /// Returns `Ok(true)` if the intrinsic was handled.
19    fn emulate_atomic_intrinsic(
20        &mut self,
21        intrinsic_name: &str,
22        args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
23        dest: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
24    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, EmulateItemResult> {
25        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
27        let intrinsic_structure: Vec<_> = intrinsic_name.split('_').collect();
29        fn read_ord(ord: &str) -> AtomicReadOrd {
30            match ord {
31                "seqcst" => AtomicReadOrd::SeqCst,
32                "acquire" => AtomicReadOrd::Acquire,
33                "relaxed" => AtomicReadOrd::Relaxed,
34                _ => panic!("invalid read ordering `{ord}`"),
35            }
36        }
38        fn write_ord(ord: &str) -> AtomicWriteOrd {
39            match ord {
40                "seqcst" => AtomicWriteOrd::SeqCst,
41                "release" => AtomicWriteOrd::Release,
42                "relaxed" => AtomicWriteOrd::Relaxed,
43                _ => panic!("invalid write ordering `{ord}`"),
44            }
45        }
47        fn rw_ord(ord: &str) -> AtomicRwOrd {
48            match ord {
49                "seqcst" => AtomicRwOrd::SeqCst,
50                "acqrel" => AtomicRwOrd::AcqRel,
51                "acquire" => AtomicRwOrd::Acquire,
52                "release" => AtomicRwOrd::Release,
53                "relaxed" => AtomicRwOrd::Relaxed,
54                _ => panic!("invalid read-write ordering `{ord}`"),
55            }
56        }
58        fn fence_ord(ord: &str) -> AtomicFenceOrd {
59            match ord {
60                "seqcst" => AtomicFenceOrd::SeqCst,
61                "acqrel" => AtomicFenceOrd::AcqRel,
62                "acquire" => AtomicFenceOrd::Acquire,
63                "release" => AtomicFenceOrd::Release,
64                _ => panic!("invalid fence ordering `{ord}`"),
65            }
66        }
68        match &*intrinsic_structure {
69            ["load", ord] => this.atomic_load(args, dest, read_ord(ord))?,
70            ["store", ord] => this.atomic_store(args, write_ord(ord))?,
72            ["fence", ord] => this.atomic_fence_intrinsic(args, fence_ord(ord))?,
73            ["singlethreadfence", ord] => this.compiler_fence_intrinsic(args, fence_ord(ord))?,
75            ["xchg", ord] => this.atomic_exchange(args, dest, rw_ord(ord))?,
76            ["cxchg", ord1, ord2] =>
77                this.atomic_compare_exchange(args, dest, rw_ord(ord1), read_ord(ord2))?,
78            ["cxchgweak", ord1, ord2] =>
79                this.atomic_compare_exchange_weak(args, dest, rw_ord(ord1), read_ord(ord2))?,
81            ["or", ord] =>
82                this.atomic_rmw_op(args, dest, AtomicOp::MirOp(BinOp::BitOr, false), rw_ord(ord))?,
83            ["xor", ord] =>
84                this.atomic_rmw_op(args, dest, AtomicOp::MirOp(BinOp::BitXor, false), rw_ord(ord))?,
85            ["and", ord] =>
86                this.atomic_rmw_op(args, dest, AtomicOp::MirOp(BinOp::BitAnd, false), rw_ord(ord))?,
87            ["nand", ord] =>
88                this.atomic_rmw_op(args, dest, AtomicOp::MirOp(BinOp::BitAnd, true), rw_ord(ord))?,
89            ["xadd", ord] =>
90                this.atomic_rmw_op(args, dest, AtomicOp::MirOp(BinOp::Add, false), rw_ord(ord))?,
91            ["xsub", ord] =>
92                this.atomic_rmw_op(args, dest, AtomicOp::MirOp(BinOp::Sub, false), rw_ord(ord))?,
93            ["min", ord] => {
94                // Later we will use the type to indicate signed vs unsigned,
95                // so make sure it matches the intrinsic name.
96                assert!(matches!(args[1].layout.ty.kind(), ty::Int(_)));
97                this.atomic_rmw_op(args, dest, AtomicOp::Min, rw_ord(ord))?;
98            }
99            ["umin", ord] => {
100                // Later we will use the type to indicate signed vs unsigned,
101                // so make sure it matches the intrinsic name.
102                assert!(matches!(args[1].layout.ty.kind(), ty::Uint(_)));
103                this.atomic_rmw_op(args, dest, AtomicOp::Min, rw_ord(ord))?;
104            }
105            ["max", ord] => {
106                // Later we will use the type to indicate signed vs unsigned,
107                // so make sure it matches the intrinsic name.
108                assert!(matches!(args[1].layout.ty.kind(), ty::Int(_)));
109                this.atomic_rmw_op(args, dest, AtomicOp::Max, rw_ord(ord))?;
110            }
111            ["umax", ord] => {
112                // Later we will use the type to indicate signed vs unsigned,
113                // so make sure it matches the intrinsic name.
114                assert!(matches!(args[1].layout.ty.kind(), ty::Uint(_)));
115                this.atomic_rmw_op(args, dest, AtomicOp::Max, rw_ord(ord))?;
116            }
118            _ => return interp_ok(EmulateItemResult::NotSupported),
119        }
120        interp_ok(EmulateItemResult::NeedsReturn)
121    }
124impl<'tcx> EvalContextPrivExt<'tcx> for MiriInterpCx<'tcx> {}
125trait EvalContextPrivExt<'tcx>: MiriInterpCxExt<'tcx> {
126    fn atomic_load(
127        &mut self,
128        args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
129        dest: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
130        atomic: AtomicReadOrd,
131    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
132        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
134        let [place] = check_arg_count(args)?;
135        let place = this.deref_pointer(place)?;
137        // Perform atomic load.
138        let val = this.read_scalar_atomic(&place, atomic)?;
139        // Perform regular store.
140        this.write_scalar(val, dest)?;
141        interp_ok(())
142    }
144    fn atomic_store(&mut self, args: &[OpTy<'tcx>], atomic: AtomicWriteOrd) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
145        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
147        let [place, val] = check_arg_count(args)?;
148        let place = this.deref_pointer(place)?;
150        // Perform regular load.
151        let val = this.read_scalar(val)?;
152        // Perform atomic store
153        this.write_scalar_atomic(val, &place, atomic)?;
154        interp_ok(())
155    }
157    fn compiler_fence_intrinsic(
158        &mut self,
159        args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
160        atomic: AtomicFenceOrd,
161    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
162        let [] = check_arg_count(args)?;
163        let _ = atomic;
164        //FIXME: compiler fences are currently ignored
165        interp_ok(())
166    }
168    fn atomic_fence_intrinsic(
169        &mut self,
170        args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
171        atomic: AtomicFenceOrd,
172    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
173        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
174        let [] = check_arg_count(args)?;
175        this.atomic_fence(atomic)?;
176        interp_ok(())
177    }
179    fn atomic_rmw_op(
180        &mut self,
181        args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
182        dest: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
183        atomic_op: AtomicOp,
184        atomic: AtomicRwOrd,
185    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
186        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
188        let [place, rhs] = check_arg_count(args)?;
189        let place = this.deref_pointer(place)?;
190        let rhs = this.read_immediate(rhs)?;
192        if !place.layout.ty.is_integral() && !place.layout.ty.is_raw_ptr() {
193            span_bug!(
194                this.cur_span(),
195                "atomic arithmetic operations only work on integer and raw pointer types",
196            );
197        }
198        if rhs.layout.ty != place.layout.ty {
199            span_bug!(this.cur_span(), "atomic arithmetic operation type mismatch");
200        }
202        match atomic_op {
203            AtomicOp::Min => {
204                let old = this.atomic_min_max_scalar(&place, rhs, true, atomic)?;
205                this.write_immediate(*old, dest)?; // old value is returned
206                interp_ok(())
207            }
208            AtomicOp::Max => {
209                let old = this.atomic_min_max_scalar(&place, rhs, false, atomic)?;
210                this.write_immediate(*old, dest)?; // old value is returned
211                interp_ok(())
212            }
213            AtomicOp::MirOp(op, not) => {
214                let old = this.atomic_rmw_op_immediate(&place, &rhs, op, not, atomic)?;
215                this.write_immediate(*old, dest)?; // old value is returned
216                interp_ok(())
217            }
218        }
219    }
221    fn atomic_exchange(
222        &mut self,
223        args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
224        dest: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
225        atomic: AtomicRwOrd,
226    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
227        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
229        let [place, new] = check_arg_count(args)?;
230        let place = this.deref_pointer(place)?;
231        let new = this.read_scalar(new)?;
233        let old = this.atomic_exchange_scalar(&place, new, atomic)?;
234        this.write_scalar(old, dest)?; // old value is returned
235        interp_ok(())
236    }
238    fn atomic_compare_exchange_impl(
239        &mut self,
240        args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
241        dest: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
242        success: AtomicRwOrd,
243        fail: AtomicReadOrd,
244        can_fail_spuriously: bool,
245    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
246        let this = self.eval_context_mut();
248        let [place, expect_old, new] = check_arg_count(args)?;
249        let place = this.deref_pointer(place)?;
250        let expect_old = this.read_immediate(expect_old)?; // read as immediate for the sake of `binary_op()`
251        let new = this.read_scalar(new)?;
253        let old = this.atomic_compare_exchange_scalar(
254            &place,
255            &expect_old,
256            new,
257            success,
258            fail,
259            can_fail_spuriously,
260        )?;
262        // Return old value.
263        this.write_immediate(old, dest)?;
264        interp_ok(())
265    }
267    fn atomic_compare_exchange(
268        &mut self,
269        args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
270        dest: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
271        success: AtomicRwOrd,
272        fail: AtomicReadOrd,
273    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
274        self.atomic_compare_exchange_impl(args, dest, success, fail, false)
275    }
277    fn atomic_compare_exchange_weak(
278        &mut self,
279        args: &[OpTy<'tcx>],
280        dest: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
281        success: AtomicRwOrd,
282        fail: AtomicReadOrd,
283    ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
284        self.atomic_compare_exchange_impl(args, dest, success, fail, true)
285    }