
1use std::fmt::Write;
3use ast::{ForLoopKind, MatchKind};
4use itertools::{Itertools, Position};
5use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
6use rustc_ast::util::classify;
7use rustc_ast::util::literal::escape_byte_str_symbol;
8use rustc_ast::util::parser::{self, AssocOp, ExprPrecedence, Fixity};
9use rustc_ast::{
10    self as ast, BlockCheckMode, FormatAlignment, FormatArgPosition, FormatArgsPiece, FormatCount,
11    FormatDebugHex, FormatSign, FormatTrait, token,
14use crate::pp::Breaks::Inconsistent;
15use crate::pprust::state::fixup::FixupContext;
16use crate::pprust::state::{AnnNode, INDENT_UNIT, PrintState, State};
18impl<'a> State<'a> {
19    fn print_else(&mut self, els: Option<&ast::Expr>) {
20        if let Some(_else) = els {
21            match &_else.kind {
22                // Another `else if` block.
23                ast::ExprKind::If(i, then, e) => {
24                    self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT - 1);
25                    self.ibox(0);
26                    self.word(" else if ");
27                    self.print_expr_as_cond(i);
28          ;
29                    self.print_block(then);
30                    self.print_else(e.as_deref())
31                }
32                // Final `else` block.
33                ast::ExprKind::Block(b, _) => {
34                    self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT - 1);
35                    self.ibox(0);
36                    self.word(" else ");
37                    self.print_block(b)
38                }
39                // Constraints would be great here!
40                _ => {
41                    panic!("print_if saw if with weird alternative");
42                }
43            }
44        }
45    }
47    fn print_if(&mut self, test: &ast::Expr, blk: &ast::Block, elseopt: Option<&ast::Expr>) {
48        self.head("if");
49        self.print_expr_as_cond(test);
51        self.print_block(blk);
52        self.print_else(elseopt)
53    }
55    fn print_call_post(&mut self, args: &[P<ast::Expr>]) {
56        self.popen();
57        self.commasep_exprs(Inconsistent, args);
58        self.pclose()
59    }
61    /// Prints an expr using syntax that's acceptable in a condition position, such as the `cond` in
62    /// `if cond { ... }`.
63    fn print_expr_as_cond(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr) {
64        self.print_expr_cond_paren(expr, Self::cond_needs_par(expr), FixupContext::new_cond())
65    }
67    /// Does `expr` need parentheses when printed in a condition position?
68    ///
69    /// These cases need parens due to the parse error observed in #26461: `if return {}`
70    /// parses as the erroneous construct `if (return {})`, not `if (return) {}`.
71    fn cond_needs_par(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
72        match expr.kind {
73            ast::ExprKind::Break(..)
74            | ast::ExprKind::Closure(..)
75            | ast::ExprKind::Ret(..)
76            | ast::ExprKind::Yeet(..) => true,
77            _ => parser::contains_exterior_struct_lit(expr),
78        }
79    }
81    /// Prints `expr` or `(expr)` when `needs_par` holds.
82    pub(super) fn print_expr_cond_paren(
83        &mut self,
84        expr: &ast::Expr,
85        needs_par: bool,
86        mut fixup: FixupContext,
87    ) {
88        if needs_par {
89            self.popen();
91            // If we are surrounding the whole cond in parentheses, such as:
92            //
93            //     if (return Struct {}) {}
94            //
95            // then there is no need for parenthesizing the individual struct
96            // expressions within. On the other hand if the whole cond is not
97            // parenthesized, then print_expr must parenthesize exterior struct
98            // literals.
99            //
100            //     if x == (Struct {}) {}
101            //
102            fixup = FixupContext::default();
103        }
105        self.print_expr(expr, fixup);
107        if needs_par {
108            self.pclose();
109        }
110    }
112    fn print_expr_vec(&mut self, exprs: &[P<ast::Expr>]) {
113        self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT);
114        self.word("[");
115        self.commasep_exprs(Inconsistent, exprs);
116        self.word("]");
117        self.end();
118    }
120    pub(super) fn print_expr_anon_const(
121        &mut self,
122        expr: &ast::AnonConst,
123        attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
124    ) {
125        self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT);
126        self.word("const");
127        self.nbsp();
128        if let ast::ExprKind::Block(block, None) = &expr.value.kind {
129            self.cbox(0);
130            self.ibox(0);
131            self.print_block_with_attrs(block, attrs);
132        } else {
133            self.print_expr(&expr.value, FixupContext::default());
134        }
135        self.end();
136    }
138    fn print_expr_repeat(&mut self, element: &ast::Expr, count: &ast::AnonConst) {
139        self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT);
140        self.word("[");
141        self.print_expr(element, FixupContext::default());
142        self.word_space(";");
143        self.print_expr(&count.value, FixupContext::default());
144        self.word("]");
145        self.end();
146    }
148    fn print_expr_struct(
149        &mut self,
150        qself: &Option<P<ast::QSelf>>,
151        path: &ast::Path,
152        fields: &[ast::ExprField],
153        rest: &ast::StructRest,
154    ) {
155        if let Some(qself) = qself {
156            self.print_qpath(path, qself, true);
157        } else {
158            self.print_path(path, true, 0);
159        }
160        self.nbsp();
161        self.word("{");
162        let has_rest = match rest {
163            ast::StructRest::Base(_) | ast::StructRest::Rest(_) => true,
164            ast::StructRest::None => false,
165        };
166        if fields.is_empty() && !has_rest {
167            self.word("}");
168            return;
169        }
170        self.cbox(0);
171        for (pos, field) in fields.iter().with_position() {
172            let is_first = matches!(pos, Position::First | Position::Only);
173            let is_last = matches!(pos, Position::Last | Position::Only);
174            self.maybe_print_comment(field.span.hi());
175            self.print_outer_attributes(&field.attrs);
176            if is_first {
177                self.space_if_not_bol();
178            }
179            if !field.is_shorthand {
180                self.print_ident(field.ident);
181                self.word_nbsp(":");
182            }
183            self.print_expr(&field.expr, FixupContext::default());
184            if !is_last || has_rest {
185                self.word_space(",");
186            } else {
187                self.trailing_comma_or_space();
188            }
189        }
190        if has_rest {
191            if fields.is_empty() {
192      ;
193            }
194            self.word("..");
195            if let ast::StructRest::Base(expr) = rest {
196                self.print_expr(expr, FixupContext::default());
197            }
198  ;
199        }
200        self.offset(-INDENT_UNIT);
201        self.end();
202        self.word("}");
203    }
205    fn print_expr_tup(&mut self, exprs: &[P<ast::Expr>]) {
206        self.popen();
207        self.commasep_exprs(Inconsistent, exprs);
208        if exprs.len() == 1 {
209            self.word(",");
210        }
211        self.pclose()
212    }
214    fn print_expr_call(&mut self, func: &ast::Expr, args: &[P<ast::Expr>], fixup: FixupContext) {
215        let needs_paren = match func.kind {
216            // In order to call a named field, needs parens: `(`
217            // But not for an unnamed field: `self.0()`
218            ast::ExprKind::Field(_, name) => !name.is_numeric(),
219            _ => func.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Unambiguous,
220        };
222        // Independent of parenthesization related to precedence, we must
223        // parenthesize `func` if this is a statement context in which without
224        // parentheses, a statement boundary would occur inside `func` or
225        // immediately after `func`.
226        //
227        // Suppose `func` represents `match () { _ => f }`. We must produce:
228        //
229        //     (match () { _ => f })();
230        //
231        // instead of:
232        //
233        //     match () { _ => f } ();
234        //
235        // because the latter is valid syntax but with the incorrect meaning.
236        // It's a match-expression followed by tuple-expression, not a function
237        // call.
238        self.print_expr_cond_paren(func, needs_paren, fixup.leftmost_subexpression());
240        self.print_call_post(args)
241    }
243    fn print_expr_method_call(
244        &mut self,
245        segment: &ast::PathSegment,
246        receiver: &ast::Expr,
247        base_args: &[P<ast::Expr>],
248        fixup: FixupContext,
249    ) {
250        // The fixup here is different than in `print_expr_call` because
251        // statement boundaries never occur in front of a `.` (or `?`) token.
252        //
253        // Needs parens:
254        //
255        //     (loop { break x; })();
256        //
257        // Does not need parens:
258        //
259        //     loop { break x; }.method();
260        //
261        self.print_expr_cond_paren(
262            receiver,
263            receiver.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Unambiguous,
264            fixup.leftmost_subexpression_with_dot(),
265        );
267        self.word(".");
268        self.print_ident(segment.ident);
269        if let Some(args) = &segment.args {
270            self.print_generic_args(args, true);
271        }
272        self.print_call_post(base_args)
273    }
275    fn print_expr_binary(
276        &mut self,
277        op: ast::BinOp,
278        lhs: &ast::Expr,
279        rhs: &ast::Expr,
280        fixup: FixupContext,
281    ) {
282        let assoc_op = AssocOp::from_ast_binop(op.node);
283        let binop_prec = assoc_op.precedence();
284        let left_prec = lhs.precedence();
285        let right_prec = rhs.precedence();
287        let (mut left_needs_paren, right_needs_paren) = match assoc_op.fixity() {
288            Fixity::Left => (left_prec < binop_prec, right_prec <= binop_prec),
289            Fixity::Right => (left_prec <= binop_prec, right_prec < binop_prec),
290            Fixity::None => (left_prec <= binop_prec, right_prec <= binop_prec),
291        };
293        match (&lhs.kind, op.node) {
294            // These cases need parens: `x as i32 < y` has the parser thinking that `i32 < y` is
295            // the beginning of a path type. It starts trying to parse `x as (i32 < y ...` instead
296            // of `(x as i32) < ...`. We need to convince it _not_ to do that.
297            (&ast::ExprKind::Cast { .. }, ast::BinOpKind::Lt | ast::BinOpKind::Shl) => {
298                left_needs_paren = true;
299            }
300            // We are given `(let _ = a) OP b`.
301            //
302            // - When `OP <= LAnd` we should print `let _ = a OP b` to avoid redundant parens
303            //   as the parser will interpret this as `(let _ = a) OP b`.
304            //
305            // - Otherwise, e.g. when we have `(let a = b) < c` in AST,
306            //   parens are required since the parser would interpret `let a = b < c` as
307            //   `let a = (b < c)`. To achieve this, we force parens.
308            (&ast::ExprKind::Let { .. }, _) if !parser::needs_par_as_let_scrutinee(binop_prec) => {
309                left_needs_paren = true;
310            }
311            _ => {}
312        }
314        self.print_expr_cond_paren(lhs, left_needs_paren, fixup.leftmost_subexpression());
316        self.word_space(op.node.as_str());
317        self.print_expr_cond_paren(rhs, right_needs_paren, fixup.subsequent_subexpression());
318    }
320    fn print_expr_unary(&mut self, op: ast::UnOp, expr: &ast::Expr, fixup: FixupContext) {
321        self.word(op.as_str());
322        self.print_expr_cond_paren(
323            expr,
324            expr.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Prefix,
325            fixup.subsequent_subexpression(),
326        );
327    }
329    fn print_expr_addr_of(
330        &mut self,
331        kind: ast::BorrowKind,
332        mutability: ast::Mutability,
333        expr: &ast::Expr,
334        fixup: FixupContext,
335    ) {
336        self.word("&");
337        match kind {
338            ast::BorrowKind::Ref => self.print_mutability(mutability, false),
339            ast::BorrowKind::Raw => {
340                self.word_nbsp("raw");
341                self.print_mutability(mutability, true);
342            }
343        }
344        self.print_expr_cond_paren(
345            expr,
346            expr.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Prefix,
347            fixup.subsequent_subexpression(),
348        );
349    }
351    pub(super) fn print_expr(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr, fixup: FixupContext) {
352        self.print_expr_outer_attr_style(expr, true, fixup)
353    }
355    pub(super) fn print_expr_outer_attr_style(
356        &mut self,
357        expr: &ast::Expr,
358        is_inline: bool,
359        mut fixup: FixupContext,
360    ) {
361        self.maybe_print_comment(expr.span.lo());
363        let attrs = &expr.attrs;
364        if is_inline {
365            self.print_outer_attributes_inline(attrs);
366        } else {
367            self.print_outer_attributes(attrs);
368        }
370        self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT);
372        // The Match subexpression in `match x {} - 1` must be parenthesized if
373        // it is the leftmost subexpression in a statement:
374        //
375        //     (match x {}) - 1;
376        //
377        // But not otherwise:
378        //
379        //     let _ = match x {} - 1;
380        //
381        // Same applies to a small set of other expression kinds which eagerly
382        // terminate a statement which opens with them.
383        let needs_par = fixup.would_cause_statement_boundary(expr);
384        if needs_par {
385            self.popen();
386            fixup = FixupContext::default();
387        }
389        self.ann.pre(self, AnnNode::Expr(expr));
391        match &expr.kind {
392            ast::ExprKind::Array(exprs) => {
393                self.print_expr_vec(exprs);
394            }
395            ast::ExprKind::ConstBlock(anon_const) => {
396                self.print_expr_anon_const(anon_const, attrs);
397            }
398            ast::ExprKind::Repeat(element, count) => {
399                self.print_expr_repeat(element, count);
400            }
401            ast::ExprKind::Struct(se) => {
402                self.print_expr_struct(&se.qself, &se.path, &se.fields, &;
403            }
404            ast::ExprKind::Tup(exprs) => {
405                self.print_expr_tup(exprs);
406            }
407            ast::ExprKind::Call(func, args) => {
408                self.print_expr_call(func, args, fixup);
409            }
410            ast::ExprKind::MethodCall(box ast::MethodCall { seg, receiver, args, .. }) => {
411                self.print_expr_method_call(seg, receiver, args, fixup);
412            }
413            ast::ExprKind::Binary(op, lhs, rhs) => {
414                self.print_expr_binary(*op, lhs, rhs, fixup);
415            }
416            ast::ExprKind::Unary(op, expr) => {
417                self.print_expr_unary(*op, expr, fixup);
418            }
419            ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(k, m, expr) => {
420                self.print_expr_addr_of(*k, *m, expr, fixup);
421            }
422            ast::ExprKind::Lit(token_lit) => {
423                self.print_token_literal(*token_lit, expr.span);
424            }
425            ast::ExprKind::IncludedBytes(bytes) => {
426                let lit = token::Lit::new(token::ByteStr, escape_byte_str_symbol(bytes), None);
427                self.print_token_literal(lit, expr.span)
428            }
429            ast::ExprKind::Cast(expr, ty) => {
430                self.print_expr_cond_paren(
431                    expr,
432                    expr.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Cast,
433                    fixup.leftmost_subexpression(),
434                );
435      ;
436                self.word_space("as");
437                self.print_type(ty);
438            }
439            ast::ExprKind::Type(expr, ty) => {
440                self.word("builtin # type_ascribe");
441                self.popen();
442                self.ibox(0);
443                self.print_expr(expr, FixupContext::default());
445                self.word(",");
446                self.space_if_not_bol();
447                self.print_type(ty);
449                self.end();
450                self.pclose();
451            }
452            ast::ExprKind::Let(pat, scrutinee, _, _) => {
453                self.print_let(pat, scrutinee, fixup);
454            }
455            ast::ExprKind::If(test, blk, elseopt) => self.print_if(test, blk, elseopt.as_deref()),
456            ast::ExprKind::While(test, blk, opt_label) => {
457                if let Some(label) = opt_label {
458                    self.print_ident(label.ident);
459                    self.word_space(":");
460                }
461                self.cbox(0);
462                self.ibox(0);
463                self.word_nbsp("while");
464                self.print_expr_as_cond(test);
465      ;
466                self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs);
467            }
468            ast::ExprKind::ForLoop { pat, iter, body, label, kind } => {
469                if let Some(label) = label {
470                    self.print_ident(label.ident);
471                    self.word_space(":");
472                }
473                self.cbox(0);
474                self.ibox(0);
475                self.word_nbsp("for");
476                if kind == &ForLoopKind::ForAwait {
477                    self.word_nbsp("await");
478                }
479                self.print_pat(pat);
480      ;
481                self.word_space("in");
482                self.print_expr_as_cond(iter);
483      ;
484                self.print_block_with_attrs(body, attrs);
485            }
486            ast::ExprKind::Loop(blk, opt_label, _) => {
487                if let Some(label) = opt_label {
488                    self.print_ident(label.ident);
489                    self.word_space(":");
490                }
491                self.cbox(0);
492                self.ibox(0);
493                self.word_nbsp("loop");
494                self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs);
495            }
496            ast::ExprKind::Match(expr, arms, match_kind) => {
497                self.cbox(0);
498                self.ibox(0);
500                match match_kind {
501                    MatchKind::Prefix => {
502                        self.word_nbsp("match");
503                        self.print_expr_as_cond(expr);
504              ;
505                    }
506                    MatchKind::Postfix => {
507                        self.print_expr_cond_paren(
508                            expr,
509                            expr.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Unambiguous,
510                            fixup.leftmost_subexpression_with_dot(),
511                        );
512                        self.word_nbsp(".match");
513                    }
514                }
516                self.bopen();
517                self.print_inner_attributes_no_trailing_hardbreak(attrs);
518                for arm in arms {
519                    self.print_arm(arm);
520                }
521                let empty = attrs.is_empty() && arms.is_empty();
522                self.bclose(expr.span, empty);
523            }
524            ast::ExprKind::Closure(box ast::Closure {
525                binder,
526                capture_clause,
527                constness,
528                coroutine_kind,
529                movability,
530                fn_decl,
531                body,
532                fn_decl_span: _,
533                fn_arg_span: _,
534            }) => {
535                self.print_closure_binder(binder);
536                self.print_constness(*constness);
537                self.print_movability(*movability);
538      |coroutine_kind| self.print_coroutine_kind(coroutine_kind));
539                self.print_capture_clause(*capture_clause);
541                self.print_fn_params_and_ret(fn_decl, true);
542      ;
543                self.print_expr(body, FixupContext::default());
544                self.end(); // need to close a box
546                // a box will be closed by print_expr, but we didn't want an overall
547                // wrapper so we closed the corresponding opening. so create an
548                // empty box to satisfy the close.
549                self.ibox(0);
550            }
551            ast::ExprKind::Block(blk, opt_label) => {
552                if let Some(label) = opt_label {
553                    self.print_ident(label.ident);
554                    self.word_space(":");
555                }
556                // containing cbox, will be closed by print-block at }
557                self.cbox(0);
558                // head-box, will be closed by print-block after {
559                self.ibox(0);
560                self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs);
561            }
562            ast::ExprKind::Gen(capture_clause, blk, kind, _decl_span) => {
563                self.word_nbsp(kind.modifier());
564                self.print_capture_clause(*capture_clause);
565                // cbox/ibox in analogy to the `ExprKind::Block` arm above
566                self.cbox(0);
567                self.ibox(0);
568                self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs);
569            }
570            ast::ExprKind::Await(expr, _) => {
571                self.print_expr_cond_paren(
572                    expr,
573                    expr.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Unambiguous,
574                    fixup.leftmost_subexpression_with_dot(),
575                );
576                self.word(".await");
577            }
578            ast::ExprKind::Assign(lhs, rhs, _) => {
579                self.print_expr_cond_paren(
580                    lhs,
581                    // Ranges are allowed on the right-hand side of assignment,
582                    // but not the left. `(a..b) = c` needs parentheses.
583                    lhs.precedence() <= ExprPrecedence::Range,
584                    fixup.leftmost_subexpression(),
585                );
586      ;
587                self.word_space("=");
588                self.print_expr_cond_paren(
589                    rhs,
590                    rhs.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Assign,
591                    fixup.subsequent_subexpression(),
592                );
593            }
594            ast::ExprKind::AssignOp(op, lhs, rhs) => {
595                self.print_expr_cond_paren(
596                    lhs,
597                    lhs.precedence() <= ExprPrecedence::Range,
598                    fixup.leftmost_subexpression(),
599                );
600      ;
601                self.word(op.node.as_str());
602                self.word_space("=");
603                self.print_expr_cond_paren(
604                    rhs,
605                    rhs.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Assign,
606                    fixup.subsequent_subexpression(),
607                );
608            }
609            ast::ExprKind::Field(expr, ident) => {
610                self.print_expr_cond_paren(
611                    expr,
612                    expr.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Unambiguous,
613                    fixup.leftmost_subexpression_with_dot(),
614                );
615                self.word(".");
616                self.print_ident(*ident);
617            }
618            ast::ExprKind::Index(expr, index, _) => {
619                self.print_expr_cond_paren(
620                    expr,
621                    expr.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Unambiguous,
622                    fixup.leftmost_subexpression(),
623                );
624                self.word("[");
625                self.print_expr(index, FixupContext::default());
626                self.word("]");
627            }
628            ast::ExprKind::Range(start, end, limits) => {
629                // Special case for `Range`. `AssocOp` claims that `Range` has higher precedence
630                // than `Assign`, but `x .. x = x` gives a parse error instead of `x .. (x = x)`.
631                // Here we use a fake precedence value so that any child with lower precedence than
632                // a "normal" binop gets parenthesized. (`LOr` is the lowest-precedence binop.)
633                let fake_prec = ExprPrecedence::LOr;
634                if let Some(e) = start {
635                    self.print_expr_cond_paren(
636                        e,
637                        e.precedence() < fake_prec,
638                        fixup.leftmost_subexpression(),
639                    );
640                }
641                match limits {
642                    ast::RangeLimits::HalfOpen => self.word(".."),
643                    ast::RangeLimits::Closed => self.word("..="),
644                }
645                if let Some(e) = end {
646                    self.print_expr_cond_paren(
647                        e,
648                        e.precedence() < fake_prec,
649                        fixup.subsequent_subexpression(),
650                    );
651                }
652            }
653            ast::ExprKind::Underscore => self.word("_"),
654            ast::ExprKind::Path(None, path) => self.print_path(path, true, 0),
655            ast::ExprKind::Path(Some(qself), path) => self.print_qpath(path, qself, true),
656            ast::ExprKind::Break(opt_label, opt_expr) => {
657                self.word("break");
658                if let Some(label) = opt_label {
659          ;
660                    self.print_ident(label.ident);
661                }
662                if let Some(expr) = opt_expr {
663          ;
664                    self.print_expr_cond_paren(
665                        expr,
666                        // Parenthesize if required by precedence, or in the
667                        // case of `break 'inner: loop { break 'inner 1 } + 1`
668                        expr.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Jump
669                            || (opt_label.is_none() && classify::leading_labeled_expr(expr)),
670                        fixup.subsequent_subexpression(),
671                    );
672                }
673            }
674            ast::ExprKind::Continue(opt_label) => {
675                self.word("continue");
676                if let Some(label) = opt_label {
677          ;
678                    self.print_ident(label.ident);
679                }
680            }
681            ast::ExprKind::Ret(result) => {
682                self.word("return");
683                if let Some(expr) = result {
684                    self.word(" ");
685                    self.print_expr_cond_paren(
686                        expr,
687                        expr.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Jump,
688                        fixup.subsequent_subexpression(),
689                    );
690                }
691            }
692            ast::ExprKind::Yeet(result) => {
693                self.word("do");
694                self.word(" ");
695                self.word("yeet");
696                if let Some(expr) = result {
697                    self.word(" ");
698                    self.print_expr_cond_paren(
699                        expr,
700                        expr.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Jump,
701                        fixup.subsequent_subexpression(),
702                    );
703                }
704            }
705            ast::ExprKind::Become(result) => {
706                self.word("become");
707                self.word(" ");
708                self.print_expr_cond_paren(
709                    result,
710                    result.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Jump,
711                    fixup.subsequent_subexpression(),
712                );
713            }
714            ast::ExprKind::InlineAsm(a) => {
715                // FIXME: Print `builtin # asm` once macro `asm` uses `builtin_syntax`.
716                self.word("asm!");
717                self.print_inline_asm(a);
718            }
719            ast::ExprKind::FormatArgs(fmt) => {
720                // FIXME: Print `builtin # format_args` once macro `format_args` uses `builtin_syntax`.
721                self.word("format_args!");
722                self.popen();
723                self.ibox(0);
724                self.word(reconstruct_format_args_template_string(&fmt.template));
725                for arg in fmt.arguments.all_args() {
726                    self.word_space(",");
727                    self.print_expr(&arg.expr, FixupContext::default());
728                }
729                self.end();
730                self.pclose();
731            }
732            ast::ExprKind::OffsetOf(container, fields) => {
733                self.word("builtin # offset_of");
734                self.popen();
735                self.ibox(0);
736                self.print_type(container);
737                self.word(",");
738      ;
740                if let Some((&first, rest)) = fields.split_first() {
741                    self.print_ident(first);
743                    for &field in rest {
744                        self.word(".");
745                        self.print_ident(field);
746                    }
747                }
748                self.end();
749                self.pclose();
750            }
751            ast::ExprKind::MacCall(m) => self.print_mac(m),
752            ast::ExprKind::Paren(e) => {
753                self.popen();
754                self.print_expr(e, FixupContext::default());
755                self.pclose();
756            }
757            ast::ExprKind::Yield(e) => {
758                self.word("yield");
760                if let Some(expr) = e {
761          ;
762                    self.print_expr_cond_paren(
763                        expr,
764                        expr.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Jump,
765                        fixup.subsequent_subexpression(),
766                    );
767                }
768            }
769            ast::ExprKind::Try(e) => {
770                self.print_expr_cond_paren(
771                    e,
772                    e.precedence() < ExprPrecedence::Unambiguous,
773                    fixup.leftmost_subexpression_with_dot(),
774                );
775                self.word("?")
776            }
777            ast::ExprKind::TryBlock(blk) => {
778                self.cbox(0);
779                self.ibox(0);
780                self.word_nbsp("try");
781                self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs)
782            }
783            ast::ExprKind::UnsafeBinderCast(kind, expr, ty) => {
784                self.word("builtin # ");
785                match kind {
786                    ast::UnsafeBinderCastKind::Wrap => self.word("wrap_binder"),
787                    ast::UnsafeBinderCastKind::Unwrap => self.word("unwrap_binder"),
788                }
789                self.popen();
790                self.ibox(0);
791                self.print_expr(expr, FixupContext::default());
793                if let Some(ty) = ty {
794                    self.word(",");
795          ;
796                    self.print_type(ty);
797                }
799                self.end();
800                self.pclose();
801            }
802            ast::ExprKind::Err(_) => {
803                self.popen();
804                self.word("/*ERROR*/");
805                self.pclose()
806            }
807            ast::ExprKind::Dummy => {
808                self.popen();
809                self.word("/*DUMMY*/");
810                self.pclose();
811            }
812        }
814, AnnNode::Expr(expr));
816        if needs_par {
817            self.pclose();
818        }
820        self.end();
821    }
823    fn print_arm(&mut self, arm: &ast::Arm) {
824        // Note, I have no idea why this check is necessary, but here it is.
825        if arm.attrs.is_empty() {
826  ;
827        }
828        self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT);
829        self.ibox(0);
830        self.maybe_print_comment(arm.pat.span.lo());
831        self.print_outer_attributes(&arm.attrs);
832        self.print_pat(&arm.pat);
834        if let Some(e) = &arm.guard {
835            self.word_space("if");
836            self.print_expr(e, FixupContext::default());
837  ;
838        }
840        if let Some(body) = &arm.body {
841            self.word_space("=>");
843            match &body.kind {
844                ast::ExprKind::Block(blk, opt_label) => {
845                    if let Some(label) = opt_label {
846                        self.print_ident(label.ident);
847                        self.word_space(":");
848                    }
850                    // The block will close the pattern's ibox.
851                    self.print_block_unclosed_indent(blk);
853                    // If it is a user-provided unsafe block, print a comma after it.
854                    if let BlockCheckMode::Unsafe(ast::UserProvided) = blk.rules {
855                        self.word(",");
856                    }
857                }
858                _ => {
859                    self.end(); // Close the ibox for the pattern.
860                    self.print_expr(body, FixupContext::new_match_arm());
861                    self.word(",");
862                }
863            }
864        } else {
865            self.word(",");
866        }
867        self.end(); // Close enclosing cbox.
868    }
870    fn print_closure_binder(&mut self, binder: &ast::ClosureBinder) {
871        match binder {
872            ast::ClosureBinder::NotPresent => {}
873            ast::ClosureBinder::For { generic_params, .. } => {
874                self.print_formal_generic_params(generic_params)
875            }
876        }
877    }
879    fn print_movability(&mut self, movability: ast::Movability) {
880        match movability {
881            ast::Movability::Static => self.word_space("static"),
882            ast::Movability::Movable => {}
883        }
884    }
886    fn print_capture_clause(&mut self, capture_clause: ast::CaptureBy) {
887        match capture_clause {
888            ast::CaptureBy::Value { .. } => self.word_space("move"),
889            ast::CaptureBy::Ref => {}
890        }
891    }
894fn reconstruct_format_args_template_string(pieces: &[FormatArgsPiece]) -> String {
895    let mut template = "\"".to_string();
896    for piece in pieces {
897        match piece {
898            FormatArgsPiece::Literal(s) => {
899                for c in s.as_str().chars() {
900                    template.extend(c.escape_debug());
901                    if let '{' | '}' = c {
902                        template.push(c);
903                    }
904                }
905            }
906            FormatArgsPiece::Placeholder(p) => {
907                template.push('{');
908                let (Ok(n) | Err(n)) = p.argument.index;
909                write!(template, "{n}").unwrap();
910                if p.format_options != Default::default() || p.format_trait != FormatTrait::Display
911                {
912                    template.push(':');
913                }
914                if let Some(fill) = p.format_options.fill {
915                    template.push(fill);
916                }
917                match p.format_options.alignment {
918                    Some(FormatAlignment::Left) => template.push('<'),
919                    Some(FormatAlignment::Right) => template.push('>'),
920                    Some(FormatAlignment::Center) => template.push('^'),
921                    None => {}
922                }
923                match p.format_options.sign {
924                    Some(FormatSign::Plus) => template.push('+'),
925                    Some(FormatSign::Minus) => template.push('-'),
926                    None => {}
927                }
928                if p.format_options.alternate {
929                    template.push('#');
930                }
931                if p.format_options.zero_pad {
932                    template.push('0');
933                }
934                if let Some(width) = &p.format_options.width {
935                    match width {
936                        FormatCount::Literal(n) => write!(template, "{n}").unwrap(),
937                        FormatCount::Argument(FormatArgPosition {
938                            index: Ok(n) | Err(n), ..
939                        }) => {
940                            write!(template, "{n}$").unwrap();
941                        }
942                    }
943                }
944                if let Some(precision) = &p.format_options.precision {
945                    template.push('.');
946                    match precision {
947                        FormatCount::Literal(n) => write!(template, "{n}").unwrap(),
948                        FormatCount::Argument(FormatArgPosition {
949                            index: Ok(n) | Err(n), ..
950                        }) => {
951                            write!(template, "{n}$").unwrap();
952                        }
953                    }
954                }
955                match p.format_options.debug_hex {
956                    Some(FormatDebugHex::Lower) => template.push('x'),
957                    Some(FormatDebugHex::Upper) => template.push('X'),
958                    None => {}
959                }
960                template.push_str(match p.format_trait {
961                    FormatTrait::Display => "",
962                    FormatTrait::Debug => "?",
963                    FormatTrait::LowerExp => "e",
964                    FormatTrait::UpperExp => "E",
965                    FormatTrait::Octal => "o",
966                    FormatTrait::Pointer => "p",
967                    FormatTrait::Binary => "b",
968                    FormatTrait::LowerHex => "x",
969                    FormatTrait::UpperHex => "X",
970                });
971                template.push('}');
972            }
973        }
974    }
975    template.push('"');
976    template