1//! Tidy check to ensure that rustdoc templates didn't forget a `{# #}` to strip extra whitespace
2//! characters.
4use std::ffi::OsStr;
5use std::path::Path;
7use ignore::DirEntry;
9use crate::walk::walk;
11// Array containing `("beginning of tag", "end of tag")`.
12const TAGS: &[(&str, &str)] = &[("{#", "#}"), ("{%", "%}"), ("{{", "}}")];
14pub fn check(librustdoc_path: &Path, bad: &mut bool) {
15 walk(
16 &librustdoc_path.join("html/templates"),
17 |path, is_dir| is_dir || !path.extension().is_some_and(|ext| ext == OsStr::new("html")),
18 &mut |path: &DirEntry, file_content: &str| {
19 let mut lines = file_content.lines().enumerate().peekable();
21 while let Some((pos, line)) = lines.next() {
22 let line = line.trim();
23 if let Some(need_next_line_check) = TAGS.iter().find_map(|(tag, end_tag)| {
24 // We first check if the line ends with a jinja tag.
25 if !line.ends_with(end_tag) {
26 return None;
27 // Then we check if this a comment tag.
28 } else if *tag != "{#" {
29 return Some(false);
30 // And finally we check if the comment is empty (ie, only there to strip
31 // extra whitespace characters).
32 } else if let Some(start_pos) = line.rfind(tag) {
33 Some(line[start_pos + 2..].trim() == "#}")
34 } else {
35 Some(false)
36 }
37 }) {
38 // All good, the line is ending is a jinja tag. But maybe this tag is useless
39 // if the next line starts with a jinja tag as well!
40 //
41 // However, only (empty) comment jinja tags are concerned about it.
42 if need_next_line_check
43 && lines.peek().is_some_and(|(_, next_line)| {
44 let next_line = next_line.trim_start();
45 TAGS.iter().any(|(tag, _)| next_line.starts_with(tag))
46 })
47 {
48 // It seems like ending this line with a jinja tag is not needed after all.
49 tidy_error!(
50 bad,
51 "`{}` at line {}: unneeded `{{# #}}` tag at the end of the line",
52 path.path().display(),
53 pos + 1,
54 );
55 }
56 continue;
57 }
58 let Some(next_line) = lines.peek().map(|(_, next_line)| next_line.trim()) else {
59 continue;
60 };
61 if TAGS.iter().any(|(tag, _)| next_line.starts_with(tag)) {
62 continue;
63 }
64 // Maybe this is a multi-line tag, let's filter it out then.
65 match TAGS.iter().find_map(|(tag, end_tag)| {
66 if line.rfind(tag).is_some() { Some(end_tag) } else { None }
67 }) {
68 None => {
69 // No it's not, let's error.
70 tidy_error!(
71 bad,
72 "`{}` at line {}: missing `{{# #}}` at the end of the line",
73 path.path().display(),
74 pos + 1,
75 );
76 }
77 Some(end_tag) => {
78 // We skip the tag.
79 while let Some((_, next_line)) = lines.peek() {
80 if next_line.contains(end_tag) {
81 break;
82 }
83 lines.next();
84 }
85 }
86 }
87 }
88 },
89 );