1//! Implements a map from allocation ranges to data. This is somewhat similar to RangeMap, but the
2//! ranges and data are discrete and non-splittable -- they represent distinct "objects". An
3//! allocation in the map will always have the same range until explicitly removed
5use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut, Range};
7use rustc_abi::Size;
8use rustc_const_eval::interpret::AllocRange;
10#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
11struct Elem<T> {
12 /// The range covered by this element; never empty.
13 range: AllocRange,
14 /// The data stored for this element.
15 data: T,
18/// Index of an allocation within the map
19type Position = usize;
21#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
22pub struct RangeObjectMap<T> {
23 v: Vec<Elem<T>>,
26#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
27pub enum AccessType {
28 /// The access perfectly overlaps (same offset and range) with the existing allocation
29 PerfectlyOverlapping(Position),
30 /// The access does not touch any existing allocation
31 Empty(Position),
32 /// The access overlaps with one or more existing allocations
33 ImperfectlyOverlapping(Range<Position>),
36impl<T> RangeObjectMap<T> {
37 pub fn new() -> Self {
38 Self { v: Vec::new() }
39 }
41 /// Finds the position of the allocation containing the given offset. If the offset is not
42 /// in an existing allocation, then returns Err containing the position
43 /// where such allocation should be inserted
44 fn find_offset(&self, offset: Size) -> Result<Position, Position> {
45 self.v.binary_search_by(|elem| -> std::cmp::Ordering {
46 if offset < elem.range.start {
47 // We are too far right (offset is further left).
48 // (`Greater` means that `elem` is greater than the desired target.)
49 std::cmp::Ordering::Greater
50 } else if offset >= elem.range.end() {
51 // We are too far left (offset is further right).
52 std::cmp::Ordering::Less
53 } else {
54 // This is it!
55 std::cmp::Ordering::Equal
56 }
57 })
58 }
60 /// Determines whether a given access on `range` overlaps with
61 /// an existing allocation
62 pub fn access_type(&self, range: AllocRange) -> AccessType {
63 match self.find_offset(range.start) {
64 Ok(pos) => {
65 // Start of the range belongs to an existing object, now let's check the overlapping situation
66 let elem = &self.v[pos];
67 // FIXME: derive Eq for AllocRange in rustc
68 if elem.range.start == range.start && elem.range.size == range.size {
69 // Happy case: perfectly overlapping access
70 AccessType::PerfectlyOverlapping(pos)
71 } else {
72 // FIXME: add a last() method to AllocRange that returns the last inclusive offset (end() is exclusive)
73 let end_pos = match self.find_offset(range.end() - Size::from_bytes(1)) {
74 // If the end lands in an existing object, add one to get the exclusive position
75 Ok(inclusive_pos) => inclusive_pos + 1,
76 Err(exclusive_pos) => exclusive_pos,
77 };
79 AccessType::ImperfectlyOverlapping(pos..end_pos)
80 }
81 }
82 Err(pos) => {
83 // Start of the range doesn't belong to an existing object
84 match self.find_offset(range.end() - Size::from_bytes(1)) {
85 // Neither does the end
86 Err(end_pos) =>
87 if pos == end_pos {
88 // There's nothing between the start and the end, so the range thing is empty
89 AccessType::Empty(pos)
90 } else {
91 // Otherwise we have entirely covered an existing object
92 AccessType::ImperfectlyOverlapping(pos..end_pos)
93 },
94 // Otherwise at least part of it overlaps with something else
95 Ok(end_pos) => AccessType::ImperfectlyOverlapping(pos..end_pos + 1),
96 }
97 }
98 }
99 }
101 /// Inserts an object and its occupied range at given position
102 // The Position can be calculated from AllocRange, but the only user of AllocationMap
103 // always calls access_type before calling insert/index/index_mut, and we don't
104 // want to repeat the binary search on each time, so we ask the caller to supply Position
105 pub fn insert_at_pos(&mut self, pos: Position, range: AllocRange, data: T) {
106 self.v.insert(pos, Elem { range, data });
107 // If we aren't the first element, then our start must be greater than the previous element's end
108 if pos > 0 {
109 assert!(self.v[pos - 1].range.end() <= range.start);
110 }
111 // If we aren't the last element, then our end must be smaller than next element's start
112 if pos < self.v.len() - 1 {
113 assert!(range.end() <= self.v[pos + 1].range.start);
114 }
115 }
117 pub fn remove_pos_range(&mut self, pos_range: Range<Position>) {
118 self.v.drain(pos_range);
119 }
121 pub fn remove_from_pos(&mut self, pos: Position) {
122 self.v.remove(pos);
123 }
125 pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> {
126 self.v.iter().map(|e| &e.data)
127 }
130impl<T> Index<Position> for RangeObjectMap<T> {
131 type Output = T;
133 fn index(&self, pos: Position) -> &Self::Output {
134 &self.v[pos].data
135 }
138impl<T> IndexMut<Position> for RangeObjectMap<T> {
139 fn index_mut(&mut self, pos: Position) -> &mut Self::Output {
140 &mut self.v[pos].data
141 }
145mod tests {
146 use rustc_const_eval::interpret::alloc_range;
148 use super::*;
150 #[test]
151 fn empty_map() {
152 // FIXME: make Size::from_bytes const
153 let four = Size::from_bytes(4);
154 let map = RangeObjectMap::<()>::new();
156 // Correctly tells where we should insert the first element (at position 0)
157 assert_eq!(map.find_offset(Size::from_bytes(3)), Err(0));
159 // Correctly tells the access type along with the supposed position
160 assert_eq!(map.access_type(alloc_range(Size::ZERO, four)), AccessType::Empty(0));
161 }
163 #[test]
164 #[should_panic]
165 fn no_overlapping_inserts() {
166 let four = Size::from_bytes(4);
168 let mut map = RangeObjectMap::<&str>::new();
170 // |_|_|_|_|#|#|#|#|_|_|_|_|...
171 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d
172 map.insert_at_pos(0, alloc_range(four, four), "#");
173 // |_|_|_|_|#|#|#|#|_|_|_|_|...
174 // 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d
175 map.insert_at_pos(0, alloc_range(Size::from_bytes(1), four), "@");
176 }
178 #[test]
179 fn boundaries() {
180 let four = Size::from_bytes(4);
182 let mut map = RangeObjectMap::<&str>::new();
184 // |#|#|#|#|_|_|...
185 // 0 1 2 3 4 5
186 map.insert_at_pos(0, alloc_range(Size::ZERO, four), "#");
187 // |#|#|#|#|_|_|...
188 // 0 1 2 3 ^ 5
189 assert_eq!(map.find_offset(four), Err(1));
190 // |#|#|#|#|_|_|_|_|_|...
191 // 0 1 2 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ 8
192 assert_eq!(map.access_type(alloc_range(four, four)), AccessType::Empty(1));
194 let eight = Size::from_bytes(8);
195 // |#|#|#|#|_|_|_|_|@|@|@|@|_|_|...
196 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d
197 map.insert_at_pos(1, alloc_range(eight, four), "@");
198 // |#|#|#|#|_|_|_|_|@|@|@|@|_|_|...
199 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ 8 9 a b c d
200 assert_eq!(map.find_offset(Size::from_bytes(7)), Err(1));
201 // |#|#|#|#|_|_|_|_|@|@|@|@|_|_|...
202 // 0 1 2 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ 8 9 a b c d
203 assert_eq!(map.access_type(alloc_range(four, four)), AccessType::Empty(1));
204 }
206 #[test]
207 fn perfectly_overlapping() {
208 let four = Size::from_bytes(4);
210 let mut map = RangeObjectMap::<&str>::new();
212 // |#|#|#|#|_|_|...
213 // 0 1 2 3 4 5
214 map.insert_at_pos(0, alloc_range(Size::ZERO, four), "#");
215 // |#|#|#|#|_|_|...
216 // ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 5
217 assert_eq!(map.find_offset(Size::ZERO), Ok(0));
218 assert_eq!(
219 map.access_type(alloc_range(Size::ZERO, four)),
220 AccessType::PerfectlyOverlapping(0)
221 );
223 // |#|#|#|#|@|@|@|@|_|...
224 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
225 map.insert_at_pos(1, alloc_range(four, four), "@");
226 // |#|#|#|#|@|@|@|@|_|...
227 // 0 1 2 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ 8
228 assert_eq!(map.find_offset(four), Ok(1));
229 assert_eq!(map.access_type(alloc_range(four, four)), AccessType::PerfectlyOverlapping(1));
230 }
232 #[test]
233 fn straddling() {
234 let four = Size::from_bytes(4);
236 let mut map = RangeObjectMap::<&str>::new();
238 // |_|_|_|_|#|#|#|#|_|_|_|_|...
239 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d
240 map.insert_at_pos(0, alloc_range(four, four), "#");
241 // |_|_|_|_|#|#|#|#|_|_|_|_|...
242 // 0 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ 6 7 8 9 a b c d
243 assert_eq!(
244 map.access_type(alloc_range(Size::from_bytes(2), four)),
245 AccessType::ImperfectlyOverlapping(0..1)
246 );
247 // |_|_|_|_|#|#|#|#|_|_|_|_|...
248 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ a b c d
249 assert_eq!(
250 map.access_type(alloc_range(Size::from_bytes(6), four)),
251 AccessType::ImperfectlyOverlapping(0..1)
252 );
253 // |_|_|_|_|#|#|#|#|_|_|_|_|...
254 // 0 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a b c d
255 assert_eq!(
256 map.access_type(alloc_range(Size::from_bytes(2), Size::from_bytes(8))),
257 AccessType::ImperfectlyOverlapping(0..1)
258 );
260 // |_|_|_|_|#|#|#|#|_|_|@|@|_|_|...
261 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d
262 map.insert_at_pos(1, alloc_range(Size::from_bytes(10), Size::from_bytes(2)), "@");
263 // |_|_|_|_|#|#|#|#|_|_|@|@|_|_|...
264 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
265 assert_eq!(
266 map.access_type(alloc_range(Size::from_bytes(6), Size::from_bytes(8))),
267 AccessType::ImperfectlyOverlapping(0..2)
268 );
269 }