
1use rustc_ast::{ast, ptr};
2use rustc_span::Span;
3use thin_vec::thin_vec;
4use tracing::debug;
6use crate::attr::get_attrs_from_stmt;
7use crate::config::StyleEdition;
8use crate::config::lists::*;
9use crate::expr::{block_contains_comment, is_simple_block, is_unsafe_block, rewrite_cond};
10use crate::items::{span_hi_for_param, span_lo_for_param};
11use crate::lists::{ListFormatting, Separator, definitive_tactic, itemize_list, write_list};
12use crate::overflow::OverflowableItem;
13use crate::rewrite::{Rewrite, RewriteContext, RewriteError, RewriteErrorExt, RewriteResult};
14use crate::shape::Shape;
15use crate::source_map::SpanUtils;
16use crate::types::rewrite_bound_params;
17use crate::utils::{NodeIdExt, last_line_width, left_most_sub_expr, stmt_expr};
19// This module is pretty messy because of the rules around closures and blocks:
20// FIXME - the below is probably no longer true in full.
21//   * if there is a return type, then there must be braces,
22//   * given a closure with braces, whether that is parsed to give an inner block
23//     or not depends on if there is a return type and if there are statements
24//     in that block,
25//   * if the first expression in the body ends with a block (i.e., is a
26//     statement without needing a semi-colon), then adding or removing braces
27//     can change whether it is treated as an expression or statement.
29pub(crate) fn rewrite_closure(
30    binder: &ast::ClosureBinder,
31    constness: ast::Const,
32    capture: ast::CaptureBy,
33    coroutine_kind: &Option<ast::CoroutineKind>,
34    movability: ast::Movability,
35    fn_decl: &ast::FnDecl,
36    body: &ast::Expr,
37    span: Span,
38    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
39    shape: Shape,
40) -> RewriteResult {
41    debug!("rewrite_closure {:?}", body);
43    let (prefix, extra_offset) = rewrite_closure_fn_decl(
44        binder,
45        constness,
46        capture,
47        coroutine_kind,
48        movability,
49        fn_decl,
50        body,
51        span,
52        context,
53        shape,
54    )?;
55    // 1 = space between `|...|` and body.
56    let body_shape = shape
57        .offset_left(extra_offset)
58        .max_width_error(shape.width, span)?;
60    if let ast::ExprKind::Block(ref block, _) = body.kind {
61        // The body of the closure is an empty block.
62        if block.stmts.is_empty() && !block_contains_comment(context, block) {
63            return body
64                .rewrite_result(context, shape)
65                .map(|s| format!("{} {}", prefix, s));
66        }
68        let result = match fn_decl.output {
69            ast::FnRetTy::Default(_) if !context.inside_macro() => {
70                try_rewrite_without_block(body, &prefix, context, shape, body_shape)
71            }
72            _ => Err(RewriteError::Unknown),
73        };
75        result.or_else(|_| {
76            // Either we require a block, or tried without and failed.
77            rewrite_closure_block(block, &prefix, context, body_shape)
78        })
79    } else {
80        rewrite_closure_expr(body, &prefix, context, body_shape).or_else(|_| {
81            // The closure originally had a non-block expression, but we can't fit on
82            // one line, so we'll insert a block.
83            rewrite_closure_with_block(body, &prefix, context, body_shape)
84        })
85    }
88fn try_rewrite_without_block(
89    expr: &ast::Expr,
90    prefix: &str,
91    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
92    shape: Shape,
93    body_shape: Shape,
94) -> RewriteResult {
95    let expr = get_inner_expr(expr, prefix, context);
97    if is_block_closure_forced(context, expr) {
98        rewrite_closure_with_block(expr, prefix, context, shape)
99    } else {
100        rewrite_closure_expr(expr, prefix, context, body_shape)
101    }
104fn get_inner_expr<'a>(
105    expr: &'a ast::Expr,
106    prefix: &str,
107    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
108) -> &'a ast::Expr {
109    if let ast::ExprKind::Block(ref block, _) = expr.kind {
110        if !needs_block(block, prefix, context) {
111            // block.stmts.len() == 1 except with `|| {{}}`;
112            //
113            if let Some(expr) = block.stmts.first().and_then(stmt_expr) {
114                return get_inner_expr(expr, prefix, context);
115            }
116        }
117    }
119    expr
122// Figure out if a block is necessary.
123fn needs_block(block: &ast::Block, prefix: &str, context: &RewriteContext<'_>) -> bool {
124    let has_attributes = block.stmts.first().map_or(false, |first_stmt| {
125        !get_attrs_from_stmt(first_stmt).is_empty()
126    });
128    is_unsafe_block(block)
129        || block.stmts.len() > 1
130        || has_attributes
131        || block_contains_comment(context, block)
132        || prefix.contains('\n')
135fn veto_block(e: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
136    match e.kind {
137        ast::ExprKind::Call(..)
138        | ast::ExprKind::Binary(..)
139        | ast::ExprKind::Cast(..)
140        | ast::ExprKind::Type(..)
141        | ast::ExprKind::Assign(..)
142        | ast::ExprKind::AssignOp(..)
143        | ast::ExprKind::Field(..)
144        | ast::ExprKind::Index(..)
145        | ast::ExprKind::Range(..)
146        | ast::ExprKind::Try(..) => true,
147        _ => false,
148    }
151// Rewrite closure with a single expression wrapping its body with block.
152// || { #[attr] foo() } -> Block { #[attr] foo() }
153fn rewrite_closure_with_block(
154    body: &ast::Expr,
155    prefix: &str,
156    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
157    shape: Shape,
158) -> RewriteResult {
159    let left_most = left_most_sub_expr(body);
160    let veto_block = veto_block(body) && !expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(left_most);
161    if veto_block {
162        return Err(RewriteError::Unknown);
163    }
165    let block = ast::Block {
166        stmts: thin_vec![ast::Stmt {
167            id: ast::NodeId::root(),
168            kind: ast::StmtKind::Expr(ptr::P(body.clone())),
169            span: body.span,
170        }],
171        id: ast::NodeId::root(),
172        rules: ast::BlockCheckMode::Default,
173        tokens: None,
174        span: body
175            .attrs
176            .first()
177            .map(|attr|
178            .unwrap_or(body.span),
179        could_be_bare_literal: false,
180    };
181    let block = crate::expr::rewrite_block_with_visitor(
182        context,
183        "",
184        &block,
185        Some(&body.attrs),
186        None,
187        shape,
188        false,
189    )?;
190    Ok(format!("{prefix} {block}"))
193// Rewrite closure with a single expression without wrapping its body with block.
194fn rewrite_closure_expr(
195    expr: &ast::Expr,
196    prefix: &str,
197    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
198    shape: Shape,
199) -> RewriteResult {
200    fn allow_multi_line(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
201        match expr.kind {
202            ast::ExprKind::Match(..)
203            | ast::ExprKind::Gen(..)
204            | ast::ExprKind::Block(..)
205            | ast::ExprKind::TryBlock(..)
206            | ast::ExprKind::Loop(..)
207            | ast::ExprKind::Struct(..) => true,
209            ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(_, _, ref expr)
210            | ast::ExprKind::Try(ref expr)
211            | ast::ExprKind::Unary(_, ref expr)
212            | ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, _) => allow_multi_line(expr),
214            _ => false,
215        }
216    }
218    // When rewriting closure's body without block, we require it to fit in a single line
219    // unless it is a block-like expression or we are inside macro call.
220    let veto_multiline = (!allow_multi_line(expr) && !context.inside_macro())
221        || context.config.force_multiline_blocks();
222    expr.rewrite_result(context, shape)
223        .and_then(|rw| {
224            if veto_multiline && rw.contains('\n') {
225                Err(RewriteError::Unknown)
226            } else {
227                Ok(rw)
228            }
229        })
230        .map(|rw| format!("{} {}", prefix, rw))
233// Rewrite closure whose body is block.
234fn rewrite_closure_block(
235    block: &ast::Block,
236    prefix: &str,
237    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
238    shape: Shape,
239) -> RewriteResult {
240    Ok(format!(
241        "{} {}",
242        prefix,
243        block.rewrite_result(context, shape)?
244    ))
247// Return type is (prefix, extra_offset)
248fn rewrite_closure_fn_decl(
249    binder: &ast::ClosureBinder,
250    constness: ast::Const,
251    capture: ast::CaptureBy,
252    coroutine_kind: &Option<ast::CoroutineKind>,
253    movability: ast::Movability,
254    fn_decl: &ast::FnDecl,
255    body: &ast::Expr,
256    span: Span,
257    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
258    shape: Shape,
259) -> Result<(String, usize), RewriteError> {
260    let binder = match binder {
261        ast::ClosureBinder::For { generic_params, .. } if generic_params.is_empty() => {
262            "for<> ".to_owned()
263        }
264        ast::ClosureBinder::For { generic_params, .. } => {
265            let lifetime_str =
266                rewrite_bound_params(context, shape, generic_params).unknown_error()?;
267            format!("for<{lifetime_str}> ")
268        }
269        ast::ClosureBinder::NotPresent => "".to_owned(),
270    };
272    let const_ = if matches!(constness, ast::Const::Yes(_)) {
273        "const "
274    } else {
275        ""
276    };
278    let immovable = if movability == ast::Movability::Static {
279        "static "
280    } else {
281        ""
282    };
283    let coro = match coroutine_kind {
284        Some(ast::CoroutineKind::Async { .. }) => "async ",
285        Some(ast::CoroutineKind::Gen { .. }) => "gen ",
286        Some(ast::CoroutineKind::AsyncGen { .. }) => "async gen ",
287        None => "",
288    };
289    let mover = if matches!(capture, ast::CaptureBy::Value { .. }) {
290        "move "
291    } else {
292        ""
293    };
294    // 4 = "|| {".len(), which is overconservative when the closure consists of
295    // a single expression.
296    let nested_shape = shape
297        .shrink_left(binder.len() + const_.len() + immovable.len() + coro.len() + mover.len())
298        .and_then(|shape| shape.sub_width(4))
299        .max_width_error(shape.width, span)?;
301    // 1 = |
302    let param_offset = nested_shape.indent + 1;
303    let param_shape = nested_shape
304        .offset_left(1)
305        .max_width_error(nested_shape.width, span)?
306        .visual_indent(0);
307    let ret_str = fn_decl.output.rewrite_result(context, param_shape)?;
309    let param_items = itemize_list(
310        context.snippet_provider,
311        fn_decl.inputs.iter(),
312        "|",
313        ",",
314        |param| span_lo_for_param(param),
315        |param| span_hi_for_param(context, param),
316        |param| param.rewrite_result(context, param_shape),
317        context.snippet_provider.span_after(span, "|"),
318        body.span.lo(),
319        false,
320    );
321    let item_vec = param_items.collect::<Vec<_>>();
322    // 1 = space between parameters and return type.
323    let horizontal_budget = nested_shape.width.saturating_sub(ret_str.len() + 1);
324    let tactic = definitive_tactic(
325        &item_vec,
326        ListTactic::HorizontalVertical,
327        Separator::Comma,
328        horizontal_budget,
329    );
330    let param_shape = match tactic {
331        DefinitiveListTactic::Horizontal => param_shape
332            .sub_width(ret_str.len() + 1)
333            .max_width_error(param_shape.width, span)?,
334        _ => param_shape,
335    };
337    let fmt = ListFormatting::new(param_shape, context.config)
338        .tactic(tactic)
339        .preserve_newline(true);
340    let list_str = write_list(&item_vec, &fmt)?;
341    let mut prefix = format!("{binder}{const_}{immovable}{coro}{mover}|{list_str}|");
343    if !ret_str.is_empty() {
344        if prefix.contains('\n') {
345            prefix.push('\n');
346            prefix.push_str(&param_offset.to_string(context.config));
347        } else {
348            prefix.push(' ');
349        }
350        prefix.push_str(&ret_str);
351    }
352    // 1 = space between `|...|` and body.
353    let extra_offset = last_line_width(&prefix) + 1;
355    Ok((prefix, extra_offset))
358// Rewriting closure which is placed at the end of the function call's arg.
359// Returns `None` if the reformatted closure 'looks bad'.
360pub(crate) fn rewrite_last_closure(
361    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
362    expr: &ast::Expr,
363    shape: Shape,
364) -> RewriteResult {
365    if let ast::ExprKind::Closure(ref closure) = expr.kind {
366        let ast::Closure {
367            ref binder,
368            constness,
369            capture_clause,
370            ref coroutine_kind,
371            movability,
372            ref fn_decl,
373            ref body,
374            fn_decl_span: _,
375            fn_arg_span: _,
376        } = **closure;
377        let body = match body.kind {
378            ast::ExprKind::Block(ref block, _)
379                if !is_unsafe_block(block)
380                    && !context.inside_macro()
381                    && is_simple_block(context, block, Some(&body.attrs)) =>
382            {
383                stmt_expr(&block.stmts[0]).unwrap_or(body)
384            }
385            _ => body,
386        };
387        let (prefix, extra_offset) = rewrite_closure_fn_decl(
388            binder,
389            constness,
390            capture_clause,
391            coroutine_kind,
392            movability,
393            fn_decl,
394            body,
395            expr.span,
396            context,
397            shape,
398        )?;
399        // If the closure goes multi line before its body, do not overflow the closure.
400        if prefix.contains('\n') {
401            return Err(RewriteError::Unknown);
402        }
404        let body_shape = shape
405            .offset_left(extra_offset)
406            .max_width_error(shape.width, expr.span)?;
408        // We force to use block for the body of the closure for certain kinds of expressions.
409        if is_block_closure_forced(context, body) {
410            return rewrite_closure_with_block(body, &prefix, context, body_shape).map(
411                |body_str| {
412                    match fn_decl.output {
413                        ast::FnRetTy::Default(..) if body_str.lines().count() <= 7 => {
414                            // If the expression can fit in a single line, we need not force block
415                            // closure.  However, if the closure has a return type, then we must
416                            // keep the blocks.
417                            match rewrite_closure_expr(body, &prefix, context, shape) {
418                                Ok(single_line_body_str)
419                                    if !single_line_body_str.contains('\n') =>
420                                {
421                                    single_line_body_str
422                                }
423                                _ => body_str,
424                            }
425                        }
426                        _ => body_str,
427                    }
428                },
429            );
430        }
432        // When overflowing the closure which consists of a single control flow expression,
433        // force to use block if its condition uses multi line.
434        let is_multi_lined_cond = rewrite_cond(context, body, body_shape).map_or(false, |cond| {
435            cond.contains('\n') || cond.len() > body_shape.width
436        });
437        if is_multi_lined_cond {
438            return rewrite_closure_with_block(body, &prefix, context, body_shape);
439        }
441        // Seems fine, just format the closure in usual manner.
442        return expr.rewrite_result(context, shape);
443    }
444    Err(RewriteError::Unknown)
447/// Returns `true` if the given vector of arguments has more than one `ast::ExprKind::Closure`.
448pub(crate) fn args_have_many_closure(args: &[OverflowableItem<'_>]) -> bool {
449    args.iter()
450        .filter_map(OverflowableItem::to_expr)
451        .filter(|expr| matches!(expr.kind, ast::ExprKind::Closure(..)))
452        .count()
453        > 1
456fn is_block_closure_forced(context: &RewriteContext<'_>, expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
457    // If we are inside macro, we do not want to add or remove block from closure body.
458    if context.inside_macro() {
459        false
460    } else {
461        is_block_closure_forced_inner(expr, context.config.style_edition())
462    }
465fn is_block_closure_forced_inner(expr: &ast::Expr, style_edition: StyleEdition) -> bool {
466    match expr.kind {
467        ast::ExprKind::If(..) | ast::ExprKind::While(..) | ast::ExprKind::ForLoop { .. } => true,
468        ast::ExprKind::Loop(..) if style_edition >= StyleEdition::Edition2024 => true,
469        ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(_, _, ref expr)
470        | ast::ExprKind::Try(ref expr)
471        | ast::ExprKind::Unary(_, ref expr)
472        | ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, _) => is_block_closure_forced_inner(expr, style_edition),
473        _ => false,
474    }
477/// Does this expression require a semicolon to be treated
478/// as a statement? The negation of this: 'can this expression
479/// be used as a statement without a semicolon' -- is used
480/// as an early-bail-out in the parser so that, for instance,
481///     if true {...} else {...}
482///      |x| 5
483/// isn't parsed as (if true {...} else {...} | x) | 5
484// From
485fn expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(e: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
486    match e.kind {
487        ast::ExprKind::If(..)
488        | ast::ExprKind::Match(..)
489        | ast::ExprKind::Block(..)
490        | ast::ExprKind::While(..)
491        | ast::ExprKind::Loop(..)
492        | ast::ExprKind::ForLoop { .. }
493        | ast::ExprKind::TryBlock(..) => false,
494        _ => true,
495    }