
1//! Reorder items.
3//! `mod`, `extern crate` and `use` declarations are reordered in alphabetical
4//! order. Trait items are reordered in pre-determined order (associated types
5//! and constants comes before methods).
7// FIXME(#2455): Reorder trait items.
9use std::cmp::Ordering;
11use rustc_ast::{ast, attr};
12use rustc_span::{Span, symbol::sym};
14use crate::config::{Config, GroupImportsTactic};
15use crate::imports::{UseSegmentKind, UseTree, normalize_use_trees_with_granularity};
16use crate::items::{is_mod_decl, rewrite_extern_crate, rewrite_mod};
17use crate::lists::{ListFormatting, ListItem, itemize_list, write_list};
18use crate::rewrite::{RewriteContext, RewriteErrorExt};
19use crate::shape::Shape;
20use crate::source_map::LineRangeUtils;
21use crate::spanned::Spanned;
22use crate::utils::{contains_skip, mk_sp};
23use crate::visitor::FmtVisitor;
25/// Choose the ordering between the given two items.
26fn compare_items(a: &ast::Item, b: &ast::Item) -> Ordering {
27    match (&a.kind, &b.kind) {
28        (&ast::ItemKind::Mod(..), &ast::ItemKind::Mod(..)) => {
29            a.ident.as_str().cmp(b.ident.as_str())
30        }
31        (&ast::ItemKind::ExternCrate(ref a_name), &ast::ItemKind::ExternCrate(ref b_name)) => {
32            // `extern crate foo as bar;`
33            //               ^^^ Comparing this.
34            let a_orig_name = a_name.unwrap_or(;
35            let b_orig_name = b_name.unwrap_or(;
36            let result = a_orig_name.as_str().cmp(b_orig_name.as_str());
37            if result != Ordering::Equal {
38                return result;
39            }
41            // `extern crate foo as bar;`
42            //                      ^^^ Comparing this.
43            match (a_name, b_name) {
44                (Some(..), None) => Ordering::Greater,
45                (None, Some(..)) => Ordering::Less,
46                (None, None) => Ordering::Equal,
47                (Some(..), Some(..)) => a.ident.as_str().cmp(b.ident.as_str()),
48            }
49        }
50        _ => unreachable!(),
51    }
54fn wrap_reorderable_items(
55    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
56    list_items: &[ListItem],
57    shape: Shape,
58) -> Option<String> {
59    let fmt = ListFormatting::new(shape, context.config)
60        .separator("")
61        .align_comments(false);
62    write_list(list_items, &fmt).ok()
65fn rewrite_reorderable_item(
66    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
67    item: &ast::Item,
68    shape: Shape,
69) -> Option<String> {
70    match item.kind {
71        ast::ItemKind::ExternCrate(..) => rewrite_extern_crate(context, item, shape),
72        ast::ItemKind::Mod(..) => rewrite_mod(context, item, shape),
73        _ => None,
74    }
77/// Rewrite a list of items with reordering and/or regrouping. Every item
78/// in `items` must have the same `ast::ItemKind`. Whether reordering, regrouping,
79/// or both are done is determined from the `context`.
80fn rewrite_reorderable_or_regroupable_items(
81    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
82    reorderable_items: &[&ast::Item],
83    shape: Shape,
84    span: Span,
85) -> Option<String> {
86    match reorderable_items[0].kind {
87        // FIXME: Remove duplicated code.
88        ast::ItemKind::Use(..) => {
89            let mut normalized_items: Vec<_> = reorderable_items
90                .iter()
91                .filter_map(|item| UseTree::from_ast_with_normalization(context, item))
92                .collect();
93            let cloned = normalized_items.clone();
94            // Add comments before merging.
95            let list_items = itemize_list(
96                context.snippet_provider,
97                cloned.iter(),
98                "",
99                ";",
100                |item| item.span().lo(),
101                |item| item.span().hi(),
102                |_item| Ok("".to_owned()),
103                span.lo(),
104                span.hi(),
105                false,
106            );
107            for (item, list_item) in normalized_items.iter_mut().zip(list_items) {
108                item.list_item = Some(list_item.clone());
109            }
110            normalized_items = normalize_use_trees_with_granularity(
111                normalized_items,
112                context.config.imports_granularity(),
113            );
115            let mut regrouped_items = match context.config.group_imports() {
116                GroupImportsTactic::Preserve | GroupImportsTactic::One => {
117                    vec![normalized_items]
118                }
119                GroupImportsTactic::StdExternalCrate => group_imports(normalized_items),
120            };
122            if context.config.reorder_imports() {
123                regrouped_items.iter_mut().for_each(|items| items.sort())
124            }
126            // 4 = "use ", 1 = ";"
127            let nested_shape = shape.offset_left(4)?.sub_width(1)?;
128            let item_vec: Vec<_> = regrouped_items
129                .into_iter()
130                .filter(|use_group| !use_group.is_empty())
131                .map(|use_group| {
132                    let item_vec: Vec<_> = use_group
133                        .into_iter()
134                        .map(|use_tree| {
135                            let item = use_tree.rewrite_top_level(context, nested_shape);
136                            if let Some(list_item) = use_tree.list_item {
137                                ListItem {
138                                    item: item,
139                                    ..list_item
140                                }
141                            } else {
142                                ListItem::from_item(item)
143                            }
144                        })
145                        .collect();
146                    wrap_reorderable_items(context, &item_vec, nested_shape)
147                })
148                .collect::<Option<Vec<_>>>()?;
150            let join_string = format!("\n\n{}", shape.indent.to_string(context.config));
151            Some(item_vec.join(&join_string))
152        }
153        _ => {
154            let list_items = itemize_list(
155                context.snippet_provider,
156                reorderable_items.iter(),
157                "",
158                ";",
159                |item| item.span().lo(),
160                |item| item.span().hi(),
161                |item| rewrite_reorderable_item(context, item, shape).unknown_error(),
162                span.lo(),
163                span.hi(),
164                false,
165            );
167            let mut item_pair_vec: Vec<_> =;
168            item_pair_vec.sort_by(|a, b| compare_items(a.1, b.1));
169            let item_vec: Vec<_> = item_pair_vec.into_iter().map(|pair| pair.0).collect();
171            wrap_reorderable_items(context, &item_vec, shape)
172        }
173    }
176fn contains_macro_use_attr(item: &ast::Item) -> bool {
177    attr::contains_name(&item.attrs, sym::macro_use)
180/// Divides imports into three groups, corresponding to standard, external
181/// and local imports. Sorts each subgroup.
182fn group_imports(uts: Vec<UseTree>) -> Vec<Vec<UseTree>> {
183    let mut std_imports = Vec::new();
184    let mut external_imports = Vec::new();
185    let mut local_imports = Vec::new();
187    for ut in uts.into_iter() {
188        if ut.path.is_empty() {
189            external_imports.push(ut);
190            continue;
191        }
192        match &ut.path[0].kind {
193            UseSegmentKind::Ident(id, _) => match id.as_ref() {
194                "std" | "alloc" | "core" => std_imports.push(ut),
195                _ => external_imports.push(ut),
196            },
197            UseSegmentKind::Slf(_) | UseSegmentKind::Super(_) | UseSegmentKind::Crate(_) => {
198                local_imports.push(ut)
199            }
200            // These are probably illegal here
201            UseSegmentKind::Glob | UseSegmentKind::List(_) => external_imports.push(ut),
202        }
203    }
205    vec![std_imports, external_imports, local_imports]
208/// A simplified version of `ast::ItemKind`.
209#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
210enum ReorderableItemKind {
211    ExternCrate,
212    Mod,
213    Use,
214    /// An item that cannot be reordered. Either has an unreorderable item kind
215    /// or an `macro_use` attribute.
216    Other,
219impl ReorderableItemKind {
220    fn from(item: &ast::Item) -> Self {
221        match item.kind {
222            _ if contains_macro_use_attr(item) | contains_skip(&item.attrs) => {
223                ReorderableItemKind::Other
224            }
225            ast::ItemKind::ExternCrate(..) => ReorderableItemKind::ExternCrate,
226            ast::ItemKind::Mod(..) if is_mod_decl(item) => ReorderableItemKind::Mod,
227            ast::ItemKind::Use(..) => ReorderableItemKind::Use,
228            _ => ReorderableItemKind::Other,
229        }
230    }
232    fn is_same_item_kind(self, item: &ast::Item) -> bool {
233        ReorderableItemKind::from(item) == self
234    }
236    fn is_reorderable(self, config: &Config) -> bool {
237        match self {
238            ReorderableItemKind::ExternCrate => config.reorder_imports(),
239            ReorderableItemKind::Mod => config.reorder_modules(),
240            ReorderableItemKind::Use => config.reorder_imports(),
241            ReorderableItemKind::Other => false,
242        }
243    }
245    fn is_regroupable(self, config: &Config) -> bool {
246        match self {
247            ReorderableItemKind::ExternCrate
248            | ReorderableItemKind::Mod
249            | ReorderableItemKind::Other => false,
250            ReorderableItemKind::Use => config.group_imports() != GroupImportsTactic::Preserve,
251        }
252    }
254    fn in_group(self, config: &Config) -> bool {
255        match self {
256            ReorderableItemKind::ExternCrate | ReorderableItemKind::Mod => true,
257            ReorderableItemKind::Use => config.group_imports() == GroupImportsTactic::Preserve,
258            ReorderableItemKind::Other => false,
259        }
260    }
263impl<'b, 'a: 'b> FmtVisitor<'a> {
264    /// Format items with the same item kind and reorder them, regroup them, or
265    /// both. If `in_group` is `true`, then the items separated by an empty line
266    /// will not be reordered together.
267    fn walk_reorderable_or_regroupable_items(
268        &mut self,
269        items: &[&ast::Item],
270        item_kind: ReorderableItemKind,
271        in_group: bool,
272    ) -> usize {
273        let mut last = self.psess.lookup_line_range(items[0].span());
274        let item_length = items
275            .iter()
276            .take_while(|ppi| {
277                item_kind.is_same_item_kind(&***ppi)
278                    && (!in_group || {
279                        let current = self.psess.lookup_line_range(ppi.span());
280                        let in_same_group = current.lo < last.hi + 2;
281                        last = current;
282                        in_same_group
283                    })
284            })
285            .count();
286        let items = &items[..item_length];
288        let at_least_one_in_file_lines = items
289            .iter()
290            .any(|item| !out_of_file_lines_range!(self, item.span));
292        if at_least_one_in_file_lines && !items.is_empty() {
293            let lo = items.first().unwrap().span().lo();
294            let hi = items.last().unwrap().span().hi();
295            let span = mk_sp(lo, hi);
296            let rw = rewrite_reorderable_or_regroupable_items(
297                &self.get_context(),
298                items,
299                self.shape(),
300                span,
301            );
302            self.push_rewrite(span, rw);
303        } else {
304            for item in items {
305                self.push_rewrite(item.span, None);
306            }
307        }
309        item_length
310    }
312    /// Visits and format the given items. Items are reordered If they are
313    /// consecutive and reorderable.
314    pub(crate) fn visit_items_with_reordering(&mut self, mut items: &[&ast::Item]) {
315        while !items.is_empty() {
316            // If the next item is a `use`, `extern crate` or `mod`, then extract it and any
317            // subsequent items that have the same item kind to be reordered within
318            // `walk_reorderable_items`. Otherwise, just format the next item for output.
319            let item_kind = ReorderableItemKind::from(items[0]);
320            if item_kind.is_reorderable(self.config) || item_kind.is_regroupable(self.config) {
321                let visited_items_num = self.walk_reorderable_or_regroupable_items(
322                    items,
323                    item_kind,
324                    item_kind.in_group(self.config),
325                );
326                let (_, rest) = items.split_at(visited_items_num);
327                items = rest;
328            } else {
329                // Reaching here means items were not reordered. There must be at least
330                // one item left in `items`, so calling `unwrap()` here is safe.
331                let (item, rest) = items.split_first().unwrap();
332                self.visit_item(item);
333                items = rest;
334            }
335        }
336    }