1use crate::core::shell::Verbosity;
2use crate::core::{GitReference, Package, Workspace};
3use crate::ops;
4use crate::sources::path::PathSource;
5use crate::sources::PathEntry;
6use crate::sources::CRATES_IO_REGISTRY;
7use crate::util::cache_lock::CacheLockMode;
8use crate::util::{try_canonicalize, CargoResult, GlobalContext};
9use anyhow::{bail, Context as _};
10use cargo_util::{paths, Sha256};
11use serde::Serialize;
12use std::collections::HashSet;
13use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap};
14use std::ffi::OsStr;
15use std::fs::{self, File, OpenOptions};
16use std::io::{Read, Write};
17use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
19pub struct VendorOptions<'a> {
20 pub no_delete: bool,
21 pub versioned_dirs: bool,
22 pub destination: &'a Path,
23 pub extra: Vec<PathBuf>,
26pub fn vendor(ws: &Workspace<'_>, opts: &VendorOptions<'_>) -> CargoResult<()> {
27 let gctx = ws.gctx();
28 let mut extra_workspaces = Vec::new();
29 for extra in opts.extra.iter() {
30 let extra = gctx.cwd().join(extra);
31 let ws = Workspace::new(&extra, gctx)?;
32 extra_workspaces.push(ws);
33 }
34 let workspaces = extra_workspaces.iter().chain(Some(ws)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
35 let _lock = gctx.acquire_package_cache_lock(CacheLockMode::MutateExclusive)?;
36 let vendor_config = sync(gctx, &workspaces, opts).context("failed to sync")?;
38 if gctx.shell().verbosity() != Verbosity::Quiet {
39 if vendor_config.source.is_empty() {
40 crate::drop_eprintln!(gctx, "There is no dependency to vendor in this project.");
41 } else {
42 crate::drop_eprint!(
43 gctx,
44 "To use vendored sources, add this to your .cargo/config.toml for this project:\n\n"
45 );
46 crate::drop_print!(gctx, "{}", &toml::to_string_pretty(&vendor_config).unwrap());
47 }
48 }
50 Ok(())
54struct VendorConfig {
55 source: BTreeMap<String, VendorSource>,
59#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase", untagged)]
60enum VendorSource {
61 Directory {
62 directory: String,
63 },
64 Registry {
65 registry: Option<String>,
66 #[serde(rename = "replace-with")]
67 replace_with: String,
68 },
69 Git {
70 git: String,
71 branch: Option<String>,
72 tag: Option<String>,
73 rev: Option<String>,
74 #[serde(rename = "replace-with")]
75 replace_with: String,
76 },
79fn sync(
80 gctx: &GlobalContext,
81 workspaces: &[&Workspace<'_>],
82 opts: &VendorOptions<'_>,
83) -> CargoResult<VendorConfig> {
84 let dry_run = false;
85 let canonical_destination = try_canonicalize(opts.destination);
86 let canonical_destination = canonical_destination.as_deref().unwrap_or(opts.destination);
87 let dest_dir_already_exists = canonical_destination.exists();
89 paths::create_dir_all(&canonical_destination)?;
90 let mut to_remove = HashSet::new();
91 if !opts.no_delete {
92 for entry in canonical_destination.read_dir()? {
93 let entry = entry?;
94 if !entry
95 .file_name()
96 .to_str()
97 .map_or(false, |s| s.starts_with('.'))
98 {
99 to_remove.insert(entry.path());
100 }
101 }
102 }
104 for ws in workspaces {
116 let (packages, resolve) =
117 ops::resolve_ws(ws, dry_run).context("failed to load pkg lockfile")?;
119 packages
120 .get_many(resolve.iter())
121 .context("failed to download packages")?;
123 for pkg in resolve.iter() {
124 if pkg.source_id().is_path() {
126 if let Ok(path) = pkg.source_id().url().to_file_path() {
127 if let Ok(path) = try_canonicalize(path) {
128 to_remove.remove(&path);
129 }
130 }
131 continue;
132 }
133 if pkg.source_id().is_git() {
134 continue;
135 }
136 if let Ok(pkg) = packages.get_one(pkg) {
137 drop(fs::remove_dir_all(pkg.root()));
138 }
139 }
140 }
142 let mut checksums = HashMap::new();
143 let mut ids = BTreeMap::new();
145 for ws in workspaces {
148 let (packages, resolve) =
149 ops::resolve_ws(ws, dry_run).context("failed to load pkg lockfile")?;
151 packages
152 .get_many(resolve.iter())
153 .context("failed to download packages")?;
155 for pkg in resolve.iter() {
156 if pkg.source_id().is_path() {
159 continue;
160 }
161 ids.insert(
162 pkg,
163 packages
164 .get_one(pkg)
165 .context("failed to fetch package")?
166 .clone(),
167 );
169 checksums.insert(pkg, resolve.checksums().get(&pkg).cloned());
170 }
171 }
173 let mut versions = HashMap::new();
174 for id in ids.keys() {
175 let map = versions.entry(id.name()).or_insert_with(BTreeMap::default);
176 if let Some(prev) = map.get(&id.version()) {
177 bail!(
178 "found duplicate version of package `{} v{}` \
179 vendored from two sources:\n\
180 \n\
181 \tsource 1: {}\n\
182 \tsource 2: {}",
183 id.name(),
184 id.version(),
185 prev,
186 id.source_id()
187 );
188 }
189 map.insert(id.version(), id.source_id());
190 }
192 let mut sources = BTreeSet::new();
193 let mut tmp_buf = [0; 64 * 1024];
194 for (id, pkg) in ids.iter() {
195 let src = pkg.root();
197 let max_version = *versions[&id.name()].iter().rev().next().unwrap().0;
198 let dir_has_version_suffix = opts.versioned_dirs || id.version() != max_version;
199 let dst_name = if dir_has_version_suffix {
200 format!("{}-{}", id.name(), id.version())
202 } else {
203 id.name().to_string()
205 };
207 sources.insert(id.source_id());
208 let dst = canonical_destination.join(&dst_name);
209 to_remove.remove(&dst);
210 let cksum = dst.join(".cargo-checksum.json");
211 if dir_has_version_suffix && id.source_id().is_registry() && cksum.exists() {
214 continue;
216 }
218 gctx.shell().status(
219 "Vendoring",
220 &format!("{} ({}) to {}", id, src.to_string_lossy(), dst.display()),
221 )?;
223 let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&dst);
224 let pathsource = PathSource::new(src, id.source_id(), gctx);
225 let paths = pathsource.list_files(pkg)?;
226 let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
227 cp_sources(pkg, src, &paths, &dst, &mut map, &mut tmp_buf, gctx)
228 .with_context(|| format!("failed to copy over vendored sources for: {}", id))?;
230 let json = serde_json::json!({
232 "package": checksums.get(id),
233 "files": map,
234 });
236 paths::write(&cksum, json.to_string())?;
237 }
239 for path in to_remove {
240 if path.is_dir() {
241 paths::remove_dir_all(&path)?;
242 } else {
243 paths::remove_file(&path)?;
244 }
245 }
247 let mut config = BTreeMap::new();
250 let merged_source_name = "vendored-sources";
252 for source_id in sources {
254 let name = if source_id.is_crates_io() {
255 CRATES_IO_REGISTRY.to_string()
256 } else {
257 source_id.without_precise().as_url().to_string()
260 };
262 let source = if source_id.is_crates_io() {
263 VendorSource::Registry {
264 registry: None,
265 replace_with: merged_source_name.to_string(),
266 }
267 } else if source_id.is_remote_registry() {
268 let registry = source_id.url().to_string();
269 VendorSource::Registry {
270 registry: Some(registry),
271 replace_with: merged_source_name.to_string(),
272 }
273 } else if source_id.is_git() {
274 let mut branch = None;
275 let mut tag = None;
276 let mut rev = None;
277 if let Some(reference) = source_id.git_reference() {
278 match *reference {
279 GitReference::Branch(ref b) => branch = Some(b.clone()),
280 GitReference::Tag(ref t) => tag = Some(t.clone()),
281 GitReference::Rev(ref r) => rev = Some(r.clone()),
282 GitReference::DefaultBranch => {}
283 }
284 }
285 VendorSource::Git {
286 git: source_id.url().to_string(),
287 branch,
288 tag,
289 rev,
290 replace_with: merged_source_name.to_string(),
291 }
292 } else {
293 panic!("Invalid source ID: {}", source_id)
294 };
295 config.insert(name, source);
296 }
298 if !config.is_empty() {
299 config.insert(
300 merged_source_name.to_string(),
301 VendorSource::Directory {
302 directory: opts.destination.to_string_lossy().replace("\\", "/"),
306 },
307 );
308 } else if !dest_dir_already_exists {
309 paths::remove_dir(canonical_destination)?;
311 }
313 Ok(VendorConfig { source: config })
316fn cp_sources(
317 pkg: &Package,
318 src: &Path,
319 paths: &[PathEntry],
320 dst: &Path,
321 cksums: &mut BTreeMap<String, String>,
322 tmp_buf: &mut [u8],
323 gctx: &GlobalContext,
324) -> CargoResult<()> {
325 for p in paths {
326 let p = p.as_ref();
327 let relative = p.strip_prefix(&src).unwrap();
329 match relative.to_str() {
330 Some(".gitattributes" | ".gitignore" | ".git") => continue,
336 Some(".cargo-ok") => continue,
339 Some(filename) => {
343 if filename.ends_with(".orig") || filename.ends_with(".rej") {
344 continue;
345 }
346 }
347 _ => {}
348 };
350 let dst = relative
355 .iter()
356 .fold(dst.to_owned(), |acc, component| acc.join(&component));
358 paths::create_dir_all(dst.parent().unwrap())?;
359 let mut dst_opts = OpenOptions::new();
360 dst_opts.write(true).create(true).truncate(true);
361 let cksum = if dst.file_name() == Some(OsStr::new("Cargo.toml"))
366 && pkg.package_id().source_id().is_git()
367 {
368 let packaged_files = paths
369 .iter()
370 .map(|p| p.strip_prefix(src).unwrap().to_owned())
371 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
372 let vendored_pkg = prepare_for_vendor(pkg, &packaged_files, gctx)?;
373 let contents = vendored_pkg.manifest().to_normalized_contents()?;
374 copy_and_checksum(
375 &dst,
376 &mut dst_opts,
377 &mut contents.as_bytes(),
378 "Generated Cargo.toml",
379 tmp_buf,
380 )?
381 } else {
382 let mut src = File::open(&p).with_context(|| format!("failed to open {:?}", &p))?;
383 #[cfg(unix)]
384 {
385 use std::os::unix::fs::{MetadataExt, OpenOptionsExt};
386 let src_metadata = src
387 .metadata()
388 .with_context(|| format!("failed to stat {:?}", p))?;
389 dst_opts.mode(src_metadata.mode());
390 }
391 copy_and_checksum(
392 &dst,
393 &mut dst_opts,
394 &mut src,
395 &p.display().to_string(),
396 tmp_buf,
397 )?
398 };
400 cksums.insert(relative.to_str().unwrap().replace("\\", "/"), cksum);
401 }
402 Ok(())
405fn prepare_for_vendor(
411 me: &Package,
412 packaged_files: &[PathBuf],
413 gctx: &GlobalContext,
414) -> CargoResult<Package> {
415 let contents = me.manifest().contents();
416 let document = me.manifest().document();
417 let original_toml = prepare_toml_for_vendor(
418 me.manifest().normalized_toml().clone(),
419 packaged_files,
420 gctx,
421 )?;
422 let normalized_toml = original_toml.clone();
423 let features = me.manifest().unstable_features().clone();
424 let workspace_config = me.manifest().workspace_config().clone();
425 let source_id = me.package_id().source_id();
426 let mut warnings = Default::default();
427 let mut errors = Default::default();
428 let manifest = crate::util::toml::to_real_manifest(
429 contents.to_owned(),
430 document.clone(),
431 original_toml,
432 normalized_toml,
433 features,
434 workspace_config,
435 source_id,
436 me.manifest_path(),
437 me.manifest().is_embedded(),
438 gctx,
439 &mut warnings,
440 &mut errors,
441 )?;
442 let new_pkg = Package::new(manifest, me.manifest_path());
443 Ok(new_pkg)
446fn prepare_toml_for_vendor(
447 mut me: cargo_util_schemas::manifest::TomlManifest,
448 packaged_files: &[PathBuf],
449 gctx: &GlobalContext,
450) -> CargoResult<cargo_util_schemas::manifest::TomlManifest> {
451 let package = me
452 .package
453 .as_mut()
454 .expect("venedored manifests must have packages");
455 if let Some(cargo_util_schemas::manifest::StringOrBool::String(path)) = &package.build {
456 let path = paths::normalize_path(Path::new(path));
457 let included = packaged_files.contains(&path);
458 let build = if included {
459 let path = path
460 .into_os_string()
461 .into_string()
462 .map_err(|_err| anyhow::format_err!("non-UTF8 `package.build`"))?;
463 let path = crate::util::toml::normalize_path_string_sep(path);
464 cargo_util_schemas::manifest::StringOrBool::String(path)
465 } else {
466 gctx.shell().warn(format!(
467 "ignoring `package.build` as `{}` is not included in the published package",
468 path.display()
469 ))?;
470 cargo_util_schemas::manifest::StringOrBool::Bool(false)
471 };
472 package.build = Some(build);
473 }
475 let lib = if let Some(target) = &me.lib {
476 crate::util::toml::prepare_target_for_publish(
477 target,
478 Some(packaged_files),
479 "library",
480 gctx,
481 )?
482 } else {
483 None
484 };
485 let bin = crate::util::toml::prepare_targets_for_publish(
486 me.bin.as_ref(),
487 Some(packaged_files),
488 "binary",
489 gctx,
490 )?;
491 let example = crate::util::toml::prepare_targets_for_publish(
492 me.example.as_ref(),
493 Some(packaged_files),
494 "example",
495 gctx,
496 )?;
497 let test = crate::util::toml::prepare_targets_for_publish(
498 me.test.as_ref(),
499 Some(packaged_files),
500 "test",
501 gctx,
502 )?;
503 let bench = crate::util::toml::prepare_targets_for_publish(
504 me.bench.as_ref(),
505 Some(packaged_files),
506 "benchmark",
507 gctx,
508 )?;
510 me.lib = lib;
511 me.bin = bin;
512 me.example = example;
513 me.test = test;
514 me.bench = bench;
516 Ok(me)
519fn copy_and_checksum<T: Read>(
520 dst_path: &Path,
521 dst_opts: &mut OpenOptions,
522 contents: &mut T,
523 contents_path: &str,
524 buf: &mut [u8],
525) -> CargoResult<String> {
526 let mut dst = dst_opts
527 .open(dst_path)
528 .with_context(|| format!("failed to create {:?}", dst_path))?;
529 let mut cksum = Sha256::new();
532 loop {
533 let n = contents
534 .read(buf)
535 .with_context(|| format!("failed to read from {:?}", contents_path))?;
536 if n == 0 {
537 break Ok(cksum.finish_hex());
538 }
539 let data = &buf[..n];
540 cksum.update(data);
541 dst.write_all(data)
542 .with_context(|| format!("failed to write to {:?}", dst_path))?;
543 }