
1// This code used to be a part of `rustc` but moved to Clippy as a result of
2// Because of that, it contains unused code and some
3// of terminologies might not be relevant in the context of Clippy. Note that its behavior might
4// differ from the time of `rustc` even if the name stays the same.
6use crate::msrvs::{self, Msrv};
7use hir::LangItem;
8use rustc_attr_parsing::{RustcVersion, StableSince};
9use rustc_const_eval::check_consts::ConstCx;
10use rustc_hir as hir;
11use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
12use rustc_infer::infer::TyCtxtInferExt;
13use rustc_infer::traits::Obligation;
14use rustc_middle::mir::{
15    Body, CastKind, NonDivergingIntrinsic, NullOp, Operand, Place, ProjectionElem, Rvalue, Statement, StatementKind,
16    Terminator, TerminatorKind,
18use rustc_middle::traits::{BuiltinImplSource, ImplSource, ObligationCause};
19use rustc_middle::ty::adjustment::PointerCoercion;
20use rustc_middle::ty::{self, GenericArgKind, TraitRef, Ty, TyCtxt};
21use rustc_span::Span;
22use rustc_span::symbol::sym;
23use rustc_trait_selection::traits::{ObligationCtxt, SelectionContext};
24use std::borrow::Cow;
26type McfResult = Result<(), (Span, Cow<'static, str>)>;
28pub fn is_min_const_fn<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &Body<'tcx>, msrv: &Msrv) -> McfResult {
29    let def_id = body.source.def_id();
31    for local in &body.local_decls {
32        check_ty(tcx, local.ty, local.source_info.span, msrv)?;
33    }
34    // impl trait is gone in MIR, so check the return type manually
35    check_ty(
36        tcx,
37        tcx.fn_sig(def_id).instantiate_identity().output().skip_binder(),
38        body.local_decls.iter().next().unwrap().source_info.span,
39        msrv,
40    )?;
42    for bb in &*body.basic_blocks {
43        // Cleanup blocks are ignored entirely by const eval, so we can too:
44        //
45        if !bb.is_cleanup {
46            check_terminator(tcx, body, bb.terminator(), msrv)?;
47            for stmt in &bb.statements {
48                check_statement(tcx, body, def_id, stmt, msrv)?;
49            }
50        }
51    }
52    Ok(())
55fn check_ty<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>, span: Span, msrv: &Msrv) -> McfResult {
56    for arg in ty.walk() {
57        let ty = match arg.unpack() {
58            GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => ty,
60            // No constraints on lifetimes or constants, except potentially
61            // constants' types, but `walk` will get to them as well.
62            GenericArgKind::Lifetime(_) | GenericArgKind::Const(_) => continue,
63        };
65        match ty.kind() {
66            ty::Ref(_, _, hir::Mutability::Mut) if !msrv.meets(msrvs::CONST_MUT_REFS) => {
67                return Err((span, "mutable references in const fn are unstable".into()));
68            },
69            ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, ..) => return Err((span, "`impl Trait` in const fn is unstable".into())),
70            ty::FnPtr(..) => {
71                return Err((span, "function pointers in const fn are unstable".into()));
72            },
73            ty::Dynamic(preds, _, _) => {
74                for pred in *preds {
75                    match pred.skip_binder() {
76                        ty::ExistentialPredicate::AutoTrait(_) | ty::ExistentialPredicate::Projection(_) => {
77                            return Err((
78                                span,
79                                "trait bounds other than `Sized` \
80                                 on const fn parameters are unstable"
81                                    .into(),
82                            ));
83                        },
84                        ty::ExistentialPredicate::Trait(trait_ref) => {
85                            if Some(trait_ref.def_id) != tcx.lang_items().sized_trait() {
86                                return Err((
87                                    span,
88                                    "trait bounds other than `Sized` \
89                                     on const fn parameters are unstable"
90                                        .into(),
91                                ));
92                            }
93                        },
94                    }
95                }
96            },
97            _ => {},
98        }
99    }
100    Ok(())
103fn check_rvalue<'tcx>(
104    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
105    body: &Body<'tcx>,
106    def_id: DefId,
107    rvalue: &Rvalue<'tcx>,
108    span: Span,
109    msrv: &Msrv,
110) -> McfResult {
111    match rvalue {
112        Rvalue::ThreadLocalRef(_) => Err((span, "cannot access thread local storage in const fn".into())),
113        Rvalue::Len(place) | Rvalue::Discriminant(place) | Rvalue::Ref(_, _, place) | Rvalue::RawPtr(_, place) => {
114            check_place(tcx, *place, span, body, msrv)
115        },
116        Rvalue::CopyForDeref(place) => check_place(tcx, *place, span, body, msrv),
117        Rvalue::Repeat(operand, _)
118        | Rvalue::Use(operand)
119        | Rvalue::WrapUnsafeBinder(operand, _)
120        | Rvalue::Cast(
121            CastKind::PointerWithExposedProvenance
122            | CastKind::IntToInt
123            | CastKind::FloatToInt
124            | CastKind::IntToFloat
125            | CastKind::FloatToFloat
126            | CastKind::FnPtrToPtr
127            | CastKind::PtrToPtr
128            | CastKind::PointerCoercion(PointerCoercion::MutToConstPointer | PointerCoercion::ArrayToPointer, _),
129            operand,
130            _,
131        ) => check_operand(tcx, operand, span, body, msrv),
132        Rvalue::Cast(
133            CastKind::PointerCoercion(
134                PointerCoercion::UnsafeFnPointer
135                | PointerCoercion::ClosureFnPointer(_)
136                | PointerCoercion::ReifyFnPointer,
137                _,
138            ),
139            _,
140            _,
141        ) => Err((span, "function pointer casts are not allowed in const fn".into())),
142        Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::PointerCoercion(PointerCoercion::Unsize, _), op, cast_ty) => {
143            let Some(pointee_ty) = cast_ty.builtin_deref(true) else {
144                // We cannot allow this for now.
145                return Err((span, "unsizing casts are only allowed for references right now".into()));
146            };
147            let unsized_ty = tcx.struct_tail_for_codegen(pointee_ty, ty::TypingEnv::post_analysis(tcx, def_id));
148            if let ty::Slice(_) | ty::Str = unsized_ty.kind() {
149                check_operand(tcx, op, span, body, msrv)?;
150                // Casting/coercing things to slices is fine.
151                Ok(())
152            } else {
153                // We just can't allow trait objects until we have figured out trait method calls.
154                Err((span, "unsizing casts are not allowed in const fn".into()))
155            }
156        },
157        Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::PointerExposeProvenance, _, _) => {
158            Err((span, "casting pointers to ints is unstable in const fn".into()))
159        },
160        Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::PointerCoercion(PointerCoercion::DynStar, _), _, _) => {
161            // FIXME(dyn-star)
162            unimplemented!()
163        },
164        Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::Transmute, _, _) => Err((
165            span,
166            "transmute can attempt to turn pointers into integers, so is unstable in const fn".into(),
167        )),
168        // binops are fine on integers
169        Rvalue::BinaryOp(_, box (lhs, rhs)) => {
170            check_operand(tcx, lhs, span, body, msrv)?;
171            check_operand(tcx, rhs, span, body, msrv)?;
172            let ty = lhs.ty(body, tcx);
173            if ty.is_integral() || ty.is_bool() || ty.is_char() {
174                Ok(())
175            } else {
176                Err((
177                    span,
178                    "only int, `bool` and `char` operations are stable in const fn".into(),
179                ))
180            }
181        },
182        Rvalue::NullaryOp(
183            NullOp::SizeOf | NullOp::AlignOf | NullOp::OffsetOf(_) | NullOp::UbChecks | NullOp::ContractChecks,
184            _,
185        )
186        | Rvalue::ShallowInitBox(_, _) => Ok(()),
187        Rvalue::UnaryOp(_, operand) => {
188            let ty = operand.ty(body, tcx);
189            if ty.is_integral() || ty.is_bool() {
190                check_operand(tcx, operand, span, body, msrv)
191            } else {
192                Err((span, "only int and `bool` operations are stable in const fn".into()))
193            }
194        },
195        Rvalue::Aggregate(_, operands) => {
196            for operand in operands {
197                check_operand(tcx, operand, span, body, msrv)?;
198            }
199            Ok(())
200        },
201    }
204fn check_statement<'tcx>(
205    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
206    body: &Body<'tcx>,
207    def_id: DefId,
208    statement: &Statement<'tcx>,
209    msrv: &Msrv,
210) -> McfResult {
211    let span = statement.source_info.span;
212    match &statement.kind {
213        StatementKind::Assign(box (place, rval)) => {
214            check_place(tcx, *place, span, body, msrv)?;
215            check_rvalue(tcx, body, def_id, rval, span, msrv)
216        },
218        StatementKind::FakeRead(box (_, place)) => check_place(tcx, *place, span, body, msrv),
219        // just an assignment
220        StatementKind::SetDiscriminant { place, .. } | StatementKind::Deinit(place) => {
221            check_place(tcx, **place, span, body, msrv)
222        },
224        StatementKind::Intrinsic(box NonDivergingIntrinsic::Assume(op)) => check_operand(tcx, op, span, body, msrv),
226        StatementKind::Intrinsic(box NonDivergingIntrinsic::CopyNonOverlapping(
227            rustc_middle::mir::CopyNonOverlapping { dst, src, count },
228        )) => {
229            check_operand(tcx, dst, span, body, msrv)?;
230            check_operand(tcx, src, span, body, msrv)?;
231            check_operand(tcx, count, span, body, msrv)
232        },
233        // These are all NOPs
234        StatementKind::StorageLive(_)
235        | StatementKind::StorageDead(_)
236        | StatementKind::Retag { .. }
237        | StatementKind::AscribeUserType(..)
238        | StatementKind::PlaceMention(..)
239        | StatementKind::Coverage(..)
240        | StatementKind::ConstEvalCounter
241        | StatementKind::BackwardIncompatibleDropHint { .. }
242        | StatementKind::Nop => Ok(()),
243    }
246fn check_operand<'tcx>(
247    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
248    operand: &Operand<'tcx>,
249    span: Span,
250    body: &Body<'tcx>,
251    msrv: &Msrv,
252) -> McfResult {
253    match operand {
254        Operand::Move(place) => {
255            if !place.projection.as_ref().is_empty()
256                && !is_ty_const_destruct(tcx, place.ty(&body.local_decls, tcx).ty, body)
257            {
258                return Err((
259                    span,
260                    "cannot drop locals with a non constant destructor in const fn".into(),
261                ));
262            }
264            check_place(tcx, *place, span, body, msrv)
265        },
266        Operand::Copy(place) => check_place(tcx, *place, span, body, msrv),
267        Operand::Constant(c) => match c.check_static_ptr(tcx) {
268            Some(_) => Err((span, "cannot access `static` items in const fn".into())),
269            None => Ok(()),
270        },
271    }
274fn check_place<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, place: Place<'tcx>, span: Span, body: &Body<'tcx>, msrv: &Msrv) -> McfResult {
275    for (base, elem) in place.as_ref().iter_projections() {
276        match elem {
277            ProjectionElem::Field(..) => {
278                if base.ty(body, tcx).ty.is_union() && !msrv.meets(msrvs::CONST_FN_UNION) {
279                    return Err((span, "accessing union fields is unstable".into()));
280                }
281            },
282            ProjectionElem::Deref => match base.ty(body, tcx).ty.kind() {
283                ty::RawPtr(_, hir::Mutability::Mut) => {
284                    return Err((span, "dereferencing raw mut pointer in const fn is unstable".into()));
285                },
286                ty::RawPtr(_, hir::Mutability::Not) if !msrv.meets(msrvs::CONST_RAW_PTR_DEREF) => {
287                    return Err((span, "dereferencing raw const pointer in const fn is unstable".into()));
288                },
289                _ => (),
290            },
291            ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex { .. }
292            | ProjectionElem::OpaqueCast(..)
293            | ProjectionElem::Downcast(..)
294            | ProjectionElem::Subslice { .. }
295            | ProjectionElem::Subtype(_)
296            | ProjectionElem::Index(_)
297            | ProjectionElem::UnwrapUnsafeBinder(_) => {},
298        }
299    }
301    Ok(())
304fn check_terminator<'tcx>(
305    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
306    body: &Body<'tcx>,
307    terminator: &Terminator<'tcx>,
308    msrv: &Msrv,
309) -> McfResult {
310    let span = terminator.source_info.span;
311    match &terminator.kind {
312        TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { .. }
313        | TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { .. }
314        | TerminatorKind::Goto { .. }
315        | TerminatorKind::Return
316        | TerminatorKind::UnwindResume
317        | TerminatorKind::UnwindTerminate(_)
318        | TerminatorKind::Unreachable => Ok(()),
319        TerminatorKind::Drop { place, .. } => {
320            if !is_ty_const_destruct(tcx, place.ty(&body.local_decls, tcx).ty, body) {
321                return Err((
322                    span,
323                    "cannot drop locals with a non constant destructor in const fn".into(),
324                ));
325            }
326            Ok(())
327        },
328        TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { discr, targets: _ } => check_operand(tcx, discr, span, body, msrv),
329        TerminatorKind::CoroutineDrop | TerminatorKind::Yield { .. } => {
330            Err((span, "const fn coroutines are unstable".into()))
331        },
332        TerminatorKind::Call {
333            func,
334            args,
335            call_source: _,
336            destination: _,
337            target: _,
338            unwind: _,
339            fn_span: _,
340        }
341        | TerminatorKind::TailCall { func, args, fn_span: _ } => {
342            let fn_ty = func.ty(body, tcx);
343            if let ty::FnDef(fn_def_id, _) = *fn_ty.kind() {
344                if !is_stable_const_fn(tcx, fn_def_id, msrv) {
345                    return Err((
346                        span,
347                        format!(
348                            "can only call other `const fn` within a `const fn`, \
349                             but `{func:?}` is not stable as `const fn`",
350                        )
351                        .into(),
352                    ));
353                }
355                // HACK: This is to "unstabilize" the `transmute` intrinsic
356                // within const fns. `transmute` is allowed in all other const contexts.
357                // This won't really scale to more intrinsics or functions. Let's allow const
358                // transmutes in const fn before we add more hacks to this.
359                if tcx.is_intrinsic(fn_def_id, sym::transmute) {
360                    return Err((
361                        span,
362                        "can only call `transmute` from const items, not `const fn`".into(),
363                    ));
364                }
366                check_operand(tcx, func, span, body, msrv)?;
368                for arg in args {
369                    check_operand(tcx, &arg.node, span, body, msrv)?;
370                }
371                Ok(())
372            } else {
373                Err((span, "can only call other const fns within const fn".into()))
374            }
375        },
376        TerminatorKind::Assert {
377            cond,
378            expected: _,
379            msg: _,
380            target: _,
381            unwind: _,
382        } => check_operand(tcx, cond, span, body, msrv),
383        TerminatorKind::InlineAsm { .. } => Err((span, "cannot use inline assembly in const fn".into())),
384    }
387fn is_stable_const_fn(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def_id: DefId, msrv: &Msrv) -> bool {
388    tcx.is_const_fn(def_id)
389        && tcx.lookup_const_stability(def_id).is_none_or(|const_stab| {
390            if let rustc_attr_parsing::StabilityLevel::Stable { since, .. } = const_stab.level {
391                // Checking MSRV is manually necessary because `rustc` has no such concept. This entire
392                // function could be removed if `rustc` provided a MSRV-aware version of `is_stable_const_fn`.
393                // as a part of an unimplemented MSRV check
395                let const_stab_rust_version = match since {
396                    StableSince::Version(version) => version,
397                    StableSince::Current => RustcVersion::CURRENT,
398                    StableSince::Err => return false,
399                };
401                msrv.meets(const_stab_rust_version)
402            } else {
403                // Unstable const fn, check if the feature is enabled.
404                tcx.features().enabled(const_stab.feature) && msrv.current().is_none()
405            }
406        })
409fn is_ty_const_destruct<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>, body: &Body<'tcx>) -> bool {
410    // FIXME(const_trait_impl, fee1-dead) revert to const destruct once it works again
411    #[expect(unused)]
412    fn is_ty_const_destruct_unused<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>, body: &Body<'tcx>) -> bool {
413        // If this doesn't need drop at all, then don't select `~const Destruct`.
414        if !ty.needs_drop(tcx, body.typing_env(tcx)) {
415            return false;
416        }
418        let (infcx, param_env) = tcx.infer_ctxt().build_with_typing_env(body.typing_env(tcx));
419        // FIXME(const_trait_impl) constness
420        let obligation = Obligation::new(
421            tcx,
422            ObligationCause::dummy_with_span(body.span),
423            param_env,
424            TraitRef::new(tcx, tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::Destruct, Some(body.span)), [ty]),
425        );
427        let mut selcx = SelectionContext::new(&infcx);
428        let Some(impl_src) = else {
429            return false;
430        };
432        if !matches!(
433            impl_src,
434            ImplSource::Builtin(BuiltinImplSource::Misc, _) | ImplSource::Param(_)
435        ) {
436            return false;
437        }
439        let ocx = ObligationCtxt::new(&infcx);
440        ocx.register_obligations(impl_src.nested_obligations());
441        ocx.select_all_or_error().is_empty()
442    }
444    !ty.needs_drop(tcx, ConstCx::new(tcx, body).typing_env)