
1use rustc_ast::ast;
2use rustc_span::Span;
4use crate::config::IndentStyle;
5use crate::config::lists::*;
6use crate::rewrite::{Rewrite, RewriteContext, RewriteErrorExt, RewriteResult};
7use crate::shape::Shape;
8use crate::spanned::Spanned;
9use crate::utils::{
10    first_line_width, is_single_line, last_line_width, trimmed_last_line_width, wrap_str,
13/// Sigils that decorate a binop pair.
14#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
15pub(crate) struct PairParts<'a> {
16    prefix: &'a str,
17    infix: &'a str,
18    suffix: &'a str,
21impl<'a> PairParts<'a> {
22    pub(crate) const fn new(prefix: &'a str, infix: &'a str, suffix: &'a str) -> Self {
23        Self {
24            prefix,
25            infix,
26            suffix,
27        }
28    }
29    pub(crate) fn infix(infix: &'a str) -> PairParts<'a> {
30        PairParts {
31            prefix: "",
32            infix,
33            suffix: "",
34        }
35    }
38// Flattens a tree of pairs into a list and tries to rewrite them all at once.
39// FIXME would be nice to reuse the lists API for this, but because each separator
40// can be different, we can't.
41pub(crate) fn rewrite_all_pairs(
42    expr: &ast::Expr,
43    shape: Shape,
44    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
45) -> RewriteResult {
46    expr.flatten(context, shape)
47        .unknown_error()
48        .and_then(|list| {
49            if list.let_chain_count() > 0 && !list.can_rewrite_let_chain_single_line() {
50                rewrite_pairs_multiline(&list, shape, context)
51            } else {
52                // First we try formatting on one line.
53                rewrite_pairs_one_line(&list, shape, context)
54                    .unknown_error()
55                    .or_else(|_| rewrite_pairs_multiline(&list, shape, context))
56            }
57        })
60// This may return a multi-line result since we allow the last expression to go
61// multiline in a 'single line' formatting.
62fn rewrite_pairs_one_line<T: Rewrite>(
63    list: &PairList<'_, '_, T>,
64    shape: Shape,
65    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
66) -> Option<String> {
67    assert!(list.list.len() >= 2, "Not a pair?");
69    let mut result = String::new();
70    let base_shape = shape.block();
72    for ((_, rewrite), s) in list.list.iter().zip(list.separators.iter()) {
73        if let Ok(rewrite) = rewrite {
74            if !is_single_line(rewrite) || result.len() > shape.width {
75                return None;
76            }
78            result.push_str(rewrite);
79            result.push(' ');
80            result.push_str(s);
81            result.push(' ');
82        } else {
83            return None;
84        }
85    }
87    let prefix_len = result.len();
88    let last = list.list.last()?.0;
89    let cur_shape = base_shape.offset_left(last_line_width(&result))?;
90    let last_rewrite = last.rewrite(context, cur_shape)?;
91    result.push_str(&last_rewrite);
93    if first_line_width(&result) > shape.width {
94        return None;
95    }
97    // Check the last expression in the list. We sometimes let this expression
98    // go over multiple lines, but we check for some ugly conditions.
99    if !(is_single_line(&result) || last_rewrite.starts_with('{'))
100        && (last_rewrite.starts_with('(') || prefix_len > context.config.tab_spaces())
101    {
102        return None;
103    }
105    wrap_str(result, context.config.max_width(), shape)
108fn rewrite_pairs_multiline<T: Rewrite>(
109    list: &PairList<'_, '_, T>,
110    shape: Shape,
111    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
112) -> RewriteResult {
113    let rhs_offset = shape.rhs_overhead(context.config);
114    let nested_shape = (match context.config.indent_style() {
115        IndentStyle::Visual => shape.visual_indent(0),
116        IndentStyle::Block => shape.block_indent(context.config.tab_spaces()),
117    })
118    .with_max_width(context.config)
119    .sub_width(rhs_offset)
120    .max_width_error(shape.width, list.span)?;
122    let indent_str = nested_shape.indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config);
123    let mut result = String::new();
125    result.push_str(list.list[0].1.as_ref().map_err(|err| err.clone())?);
127    for ((e, default_rw), s) in list.list[1..].iter().zip(list.separators.iter()) {
128        // The following test checks if we should keep two subexprs on the same
129        // line. We do this if not doing so would create an orphan and there is
130        // enough space to do so.
131        let offset = if result.contains('\n') {
132            0
133        } else {
134            shape.used_width()
135        };
136        if last_line_width(&result) + offset <= nested_shape.used_width() {
137            // We must snuggle the next line onto the previous line to avoid an orphan.
138            if let Some(line_shape) =
139                shape.offset_left(s.len() + 2 + trimmed_last_line_width(&result))
140            {
141                if let Ok(rewrite) = e.rewrite_result(context, line_shape) {
142                    result.push(' ');
143                    result.push_str(s);
144                    result.push(' ');
145                    result.push_str(&rewrite);
146                    continue;
147                }
148            }
149        }
151        match context.config.binop_separator() {
152            SeparatorPlace::Back => {
153                result.push(' ');
154                result.push_str(s);
155                result.push_str(&indent_str);
156            }
157            SeparatorPlace::Front => {
158                result.push_str(&indent_str);
159                result.push_str(s);
160                result.push(' ');
161            }
162        }
164        result.push_str(default_rw.as_ref().map_err(|err| err.clone())?);
165    }
166    Ok(result)
169// Rewrites a single pair.
170pub(crate) fn rewrite_pair<LHS, RHS>(
171    lhs: &LHS,
172    rhs: &RHS,
173    pp: PairParts<'_>,
174    context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
175    shape: Shape,
176    separator_place: SeparatorPlace,
177) -> RewriteResult
179    LHS: Rewrite + Spanned,
180    RHS: Rewrite + Spanned,
182    let tab_spaces = context.config.tab_spaces();
183    let lhs_overhead = match separator_place {
184        SeparatorPlace::Back => shape.used_width() + pp.prefix.len() + pp.infix.trim_end().len(),
185        SeparatorPlace::Front => shape.used_width(),
186    };
187    let lhs_shape = Shape {
188        width: context.budget(lhs_overhead),
189        ..shape
190    };
191    let lhs_result = lhs
192        .rewrite_result(context, lhs_shape)
193        .map(|lhs_str| format!("{}{}", pp.prefix, lhs_str))?;
195    // Try to put both lhs and rhs on the same line.
196    let rhs_orig_result = shape
197        .offset_left(last_line_width(&lhs_result) + pp.infix.len())
198        .and_then(|s| s.sub_width(pp.suffix.len()))
199        .max_width_error(shape.width, rhs.span())
200        .and_then(|rhs_shape| rhs.rewrite_result(context, rhs_shape));
202    if let Ok(ref rhs_result) = rhs_orig_result {
203        // If the length of the lhs is equal to or shorter than the tab width or
204        // the rhs looks like block expression, we put the rhs on the same
205        // line with the lhs even if the rhs is multi-lined.
206        let allow_same_line = lhs_result.len() <= tab_spaces
207            || rhs_result
208                .lines()
209                .next()
210                .map(|first_line| first_line.ends_with('{'))
211                .unwrap_or(false);
212        if !rhs_result.contains('\n') || allow_same_line {
213            let one_line_width = last_line_width(&lhs_result)
214                + pp.infix.len()
215                + first_line_width(rhs_result)
216                + pp.suffix.len();
217            if one_line_width <= shape.width {
218                return Ok(format!(
219                    "{}{}{}{}",
220                    lhs_result, pp.infix, rhs_result, pp.suffix
221                ));
222            }
223        }
224    }
226    // We have to use multiple lines.
227    // Re-evaluate the rhs because we have more space now:
228    let mut rhs_shape = match context.config.indent_style() {
229        IndentStyle::Visual => shape
230            .sub_width(pp.suffix.len() + pp.prefix.len())
231            .max_width_error(shape.width, rhs.span())?
232            .visual_indent(pp.prefix.len()),
233        IndentStyle::Block => {
234            // Try to calculate the initial constraint on the right hand side.
235            let rhs_overhead = shape.rhs_overhead(context.config);
236            Shape::indented(shape.indent.block_indent(context.config), context.config)
237                .sub_width(rhs_overhead)
238                .max_width_error(shape.width, rhs.span())?
239        }
240    };
241    let infix = match separator_place {
242        SeparatorPlace::Back => pp.infix.trim_end(),
243        SeparatorPlace::Front => pp.infix.trim_start(),
244    };
245    if separator_place == SeparatorPlace::Front {
246        rhs_shape = rhs_shape
247            .offset_left(infix.len())
248            .max_width_error(rhs_shape.width, rhs.span())?;
249    }
250    let rhs_result = rhs.rewrite_result(context, rhs_shape)?;
251    let indent_str = rhs_shape.indent.to_string_with_newline(context.config);
252    let infix_with_sep = match separator_place {
253        SeparatorPlace::Back => format!("{infix}{indent_str}"),
254        SeparatorPlace::Front => format!("{indent_str}{infix}"),
255    };
256    Ok(format!(
257        "{}{}{}{}",
258        lhs_result, infix_with_sep, rhs_result, pp.suffix
259    ))
262// A pair which forms a tree and can be flattened (e.g., binops).
263trait FlattenPair: Rewrite + Sized {
264    fn flatten(&self, _: &RewriteContext<'_>, _: Shape) -> Option<PairList<'_, '_, Self>> {
265        None
266    }
269struct PairList<'a, 'b, T: Rewrite> {
270    list: Vec<(&'b T, RewriteResult)>,
271    separators: Vec<&'a str>,
272    span: Span,
275fn is_ident(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
276    match &expr.kind {
277        ast::ExprKind::Path(None, path) if path.segments.len() == 1 => true,
278        ast::ExprKind::Unary(_, expr)
279        | ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(_, _, expr)
280        | ast::ExprKind::Paren(expr)
281        | ast::ExprKind::Try(expr) => is_ident(expr),
282        _ => false,
283    }
286impl<'a, 'b> PairList<'a, 'b, ast::Expr> {
287    fn let_chain_count(&self) -> usize {
288        self.list
289            .iter()
290            .filter(|(expr, _)| matches!(expr.kind, ast::ExprKind::Let(..)))
291            .count()
292    }
294    fn can_rewrite_let_chain_single_line(&self) -> bool {
295        if self.list.len() != 2 {
296            return false;
297        }
299        let fist_item_is_ident = is_ident(self.list[0].0);
300        let second_item_is_let_chain = matches!(self.list[1].0.kind, ast::ExprKind::Let(..));
302        fist_item_is_ident && second_item_is_let_chain
303    }
306impl FlattenPair for ast::Expr {
307    fn flatten(
308        &self,
309        context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
310        shape: Shape,
311    ) -> Option<PairList<'_, '_, ast::Expr>> {
312        let top_op = match self.kind {
313            ast::ExprKind::Binary(op, _, _) => op.node,
314            _ => return None,
315        };
317        let default_rewrite = |node: &ast::Expr, sep: usize, is_first: bool| {
318            if is_first {
319                return node.rewrite_result(context, shape);
320            }
321            let nested_overhead = sep + 1;
322            let rhs_offset = shape.rhs_overhead(context.config);
323            let nested_shape = (match context.config.indent_style() {
324                IndentStyle::Visual => shape.visual_indent(0),
325                IndentStyle::Block => shape.block_indent(context.config.tab_spaces()),
326            })
327            .with_max_width(context.config)
328            .sub_width(rhs_offset)
329            .max_width_error(shape.width, node.span)?;
330            let default_shape = match context.config.binop_separator() {
331                SeparatorPlace::Back => nested_shape
332                    .sub_width(nested_overhead)
333                    .max_width_error(nested_shape.width, node.span)?,
334                SeparatorPlace::Front => nested_shape
335                    .offset_left(nested_overhead)
336                    .max_width_error(nested_shape.width, node.span)?,
337            };
338            node.rewrite_result(context, default_shape)
339        };
341        // Turn a tree of binop expressions into a list using a depth-first,
342        // in-order traversal.
343        let mut stack = vec![];
344        let mut list = vec![];
345        let mut separators = vec![];
346        let mut node = self;
347        let span = self.span();
348        loop {
349            match node.kind {
350                ast::ExprKind::Binary(op, ref lhs, _) if op.node == top_op => {
351                    stack.push(node);
352                    node = lhs;
353                }
354                _ => {
355                    let op_len = separators.last().map_or(0, |s: &&str| s.len());
356                    let rw = default_rewrite(node, op_len, list.is_empty());
357                    list.push((node, rw));
358                    if let Some(pop) = stack.pop() {
359                        match pop.kind {
360                            ast::ExprKind::Binary(op, _, ref rhs) => {
361                                separators.push(op.node.as_str());
362                                node = rhs;
363                            }
364                            _ => unreachable!(),
365                        }
366                    } else {
367                        break;
368                    }
369                }
370            }
371        }
373        assert_eq!(list.len() - 1, separators.len());
374        Some(PairList {
375            list,
376            separators,
377            span,
378        })
379    }
382impl FlattenPair for ast::Ty {}
383impl FlattenPair for ast::Pat {}