
1//! A pass that promotes borrows of constant rvalues.
3//! The rvalues considered constant are trees of temps, each with exactly one
4//! initialization, and holding a constant value with no interior mutability.
5//! They are placed into a new MIR constant body in `promoted` and the borrow
6//! rvalue is replaced with a `Literal::Promoted` using the index into
7//! `promoted` of that constant MIR.
9//! This pass assumes that every use is dominated by an initialization and can
10//! otherwise silence errors, if move analysis runs after promotion on broken
11//! MIR.
13use std::assert_matches::assert_matches;
14use std::cell::Cell;
15use std::{cmp, iter, mem};
17use either::{Left, Right};
18use rustc_const_eval::check_consts::{ConstCx, qualifs};
19use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
20use rustc_hir as hir;
21use rustc_index::{Idx, IndexSlice, IndexVec};
22use rustc_middle::mir::visit::{MutVisitor, MutatingUseContext, PlaceContext, Visitor};
23use rustc_middle::mir::*;
24use rustc_middle::ty::{self, GenericArgs, List, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt};
25use rustc_middle::{bug, mir, span_bug};
26use rustc_span::Span;
27use rustc_span::source_map::Spanned;
28use tracing::{debug, instrument};
30/// A `MirPass` for promotion.
32/// Promotion is the extraction of promotable temps into separate MIR bodies so they can have
33/// `'static` lifetime.
35/// After this pass is run, `promoted_fragments` will hold the MIR body corresponding to each
36/// newly created `Constant`.
38pub(super) struct PromoteTemps<'tcx> {
39    // Must use `Cell` because `run_pass` takes `&self`, not `&mut self`.
40    pub promoted_fragments: Cell<IndexVec<Promoted, Body<'tcx>>>,
43impl<'tcx> crate::MirPass<'tcx> for PromoteTemps<'tcx> {
44    fn run_pass(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, body: &mut Body<'tcx>) {
45        // There's not really any point in promoting errorful MIR.
46        //
47        // This does not include MIR that failed const-checking, which we still try to promote.
48        if let Err(_) = body.return_ty().error_reported() {
49            debug!("PromoteTemps: MIR had errors");
50            return;
51        }
52        if body.source.promoted.is_some() {
53            return;
54        }
56        let ccx = ConstCx::new(tcx, body);
57        let (mut temps, all_candidates) = collect_temps_and_candidates(&ccx);
59        let promotable_candidates = validate_candidates(&ccx, &mut temps, all_candidates);
61        let promoted = promote_candidates(body, tcx, temps, promotable_candidates);
62        self.promoted_fragments.set(promoted);
63    }
65    fn is_required(&self) -> bool {
66        true
67    }
70/// State of a temporary during collection and promotion.
71#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
72enum TempState {
73    /// No references to this temp.
74    Undefined,
75    /// One direct assignment and any number of direct uses.
76    /// A borrow of this temp is promotable if the assigned
77    /// value is qualified as constant.
78    Defined { location: Location, uses: usize, valid: Result<(), ()> },
79    /// Any other combination of assignments/uses.
80    Unpromotable,
81    /// This temp was part of an rvalue which got extracted
82    /// during promotion and needs cleanup.
83    PromotedOut,
86/// A "root candidate" for promotion, which will become the
87/// returned value in a promoted MIR, unless it's a subset
88/// of a larger candidate.
89#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
90struct Candidate {
91    location: Location,
94struct Collector<'a, 'tcx> {
95    ccx: &'a ConstCx<'a, 'tcx>,
96    temps: IndexVec<Local, TempState>,
97    candidates: Vec<Candidate>,
100impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for Collector<'_, 'tcx> {
101    #[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self))]
102    fn visit_local(&mut self, index: Local, context: PlaceContext, location: Location) {
103        // We're only interested in temporaries and the return place
104        match self.ccx.body.local_kind(index) {
105            LocalKind::Arg => return,
106            LocalKind::Temp if self.ccx.body.local_decls[index].is_user_variable() => return,
107            LocalKind::ReturnPointer | LocalKind::Temp => {}
108        }
110        // Ignore drops, if the temp gets promoted,
111        // then it's constant and thus drop is noop.
112        // Non-uses are also irrelevant.
113        if context.is_drop() || !context.is_use() {
114            debug!(is_drop = context.is_drop(), is_use = context.is_use());
115            return;
116        }
118        let temp = &mut self.temps[index];
119        debug!(?temp);
120        *temp = match *temp {
121            TempState::Undefined => match context {
122                PlaceContext::MutatingUse(MutatingUseContext::Store | MutatingUseContext::Call) => {
123                    TempState::Defined { location, uses: 0, valid: Err(()) }
124                }
125                _ => TempState::Unpromotable,
126            },
127            TempState::Defined { ref mut uses, .. } => {
128                // We always allow borrows, even mutable ones, as we need
129                // to promote mutable borrows of some ZSTs e.g., `&mut []`.
130                let allowed_use = match context {
131                    PlaceContext::MutatingUse(MutatingUseContext::Borrow)
132                    | PlaceContext::NonMutatingUse(_) => true,
133                    PlaceContext::MutatingUse(_) | PlaceContext::NonUse(_) => false,
134                };
135                debug!(?allowed_use);
136                if allowed_use {
137                    *uses += 1;
138                    return;
139                }
140                TempState::Unpromotable
141            }
142            TempState::Unpromotable | TempState::PromotedOut => TempState::Unpromotable,
143        };
144        debug!(?temp);
145    }
147    fn visit_rvalue(&mut self, rvalue: &Rvalue<'tcx>, location: Location) {
148        self.super_rvalue(rvalue, location);
150        if let Rvalue::Ref(..) = *rvalue {
151            self.candidates.push(Candidate { location });
152        }
153    }
156fn collect_temps_and_candidates<'tcx>(
157    ccx: &ConstCx<'_, 'tcx>,
158) -> (IndexVec<Local, TempState>, Vec<Candidate>) {
159    let mut collector = Collector {
160        temps: IndexVec::from_elem(TempState::Undefined, &ccx.body.local_decls),
161        candidates: vec![],
162        ccx,
163    };
164    for (bb, data) in traversal::reverse_postorder(ccx.body) {
165        collector.visit_basic_block_data(bb, data);
166    }
167    (collector.temps, collector.candidates)
170/// Checks whether locals that appear in a promotion context (`Candidate`) are actually promotable.
172/// This wraps an `Item`, and has access to all fields of that `Item` via `Deref` coercion.
173struct Validator<'a, 'tcx> {
174    ccx: &'a ConstCx<'a, 'tcx>,
175    temps: &'a mut IndexSlice<Local, TempState>,
176    /// For backwards compatibility, we are promoting function calls in `const`/`static`
177    /// initializers. But we want to avoid evaluating code that might panic and that otherwise would
178    /// not have been evaluated, so we only promote such calls in basic blocks that are guaranteed
179    /// to execute. In other words, we only promote such calls in basic blocks that are definitely
180    /// not dead code. Here we cache the result of computing that set of basic blocks.
181    promotion_safe_blocks: Option<FxHashSet<BasicBlock>>,
184impl<'a, 'tcx> std::ops::Deref for Validator<'a, 'tcx> {
185    type Target = ConstCx<'a, 'tcx>;
187    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
188        self.ccx
189    }
192struct Unpromotable;
194impl<'tcx> Validator<'_, 'tcx> {
195    fn validate_candidate(&mut self, candidate: Candidate) -> Result<(), Unpromotable> {
196        let Left(statement) = self.body.stmt_at(candidate.location) else { bug!() };
197        let Some((_, Rvalue::Ref(_, kind, place))) = statement.kind.as_assign() else { bug!() };
199        // We can only promote interior borrows of promotable temps (non-temps
200        // don't get promoted anyway).
201        self.validate_local(place.local)?;
203        // The reference operation itself must be promotable.
204        // (Needs to come after `validate_local` to avoid ICEs.)
205        self.validate_ref(*kind, place)?;
207        // We do not check all the projections (they do not get promoted anyway),
208        // but we do stay away from promoting anything involving a dereference.
209        if place.projection.contains(&ProjectionElem::Deref) {
210            return Err(Unpromotable);
211        }
213        Ok(())
214    }
216    // FIXME(eddyb) maybe cache this?
217    fn qualif_local<Q: qualifs::Qualif>(&mut self, local: Local) -> bool {
218        let TempState::Defined { location: loc, .. } = self.temps[local] else {
219            return false;
220        };
222        let stmt_or_term = self.body.stmt_at(loc);
223        match stmt_or_term {
224            Left(statement) => {
225                let Some((_, rhs)) = statement.kind.as_assign() else {
226                    span_bug!(statement.source_info.span, "{:?} is not an assignment", statement)
227                };
228                qualifs::in_rvalue::<Q, _>(self.ccx, &mut |l| self.qualif_local::<Q>(l), rhs)
229            }
230            Right(terminator) => {
231                assert_matches!(terminator.kind, TerminatorKind::Call { .. });
232                let return_ty = self.body.local_decls[local].ty;
233                Q::in_any_value_of_ty(self.ccx, return_ty)
234            }
235        }
236    }
238    fn validate_local(&mut self, local: Local) -> Result<(), Unpromotable> {
239        let TempState::Defined { location: loc, uses, valid } = self.temps[local] else {
240            return Err(Unpromotable);
241        };
243        // We cannot promote things that need dropping, since the promoted value would not get
244        // dropped.
245        if self.qualif_local::<qualifs::NeedsDrop>(local) {
246            return Err(Unpromotable);
247        }
249        if valid.is_ok() {
250            return Ok(());
251        }
253        let ok = {
254            let stmt_or_term = self.body.stmt_at(loc);
255            match stmt_or_term {
256                Left(statement) => {
257                    let Some((_, rhs)) = statement.kind.as_assign() else {
258                        span_bug!(
259                            statement.source_info.span,
260                            "{:?} is not an assignment",
261                            statement
262                        )
263                    };
264                    self.validate_rvalue(rhs)
265                }
266                Right(terminator) => match &terminator.kind {
267                    TerminatorKind::Call { func, args, .. } => {
268                        self.validate_call(func, args, loc.block)
269                    }
270                    TerminatorKind::Yield { .. } => Err(Unpromotable),
271                    kind => {
272                        span_bug!(terminator.source_info.span, "{:?} not promotable", kind);
273                    }
274                },
275            }
276        };
278        self.temps[local] = match ok {
279            Ok(()) => TempState::Defined { location: loc, uses, valid: Ok(()) },
280            Err(_) => TempState::Unpromotable,
281        };
283        ok
284    }
286    fn validate_place(&mut self, place: PlaceRef<'tcx>) -> Result<(), Unpromotable> {
287        let Some((place_base, elem)) = place.last_projection() else {
288            return self.validate_local(place.local);
289        };
291        // Validate topmost projection, then recurse.
292        match elem {
293            // Recurse directly.
294            ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex { .. }
295            | ProjectionElem::Subtype(_)
296            | ProjectionElem::Subslice { .. }
297            | ProjectionElem::UnwrapUnsafeBinder(_) => {}
299            // Never recurse.
300            ProjectionElem::OpaqueCast(..) | ProjectionElem::Downcast(..) => {
301                return Err(Unpromotable);
302            }
304            ProjectionElem::Deref => {
305                // When a static is used by-value, that gets desugared to `*STATIC_ADDR`,
306                // and we need to be able to promote this. So check if this deref matches
307                // that specific pattern.
309                // We need to make sure this is a `Deref` of a local with no further projections.
310                // Discussion can be found at
311                //
312                if let Some(local) = place_base.as_local()
313                    && let TempState::Defined { location, .. } = self.temps[local]
314                    && let Left(def_stmt) = self.body.stmt_at(location)
315                    && let Some((_, Rvalue::Use(Operand::Constant(c)))) = def_stmt.kind.as_assign()
316                    && let Some(did) = c.check_static_ptr(self.tcx)
317                    // Evaluating a promoted may not read statics except if it got
318                    // promoted from a static (this is a CTFE check). So we
319                    // can only promote static accesses inside statics.
320                    && let Some(hir::ConstContext::Static(..)) = self.const_kind
321                    && !self.tcx.is_thread_local_static(did)
322                {
323                    // Recurse.
324                } else {
325                    return Err(Unpromotable);
326                }
327            }
328            ProjectionElem::Index(local) => {
329                // Only accept if we can predict the index and are indexing an array.
330                if let TempState::Defined { location: loc, .. } = self.temps[local]
331                    && let Left(statement) =  self.body.stmt_at(loc)
332                    && let Some((_, Rvalue::Use(Operand::Constant(c)))) = statement.kind.as_assign()
333                    && let Some(idx) = c.const_.try_eval_target_usize(self.tcx, self.typing_env)
334                    // Determine the type of the thing we are indexing.
335                    && let ty::Array(_, len) = place_base.ty(self.body, self.tcx).ty.kind()
336                    // It's an array; determine its length.
337                    && let Some(len) = len.try_to_target_usize(self.tcx)
338                    // If the index is in-bounds, go ahead.
339                    && idx < len
340                {
341                    self.validate_local(local)?;
342                    // Recurse.
343                } else {
344                    return Err(Unpromotable);
345                }
346            }
348            ProjectionElem::Field(..) => {
349                let base_ty = place_base.ty(self.body, self.tcx).ty;
350                if base_ty.is_union() {
351                    // No promotion of union field accesses.
352                    return Err(Unpromotable);
353                }
354            }
355        }
357        self.validate_place(place_base)
358    }
360    fn validate_operand(&mut self, operand: &Operand<'tcx>) -> Result<(), Unpromotable> {
361        match operand {
362            Operand::Copy(place) | Operand::Move(place) => self.validate_place(place.as_ref()),
364            // The qualifs for a constant (e.g. `HasMutInterior`) are checked in
365            // `validate_rvalue` upon access.
366            Operand::Constant(c) => {
367                if let Some(def_id) = c.check_static_ptr(self.tcx) {
368                    // Only allow statics (not consts) to refer to other statics.
369                    // FIXME(eddyb) does this matter at all for promotion?
370                    // FIXME(RalfJung) it makes little sense to not promote this in `fn`/`const fn`,
371                    // and in `const` this cannot occur anyway. The only concern is that we might
372                    // promote even `let x = &STATIC` which would be useless, but this applies to
373                    // promotion inside statics as well.
374                    let is_static = matches!(self.const_kind, Some(hir::ConstContext::Static(_)));
375                    if !is_static {
376                        return Err(Unpromotable);
377                    }
379                    let is_thread_local = self.tcx.is_thread_local_static(def_id);
380                    if is_thread_local {
381                        return Err(Unpromotable);
382                    }
383                }
385                Ok(())
386            }
387        }
388    }
390    fn validate_ref(&mut self, kind: BorrowKind, place: &Place<'tcx>) -> Result<(), Unpromotable> {
391        match kind {
392            // Reject these borrow types just to be safe.
393            // FIXME(RalfJung): could we allow them? Should we? No point in it until we have a
394            // usecase.
395            BorrowKind::Fake(_) | BorrowKind::Mut { kind: MutBorrowKind::ClosureCapture } => {
396                return Err(Unpromotable);
397            }
399            BorrowKind::Shared => {
400                let has_mut_interior = self.qualif_local::<qualifs::HasMutInterior>(place.local);
401                if has_mut_interior {
402                    return Err(Unpromotable);
403                }
404            }
406            // FIXME: consider changing this to only promote &mut [] for default borrows,
407            // also forbidding two phase borrows
408            BorrowKind::Mut { kind: MutBorrowKind::Default | MutBorrowKind::TwoPhaseBorrow } => {
409                let ty = place.ty(self.body, self.tcx).ty;
411                // In theory, any zero-sized value could be borrowed
412                // mutably without consequences. However, only &mut []
413                // is allowed right now.
414                if let ty::Array(_, len) = ty.kind() {
415                    match len.try_to_target_usize(self.tcx) {
416                        Some(0) => {}
417                        _ => return Err(Unpromotable),
418                    }
419                } else {
420                    return Err(Unpromotable);
421                }
422            }
423        }
425        Ok(())
426    }
428    fn validate_rvalue(&mut self, rvalue: &Rvalue<'tcx>) -> Result<(), Unpromotable> {
429        match rvalue {
430            Rvalue::Use(operand)
431            | Rvalue::Repeat(operand, _)
432            | Rvalue::WrapUnsafeBinder(operand, _) => {
433                self.validate_operand(operand)?;
434            }
435            Rvalue::CopyForDeref(place) => {
436                let op = &Operand::Copy(*place);
437                self.validate_operand(op)?
438            }
440            Rvalue::Discriminant(place) | Rvalue::Len(place) => {
441                self.validate_place(place.as_ref())?
442            }
444            Rvalue::ThreadLocalRef(_) => return Err(Unpromotable),
446            // ptr-to-int casts are not possible in consts and thus not promotable
447            Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::PointerExposeProvenance, _, _) => return Err(Unpromotable),
449            // all other casts including int-to-ptr casts are fine, they just use the integer value
450            // at pointer type.
451            Rvalue::Cast(_, operand, _) => {
452                self.validate_operand(operand)?;
453            }
455            Rvalue::NullaryOp(op, _) => match op {
456                NullOp::SizeOf => {}
457                NullOp::AlignOf => {}
458                NullOp::OffsetOf(_) => {}
459                NullOp::UbChecks => {}
460                NullOp::ContractChecks => {}
461            },
463            Rvalue::ShallowInitBox(_, _) => return Err(Unpromotable),
465            Rvalue::UnaryOp(op, operand) => {
466                match op {
467                    // These operations can never fail.
468                    UnOp::Neg | UnOp::Not | UnOp::PtrMetadata => {}
469                }
471                self.validate_operand(operand)?;
472            }
474            Rvalue::BinaryOp(op, box (lhs, rhs)) => {
475                let op = *op;
476                let lhs_ty = lhs.ty(self.body, self.tcx);
478                if let ty::RawPtr(_, _) | ty::FnPtr(..) = lhs_ty.kind() {
479                    // Raw and fn pointer operations are not allowed inside consts and thus not
480                    // promotable.
481                    assert_matches!(
482                        op,
483                        BinOp::Eq
484                            | BinOp::Ne
485                            | BinOp::Le
486                            | BinOp::Lt
487                            | BinOp::Ge
488                            | BinOp::Gt
489                            | BinOp::Offset
490                    );
491                    return Err(Unpromotable);
492                }
494                match op {
495                    BinOp::Div | BinOp::Rem => {
496                        if lhs_ty.is_integral() {
497                            let sz = lhs_ty.primitive_size(self.tcx);
498                            // Integer division: the RHS must be a non-zero const.
499                            let rhs_val = match rhs {
500                                Operand::Constant(c) => {
501                                    c.const_.try_eval_scalar_int(self.tcx, self.typing_env)
502                                }
503                                _ => None,
504                            };
505                            match|x| x.to_uint(sz)) {
506                                // for the zero test, int vs uint does not matter
507                                Some(x) if x != 0 => {}        // okay
508                                _ => return Err(Unpromotable), // value not known or 0 -- not okay
509                            }
510                            // Furthermore, for signed division, we also have to exclude `int::MIN /
511                            // -1`.
512                            if lhs_ty.is_signed() {
513                                match|x| x.to_int(sz)) {
514                                    Some(-1) | None => {
515                                        // The RHS is -1 or unknown, so we have to be careful.
516                                        // But is the LHS int::MIN?
517                                        let lhs_val = match lhs {
518                                            Operand::Constant(c) => c
519                                                .const_
520                                                .try_eval_scalar_int(self.tcx, self.typing_env),
521                                            _ => None,
522                                        };
523                                        let lhs_min = sz.signed_int_min();
524                                        match|x| x.to_int(sz)) {
525                                            // okay
526                                            Some(x) if x != lhs_min => {}
528                                            // value not known or int::MIN -- not okay
529                                            _ => return Err(Unpromotable),
530                                        }
531                                    }
532                                    _ => {}
533                                }
534                            }
535                        }
536                    }
537                    // The remaining operations can never fail.
538                    BinOp::Eq
539                    | BinOp::Ne
540                    | BinOp::Le
541                    | BinOp::Lt
542                    | BinOp::Ge
543                    | BinOp::Gt
544                    | BinOp::Cmp
545                    | BinOp::Offset
546                    | BinOp::Add
547                    | BinOp::AddUnchecked
548                    | BinOp::AddWithOverflow
549                    | BinOp::Sub
550                    | BinOp::SubUnchecked
551                    | BinOp::SubWithOverflow
552                    | BinOp::Mul
553                    | BinOp::MulUnchecked
554                    | BinOp::MulWithOverflow
555                    | BinOp::BitXor
556                    | BinOp::BitAnd
557                    | BinOp::BitOr
558                    | BinOp::Shl
559                    | BinOp::ShlUnchecked
560                    | BinOp::Shr
561                    | BinOp::ShrUnchecked => {}
562                }
564                self.validate_operand(lhs)?;
565                self.validate_operand(rhs)?;
566            }
568            Rvalue::RawPtr(_, place) => {
569                // We accept `&raw *`, i.e., raw reborrows -- creating a raw pointer is
570                // no problem, only using it is.
571                if let Some((place_base, ProjectionElem::Deref)) = place.as_ref().last_projection()
572                {
573                    let base_ty = place_base.ty(self.body, self.tcx).ty;
574                    if let ty::Ref(..) = base_ty.kind() {
575                        return self.validate_place(place_base);
576                    }
577                }
578                return Err(Unpromotable);
579            }
581            Rvalue::Ref(_, kind, place) => {
582                // Special-case reborrows to be more like a copy of the reference.
583                let mut place_simplified = place.as_ref();
584                if let Some((place_base, ProjectionElem::Deref)) =
585                    place_simplified.last_projection()
586                {
587                    let base_ty = place_base.ty(self.body, self.tcx).ty;
588                    if let ty::Ref(..) = base_ty.kind() {
589                        place_simplified = place_base;
590                    }
591                }
593                self.validate_place(place_simplified)?;
595                // Check that the reference is fine (using the original place!).
596                // (Needs to come after `validate_place` to avoid ICEs.)
597                self.validate_ref(*kind, place)?;
598            }
600            Rvalue::Aggregate(_, operands) => {
601                for o in operands {
602                    self.validate_operand(o)?;
603                }
604            }
605        }
607        Ok(())
608    }
610    /// Computes the sets of blocks of this MIR that are definitely going to be executed
611    /// if the function returns successfully. That makes it safe to promote calls in them
612    /// that might fail.
613    fn promotion_safe_blocks(body: &mir::Body<'tcx>) -> FxHashSet<BasicBlock> {
614        let mut safe_blocks = FxHashSet::default();
615        let mut safe_block = START_BLOCK;
616        loop {
617            safe_blocks.insert(safe_block);
618            // Let's see if we can find another safe block.
619            safe_block = match body.basic_blocks[safe_block].terminator().kind {
620                TerminatorKind::Goto { target } => target,
621                TerminatorKind::Call { target: Some(target), .. }
622                | TerminatorKind::Drop { target, .. } => {
623                    // This calls a function or the destructor. `target` does not get executed if
624                    // the callee loops or panics. But in both cases the const already fails to
625                    // evaluate, so we are fine considering `target` a safe block for promotion.
626                    target
627                }
628                TerminatorKind::Assert { target, .. } => {
629                    // Similar to above, we only consider successful execution.
630                    target
631                }
632                _ => {
633                    // No next safe block.
634                    break;
635                }
636            };
637        }
638        safe_blocks
639    }
641    /// Returns whether the block is "safe" for promotion, which means it cannot be dead code.
642    /// We use this to avoid promoting operations that can fail in dead code.
643    fn is_promotion_safe_block(&mut self, block: BasicBlock) -> bool {
644        let body = self.body;
645        let safe_blocks =
646            self.promotion_safe_blocks.get_or_insert_with(|| Self::promotion_safe_blocks(body));
647        safe_blocks.contains(&block)
648    }
650    fn validate_call(
651        &mut self,
652        callee: &Operand<'tcx>,
653        args: &[Spanned<Operand<'tcx>>],
654        block: BasicBlock,
655    ) -> Result<(), Unpromotable> {
656        // Validate the operands. If they fail, there's no question -- we cannot promote.
657        self.validate_operand(callee)?;
658        for arg in args {
659            self.validate_operand(&arg.node)?;
660        }
662        // Functions marked `#[rustc_promotable]` are explicitly allowed to be promoted, so we can
663        // accept them at this point.
664        let fn_ty = callee.ty(self.body, self.tcx);
665        if let ty::FnDef(def_id, _) = *fn_ty.kind() {
666            if self.tcx.is_promotable_const_fn(def_id) {
667                return Ok(());
668            }
669        }
671        // Ideally, we'd stop here and reject the rest.
672        // But for backward compatibility, we have to accept some promotion in const/static
673        // initializers. Inline consts are explicitly excluded, they are more recent so we have no
674        // backwards compatibility reason to allow more promotion inside of them.
675        let promote_all_fn = matches!(
676            self.const_kind,
677            Some(hir::ConstContext::Static(_) | hir::ConstContext::Const { inline: false })
678        );
679        if !promote_all_fn {
680            return Err(Unpromotable);
681        }
682        // Make sure the callee is a `const fn`.
683        let is_const_fn = match *fn_ty.kind() {
684            ty::FnDef(def_id, _) => self.tcx.is_const_fn(def_id),
685            _ => false,
686        };
687        if !is_const_fn {
688            return Err(Unpromotable);
689        }
690        // The problem is, this may promote calls to functions that panic.
691        // We don't want to introduce compilation errors if there's a panic in a call in dead code.
692        // So we ensure that this is not dead code.
693        if !self.is_promotion_safe_block(block) {
694            return Err(Unpromotable);
695        }
696        // This passed all checks, so let's accept.
697        Ok(())
698    }
701fn validate_candidates(
702    ccx: &ConstCx<'_, '_>,
703    temps: &mut IndexSlice<Local, TempState>,
704    mut candidates: Vec<Candidate>,
705) -> Vec<Candidate> {
706    let mut validator = Validator { ccx, temps, promotion_safe_blocks: None };
708    candidates.retain(|&candidate| validator.validate_candidate(candidate).is_ok());
709    candidates
712struct Promoter<'a, 'tcx> {
713    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
714    source: &'a mut Body<'tcx>,
715    promoted: Body<'tcx>,
716    temps: &'a mut IndexVec<Local, TempState>,
717    extra_statements: &'a mut Vec<(Location, Statement<'tcx>)>,
719    /// Used to assemble the required_consts list while building the promoted.
720    required_consts: Vec<ConstOperand<'tcx>>,
722    /// If true, all nested temps are also kept in the
723    /// source MIR, not moved to the promoted MIR.
724    keep_original: bool,
726    /// If true, add the new const (the promoted) to the required_consts of the parent MIR.
727    /// This is initially false and then set by the visitor when it encounters a `Call` terminator.
728    add_to_required: bool,
731impl<'a, 'tcx> Promoter<'a, 'tcx> {
732    fn new_block(&mut self) -> BasicBlock {
733        let span = self.promoted.span;
734        self.promoted.basic_blocks_mut().push(BasicBlockData {
735            statements: vec![],
736            terminator: Some(Terminator {
737                source_info: SourceInfo::outermost(span),
738                kind: TerminatorKind::Return,
739            }),
740            is_cleanup: false,
741        })
742    }
744    fn assign(&mut self, dest: Local, rvalue: Rvalue<'tcx>, span: Span) {
745        let last = self.promoted.basic_blocks.last_index().unwrap();
746        let data = &mut self.promoted[last];
747        data.statements.push(Statement {
748            source_info: SourceInfo::outermost(span),
749            kind: StatementKind::Assign(Box::new((Place::from(dest), rvalue))),
750        });
751    }
753    fn is_temp_kind(&self, local: Local) -> bool {
754        self.source.local_kind(local) == LocalKind::Temp
755    }
757    /// Copies the initialization of this temp to the
758    /// promoted MIR, recursing through temps.
759    fn promote_temp(&mut self, temp: Local) -> Local {
760        let old_keep_original = self.keep_original;
761        let loc = match self.temps[temp] {
762            TempState::Defined { location, uses, .. } if uses > 0 => {
763                if uses > 1 {
764                    self.keep_original = true;
765                }
766                location
767            }
768            state => {
769                span_bug!(self.promoted.span, "{:?} not promotable: {:?}", temp, state);
770            }
771        };
772        if !self.keep_original {
773            self.temps[temp] = TempState::PromotedOut;
774        }
776        let num_stmts = self.source[loc.block].statements.len();
777        let new_temp = self.promoted.local_decls.push(LocalDecl::new(
778            self.source.local_decls[temp].ty,
779            self.source.local_decls[temp].source_info.span,
780        ));
782        debug!("promote({:?} @ {:?}/{:?}, {:?})", temp, loc, num_stmts, self.keep_original);
784        // First, take the Rvalue or Call out of the source MIR,
785        // or duplicate it, depending on keep_original.
786        if loc.statement_index < num_stmts {
787            let (mut rvalue, source_info) = {
788                let statement = &mut self.source[loc.block].statements[loc.statement_index];
789                let StatementKind::Assign(box (_, rhs)) = &mut statement.kind else {
790                    span_bug!(statement.source_info.span, "{:?} is not an assignment", statement);
791                };
793                (
794                    if self.keep_original {
795                        rhs.clone()
796                    } else {
797                        let unit = Rvalue::Use(Operand::Constant(Box::new(ConstOperand {
798                            span: statement.source_info.span,
799                            user_ty: None,
800                            const_: Const::zero_sized(self.tcx.types.unit),
801                        })));
802                        mem::replace(rhs, unit)
803                    },
804                    statement.source_info,
805                )
806            };
808            self.visit_rvalue(&mut rvalue, loc);
809            self.assign(new_temp, rvalue, source_info.span);
810        } else {
811            let terminator = if self.keep_original {
812                self.source[loc.block].terminator().clone()
813            } else {
814                let terminator = self.source[loc.block].terminator_mut();
815                let target = match &terminator.kind {
816                    TerminatorKind::Call { target: Some(target), .. } => *target,
817                    kind => {
818                        span_bug!(terminator.source_info.span, "{:?} not promotable", kind);
819                    }
820                };
821                Terminator {
822                    source_info: terminator.source_info,
823                    kind: mem::replace(&mut terminator.kind, TerminatorKind::Goto { target }),
824                }
825            };
827            match terminator.kind {
828                TerminatorKind::Call {
829                    mut func, mut args, call_source: desugar, fn_span, ..
830                } => {
831                    // This promoted involves a function call, so it may fail to evaluate. Let's
832                    // make sure it is added to `required_consts` so that failure cannot get lost.
833                    self.add_to_required = true;
835                    self.visit_operand(&mut func, loc);
836                    for arg in &mut args {
837                        self.visit_operand(&mut arg.node, loc);
838                    }
840                    let last = self.promoted.basic_blocks.last_index().unwrap();
841                    let new_target = self.new_block();
843                    *self.promoted[last].terminator_mut() = Terminator {
844                        kind: TerminatorKind::Call {
845                            func,
846                            args,
847                            unwind: UnwindAction::Continue,
848                            destination: Place::from(new_temp),
849                            target: Some(new_target),
850                            call_source: desugar,
851                            fn_span,
852                        },
853                        source_info: SourceInfo::outermost(terminator.source_info.span),
854                        ..terminator
855                    };
856                }
857                kind => {
858                    span_bug!(terminator.source_info.span, "{:?} not promotable", kind);
859                }
860            };
861        };
863        self.keep_original = old_keep_original;
864        new_temp
865    }
867    fn promote_candidate(mut self, candidate: Candidate, next_promoted_id: usize) -> Body<'tcx> {
868        let def = self.source.source.def_id();
869        let (mut rvalue, promoted_op) = {
870            let promoted = &mut self.promoted;
871            let promoted_id = Promoted::new(next_promoted_id);
872            let tcx = self.tcx;
873            let mut promoted_operand = |ty, span| {
874                promoted.span = span;
875                promoted.local_decls[RETURN_PLACE] = LocalDecl::new(ty, span);
876                let args = tcx.erase_regions(GenericArgs::identity_for_item(tcx, def));
877                let uneval = mir::UnevaluatedConst { def, args, promoted: Some(promoted_id) };
879                ConstOperand { span, user_ty: None, const_: Const::Unevaluated(uneval, ty) }
880            };
882            let blocks = self.source.basic_blocks.as_mut();
883            let local_decls = &mut self.source.local_decls;
884            let loc = candidate.location;
885            let statement = &mut blocks[loc.block].statements[loc.statement_index];
886            let StatementKind::Assign(box (_, Rvalue::Ref(region, borrow_kind, place))) =
887                &mut statement.kind
888            else {
889                bug!()
890            };
892            // Use the underlying local for this (necessarily interior) borrow.
893            debug_assert!(region.is_erased());
894            let ty = local_decls[place.local].ty;
895            let span = statement.source_info.span;
897            let ref_ty =
898                Ty::new_ref(tcx, tcx.lifetimes.re_erased, ty, borrow_kind.to_mutbl_lossy());
900            let mut projection = vec![PlaceElem::Deref];
901            projection.extend(place.projection);
902            place.projection = tcx.mk_place_elems(&projection);
904            // Create a temp to hold the promoted reference.
905            // This is because `*r` requires `r` to be a local,
906            // otherwise we would use the `promoted` directly.
907            let mut promoted_ref = LocalDecl::new(ref_ty, span);
908            promoted_ref.source_info = statement.source_info;
909            let promoted_ref = local_decls.push(promoted_ref);
910            assert_eq!(self.temps.push(TempState::Unpromotable), promoted_ref);
912            let promoted_operand = promoted_operand(ref_ty, span);
913            let promoted_ref_statement = Statement {
914                source_info: statement.source_info,
915                kind: StatementKind::Assign(Box::new((
916                    Place::from(promoted_ref),
917                    Rvalue::Use(Operand::Constant(Box::new(promoted_operand))),
918                ))),
919            };
920            self.extra_statements.push((loc, promoted_ref_statement));
922            (
923                Rvalue::Ref(
924                    tcx.lifetimes.re_erased,
925                    *borrow_kind,
926                    Place {
927                        local: mem::replace(&mut place.local, promoted_ref),
928                        projection: List::empty(),
929                    },
930                ),
931                promoted_operand,
932            )
933        };
935        assert_eq!(self.new_block(), START_BLOCK);
936        self.visit_rvalue(
937            &mut rvalue,
938            Location { block: START_BLOCK, statement_index: usize::MAX },
939        );
941        let span = self.promoted.span;
942        self.assign(RETURN_PLACE, rvalue, span);
944        // Now that we did promotion, we know whether we'll want to add this to `required_consts` of
945        // the surrounding MIR body.
946        if self.add_to_required {
947            self.source.required_consts.as_mut().unwrap().push(promoted_op);
948        }
950        self.promoted.set_required_consts(self.required_consts);
952        self.promoted
953    }
956/// Replaces all temporaries with their promoted counterparts.
957impl<'a, 'tcx> MutVisitor<'tcx> for Promoter<'a, 'tcx> {
958    fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
959        self.tcx
960    }
962    fn visit_local(&mut self, local: &mut Local, _: PlaceContext, _: Location) {
963        if self.is_temp_kind(*local) {
964            *local = self.promote_temp(*local);
965        }
966    }
968    fn visit_const_operand(&mut self, constant: &mut ConstOperand<'tcx>, _location: Location) {
969        if constant.const_.is_required_const() {
970            self.required_consts.push(*constant);
971        }
973        // Skipping `super_constant` as the visitor is otherwise only looking for locals.
974    }
977fn promote_candidates<'tcx>(
978    body: &mut Body<'tcx>,
979    tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
980    mut temps: IndexVec<Local, TempState>,
981    candidates: Vec<Candidate>,
982) -> IndexVec<Promoted, Body<'tcx>> {
983    // Visit candidates in reverse, in case they're nested.
984    debug!(promote_candidates = ?candidates);
986    // eagerly fail fast
987    if candidates.is_empty() {
988        return IndexVec::new();
989    }
991    let mut promotions = IndexVec::new();
993    let mut extra_statements = vec![];
994    for candidate in candidates.into_iter().rev() {
995        let Location { block, statement_index } = candidate.location;
996        if let StatementKind::Assign(box (place, _)) = &body[block].statements[statement_index].kind
997        {
998            if let Some(local) = place.as_local() {
999                if temps[local] == TempState::PromotedOut {
1000                    // Already promoted.
1001                    continue;
1002                }
1003            }
1004        }
1006        // Declare return place local so that `mir::Body::new` doesn't complain.
1007        let initial_locals = iter::once(LocalDecl::new(tcx.types.never, body.span)).collect();
1009        let mut scope = body.source_scopes[body.source_info(candidate.location).scope].clone();
1010        scope.parent_scope = None;
1012        let mut promoted = Body::new(
1013            body.source, // `promoted` gets filled in below
1014            IndexVec::new(),
1015            IndexVec::from_elem_n(scope, 1),
1016            initial_locals,
1017            IndexVec::new(),
1018            0,
1019            vec![],
1020            body.span,
1021            None,
1022            body.tainted_by_errors,
1023        );
1024        promoted.phase = MirPhase::Analysis(AnalysisPhase::Initial);
1026        let promoter = Promoter {
1027            promoted,
1028            tcx,
1029            source: body,
1030            temps: &mut temps,
1031            extra_statements: &mut extra_statements,
1032            keep_original: false,
1033            add_to_required: false,
1034            required_consts: Vec::new(),
1035        };
1037        let mut promoted = promoter.promote_candidate(candidate, promotions.len());
1038        promoted.source.promoted = Some(promotions.next_index());
1039        promotions.push(promoted);
1040    }
1042    // Insert each of `extra_statements` before its indicated location, which
1043    // has to be done in reverse location order, to not invalidate the rest.
1044    extra_statements.sort_by_key(|&(loc, _)| cmp::Reverse(loc));
1045    for (loc, statement) in extra_statements {
1046        body[loc.block].statements.insert(loc.statement_index, statement);
1047    }
1049    // Eliminate assignments to, and drops of promoted temps.
1050    let promoted = |index: Local| temps[index] == TempState::PromotedOut;
1051    for block in body.basic_blocks_mut() {
1052        block.statements.retain(|statement| match &statement.kind {
1053            StatementKind::Assign(box (place, _)) => {
1054                if let Some(index) = place.as_local() {
1055                    !promoted(index)
1056                } else {
1057                    true
1058                }
1059            }
1060            StatementKind::StorageLive(index) | StatementKind::StorageDead(index) => {
1061                !promoted(*index)
1062            }
1063            _ => true,
1064        });
1065        let terminator = block.terminator_mut();
1066        if let TerminatorKind::Drop { place, target, .. } = &terminator.kind {
1067            if let Some(index) = place.as_local() {
1068                if promoted(index) {
1069                    terminator.kind = TerminatorKind::Goto { target: *target };
1070                }
1071            }
1072        }
1073    }
1075    promotions